• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago

David Silver

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This story is a sequel to Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone

Two denizens from two worlds collide in the middle and get dropped onto Everglow. Thankfully, one of them is Zecora. Surely she can handle a little adventure without panic being required. Her partner, lacking fur, has a sword but comes in peace.

Takes place in the same universe as all my other MLP/Ponyfinder stories. No, you don't need to read the others to enjoy this.

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 158 )

So I wonder if a certain time traveler will be making a guest appearance in this story? Either his current incarnation or his time traveling counterpart?

A gamer, not a Gamer, depending?

Still, if the comics are not taken, as leaving Zecora totally unknown background, this could give her the chance to be Anything?

To rhyme comes naturally to me. That we are somewhere new, easy to agree?

“It is simply a mark of training and forethought, used to show my words are not hastily pulled from my plot.” :trollestia:

An AWESOME start to an AWESOME adventure! Xd

So when it comes to zecora's rhyming does it come naturally for you? Or is it more like scratching your head moments? Xp

To blend the words in a rhyming stance, to write for Zecora, the perfect chance.
Her words they sing a wonderful song, From her mouth does this lovely song belong.

:pinkiegasp:......well then, it seems you've been wanting to write zecora, now you have the perfect opportunity too. Xd

Not the first, one hopes not the last. I hope that answers what what you asked.

It seems to me like you are having too much fun with the rhyming.

Goblins that dont attack on sight? Huh, who knew. Xp

AWESOME chapter! I'm very curious to know what goblin leader meant about not running into a pony patrol?

Goblins can have priorities, and this is clearly not 'their turf', nor does John appear to have loads of loot worth a fight about.

Makes sense.
Thou I wonder how they'll react when they see zecora, it's clear that they dont like ponies. Shes not a pony but she resembles one.

"In this you have a point. Hopefully tomorrow's voyage will not dissapoint." She settled in place and turned her head to rest on a hoof in a makeshift pillow. "Goodnight, John."

A wild typo has been spotted!

Is this happening when tension is high and close to the burning?

A Pegasus of the Rail Line Maintenance Combat Units?

Ice wraiths? Or some type of elemental?
Interesting enemy:trixieshiftright:

Wonder what else he has in those pockets. Xd

Better be careful Zecora, Pathfinder Alchemist have some seriously funky affectations possible as they climb the ranks.

That, and Level 20 get free every month what most game systems have entire campaigns to achieve, and fail.:trixieshiftright:

I am liking this Aeorean! :pinkiehappy:
I wonder what his favorite animal is to turn into. I guess that would be the one he uses most often. Xd
I'm curious, being a pegasus druid, when he transforms does his animal form keep the wings?

I suppose when the time comes zecora will get armor and a weapon? My guess light armor since she relies on speed, skill, and agility. Main weopon a staff? Perhaps with a bladed tip? No then it would be just a spear, a hidden blade in the staff that pops out at the push of a button? So many interesting choices! Xp


I don’t think Zecora will get that high. I think most Equestrians only get to a max of level 7. Then again it has been a while since I have looked at their character sheets at the end.

I guess right now she just has Brew Potion with a ridiculous spellcraft skill to make up for not having the spells? Or does she already have the alchemist class? She was throwing instant bombs, I guess.


Im sure it was me messing upwith the combinations, but Im sure I had one zebra alchemist with skill 20 plus at level 1, totally abusing PCGen of course.:trixieshiftright:

I can see +15 (+4 from ranks, +5 stat, +1 trait, +3 feat, +2 relatively cheap equipment) just off the top of my head.

"They happen everywhere, but most common here, in Everglow, which also has us ponies and a ton of other fae, who are coloful, so, you know, it fits!"

Arming anti-typo torpedo. Permission to lauch, captain Silver? :moustache:

Who you wish you coulda called? Slime hunters?:trixieshiftright:

I get a laugh whenever he uses dnd terminology the others won't understand. Lol
Looking forward to the next chapter tomorrow! Xd

Okay, that was suprisingly brutal? Unless he had plenty of prior knowledge and experience of general Rift Monsters?:pinkiesick:

Well having a dragon is going to throw off the party’s challenge rating by quite a bit. I hope they can handle everything that will be thrown their way.

Well, didn't see that coming. Xp
A dragon companion huh? Sounds awesome and actually badass! Thou not a friendly sort, and definitely not on good terms because of what happened, hopefully that will change. The dragon kinda reminds me of ember with a hint of diamond tiara. Lol
How large is she in dragon form? As a pony does she have any dragon characteristics like dragon eyes? Fangs? Claws instead of hooves? Dragon wings?
What's her name? Dont think it was ever mentioned.

A rift dragon? First time i hear of such a dragon. Had to look it up and i do admit that i like the color of the dragon.
She IS a Pathfinder dragon, right?

She's an Everglow dragon, so she's compatible with three different RPG systems and she doesn't even know it! Also I fixed the image link at the end, so you can see a picture of their splendor.

As a dragon? She is a big girl who isn't taking any of your nonsense.

As a pony, she still isn't taking your shenanigans, but is normal for a pony. What's the point of hiding as a pony if you're still worrisome at a glance?

He was told that 'the biggest thing holds the rift there'.

The dragon said it was in charge first.

1+1=Kill the dragon!

Pathfinder, eh? Damn, I actually remember the time when it came around. I think I still played 3.5 D&D then.

That is when it came out, right when they put out 4.0.

Ladies and gentles, there will be a quarter hour stop at Longma Station while we bribe them with the contents of the buffet car. Will those passengers not wishing to be consumed by a dragon please vacate the buffet car.:moustache:

I just love the groups humor. Lol
AWESOME chapter! I'm so curious to see how this plays out, especially with a dragon involved. Xp
You know, it would be both awesome and hailarious if Jon and longma became a 'thing', it's kinda like in that tv show where.....oh you sly author, I see what your doing, clever. Lol
Let's just hope it turns out better then what happened to those 'other' 2. :twilightoops:

[I approve by the way. Lol]

Because 4 was rubbish. I've been playing 3 all the way until 5 came out.

It was the backlash against 4 that allowed Pathfinder to come into being.

Why obviously. Pathfinder is practically a copy-paste of the third edition.


It wasn’t that bad, I played with a group that had a few players that enjoyed playing healers because they actually became more fun to play.

Why do I think this plan of hers will not be fun for one of our party members.

I don't remember even talking about healers, of all things. 4th edition was bad because all social skills were more or less removed from the game entirely. It was back to the first edition time when the prime way to play the game was dungeon crawling. I am sick of dungeon crawling.

Cockatrice is all chicken breast?

Mmm, who knew reading about a train ride could be kinda interesting. Xd

Please, dark meat tastes better. Cockatrice flank steak with grilled onions seared in garlic butter... ooooo, now I’m hungry.

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