• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,584 Views, 32 Comments

Another Sun Rises - Foal Star

A Random Royal Guard has been selected for a special duty to take Celestia's place while she goes on vacation.

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Chapter one: The new princess of the sun is born

I am standing at attention in the halls of Canterlot Palace, looking straight at a window across from me. My name is North Star; I'm twenty-three years old. Staring at my reflection, looking at my dark blue coat with a set of gold armor; my tail was colored black and cut short, my eyes were bright gold, and my cutie marked a gold star on a shield. I have been a royal guard for a few years now, but I've been a nobody my entire life. Even though I've been knocked about and mostly been the one saved by Twilight and her friends. Celestia seems to like me more than most; she usually ruffles my mane when I'm posted at her door or gives me some of her cake when she doesn't want to finish it. She talks to me a lot, maybe because I don't have any friends of my own. I have a routine I stick to: wake up, eat breakfast, mostly a hardboiled egg and some coffee, polish my armor, go to the palace, do my job, eat a dandelion sandwich for lunch with extra mustard, go home and workout, take a shower, read some Daring Do, eat dinner which was usually whatever is in my fridge, then go to sleep by ten.

I haven't broken from this routine in over two years. Everything seemed as expected this morning, and my inner clock struck like a chime. I took off going down the hall on my usual patrol, going around the castle's inner halls. As I was going down the aisles, one of the royal guards came running towards me. He was a white-coated pegasus with a blue mane and eyes, one of the typical macho pegasi who probably have a kid or two, saluted me. "Sir Star, I have special orders for you."

I turned my head and quickly saluted back, seeing the stallion's rank was higher than mine, and responded curtly. "Yes, sir."

The pegasus took a scroll from its wings and handed it over; as I took the scroll in my magic, my fellow guard explained. "Princess Celestia herself ordered me to bring this to you immediately."

I was now quite nervous as I slowly unfurled the scroll in front of me and read it. "Dear North Star, I have a special assignment for you and only you; I am waiting in the cafe called "Sunbucks." You'll see it as you leave through the front gates of the palace. You must take it. Meet me there during your lunch break. From Princess Celestia."

I was stunned that the princess wanted to meet me privately. It was unheard of; if I'm not mistaken, this is unprofessional. I gulped, wondering if this was a test to see if I would fraternize with the princess of Equestria or a prank by some of the other guards. But the scroll had the royal seal on it. After reading many formal letters by the princess, the penmanship was undoubtedly Celestia's. It looked like I had no choice but to comply. So I rolled the scroll up and gave a salute back. "Yes, thank you for this."

"No problem...um… Glow Star, right?" the other guard asked sheepishly.

I sighed but wasn't too angry; most of the Guards didn't even know I existed, and I simply responded, "My name is North Star."

"Right, carry on, North Star." the other guard replied as he trotted off. I just rolled my eyes and walked off down the castle, wondering what to expect from this meeting with the princess.

I continued through the castle halls, deep in my thoughts and what to expect. My most obvious guess was this was a prank; the guards had pranked me many times before. But copying the royal seal would be punishable by court-martial, and no pony would risk that. So it had to be an informal meeting with Celestia; why would she be interested in meeting with me in Equestria? I continued to walk out of the palace and through the gates. I looked around the streets of Canterlot, wondering where this coffee shop was. I eventually spotted the sign "Sunbucks." I saw an alicorn logo with a cup of coffee in her wings on a green background. Besides that, the building looked like any other standard cafe, with metallic tables and chairs outside and those silly umbrellas in the middle. I slowly trotted to the door and saw the sign read "closed." I sighed, seeing that this meeting would be strictly private. But it made sense, considering this was way too informal and would raise eyebrows if Celestia was caught having "coffee" with any pony, let alone one of her guards. I slowly used my magic to test the doorknob and saw it open. I slowly walked into the shop, looked around, and realized that it was just like any other cafe: the wooden floors, the small tables and chairs around the place, and photos of steaming cups, coffee, and coffee beans plastered.

Behind the counter, which had pastries on display, there were a few machines in the back and some odd coffee names on a chalkboard behind it. The names were rather funny, like,
"Big Maciatto," "Twilightlatte," "Luna Mocha," and even a "Rainbow Dash frappuccino."

I scratched my head and was quite confused and unsure of what this was all about. When I saw a teenage mare come forward with a light bubblegum pink mane and white coat with velvet eyes and wearing a green apron with the logo on the building printed on it, she turned to face me with a smile and waved a hoof. "Hello, North Star; glad you came to join me."

I was somewhat confused seeing this mare come forth; she looked oddly like Celestia, but she looked way younger and different; it couldn't be...but as the mare came closer, my eyes grew wide seeing her cutie mark of a coffee cup with a sun plastered on it. Then it suddenly clicked, and I realized it had to be the princess. I cried out. "Princess Celestia!"

"Oh darn, this isn't a good disguise, huh? Even Luna said this was too obvious," she grumbled irritably.

I couldn't help but snicker at this response, but I quickly regained my military bearing. "Sorry about that."

The princess gave me a soft smile and waved a hoof. "Stop being so stiff; take off that armor and relax."

I was still on edge, but I did as she asked, removing my armor bit by bit from my body and gently placing my helmet down, showing off my short-cut black mane.

"My goodness, you take the military code too seriously? Do you ever loosen up?" The princess asked with a concerned tone.

"I'm just following orders, princess," I responded back. I wasn't concerned with how I looked, following protocol because it's what was asked of me.

Celestia was now leaning over the counter with a smirk. "Oh, is that so? Well, I want you to order a coffee. Choose what you like; it's on me.

"Um...just a Twilightlatte for me…" I stammer; she then goes to one of the machines and pours me the drink while also making herself a cup. We then go over to one of the tables with a platter of donuts in the middle and sit across from each other. It was so awkward for me as I had never been on a date before, and now I was sitting across a table with the princess of Equestria and having coffee with her. I never realized how big and beautiful her eyes were and how her mane looked so curly around her head. All these little details I'd never noticed about the princess started to stand out. Celestia gave me a smile and said, "So, you're probably wondering why I called you here so informally...in truth, this is my little hideout, a place where I can escape from the pressure of being royalty."

"Why are you showing this place to me?" I asked with a gulp and was unsure how to take this news. I am excited but skeptical of the princess showing me one of her secrets.

Celestia sipped her coffee and sighed, "Look, I trust all my royal guards, but...I think you'll be the only one to accept the task I'm about to give."

I sipped my drink, and it was surprisingly good. The coffee was quite strong, with the milk and sweetener mixed well and well balanced. "I had no idea you were a barista?"

"Well, it's one of my many hobbies, though it would be rather awkward if I served coffee to my subjects."

It made sense; honestly, I wanted to know why I was here. I looked up from my drink and asked, "What's this task you wish to assign me?"

Celestia smiled sheepishly and replied, "I want you to take my place for a year."

I spat out my coffee instantly, and when I looked up, I realized, to my horror, that I had spat coffee all over Celestia's face with her pristine white coat now covered in brown liquid! I cried out, took a few napkins, and started to wipe her face as I cried out. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

The princess just laughed as she used her magic and removed the coffee from her mane. "It's quite alright. I should've expected a response like that."

I sat back down, still stunned and feeling nervous about this whole thing. She must've been joking, or I misheard what Celestia said and asked, "Now tell me again exactly what you want me to do?"

The princess sighed again as she looked over at me with those big velvet eyes. "Run my kingdom as me for a year. You will be transformed into a copy of me; you'll look, talk, and even think like me."

"What!?" I cried. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It had to be a dream, or maybe this mare was a changeling in disguise. I rose up from my seat and shouted, "You can't be serious!"

Celestia blinked as she sipped her coffee; she continued, "I am; this isn't a joke…"

I was still stunned, with sweat now running down my brow like bullets. "This is insane...I...I can't do this…"

"North Star, the reason I chose you is that nopony will really notice your absence. I know that sounds harsh, but you're my only option. If you say no...then I guess my vacation will be canceled." Celestia whispered meekly, seeming to be a bit disheartened.

I gulped down the rest of the coffee and finished my donut. There was silence as I finished my meal, contemplating my options; if I said no, everything would return to normal. I spend my shift going to work out, eating the leftover pizza in the fridge, finishing the new Daring Do book, and continuing my routine. But If I say yes, Celestia will be indebted to me, and I will be indeed one of her favorites; in fact, it could also mean promotion...and what? I just have to change my gender for a year? And have the treatment of an alicorn princess as well. This deal sounds better and better as I thought it over. "Alright, I accept, but disclose everything to me. What will happen? How will I become...um...you…" I asked with a gulp.

Celestia continued, "Well, it's simple; I will pour some of my milk into another cup of coffee and mix it with a spell. You'll transform physically into me within a few minutes. The transformation will be permanent until I reverse it when I get back."

I gulped and continued, "ok...so...um...anything else I should know?"

"Well, as for you, North Star, I have the paperwork ready to put in false orders of a secret mission by my sister Luna if you accept. So your house will still be under your name, and you'll still receive your monthly paycheck and an added bonus." Celestia explained.

I tapped a hoof on the table, nodding, seeing that, at the very least, nobody would be tracking me down, thinking I went AWOL, and asked, "ok...anything else?"

The princess's cheeks flushed pink, and she continued, "The transformation will not only change your body; it will alter your mind and your thought process, your mannerisms, and how you act...in all instances, you will become me."

I slowly finished my coffee and ate the rest of my donuts. I thought again how a year of Celestia would be interesting. Still, it would also be a lot of responsibility...responsibility.

I wasn't sure I would be ready for." I have to admit, being you for a year would be fun...but what about the responsibilities of running the kingdom and raising the sun? Can I get some training or something?"

Celestia turned with a smile, "You won't need any training; the transformation will make you a copy of me; the only pony who will know you, not me, would be my sister. Trust me, I've planned this for a while."

I tapped a hoof on the table and was still unsure of all of this. The worst part was that I was uncertain what to do, but Celestia gave me this pleading look, hoping I would say yes. That look sold it for me; it would break the princess's heart if I said no and I finally spat out. "Yeah, I'll do it."

The princess clapped her hooves and squealed, "Yes! Trust me, you won't regret it!"

She got up and skipped over behind the counter as she started to fix up another cup of coffee. Still, she did something different, taking the cup beneath her underbelly. I could hear the hisss and the smell of something sweet emanating across the cafe'. She hoofed over the coffee with that playful smirk. "Go ahead, drink up; you should be lucky to drink pure alicorn milk."

I was shaking like a leaf as this was probably the weirdest day of my life. I took the cup in my magic and started to drink the coffee. I gulped it down, tasting the coffee again and the sweet, creamy milk running down my throat. I never tasted anything so good as I gulped the coffee down. That was when I started to feel different as soon as my body morphed around me. My body slowly began to grow in length; I groaned as I began to grow taller and lankier; it felt like I was being stretched like a piece of rubber. This transformation started to hurt as I could feel my bones creak and my muscles and organs change. It felt so weird and made me squirm about. I had to lay down on my back, and as I did, I looked down at my belly and saw my dark blue coat turned into a pure white. I then knew what would come next and saw my long, slick stallionhood slipping between my legs. I couldn't help but groan, feeling my insides getting rearranged, and watched my testicles morph into a long slit between my legs. I moaned out loud with my octaves changing, becoming more feminine. That was when I felt my face morph and shift as it grew out in length. I could feel something grow on my forehead. I couldn't see it, but my horn was increasing in size. I felt the bones creak, and my muscles finished rearranging themselves on my face. Then, the most painful part was when my wings started to grow from my sides. I cried out as I felt like my sides were burning and could feel my skin and muscles splitting for the new appendages to emerge. I gritted my teeth as I thought something slowly grew out from the sides of my body. I laid my head back, hearing a few more pops as my bones adjusted to my new appendages. The last thing that changed was my black mane going out and changing to a light rainbow color.

The real Celestia then trotted over with a worried look, standing over me with a smile as she rubbed a hoof down my body. "Oh my, you are so beautiful, more so than I expected….welcome, Princess Celestia."

I could feel my face burn from sheer embarrassment as she took my hoof and lifted me onto my hooves. I squeaked, stumbling about getting used to my wings and a new body. The real Celestia, however, looked over me, ensuring everything looked good. She trotted around me, and I looked around and got a look at my rump. Celestia's cutie mark was now printed on my butt, which I had to admit was quite big.

"Alright, seems you're looking like me...now come on, take a seat." The princess cooed. I sighed and followed her, blushing as I stumbled about on my lanky legs. I followed Celestia to our booth and slowly sat in my new body. I was again shaking like a leaf with my wings folded to my sides. The real Celestia gave a sigh, "Seriously, loosen up."

The princess then hoofed over a piece of cake. "This always cheers me up, go and eat up."

I sniffed the air and smelt the cake. To be honest, I was never a fan of the stuff, but for some reason, I have this profound craving for it now. I bent down, took the cake, and ate it with a fork. Levitating small pieces at first into my mouth. But the sweet vanilla flavor filled my taste buds when I was in heaven. It was like eating pure bliss, and I couldn't help but shove the whole piece in my mouth, munching away as I let out an "mmmm."

The real princess Alicorn smiled, "Yep, you me, alright."

I squealed as I realized I had just eaten a cake like a little filly in front of the princess! I dab my face with a napkin as I gulp down the cake and respond, "I apologize for that; I just couldn't help myself."

I blinked, wondering why I said that in such a formal manner, and my voice was identical to the Princess of the Sun. I touched my throat with a hoof and blinked. "My voice…"

"Yep, it's mine; I told you you're going to sound exactly like me, think like me, etc.…" Celestia chirped quite proudly as she got up. "Now, you should head back to the palace and finish with court duty; today's schedule is pretty light, so you shouldn't have much to worry about."

I quickly stood up with my tail swishing about as I stammered, "I...I...I mean, can you at least walk me through today? I didn't think I would be taking over so suddenly."

The princess walked over and rubbed a hoof over my face with those big velvet eyes staring back at me again. "You got this, also...if Twilight needs anything, just ensure she gets the help she needs."

I started feeling relaxed and nodded, "Of course, princess…" Celestia then strolled off as I stood there, watching her rump shake in front of me. I turned around and sighed, "All alright, guess I should go...um...do my duties…"

I then trotted towards the cafe's door, and as I crossed into Canterlot's street, I looked behind me to see the restaurant was gone. It disappeared like it was never there. I looked around nervously as ponies near me began to bow in reverence, and I gulped before I stammered, "Pl...please do. Don't bow; please rise, my dear subjects."

Some of the ponies gave me an odd look, but most shrugged and continued on their day. I slowly trotted down the street, getting used to my new body, but it seemed to act almost on its own. I held my head up, and my strut was starting to feel more natural. As I came to the palace, many guards bowed, and I simply raised a hoof like before. "Please don't; I just came back from lunch."

They simply rose back up and saluted as they replied, "Yes, princess."

I shivered at them calling me princess, with the surreal feeling coming over me again. Still, I ignored it and continued to trot through the palace's front doors slowly. I began to trot down the hall with the guards, even at their post, not noticing the difference at all. This was all too surreal, and I almost felt like this had to be a dream as I walked towards the princess's throne. I looked at it with awe, seeing how sitting on this thing must be uncomfortable for hours. I then thought that that must be why Celestia keeps her rump so big. But I couldn't think about this theory for long and had to take her seat before this looked suspicious. I sat down on the cold stone throne and shivered as I flexed my wings a bit, giving them a few flaps. I gave a sigh of relief, feeling the aches and pains from the transformation slowly leaving my body. I folded my wings to my sides, looked down the aisle, and proclaimed, "I'm ready to resume court; let's proceed."