• Published 31st Jan 2021
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

Different Facets Of A Gem - TheSuperTransformerFan

The rangers and ponies are skeptical when Steel says he’s found clues that proves that an old enemy may have returned.

  • ...

Part 3: An Old And New Threat

Morning finally arrived for the next day of ranger training, and Steel and Rarity had both met up in Sector LIMA-3-2, right by the empty Morph-X tower. Since Steel had told her about the Storm King returning and showing her the picture of a silhouetted Grubber, they both knew it was true. Some of their friends were unsure about all this, but they were going to get to the bottom of this whole mystery. Even if it meant actually showing what was on the picture in real life.

Steel looked around for the rest of his teammates. "Are they there yet?" He asked.

Rarity scanned the section and didn't see anything. "Not yet, Steel." She said.

Steel groaned. "This isn't going to be one of those no-shows where people say they'll show up, and then turn around and actually don't, right?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't think so." Rarity clarified. "I think they'll be along soon, and hey! There's Starlight and Spike! Hey, Darlings! Hey!" She and Steel were waving high up, that Starlight and Spike both noticed and ran over to them.

"Rarity! Steel!" Starlight said as she hugged her friends in excitement. Spike did the same too.

"So great to see you guys!" Spike said as he took in a big sniff of that fresh air, and sighed in relief. "It feels so good to get that fresh air!"

"I would concur with you all." Rarity agreed. "Normally, I would pack a few accessories when I go into the woods. But I'm not camping with Sweetie Belle, and we're just going hiking, so I didn't need to bring anything."

They all shared a little giggle, as they all saw the rest of the rangers coming up to them. "Hey, it's Devon!" Starlight said in excitement, as she and Spike waved their hooves or claws up in the sky. "Hey, you guys! We're over here!"

The others saw and ran over to them, and were even excited to see some of their old friends from Equestria. "Hey, Steel!" Devon said, giving the bot a hi-five. "Rarity! Spike! Starlight!" He said as he saw them. "It's so great to see you guys!"

"How's life in Equestria been doing for you?" Ravi asked.

"We haven't seen you for quite some time!" Zoey added. "And, what an awesome morning!"

"You gotta tell us what's been going on lately." Nate agreed.

"Well Nate, It's been quite a while since our last adventure." Starlight said excited, but calm to him. "I guess we should fill you in on what we've been doing."

Steel and Rarity noticed Starlight hold the scrapbook in her travel bag. "You're bringing the scrapbook for the trip?" Steel asked sarcastically and confused.

"I was thinking about bringing it along, so we could record some more memories as we go." Starlight answered as Spike nodded.

Steel and Rarity both looked at each other and giggled. They probably knew she would do that during the hike.

"Hold on. What's this I hear about memories and a scrapbook?" Ravi asked with curiosity. "What are you trying to make?"

Starlight blushed in slight embarrassment. "Oh, that..." She said. "Well, I think we'd better explain a few things, Spike." He nodded as well.

Rarity whispered to Steel. "They're still skeptical about this?"

"They still are about the missing Morph-X AND the Storm King." He whispered back.

"Then, we've gotta try to convince them by showing them what you SAW in the woods. We're going to get to the bottom of this!" She said back, as the bot nodded.

"Well, anyways, we're all here. So why don't we start our walk?" Spike asked.

"Good idea." Ravi said. They all started their walk through the woods.

Devon quickly noticed the tower as they started their hike. "Hey, isn't that the LIMA-3-2 tower that leaked?" He asked.

"Indeed it is!" Rarity said. "Very observant Devon."

"Let's go!" Starlight said, as they all headed into the woods a little faster, while Steel and Rarity decided to take it slow.

As they were walking, they all noticed some nice plants and trees in the woods. Well, the 'take-it-slow' participants were. The others were enjoying running briskly.

Steel was pretend breathing in the fresh air during his walk. "Wow! This is fantastic!" He said in excitement. "Have you ever been on a hike like this?"

"Well, actually, I have, Darling." Rarity admitted. "It has been a little hard for my first trek in the woods, since it was also my first time camping." She looked up and recalled another memory.

"Ah yes." Steel said, as he was listening. I can imagine a moment like that." Steel added. "Y'know, I just realized...Nate and I never WENT camping!"

"What?" She asked. "You two NEVER WENT CAMPING?! THAT'S utterly dreadful!"

"Well, Nate said robots don't usually camp out." Steel admitted. "He says they usually stay at Grid Battleforce and charge up."

"Well, Nate just doesn't know how important bonding trips like camping can actually be." Rarity scoffed at Nate's belief.

"At least you do." The Beast Bot said.

"Yes, and Twilight and the others have taken me for many trips like camping." the Element of Generosity added. "Including right by the Tree of Harmony, and even to Winsome Falls."

"What were they like?" The bot asked.

"If only you were there..." She started.

"Y'know, I should ask Nate if he wants to go camping...no ifs, ands, or buts about it." Steel said.

"I'd bet he'd like camping with you and enjoy some actual brother-bonding time together." Rarity added. "It may have been hectic the last few times I was in the woods, but this time, we can actually enjoy looking at the trees and plants."

They saw the others running and they both nodded. "Hold up, guys!" Steel called out. "I think it's time for a break."

"Sounds good." Ravi said as he was looking at the nature scene unfold. "Man. Look at this scenery."

Rarity got out the picture. "Guys, check this out!" she said, as she shown it to them. "Does this creature look familiar?"

"Um...not really." Nate said, unsure.

"Okay, Devon! Spike! What about you two?" Steel asked as he showed them the photo.

"Uh, what creature?" Spike asked.

"You mean that blurry shape?" Devon asked, pointing to it.

"Really?" Steel asked in shock. "Clearly, it's the Storm King's right-hand man, Grubber!"

Everyone except the generosity element and beast bot groaned in exasperation.

"Not this again." Starlight said as she facehoofed.

"It was taken here two days ago!" Steel noted. "I found it online, so it must be true!"

"Online?" Rarity asked quizzically.

"That's why you brought us here???" Zoey asked.

"Maybe..." Steel said slowly.

"Enough is enough, Steel!" Spike said serious. "This Storm King sighting is going way too far!"

"Spike's right. Stop this already!" Ravi said as well. "Grubber was defeated by Twilight many years ago."

"Ravi, Darling!" Rarity said, feeling demeaned. "I actually DO have to agree with Steel on this one."

Nate groaned. "Don't tell us you actually believe him, do you?" he asked.

"I do!" she pointed out. "This picture clearly states that Steel is onto something!"

"I think this is your 'Grubber'." Devon said, as he went to what looked like a tree stump in the shape of him, and uncovered the moss off the stump. "It just got overgrown."

The two were shocked as the others gave them looks of frustration. "Impossible!" Steel protested. "Listen! There's gotta be some other clues!"

"Like footprints!" Rarity said, pointing to one in the ground. "You can't deny who made those! One never lies, Darlings!"

"Those are your's and Steel's footprints, Rarity!" Starlight said, pointing at the prints and their feet, which were getting dirty from all the walking.

"Oh, well so maybe they do show a little bit of resemblance." Rarity started. "But..."

"No buts!" Nate cut her off. "You two can't go around making wild claims without any proof!"

"Okay, fine!" Steel said as he walked off furiously. "I'll do this myself!" He walked off to a different part of the woods.

"Come on, Steel! Where are you going?" Spike asked.

"To find proof!" He shouted. "Since you all seem to love it so much!" He continued to walk away in rage.

"Steel, don't go!" Zoey called out, but it was too late as he was already gone.

"Steel, wait!" Rarity said, as she tried to get the Beast Bot's attention. But he kept walking away. Rarity saw him walking with teary eyes, she then shifted to anger as she turned to face the rest of them. "What is the matter with all of you?! Don't you clearly know the truth as it is RIGHT IN FRONT of you?! Have you no knowledge of the saying, 'See it to believe it!'"

"Rarity, I know what Steel says may sound crazy." Nate started. "But, don't let it all go to your head. It was funny the first time he said it, but--"

"NO!" Rarity interrupted, which made him jump back. "I see where all this is going! I go out of my way to take you all on a nature walk, and this is how you repay me?! By abandoning Steel and I in our hour of need?" She was very angry as she said those words, blood boiling so rapidly. "Well, you know what?! Fine! Go and scoff at your dear friend, the silver ranger! And then the next day, when you see all the Morph-X gone, you can have more entertainment! 'Oh, why look, there are our friends, Rarity and Steel going down in flames! Isn't friendship magic?!'" The others all jumped back in shock, as they never saw her so mad like this.

"Rarity, calm down. What's gotten into you?" Ravi asked.

"What's gotten into all of you?!" Rarity continued to spit out angrily. "Oh, go ahead! See your little towers! Congratu-pony-lations, kids! Sounds like you've all figured out already that's it's everypony for themselves in this town!" She stomped her hoof down hard, and left without saying a word.

"Rarity, Wait!" Starlight called out. She paid no attention.

"I think we hurt their feelings." Nate said in regret.

"You think?!" Spike asked, as the others gave him the stink eye.

"We'd better go after them." Ravi said, as they all started to head off after their friends.

They searched all over the forest, but so far, no sign of their friends. "Steel!" They all called out.

"Rarity!" Spike cried out. So far, no answer.

"The trail's gotten cold." Ravi said with worry, as they continued to call out, "Steel! Rarity!"

Luckily, Starlight and Zoey both noticed some footprints. "Guys! Check this out!" Starlight said, as she pointed to them. They all came and saw that they were robot and pony footprints.

"Robot and Hoof prints." Nate said, instantly recognizing them. "They must have gone...this way!" He pointed Northeast. "Come on!"

They all followed the trail until the forest led to a desert. When they all stopped, they saw something they never expected to see. "Unbelievable." Nate said in surprise. "Steel and Rarity really were onto something."

In the rocky desert location, tronics were carrying barrels of Morph-X to a pug-faced hedgehog, with a blue antler symbol on his shirt. It was Grubber, the Storm King's henchman. Aiding him was a red drill robotron, looking like the original Drilltron, dubbed Drilltron 2.0. "Hurry up with the Morph-X!" Grubber commanded. "Otherwise, The Storm King will blast you to bolts!"

The rangers, Spike and Starlight were utterly shocked that they saw this unfold before their eyes. Rarity and Steel were both right about an old enemy returning. "Steel and Rarity were right." Spike said in shock. "The Storm King IS back!"

"Get a move on, Tronics!" Drilltron 2.0 ordered the tronics as they were carrying the energy to the henchmen.

"Another Drilltron..." Nate said in shock, as he saw this.

"Oh no..." Ravi said in surprise.

"Another Drilltron?" Starlight asked confused. "Isn't this the first time we've faced a Drilltron?"

"For you guys." Ravi said, as he pointed to them. "Not for us." He pointed to his teammates.

"Looks like that Morph-X tower wasn't an accident after all!" Spike said in shock.

"And it wasn't cleaned up." Devon said in agreement. "It was stolen." Just then, he got a call on his wristcom. "Come in, Commander."

"Devon, how's the training run?" Commander Shaw asked on the wristcom.

"Grubber and a robotron are in the woods! They're stealing Morph-X for the Storm King." Devon alerted her.

"What?! Are you sure?" Commander Shaw asked.

"Positive!" Devon answered. "We'll get more intel and get in touch."

Commander Shaw now knew what the rangers and their allies were up against. "Put the zords on standby." She told the workers.

"Copy that." One worker said.

Meanwhile, the henchmen had collected the Morph-X to teleport. "The Morph-X is ready for teleportation!" Drilltron 2.0 told Grubber.

"This day is going to be great!" Grubber said in triumph, as he laughed. At that moment, the 4 rangers, time traveler unicorn, and dragon arrived at the right time.

"Really?" Devon asked, which made the villains gasp. "Well, we're about to ruin it."

"IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!" He and Starlight shouted.

"You want to go first?" Devon asked.

"No, you do it." Starlight said.

The four rangers readied their morphers. "ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!" They shouted as they instantly morphed into their ranger forms.

"UNLEASH THE BEAST!" The heroes shouted.

"And, that's my cue to get out of here!" Grubber said as he went to the Morph-X containers, and teleported with them.

"No! The Morph-X!" Spike shouted in horror.

"That's the least of your worries!" Drilltron 2.0 said, as he sent the tronics to fight the heroes.

"Go get them!" Devon said as the heroes charged.

The fight was on! The 3 Beast-X rangers, Spike and Starlight threw some punches, and kicks at the tronics. Even some magic zaps at them as well. Spike even used his fire breath to singe them.

Nate was kicking a couple tronics and switched over to the Drilltron, as he threw some punches at him. However, the robotron blocked his fists and started to run away. "Come back here!" Nate shouted as he dashed after him.

Meanwhile, the tronics tried to block Zoey's attacks, but she and Starlight threw some kicks and magic blasts. So far, this was mere child's play.

Ravi was throwing some punches to the tronics as well, as he jumped up and kicked them in the gut. He even flipped a few over. Devon and Spike kicked a few tronics in the gut as well, while Nate threw a punch at the robot, but got pushed away by him.

They all regrouped. "Whoa!" Nate said in shock. "He's as tough as the last Drilltron!"

"I'm just getting started!" The robotron said as he slammed his drill hand to the ground, creating a combination of a smokescreen and an earthquake, which sent the heroes tumbling down to the ground.

Meanwhile, Steel was walking in frustration with Rarity trying to catch up to him. "Steel!" She called out, as the bot turned around. "Steel? What are you doing out here?"

"I'm...I'm heading back to Grid Battleforce to catch up on more ranger training." Steel lied.

Rarity didn't believe him. "Steel, Darling!" She said, seriously and worried. "I know the others don't believe you on the Storm King, but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on them, and just leave."

"Well, I didn't want to go back because you'd thought you'd talk me out of leaving." The bot said angrily.

"Because I would." Rarity said with a serious tone in her voice. "Steel, you can't leave."

"Why? Why can't I leave?" He asked. "All the others seem to like the evidence so much, clearly, they don't understand the truth right in front of them!"

"Well, they just don't know the OTHER half of it, Darling." The fashionista said calmly. "At least you could take the time to show them the evidence, front-and-center."

"Well, I would like it if the others just LEFT ME ALONE right now." Steel said, gruffly. "They wasted their time." He started to walk away again.

Rarity saw her friend walk away, and it pained her to see her friend like this. Even in his time of need. She couldn't stand by and watch her friend suffer. She felt tears through her eyes, and she was about to snap. "STEEL!" She shouted, before she was calm again. "I was in a similar spot like YOU before!"

The beast bot stopped and slowly turned around to make sure he heard what she said. "I'm sorry. What?" He asked calmly.

"Yes." Rarity told him. "Well, actually...I have been in similar pickles like the one you were just in. I just can't bear to see you suffer like this. I may be the Element of Generosity, but even I had my moments where I was out of it."

"You see, Steel, I did lose my temper when my friends weren't there for me." Rarity continued. "But even still, I pressed forward and didn't give up until I accomplished what was once hard to me."

"I think my friends just didn't believe me or you." Steel said, calm. "But it was hard for us to convince them to...!"

"Steel, you're not alone." Rarity interrupted him, as she touched his metal arm and smiled. "Your friends still believe in you."

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Steel asked in surprise.

"Because your friends do believe in you and are there for you." Rarity answered.

Steel realized that she was right, and that he shouldn't stay mad at them forever. "I guess you're right. Sorry, Rarity." He confessed.

Rarity just giggled softly. "That's okay." She said. "Even I know when I'm not alone, and it certainly wasn't the first time I was like this." The two giggled for a while. Just then, they heard some explosions in the distance, which got their attention.

"What was that?" Steel asked in shock.

"It sounded like..." The two came and saw their friends at the mercy of Drilltron 2.0 and the tronics.

"A robotron?!" Rarity shrieked.

"The guys are in trouble!" Steel said in alert.

"Big trouble!" Rarity added.

"Let's go!" The two raced to save their friends, hopefully, if they weren't too late!

Meanwhile back at the rock quarry, Drilltron 2.0's earthquake/smokescreen combo sent the heroes to the ground. The heroes tried to get up, but things were about to get more rough for them.

"Now, seize them!" He shouted, as the tronics came and grabbed all 6 heroes and held them with their arms stretched out and on their knees. "You know the drill, rangers!" He said as he marched up to them. "It's time for destruction!"

"Not a chance!" Ravi said as they all struggled, but were caught in the foot-soldiers' grasp.

"Let go!" Zoey shouted.

"And now, to finish you!" The robotron said, as he readied his drill arm.

"Hey, Drillhead!" a voice shouted. Drilltron turned to see Rarity and Steel coming right for him, as they jumped up. "ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!" Steel said, as he readied his morpher and transformed into the silver ranger. The two landed, and they were ready to take the robot on!

"STRIKER BEAST BLAST!" Steel said as he and Rarity aimed the morpher gun and horn at the Robotron and blasted him, sending him flying up in the air.

They turned to their friends. "GET DOWN!" Rarity said as they fired at the tronics, making them evaporate into thin air.

"Steel!" Devon said in relief.

"Rarity!" Starlight said as well.

"We heard the fight from the woods, and came as fast as we could!" Rarity said as they ran up to them.

"You two were just in time!" Ravi said, ad Spike nodded.

"Steel, Rarity, we've got to talk." Zoey said, regretfully. "We need to say that we're sorry we ignored you."

"We should've listened to you in the first place." Spike said as the others nodded.

"What we're trying to say was that...we felt awful about not believing you, and you two were right the whole time." Starlight added.

"We're sorry, you guys." Devon said.

"We'll pay more close attention to you next time, when an emergency like this pops up." Nate said in agreement.

"Thanks, Darlings." Rarity said happily. "And if you need any help with robotrons, you know who to ask."

"And besides...Devon told me that there's more to all of you than meets the eye!" Steel added.

Just then, Rarity realized something. "Ooh, that reminds me of..." She was cut off when the rangers got a call on their morphers.

Devon answered it. "What's up, Commander?" He asked.

"A gigadrone detector JUST activated." Commander Shaw informed them. "Zords are en route, but it's about to land...right where you're standing!"

"What? Right here?" They saw a red Drill gigadrone in a green coccoon about to land on them!

"Incoming! Look out!" Devon called out, and they all ran...or jumped out of the way of the gigadrone that just landed on them. Spike was about to fall, but Rarity used her magic to catch them, and lift them all up to level ground.

They all got up after the drone landed. "WHOA!" Starlight said in shock.

"That was close!" Zoey added.

"NO WAY!" Steel said in shock.

"Let's check it out! Come on!" Devon said, as they raced to the hole, where the gigadrone landed.

"That leaked Morph-X is underground." Nate said, pointing to inside the hole. "That gigadrone must be drilling down to steal it! We have to stop it!"

"I just knew something like this would happen!" Steel said seriously.

"You should've minded your own business, rangers!" Drilltron 2.0 said, marching up to them. "Because you won't be able to dig yourselves out of this fight!"

The heroes had two problems...a robotron sized one, and a gigadrone sized one! How were they going to handle all this?!

Luckily, Steel had an idea. "Zoey, Rarity, Starlight and I can handle the robotron!" Steel said as the three nodded in agreement.

"You guys stop the gigadrone!" Rarity alerted.

"Good call!" Devon said as they raced to their zords.

"Let's go!" Steel said, as he, Starlight, Zoey and Spike raced to take on Drilltron 2.0, as they started out small with the attacks. This would be a brand new battle, that the rangers and their Equestrian allies would enter, and one that they would never forget as what would happen later would be something...phenomenal!

Author's Note:

And, that's all for part 3! Grubber has returned and he's already got the robotrons on his side. If that wasn't enough, try a Drilldrone 2.0! Now the rangers have got two problems in two places! How will this turn out? Also, Steel will unlock a brand new ranger form that he used in their first Equestrian battle! What will that be? Find out in the next chapter!

Flashback(s) used in this chapter:
Sleepless In Ponyville
The Mean 6
Campfire Tales
Rarity Takes Manehattan
The Cart Before The Ponies
The Return of Harmony Pt. 1