• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
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No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.


Centuries have passed since the end of G4, and ponies have once again segregated by tribe. In this land divided by fear and hatred, Sunny Starscout still believes in the magic of friendship. She finds her inspiration in the ponies who came before.

A G5 fic.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 52 )

Maybe it's just because I've read a lot of dark Pony fanfiction, but the synopsis makes this story sound like it should at least have a dark tag.

angry earwormed face


I don't think this qualifies as dark, so I should probably edit the synopsis. Thanks for letting me know!

It would be interesting if it really WAS centuries after G4

She would choose wisely… after she had read what Smolder had to say on the subject.

Oh, well, if you're basing the decision on what Smolder has to say on the subject...then life as an Edger it is. Because we all know full well that's the route Smolder would choose. :raritywink:

Anyway, thank you for writing this. Since the reveals of G5 broke, I've long been frustrated by everybody expressing dismay over how G5 is apparently "saying everything the Mane 6 did was for nothing" when that's a gross misinterpretation of the situation.

If that were truly the case, the likes of Sunny wouldn't even be here.

No, pony civilization may have grown complacent to the point that it lost sight of the goals of harmony the era of G4 established, but its certainly not gone. The groundwork is all still there, just waiting to be rediscovered, reestablished, and furthered on from where it left off, and that's where G5 truly comes in. If anything, it's picking up from where G4 left off on the subject of friendship, harmony, and magic.

Of course, that all assumes G5 will actually tie in that directly with G4, because despite the obvious references to it in Sunny's room, I'm not actually convinced yet they're set in the same continuity. I don't think Hasbro would really be that interested in having to deal with the baggage and restrictions that would come with that when they could just start over with a clean slate again. That is typically what they've done with the past generations of MLP, after all, as none of the previous ones have ever really been a real direct continuation of the last.

But even if it is still tied with G4...at least I know there's somebody else out there that gets G5's role in relation to it...and that nothing of G4 has truly been lost--it's just been misplaced for a bit too long. :twilightsmile:


I'm glad you enjoyed! With so little official word, there's not much to go on just yet, but it's obvious that Sunny knows who the Mane 6 are. It could be the far future, or G4 could be a media franchise of some sort in G5, or any number of other scenarios. From what I've seen, I'm also excited to see more. And I 100% agree: it wasn't for nothing. They've inspired Sunny, and Sunny will inspire others.

That said, if G5 has no magic, and if it's set in the far future of G4, there are a lot of things that need to be explained (for example: how the sun and moon are moving). So many questions and so few answers. I guess we'll find out sometime in September. I'm looking forward to it!

Ooh, this is neat!

Definitely an interesting story


(for example: how the sun and moon are moving)

Twilight Sparkle finally perfected that backwards orrery to automatically raise the sun, so that she could sleep in.

Now this was a good one, definitly saving this'n

ok my man i see you

"Because we all know full well that's the route Smolder would choose. :raritywink:"
Uh... huh. Well. I hadn't thought of that interpretation of that bit of the story, but it seems plausible; thanks.

Also, to AlwaysDressesInStyle, I was planning to just say this in a comment on the blog post, but since I'm commenting here anyway now: I think, in general, it's great that G5 is already inspiring so much creativity, and this story seemed a good example of that. :) Thank you for writing!

Very nice, but then again I might be biased. :twilightsmile:

I like to think that the magic went into the sun and moon so they would move themselves

This is a very good story. I enjoy the concept of the edgers and all I can think is, what happens when enough people on the edge of those communities come together to create their own communities

I really enjoyed the fic.

The premise of tribe segregation in g5 does give me an uneasy feeling. It feels like Hasbro is trying to make a ‘kid-friendly’ version of Apartheid to show the issues of racism. Depending on the presentation it could turn into something ugly if they over or under sell different parts of the problems.

This has a kind of maudlin feel to it, I think. Kind of in line with Hope Hollow, I think. Some ponies still hold out hope for things to go back to the way they were before, while others accept it as normal.

I do agree with 10708847 that the idea of tribe segregation is . . . well, to use the British expression, ‘brave.’ Especially given the focus of G4. That having been said, I’m willing to give it a chance. What little I saw of Pony Life, I really hated; what I’ve seen of G5 so far looks pretty good.

And yeah, the idea of people, or ponies, living on the edges, there’s a lot of human history there, too. Although I will admit I misread “Edgers” at first as “Edgars,” and I was trying to figure out how that made any sense at all.

Overall, a fantastic story, and a good way to dip my toe into G5 speculative fics. I already love Sunny.


Now let’s find out why Izzy wears an anti-pointiness safety device.



What little I saw of Pony Life, I really hated; what I’ve seen of G5 so far looks pretty good.

Same here on both. Pony Life just seemed like an excuse to generate memes, which just aren't my thing. I watched maybe a dozen of the episodes. G5, on the other hoof, has piqued my interest.

And yeah, the idea of people, or ponies, living on the edges, there’s a lot of human history there, too. Although I will admit I misread “Edgers” at first as “Edgars,” and I was trying to figure out how that made any sense at all.

This is true. Lol @ Edgar. Now that I've seen it, I can't unsee it. Maybe I should leave Edger uncapitalized to avoid that.

Now let’s find out why Izzy wears an anti-pointiness safety device.

Because she's pointy?

If she has Smolder's journal, she will learn enough to take her to the next step. Of all the journals she could have, that would be up in the top 5%. A nice outsider's view on friendship and ponies.

One thing that concerns me about G5 is the loss of magic. That must have hit the unicorns HARD. It also doesn't seem fair if the earth ponies keep their strength and the pegasi can still fly and walk on clouds.

Fuck me, I was reading edge-er as ed-ger that whole time getting really confused on who this edger person is, why they are so reviled and how one assimilates into the edger collective.

Most ponies thought she was a really ambitious Filly Scout, and that she wore her sash all the time. Nopony recognized the cutie marks of the past heroes, and if they had, she would’ve been chastised for admiring pegasi, the vermin of the skies.

:rainbowderp:: *confused pegasus noises*

The third generation had been the shortest… and the most terrifying: the era of Discord.

Yeah; we don't speak about that one.

I’ll close shop for ‘lunch’ today. But it’ll cost you: bring back pizza.

No matter which era, Pizza always works.

Sunny oohed in appreciation. “Where did you find all this?”
“A cave outside town. There was an Edger there. A dragon. She hadn’t been seen in quite some time so I ventured into her territory. The rest of her hoard is mine – she had a lot of bits, so I don’t mind giving you one of them.”

Hopefully the dragon won't be able to track the treasures back to her should she one day return to the cave...

Good story with an intriguing background!
I enjoyed reading it.


Now let’s find out why Izzy wears an anti-pointiness safety device.

Depending on how seroius that question was consider having a look at this analysis of Dr. Wolf:

10709592 it would be fun if they have adapted to the loss. Like, all ponies became more real-horse-Esq.

Earth ponies are much bulkier and thier strength now comes from just thier physical form, and no magic propensity for plant growth.

Pegasi are the lightest, though not hollow-boned. They can only glide with their small but well feathered wings. They cannot control the weather.

Unicorns have spear-horns meant for stabbing, and are quite fast. They charge and impale, their horns are aliken to rhino horns(unlike old unicorns, who had deer-esq horns covered with velvet the same colour as their coat).

The Edgers squatting in the ruins reminds me of the "old world blues" in Fallout.
The idea of a dragon in Baltimare might have been one of them is even sadder. She watched the centuries pass and the city fall to pieces around her and was unable to stop it, and one day she just gave up and flew away.

Well this was a pretty interesting story but it's also kind of upsetting to see this happen today and this sunny feels like a pony who wants to change the world and bring back that friendship and peace to her generation someday she will and she even got the story From smolder and she's going to be surprised that the smolder is a dragon but this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

Why did you disable the ratings?

Will there be more chapters?

Ok so it looks like smolder wrote down everything what just happened throughout her years and I will admit having Discord to be the bad guy I did not like that one but explains about the other villains and what happened to Twilight and the others didn't have any choice to use the spell to make them stuck in limbo and cause everything to disappear and everything fell apart that means the tribes and the other creatures split apart after that boy that is kind of sad all because the summary of the movie it kind of breaks my heart to see that

Very interesting to introduce Izzy and she sounds pretty like almost like Pinkie Pie sort of again I don't like making Discord the villain again but I guess it makes sense but still that's just a theory I don't think that could be possible but whatever this was a pretty good story

Dang. I really should have been expecting that.
Wait does this mean the Fluttershy friendship was a lie????
My feels are for reals...I mean great twist but feels oh my gosh :pinkiesad2:

Interesting... Though, I'm guessing, from the note at the start of the previous chapter, that there's at least one more planned after this, despite the "Complete" indicator?

(Also, I do wonder what really happened with Discord...)


I disable ratings for most of my stories. I'm planning one more chapter (for Princess Pipp Petals).


Wait does this mean the Fluttershy friendship was a lie????

This is open to interpretation. As the author's note at the top of chapter 2 warns, there are biases bleeding through on the remaining chapters due to the points of view. Smolder believed that Discord had united the Legion of Doom to attack during Twilight's coronation, but then things were peaceful for decades. Enough time for new generations to come along, and enough time for old friendships to fade. Something may have come along to break up their friendship.

He may even still consider her a friend, and may only be doing this to keep her in limbo forever so she doesn't die of old age.

And, yes, it's also possible the whole thing was a lie if Discord was playing the long game.

Discord's point of view is never shown, so this is completely left to the reader to determine. Smolder's view is unfortunately biased, and she's making assumptions based on those personal biases (always a concern when in 1st person dragon view).


Correct! I'm planning one more chapter. But information on Princess Pipp Petals is still very limited, and I don't have quite as much to go on yet. Her last name and status as a princess isn't officially confirmed, but there's enough evidence for it (trademark application) that I feel confident enough to roll with it. It's still marked complete though, since what's there can stand on its own and I have no guarantee of ever completing the Pegasus chapter (though I certainly hope to do so this week). It was supposed to be a one shot, and we already got an extra two chapters out of it. :raritywink:

Ah, righto; thanks. :)

"He may even still consider her a friend, and may only be doing this to keep her in limbo forever so she doesn't die of old age."
Oh, I hadn't thought of that possibility! Interesting; thanks.

Once I got that in my head, the first image that came to mind was some company making toys of us and selling them. Ha! As if that would ever happen.

Yes, as if indeed.

*sideglances over at Hasbro and their general failures on that subject*


I choose to believe that was Smolder misspelling that and not you, dear author. :raritywink:

I feel like there was probably much more to story of everything going wrong than Smolder's account gives or was able to tell...namely on the front of Discord, as I doubt Discord would just up and betray everybody without a darn good reason why.

I feel like in I’m in a bad fanfic during an info dump of exposition.

I suppose it'd make sense for Izzy to be the fourth wall breaker, wouldn't it? :rainbowlaugh:


I definitely get a Pinkie Pie vibe from her. I've never been good at predicting things, and I fully expect everything I've guessed at here to be proven wrong in a few more months, but for now, fourth wall breaker status anticipated:


Yes, as if indeed.

*sideglances over at Hasbro and their general failures on that subject*

I hear you on that! I know what I like, and I've bought more of the Basic Fun reissue ponies in the last few years than official Hasbro ponies. This franchise was built as a toyline, so why is it so hard to find new toys worth buying?

I choose to believe that was Smolder misspelling that and not you, dear author.

I'll never say one way or the other, but I haven't changed it either way. :scootangel:

So the school’s less lame than I expected. It’s pretty nice, and not gonna lie, it beats living in the Dragonlands.

Considering the Dragonlands are merely an empty wasteland everywhere is is beaten everyplace in terms of living quality.
Even the barred Changelinglands at least have a ceiling hide during the rain, while in the Dragonlands even the nursery with the unhatched eggs is under the open sky...

Once I got that in my head, the first image that came to mind was some company making toys of us and selling them. Ha! As if that would ever happen.

Yah, that would be crazy...

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.



I choose to believe that was Smolder misspelling that and not you, dear author.

I knew I wouldn't be the only one who would see it that way. Considering Smolder's distress at the moment it isn't even that farfetched.

By all accounts, Izzy Moonbow was a silly pony.

True, but the good kind of silly.

This narrator, however, had turned what was an epic tale into something akin to being stuck in an elevator for hours listening to the most boring and inoffensive music known to ponykind. I feel like in I’m in a bad fanfic during an info dump of exposition.

I have no idea how that feels like, since I never stumbled upon something like this.
But I had read exiting info dumps before...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.


I disable ratings for most of my stories.

Okay... but why?
Was the reception that bad?
Many otential readers will skip a story with disabled rating since most often the author disabled it due to a highly negative rating.

Lovely, bittersweet take on the transition, looking forward to the last chapter. Smolder fantasizing about eating Cozy Glow was dark, but hilarious.


Same here on both. Pony Life just seemed like an excuse to generate memes, which just aren't my thing. I watched maybe a dozen of the episodes. G5, on the other hoof, has piqued my interest.

Yeah, same. I think for me, in part, it’s the art style. I’m kind of an animation snob, so the designs also completely turned me off. Like, I didn’t watch a single episode and have no care to. If there’s something I need to know from one of them, I’d rather read the transcript than actually watch it.

This is true. Lol @ Edgar. Now that I've seen it, I can't unsee it. Maybe I should leave Edger uncapitalized to avoid that.

Maybe I did you a disservice there :P

Because she's pointy?

Fair enough. One of the Derpi tags is “anti-pointiness safety device.”

Out of left field. But I like the pony fics and worlds that weirdly have no magic. Or close too it. Because it gives everything that OPHH! You know? Just a little spice. No elements too fix a mare driven crazy by jealous. You got too got too therapy for that! Luna! The moon is not made of cheese!


Iff someone asked me how they grab things with their hooves? I would just shrug and say talk too the tree.

"She trotted out of her room"
How did she get from the Hall of the Ancients to there?

"She also seems smart enough to realize that a Pegasus filly has no place on a battlefield filled with eldritch abominations (and heroes, who she likes even less than the abominations)."
Huh. Did she actually manage to take the title Empress and rule over the pegasi while still a filly in this universe, then?

Interesting, though, accurate prediction of G5 or not. Thank you for writing. :)

I love how Cozy fits in here.

“Why do you have a tennis ball in your saddlebags?”

“That’s not a tennis ball, ma’am, um, miss, er, princess… your highness.”
“Looks like a tennis ball. Feels like a tennis ball.”
“It’s an anti-pointiness device. For Unicorn prisoners. That way nopony gets an eye poked out.”

I'm sure this tennis ball will reach the same status as the G4 Twilicane once did.
Technically just a pointless detail, but the fandom loves it.

This is completely speculation on my part, but I think it’s the Friendship Journal.

You are not the only one having this thought:

I guess her feelings are spot on.

Her son, Ominous Glow

Oh, the universe isn't even trying to hide it anymore. :rainbowlaugh:

"Per your father’s orders, you’re to be kept far from any captives we might take.”

Well...override them, then! :trixieshiftright:

I know there’s a hypothesis floating around that G4 is a television series in G5. I’m standing by a ‘far future’ scenario for now for one reason.

...And you would be right. It has been formally confirmed that G5 is set in the same universe as G4, and is set to make reference back to it in some manner. I can't find a direct link at the moment, but this'll do for now: Link. Whether this means it will be a direct tie, or it'll just drop fun callback cookies to it for the long term fans, though, hasn't yet been made totally clear.

I have a theory about this fanfiction that is probably incorrect.
My theory is that the Discord in this fanfiction is in fact the Discord from the time-line that Starlight created where Discord won. https://youtu.be/pQWKrOUJQlM
I admit that this theory requires two assumptions to work: 1) the alternate time-lines that Starlight created still exist and 2) The alternate Discord is capable of going to different time-lines, including the prime time-line. As for where prime Discord is, maybe alternate Discord trapped him in some other dimension.

She put on her sash, decorated with pins depicting the cutie marks of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, two of those legendary ponies. Most ponies thought she was a really ambitious Filly Scout, and that she wore her sash all the time.

Based on the comments, I can see that this came out before the movie, but even in the early released pictures, we see that the buttons are on the strap of her messenger bag.
Not on a sash.

One of the dragon’s classmates was a racist pony named Cozy Glow that Smolder wanted to eat. Sunny’s hopes that that was a metaphor for something else were quickly dashed when there was a graphic description... and crudely-drawn illustration... of Smolder using the pony’s own bones to pick her remains from her teeth. Disgusted, she skipped ahead another few dozen entries.

Worst of all, there was a solitary survivor. It shouldn’t surprise me that that treacherous filly decided hiding was a better option than fighting. Cozy Glow is back and trying to fill the power vacuum in Equestria. And she’s succeeding. Stupid ponies. Stupid herd species.

Smolder really missed out on the golden opportunity to eat a pony without much if any backlash.
If Smolder ate Cozy shortly after she came out of hiding, then ponies would still remember Cozy as a villain unworthy of sympathy.
If anyone saw Smolder eat the bitch, then maybe a murder trial, but Smolder would have enough connections to get a good lawyer, that would get her off.
Even if the lawyer fucks up, a few decades is nothing for a dragon.
If Smolder got to Cozy fast enough, then no pony would have even known that Cozy hadn't gone into limbo or died.

Every Unicorn, from the youngest fillies to the oldest stallions worked together to pull a lifeless neighboring planet closer. This was ignited with magic, and has burned brightly in Equus’ skies ever since.

....They set an entire planet on fire?!?!:rainbowderp:
So basically, they set their equivalent of Mars on fire?!

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