• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
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Spiritus Arcane


Most ponies, when they see a pony with an hourglass cutie mark, would figure that it would mean their talent has something to do with time, or clocks, or another harmless meaning. Technically, the first is true, but there is a hidden meaning beneath it. To those that carry it, they know that the hourglass marks them as refugees, survivors from a war that would make any normal pony go mad from glimpsing just a fraction of the sheer scope of it. These unusual ponies have all found asylum in Equestria, but now, one last escapee will be followed by an evil that will threaten to ignite the conflict anew and bring down their last refuge with it.

But this newcomer not only brings the remains of the conflict with him, but is their best and only hope of ending it once and for all.

The last gasp of the Time War has come to Equestria. The Doctor will find old friends, make new ones...and face off with one of his greatest foes, one last time.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 114 )

A/N: Ok, here it is, my first foray into MLP fanfiction. ...Be gentle. :fluttershysad:

This story idea's been knocking around in my head for some time, and I finally got the time and gumption to write part of it down, and when I took a break I realized I had enough for a chapter or two.

For any hardcore Who fans reading, apologies if 'Colgate' or the Rani seem a bit off personality wise. I will freely admit that my knowledge of classic Who is not what I'd like it to be, especially when it comes to these characters. In my defense, I will note that as they appear here, they are in essentially new regenerations, so that probably justifies an open interpretation for any changes in personality within this story.

Interesting start, i'm going to watch this closely

Very interesting. I'm going to keep a eye on this. Keep up the good work.

That started interesting enough for me.
And because i'm a massive Doctor Who Fan i will monitor this story as i do with nearly every other Doctor Who / MLP crossover!
And you can explain nearly every difference from the original personality of a Time Lord/Lady with a new regeneration as long as it isn't to massive.

So the Doctor is going to regenerate into a pony?

Also just noticed that this is set pre series 1, I assume we can expect many time shenanigans?:duck:

Yes to the first. When? Probably not til near the end. Trying to do something that (I, at least haven't) hasn't been seen before: NOT turning the Doctor into a pony right off the bat.

For the second, not planning on any at this time. In fact, I set it where it is to avoid that. My original plan was to set this in the normal, series in progress, setting, but found that things involving the other Time-Ponies wouldn't work right that way, so I opted on a pre-series (and, if you've noticed, pre-rainboom) setting. Main changes this brought is, of course, going to mean a lack of the mane six for the most part, and a bit of a change for one of the central characters.

A/N: And Chapter 2. So, first time really writing the Doc, how'd I do?

Chapters will probably be slower from here on out, but we'll see. With luck I'll keep up this writing spree.

Actually, amendment to answer 2. Yes there will be time shenanigans. In fact, a rather big one has already happened.

Dalek? Also filly colgate so cute, need fanart stat. P.S really haven't noticed any...may have overlooked it can you point it out?

you, my friend, are brilliant and I shall be tracking this story for further developments

Oh that's ok, it hasn't been explicitly shown yet, but I'll get around to it eventually.

dr whooves? ive never really followed any of the fanon surrounding him. this should be interesting. i'll read it when i get the chance. :scootangel:

and, although not quite what i expected, excellent :pinkiecrazy: i need to start watching dr. who now... so many things to do, so little time (that i can spare from ponies) :moustache::moustache:

I played "I am the Doctor" when the story asked for theme music. It worked well.
Either way, excellent story, going to the second chapter now. Great job. :pinkiehappy:

A/N: Like to take a quick moment to thank everyone for all their great reviews so far. Lets me know I'm apparently doing something right! :twilightblush:

Took a bit longer to get this chapter out, since I revised it several times til I finally liked it, but hey, still my longest one yet. Enjoy!


aww poor derpy.. :raritydespair: good job though :pinkiecrazy:

hmm from what i read this doctor seems like the Matt Smith version of the doctor im I right? Bow tie, spazy attitude, and relating to the "*insert word* is cool" stuff this story is pretty damn awesome I cant wait to see more:pinkiehappy:

A/N: And welcome to chapter 4! Mac and the Doctor do a lot of running! Shine has a nervous breakdown while Ditzy finds her nerve! And most importantly, an inkling of the Dalek plot!

Now if you fellow Whovians hadn't guessed two chapters ago who the ultimate villain of this piece will be, I'm sure you'll know by the time you finish here. For the sake of those who haven't figured it out, and for those pure FiM fans who might be reading...SHHHH! Lets keep the suspense please. I know I haven't exactly been working to keep it secret, but no fun spoiling it for those who might want to be surprised. :ajbemused:

Also, I'm actually surprised that no one's asked about Flower Shine, as I HAVE been taking care to avoid more than the barest hint of who she might be. Ah well, at least it keeps me from the temptation to give out any too obvious hints outside the story. ...Or maybe I'm not as subtle as I think and anyone with a half decent knowledge of Who has already figured it out. :pinkiecrazy:

Yes, this is supposed to be the 11th Doctor, at least as best as my literary abilities can portray him. No one's protesting so far.

"flower" shine, seeing the doctor more than once, weaponry that can kill daleks, dimensional breaches, hmmm it must be Rose its the only logical explanation

but i could be wrong as rose was staying on the alternate dimensional earth with her own custom doctor number #10 that was Time Lord human and idk why she would have left him

83535 oh but the daleks were talking to their emperor and how the hell did the emperor survive i thought he was wiped from existence after Rose looked into time and wiped the Daleks from existence i guess ill have to find out :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, gonna go ahead and give a free hint while I debunk this one.

Nope, not Rose. She gets to keep living in airship world with her mom, alt-universe dad, brother and Handy. And maybe get to still go space/time hopping in their brand new TARDIS if you believe the deleted scene is cannon or not.

Any pony seen in this story with an hourglass on their butts are definitely time-ponies, and Rose was human. And I mean true, Gallifrey bred, ones, so no, not River either, since she also went out in a blaze of glory during Forest of the Dead.

((Don't anyone feel bad if they don't get it til the reveal. I honestly don't expect anyone but an old school fan to even suspect until its too late anyways. Mwahahahaha....))

I think I know who lets say ther m and r in there somewhere

hmm someone young and will do anything to see the doctor again and woried about his reaction? can it be susan?

83692 yeah then it must be someone that existed before the the time war damn im not that of a old doctor who fan maybe my mother would know or my step father who lived in England because im only a little bit acquainted with the older series doctors, ive sen a few episodes but not all of them

83726 agreed, that is the only one who popped into my mind

Flower Shine is probably Susan... And Davros is there too? At least I think it's Davros...

Now I want to know how the others became ponies, and if the doctor's an anomaly by not becoming one, or if he didn't go through the process of becoming one yet.

A/N: Merry Belated Christmas everyone! As a similarly belated Christmas present, have chapter five, the longest one yet. And for good reason.

Some of you already guessed the reveal this chapter (despite my asking not to :flutterrage:), but you'll have to wait til next time to see if the guesses about Flower Shine pan out or not!

hmmm time...wibbly wobbly timey wimmy stuff i guess in this section of time Davros isn't dead yet so that means Davros cant die otherwise it would change history great story keep up the great work :pinkiehappy:

I love how you think Davros actually died at the end of Journey's End. :pinkiecrazy: Just like the Master died every other story he was in, or the Daleks were 'destroyed forever' after every time they show up. Really, people are only 'dead' in fiction until someone decides to bring their character back again. This goes double if there was failure to produce a body. Even actor death doesn't stop some characters from coming back in Doctor Who, so I'm sure we'll see Davros again in cannon someday.

Not surprised actually, we are dealing with two races that can manipulate time at will. The only way to keep an event fixed is to time lock it. And even then we have seen that a time lock can be by passed.

91584 touche good point

:pinkiegasp: THE PLOT THICKENS!!! in a good way. thickening plot due to weight gain is not good. :pinkiecrazy:

Sweet Celestia, this story is brilliant! I always did enjoy reading Doctor Whooves fan fics (when is he going to change, anyway) and this one takes the cake! I've just joined the Whovian fandom, and this... sort of spoils a few things :pinkiehappy: Oh well, can't wait to see more chapters!

Hey, guess what? This story ain't dead!

Sorry for taking so long, got a little busy between holidays and helping my brother move and stuff. Hopefully the wait to the next chapter won't be as long. I'd like to make a quick note regarding my portrayal of Ditzy Doo in this and any other stories I might have her appear in. My apologies to anyone who might have, or might know someone with Aphasia, its just that my favorite depiction of Ditzy was in a story called 'Words Are Louder' by Ciroton, which gave her a condition where she spoke randomly, but was revealed to be as smart or smarter than Twilight, and I'd wanted to do something similar when I started writing my own fiction. I realize that I'm probably not depicting aphasia realistically, hence the apology.

Right, that out of the way, question answering time...

As I've said before, the Doctor won't be getting ponified until late in the story, but he will eventually get ponified.

Coming along really well. I especially liked the use 'Go Forward' speech from the Dalek Invasion of Earth serial

You have no idea how loud I squealed when I read the Attack of the Cybermen bit at the end there. That is one of my favorite Classic Serials. The mystery villain is either Davros or the Master, I feel it in my gut. Love this, keep going!

Ah, the Daleks. I found their constant screaming to be hilarious, and you've captured that perfectly. I still have the sneaking suspicion that The Master is still out there.

The awesomeness never stops with you, does it?

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