• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,750 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

IV - The Weird Travel

"Oh, Luna..."

The night has arrived in Equestria. At first glance, nopony would notice anything in particular about this night, but if you had a keen eye, you would see that the stars are not so bright this time. You would notice that this night is darker than usual.

There is a secret that only a few ponies knew once. Now, only one of them remains alive. Only those few ponies knew it was a fact, but most of pony society thought it was just a lie or part of a story involving the night.

The truth is that once night settles in...the night itself is aware of Princess Luna's emotional state. If she's happy, the nights are brighter and beautiful. If she's sad, then the stars will glow way less than normal.

Celestia was looking for her sister. She is still in Canterlot, just above her castle. It is not very common, but both sisters use the high clouds to have a few minutes in which they can be alone and appreciate the world, as well as think and also calm down in some cases.

Celestia knows that Luna doesn't like to show her emotions to just anypony, so she kept looking for her.

A thousand years ago, there were two sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn, while the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her.

But it was too late.

Her younger sister was already corrupted, transforming into a wicked mare of darkness.

What ponies don't know, is that the birth of Nightmare Moon could have been avoided. The use of the Elements of Harmony to banish her could have been avoided. Her sister's resentment could have been avoided. The sadness and loneliness could have been avoided. Luna just needed her sister's love and care.

And in her most vulnerable moment... Celestia failed her.

And thus, the mare on the moon was born.

One thousand years.

One thousand years alone in the moon.

Is that not enough? Why does she have to suffer even more? Even to this day, with the exception of Ponyville, the ponies of Equestria still fear her, and they only give her a chance when she appears in their nightmares to help them. Celestia knows very well that what Luna did in the past will never be forgotten...

She only wishes her subjects to give her sister a chance.

Discord proved himself more than once, and now he is one of Fluttershy's closest friends. And a bit of a prankster.

Starlight Glimmer did the unthinkable, going so far as to threaten time itself, creating multiple timelines and she still was given a chance by her former student. Now she's Twilight's student and a talented unicorn.

Thorax the changeling was an outcast for not following the teachings of Queen Chrysalis' hive, and was shunned and even hunted by ponies out of fear of another invasion. Spike, who Celestia considers a son of her own, gave him a chance, and now Thorax is the living proof that changelings can be good.

So why?


Why not Luna? Why are they not giving her a chance?


And then...

"Princess Luna... looks lonely."

It was just pure luck.

Just an observation.

But when Aero said those words... Celestia saw a spark of hope in him.

She tried to ask for help from other ponies and members of the royal guard before, and all of them declined, mostly out of fear, but even so, she had to try one more time. Aero was one of her personal royal guards and just happened to see Luna going to her bedroom. It was a risky bet, but if he could do it...if he could see past her mistakes, then...

"(I'm so glad you spoke sincerely that day, Aero.)" Celestia finally managed to spot Luna's night mane, and it took a few seconds to reach her. By the looks of it, she was still sad. The night itself was proof of it.

Celestia gracefully landed in the big cloud. Her sister obviously noticed her but didn't move her head. She was currently looking at the moon.

"Your nights are beautiful as ever." Celestia sat next to her sister. "It's a pity that it's not in its maximum splendor."

For a moment, Luna didn't say anything. Celestia decided to try something else.

"Do I need to remind you that he is one of our strongest guards?" Now this got her sister's attention.

"It's not that, sister..." Celestia was actually surprised that Luna did not sound sad. More like annoyed. "I just think we should have demolished that old castle long ago. With or without artifacts inside."

Oh, Celestia definitely agrees. She may hide it better than her sister, but she is angry about Aero's disappearance.

"It was a mistake going there. I should have known!"

"We can worry about destroying our old castle in the future," said Celestia. "For now, we must trust that Aero can manage alone."

Just then, Discord appeared a few meters in front of them. The sister's reaction was way better than Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Obviously, you need way more than a quick teleport to surprise the Princesses.

"Trust me. He's doing fine." said the draconequus. Celestia noticed Discord's somewhat serious expression.

Luna's attitude changed immediately. At the same time, the moon and stars began to shine brighter. Her big sister felt a bit of relief when she saw this.

"Did you find Aero?"

"Uhh...kinda." said Discord, confusing both sisters. "I know what happened to him... you're not gonna like it."

"Let's just get this over with."

As soon as the trio started walking, Aero noticed that all the mares were following him with their eyes. Some even looked more excited than before. There were a few mare guards looking at him, too. Twilight and Fluttershy knew very well what was happening.

They were waiting for a chance. All of them.

"(It's no use to keep wondering what's going on.)" thought the royal guard. "(I'll leave all my questions to the Princesses.)"

Suddenly, Aero felt a soft touch on each side. Twilight and Fluttershy made sure to get the closest possible to the stallion.

"So, Aero..." Twilight made her smile as charming as possible. "You said you need to see Canterlot, and we'll gladly take you there."

Before Aero could say something, Twilight winked at him. Fluttershy saw this too, quickly understanding Twilight's idea.

"We'll take you everywhere you want to go." added the Element of Kindness. "Um, only if you want to."

"(I see...)" just a few minutes ago, Aero was told the reason mares didn't hog him before reaching the library. Both Twilight and Fluttershy decided to act like this to make sure all the mares around them get the message.

He's with us.

"(Seems like it's working...)" thought the royal guard, seeing that now the mares around them had changed their behavior. There were many whispers but he managed to hear some of them.

"The one time Sparkle cares about herds..."

"How did Fluttershy of all ponies befriend such a big stallion?"

"Who's the alpha mare?"

"Are we too late? Can we still invite him?"

"Lucky mares..."

"He must be one of those studs from Playfilly with a body like that..."

"Just imagine those muscles in bed~"

"Wow...totally not creepy at all." whispered Aero, surprised by the...honesty of the mares, especially about that 'Playfilly' thing, whatever that is.

"Sorry about that." Twilight was a little ashamed by the town's display. "It's not always like this. It's just that a stallion like you is a very rare sight."

"Let's just go to the station. I just want to get out of here." Twilight and Fluttershy were a bit sad because they knew by the way Aero said it, that he was now uncomfortable.

As the trio was walking to Ponyville Train Station, many mares were still following them, and once again, Aero didn't see any stallion around. Not even the ones he saw a while ago.

"(Weird and pervert mares, lack of stallions, different buildings, and even different events... Did the Princesses really disappear? If they really are in Canterlot...)"

"Um, Aero?" Fluttershy was looking at the stallion's horn, noticing a small detail. "Is your horn ok? It creates a very faint glow sometimes."

After hearing this, Twilight also looked at Aero's horn. It was true. The horn was creating a faint glow from time to time. If he's by any chance using a spell willingly, she doesn't know which one.

"You have a good eye for detail, Fluttershy." Aero showed a small but genuine smile. This made Fluttershy blush a little but she smiled as well. "This is actually-"


A voice unknown to Aero, but very familiar to the two mares with him came from above. The three ponies noticed that a certain cloud above them was having unusual movement, and then a rainbow trail came down, finally showing the pony that was up there seconds ago.

"Rainbow Dash! I thought you were in Cloudsdale." Twilight was honestly surprised to see her.

"(The Element of Loyalty.)" thought the royal guard. He had a basic idea of her thanks to Twilight...at least the Twilight he remembers.

"Did something happen with captain Spitfire?" asked Fluttershy, more confused than worried.

"Nah. She wanted to spend more time with Soarin today. Nothing to worry about." said the rainbow pegasus, who now focused on Aero. Her smile widened a bit, with her eyes half-lidded.

"Sup, big colt. I'm Rainbow Dash. The fastest flyer in Equestria." the multi-colored mare put a hoof on her chest, proud with her own introduction.

"And current Element of Loyalty." added the stallion, although he was also wondering about that 'big colt' nickname. "You can call me 'Aero'.

"Aero, huh?" the royal guard saw how Rainbow Dash was clearly inspecting his body. "Never seen you around here, hot stuff."

Aero couldn't see it, but Twilight and Fluttershy seemed somewhat annoyed with their friend's obvious advances. As for him, he just wanted to end the conversation and go to the train station.

"That's because I live in Canterlot." was his answer. "Which is where we are going right now."

"I see..." Rainbow Dash looked at her friends with a mischievous smile. "You three going on a fancy date or something?"

Both Twilight and Fluttershy had a blush on their faces, and Aero was internally cursing his luck because they were still wasting time.

"We are going to Canterlot castle. There is something I need to speak with the Princesses." was the stallion's answer. "It was a pleasure meeting you, miss Dash, but we must get going."

Twilight and Fluttershy felt the movement of the stallion and took this as a signal to advance with him. Rainbow Dash stared at them for a few seconds before chuckling.

"C'mon, girls. You don't have to hide it. I have my herd already so I'm not taking him away...sadly."

This made Twilight and Fluttershy blush even more, and both were about to say something...but then they looked at Aero, who was already losing his patience.

"You should watch out for Pinkie though-"

"Miss Rainbow Dash."

Aero's tone of voice changed, and the three friends weren't the only ones to notice. All the mares around that could hear the group also noticed it.

"I am in no position to meddle in matters concerning your friendship with miss Fluttershy and miss Twilight Sparkle, but..." he turned around to see the Element of Loyalty. His expression was certainly serious... but this time there was something different. Something in his eyes that made Rainbow Dash a little scared when she saw it, to the point that she recoiled a bit in reflex. The other mares who were not able to see his face, including Twilight and Fluttershy, were a bit confused about her reaction.

"This is neither the time nor the place to discuss this. You should have a little more consideration for your friends."

"R-right! Sorry..."

For a few seconds, nopony spoke. The mares around were still a bit confused, but Twilight and Fluttershy were shocked. Rainbow Dash herself was also shocked.

"(Wow...I've never seen Rainbow Dash apologize to Soarin before, let alone any other stallion!)" Twilight already acknowledged Aero as an odd stallion, but this was still surprising.

"(What...did he do?)" the rainbow-colored mare was still trying to understand what happened. "(For a second there I was really scared of him. How did he do that? He's just a stallion for Celestia's sake!)"

"Let's not waste more time then." Aero turned around again to get back on his way.

"W-we'll talk later, Rainbow." said Fluttershy, following the stallion.

"Unless...you want to come with us?" offered Twilight. This made both Fluttershy and Aero stop again.

"We are going to board a train. Did you bring enough money for her ticket?" asked Aero, who just wants to get to Canterlot as soon as possible.

"Actually...Yeah." was her answer, showing the gold coins with her magic. "I thought I'd bring enough bits in case we ran into Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie."

"I can look for them! Just give me a few minutes." Rainbow Dash was about to fly, but something caught her attention. That 'something' being Aero, who did a quick teleport, appearing in front of her.

"Don't. There's no need to."

"Wha-but why?"

"Two of your three friends are on a date right now," said Aero, still looking straight at Rainbow. "And we don't need the third one. If you want to come with us, it's now, and only you."

"Aero was not lying, Rainbow. He really needs to speak with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Fluttershy approached her pegasus friend. "We offered to accompany him."

"We know very well that he is not only a stallion, but also a very attractive one," added Twilight. "We offered to accompany him so other mares don't take advantage of him."

"(It's good to know they think I'm handsome, but...I still have no idea what's going on here.)" thought Aero. "(I'm still trying to understand, even a little, what's the deal with the mares of Ponyville, as well as the lack of stallions.)"

Rainbow Dash kept looking at the stallion for a few seconds, before giving him a weird look.

"You're weird...and hot. That's a dangerous combo." she then started to walk towards Twilight. "All right. I'll go with you guys. Hope I'm not spoiling your secret fancy date."

"Why you..." Aero sighed with a strange feeling of exhaustion. "Let's just...go to the station, please. I'm not in the mood to keep arguing."

Unfortunately for Aero, it got worse when they continued their walk to the station.

Thanks to Rainbow Dash's interruption, the mares of Ponyville decided to approach him in a more friendly way, in hopes of getting as much info as they could get about the big and muscular stallion. Although Aero didn't want to, he had to answer some of their questions, or they wouldn't leave him alone.

His answers were short, but even so, the mares took more interest in him, much to his bad luck.

He did notice something curious during these short talks.

Before asking him anything, each and every one of them asked Twilight and Fluttershy for permission. Both friends agreed with the condition of giving them some space, and do not interrupt their trip. Rainbow Dash was watching everything with a smile on her face, proud that both of her friends are 'supervising' their stallion.

When they finally got to the station, even the ticket seller was a mare, and she even assumed that Aero, Twilight, and her two friends were part of a herd. The royal guard didn't deny anything just because if he said anything now, they would waste more time with unnecessary talk.

Now on the train to Canterlot, he was able to relax a bit.

And his method of relaxation is to work properly like the royal guard that he is. While Twilight and her friends were comfy in their seats, Aero was right next to them, positioned just as a royal guard would be at the entrance to Canterlot Castle, ready to act in case of any emergency.

Surprisingly, The wagon they were in was empty, so there were no mares to annoy him. Maybe they get special treatment since he is with the Elements of Harmony.

Even if Twilight Sparkle and her two friends were constantly watching him, he was relaxed. At least they would not try anything weird.

"(Wow... he does have the posture of a royal guard.)" thought Twilight, while watching Aero. She has seen many mare royal guards while visiting Princess Celestia, and if Aero had the same armor right now...he would look imposing.

"(I still can't believe he's a unicorn...)" Fluttershy was actually admiring him. She has seen many unicorns in her life, and it is known that a unicorn's body is the weakest among ponies, which is generally compensated with their ability to use magic. Shining Armor, Twilight's older brother and current Prince of the Crystal Empire was the largest unicorn she knew before.

But Aero was something else. Not only he has a very well-built body that rivals Applejack's brother, but he also seems to control his magic very well. He teleports as fast as Twilight.

It's no wonder he is a mare magnet, and it's such a blessing that she found him first.

"Wow. You really are into him, Flutters."

The Element of Kindness blushed instantly, looking away from Aero and hiding part of her face in her mane while her rainbow-colored friend was looking at her like she was saying 'way to go, girl!'.

"Please tell me you are not going to behave like those obnoxious mares from earlier." said Aero, getting the attention of the three mares. "It was like a show of pervert and horny mares."

"I'm really sorry Aero. Even if you are a stallion, the mares of Ponyville should know better." said Twilight in an apologizing tone.

"What did you expect, big colt?" said Rainbow Dash in a mocking tone. "You're quite the catch after all."

"Even if you are an Element of Harmony, you should watch what you say. I'm not sure if you are joking with the obvious flirting or just being a creep." said Aero in response.

The mares looked at each other for a moment. Twilight and Fluttershy already know there must be a reason for Aero to be so different from most stallions. Rainbow Dash, however, just met him.

"You really are an odd one. Every stallion would love this kind of attention."

"As far as I'm concerned, it's all of you who are acting strange. It's one of the many reasons why I am going to see the Princesses."

"Wait, so it was true?" Rainbow Dash then looked at her friends, a bit disappointed. "And here I was hoping for a fancy meal."

"Rainbow Dash..." Twilight didn't sound surprised, making Aero wonder if this is common for her. "We were telling the truth the whole time."

"We needed to make sure that no other mare got near Aero," added Fluttershy. "He really needs to speak with the Princesses."

"That sounds fishy...and I wanna know!"

"Rainbow, I don't think..."

The three Elements of Harmony started to discuss the recent events, but the stallion didn't focus on what they were saying. Aero was actually thinking about the Princesses.

"(Miss Twilight, miss Fluttershy, and now Miss Rainbow Dash...)" Aero let out a subtle sigh. "(And most, if not every mare in Ponyville. What if the Princesses have this same odd behavior? And if they are not missing... why would they leave me in the Everfree? There's no way they would do that willingly. I'd be easier if this was the dream or nightmare scenario...)"

"So who's the alpha mare?"

That particular question from Rainbow Dash was enough to get Aero's attention.

"You still don't get it, do you?" said the stallion, who now focused on Rainbow Dash. "We are not a herd. They wanted to come with me because they want answers too."

For a second, the Element of Loyalty didn't react, but then she got up from her seat and reached her two friends.

"Once again, he's telling the truth, Rainbow." said Twilight, although Dash saw the hint of sadness when she said that.

"Then you had no right to stop those mares before!" for some reason Rainbow was a bit angry. Aero decided to see if he could get some information out of her.

"Excuse me. Are you saying that it's ok for mares to be stalkers around me?"

"They just wanted to know a bit more about you, big colt."

"They were outside the library, waiting for us to come out. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy had to stick close to me so nothing serious would happen."

"Wait. Really?"

"Um, Aero..." Fluttershy focused on the stallion, and she was not that happy now. "They were waiting for you to come out."

"By Luna..." Aero just had more questions now, still a bit curious about everypony's behavior. "I'm never visiting Ponyville again."

"You exaggerate too much." Rainbow was apparently calm about all of this, much to Aero's surprise. "They just want the best for you. It's a mare's duty to-"

"Mare's duty?" Aero interrupted her. "Twilight said something similar before. Some nonsense about mares protecting and taking care of stallions."

"Nonsense? It's how life works, big colt!" now Rainbow was sure that something else is going on. "I still can't believe you're not in a herd. You don't even have any scent on you!"

"So you are telling me that mares suddenly decided to believe themselves to be guards and protectors? Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"I don't know if you have been living under a rock or something like that, but... this is a mare's world, big colt."

Aero just stared at her, trying to understand in any possible way what she meant by that. There were several seconds in which nopony said or did anything. Twilight and Fluttershy were starting to worry, but before they could even move, Aero slowly moved towards the Element of Loyalty.

This time, however, both friends were able to see the same eyes Rainbow Dash saw when she got scared. Fluttershy was frozen. Twilight was shaking a little. She was also wondering how Aero could achieve that just by looking at them.

"You see... this is the reason I want to speak with the Princesses. It's because everything you've been saying is just gibberish to me. Something really, really strange is going on, and you, your friends, and maybe every mare right now have been affected. And believe me, this is not just about the mares."

Aero calmly returned to his previous place, although his horn was still performing the same magic pattern that Fluttershy noticed earlier. He noticed that Rainbow Dash was not moving.

"You should go back to your seat, Rainbow Dash. We haven't reached Canterlot yet."

After Rainbow Dash returned to her seat, The rest of the trip was in a peaceful, yet uncomfortable silence. At least to the Elements, because all three mares had questions of their own about Aero. As for him, he enjoyed the peace that he desired since the beginning of the day.

Of course, such peace didn't last forever.

"My! Just look at that gorgeous stallion!"

"He's so cute!"

"There's a line between cute and handsome, dearie...and trust me, he is handsome."

"Is that Twilight Sparkle?"

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me that stud is her stallion."

"Well, she and her pegasus partners seem to have a wonderful taste in stallions."

"(At least in Ponyville they whispered...)" thought Aero, making sure to keep his neutral expression. "(Here they have the nerve to speak as if I didn't listen to them.)"

But sadly, this also meant that the mares' odd attitude wasn't just a Ponyville issue. If Canterlot had the same problem... then it was no exaggeration to think that the same was happening throughout Equestria. The closer he is to speak with the Princesses, the more questions he has.

To Aero's surprise, he also managed to see some stallions. They were still few, but they were definitely more than what he saw in Ponyville. A few of them were surrounded by both mares and foals, like in Ponyville. Others were together in a small group, constantly whispering to one another, and...

Aero stopped. This made Twilight and her friends stop too.

"Aero? Is everything ok?" asked Twilight.

"Is...is that stallion wearing a dress?" Aero could not believe what he was seeing right now.

"Uhh... yeah. It's pretty common for stallions to use fancy dresses if they feel like it." Rainbow raised one of her eyebrows. "Give it a few hours and you'll see more stallions dressed around."

Aero just continued walking, trying to get out of his head what he just saw. He never saw a stallion in a dress before, and he certainly didn't expect to see one in Canterlot of all places.

As they made their way to the castle, Aero saw the same patterns he saw in Ponyville: A few stallions, all of them surrounded by mares. Some of them were clearly their marefriends and probably part of a herd. More stallions talking to one another, and a few more with dresses.

Aero kept quiet the whole time after they saw the first stallion with a dress. Twilight and Fluttershy knew Aero was probably not comfortable, while Rainbow was just overall confused about his behavior.

Finally, they reached the main gates of the castle, with two royal guards guarding the area. Of course, the two guards were mares and they immediately focused their eyes on Aero.

"Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to Canterlot castle." said one of the guards. "What is the purpose of your visit?"

"Perhaps you want to entrust this stallion to us so he can find a mare?" said the other guard with a bit of excitement.

"Whatever you may be saying, you are wrong," said Aero, drawing the attention of both guards. "We are here to speak with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Both guards stared at the stallion for a few seconds before changing their focus to Twilight.

"If he is your stallion, you should probably mark him or leave your scent on him before any other mare tries to take him away." said one of the guards.

"Yeah, we thought he was a mareless stallion." added the other.

Twilight needed to say something quickly. Now that he knows Aero a bit, she knows he is probably not happy with what they said.

"Look, we are here to-"

"Are you two deaf?"

Too late.

Both guards saw Aero, who was now a bit more serious and obviously annoyed.

"Sweetheart, this is between miss Sparkle and us." said one of the guard.

"Be a good stallion and wait." said the other.

"(Oh...so it's going to be like that, huh?)" Aero discarded any friendly intentions now. This needed a better approach.

"Are you two actually guards?"

This not only caught the attention of the guards but also some ponies around the entrance.

"Excuse me?" one of the guards got a bit angry with what he said. "Of course we are!"

"Mares don't like disrespectful stallions, you know?" said the other guard.

"I still don't believe it. You look like two ponies pretending to be guards to me." Aero was calm. Way too calm. Twilight immediately identified this as a bad signal. Something was about to happen.

Suddenly, Aero disappeared.

Then, for just a moment, Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow saw that Aero was now between both guards.

Before anypony would say or even do something, Aero used one of his front hooves, and one of the guards was forcefully moved to the side, colliding with the nearby wall. Just when her partner realized what happened, Aero used his magic to fire a silver beam from his horn. This of course hit the other guard, sending her to the other wall.

Now both mares were on the ground and trying to get up. It was obvious to anypony who watched the whole thing that the guards were easily defeated.

And by a stallion, no less.

"As I said, you don't look like royal guards to me." said Aero, now with a more commanding tone. "A royal guard always has to stay alert. Otherwise, you might be an easy target of a surprise attack."

"Whoa..." Rainbow was still trying to process what happened. Fluttershy was in the same boat, but it's a good thing that nopony noticed the way her wings were slightly up.

"Aero! What did you do?" Twilight knew he would do something, but not this!

"Teaching them a lesson." was his answer, to everypony's surprise. "I came here to speak with the Princesses, not to be treated like a foal."

The three Elements had no other choice but to follow him as he entered the castle. The other mares around went to help the defeated guards, but they were also really confused about what happened.

"(He teleported too fast!)" Twilight, surprised as she may be, was now analyzing everything she saw. "(Faster than when he did it in the library. And the way he moved...he attacked with his hoof, then charged a magic laser. His magic activation speed is amazing! His speed overall is amazing! How does he do that with such a big body?)"

"Miss Rainbow Dash."

Aero stopped, then looked at the Element of Loyalty.

"What?" Rainbow was still a bit surprised but still managed to speak.

For a moment he said nothing, but then he smiled. Twilight and Rainbow now understand why Fluttershy likes it when he smiles.

"A mare's world, huh?"

For some reason, this made all three mares blush moderately.

"(I didn't even have to use my ability. Either they were rookies or the royal guard is on the decline and I didn't notice.)" And with that, Aero resumed his walk to the castle.

"Thank you very much, Princess Celestia! We will follow your advice. Right, dear?"

"Of course! As always!"

"Then I wish you good luck in your future, my little ponies."

Princess Celestia calmly watched as the couple left the throne room. The mare opened the door for her stallion to leave first. She also heard the voices of approval from the other side once the door closed. It seems that the mare was the alpha of the herd and the others were waiting for them.

This is not the first, and it will definitely not be the last time that she will receive this type of inquiry. Over the years, Day Court has dealt more and more with love affairs rather than political issues.

Up to this day, the Princess of the day doesn't know if that is a good thing or not.

Since the defeat of Nightmare Moon, along with the return of her sister Luna, there have been no incidents or attacks in Equestria.

The changelings, under the reign of Chrysalis, have proven to be not only pacifistic but extremely shy and insecure without the guidance of their Queen, which has led to a peaceful relationship with the ponies, even if they do not visit their territory much.

Female dragons have a more 'aggressive' society, but also decided to have a good relationship with Equestria.

The griffins have not made any official announcements, but whenever one visits Equestria, they've had an acceptable behavior, and there have been even cases where some females take an interest in stallions... leading to them fighting other mares for them.

And while diamond dogs and minotaurs have long been neutral, there have been no incidents in recent years.

It's a beautiful peace.

She should be happy. She knows it very well.


"Princess Celestia!"

The door was gently opened, revealing a mare royal guard.

"Yes? What is it?" asked the Princess.

"There is a pony who has requested an audience with you and Princess Luna."

This got Celestia's attention. Not only because this pony wishes to see both her and her sister, but because Luna has her own Night Court, which sadly is not very popular.

Also...the guard said that a 'pony' wishes to see them.

"Is this pony a mare?"

Celestia's question was met with an odd silence that lasted just a second. She saw how the guard was also a bit flustered, and she was also...blushing?

"N-no, Princess. It's a stallion."

Every mare royal guard that was in the throne room got a reaction. Celestia was also surprised because, after the 'incident', fewer stallions came to Day Court, until one day, they stopped coming.

"This stallion is accompanied by three of the Elements of Harmony: Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash."

Her faithful student and two of her friends are with him? Worry began to form in the Princess's mind. Does it have something to do with what happened recently in the Everfree Forest?

"Did this stallion identify himself?"

"Y-yes, Princess." was the guard's answer. "He identified himself as 'Aero'."

Author's Note:

I really wanted Aero to understand what's going on, but it seems I'll have to do that in the next chapter.