• Member Since 17th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Walk, don't run. Unless you're late for the bus.


In the end, Christmas is a day like any other.

Unless your boyfriend is unlike any other.

Part of the Jinglemas 2020 collaboration.
Written for Admiral Biscuit, who requested a story about background ponies.
Edited by ROBCakeran53.
Original art by Adagio String.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Huh. It's rare to find a human female x pony that isn't just straight up clop. Nice work on the pacing and characters.


Why bother getting up at all? Let the cuddles last forever.

A lovely cozy fic, great work.

A kirin is like a more sentient and less noisy version of a dog.

At the risk of being pedantic, you mean sapient.


This was a lot of fun to preread, and Im so glad its up for others. This was such a playful couple, and you brought out a lot of character for a pony who can't talk.

Also, ponies with a credit card are a force to be reckoned with.

Aww :heart:

Very cute! Kiren are so fluffy and adorable.

Also appreciate the mention of what is the best Christmas movie.

God I'm getting the hnnngs something fierce.

Not to mention a subtle homage to your explanations of how things were done way back in the day!

That’s my queue to wave the charade away. It wasn’t fooling anyone, but it’s a pleasant thought – to know you’re being watched over. So, slowly easing my eyes open to nothing larger than a crack, I peer through the gloom of the bedroom, the dull, languid light that wafts through the curtains, the haze of my own vision, and spy his silhouette across from me.

queue = line

That was good.
No 'shameless clop' most stories centred on a female/pony veneer towards in one way or another - just slice of life.
Well-written, cute, reasonably romantic slice of life.

Reading this definitely made me feel a little warm on the inside - much like waking up in a sun-lit bed on a warm afternoon with no expectations of any work throughout the day.

Good one, muh dude, much thanks for this.

He flops onto his side and rolls onto his back, exposing his belly, practically defying me to resist.

Oh, he's good

Finally, a flicker of hesitation, but it only lasts for a couple of seconds before he rolls onto his stomach once more and sits up straight, patting the cushion beneath him to communicate in Horse code.

:facehoof: Shoulda seen that one coming

“Alright then,” I foxily murmur while turning back into the wardrobe. reaching for the topmost shelf. “Let’s make this rather simple, shall we?” Gripping the handle beneath the spare bedsheets, I whirl about and aim the Nerf Maverick directly between his eyes, the spring already cocked and ready to fire. “You have exactly ten seconds to remove those socks from your person, or I will end you.”

It's NERF guns at dawn, I see

“Wanna watch the greatest Christmas movie of all time?”

Die Hard?

She's not wrong about Die Hard.

[Romans] had this festival called Saturnalia.


Oh this was fun. It's so very, very rare to see human/stallion stories on this site, even more so ones that are purely romantic. And with a kirin to boot? Those little balls of flame deserve more love, pun absolutely intended.

This was incredible. I loved it.

And then they had a mutant baby! :pinkiecrazy:

And OTHER people and ponies had spawn with griffons, and minotaurs, and dragons, and manticores (but not cherngelerngs, since they're creepy bug ponies and reproduce asexually like aphids) :fluttershbad:

But then all the mutant babies became possessed of DARK MAGIC (Like, really, what else did you expect?) and fused together into a horrible being that took the name of DISCORD! Who then went BACK IN TIME and took over Equestria!

And now we have a properly convoluted backstory with all the proper bootstrap paradoxes and everything! :yay:

Very cxute and well-written. Not gonna lie, that first bit had me getting more than a bit hungry. ;)

Horse Code

Booooooo :rainbowlaugh:
This was nice tho, nice and slow paced. I was definitely surprised by the whole Covid mention, but it didn't really bother me either.

“…That’s where the mysterious eighty dollar charge on my card came from, isn’t it?”

Worth it! Nerf or Nothing.

Nothing silly about the best Christmas movie.

“Get over here, Pumpkin, or I will go Sarah Connor on your butt. Just try me.”


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