• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
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I've been writing and selling stories for longer than a lot of folks reading this have been alive. Check Baal Bunny for more!


Ocellus confesses her horrible crimes to Counselor Trixie. Counselor Trixie seems less than impressed.

This story was going to be my entry in the 179th Writeoff contest, "I've Waited so Long for This...." But that was a minific contest, and I quickly realized this was gonna end up being way too long.

So I thought I'd enter it in the Original Pairings group's Speed Writing contest since I don't find many stories where Ocellus meets Pony Joe...or Donut Joe or Joe the Donut Pony or whatever name he goes by these days. But when Trixie shoehorned her way in to such a large extent, I abandoned that idea as well.

Here it is now, though, but not on my Baal Bunny account where WriteOff-related stories go as a rule. Because this is all about breaking the rules!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

"On a related note..." Across the table, Gallus tapped a claw against his social studies book. "If you really think about it, the three of us sitting here right now represent the species who have given ponies the most trouble throughout the ages." He waved at Ocellus. "You changelings actually defeated the princesses. Twice!"

Yeah way to bring an old wound open gallus dose she needs to be reminded

>Ocellus in this fic
>Trixie in this fic
>literally everyone, including Augie, in this fic

Hnng, Ocellus is just too good and pure for this world.

Anycase, great fic! Very cute, and a nice look into Trixie as a guidance counselor to boot.

Well this was a pretty nice story and poor Ocellus aside from thorax she's so pure for this world but of course smolder and gallus have to remind it about how their species had a bad reputation so Ocellus wanted to prove them that she's not embarrassed about her heritage and so she was on her way to Canterlot so she tried to see well committed a crime or something so the easy target was donut Joe's and now she took the donuts and ran but she was feeling guilty for everything and admitting to Trixie about her crime so Trixie had a plan for sort of a punishment at least for her that they're going to work at a food bank and it looks like gallus and smolder are in trouble lol well this was a pretty good story and I do like how Trixie took her job pretty well keep up the good work

Edit did I say something wrong again:rainbowderp:


That ending sure got me. :pinkiesad2:

Real "stole a balloon on free balloon day" vibes

I was really expecting the boxes to be deliveries for Twilight, and Ocellus being thanked for the express delivery.

Now that you mention it it does oh my gosh I can't believe it lol I like that episode

Poor Ocellus, the victim of peer-pressure.

"That's biology!" Smolder smacked the book open in front of her.

While not wholly appropriate, I'm imagining Val Kilmer shouting at Robert Downey Junior right now in response to that.

"Who taught you math?!"

Not about skullduggery and...and nastiness!

In my head during their weekly D&D sessions, Ocellus plays a cleric, specifically because it's kind of the opposite of a rogue, which is what one would expect. Some of the Young-6 play towards their stereotype and against it. If you're curious...

Sandbar: He's the DM
Gallus: Paladin
Smolder: Wizard
Yona: Barbarian
Ocellus: Cleric
Silverstream: Rogue
Cozy Glow: Warlock

She needed to commit a crime right now!

Bwahahaha! I love this logic!

"There's the evidence, and I...I'll take whatever punishment the law requires..."

And now I have Arlo Guthrie in my head.

"Kid, whad'ya get?"
I said, "I didn't get nothing
I had to pay 50 dollars, and pick up the garbage"
He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?"
And I said, "Litterin'"
And they all moved away from me on the bench there
And the hairy eyeball, and all kinds of mean nasty things

'Til I said, "And creatin' a nuisance"
And they all came back, shook my hand
And we had a great time on the bench

Anyway, this story was great and cute and I love it.

had that same thought when I finished reading as well. Thought I was the only one.

"'Cause you know what they say: eat some dead fish first thing after waking up, and nothing worse'll happen to you all day!"

Who says that? I haven't ever heard anybody say that before! :rainbowlaugh:

"Now, if you'll be so kind as to gather up the donut box, we'll stop by Professor Fluttershy's class to collect Gallus and Smolder and be on our way."

Because let's be honest--this punishment is going to be a bit more for them than it is for Ocellus. :trixieshiftright:

This was cute, Ocellus being perhaps a bit more neurotic than Twilight, but kudos for Trixie for very effectively bringing her back down to earth. :twilightsmile:

(Also, a little PSA for those that don't know: feeding a cat milk for a meal is generally not recommended--once out of kittenhood, most cats become effectively lactose intolerant. :raritywink:)

"want to rude about it"
"want to be rude about it"?

Nice. :)

This was brilliant

Your story is featured. Congrats :heart:

I was expecting her to do like cats do and knock the photo off the shelf.

We don't deserve her.

Upcoming experience? Do you need help? :v


I just find myself hoping the food bank survives the upcoming experience… :pinkiehappy:

10738678 "What is it?" hissed Cauliflower, who had dived behind the desk the minute she walked into the food bank and saw her sister Florets in the same position. After all, Ponyville was the poster child for 'Duck First, Ask Later' and since she had already ducked, it was time for the asking.

"Boxes. From. The School," groaned Cauliflower with her hooves over her ears. "Donuts," she added quickly afterward.

"Donuts?" asked Florets, who poked her head over the desk to look, then flatted back behind the relative safety of concealment. "They're not... Sweetie's Treats again? Oh, wait. They're not on fire. Yet." Florets poked her nose out from concealment and sniffed. "I don't smell smoke. Who donated them?"

Cauliflower trembled so hard her pale curls covered her face. "All of them. Trixie and Starlight brought Gallus and Smolder with... some changeling. It has to be some epic evil prank to get all four of them involved at once. Did it go off yet?"

"Not yet." Florets lifted her head ever so slightly to get a better look at the cardboard boxe. "What are we going to do? We can't just leave it here."

"Princess Twilight," said Cauliflower decisively. "Think about it. She's defeated every evil that has ever threatened Ponyville. She'll know what to do."

"What the hay?" Twilight Sparkle looked up from her neat collection of school paperwork just in time to catch the pale white and green tails of the two Food Bank employees vanishing out of her front door at a full gallop, leaving behind a pale pink cardboard box that sat askew on her otherwise tidy desk. "From Ocellus," she murmured, looking at the tag taped onto the box, then lifted it up to see what was under it. "Courtesy of Donut Joe's! Oh, that wonderful little changeling! She's come such a long way in the study of friendship. They're a little dry," she added after taking the first bite of the top donut. "Still, not bad."

:rainbowlaugh: This should be an unofficial sequel!

There aren't enough fics about Ocellus where she isn't accessory to some ship or another.

Her only real crime was being unsafe levels of adorable. Loved this :twilightsmile:

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