• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 143: Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams Part 3

"So. Dedede again, but this time, he's not alone. Still should be alright, right?" Present Sonic tried to reassure.

"Yeah, no problem. Just prepare for a world of butt whooping," Dedede said.

And right on cue, Phantom Dedede jumping toward the group, hammers ready, while Phantom Meta Knight flew toward the the nearest flying hero, who happened to be Marx. The heroes quickly scattered before Phantom Dedede violently crashed with his hammers, causing the arena to tilt, the part he crashing into sinking into the lava while the opposite suddenly rose out of it. Nobody had been yet on this part of the arena, but it was obvious that anybody on it would have been ejected. Still, many of the heroes ended up burned by the lava, and others were hit by the fiery shockwave sent by Dedede upon crashing. Phantom Dedede himself was unaffected by the lava. At the same time, in the blink of an eye, Phantom Meta Knight slashed Marx several times, then moved to Little Ghost and slashed her too before he was stopped by Galacta Knight blocking him.

Thankfully, Ness healed everyone in one go right away once the arena returned to its normal state, but they will have to be careful. They didn't have Sweetie Void's infinite pool of energy to heal them anymore. Ness will eventually tire out, and he was already getting tired after this adventure. He didn't have time to regenerate his psychic energy beside some minutes of rest here and there.

Phantom could heal too at least, they could count on her even if she was getting tired too. Everyone was tired. It had been a long and difficult adventure.

The heroes spread out all over the arena and began to attack the Phantom duo. Phantom Meta Knight was harder to reach since he was flying, so the heroes who couldn't fly and had no projectiles had no choice but to focus on Phantom Dedede.

At the beginning, the two fought on their own, using their respective moves without caring what the other was doing. Phantom Dedede threw Gordos at random while Phantom Meta Knight levitated lava into balls and rained them all over the arena. Phantom Dedede did his fire tornado attack (making the arena tilt down everywhere he was going and leaving lava on his path that Tank and Kirby cleaned), and Phantom Meta Knight sent countless waves from his sword.

But then, in the middle of Phantom Dedede's tornado move, Phantom Meta Knight suddenly targeted him with his waves. Instead of hurting Phantom Dedede, the waves were hit by his hammer and were divided into several smaller waves that were then sent in all directions. This resulted in hundreds of small waves flying everywhere randomly while Phantom Dedede continued moving around.

"We can do that?!" Dedede exclaimed while he twirled his hammer to deflect the waves flying toward him, using himself as a shield to protect others behind him.

Meta Knight watched the two Phantoms, then looked at Dedede. "Once this is over, let's train together."

Once their attack ended, Phantom Meta Knight landed at Phantom Dedede's side, and the two began to fight together, back to back, side by side, hammers and sword. One was swinging around giving powerful blows that cracked bones, the other slashing at the speed of sound, actually slicing off limbs. Phantom had to use her powers to reattach them. Only she could do something about that. At least, no head rolled off yet somehow... Galacta Knight, Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, and Fierce Deity Link were doing their best to limit the damage caused by Phantom Meta Knight. Kirby helped every now and then, his focus shifting between the two Phantoms.

Phantom Meta Knight eventually jumped on Phantom Dedede's head before the penguin began to spin, this time remaining at the center of the arena. The two blurred together in the tornado thus formed, and after a couple of seconds, fireballs and sword waves came out of it, flying in all directions.

Marx flew to Dedede. "Hold on tight!"

Dedede nodded and grabbed Marx' feet before Marx flew up, barely avoiding the Phantoms' projectiles. Once he was high enough, he said, "Go!" and Dedede let go, dropping toward the still spinning Phantoms. Readying his hammer, Dedede smashed the Phantoms hard, crushing them under his weapon and stopping their attack. Dedede quickly jumped backward to avoid a swing of his Phantom counterpart.

With the Phantoms stopped, everyone resumed attacking them, only for Phantom Dedede to do his move where he threw Gordos and hammers in the air to make them rain all over the arena. Excepted that, this time, instead of releasing ice upon exploding, the hammers released fire. Then, Phantom Meta Knight joined by hitting some of the Gordos, making them brusquely change trajectory as Phantom Meta Knight sent them toward heroes in random.

The heroes used the same tactic to hit the Gordos back at the Phantoms. They were pretty much playing tennis with dozens of spiked metallic balls. Hitting metal, however, hurt the physically weaker heroes who didn't have a weapon, like Scout or Diddy. Some didn't even try like Mothra and just avoided them as best as they could.

Phantom Dedede then threw more Gordos in the air, this time right above him, then he inhaled them before he spat them at the heroes like a cannon. Meanwhile, Phantom Meta Knight sent powerful X waves with his sword.

Phantom Meta Knight then suddenly tried to do the Upper Calibus on Fierce Deity Link, but when he charged at him, the two clashed and, in a flash, Phantom Meta Knight found himself without his sword. Before he could recover, he was punched by Spiky and was sent crashing on Phantom Dedede's head, interrupting him as he was hitting the ground to send little fire twisters. Marx then attacked them with his hundreds of arrow, followed by Ness using PK Rockin, then by Stella Knight Kirby sending a Flare Beam.

Phantom Dedede suddenly jumped away (making the arena tilt a bit where he landed) while Phantom Meta Knight flew. Phantom Dedede then went on all fours, Phantom Meta Knight divided himself into four copies, and the two (now five) roared.

"Oh, SERIOUSLY?! He has his ability to divide?!" Dedede shouted. "Prepare your butts, everyone. These copies are as powerful as the original."

"Well... Crap..." Fox said what almost everyone was thinking.

At this moment, one of the Phantom Meta Knights landed on Phantom Dedede's back, riding him as he began to run around, charging at the heroes. As Phantom Dedede passed beside the heroes, the Phantom Meta Knight slashed around, as if he was a knight on his mount. The three other began to attack too. One directly slashed at the heroes, Fierce Deity Link went to deal with this one, quickly stopping him. Another rained sword waves. The last one used telekinesis to rain lava balls.

"Hey, if there's a good thing about what's going on, it's that the copies share the damage they take. If you hurt one of them, you also hurt the others." Dedede revealed. "This should end the battle faster."

"Hearing that, the heroes divided themselves between the four Phantom Meta Knights and attacked (attacking Phantom Dedede by the same occasion since one of the Phantom Meta Knights was riding him). Kirby focused on the one riding Phantom Dedede, Galacta went after the one who rained waves, and Meta Knight used his telekinesis (less powerful but still working) to counter the one raining lava.

Then, Phantom Dedede roared and also made lava balls rain all over the arena, doubling the number of lava balls that rained. Not even Meta Knight could keep up with that, so Apple Death and Little Ghost joined him.

Until a giant lava ball came, crashed on the arena, and made half of it sink into the lava. The heroes were forced to gather on the half still out, and it was difficult to not slip into the lava. It didn't help that Phantom Dedede resumed charging at everyone while the arena was still tilted. It was hard to dodge him while keeping their footing. Thankfully, the arena returned to normal after just a few seconds.

Only for Phantom Dedede to jump at the extremity of the arena, making it tilt again, before he began to inhale. The Phantom Meta Knight on his back flew and joined his copies as they let themselves being inhaled. Once the four were sucked up, Phantom Dedede spat them one by one, the Phantom Meta Knights spinning with their swords raised forward while flying to random targets, like homing flying drills. Each of the Phantom Meta Knights was thankfully intercepted by one of the heroes: Kirby, Phantom, Fierce Deity Link, and Dark Meta Knight. They simply moved aside to let the Phantom Meta Knights pass, then hit them from the side.

Phantom Dedede resumed inhaling, and the Phantom Meta Knights flew out of the way this time. Resisting the powerful vortex while avoiding slipping was hard, made even worse when the Phantom Meta Knights began to rain sword waves on them.

Silently, Fox eyed DK and took a grenade. DK understood, and Fox threw the grenade at him before DK punched it right toward Phantom Dedede. The grenade exploded just as it entered his mouth, making him stop inhaling. The arena returned to normal, and one of the Phantom Meta Knights returned on Phantom Dedede's back before he resumed running around. This time, he also jumped regularly, causing the arena to tilt a bit while leaving behind some lava where he landed, without forgetting the shockwave he released each time. The three Phantom Meta Knights not on Phantom Dedede's back were again distracted by the swordmen heroes. Fierce Deity Link was particularly effective in causing damage.

The heroes were probably getting close to victory, but then, Phantom dedede moved at a side of the arena, and the four Phantom Meta Knights flew at the opposite side. The five then moved toward the center of the arena and Phantom Dedede jumped at the Phantom Meta Knights. they caught each others midair and began spinning, faster and faster while rising in the air. Sword waves and fireballs were sent in all directions, and they were accumulating energy.

The heroes had a very bad feeling.

"JUMP, EVERYONE!" Phantom yelled before she used her powers.

Almost everyone jumped and landed, not on the arena but on a brand new platform made under their feet by Phantom that immediately flew away from the arena. Galacta Knight grabbed Fierce Deity Link who hadn't jumped and flew away. Just in time as the Phantom Meta Knights pointed Phantom Dedede head down and piledrived him into the center of the arena, releasing a huge explosion taking the form of a large column of energy that covered the whole arena which sunk entirely into the lava.

"Holy... Celestia..." Zapp said, her jaw dropping, like almost everyone else.

Once the energy disappeared and the arena got out of the lava, the heroes quickly stopped gawking and jumped back on the arena to continue the fight. Phantom Dedede immediately recovered from being piledrived, moved at the extremity of the arena, and began to pound the ground repeatedly, sending dozens of small fire twisters at the heroes. The Phantom Meta Knights moved at his sides and planted their swords to send tornadoes.

Fierce Deity Link, upon being dropped by Galacta Knight, did one single horizontal swing, sending a wave that cut most of the tornadoes and also all the enemies who were perfectly lined up. This opened the way for the heroes to assault the Phantoms.

Without surprise, the Phantom Meta Knights were the first to fall. Dividing himself made him more dangerous, but also accelerated the damage he took. With four bodies sharing the damage, it was only a matter of minutes against all the heroes. Especially with Fierce Deity Link focusing on him.

With only Phantom Dedede left, the fight was much easier. He charged, clawed, bit, acting like a cornered feral animal.

But after only a couple more minutes, he fell too. He faded, and left behind five soul pieces.

"My king, I'm glad we never had to fight you and Meta Knight at the same time," Bandana Dee said.

Dedede laughed. "Maybe we could have defeated Kirby if this had happened."

"Do you think Sweetie has finished her fight?" Elfilin asked, a bit worried.

"If she had finished, she would have returned," Phantom answered. "This Gilgamesh must be giving her quite the workout."

In the void between the islands...

Thundaja! Thundaja! Aeroja! Zantetsuken! Electrocute! Rocket Punch time eight! Zantetsuken! Thundaja! Zantetsuken! Quasar!

Sweetie Void, mane and tail turned into darkness, was avoiding spell after spell fired by Phantom Gilgamesh. One of the Zantetsuken sliced the desert island in half. By now, part of the Redgar island was also destroyed.

Stop! Ultima!

Sweetie found herself time-stopped before Gilgamesh sent a giant blue sphere of energy. She thankfully was able to break herself out of the Stop and teleported barely in time, avoiding the Ultima. When she reappeared, she was immediately assaulted by Gilgamesh who flew at her weapons ready.

Thanks to a wind spell, Gilgamesh was able to fly, and his huge pool of mana allowed him to keep it even after all this time.

For what was probably the hundredth time since the beginning of this fight, Gilgamesh's weapons clashed with Sweetie's swords. At a speed that any normal person couldn't hope to follow, the two exchanged blows for a couple of minutes, Sweetie Void making sure to avoid any Zantetsuken, both the spell and the sword.

Stop! Zantetsuken!

Again, Sweetie was stopped only for her to break out almost right away, then she immediately teleported to avoid the Zantetsuken which had been at a millimeter from reaching her. She reappeared right behind Gilgamesh and promptly sliced him in half vertically. However, before the two pieces could separate, Gilgamesh used Curaja, healing himself.

Sweetie Void growled in frustration. This happened again and again. Gilgamesh refused to die!

Death Claw!

Sweetie ducked to avoid the Death Claw, parried Gilgamesh's weapons, then sliced Gilgamesh in half, this time horizontally by the chest.


And he healed himself right away, again!


She sliced him again and again and again, cutting him to pieces repeatedly.

Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja! Curaja!


Having enough, Sweetie Void blasted him with a huge amount of energy only for it to be reflected. She still managed to break it, but she received a huge amount of damage in return, and the two fighters were turned into black husks.

And they both healed themselves.

Sweetie Void swung her swords and sent powerful waves that cut the very fabric of the dimension itself. Gilgamesh countered some of them them with Zantetsuken and avoided the others before sending another Quasar followed by a Flare. Sweetie avoided the Flare by teleporting, then countered by sending several giant fireballs that Gilgamesh sliced in half, destroying them.


Sweetie Void found herself unable to attack.

Flash! Missile! Missile! Missile! Missile! Hurricane! 1000 Needles!

Sweetie Void found herself blinded by the Flash, and despite this, she flew erratically to avoid the following spells.

Once her vision was back, Sweetie Void then readied and fired an Ultimate Doom Laser that Gilgamesh avoided by flying away. The laser followed him, destroying many meteors that were floating around and even blowing up the Wondaria island.

Seeing that the laser wasn't working, Sweetie changed tactic. She used the laser as cover to send a small ball of energy toward Gilgamesh. The ball followed him and was so small that Gilgamesh didn't spot it. The ball eventually successfully entered its head.

And he exploded.

Sweetie Void sighed in relief and stopped her laser.

It wasn't her first attempt to blow him up, but it was the first one that succeeded.

The original Gilgamesh had been annoying to fight, but this one... Ugh! The original, at least, she had been holding back to avoid killing him. But here, she had actively been trying to kill him, repeatedly, but he always healed himself. And he never seemed to get tired. The fight would have probably lasted hours if she hadn't managed to do that trick. Blown up, there was no way he could heal himself.

But just in case, she remained here a few more seconds.

Seeing that he wasn't coming back, she sighed for the second time.

Yeah, this wasn't Porky.

At this, she teleported back to where she left her friends.

"Hey! Guess who's back! Are you done over there?"

"Yeah, we defeated them," Sparky said.

Sweetie Void looked at the tired faces of everyone around. "It wasn't an easy fight, uh? Do you want to return to Waddle Dee Town and rest?"

"I think that most of us wouldn't mind, yes. Some of us also have to recover from getting our limbs sliced off. That... was quite the experience..." Present Sonic said.

Sweetie Void winced. "I understand."

Author's Note:

You know, I would like to make the characters do "bro moves" like Phantom Dedede and Phantom Meta Knight did in this chapter, or like the Mario Bros do, but I can't think of anything beside the few I wrote in this chapter. If you guys have any ideas...

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