• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 15,204 Views, 613 Comments

Ungrounded - Lucien Chance

A modern mage teleports himself to Equestria in a magical mishap, where he continues to try to live his life.

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Chapter 16: Crossed Over

The group of seven trudged through the snow. Hooffalls and footfalls marking their path through the otherwise unblemished carpet of white. They were walking through the Everfree, and all was silent. Every living animal was hibernating in its own hovel buried somewhere, not awake to disturb the travelers. And the travelers weren't about to disturb the animals either—

"Lucien, can you stop narrating what's going on and focus on being silent?" chastised Twilight.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. How much farther?"

"Not too far, I don't think. Marvin's river was just back there, and we passed the Manticore's hunting grounds a while back. We just need to get over the chasm before we can get inside the Ruins."

"Cool. So how are we going to get across the chasm?"

"There's a bridge. It was there the first time we were here, so it should probably still be here."

The group walked for a few more minutes before emerging finally through a thicket of trees. Lucien was the first out, followed by the rest of the girls in a pack. Lucien kept walking, but the rest of them gave a short gasp and stopped dead in their tracks. After realizing he was alone, Lucien stopped too and turned around to look at them. "What gives, why'd you stop? We need to get over there, we've wasted enough time as it is."

Applejack was the first to recover. "Look behind ya, sugarcube."

"What is it?" he turned quickly, prepared for the worst. What he saw, he wasn't prepared for. He had stopped by four wooden posts stuck up in the ground, each supporting a rope that was also tied into the ground. "I don't see what the matter is."

"Look a little closer." Rainbow Dash said, pointing with a hoof.

"Fine but I don't get—" He took a closer look at the ropes and noticed that the ones in the middle seemed to lead directly into the ground, not just tied to a stake in it. "Oh."

The group moved closer to get a better look. There was a slight uneven crease over the ground where he stood. "There isn't a chasm anymore. It's been sealed up," Twilight said with a note of amazement. "How can something have powerful enough terraforming powers so as to close this gap in the earth?"

Lucien's mind was racing as all of the ponies looked directly at him. "Even I couldn't accomplish this. At least not without sacrificing something first." No, something else had to have done that. Lucien racked his mind, trying to rush to the conclusion quickly. An idea popped into his mind. One that scared the hell out of him. "Oh no. No, no, no. It can't be."

"Can't be what?" Rainbow demanded.

"Get back, everyone get back!" Lucien yelled as the ground rumbled beneath him.

"What? Why? What is it?!" Twilight said as Fluttershy panicked. Pinkie and Twilight seemed worried while Dash and Applejack looked ready for a fight.

"You don't understand and there isn't enough time to explain! Get back to the treeline, all of you!" He put his hands behind his head and started to pace back and forth. None of the ponies moved an inch, but most of them looked ready to take his advice. "Why are you still standing here? GO!" he commanded, while unsheathing his sword.

"Stay safe!" Twilight shouted while running for cover with her friends.

He only had moments before the beast was upon him. He figured he would use them to give a brief explanation. "IT'S A TERRAMORPHUS!" he screamed to them before dropping into a fighting stance. He channeled energy into the ground around him and forced the entire clearing high up into the air. The earth shook from the force, and he ran to the other end of the platform to spot his aggressor.

Right on cue, the giant beast burst out of the dirt and rock further down on their battleground. Chunks of stone crumbled away as the monster snaked its way up the cylindrical platform. Lucien turned to face where he predicted it would it appear. Naturally, the monster launched up from the ground below, near the edge closest to the ponies Lucien was trying to protect. He could almost sense their gasps.

"A Terramorphus." He gazed at the tentacled beast before him, trying to come up with a plan of attack.

But of course, the monster wouldn't allow that to happen. A tentacle shot up out of the ground to its right, holding a boulder. It threw and Lucien had moments to react.

Instead of grabbing the rock, he raised a hand and used his magic to deflect it off to the side. The effort of carrying something that large, even magically, left him breathing harder than before. He wasn't going to let this carry on too long. He sheathed his sword. It wouldn't be necessary.

The beast roared at Lucien. Lucien didn't roar back.

Not one to waste time, he quickly fired a large charge of fiery mana into the beast's mouth. It burned its path through the air and stopped abruptly as the monster closed its mouth over it. "This won't work."

He assessed his options while the Terramorphus digested its latest meal. "I need to minimize collateral damage. They can't be harmed by this thing . . ." He glanced over at the ponies huddled in the trees. The monster couldn't go over there. Lucien wouldn't allow it.

A decision was reached quickly. It wouldn't be the prettiest of outcomes, but it would remove the threat before him and make sure it wouldn't come back anytime soon.

He slid his left foot forward and to the left, causing his feet to be aligned diagonally. His hands curved upward in loose fists, fingers pointed upward. He concentrated on the earth below his feet. Slowly, the platform rotated around, causing his back to face his friends in the trees below.

Once it stopped, the Terramorphus roared at him once again and raised a tentacle to smash him. Thinking with only his senses and not his mind, Lucien simply turned his body to the right and pivoted his back foot. The tentacle missed entirely, The only damage to Lucien being a few stinging pebbles thrown by the force of the attack's impact.

He returned back to his previous position and readied himself for an attack. He built up his mana quickly and swung his left hand in a slightly open fist. The earth to his left responded with its movement. A reverse rockslide built itself up towards the Terramorphus. It ended with three cylindrical stalagmites jutting out to the side. These stalagmites just happened to be rushing directly at the Terramorphus' head.

It groaned in agony, but the sharpened rocks didn't do more than give it a slight concussion. The thing's skull was probably five feet thick. It recoiled back and almost fell off the platform, but managed to hang on by the tentacles latched inside of the ground in front of it.

Three of those tentacles swept through the air towards him, but Lucien was gone from where he was once standing. He had disappeared inside the ground. The Terramorphus growled in confusion.

And then Lucien popped out of the ground and landed square on his feet in the middle of the platform. He put his hands on the ground and poured his effort into what he would do next. The Terramorphus roared with triumph, thinking it had won because Lucien was giving up. It reared its head back to go for the kill.

His energy was focused. Lucien's head snapped up to look directly at the monster before him. His eyes were glowing green with the mana barely contained inside him. He released the pent-up energy.

Its effects were immediate. The ground rumbled and shook. A fissure line ran around the circumference of the platform's outside, forming directly at the Terramorphus' waistline, or whatever you would call the middle of a ferocious beast of myth.

Lucien roared and threw back his head and arms, arching his back almost unnaturally. The ground shook faster, and the rumbling of rocks grew louder. Then, faster than any rock should ever move, the upper part of the fissure line spun a full 360 degree rotation.

The Terramorphus' upper half traveled around in the full circle. Its lower half didn't.

A shocked look, if a Terramorphus could feel complicated emotions, rippled across its disgusting features. Then, just like that, it slumped over. Dead.

Lucien fell to his knees, utterly exhausted. His last shred of energy was spent forming a spiral staircase so the girls could go help him. He fell forward and rolled over onto his back into the snow just as he heard hooves clattering on rocks. His eyes closed.

"Lucien! Are you— oh my Celestia." It was Twilight, and judging by the sound of her voice, she had seen the mass of dead Terramorphus lying across from Lucien. The hooves flew across the grass and stopped around him.

"Hey Lucien . . . you alright?" asked a tomboyish voice.

He coughed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, is all. It's nothing."

"Are ya sure you're alright? That's a mighty big fella' ya just took down there," asked a concerned-sounding Southern accented voice.

"Yes, I'm alright," he weakly waved a hand in the voice's general direction. "Don't worry your pretty little head. I just need a minute to relax. I'll be up in a few seconds."

A reluctant "okay," could be heard from that pony, followed by the sounds of the other ponies walking towards the remains of the Terramorphus.

"Oh . . . my . . . gosh . . ." A soft voice whispered from close by Lucien's prone form.

He snapped up. "Is it getting back up?!" he shouted, looking for the pony that had spoken.

"No . . . It's just . . . Horrible . . ." whispered a trembling Fluttershy.

Lucien looked up to see the wreckage he had caused. It caused even him to gasp. The Terramorphus had fallen over at some point, and was now on its side, purple blood covering the grass all around it. "Yikes." There was an indentation in the ground where it once was grounded, and the tentacles were all limp in their positions. Just inside the indentation he could see the rocks were all painted purple, and the lower half of the Terramorphus was slightly visible.

The ponies were in various positions looking over the carcass, all of them sharing the same feature, disgust. Twilight was poking its face and studying it intently. Rainbow Dash hovered over its head, observing all the frills on it. Fluttershy was nudging one of the tentacles on the side and avoiding the general sight of blood. Applejack was peering down into the hole, and Rarity was trying to keep Fluttershy calm.

Lucien slowly got to his feet, his body screaming at him to lay back down. He stumbled slowly to the center of the amassed ponies, ready to answer any questions and give explanations. "Alright. I know you all have questions. So shoot," he said.

Fluttershy was the first to ask. "Are you injured?" she asked.

"A sensible question. No. I'm not," he answered. "It didn't even touch me. I wasn't going to let this battle rage on any longer than necessary."

"What was that thing?" asked Dash.

"A Terramorphus," he responded, slowly gauging the shocked and confused looks on each of their faces. "Let me explain. A Terramorphus is a terraforming monster that tunnels through the earth. The tentacles do most of the attacking. It's main power is the ability to, well, terraform the land beneath and around it. I guess it's what closed the fissure." The confusion gave way to stunned gaping mouths.

"It's strong enough to do something as difficult as that?" asked Rarity.

Lucien laughed weakly. "You have no idea. This one right here," he nudged a nearby tentacle with his foot, "is around its teenage years, I would say." The ensemble gasped. "The adult ones are known to open fissure lines that run for miles, create mountains, and build volcanoes."

"How do you know so much about them?" asked Twilight, already expecting his answer.

"It's from my world." He shrugged. She closed her eyes to think for a moment, and Lucien immediately realized his mistake. "Now, I have no idea how it got here. I certainly didn't bring it with me! This thing is just as much a danger to me as it is to everyone else!" he exclaimed before she could form any bad ideas.

"You killed it . . ." whispered a stone-faced Fluttershy.

"Yes, I did what I had to d—"

"You killed it!" she shouted, much to the surprise of her friends.


"There could've been another way! There had to be some way you could pacify it without ripping it apart like you did!" she screamed. "You could've used a sleep spell, or sent it away, or, or, something other than this!"

Lucien winced, and not because of her suddenly loud voice. "Look, Fluttershy . . ." he took a deep breath as he noticed her tearing eyes. "There wasn't any other way. That thing only knows killing. It's not some innocent animal, it's a beast, a monster. It exists only to put an end to our existence." He leaned forward to put a hand on her shoulder, and she jolted back, eyes flicking between his hand and his eyes. Her face personified the word "distrust."

Lucien withdrew his hand and his eyes met the ground. "Fluttershy. I'm not it. I'm not that thing, over there!" He pointed an accusing finger at the carcass behind her. "That monster had no mind! No conscience! It's not like your other animals, it's not like me!" He stopped for a moment and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It was going to kill me and then the rest of you. I wasn't going to stand here and let that happen."

She looked down. She seemed conflicted and not ready to talk again.

"Anypony else?! Any more questions you'd like to ask me?!" he shouted at them. Every set of pony eyes was at the ground currently. Lucien wasn't happy, but he was somewhat satisfied by their silence. "Now listen here. I'm very tired now, but there's one more thing that I need to do here, and I don't think you want to be around here for it. Unless, of course, you'd enjoy seeing me tearing this-" he faltered, "this thing apart to make sure it's dead?! No?! Great! The stairs are right over there, I'll be down in a minute."

Six ponies filed away silently. Hooves clattered on rocks and Lucien didn't move until the sound stopped. He reached a hand out to the side and curled it into a fist. The staircase closed in on itself. He had one more thing to do, and it wouldn't be pretty.

He got to his feet and looked at the monster in pity. "Rule number 2: Double Tap." He dropped his right leg forward and pushed outward with his hands. A slice of earth slid out, allowing the Terramorphus' head to fall in the newly created gap. He grimaced and conjured a hard mana shield in a bubble around him. Then, he closed his fists and brought them back to his chest.

The gap closed with a cracking noise and more than a few squishes. Purple blood and certain other things flew everywhere, causing Lucien to wince. The shield didn't let any through and he closed it with a hand moving in an arc over his head and to the front, like he was closing a skylight.

He didn't have much pride in what he had just done. In fact, it was almost the opposite. He had slain things like that for just about his whole life, and for the first time, he doubted himself. He wondered if there truly was another solution. He couldn't decide just then, but he had the rest of the walk to the ruins to decide.

He lowered himself down on a chunk of earth in the side of the platform and joined the group in silence. They all continued their plodding through the snow, this time without a cheery air.

Before long they reached the ruins in the forest. The entire place was covered in snow, and while the sight was beautiful, nobody ventured to comment on it. All seven minds were still thinking about what happened before. Lucien's sudden outburst seemed to be in such contrast to his otherwise easy-rolling character.

The difference was visible, even. Upon looking at his movements, one could notice his shoulders hunched over more and his steps were more measured, quiet, even. Like he was ready to drop into stealth at any moment. His brows were furrowed and he wore a tight grimace. His eyes had lost their sparkle, instead settling for narrowed pupils and duller colors. They flitted back and forth across the landscape with every noise that didn't originate from their group. Encountering the Terramorphus hadn't harmed him physically, but mentally.

The party of seven wandered towards the center of the castle without incident. The ponies smiled as they remembered defeating Nightmare Moon and releasing Luna. Lucien, however, was scanning every corridor and room, making sure there were no traps. Each new corner, after all, could hold some sort of nasty surprise for any who try to plunder the riches of the ruins.

"There's no need to worry, Lucien. There ain't no traps here. We came through here about a year ago and nuthin' went wrong," Applejack said.

"Oh, alright." He relaxed, but only slightly.

Soon enough they reached the throne room. Snowfall was dotted in certain spots where the ceiling was missing, forming a checkerboard of sorts on the stone floor. But that sight was not what held their gaze, or was what ripped a gasp out of their mouths.

Sitting where the Elements once sat dormant, was a creature unlike any they, besides Lucien, had ever seen. Its face was hidden behind a sharply pointed hood, the darkness concealing its features. It was cloaked in a stitched brown cloak with shreds of the garment hanging down on the fringes. Its feet were wrapped in straps of leather and feathers hung out the ends of its sleeves. Two long and very sharp blades stuck out of those sleeves, one machete and one unbent hook. It was frightening to say the least.

The color drained from Lucien's face as he looked upon the creature.

"Lucien? What is that?" asked a curious and scared Rarity.

"Shh, shh. It hasn't noticed us yet," he whispered. "I want you all to back up very slowly and move into the hallway."

"But what about you?" Pinkie asked.

He looked at her from over his shoulder. "I'm coming too. No way in hell I'm fighting this thing without some form of strategy."

They carefully tip-toed backwards into the corridor they came in from.

"Lucien, what is that," demanded a frightened Twilight.

He took a deep breath. "That, girls, is a Revenant." A dangerous enemy, to say the least. Those blades are spectacularly lethal," he explained.

"What are we going to do about it?" she asked back.

"I'll tell you what, we're gonna go in there and kick its flank! Right, Lucien?" asked a bravado-filled Rainbow. "We can take that punk!" She flew up and boxed the air until Lucien yanked her down by her tail. "Ow! What gives?!"

"This is not something to be taken lightly!" hissed Lucien. Rainbow flinched backward from his suddenly abrasive attitude. "That thing in there needs to be taken care of swiftly and efficiently. There can be no room for error, or else it will kill all of us. That's something I won't let happen."

"O-okay," the mare stammered, her previous attitude all but gone.

"What do you know about it?" asked Twilight. "And are you sure we'll be safe in here?"

"I know a lot about it, and yes, it won't be able to hear us all the way out here. It's eyesight is terrible, but its hearing is incredibly acute. Let me grab something for you." He swung his backpack around his shoulder and unzipped the top compartment. His notebook was pulled out almost immediately. He opened it up and searched for an entry quickly. The pages turned back and forth for a moment, and then he located the correct sheet. "These are the notes from the books, and my," he shuddered visibly , "experiences with it."

"'The Revenant is formed from the restless fragments of those who, in life, did great evil. Devious and clever, the Revenants serve no master, no greater plan or intelligent design. All they crave is misery, pestilence, agony and death. They feed on terror and pain, and their presence is always an omen of impending doom.'" He gulped. "'The Revanent can leap huge distances, crawl upside down at great speeds, and squeeze themselves through the narrowest of spaces. Drawn to areas where a disaster, natural or manmade, is imminent, Revenants have been instrumental in spreading pest and plague throughout history; from the bubonic plague and smallpox in Europe, to flu and typhus pandemics across Asia. In 1905, they arrived in the United States, carried across the ocean aboard freighter ships, hiding among the rats and crows in the cargo.

"'Revenants typically use poison and disease as weapons against the innocent, and their weapons - often twin knives - can cause hideous infections in those without protection against dark magic.' That's where the book notes end. Here's mine. 'The Revenant uses a swift attack pattern and will often jump to the walls and ceilings without warning. Cast Light Shield (see page 243) as a precaution against poison/dark magic. Light spells most effective in combat. If discovered, cast a wide-radius Light Circle spell to continually damage/weaken it, then attack directly with PureBolts. Do not attempt forward approach. Flank after casting Muffle for a stealth attack to destroy it immediately.' Those are my notes. They work pretty well." Attached to the page was a yellow sticky-note with "TIMES KILLED" at the top, followed by tally marks adding up to six. He counted himself lucky to get through that many fights. He shoved the notebook back into his pack and swung it over to its regular position.

"So here's what's going to happen," he paused for a moment. "Can someone get me a rock?" He held out his hand, and a stone was hoofed to him by Pinkie almost instantly. "Thank you. Now, what's going to happen is, I go in there from the roof and deal with the Revenant, while you all stay back and don't get hurt. Got that? I know how to handle these things without incident, so you will all stay here and be silent. If I'm not back in two minutes, send someone up to the roof to kick my scared ass down there, alright?" he offered a weak smile and it raised their spirits somewhat.

"Understood. Just don't get yourself killed. We still need you." Twilight smiled and rested a lavender hoof on his arm while her friends echoed her wishes.

"Great, here we go." He walked over to a hole in the wall and climbed up to the roof. The frigid air cut straight through his jacket and he wrapped it more closely around his body. "Damn it's a lot colder up here!" he cursed. He trudged through the thick snow and watched carefully for any holes in he might step in.

After a few well-thought-out steps, he reached a larger hole in the roof. He knelt and peered down the gap. Snow had fallen through and he could see it in a pile on the ground below. "Perfect," he thought, "An entrance."

He stood up and brushed the white powder off his jeans. In his hand appeared a small blue ball of mana. He raised the hand up and released the spell. Cyan light swirled all around him and a faint glow of the same hue surrounded his boots. All of his movements were now muffled.

The blue quickly shifted to gold and he repeated the action. A golden glow encompassed his body, protecting him from poison and pestilence. After that, he gathered up mana in his hand, preparing the PureBolts spell before his entrance. There would be no room for error, and he wasn't going to make a mistake.

"Here goes everything." He jumped into the hole and landed soundlessly in the pile of snow. His head peeked out cautiously to see if the Revenant had noticed his entrance. It still sat there undisturbed.

Lucien still had the rock from before. Not wanting to waste any time, he threw it at the wall just behind and to the left of the Revenant. As expected, the stone emitted a loud crack that echoes across the room. The Revenant spun around and hissed, pouncing on the rock as it was clattering to the floor, its back facing the pile of snow that the rock originated from.

He wouldn't get another chance like that. Lucien walked out of the snowdrift soundlessly and brought both his gold-glowing hands together, effectively overcharging the already critical spell. Without wasting another second, bolts of pure light arced out from the small yellow ball in his hands and struck the creature in the back.

It writhed in agony for a few short seconds before falling to inky black shards. Lucien ran over to the remains and cast the Light Circle spell in a small radius on top of them. They dissolved into the ground and left behind a single black feather. Lucien picked it up and twirled it around in his fingers, examining the loot from the unfair fight. That is, until his friends came running, and flying, in.

"That was amazing! You totally toasted that thing!" cheered Rainbow.

"Well done, Lucien, ya don't cease ta amaze," Applejack smiled warmly.

"Very impressive handling of that situation, Lucien. A clever ploy to use the rock as a distraction," remarked Twilight.

"That was great," whispered Fluttershy.

"I'm so thankful we don't have to deal with that beastly creature. Thank you Lucien," Rarity said.

"Hey, whatcha get? Can I see it?" Pinkie bounced up and down trying to get a better look at Lucien's loot.

"Just a feather. Pretty cool, if you ask me, but I've gotten better," said a more-than-relieved Lucien. "I'm just glad nothing went wrong." He waited for a moment expectantly, spinning around to glare at the now fading Light Circle. He blinked. "Oh, wow, I guess it really is done. I completely expected it to reform or something just now." He shrugged. "Not too shabby," he grinned.

But something else caught his eye, behind the destroyed throne. A bronze glint was being reflected off the dying light of his spell. "What the . . ." he trailed off as he walked over to investigate. As he approached it, the object seemed to be larger and larger. Four big sheets of metal surrounded something in the center.

He rounded the dilapidated chair and took a look at the whole thing. It was a massive Tesla coil, surrounded on four sides by the metal he noticed earlier. The construct was tilted on its side, smashed into the ground. The lower part resembled a bomb, and it looked familiar overall . . .

The realization struck right through him like a cold blade. Before he knew it, a large boulder from somewhere was hovering over the accursed machine. Without so much as a second though, the rock dropped and smashed it, the sound of screeching metal accompanying the action.

The ponies were by his side immediately, checking to see if he was alright and to see the wreckage. The boulder was raised from its position over the device for the rest of them to see. It was the EMP device Bronze Gear used to neutralize their magic. Stunned silence flooded the room.

"Get Celestia now and tell her we found her bomb."

Author's Note:

Shit's going down! Monsters from Lucien's world are appearing in Equestria, one of Bronze Gear's devices has mysteriously reappeared, and the mystery of the magic spikes has deepened.

But what happened to the rest of Bronze's inventions and blueprints? How does Sandcroft's note fit into this? When will I stop asking questions and post the next damn chapter?

Find out next time!

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