• Published 31st May 2021
  • 5,224 Views, 199 Comments

Enchanted to Know You - Teal

After flirting with a mare at a bar, Twilight did not realize the she had unexpectedly asked Celestia out on a date.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Aftermath

It felt like the longest month in Celestia’s entire life. Although she tried to get through her days normally, the memory of that terrible moment never failed to always flash in her mind. Every time she closed her eyes she could see Twilight in front of her, the look of shock and disbelief plastered on her face. Then she remembered how that shocked look turned to one of hurt, as the lavender pony refused to have her in her sight.

Remembering this the white alicorn could never help but freeze in place, as her heart started beating faster. Despite the time that passed, the hurt of that event still felt fresh. Her heart ached, both from guilt and loneliness. She believed that for a second time in a lifetime, through her own selfishness, she managed to hurt somepony she loved.

Most days Celestia just wanted to be left alone. She wanted to lock herself in her personal chambers and let out the pain constantly harassing her. The desire to bury her face with pillows and cry for hours was always there and she wished that she could just spend her days like that.

Celestia wanted to shut the world away, to be just by herself. The pain felt so much sometimes that it seemed so hard to do her normal tasks. All she wanted was to do was be alone with her sadness.

But she can’t. No matter how much she wanted to, she knew that she did not have the privilege.

She was a Princess, one of the senior Princesses of Equestria, her role was too important to be set aside. Her duties cannot be neglected, no matter how much hurt she felt. So, she tried to put on a facade and pretend everything was okay. Keeping her pain to herself, she went on as if she was not breaking inside.

Although she could feel the castle staff were unconvinced, the nobles didn’t seem to suspect a thing. That was good enough for her, so she kept it up every day.

However, it was tiring. That afternoon, just like many other afternoons over the past month, Celestia felt like collapsing from both physical and emotional exhaustion. All the work and the emotional shields she had to maintain sucked up so much from within her. However, once her main royal duties were done, she managed to save enough strength and energy to get herself up and seal herself in her room, where no pony dared to disturb her.

Drained and constantly feeling sorrow within her, she would drag herself towards the balcony outside her chambers, where she sat and stared at her Sun. Low in the sky, it gave a magnificent sight of beauty and grace. But despite the wonderful image it presented before her, Celestia was unable to smile or admire it. It only reminded her more of something she missed so badly.

Staring at the glowing ball in the sky as she willed it down, she began recalling her camping date with Twilight and how the two of them watched the Sun set. With her duties taken up by her sister, she was able to enjoy that wonderful moment with her date, as the two of them cuddled and relaxed in their own world. It was a happy time and she wished to feel that joy again.

But she couldn’t.

Sighing, Celestia tried to push the memory away and instead focus on her duty of lowering the Sun. Lowering it slowly, the land before her soon darkened until the Sun disappeared beneath the horizon. With this final duty done, and with Luna’s Moon rising, Celestia sat at the balcony in silence.

Feeling cold and lost she continued to sit there until the first drops of tears began dripping from her eyes. Finally free from her duties and alone to herself, she could let her walls fall down and release the hurt and sadness she had been holding back all day. No matter how many times she cried over the past month the tears never seemed to never stop falling.

As she cried, all she could think of was Twilight. She missed the lavender alicorn badly and wished that she was with her again. She wanted to hear her again and feel her hugs and her kisses. She wanted to be loved and give love. But how can she do it now when the pony she loved hated her?

Remembering this only made her heart ache more, since she knew that Twilight would never want to see her again. What she had done to Twilight was unforgivable and she knew that the younger alicorn would never want to see her again.

Many times during the weeks following the terrible moment, Celestia had gone to Ponyville in hopes of being able to talk to Twilight. The Solar Princess wanted to apologize and make things right between the two of them. However, every time she tried to visit her the white alicorn was blocked by either Spike or Twilight’s friends.

"She isn't ready yet." They would say.

"It's probably best that you leave." They would then tell her, trying their best to be respectful. But deep inside Celestia knew that they were not happy with her.

Eventually the Solar Princess had given up on her attempts to visit and apologize. Eventually she had to accept the sad fact that Twilight no longer wanted her in her life. At most, the only interaction between them would be during formal occasions when princesses needed to meet. However, she didn’t plan on raising her hopes high during such occasions, because she expects that their interactions would be nothing but cordial and for formalities sake only.

Their relationship would never be the same again and she knew it. Whether it’s romantic or between friends, it is gone now.

Sighing, Celestia looked up at the night sky before wiping away the last stream of her tears. She still felt terrible inside, but was a bit better than she was earlier.

Glancing back towards her chambers, she managed to catch sight of the pile of paperwork on her writing desk. Knowing that many of the files there were due to be read, the Solar Princess began mustering the remaining energy within her in order to read and sign them.

However, before she could get up, a familiar looking pony caught her attention. Looking up at the night sky, she saw a dark blue alicorn slowly descending towards her. Keeping her gaze towards this pony, she watched as her sister glided down and made a soft landing just in front of her.

“Sister.” Luna greeted the older alicorn. “How are you this evening?”

“I’m fine, Lulu.” Celestia lied, as she gave her younger sibling a small smile.

Luna gave the white alicorn an annoyed and displeased look. “That doesn't work on me, Tia.” She said. “You may fool the nobles with that fake smile of yours, but I know you, sister. You’re troubled and I think I know the reason why.

Celestia merely remained silent. There was no use lying further to Luna, she would just see through them immediately. Looking at the dark blue alicorn, the Solar Princess’ smile quickly wavered, as a frown replaced it.

“It hurts thinking of her…” She admitted.

“You and I both knew this would eventually happen, sister.”

“I know, but I didn’t expect it to hurt this much and this long.” The white alicorn said as she fought hard to prevent her tears from falling again.

Before a single one could drop, the dark blue alicorn suddenly rushed towards Celestia and pulled her into a hug. Unable to help herself, the white alicorn wrapped her hooves around her sister and buried her face on her shoulders. Without hesitation, she then began crying again, as her younger sister tried to soothe her as best as she could.

Hugging her sister tighter, the older alicorn allowed her tears to pour out, as she felt the other alicorn’s hooves gently path her back. Celestia had been hurting alone for so long that it felt good to finally have somepony there to comfort her.

She felt thankful for Luna, as she felt easier knowing that there was somepony to be there for her. Although her heart was filled with sadness, there was this small portion within her that felt at ease knowing that she may not be as completely alone as she initially thought.

Eventually, Celestia pulled back from the hug, as she once again wiped the tears from her face.

“Problems of the heart are never easy, whether it's about enduring them or resolving.” Luna eventually said.

Celestia slowly nodded her head at this. “What am I going to do, Luna? It feels like I ruined everything.”

“You made a mistake, Tia, we can’t deny that.” the dark blue alicorn told her. “But mistakes can be fixed, no matter how bad they are. I know you’ll find a solution and eventually work it out with her. I may not know how to fix your relationship with Twilight, but I am here for you, Tia. You don’t have to be alone while you’re hurting. If you need a shoulder to cry on or somepony to talk to, I’m always here.”

“Thank you, Lulu.” Celestia said, before pulling her sister into a quick hug.

It was times like this where she was grateful to have Luna by her. Her young sister always seemed to know how to ease her pain.

“Now…” The Solar Princess began after breaking the hug. “...did you really just come here to comfort me or was there something else?

At this the Lunar Princess gave her a sheepish smile. “Well, you see, Tia…” She began, as she looked down and shuffled her hooves. “...I wanted to ask your permission for something.”

“Oh? Permission for what exactly?”

“To have my own personal student.” The younger sibling said.

“A personal student?” Celestia asked, surprised. She had not expected that. Ever since her return, Luna had never asked for something like this. Of course, she wasn’t against the idea, but it did make her curious why her sister suddenly wanted to take such a responsibility. “And who will be your personal student, if I may ask?”

The dark blue mumbled a reply, one that the older alicorn could not understand. Squinting her eyes, the Solar Princess gave her sister a questioning look.

“I’m sorry, Luna, I didn’t quite catch that. Can you repeat that for me?”

“I’m…” The Lunar Princess said before hesitating. Then, looking directly at Celestia, she took a deep breath. “I want to take Starlight Glimmer as my personal student.”

Upon hearing the name, Celestia’s eyes instantly went wide. How can she forget that name, especially after what she did? To say that she was displeased upon hearing it again was an understatement.

Remembering what the unicorn was capable of doing, Celestia frowned and glared at her sister. Recalling a conversation she had with the dangerous pony after her capture, she remembered how the unicorn spat out insults at her before swearing revenge. Even in defeat that pony was still determined to get back against those she disliked.

Although Celestia was a forgiving princess, there were times where she had to draw the line. This was one of those times. Her impression of Starlight, especially after what she did to her and Twilight, were not favorable. To her Starlight was a threat to the kingdom that should be locked away for the safety of Equestria and its ponies.

“No, Luna.” The elder alicorn sister. “You are not going to have her as your personal student.”

“Celestia, listen.” Luna said, trying to plead with her. “Hear me out sister.”

“There is nothing to hear out.” The Solar Princess said sternly. “She is a very dangerous pony and should remain imprisoned. Have you forgotten that she tried to kill me?”

“Please, sister.” The younger alicorn said, rolling her eyes. “You and I both know that the Alicorn Amulet was barely able to hurt you, let alone kill you.”

“That’s not the point, Luna. It was her intentions that showed how evil she was.”

“But she’s not as evil as you think.” Luna informed her, making Celestia raise an eyebrow.

“Luna, what makes you think she’s not evil?”

“I talked to her.” The dark blue alicorn admitted. The elder sister was displeased at hearing this, but she tried to keep her patience and allow her sister to continue. “I visited her last week. At first it was just out of curiosity. I wanted to know how she broke into the castle, so that we can better improve our security. Initially she was uncooperative and harsh in her language. But after she got that out, she began crying.”

This raised Celestia’s interest, as she urged her sister to continue.

“Seeing her cry was the last thing I expected, but she did. She began complaining how her life ended up like that. So I urged her to talk more, and she told me how her friend was sent away to Canterlot because he earned his cutie mark, leaving her alone. She told me how she believes cutie marks break friendships and that without cutie marks friendship would remain forever. She’s not evil, Celestia, she’s just hurt and misguided. Her emotions are driving her to do wrong so that she won’t be hurt again.”

Pausing, Luna looked down. Once she looked up, Celestia noticed that her sister’s eyes were becoming teary.

“I see myself in her, Celestia. She isn’t evil, she is just hurting over the loss of her friend. She’s just lonely and needs a friend. I think I can be that friend for her.”

The white alicorn nodded, but a frown was still plastered on her face. She understood what the other alicorn was trying to point out, but she was still afraid of what the unicorn was capable of doing. For all she knew, what Starlight had told her sister was a lie in order to get out of her imprisonment. “I don’t know, Luna…”

“Tia, I sense in her the same sadness I felt when I became Nightmare Moon.” Luna said, making Celestia feel a hint of sadness as she remembered her own failure to stop her sister’s pain. “She can be helped, but she needs a mentor and friend to guide her. Sister, you were willing to forgive me after what I’ve done in the past, so I’m asking you to forgive her also. Please, she needs it. If we leave her imprisoned, the seeds of hate and anger already planted within her. If left unchecked, they would just grow and grow, and I fear that we would eventually be unable to stop it.”

The Solar Princess hesitated to give a reply. Biting her lip, she knew that bringing Starlight out of imprisonment was a dangerous risk to take. If she went back to her old ways, there was no telling what she would do next. Brilliant and powerful in magic, the unicorn could hurt more ponies. However, she trusted her sister. If what Luna said was true, then maybe Starlight could be taught about true friendship. Besides, what her little sister said was true. Hate left unchecked would only grow out of control.

“Fine.” Celestia eventually said. “I’ll allow you to take her as your personal student.”

Before the white alicorn could continue with what she wanted to say, the Lunar Princess suddenly pulled her into a hug. Holding her tight, she let out a gleeful cheer, as she thanked her sister.

“Thank you, Tia!” She said happily. “Thank you, so much!”

Sighing, Celestia gave a smile and hugged her back. “This doesn't mean I won’t be keeping a close eye on her.” The older alicorn added. “I still think she’s dangerous. If she does anything that leans towards something evil, she’s going to the dungeons, understood?”

“Of course, sister.” Luna said, as she finished the hug and pulled back. “I promise, Tia. I will help her. She will become a better pony.”

“I hope so…”

The two remained at the balcony for a couple more minutes, talking about one another’s day, before eventually parting. Excusing herself, Luna bid the elder alicorn goodnight, before flying off to conduct her nightly duties. Celestia, on the other hoof, went back inside her chambers and started reading and signing the stacks of paperwork on her writing desk. It was the only thing she thought she could do to distract herself.

Shoving away any feelings of hurt and sadness she may still feel inside her, she concentrated on the various bureaucratic issues and problems that needed to be resolved in order to keep Equestria running. Lost in this boring tedious task, she failed to notice the sound of hooves landing on her balcony.

It was only when she started smelling alcohol nearby did she turn her head away from the paperwork and look towards her right to see an angry looking lavender alicorn.

“Twilight?” Celesita asked, eyes wide in shock. “What are you doing here? Are you alright?”

Shock soon turned into concern as the elder alicorn studied her visitor. Twilight was drunk, the Celestia could smell it.

Twilight gave her a goofy smile, before letting out a loud hiccup. Then, taking a shaking step forward, the younger alicorn stared at Celestia and giggled.

“Me and the girls were drinking, trying to unwind. Pinkie thought it was a good idea, especially after what you did to me.” Twilight said, as the smile on her face slowly began to disappear. “I felt so angry, you know? After a while, I decided to give you a piece of my mind! To tell you how much of an awful pony you are.”

At that point Twilight tripped and planted herself on the floor. Worried, Celestia quickly rushed towards the lavender pony and tried to help her up with a gentle hoof. However, the young alicorn just shoved it away and instead did her best to look up at the concerned pony staring down at her.

“I…I tried to teleport here-” Twilight began, as she did her best to speak in her drunken state. “-but I ended up at some rooftop in the Canterlot suburbs. So I started flying from there to here. But I ended up getting lost on the way. So, I kept on flying and now I’m here and I have a couple of words to say to you!”

“Twilight, I don’t think this is the best time.” Celestia said, worried at how drunk the other pony was. “How about I bring you to one of the guest rooms so you can rest and we can talk tomorrow instead?”

“No.” The lavender pony said sternly, as she sat up and stared daggers at the older alicorn. “I need to say this now and you need to hear this now.”

Twilight, please-” Celestia began, but was immediately cut off.

"Do you know how I felt after you removed your disguise?” Twilight said, and Celestia noticed tears beginning to form in the pony’s eyes. This struck Celestia hard, as she bit her lip. Her heart was beating fast, and she could feel all the pain she had felt over the past month suddenly hit her in that moment. She couldn’t find any possible reply to that question, and she knew that Twilight wasn’t expecting one.

“I felt betrayed.” The lavender alicorn continued. “I felt betrayed, not just because you lied to me, but because you thought that you had to lie to me in order to know me."

Hearing this made Celestia look away in shame, as she felt her own tears forming in her eyes.

“I felt that you didn’t trust me, that you thought I wasn’t flexible. It was insulting.”

The white alicorn found it hard to look at the lavender pony in front of her. Despite this she kept her gaze forward. For a moment the two alicorns’ gaze met. This made her heartbeat increase even more. Deep inside Celestia was fighting back tears and trying her best to prevent them from spilling.

Twilight stared at her with a mix of anger and disgust. Celestia wanted to speak, to apologize, but no words came. She was afraid and felt that there were no words to excuse what she had done.

Eventually it was the other alicorn that broke the short silence.

“Staring into your eyes now, I remember how you lied to me and how you broke my heart with that stupid secret of yours." Twilight angrily said, as tears now began dripping from her eyes. Getting up and approaching Celestia, the smaller alicorn jabbed an accusing hoof on her chest.

“You hurt me. You hurt me in a way nopony has ever done before.”

For a moment Celestia froze. She didn’t know what to do and she didn’t know what to say. All she was able to do was stare silently at the pony she loved and betrayed. It felt like torture.

“For the longest time I felt hatred. I never thought I would be able to feel such a thing.” Twilight said, momentarily looking away.

Celestia wanted nothing more than to bury herself in shame and guilt during that moment. She knew that she had done a lot of bad things in her lifetime, but the one she did to Twilight felt like the worst one yet.

Looking at the lavender pony, she watched as she wiped her tears and stared back at the white alicorn, their eyes meeting once more.

“I hated you. But…” There was a sudden falter in Twilight’s voice. “...I also missed you.”

Celestia’s heart momentarily fluttered at that. Did she hear that right? Did Twilight misspeak?


Twilight said she missed her. Was that true? Did she really mean it?

“Looking into your eyes doesn’t just hurt because of what you’ve done. It hurts because of the memories I also remember, the times spent that are now gone. I missed those days. I missed you.”

Sighing, Twilight shook her head and sat down on the floor.

“I understand why you did it…” She said. “I talked to Cadance and I admit that I did treat you differently before. Our relationship back then was professional and no matter how many times you tried to get closer to me, I always fought back and tried to keep it at a distance. Back then, you were the Princess, my mentor, and that did prevent you from getting to know me more. So, I understand why you had to hide your true self. But that’s still no excuse for the pain you brought me. I wish that you could have admitted the truth immediately and not keep it for so long.”

At that moment Celestia finally found her voice. All the emotion building up inside her couldn’t be contained anymore and it came out all at once. With tears streaming from her eyes, she looked at the younger alicorn and finally gave the apology that she had wanted to say for so long.

‘I’m… I’m so sorry, Twilight.” The older alicorn managed to say as she cried. “I never meant to break your heart. I wanted to tell you immediately… But…I was afraid. I was afraid that it would end up with you breaking up with me because you didn’t want to date your mentor. I started falling for you and as time went on it became increasingly difficult to tell you. I realized there was no way of doing it without breaking your heart. I’m so sorry that I hurt you so much.”

Shaking her head. Celestia tried to take a deep breath, but struggled to do so between her weeping. Her eyes were blurry now, completely covered in tears. Twilight was a mere silhouette in front of her. But she saw that silhouette move closer towards her and place a gentle hoof on her chest. This managed to help calm down the white alicorn, who started to ease her crying.

“I…” Celestia said, her voice shaky. “I understand if you don’t want to be with me again, in the intimate relationship we once shared I mean. But…I do hope you can forgive me somehow. I hope that we can be friends at least, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

As the tears cleared from her eyes, Celestia got a better view of the alicorn in front of her. She could see the uncertain frown on the other pony’s face.

The next few moments felt like an eternity.

Celestia feared what Twilight had to say next, but prepared herself for the worse.

She waited, and waited, until, suddenly, Twilight leaned forward, raised her face, and kissed Celestia on the lips.

This caught the Solar Princess by surprise, as her eyes widened at the sudden action. However, the feeling of those familiar loving lips against hers quickly eased her emotions, as she soon reacted by returning the kiss and wrapping her hooves around the smaller alicorn.

The feeling of love and comfort that she thought she had lost all suddenly came back. For the first time in a month, Celestia felt complete again.

Letting her emotions overtake her, she suddenly lifted the younger alicorn with her magic and, in one smooth move, she moved both Twilight and herself to the bed. The next few moments were filled with pure passion and love, the same one they both gave during that night in the apartment.

When it was all over, both alicorns were wrapped in each other’s hooves. However, as Twilight slept comfortably in Celestia’s grasp, the latter was too troubled to fall asleep.

Keeping a tight hold on Twilight, she stared at the lavender, afraid to close her eyes. She was scared that if she closed her eyes, Twilight would no longer be there. Celestia was afraid of losing Twilight again and she knew that despite what just occurred, there was still a chance of that happening.

The lavender alicorn has come to her drunk and far from a clear state of mind. As she lay there in silence, Celestia’s mind couldn’t help but wonder if Twilight’s words and actions were true or if they were influenced by her intoxicated state. Could the alcohol clouded her judgment and made her do things that she would regret in the morning?

The thought of the morning scared Celestia. When it comes, will Twilight choose to stay with her or will she say her actions were all a mistake and quickly leave her?

Feeling restless and worried, she found no sleep that night. Instead, she spent the time staring at Twilight. Her peaceful form slept soundly in Celestia’s hooves, as the Solar Princess felt a mixture of love and dread from the sight. She wanted more of this, but knew that it could all soon disappear.

She tried to engrain that image in her mind, since she didn’t know when she’ll be able to see such a sight again.

As the night went by, she stayed like that and kept on praying to the universe, wishing that morning would never come.

Eventually, however, she knew that it was time for her to get up and raise the sun.

The night passed by faster than she had wanted. Desperately, her mind told her not to get up, to keep the night going, to keep Twilight in her grasp. But she knew better than to do that. The night had to end and she and Twilight had to face the events that occurred.

Gently, Celestia tried to slide away, hoping not to wake Twilight as she did her royal duty. Maybe, if she moves quietly and quickly enough, she can raise the sun and return to bed without waking the other alicorn.

However, the slight movement of her hooves away from Twilight was enough to stir her awake. Slowly, the lavender pony began to open her eyes, but quickly shut them as she winced in sudden pain. Celestia realized that last night’s drinking must now be imparting its consequences on the younger alicorn.

Watching in silence, and biting her lip in anticipation, Celestia looked on as Twilight let out a groan of pain before taking a deep breath. In doing this, she must have noticed another pony’s scent next to her, as she quickly opened her eyes and looked on in shock at the white alicorn lying beside her.

Celestia stared back, trying her best to stay calm and composed. However, deep inside, her heart was racing, as her mind panicked.

Looking at Twilight and watching her, she waited for her to say something. But the other pony remained in silence. Studying her expression, and watching her eyes grow wider and wider, the Solar Princess soon realized that the other pony was deep in thought, most likely trying to recall the events of last night.

Letting out a short breath, and unable to wait any longer, Celestia decided to finally speak up and break the agonizing silence.

“Listen…” Celestia began. “...last night you…”

“No.” Twilight said suddenly, cutting her off. “I remember.”

Celestia merely nodded at this, as she looked at Twilight with worried eyes.

By now it was clear that the lavender alicorn was fully awake and had fully grasped the situation. Looking back at Celestia, Twilight’s earlier bewildered look was soon replaced by a calmer one. The Solar Princess felt a bit more at ease at seeing this.

“Listen, Su… Celestia.” Twilight began, as the white alicorn listened intently. “What I said and did last night was true, every bit of it. I was drunk, yes, but my actions weren't because of the alcohol. I chose to do that with you, because I love you. I know that, both in my mind and heart. I love you. I love you so much that when you lied to me, it stung so bad. I felt that you betrayed that trust I gave to you…”

There was a pause, as Twilight looked away, tears in her eyes. By that point, Celestia was feeling tears forming in her own eyes too.

Placing a gentle hoof on Twilight’s cheek, Celestia tried to comfort her. The lavender alicorn looked back at her and smiled at this.

“I love you, and that’s why it hurts so much.” Twilight continued. “I love you, that’s why I forgive you and chose to give us another chance. I hope that you can forgive me too for pushing you away this past month and-”

Celestia couldn’t take it any longer. Hearing Twilight forgive her had made the dam of emotions burst within her. In a quick move, she pushed herself closer towards the lavender alicorn, before pulling her into a tight hug.

Crying as she held her love in her hooves, she couldn’t help but notice that Twilight was crying also. They were both overwhelmed by their own emotions, but now they had each other for comfort. The two alicorns spent the next few minutes in that position, hugging and crying, enjoying each other’s embrace.

Finally, they were reunited again.

“No more lies, I promise, Pancake.” Celestia managed to say between tears. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Celestia.”

With that the two were together again, with no more facades separating them.