• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,654 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash confront Twilight, lambasting her for surrendering to humanity and disavowing their friendship.

A loud slap echoed throughout Twilight's personal chambers. Her eye's were wide as dinner plates as she turned to face the culprit of the strike: Applejack. She brought a shaking hoof up to her reddened cheek, massaging it to alleviate the stinging pain. Applejack wasn't alone, however. Rainbow Dash was also with her. Both looked like they've stepped into a tornado and lived to tell the tale. Though that wasn't to say that Twilight was looking quite fresh either in spite of her royal fineries, they were all haggard and unkempt from front to back.

"A-Applejack, wha-" Twilight began but was interrupted.

"...How could you," Applejack muttered solemnly, shaking with barely repressed anger. "How could you surrender to those damned shit flinging monkeys?!" She roared indignantly, eyes full of anguish and rage as she stamps a hoof down in frustration. "Our backs were up against the wall, we were prepared to fight to the bitter end! We trusted you! Princess Celestia trusted you! Everypony in Canterlot trusted you! And how do you honor that trust? By surrendering our nation to the enemy!?"

"You're supposed to be the smart one, Twilight! What the hell were you thinking?!" Rainbow shouted beside her, just as furious as she was.

"You don't understand!" Twilight shouted back. "I-I had to..." She muttered softly, staring at the ground.

"What do you mean 'you had to'," Rainbow parroted mockingly. "What you've done, giving up Equestria to humanity, it's a fate far worse than death!"

"B-but this is better. Can't you see?!" Twilight argued. "We're alive! We're all alive!"

"A world where our people, culture and traditions are corrupted by human taint isn't a world worth living in!" Applejack spat. "And I'm sure everypony in Canterlot would agree with me, but they can't. And do you wanna know why? Because they're too busy killing themselves down in the streets to avoid seeing all we've worked hard for, all we've built up and uphold raped and pillaged by filthy human hands!" She narrowed her eyes into a baleful glare. "If Princess Celestia weren't in a coma she'd be right here tearing you down just as you deserve it."

"That isn't fair. You don't know that," Twilight defended feebly.

"I know damn well that's what would've happened!" Applejack seethed. "Princess Celestia knew the depths of depravity those humans sank to. We all did. That's why this war began. We were going to fix everything with the potion, we were going to make the world a better place. For them, for us, for everypony. We've sacrificed so much..."

"And all of it meant nothing! Because! Of! You!" Rainbow punctuated each word with a solid jab to Twilight's chest. "We should've fought out there! We should've fought and died in the name of friendship, harmony and all those who lost their lives during the invasion! If we were going to lose, then it should've been on our terms, not the humans! Why didn't you stand with us?! Why didn't you give us the order to fight to our last breath!?"

"Because I can't handle anymore death!" Twilight screamed as she finally broke down into tears. "Take a look around, both of you! There is nothing but chaos and ruin and devastation as far as the eye can see! Do you want more of that?! Do you?!" she snapped, causing Applejack and Rainbow Dash to reel from her outburst. Taking advantage of their speechlessness, Twilight continued to explain herself.

"The price for victory had become far too steep. It just wasn't worth paying anymore," Twilight uttered, looking away in shame. "No matter how hard we fought, humanity never once ceased their foolish resistance until we unknowingly adopted that very same foolishness for ourselves. Too long did we think ourselves undefeatable because of our moral superiority that it blinded us to the proverbial noose slowly tightening around our necks."

"Our fate was sealed when humanity unleashed their magic killers against us, those twisted amalgam of magic and science. We just didn't know it yet..." She sighed heavily. "I believed in Princess Celestia with all my heart, there's probably nopony in Equestria more loyal to her than I am. But she didn't know when to stop. Not when Luna died, not when the Crystal Empire was annihilated, not when we failed to escape this rotten hell of a planet and certainly not when Canterlot was under siege. I'm sure you all heard her rage from within the castle. I've never seen her so unhinged before. The war had finally broken her, just like it has all of us."

Twilight turned to face Applejack and Rainbow Dash, looking at them straight in the eye with a pleading look. "When the strain of maintaining the barrier finally took its toll on Princess Celestia, she begged for me to continue the will of ponykind before slipping into that coma. Believe me, I was more than prepared to fight to the end, just like you two. But the moment I stepped into her horseshoes, I felt it. The weight of the responsibility and trauma she was forced to carry all this time were like a mountain pressing down on my back."

"It was too much, too much, too much! Fluttershy leaving us, Shining Armor's death in New York, Luna's in Jerusalem, The Crystal Empire getting wiped off the face of the Earth, Pinkie Pie and Rarity dying in Ponyville, my mom and dad in Canterlot, I couldn't take it anymore! And that isn't even taking into consideration the hundreds of thousands of brave stallions and mares I had to send off to fight and die for us, the countless dissidents we had the ESS erased or that we actively destroyed everything beautiful and pure about Equestria all to match humanity's technological might in my conceited efforts to ward off the storm they brought with them to our shores!"

"Equestria is unrecognizable! Innumerable foals are left without mothers and fathers! Ponies are left without hope! Friendship and harmony meant absolutely nothing in the face of hate and despair! Do you see why I surrendered now?!" Twilight screamed, her throat raw and voice hoarse from two uninterrupted minutes of her tirade. Gasping for air, she gauged her friend's reactions and beheld only stony resentfulness. Catching her breath, she pleaded one last time. "We don't have to lose everything... W-we can save something. In a few days there will be peace negotiations and I'll try to-"

"...No," Applejack snarled, cutting off Twilight. "No, I refuse... I absolutely refuse to make peace with the monkeys that destroyed my family and all we held dear! I wept when Big Macintosh died in Osaka. I grieved for Applebloom when Ponyville was bombed. I'm the last Apple alive and I say to you, princess of friendship," she scowled when speaking those words, "that this will not stand."


"But, nothing!" Applejack snapped. "All I've heard from you these past few minutes are nothing but shameful excuses for your own failings. You had your chance to make up for them and you blew it. You're a disgrace to that crown and those wings of yours."

"You're no better than Fluttershy," Rainbow seethed hatefully. "A pathetic traitor who cracked when the chips were down. I'm with Applejack on this, I won't stand for this false peace. The humans are just going to use us, just like they use everything else on this damned planet! You practically rolled out the red carpet for them to take over Equestria. Well, forget it! If that's how it's going to be, then you and I are done!"

"W-what do you mean?" Twilight asked with a quivering lip.

"You know exactly l what I mean, Twilight!" Rainbow scowled. "We are done. Finished! Whatever friendship we've had throughout the years; the good times we've experienced, the hardships we've endured, the villains we fought, it doesn't matter anymore. It was over the moment you chose to surrender to the humans. Face it. You've failed as a princess, you've failed as an element, and more importantly, you've failed as a friend. Enjoy sucking monkey dick for the rest of your miserable life, princess. Come on, Applejack. Let's get out of here. You're the only real friend I have left in this God forsaken world."

Without so much as another word, Rainbow Dash turned and hastily cantered out of the chambers, but not before throwing one last nasty look towards Twilight's direction. Her heart heavy, Twilight turned a shaky gaze over to Applejack.

"Applejack, please," Twilight mumbled tiredly. "I can't lose you too."

Applejack didn't respond. She only narrowed her eyes and spitefully spat at Twilight's horseshoes before turning and leaving in a hurry as well. As the sound of her hooves clattering against the marble floors of the castle grew more and more distant, Twilight collapsed back onto a nearby seat and began quietly sobbing to herself.

Vilified by the vast majority of ponykind with only Spike left by her side, Twilight's greatest failure was now complete.

"...Twilight?" Spike's voice snapped Twilight out of her stupor. She looked up from her seat, cheeks stained with tears and eyes reddened by sorrow. Spike stood in the doorway, a look of concern on his face. He had gotten much bigger in the years since they arrived on Earth. HIs wings were fully grown and he had doubled in height. He was a far cry from the baby dragon that caused trouble for Ponyville all those years ago.

"Hey... Is it over?" he asked.

"Oh, S-Spike. I didn't see you there," replied Twilight, wiping away her tears. "Yeah. Applejack and Rainbow Dash finally left. How... How much of that did you hear?"

"...Enough," Spike coughed, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I... Um... You see? Er..." He sighed and straighten himself up, gathering his confidence. "Twilight, don't let those two get to you. They're hurting bad, just like everypony else. But they're not the ones who had to decide the fate of Equestria when the figurative gun was pressed against our heads. I... I think, no. I know you made the right choice."

"Y-you really mean that?" Twilight asked, a spark of hope glimmering in her sorrowful eyes.

"I do," Spike said resolutely, walking up and placing a reassuring claw on her shoulder. "I can't imagine what it would've been like to be where you were when you made that decision to surrender, but it couldn't have been easy. Just know that I'm always gonna be by your side, no matter what."

"Even after everything that's happened?"

"We'll get nowhere alone," Spike muttered softly. "And right now, sticking together is more important than ever. Now, come on. Let's get you cleaned up and head straight to bed. You've got a lot to do before the peace negotiations begin, and a good night sleep will help clear your head."

Smiling weakly, Twilight sniffled and rose from her seat, joining Spike down the hall and towards the bathhouse to freshen up. Rainbow Dash and Applejack ending their friendship with her was unimaginably painful, but she had shed the last of her tears trying to change their minds. There was nothing now, only the will to do what needed to be done.

The world that Twilight once knew had become little more than a fleeting memory, dying embers of a once glorious flame scattered about in the winds of change.

Though the Conversion Wars had ended, the battle for the future was only just beginning.