• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 19,675 Views, 699 Comments

Anon Buys the Everfree Forest - nameundetermined

Anon is tired of the hectic day-to-day of living amongst the ponyfolk and decides to purchase some land in the Everfree to have some peace and quiet all by his lonesome. How much land you ask? All of it

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Anon Buys the Everfree Forest

Your name is Anon, and you have had it up to here with these god damned pastel ponies.

You know they mean well, but fuck, it sure doesn’t make dealing with them any easier. Every other day it's something. Some new imminent disaster, harebrained scheme, or contrived friendship lesson. You tend to be a fairly patient extra-dimensional monkey-thing, but today has just been absolutely fucking ridiculous!

You are currently in your apartment, packing your belongings while being harangued by Princess Purplesmart, who is nervously trotting in place and looking up at you with one of those big-eyed pleading expressions the little shits like to shoot you so frequently.

Normally such an adorable, wide, wet-eyed look would be more than enough to get you to drop whatever gripe you had. Today was not a normal day, and it seemed she would actually have to use her words to convince you to reconsider.

“Anon, please! There’s no reason to take such drastic action! I mean sure, today was a bit hectic-”

You look back at her, giving her a less than credulous glare as your hands continue to move, placing objects into the briefcase before you.

She grimaces and her ears fall flat against her head as she shrinks slightly “Alright, today was a capital d Disaster, but do you really think moving is the best-”

You cut her off again, this time with actual words and not just a nasty look.”Twilight, you know that I tend to be fairly...permissive in regards to the level of bullshittery in this town, yes?”

She cringes slightly at your swearing, but nods, allowing you to speak your piece.

“Now, today I did not have much planned. I was going to enjoy the weather, maybe do some grocery shopping. Now explain to me why on Faust's Green Fucking Earth the first thing I saw when I walked out of my house today, was you and the rest of your little Pony Power Ranger friends fighting a giant flying bear with bee parts sticking out of it?”

At this point, you have packed some clothes, most of your loose bits, and a lunch and closed up the case. You are preparing to head out the door, with the little royal trotting behind, having not yet given up. “The Bugbear was taken care of as quickly as possible! We even made sure not to accidentally corral it towards your apartment this time!”

“Yeah, thanks for not putting another hole in my house via your ridiculous ponesapades. But my mind is made up. I can’t live like this, Twi, it’s too much excitement for me. I like peace and quiet.”

Twilight gave an almost condescending scoff. Almost, she was getting a bit better about that, to her credit. “And you decided that the best way to get that was to move to the Everfree Forest? Anon, that is one of the most unpredictable, wild places on the entire Equestrian Continent, why would you go there for peace and quiet? You have more bit’s than you can spend from writing all of those crazy books about stuff from your world, why wouldn’t you just move somewhere nice, like Canterlot, or Manehattan?”

You stop, turning to face her as you slowly bend down, a small smirk coming across your features as you explain it to her. “Because, my little Twiggles. I know that nine out of ten of you little pastel poners refuse to even set foot in that place,” you say, gently booping her nose with a single finger before standing back up and continuing to walk, leaving your friend to sputter and snort softly before following behind again as you continue. “Besides, Zecora tells me that if you leave well enough alone, things generally stay pretty quiet there. Just don’t go too far off the paths, and don’t burn the place down and things are fine.”

Twilight gives a huff and puffs her cheeks a bit, looking up at you with normal eyes, as opposed to those dewy, wide monstrosities she was trying to pass off as acceptable moments earlier. “Fine. I guess you won’t be too far away, and we can come and see you if we really want to…”

“That’s the spirit! And hey, nothing is stopping me from coming out to see you if I feel like it. I just want a bit of space.” You also wanted your house to stop getting destroyed on a bi-weekly basis, but that was, of course, implied, and less than tactful to bring up.


Sometime later, you found yourself in the waiting room of the Mayor’s office, briefcase sitting in your lap as you listened to some shitty pony Muzak knockoff half-heartedly riffing in the background. Eventually, you are called by the secretary and allowed into the office proper.

The Mayor seems a bit excited to see you for once. Probably because you aren’t here to file yet another noise complaint or property damage claim. Her ears perk as she locks eyes with you from across the room “Ah yes, Mister Anonymous. Please come in! I was delighted when I heard you wished to purchase the Everfree Territory from our Township.”

This catches your ear, and you raise an eyebrow slowly as you take a seat in front of her desk. “Really now? I would have figured that a simple property purchase would not be so exciting.”

The Mayor wilts for just a moment, before returning to her previous chipper demeanor, admittedly dialing it back just a tad, seeming slightly...nervous now? “Oh, it isn’t normally. But admittedly...Anonymous, are you familiar with the history of Ponyville?”

You cross your arms and think back to the admittedly somewhat interesting if long-winded history lessons Twilight had given you after your arrival. On your request, she had explained the founding of Ponyville at length, and even directed you to Granny Smith for more information. Though of course conversation with the old nag was hit or miss at the best of times. “Somewhat. The original settlers were given clearance to colonize and settle the fringes of the Everfree, yes?”

“Not exactly, no.” The Mayor says as her nervousness visibly increases. She tugs softly at her collar and continues “We were actually given a significantly larger allotment of land than what we have been able to effectively settle. We were originally tasked with taming the entire forest, but as you can see, that is a...less than realistic goal, even with modern technological and mystical advancements. And since tax collection by township is determined in great part by the effective use and development of allotted land…”

“So what you are saying is, me taking this land off of your hands or er...hooves, is reducing the amount of tax you owe the crown? Sounds legit.” You say as you open your briefcase, taking out a fairly plump sack of bits and placing it on the table. “I guess I don’t mind killing two birds with one stone and helping the town out by taking a half-acre or two off of your hands. How much land will this get me?” You ask as you push the bag containing a significant quantity of your savings towards the elderly mare.

She flinches slightly at your predatory metaphor, but swallows dryly, eyes wide as she looks down at the bag. She slowly opens it and starts more quickly counting out the bits, using a scale and some weights.. She takes a calculator out and does some math and after about ten minutes says. “All of it.”

You tilt your head, giving a small, befuddled expression as you attempt to parse her meaning “Yes, I am giving you all of it, how much land will it get me?”

The Mayor gives a small sigh and shakes her head “no, you don't understand. My apologies, let me explain. The price we had set for the land was extremely low since essentially any amount would be better than extracting essentially negative value from the land. This will buy you the entire forest.”


Author's Note:

And so here we go again! A friend of mind was feeling down, so I decided to whip them up a little something to help them feel better. There will be a few more chapters of this coming as I feel up to it. I hope you all enjoy!