• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 3,289 Views, 94 Comments

Dragon Wish - DanishDash

A boy wishes to be a Saiyan and sent on a great adventure. He is sent to Equestria, in a Saiyan pod to destroy the world. If he doesn't, there will be consequences.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Training Begins

It had been a full month since Daiko was accepted into Ponyville. Living with Fluttershy was great, she was sweet and kind, and very understanding. Angel was still a little jerk, but the little bunny could not hurt him, so instead the two simply tolerated each other.

Ponyville was a pretty nice town, and by now it had come back from the near destruction he had caused. Most ponies seemed to have figured out it was him by now, not that it was really that great a mystery. Daiko knew he still had some way to go before all ponies accepted him, but at least they were willing to give him a chance.

Helping rebuild the town had helped a lot, not to mention getting a new set of clothing. Daiko was very thankful to Rarity for making him his uniform. He had enough for at least two weeks, plus a more formal tux, not that he thought he was going to use it any time soon.

Twilight was still teaching Daiko about Equestria, he was a good student, even though so much of this was still so unknown to him. As for the rest of Fluttershy's friends, they warmed up to him more and more. Rainbow Dash was a good flying partner, who would teach him a few tricks now and again. She helped Daiko push himself, and little by little, Daiko could feel he was getting faster, and could fly for longer.

His relationship with the CMC had also grown. While he was still the strange alien of the group, the three fillies had warmed up to him a lot. Especially Apple Bloom. While their first meeting wasn't the best, the two had made up, and he had helped build a new treehouse. To the CMC, his debt was paid, and they could start over. They had a lot of fun asking him all sorts of questions, even trying his scouter.

With his debt paid, Ponyville restored, and everything sort of back to normal, Daiko found himself a little lost. What was he to do now?

Well, he wanted to pay Fluttershy back. She had given him a chance when most seemed unwilling to. She'd opened her home to him, given him a roof over his head, cared for him, and all around been a pony he found he could trust. He wanted to pay her back, somehow.

He also needed to get stronger, while he wasn't a weakling by any standard, he used his scouter to find out the only pony stronger than him was Applejack's brother, Big Mac. With an impressive power level of 90, Daiko found himself wanting to surpass the stallion. Not because he wanted to beat him, or for any other real reason, he just didn't like the idea of him being weaker than anyone. Maybe it was his newfound Saiyan pride? Or maybe it was just good old human pride?

Daiko didn't know, and neither did he care. However, Mac had sparked an idea within the young Saiyan. An idea that would kill three birds with one stone!

First, while ponies had accepted his presence, he could tell they were still a bit unsure, maybe even a little scared still. He could not fault them for it, it was only natural. So he needed to improve his image! This idea would help with that!

Second, he wanted to pay Fluttershy back. She had been so kind to him, and while he did whatever chore she dared ask him to do, he wanted to do more. This idea would make sure they had a little extra income, and Fluttershy would not need to worry about money.

Lastly, it would help him get stronger. First things first though, he needed Twilight's help with an important detail! He was already strong of course, and therefore he needed to push past his limits, just like Rainbow had done when they raced.

So when out on an errand, Daiko decided to visit Twilight at her home.

Golden Oaks Library was a massive tree. The library itself was inside the tree, carved from the inside, or magically grown to be like this. Whatever the case, Daiko found it kind of bad ass. He stepped up to the door, and knocked.

He only had to wait a few seconds, before the door opened, and he came face to face with a purple dragon. "Oh, hey Daiko!" Spike seemed to light up as he saw who it was

"Hey there, Spike." Spike was likely Daiko's first real friend in Equestria. Now that Fluttershy wasn't his friend, but their bond had started out as her becoming his guardian, while he and Spike had bonded over comics.

"Did you already finish the comic I lent you?"

"No, not yet. I'm actually here to see if Twilight is home."

Spike nodded. "Oh yeah, she's upstairs. Come Inside and I'll get her for you."

"Thanks, Spike."

The two went inside the library, with Spike soon going up the stairs to get Twilight. Daiko just looked around, he'd been here plenty of times before when he was doing lessons with Twilight, but no matter how many times he'd been here, he always found the place pretty awesome.

"Daiko!" Twilight exclaimed from the stairs, having been brought by Spike. "I don't think we have any lessons planned today?"

Daiko smiled, shaking his head. "We don't, I just came to ask a favor."

"A favor?" She repeated while descending the stairs. "What kind of favor?"

Daiko took off his wrist and ankle bands, and placed them on a table. Next he took off his blue undershirt from his Gi, and put it next to the other items. "I wanted to know if you could enchant these things."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, it really depends on what kind of enchantment."

"I don't think it is too complicated, but you would know that better than me." He gestured to them. "Can you make them heavier?"


"I want them to be heavier, but still act like normal fabric." He started to explain the purpose of it, reminding her of what he told her about his species. "You see like this, I can become stronger. My body will have to work harder, and I will have to push myself further than ever before."

Twilight recalled the many conversations they had, and Daiko's explanation about the saiyan race. This would not only make him stronger, but give her an opportunity to learn more about his species.

"Alright, let's do it!"

Daiko grinned, pumping his fist into the air. "Awesome!"

And so Twilight helped him, and Daiko was very happy, and that much heavier. Thankfully it was something he could handle, but heavy enough that he could feel he needed to put some extra effort into his movements. He thanked Twilight for her help, and made his way around Ponyville. He had a few errands he needed to run before his new training schedule could begin. One of these errands included Sweet Apple Acres.

The next morning came ridiculously early for Daiko, who hoped to become stronger, and at the same time help Fluttershy. Even before the rooster's first call, Daiko had gotten up at 04:00 AM to go out and start his day.

Having taken inspiration from the series yet again, Daiko had decided to train in the ways of the turtle hermit. Having woken up early, Daiko yawned as he put on his uniform and snuck out of the house. Fluttershy would not like him going out this early, but he was sure she would understand once he explained it to her.

First things first, he got out of the house, and decided to run towards Ponyville. With the enchanted shirt and bands, Daiko quickly felt himself tire faster. Still, he pressed on, no matter how hard and fast his heart was beating, or how much sweat was running down his body.

Neither the anime or Manga could convey how hard this was, Daiko had barely gotten halfway to town before he felt like quitting. This was pure torture, and Daiko wasn't even in bad shape. Some part of his mind told him to take a break, but his ego wouldn't let him do it. He was now a Saiyan, and if he wanted to get stronger, he had to push himself beyond his own limits!

It took Daiko about half an hour to get to town, and to the local grocer. After his visit to Twilight, Daiko had approached the owner and asked if he could get a job as a delivery boy, even telling him he would handle two delivery routes instead of just one. The owner had been skeptical, but having heard about Daiko, he decided to give him a shot.

"Alright, two milk crates.." The stallion said, yawning a bit. "Hm? Did you run here?" He asked after seeing Daiko panting and sweating.

"Y-yeah.. Phew.."

"I thought you could fly?"

Daiko nodded. "I can, but I'm training to become... Stronger.." he said in between pants. "Anyway, hergh!" He lifted the two stacked boxes up, and smiled at the stallion.

"Uhm, okay. Just remember the milk had to be delivered before breakfast time."

Daiko gave a firm nod. "Yes sir! You can count on me!" With a determined look in his eye, Daiko started running again, though this time grunting a bit more than before thanks to the added weight.

Normally this route would be nice and easy, taken on a cart, and delivered by a set route that followed the roads and paths. Daiko however took the most inconvenient paths, and routes, doing his best to push his body to its maximum!

He zig zagged between trees to test agility, then struggled up stairs and hills to test endurance! He crossed the river on a fallen log to challenge his balance, only to walk through the streaming river on his way back. The training was hard, and would only get harder, but as any warrior knows, it's important to keep moving!

He'd done it!

Daiko had delivered all the bottles to the houses on his route, and before breakfast time too. If he was being honest, he had not thought he could do it, but here he was. He was laying on the grass panting, feeling like his heart was gonna jump out of his chest at any time.

He felt tired, exhausted, and spent, but also proud of himself.

Sadly though, there was no time to lay around, there was still lots to do. His little milk delivery had only been early morning exercise, and now it was time for midmorning exercise!

Standing back up, allowing himself to catch his breath, he soon moved on to his next destination. He took the boxes with him, that way he could give them back to the grocer by the day's end. First however, he hurried down to Sweet Apple Acres!

Didn't take him long, he knew the route by heart now. Just like with the grocer, Daiko had arranged this part of the training with the Apple family beforehand. Well, with Big Mac anyway.

It didn't take Daiko long to find him. Mac stood by the barn exactly as he had told Daiko he would do. He looked calm, chewing on a straw when he noticed Daiko approach him. "Morning.. Didn't know if you were gonna show up."

"Hehe.. Honestly, I didn't know either. Thank you for letting me do this."

Mac inclined his head. "Eeyup."

Without another word exchanged, Mac took Daiko to the field that needed work. While the Apples did own an Apple Orchard, they did grow other things. It gave them the food they needed, and helped them sell more on the side for some extra income. Of course, more fields and more plants meant more work, so Mac was interested in getting a helping hoof, ergh, hand, if he could.

"This is the field?"

"Eeyup." Mac looked down at Daiko, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you can do this?"

Daiko shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Mac nodded, and told him the field needed to be plowed, and he would come and check on his progress when he had taken care of a few chores. Daiko nodded, and told Mac not to worry. When the stallion left, Daiko got himself ready. In the anime and manga, Goku had plowed fields by only using his hands. So that was exactly what Daiko was planning to do here!

Getting himself ready, he dug his fingers into the dirt, and started to dig. Like a machine he moved backwards, throwing the dirt up and to the side, plowing the field with his bare hands. The ordeal was hard, and it didn't take long before his hands started to hurt.

While his hands quickly became sore and got this tingly sensation, they did not bleed or get wounds. His skin was tougher than what he first thought, and he didn't lose any nails either. Probably thanks to his new Saiyan body, another bonus that helped him move forward at a faster pace!

Like a machine he moved through the dirt, never giving himself the chance to stop, or take a break. He dug through the dirt, moving with purpose back and forth on the field, digging and digging until Mac finally returned.

Once the stallion did return, he for the first time looked like he had been surprised. His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open, so much so that he lost the straw he had been chewing on. Daiko had managed a lot, but there was still a lot to do on other farms.

Mac moved over to the boy, and let out an impressive whistle. "You work like a real farmer.."

Daiko grinned, panting as he leaned against a rock. "T.. Thank you.."

"Now how about you come back to the farm with me, and we get some food in ya?"

By the mere mention of food, the young Saiyan stood up straight, and his mouth started to water. "F.. Food?"

Mac chuckled, then waved him along. "This way."

For farmers like the Apple family, they were used to gaining a large appetite from doing hard work. It was simply part of life out on the farm. But none of them had ever eaten with a Saiyan before, none of them could compare to the amount of food they craved after battle or training.

They watched in bemusement as mountains of flapjacks vanished before their eyes, milk, bread, eggs, apples!

Thankfully they were used to serving a lot of food, so this was not a problem for the apple family, but it was still surprising. Granny grinned. "Looks like you have found a rival here, Applejack."

Applejack wasn't gonna argue with that. "I'll say.."

"Ohm num num!" Daiko had never thought he'd be so hungry in his life, and it felt so good to eat his fill after the morning he had.

Another voice joined in the mix, a filly's voice. "Mm.. Morning.."

"Morning Apple Bloom!" Daiko called, waving at her before he ate another apple.

"Wha? D-Daiko? What are you doing here?"

"Ya friend here has plowed the field for us." Applejack replied.

"What? The entire field?!" The filly asked in disbelief.


Apple Bloom looked at Daiko, who was still stuffing his face, in a mix of awe and disbelief. Still, if her siblings told her he'd done it, then he'd done it. She moved closer to the table, and found a seat for herself. Granny brought her a plate with pancakes, and Apple Bloom instantly broke out in a smile.

"Thank you, Granny!"

The rest of the breakfast was pretty peaceful. Daiko talked with the Apple family, and learned more about their family history. It was pretty interesting, he had no idea they had basically founded the town. Suddenly Apple Bloom looked over at him, and asked.



"How come you train so hard?"

"Oh." Daiko stopped eating, and kept his attention on the filly. "Well, I do it for lots of reasons.. I want to get stronger, that's one.. But really, I want to help Fluttershy."

"Help her?" Applejack questioned.

Daiko scratched the back of his head. "Well, maybe not help, more like, pay her back.." He blushed a little. "She was the one who took me in, and she has been so kind and helpful. I feel like I owe her a lot, even though she would never ask anything in return."

Mac nodded in agreement. "Eeyup."

"I know she worries about me." Daiko continued. "She's worried I won't make any friends, or that I will become an outcast.. So this will also help ponies warm up to me." He felt a little embarrassed after giving them such a speech, but it was nonetheless true.

"Good on you, sonny!" Granny smiled.

The others agreed, but before they could continue, Daiko noticed the time. "I better go, I have lessons with Twilight." He stood from the table, and made his way to the door. Before he left though, he turned to face the ponies. "Thank you for the food, it was delicious."

"Anytime, sugarcube." Applejack smiled.


"See you later, Daiko!"

"Work hard, sonny!"

12:30 PM.

After breakfast, Daiko made his way over to Golden Oaks Library.

Here he would have lessons until lunch time, which was also a good way to let his body recover, but keep his mind sharp. It was pretty boring at times, but also really interesting at others. Spike was pretty helpful when he could not understand what Twilight meant, as she had a habit of going into very insane detailed explanations. Still, he felt it was time well spent.

Once the lessons were over, he ate lunch with Spike, after which, Daiko went to find a place to nap. Work hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty. That's the turtle hermit way to learn!

Laying under a tree, feeling the gentle breeze of the wind, and watching the clouds pass by up above, it was the perfect spot for him to sleep. His body was tired, and his mind was exhausted, so it didn't take him long for his eyes to get heavy, until they finally closed.


Following his training program, Daiko got up an hour later. Even though he would have liked to have kept sleeping. Forcing himself to get going, Daiko first delivered the milk crates back to the grocer, and then hurried over to a construction site.

It took some convincing, but after a while, he managed to talk the pony in charge to let him work. Like with the grocer, he had heard about Daiko, and so was willing to give him a shot. Daiko wasn't going to disappoint him, and so got to work with his Saiyan pride pushing him farther than any other worker.

Daiko more than convinced the ponies he was worth having on their crew, and once he was done, he was promised a permanent spot whenever he wanted to work! And he got a nice chunk of Bits too!

Next up came the 10 laps!

Having flown around Ponyville so much, Daiko knew exactly where to find a lake that was big enough for his purpose. In the manga, Goku had to swim ten laps while trying to avoid a shark. There would be no sharks in a lake filled with this kind of water, so Daiko decided to do 15 laps instead. Hopefully that would make up for it.

After a whole day running, digging, and working, it felt so amazing to jump into the cool and clear water of the lake. While it was still hard work, Daiko quickly managed to swim from one side to the other. 15 laps later, and he was done.

Then came the last exercise.. The one he had been dreading..

A part of his mind had hoped there would be now wasps in this world, or at least nearby. Sadly, he found a place ideal for this next part of his training. Taking a rope with him, Daiko tied one end around his waist, and the other to the tree. Then he took a rock, looked up at the hive and gulped.

"This better work..."

He threw the rock, hitting close to the hive, but not directly. It was enough.. Soon a swarm of wasps came flying out, enraged that someone would dare attack them. Daiko, put up his hands, and did his best to dodge and block the wasps. Surprisingly, he managed to do it!

"Ow! OW!"

"Well, most of the time..

Dinnertime had arrived, and Daiko was finally done with his training for the day..

He was exhausted, and had several marks where he had been stung. Thankfully he had been more adapted than he had counted on, and so he got off easy. Slowly he made his way back to Fluttershy's cottage, and barely had he made it to the door, before it flew open and he was embraced by the yellow Pegasus!



"Oh, I'm sorry! Oh my gosh! Daiko, what has happened to you?!" She quickly ushered him inside.

"Fluttershy, I'm, whoa!"

He didn't get another word in before Fluttershy started to take off his Gi. "You need a shower, and we need to do something about those sting wounds."

"But Fluttershy, I-"

"No buts!" She retorted in a strangely firm tone. Gone was the shy pony he had been living with for the past month, she had gone into full on, well, full on mom mode.

Daiko wasn't sure if he should be happy, or feel uncomfortable about it. Before he could make that decision however, he suddenly found himself being forced into the bathroom, and told to get ready. Despite his reservations, Daiko did as she asked and got ready for a bath. Of course she gave him privacy, but when the tub was full, and there were enough soap bubbles to cover him, she came back inside.

She seemed much more calm now, if not a little worried. "Daiko, I found this bag full of Bits.. Where did you get them?"

He looked at her. Did she think he had stolen them? "I earned them, while out training."

"I heard.." She nodded. "I heard you have been all over the place, working different jobs all day. Daiko, if you need money, I'm sure I could-"

"No." This time it was Daiko who interrupted. "I don't need money, but I know how low on cash you are.. I just wanted to help you."

Fluttershy trotted over to him, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "You should not have to worry about that, Daiko. We get by."

"I know, but, with these Bits, you won't have to worry about it for a while."

"Oh, Daiko.. I can't accep-"

"Yes you can." Daiko insisted. "They are yours.. And it is not enough to express how grateful I am.." He blushed again, letting himself sink further down so as to hide his face in the bubbles. "You've done so much for me.. So it's only fair.."

Fluttershy was surprised. "I didn't do it to get money.. I did it because I want to help you.."

Daiko sighed. "I know.. But.." He stopped himself, close to tell her about the life he had before he came here. The real life, not the made up one he had talked about for so long. "I guess I'm just not used to people doing things for me out of the goodness of their heart."

They were silent for the next few seconds. Then suddenly, Fluttershy leaned closer, wrapping her hooves around him. Daiko blushed, tensing slightly. "W-wha, what are you doing..?"

"It's okay.." She said gently. "You're not alone anymore.."

Daiko inhaled sharply, his eyes going wide. His heart seemed to beat faster, while his stomach tightened. It was like this small gesture, and those words had been something he had been wanting to hear for so long. He really had been alone for a while. Having lost his parents, and thrown into an uncaring foster family, Daiko had let himself grow up faster than most kids.

He closed his eyes tightly, feeling them water up a bit. Other than his escape into manga, he had not really allowed himself to be a kid for a very long time. Having sensed his distress, Fluttershy hugged him a little tighter, repeating herself.

"You're not alone anymore.."

Daiko didn't want her to see he was crying, but it didn't matter. Fluttershy already knew it, and gently stroked his black hair. None of them said anything for a while, but let the moment pass on its own accord. When it did, Daiko took a deep breath to compose himself, and Fluttershy let go of him.

"Now, how about you finish your bath, and I'll go down and start dinner?"

Daiko rubbed his eyes, then smiled back at her. "Yeah.. That sounds good.. Thank you.."

"You never have to thank me, Daiko.. You don't owe me anything." She smiled, turning to leave, but stopped at the door. "Daiko?"


He looked over at her, and she smiled. "Welcome home.."

Author's Note: