• Member Since 21st Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation that outlaws Russia forever. The bombing will begin in five minutes." Ronald Reagan


After being blown up, Lilly wakes up as a cartoon filly, knowing she was lucky enough to be given a new life, Lilly will need to navigate her way through this new world. Much to her annoyance they still treat her like a child. She just hopes the rest of her squad made it out. All she wants in her new life is a little respect from those around her. Maybe she should just let herself live the childhood she never got.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 42 )


Reminds me of my service... anyways good start on the story

I know of 'Enfield' as a type of rifle. I was unaware the company continued on to make armor.

Enfield is her Callsign, she keeps it on the front of her vest and the back just underneath the pull strap.

I love Cadence, I don't get how some people don't like it. I personally like to run with some playing.


My favorite are the ones that are truly improvised, I had a Platoon Sergeant use War Pigs byBlack Sabbath as a running Cadence during All American Week Division Run...

I can't wait to see what happens when I ship to basic for CG.

I'll tell you what I tell every new service member... DOCUMENT EVERYTHING... and SAVE ALL paperwork you get because it'll save your ass money, time, rank, and a whole lot of pain...

Thanks for the Chapter


Marines can handle themselves most of the time. Just don't leave them alone with a box of crayons. It won't end well.

Or post drivers and oxy-acetylene torches. You will see monster cans full of sand flying over the burm.

All marines are allowed to gorge on extra crayon rations once in a while.

"I'm not CIA, I don't do coups," Strike spit out, "so you can find some other fierce warrior to help you with this," she told mare, Nightmare snarled and lunged forward opening her mouth sharp teeth and gripping Strikes face who screamed out and drew her knife, shoving it into the rib cage of the mare.

that's definitely not nightmare moon. from what we see little of her in the shows, she's definitely levle-headed and patient to some degrees.
otherwise pinkie and dash would be dead meats at their first encounter.

Personally I feel like she just has a flair for the dramatic, thinks her first kills back in Equestria should be complicated and amusing.

her action are efficient and psychological effective for what she's trying to achieve. she is high and mighty yes, but her actions are very efficient with her actions.

only after she destroyed the elements she lower her guard, which bring about her downfall.

personally, i thinks she knows she has that personality and using it as distraction to mess with her enemies.
i recommend you read battle scenes of this novel for more information on this concept.

Not bad, might have been too fast in the beginning. When will they finally realize shes a jar head that loves crayons?

Well she's in luck. Oniromancy is one of the lesser known thestral traits. Night fox could protect her (jf it were literally anybody else)

Wait, if Twilight is living in Ponyville now, shouldn't there be more information available on Nightmare Moon?

Not if this is right before Moon's coming out party ... :twilightoops:

equestria should have an intelligence agency that based its operation on dream magic.

I hear desperation and smell fear

Because remember there's two of us in here now,' 

Jump to 01:00

I was thinking more combat evolved than halo 3

So was I but she's more panicked or frantic sounding in that than I imagine NMM at the point that she says it

To be fair I don't even remember that throwback line 3.

OK that's fair, I suppose

Now accept my praise for making an OG Halo reference:pinkiehappy:

Is Rana still human? And I think its about time she come clean to the rest of the family.

Yes Rana did retain the benefits of being a human and Enfield hasn't been exactly shy about who she is, never had been most ponies just didn't listen at first so she stopped actively trying.

why doesn't she just go find a host outside equestria?

what? when did they get transported to human world?

They didn't, Rana got transported to Equestria

Feels like missing pieces here and there which is causing the chapter to go to fast

bahrain accept LGBT? i thought they outlawed all same sex relationship.

All of Enfield relationships were within the bases confines.

Most likely too far I believe that she could only go so far outside where she's defeated Incense she is not from this world So nightmare can come in And honestly this might be really interesting

The chapter after next explains why she can't.

I did Also a good reason

I think you mean the Royal Census Bureau and not the Royal censure Bureau as the former deals with population demographics and the later with condemnation.
Otherwise good story so far.

Sorry it took so long to reply I've been very busy lately, the office title had gotten auto corrected from censors, which was the title for the cenus' magistrate in Rome. The censor was also responsible for public morality.

Hey, I actually haven't had access to computer for the last 2.5 months and won't have access to one for writing for about another month and a half, as I've been in Basic Combat Training.

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