• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?


Have you ever struggled to get to sleep? Are long nights spent tossing and turning keeping you from enjoying time with those you love?

Straight from Her Royal Highness Princess Luna herself comes the new product: Luna-Som! Just stir into a glass of warm water no more than three minutes before bedtime and enjoy 12-30 hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep, guaranteed! After all, who knows sleep better than the mare that watches you in your dreams?

Luna-Som: When the nights gets tough, the tough get to sleep!

EDIT: Featured at #4 day after posting, 11/25/20!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

Story #80! Congrats!

How dare you upload another great work of fiction. I'm gonna upvote this out of spite, you big loser!

Pfft. Professionals

oh, this was just... damn. :D

I could probably use a very small dose of that but I'm going in equipped with an IV drip and a robust set of Depends. Last thing I need to do is die from dehydration or wake up in even more of my filth. Well, actual filth. My array of hobbies and crafts tend to take up a hella lotta space.

Okay... first, this was GLORIOUS.

Onto my reactions:

12-30 hours

So... yeah, been there.

Luna met his gaze without flinching. ‘ Your son was weak,’ she mouthed back silently.

“That’s the pone-fic writer there, officer.”

I have given you all a mail-in rebate for 30% off your next purchase. That is all.

Bees for all

A ruffled-up purple unicorn in a white coat shuffled quickly to the front of the room and took a seat in the witness box, doing his best to look inconspicuous.

Wave Function, you poor bastard.

“Objection!” Luna cried, standing up from her seat. “The ingredients are proprietary!”

Slow down, we don’t know what Equestria’s laws are regarding proprietary rights.

150 milligrams of diphenhydramine, 10 milligrams of lorazepam, one full gram of melatonin, and trace amounts of barbiturates and mixed opioids. Interestingly enough, more than one third of samples also test positive for compounds usually only found in inhaled anesthesia.

Aside from the inhaled anesthesia and the barbiturates, I’ve had to be on all that to sleep before.

“Because nopony asked?”

Looks up from the engine with a .50 cal hole through it: “well, here’s your problem”

“If by ‘cup’ you mean ‘quart’, and by ‘caffeine’ you mean ‘caffeine and also mixed amphetamine salts’, then I think it’s fair, yes."

They just need to go into business together. Sun in the morning, Moon in the evening. Nothing says balance like 12 hours of red-eyed wakefulness followed by 12 hours of medically induced coma.

Only one complaint about this fic, Grant:

Moosetasm story commentary is *official* story commentary

150 milligrams of diphenhydramine, 10 milligrams of lorazepam, one full gram of melatonin, and trace amounts of barbiturates and mixed opioids. Interestingly enough, more than one third of samples also test positive for compounds usually only found in inhaled anesthesia.”

I've had every single one of those. Grant-ed (badum tss), not those doses and not all at the same time, but I've had 'em all.

Also, I second Moosetasm— needs snuggles. Somepony should be snuggling Dusk Breeze out of his deep freeze. :trollestia:

I’m surprised Wave is as mellow as he is given that he basically experienced the one thing anyone working in a morgue is likely to be anxious about.

And it's great to see you back!

" “If by ‘cup’ you mean ‘quart’, "

Obviously he hasn't seen Celestia's "Ruler of the Sun" coffee cup.

Given that Celestia has about eight times the mass of your average mare, it's not surprising she's a bit iffy on appropriate dosages.

“For the last time, Luna, Daytime Celeste contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee!”

I totally see Luna doing this. And I totally want to hear more about Cadances 'seperate product'.

How much do you want to bet it's something that's either hyper viagra that makes stallions horny or a hormone supplement to put mares into heat instantly?

God this was hilarious, nice work

Now this is a work of art! Drama, court action, humor, you've put every great thing in the world and put it all into this story and it's amazing stuff! I hope ya didn't mind, but I simply had to read this story of yours! Also, good to see ya back in action!

Audio Linkerloo!: https://youtu.be/pu18XW4yISw

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

Likely because it would be incredibly unsafe... But it's cadence so she gets a free pass on everything and isn't allowed to have character development in the show

laaaa... ok... ready:

'what could poossiblyyy go wroooongg'!?

Obligatory line [x] CHECK! ^^

Always an honor, mysterious Straight-Pointing man! :)

Why didn’t you think to open up questioning with a simple Gee, Doc, are you sure the dead pony is really dead?

That does seem like one of the most fundamental lessons of practicing law: Never ask a question in court if you don't already know the answer.

We should probably also talk about the hormones in your niece’s separate product, which may-

Huh. This raises questions about what Twilight might try to market. Best case scenario, something to help with social anxiety. Worst case... well, probably a lower dosage of whatever Cadence is peddling.

Brilliant bit of madness. Thank you for it.

Hey, this explains why Luna was of no use during the Changeling invasion: she was completed zonked out on Luna-Som.


A learning aid that makes you hyper-focused or sharpens your memory to Funes-esque levels?

Knowing twilight it would be a study drug

I guess in the end it's the doctor who experiences...the ups and downs :ajsmug:

...quiet! That joke works somehow.

Twilight is probably selling meth as a study assistance drug, because adderall just isn't strong enough.

I think Cadance's "supplement" is nothing more than hard liquor with MDMA, cocaine and just a little but of Spanish fly mixed in.

It's crystal meth, benzedrine, cocaine, adderall, ritalin, caffeine and a few "trace amounts" of other stimulants, conveniently sold in powder packets. Now comes with a handy dandy straw.

I’m curious now how often this has happened in modern times.

It’s fairly infrequent as I understand it. Because everyone was really paranoid about being buried alive in the Victorian times they came up with a multitude of small tests that if used in conjunction will make it likely they will pick up even scant signs of life.

Yeah most prosecutors would wait for an actual coroners report at minimum.

The death exam is crazy intricate and detailed. They make pretty sure you're toast before they wheel you down. Usually :applejackconfused:

Haha, this was a hilarious crackfic, I'm sad I never read it sooner.

I was pleasantly unsurprised when I chuckled the whole way through.
The best kind of story.

Luna is a raging leftist let's not play 🙄

U think the pony of royalty from the feudal era has read pony Marx? I got some bad news for ya chief

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