• Published 10th Feb 2021
  • 1,024 Views, 93 Comments

My Little Consciousness - Creative Delight

A little consciousness find it self in new place where she meet someone new

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Chapter 1: What is Life?

Author's Note:

Heyo guys, this was a little story I made up on the spot when I was walking around my house doing nothing but fantasies, A thing I love to do as it makes my head able to make up stories better but only in my house. Funny how that works.

The space they are in time flows weirdly and just like how one’s consciousness can be. When we sleep, it does not feel like time is moving that much. When time moves slower outside, it moves faster.

The one word with “ ” in a sentence that are not a complete sentence are words she knows but doesn’t remember their meaning or use like in grimgar fantasy and ash where they remember words, but when saying them, it is like they a losing their meaning or just don’t have a meaning, to begin with as she as memories but no reference to them.

I do hope you will enjoy the story.

If you want me to continue this as bigger stories, then a One-Shot

I was floating in darkness. Who was I? What am I? Where am I?

These memories I had were not of any help as I could not feel anything from them. What were feelings anyway?

What are memories? Things I feel like I remember, but I don’t.

As the things I could “remember” of these “memories” were to no help, I was left with only more questions.

What were these things anyway? The feeling of knowing and asking how or why I know just makes it harder to understand. Like words, it is like I know what it is, but I don’t remember what it is.

“Are you ok little one?” asked a voice from nowhere and everywhere.

“I Don’t know anything. I am confused. I feel like I need to know things, but the things I see just leaves me with no answer,” I tell the voice.

“I hear you. You are left confused as you know not what, who, or where you are. With images of what you were before but is left in a broken state.” I hear the voice tell me, Then I hear the voice say something to me again.

“you poor thing, I will gladly help you regain your sense of “you” if you let me, of course.” its tone was calm, making me “feel” calm.

“Who are you?” I asked the voice.

“First, let me help you to see” I could feel something entering me. I felt pressure around me.

“can you feel this, try to see with it, feel the energy and see by sensing it.”

I did as the voice said, and the darkness left me. A glowing orb was in front of me. I was sensing my self, and I was an orb as well. Her colors were blue with hints of so many others. Wait, “her,” why is “She”?

“Is this what we are?” I asked the orb in front of me, who started to glow and move as waves begin to form “her.”

“Yes and no, this is the form we take in this space.” She said to me.

“I am called Harmoney,” the ord said to me.

“Harmoney, that is what you are?” the voice or Harmoney “laughed.”

“giggles” “Yes and no, I am harmony, but I am also called Harmony.”

“What am I? what am I called?”

“you are a soul, a broken soul, it seems,” she said with a sad tone. I could see her colors lose their shine.

“Is that what I am called?” I asked her.

“no, that is just what you are a soul or a consciousness. What you are called is up to you. Do you want me to give you a name?”

“I don’t... know.”

“Then how about I call you Consciousness?” asked Harmony

I was thinking about I don’t really know, but her giving me a name makes me feel “happy” in some way.”

“I like it,” I tell her.

“very well, My Little Consciousness.”

I laughed at that, don’t why, but it made me happy in some way.

Over time as she taught me, I have learned a lot from her.

“Harmony, can I tell you something?” I asked her, a little concerned.

“Of course, dearie.”

“I have these memories or these Visions, I don’t know how to tell you as they are confusing, but I feel connected to them.”

“can you tell me what you see?”

“I see these creatures or things I don’t know what they are they walk on two legs and have “hands” I don’t know what these things are”

“hmmm,” “it sounds to me that you are describing a creature.”

“what is “creature?” I asked her

“creatures are a word to something of living matter mostly of blood. There are many different types of creatures in the world. Come over here, let me show you something” I was beside her when a thing popped up out of nowhere, something she called a window. I then remember window was a thing made out of “glass” that you look through.

“these are some of the creatures that inhabit this forest that I live in.”
She tells me a lot about all these creatures. Some are weird looking while others looked “cute” I really liked the one called a bunny.

She tells me a lot of what the forest holds, but then something interrupts us.

“Well, well well, what do we have here, a little lost soul” I then see a weird looking creature that has many parts of different creatures.

“Hello Discord, how can I help?” Asked Harmony

“well, I was in the neighborhood and thought I would come and say hi, but then I saw this little one here” – he then looked at me then back at Harmony – “I would never have thought you were the adopting type Harmony.”

“Things change Discord when you get old. You should know that as well.”

“oh, of course!” he exclaimed happily. He looked at me again. “Well then, little one, what is your name? Please do tell uncle Discord,” he says while doing weird stuff.

“I am Consciousness. What are you? Why do you not look like us? What is adopted and uncle?” I could only ask these new questions.

“Well, hello there, little Consciousness. I am a Draconequus. The names Discord Spirit of chaos and Disharmony” – he exclaims with glee as confetti sprays around him – “ and brother to Harmony. That will make me your uncle as she has taken you in as a child for her to care for, making her your mother, and don’t ask me where children comes from, that is a thing you take up with your mother.”

“The reason why I look normal is because I use chaos magic that can bend reality.“ he then picks up a round object from his side “oh, would you look at the time. I better be going. It was great meeting you, Consciousness, hope we can talk again have a chaosfull day both of you, bye.” and with a puff of pink smoke and he was gone.

“I hope you were not frightened by him?” asked Harmony

“He did not. I kind of think he was fun the be with.”

“he is, but he can also be a bit too much.”

“what is chaos?” I asked her

“it is a power of balance just like how I am order or orderly. I like calm and peace where he likes wild and loud. Not many like him, as no one likes what they have made to go wrong. He is a moving force in life, just like I. We are both needed to the world to create perfect harmony or perfect balance.”

“What is life?”

“That is hard to answer. I am alive while others world say I am not. Plants are alive so are all creatures. Life is only the meaning that you give it. and is also the thing before death. Even though we are not like plants or all the creatures in the world, we still live with the memories of what we are who we are and what we left before we fade.”

“As a broken soul, you already did, and that is why your memories are fragmented only by laying those fragments together with things of similarity can they give meaning like how I thought you about feelings, genders, and creatures as well as plants. telling me that you know them or remember them.”

“I am a broken soul is that not bad?”

“it is not. It just means you need to heal, to be put back together, and I will be here the whole time My Little Consciousness.”

A warm feeling was flushing over me. I felt happy I felt alive. Is the meaning of my life, being with her, with Harmony, with my... mother. A flash of some creature's face came to my mind. It made me happy it felt right calling her that. Yes, mother felt like the right word to see.

“Thank you, mother” her colors glowed brighter.