• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,928 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Sweet and Elite

"So, THIS is the capital, ey?"

"It really does feel like that."

Today some of the group went on a trip to Canterlot city, those being Rarity and the three guys, Alex included. He's been with the group for a few days and he's fit in well, mostly because of his actions he performed for the town. Still, the town respected his wishes of being treated like anyone else so he's been focused on settling in and getting to know the others. As for clothing, he was wearing grey sweatpants and a tee-shirt, a black sports jacket with a small cartoon skeleton printed onto his right, and fingerless, black gloves. The reason they were there was that Twilight's birthday was coming up soon, so they all decided to go to Canterlot for a present.

"But of course! This is the most luxurious city out there." Rarity said with pride.

"You say that like you've lived here for your entire life." Xavier mentioned, but Rarity paid no mind to him.

"So, where's the first stop 'ere, ey?" Alex asked.

"I think we should go to our hotel we're staying at while we're here." Huston suggested.

"Good call." Xaiver agreed. "You got that taken care of Rarity?" When he looked over at her, she showed a nervous look. "You did get us a reservation, right?"

"It... might have slipped my mind." Rarity admitted, getting looks from the guys.

"What!? What do ye mean 'it slipped y'mind'?" Alex asked annoyed.

"I was working on a client's dress at the time, alright!" Rarity said defensively.

"Bloody hell. I thought ye remembered from all the bloody luggage ye brought." Alex said pointing to a pile of suitcases. "Ye even brought yer cat!!" The two soon began arguing, Huston and Xavier simply watching them with sweat drops. As the scene was playing out, they never noticed a guard walking up to them.

"Excuse me, you are Miss Rarity and the humans, correct." The guard asked, catching their attention.

"Yes, we are." Xavier responded. "Can we help you?"

"I was told to bring you to the castle to meet the princess." The guard explained, catching them off guard.

"The princess wants to see us?" Xavier questioned.

"Yes, though I don't have many other details."

"Hmm, well I can trust the princess, so we can come. Right everyone?"

"Of course we can." Rarity agreed.

"It would be nice to meet her majesty since we're living here." Huston thought out loud.

"Ay, let's go." With Alex giving one last agreement, Xavier smiled and turned to the guard.

"We'll come along."

Following the guard for a bit, the group took a moment to look up at the castle they were standing in front of before entering. Walking around the castle with the guard, they all were taking in the sights of the castle. After some time, they were outside the doors of the throne room where the princess was.

"Get ready you guys, she's right behind the door." Xavier warned the other two humans. "Since she's never met you before, please be on your best behavior."

"Don't worry, lad. I'll behave." Alex confirmed.

"Of course. I would never try to offend her." Huston also confirmed, Xavier nodding at them.

"Alright, we're ready." He told the guard. The guard nodded and opened the door, revealing the princess on her throne.

"Greetings princess." Xavier said as the group walked up, him bowing to show respect once he stopped. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"As with you, Xavier." Celestia greeted. "I assume you and the others are doing well?"

"We are." Xavier said before turning to the others. "I would like you to meet some more humans. These are-" Before Xavier could continue, he was surprised to see them both go down onto one knee and bow to the princess.

"It's an honor to meet you, your majesty." Huston spoke. "I am Huston, a martial artist and a painter."

"And my name's Alexander, an athlete from the human world." Alex greeted as well, his voice displaying a great deal of respect. "Tis' an honor to meet you."

"You two are quite respectful." The princess observed, pleased to know that the humans were kind and considered like the others. "But please, no need to be this formal. Please, act like you normally would."

"Otch, that's good." Alex said standing up, his demeanor slipping. "No offense lass, but ay'm not one for formalities."

"Not that informal!" Huston scolded as he also stood up. "You should at least say 'your majesty', not 'lass'!"

"Bah, its fine." The two began to argue, it was mostly Huston lecturing Alex who was acing more casual, perhaps even a bit mocking and teasing. It all came to a head however, and quite literally as Xavier knocked the two's head together. "Gah! What the hell, lad?!"

"Hey, you two were fighting in front of the princess when I said to be on your best behavior." Xavier said, a disapproving gaze aimed at the two. As he was talking, a chuckle could be heard from the princess.

"Your new friends are quite interesting." Celestia noted. "It's nice to know that they've fit into Equestria and your friends nicely." The three humans looked amongst themselves before smiling sheepishly, realizing how silly they looked.

"Heh, thanks yer majesty." Alex said, pleasing Huston.

"So... while I wouldn't be somepony to ask this, but why were we summoned here?" Rarity asked, bringing the topic back around.

"Well..." Celestia then used her magic to bring a scroll over to the group, Xavier taking it to read.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
My friends, Rarity, Xaiver, Huston, and a new human Alexzander, will be visiting Canterlot soon for a few days. It might be too much to ask, but could you help them find somewhere to stay for their time there? I would imagine that Rarity might forget to book a hotel for them since she's quite excited to go.

Please and thank you from your faithful student, Twilight Sparke"

As Xavier read, the three humans looked at Rarity as she did just what the letter from Twilight said she would, the unicorn in question grinning sheepishly. Once Xavier finished reading, he sighed. "Yeah, that pretty much happened." The princess chuckled at his response.

"Seems my preparations were well planned." She said, confusing the group. "Please, follow me." The princess said getting up and walking out the doors, the group following along (A pony went over to collect their things) After some walking, they were on the top of a tower, where Celestia opened the door to reveal a very nice room. The entire group looked at the room in amazement.

“Here? We get to stay here?” Rarity gasped, looking around the place in shock.

"Yeah, this is quite fancy." Alex added. "Yer sure this is fine?"

“Twilight Sparkle said you all were coming to Canterlot for a visit, and asked if I might accommodate you.” Celestia reminded.

"Ay know, but this is a bit much."

"It's the least I can do for you all after all you've done for Equestria." Celestia reasoned.

“Thank you so much, Princess.” Rarity thanked with a bright smile.

“You’re very welcome.” Princess Celestia nodded.

“No, really.” Rarity rushed over and bowed to her. “This is so nice of you.”

“It’s nothing, really.” Princess Celestia smiled.

“Oh, but it isn’t nothing, it’s everything! I, I just don’t know what to say but thank you, thank you!” She immediately bowed and started kissing the princess’s hoof while kept saying ‘Thank you’ to her. The three humans looked at her, confused at her actions. It wasn't until Huston went up and gently grabbed her and pulled her away.

"Sorry about her, your majesty. She gets excited a bit too easily." The princess simply chuckled once again.

"It's no problem." The princess reassured before turning. “I’ll leave you all to get settled. I’ll see you later. If you ever want to chat with me, just come by the throne room when you feel like it.”

"We'll keep that in mind. Thank you, princess." Xavier said as the group bowed. Celestia smiled and walked out of the room, leaving them to themselves.

"Welp, now's the time ta get settled." Alex said as he put the backpack he had on down gently before reaching inside. "The trip wasn't too bad, right buddy?"

"Huh, who are you talking to?" Huston asked as the others looked at Alex, who surprisingly pulled out a white and grey chinchilla out of his bag.

"What the- why do you have a chinchilla?" Xavier asked.

"AY, don't talk about Pepper like that!" Alex yelled as he brought the chinchilla up to the side of his head, the chinchilla nuzzling up to him. "She's sensitive."

"She's your pet?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah she is!" Alex said. "Ye got a problem with that?!"

"N-no! Not at all!" Xavier defended. "I was just wondering why you brought her. And how you exactly met."

"Well, I met her when ay woke up here, she was poking me and seemed to like me. As for why she's here now, ay couldn't leave her when there's a fox roaming about."

"Wait, you think Rune will eat her?" Xavier questioned. "She's a massive sweetheart. She ever made friends with Cali's gecko. Besides, she's fine with the kibble I give her."

"W-well I just wanted to make sure." Alex said hesitantly as he scratched under Pepper's chin. "Besides, she reminds me of a chinchilla ay had when ay was younger."

"Maybe we should calm down." Huston suggested. "Why don't we go out to see the city, do some sightseeing, and look for gifts for Twilight." The two looked at him and realized how silly they were acting, so they calmed down.

"Yeah, you're right." Xaiver agreed. "The other times I was here in Canterlot I missed out on looking around, so this will be nice."

"Ay, sounds like a plan." Alex joined in, Pepper now resting in one of his jacket's pockets.

"You three go ahead, I need to get ready." Rarity said as she walked to the bathroom.

"Eh? What do ye mean?"

"I can't go out looking like this. I need to be ready." Rarity said before walking into the bathroom, closing the door.

"We should go." Huston suggested before Alex could suggest anything else. "She's going to take a while." Alex was about to press on, but he saw Xavier nodding to confirm she was.

"Erm, alright. Lead the way." With that, the three humans left the room to explore the capital, hopeful for what was going to happen.

It took a while for the three humans to get out of the castle, one part was the size of the place and the other was managing to get lost, but once they managed to get out of the castle they took some time to look around. Despite the different feel of the city, all three of them were amazed.

"What a beautiful city. I may want to come back to make a painting." Huston commented.

"Aye, though I can't say I'd live here." Alex continued. "Too fancy fer me."

"I never said that I would live here. I just said that I'd come to make a painting about the place."

"Well, no matter the case let's enjoy our time here, alright?" Xavier suggested. As they were walking, Alex noticed something.

"So ay have ta ask, are all the ponies just goin' ta stare at us the whole time?" He asked, pointing to some ponies who were staring, but they turned around before they were spotted. They still were, so Alex's point still stood strong.

"*sigh* Don't worry about it. Neither me or the girls have been here much, so they'll be staring for a while." Xaiver answered, remembering his time at Cloudsdale. "Celestia did tell the population, but they haven't seen us before."

"Mmm, makes sense." Huston thought.

"Eh, let's forget them. Ye hungry?" Alex asked.

"Do you just always ask for lunch at any opportunity?" Xavier asked.

"No, I just saw that." Alex pointed to a shop's sign; the sign was for a pizza place.

"Pizza? That's the reason?" Upon Xavier's question, Alex looked offended.

"Are ye serious? Pizza is the greatest!" Alex called out, annoyed that Xavier was even questioning going in, catching the attention of others. Xavier noticed this and sighed.

"Alright, we can go. It's been a while since I had some anyway."

"Me too. I'll join." Huston agreed, making Alex smile as he entered the shop, the other two following along. When they entered, the ponies inside all turned to look at them. "I think I'll hang back and look for a table for us outside. You two can order me something simple like mushroom or something."

"Ay, we can do that." Alex confirmed with a thumbs up. The three then split up, Xavier and Alex ordering the pizza and Huston going outside to look for a table. Fortunately, he managed to find one easily and sat down at it.

"This world is quite nice." Huston thought as he leaned onto the table, his head on his arm. "Nature is much more respected here unlike earth, I wonder if I could live here forever." Huston's smile began to sink however as he closed his eyes. "How did we get here however? I wonder..."


Huston opened his eyes again, he realized he was now sitting inside of a giant closed flower. Standing up, he began to look around confused, at least until he spotted a figure on the outside. The figure was only a black silhouette however, almost like a shadow on the flower's petals.

"Come on, we can't slow down." Huston heard a voice, but it was muffled to the point that he couldn't determine anything outside of the words, and even that was hard to tell. He still watched the figure, and it looked like they were motioning for someone to follow.

"I know! Hold on!" Huston then heard another voice, and turning he saw another figure running around the flower like a shadow puppet show. Observing the figure, he guessed they were female as they has some clothes one would wear. "Why did you even stop?! You should be running as well!"

"I didn't want to leave you behind. I can't be left alone again..." The male figure said, sparking a memory in Huston's mind. When he took a step towards the duo however, the flower's stamen began to shake, sending a large amount of pollen onto him, not only blinding him but also sending him into a coughing fit. As he was, he was only able to catch a few more moments before they were drowned out.

"I don't know what you've been through, but I'll stick with you. You're the only one who has for me after all..."

"Aye, Huston!" His eyes opened up again to see he was back in Canterlot, with Alex and Xavier standing by the table, a pizza box in Alex's hands. As the two were sitting down, Xavier noticed the look on Huston's face.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Y-yeah, *cough* I'm fine." Huston answered, deciding that he should keep what he saw to himself. Xavier did wonder what actually happened, but he didn't press on as Alex got a slice of pizza and took a bite.

"Mmm, this is great." As Alex was eating, the others began to eat as well. "So, ye's been here fer a while, eh?"

"Yeah, though I was the first." Xavier answered. "Jasmine and Cali followed and Huston here was the most recent before you."

"Good t'know. So what do ye lot do fer work? Girls included." Alex questioned,

"Well, me and Jasmine work at the spa in Ponyville. I'm their repair crew and Jasmine is training to become a masseuse."

"As for me and miss Cali, she just got a job as a cook recently and I'm planning on doing freelance art. Though I think I'll keep things slow for now."

"Ah, gotcha."

"How have you been settling down in Equestria?" Xavier asked, biting into a slice of pizza topped with peppers and red pepper.

"Pretty nicely. Though ay can't tell if it's from 'Skull Crush', or just that they were used ta humans from you."

"Mmm... Probably a few reasons." Huston admitted.

"Don't worry though, everypony's very kind and accepting."

"Maybe in Ponyville. Here in Canterlot, not so much." Alex reminded as me gestured to ponies nearby who were still looking at them.

"Well, like I said before, just give it time and they'll be able to accept us."

"Ay hope so." The trio continued to eat in silence for a bit, at least until they heard something nearby.

"Please excuse our interruption." The three's attention turned over to the one who spoke, a well-dressed unicorn stallion and mare standing by the table that so happened to be seating Rarity who was wearing a very nice hat. "I'm Jet Set and this is my wife, Upper Crust. We saw you from across the cafe and just had to find out..."

"Where did you get that simply marvelous chapeau?" His wife finished, Rarity responding by putting her chin up and acting like somepony fancy.

"Oh, this old thing?" Rarity asked, looking over at her hat. "Oh, it's just something I-"

"Rarity!" Before she could answer, a call from above was heard, and looking up everyone saw that a pony who didn't look like he fit into Canterlot dangling from some rope, washing windows. "Hey Rarity!" He greeted, waving haphazardly. This recklessness caused the rope that he was attached to snap, causing him to lose balance and fall right next to Rarity, just hanging by a thread and upside down. "It's me, Hayseed Turnip Truck! We met at the big hoedown in Ponyville last fall?" The pony explained, getting looks from the crowd, but most were judgmental.

"O-oh yes, of course...how are you?" Rarity asked with a nervous grin.

"Good! Real good!" Hayseed replied with a grin before the rope snapped and he fell down, landing on his back.

"Hmm..." The two ponies turned to Rarity with a disgusted expression. "You're from...Ponyville?" Jet Set asked. This question brought plenty of nerves to Rarity, as she began to stammer.

"Well yeah, yes but-"

"She sure is!" Hayseed said, getting back up with a smile. "She's a real big-time fancy pants dressmaker there! Probably made that real purty thing she's got on her head!" With Hayseed's answer, the couple gave a disapproving look towards the two, mostly Rarity.

"Hmph! I thought it looked a little country." Upper Crust commented.

"I told you it wasn't something you could get here in Canterlot, dear." Jet Set agreed.

"And wha' tis that supposta mean?!" Alex called out, already walking towards the bunch without the other guys noticing.

"Huh?! Hey wait! Alex!" The two ran up to him to hold him back as he looked to get in between Rarity and the couple. "Alex! This is not the time!"

"Atch shad up! They need ta be taught somehow!"

"Yes, but violence is not necessary!" Xavier said as he struggled to hold him back (He was VERY strong)

"I-I'm sorry, who, or what, are you?" Jet Set asked, clearly confused at the three (and a bit concerned as one looked ready to pummel them).

"Humans, buddy. And who gave ye's the right ta diss our home, huh?!" Alex snarled. This tone was able to send shivers down passerby's spines, but two managed to keep their composure.

"Alex, calm down! Remember, we're new here, so you acting like this is NOT helping our image!" Xavier said, managing to get through to Alex, stopping his struggle and simply shrugging the two off of him.

"My point still stands. Yer bashing a town and it's residents because they can't live up ta ya standards! That's quite a shallow thing ta do ye know!"

"Hmph, isn't it obvious?" Jet Set shot back, recovering from the initial shock of the three and Alex's anger. "Ponies who live there aren't as sophisticated or classy as those who live here in Canterlot."

"And what makes ye say that?" Alex retorted. "Have ye even gotten yer head outta those tacky clothes and actually go down there t'experience what they can do?!" This clearly offended the couple as they huffed.

"Well, why should we since we could buy the town with what we earn." Jet Set simply said, thinking he won. Unfortunately, it seems to have made Alex even angrier than before, it even looked like his brown eyes had fire in them.

"Now you listen here ye little bitch!" Alex spat furiously, catching many off guard. "Y'have no right to even consider buying a town just because ye think it's 'low-class'! In fact, that idea that ye are above others is absurd! Who decided that anyone should be above anyone else!" Jet Set raised a hoof as if to answer, but- "I'M NOT DONE!!!" Alex then grabbed the collar of his dress shirt, bringing him up close. The glare on Alex's face was so intense that it made Xavier's glare look like a toddler's, and Jet Set actually began to break under the gaze. "Listen up laddie, cause I ain't repeating this! Puttin' yerself and others in classes is a shitty idea that should have never been brought inta the light of day! If I hear ye even whisper anything about that idea again, I will not promise ye'll get out with intact bones! Do I make myself clear?" Jet Set simply nodded, too scared to even speak. Alex simply dropped him as he scrambled back to his wife, who was also scared. "Now get outta my sight ye dirtbags!!" The couple took no time to run off quickly, clearly scared at Alex's temper. Once they left, Alex looked around to see the crowd staring at him. "What?!" Alex snarled, his anger still present. The crowd all jumped and quickly walked off, and Hayseed managed to disappear during Alex's rage. Once everypony left and the only ones left were the three humans and Rarity, Alex began to stomp away.

"Alex! Wait up!" Xavier yelled out as him and the others chased after him. Once they did, they all looked at him with concern. "Hey, you okay?"

"Grr, a'm fine." Alex growled, clearly still angry.


"Don't even ask me!" Alex scolded, getting into Huston's face. After he did, he realized the tone he was using at his friend, so he backed up and turned away. "Look, ay ain't ready ta tell ye's about me yet. Jest, leave me alone for a while to cool off..." Before any of them could say anything, Alex simply walked away. The three wanted to follow, but they decided to respect Alex's wish, so they turned to walk away as well.

Later, at the Castle

When Alex parted ways with the others, they decided to head back to the castle to let the heat die down. While there, they were mulling over the recent events.

"What the heck could have gotten him so angry?" Huston thought out loud.

"Well it definitely wasn't normal anger." Xavier stated, his arms crossed as he thought. "His wasn't like anything I've seen."

"Well, let's agree not to dig too deep into him. He's probably going through something."


"Looked a little country". The two heard Rarity say, quoting the couple that caused Alex to get so angry.

"Um, Rarity?"

"Not something you can get in Canterlot". Rarity then walked over to a desk that had a piece of paper and charcoal, a determined face on her. "I'll show you something worthy of Canterlot!" Taking the charcoal into her magic, she began to sketch onto the paper. When the two humans went over to look at the paper, Rarity finished a drawing of an elaborately designed dress.

"What's this Rarity?" Huston asked.

"A dress I will be creating for Twilight's birthday gift." Rarity replied. "I'm going to prove to them that I'm able to create dresses that are just as good, if not better than what Canterlot has ever seen."

"Well, at least one has bounced back from the recent events." Huston commented.

"I must be going." Rarity said as she went for the door. "I must buy supplies to create the dress, so don't hold up for me." With that, Rarity left the room, leaving Xavier and Huston behind.

"So now what?" Huston asked Xaiver, the latter putting a hand to his chin.

"Hmm, maybe we should find Alex." Xavier suggested. "It's been some time since we've seen him. I think he's had some time to cool off. I'm a bit worried he might have gotten into another problem too."

"You sure? It may be too early to find him."

"Well, worst case scenario is that we'll simply leave him to cool down a bit longer."

"Hmm, if you say so." Huston agreed, the two now heading for the door to find their fellow human and see if he was okay.

Some Time Later

Since the two had no idea as to where Alex went, they decided that they would need to ask around. Unfortunately, this was not Ponyville, and Alex's previous outburst spread far through the city. This made it hard for them to get answers, as anypony who they asked either turned their noses up in disgust or simply speed off in fear of their friend. The number of ponies not cooperating was annoying to the point that they decided to just give up and look for Alex on their own.

"*sigh* This isn't going well." Huston concluded.

"Yeah, I'm starting to regret going out to look for him." Xavier agreed. As they were walking through the town, they overheard something that caught their attention.

"I must say Alexander, you are quite a pleasant individual." Upon the two hearing this, the two looked at each other briefly before dashing over to the voices. When they stopped, they saw Alex speaking to two unicorns, both with white coats but one, a mare, had a pink mane and tail while the stallion had a blue mane and tail alongside a tux and a monocle. While Xavier and Huston were worried that Alex managed to get into another argument, their worries were quickly dismissed when they saw that he was simply petting Pepper who sat on his shoulder, his face holding a neutral expression. "We must be going now. It was a pleasure to meet you." With a wave of his hoof, the stallion and mare left Alex, who gave a light wave himself.

"Alex, there you are." Xavier called, catching the athlete's attention.

"Huh, oh. It's you lads." Alex said as his fellow humans joined him.

"Sorry, but we were looking for you." Huston admitted. "We were worried about-"

"Don't worry, I'm fine now." Alex reassured. "Sorry if ay worried ye."

"It's fine." Alex then looked around for a second.

"How's about we head somewhere, eh?" Alex suggested. "Not exactly comfortable here."

"Um, sure." At Alex's suggestion, the three then went over to a more secluded area of town where there weren't as many ponies around. As they sat at a table in the area, Xavier had a question that was simmering since they saw Alex. "So who were you talking to before?"

"Eh, ye mean Fancy Pants?" Alex asked, getting a concerned and confused look from Xavier.

"Um, the one you were just talking to just before we met up."

"That's what ay said. His name's actually Fanc Pants." Alex explained, getting a look of understanding from the two. "Yeah, as ay was walking 'round town, ay accidentally bumped inta him. I thought that he would be like all other ponies here and act all high and mighty, but he was actually very polite. Snapped me right outta my anger." Alex admitted, actually laughing a bit. "We struck up a conversation and turns out the guy's pretty cool."

"Well that's good." Huston sighed. "I shudder to think about what should have happened if you bumped into somepony else."

"Ay'll admit, me too." Alex said. "After what that jerk said, ay think ay'd probably show my old title ta the town if someone bumped me."

"Well good thing then." Xavier shuddered. He did not want to think about that. Alex then looked around to realize something.

"Ay, where's Rare's?"

"She left before us to buy some supplies." Alex explained. "She decided to make a dress for Twilight as both a birthday present and a way to show the townsfolk here she is fancy."

"Got it."

"Well, we do have a lot of time on our hands." Xavier began. "Why don't we take our time and look around the city, take in the sights, and find gifts for Twilight's birthday." Alex and Huston looked at each other for a second before smiling and nodding at Xaiver, agreeing with him. "Alright, were first?"

Once the trio decided on their plans in Canterlot, their time there was a very pleasant experience. Outside of a few strange and worried looks aimed their ways (mostly Alex), they had a very good time looking around the city and taking in the things they couldn't in Ponyville like interesting shops and restaurants. They also managed to find gifts for Twilight with relative ease (Mostly books, but Alex did find a limited-edition bookmark). The strange thing that worried them, however, was Rarity. More specifically, how little they saw her. Throughout their stay in Canterlot, they barely saw her around town or in the castle, they barely even saw her in the room they were staying in. Another worrying thing was how little progress that the dress she was making for Twilight, as there was only a single ribbon on the dress' base. It all came to a head however as the trio were heading back to the castle after another day of exploring.

"Ye think Rarity's okay?" Alex asked. "She's been quite... distant ta say the least."

"She has, hasn't she." Huston mused. "I wonder if what that couple said managed to get to her after all."

"Well, we kind of have to ask her if we want answers." Xavier mentioned as he put his hand to his chin thinking. "She didn't seem bothered when we left to find you after that incident, so maybe she ran into more trouble. Next time we see her, we can ask-


Both Alex and Huston called out to Xavier, but another group of voiced also called out. Xavier was about to question it, but before he could he ran right into something, falling backwards onto his back with the thing he bumped into somehow falling onto him. When he opened his eyes to see what fell onto him, he was practically paralyzed with shock to realize it was none other than Jasmine.

"GGHHEE?! JASMINE?!" Xavier stammered as he squirmed out from underneath her. As he was having a crisis, Alex and Huston noticed that the rest of the girls were walking up to the group.

"Jasmine, I told you to watch where you were going." Cali said as she reached down to help her up.

"Sorry, I was just excited." Jasmine admitted bashfully as she was helped up.

"Uh, hello girls." Huston greeted as Alex reached down to pick Xavier up. "When did you get here?"

"We just got here." Rainbow answered. "We came to find you three and Rarity."

"Ye did? Why?" Alex asked as he struggled to keep Xavier standing.

"Well, we got a letter recently from her." Twilight began. "She said that you were all stuck in Canterlot because Opal managed to get sick and couldn't make the trip back. So, we decided to come to have my birthday here in Canterlot." Twilight's explanation managed to raise some flags to the three guys, enough to even snap Xavier back into the real world.

"Huh, tha's the first time ay've heard of that." Alex stated, leaving the girls confused.

"Maybe she just forgot to mention it." Huston thought out loud. "We haven't seen her much recently, so maybe she just never had any time to mention it."

"Now that you mention it, we haven't seen Opal much either." Xavier mentioned. This still raised some questions for the group. "Why don't we go ask her? We can take you to our room for now." The girls looked at each other before nodding and voicing their agreements. "Alright, just follow us then." Soon enough, the group was heading to their room, all looking to find Rarity. It didn't take long for them to make it to the room's staircase, and after getting close to the room the girls decided to go ahead to surprise Rarity. Before the three guys could reach their door, it opened to reveal a nicely dressed Rarity. Rarity didn't have much time to react to the girls in front of her as they all said at once-

"SURPRISE!!" Rarity was so surprised at the group's entrance that she fainted, leaving the group somewhat concerned.

"Erm, does that happen alot?" Alex asked.

"It honestly does." Xaiver admitted as the three joined up with the others.

"Maybe we went a bit far?" Jasmine voiced concern for what happened.

"Bah, it's fine. You know her." Cali reassured.

"I know right?! The moment we shouted 'SURPRISE'!" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "When we opened the doors! Swoosh! And right before she hit the ground, shoom, she...oh hi again!" The group was alerted to Rarity waking up again from Pinkie's greeting, watching Rarity get up, looking shocked.

"What are you... how did you... why are you...?" Rarity stuttered.

"Listen to her. She's so excited to see us, she can hardly talk." Applejack grinned.

"What I mean to say is...what are you all doing here?" Rarity asked nervously.

"When I got your letter saying you guys were stuck in Canterlot, I asked Pinkie Pie if it wouldn't be too much trouble to move my birthday party here, so you wouldn't have to miss it!" Twilight explained.

"Balloons are super easy to pack!" Pinkie grinned, pulling out a suitcase out of her mane and opened it, revealing tons of balloons bursting out of there.

"Is that common to?" Alex asked as he pointed to the balloons.

"Yes. It is." Xavier sighed. "Please don't question it. Just sum it up to 'Pinkie being Pinkie." As Xavier was "explaining" Pinkie, Rarity looked moved.

"Wow...first you get me a suite at Canterlot Castle and now this. I-I don't know what to say, Twilight."

"How about you start by saying what you're doing in that fancy getup?" Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously.

"This? O-oh...well..." Rarity stuttered while the others gave out confused expressions. "I-I always put on something a little fancy when Opal's feeling under the weather... Cheers her right up." She finished with a nervous laugh, and while most of the girls convinced, the three guys and Cali were growing suspicious.

"Oh, poor Opal." Fluttershy said, feeling bad for the white cat. "Where is the sick darling?"

"O-oh...she's...uhh...just hold on a minute." Rarity pleaded before shutting the doors closed.

"Huh?" There was a short time that the group stood outside, confused as to what happened. At least until Rarity opened the door again.

"She's resting in the bed." Fluttershy immediately took off and passed Rarity into the room, the rest of the group following. When they got inside, they saw Fluttershy hugging Opal who looked quite disheveled. Most of them, as Twilight noticed something else in the room.

"Is that my dress?" Twilight looked over at a mannequin with a dress on it, though calling it a dress was a bit of an exaggeration as it was basically a piece of butter yellow cloth with a ribbon on it. When Rarity looked at it, she had nervousness plastered onto her face.

"Yes?" Rarity gulped.

"It's so simple..." Twilight stated, causing Rarity to flinch and panic. "So practical...so...me!" She exclaimed, surprising Rarity as she went in for a hug. "It's the perfect dress for my birthday party! I love it!" Rarity stood in place for a second in shock, but she sighed and smiled.

"You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that." As Rarity was speaking, she flicked her tail towards her desk. While most didn't think much of it, the guys knew what was on the desk, and became more suspicious about what was actually going on.

Later, In the Evening

After Twilight thanked Rarity for her dress, the group began to catch up on recent events like what's been going on in Ponyville and Canterlot. Nothing much has happened though, but the guys and Rarity decided not to mention Alex's outburst. Strangely though, that wasn't the only thing that Rarity was avoiding, as she was being pretty vague with what she was doing in Canterlot, which raised some flags to the guys as they were confused as to what kept Rarity away from them for such a long time. After a while, the group decided to head over to where Twilight's party was going to be held.

"When I told the Princess that I was moving the party to Canterlot, she was kind enough to offer us the Canterlot Castle ballroom!" Twilight explained as she led the group to a pair of doors, now dressed in the dress that Rarity made. She then opened the doors, revealing the room that the Grand Galloping Gala was held in, though it was repaired after the events. It was also decorated like a party that Pinkie would host.

"Isn't it fancy pants?" she asked.

"Fancy Pants?! Where?!" Rarity immediately cried in worry as she shielded herself by using Rainbow Dash's wings, until she realized that it was just an expression as everyone just looked at her oddly (or suspiciously in terms of the guys) as she came out of hiding. "Ahh, I mean, where did you find the time to put up all these decorations?" She chuckled nervously, hoping no one was suspicious of her.

"Oh, I never leave home without my party cannon!" Pinkie stated, taking out a small, blue cannon from somewhere and fired it, sending confetti, balloons, and even a cake out of it and onto a table, though some landed onto Rarity's outfit, much to her ire.

"I thought about having my party outside..." Twilight began to talk about as she walked over to the window. "But I was informed that another party's taking place on the castle grounds today." Pointing outside, the group saw that there were plenty of rich ponies that live in Canterlot, including Jet Set and Upper Crust. While most of the group looked out in curiosity, two had different reactions, but one was more noticeable as Alex glared out the window from the side, clearly annoyed, and everyone could feel it.

"uh, is he alright?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, he seems quite... angry." Rainbow added, ending with Huston and Xavier sighing.

"Don't ask. We really can't answer that. Just, leave him be." Both looked at each other for a moment before shrugging their shoulders. Huston then looked around for a second to see that Rarity was hiding somewhat from the window as if not to be spotted. He was about to go over to her but-

"Let's party!" She cried, grabbing him and Rarity and began to play a tune on a record player nearby. Soon enough the part was in full swing with dancing, eating cake, and throwing said cake from Rainbow. As the cake fight was going on, the humans were off to the side, with Jasmine just joining them.

"Ye ain't joining their fight?" Alex asked.

"N-no. I don't like getting dirty." Jasmine admitted, getting a look of understanding from him. "Aren't you going to join them?" She asked her fellow humans, confused as to why they were off to the side.

"You know I'm not good with parties." Xavier replied.

"Same." Cali agreed.

"I'm more of a calmer party guy. No offence to miss Pie." Huston explained.

"Meh." Alex just shrugged.

"Oh, okay. Well you don't mind if I join you?" Jasmine asked, the other humans nodding. "Thanks."

"No prob lassie." As the group were watching the girls party, something was itching at Cali's mind

"Hey Alex, why were you so angry?" Upon Cali's question, Xavier and Huston tensed up. Alex however just sighed.

"Listen, I'll admit it right now, an' ye can confirm with these two or Rares if ye want. I've got a temper, an' there were ponies out there tha' got on my nerves."

"Wow, he actually admitted it." Huston said with a smirk, prompting Alex to look at him with a face that, while there was irritation, there was a look of amusement there too.

"An' what's that supposta mean, mate?"

"He has a point." Xavier joined in, a smile also on his face. "You haven't been this open with US. What makes the girls so differe-" He was cut off by a light bonk to the head, curtesy of Alex.

"Shaddup. I'm open when ay feel like it." Alex defended as he put an arm around Xavier and Huston, the three of them laughing. As they were messing around, Jasmine and Cali watched with different reactions.

"Um, what's going on?" Jasmine asked, confused at the display.

"This is what they call a "Bromance" Jasmine." Cali explained. "Just roll with it."

"U-um, okay?" Jasmine then looked away to look at the party going on, that's when she noticed something. "Uh, hey. Where did Rarity go?" The group then began to look around for a second to realize that Rarity wasn't around.

"Erm, no clue." As the group looked around the venue, a thought popped into Huston's head, and it made his blood go cold. He then nudged Xavier and began to whisper to him.

"Xavier, you don't think that-"

"Uh, what's with the croquet mallet?" The humans all turned over to see that the girls were now all looking over at Rarity, who looked a bit disheveled and holding-

"What croquet mallet?"

"Duh, the one in your mouth." Rainbow pointed, which made her realize it as she widened her mouth and dropped it.

"O-oh...that croquet mallet! I...well I...the truth is..." Rarity began to fumble with her words, panicking at what to say. At least until Twilight spoke up.

"Were you at that other party in the garden?"

"I, I..."

"Rarity, I'm surprised at you." Twilight said, almost sounding disappointed.

"Twilight please! I can explain!" Rarity kneeled down and started pleading her.

"I had no idea you were such a savvy businesspony!" Twilight's reason had some mixed reactions, but mostly to the humans as the other ponies seemed mostly impartial as Rarity had a face of confusion. While Jasmine and Cali were curious, Xavier and Huston were sweating with nerves, as the last one's emotion was going to end up terribly for many nearby. "All of those ponies look so posh." Twilight commented, everyone looking out to see the wealthy ponies outside. "And with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up, I bet you could totally get some of them to buy your dresses, very smart!"

"W-why yes...I-I didn't want you to think I was being rude, so that's exactly the reason I didn't tell you." Rarity recovered, claiming that what Twilight said was truth, though the humans knew otherwise.

"Oh, well, you didn't have to do that. You should totally go over there and mingle!" Twilight allowed, Rarity giving her a look of disbelief.

"Twilight, you really are the best friend a pony could ever ask for." Rarity said as she went in for a hug with Twilight. "I don't know why I ever thought you wouldn't understand."

"Understand what?"

"Nothing." Rarity deflected as she turned around. "See you girls later!"

"Hey wait!" Rainbow stopped as she suggested "We're your friends! I'm sure they won't mind if we check out the party too! Come on everypony, let's show them to party Ponyville style!" At this announcement and to Rarity and most of the humans' distress, the five others went out to join the garden party.

"Oh no!"

"This is not going to end well." Xavier said with panic in his voice as he and most of the other humans left, leaving one behind as he had a sneer and glare on his face. When the humans and Rarity got outside, they saw a disaster happening. This time however, this disaster was caused by their friends causing mayhem that didn't belong to this type of party. From Rainbow putting too much force into croquet to Pinkie having too many sweets from the buffet. From Fluttershy feeding birds in the trees, causing twigs, leaves, and crumbs to fall down onto ponies below her to Applejack taking the term "Garden Party" too literally by plucking weeds. Twilight was even being a disturbance as she was dancing poorly in front of everypony.

"Can you believe what that pony is wearing?" They heard Jet Set say, clearly disgusted and annoyed.

"It's just so plain." Upper Crust scoffed.

"Y-yeah" Rarity "agreed" as she used her magic to take a cup of punch. As Twilight was dancing however, the pony that Xavier and Huston saw talking to Alex walked up to her and stopped her.

"Excuse me, might I ask where you got your ensemble?" He asked curiously.

"Why yes, yes you may." Twilight nodded with a smile. "A very, very close friend of mine from Ponyville made it for me." At this moment, Rarity panicked and spat out the punch she was drinking and began to trot over, ignoring the fact that the punch she spat out was all over the married couple.

"Ponyville? You don't say."

"I do say. Her name is–"

"Fancy Pants! Come with me!" Rarity interrupted, taking Fancy Pants' leg and tried to drag him away. "I'd like to show you this, er, thing that's over there. On the other side of the room."

"In a moment, my dear." Fancy Pants replied, unintentionally drawing a crowd. "I was just about to hear from where this lovely filly from Ponyville who made her charming dress."

"What, that dress?" Rarity asked nervously. "Oh come now. Who cares? It's just a plain old-"

"Oh don't be so modest, Rarity." Twilight said. "This dress you made is beautiful!" This sentence made the whole room shut up and look over at the commotion, this time in disbelief at what Twilight said. Rarity simply sweat as the others walked over, the ponies looking happy while the humans looked worried. "We all think so."

"You know these ponies and... humans?" Fancy Pants asked Rarity curiously. "Rarity began to look between the wealthy crowd and her friends, all of them looking a bit worried now. After a bit, Rarity lowered her head and turned to the nobles, leaving her friends in disbelief. At least, until she began to speak.

"Yes...yes I do know them." She admitted, a determined look on her face. "They may not be as sophisticated as all of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends! And they are, without a doubt, the most important ponies I know." Rarity stated as she smiled at them, all of them smiling at her warmly-

"Important ponies?!" Until they heard Jet Set question Rarity's words. "These ruffians?"

"Don't make me laugh." Upper Crust sneered before she and her husband started laughing at them, offending them all.

"I, for one, find them charmingly rustic." They stopped however when Fancy Pants spoke, raising the groups spirits. "And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely." He said as he walked over. "I daresay every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one."

"Oh, I'd like to place my order right now!" Upper Crust declared.

"I think you should get two-"

"Shaddup ye suck-ups!" The couple simply tensed up at the voice, recognizing it as everyone turned to see Alex standing underneath the flower archway. On his face was unsettlingly aggressive and annoyed "Ye just laughed at them like jokes an' now yer actin' like they are royalty. Just shut it!" Alex then began to walk towards the middle of the party, making many nervous as there have been rumors about him spreading around Canterlot. "Ye remember what ay said before, but my friends are here, so yer lucky." He then went right into the couple's faces with a glare that sent shivers down their spine. "But let me be clear. This is yer only mercy. Next time, ye will get what ay promised, with or without my friends as witnesses. Got that?" The two simply nodded like last time. "Now get out of my sight." As Alex rose and walked to his friends, the couple trotted away in fear.

"T-thank you Alex, I-" What came next shocked everyone, as Alex did something unpredictable and grabbed Rarity by her neckless and pulled her close.

"Don't think ay'm blind or passive ta you, lass." Alex growled, leaving Rarity fearful. "Ye were given an option to abandon us, an' ay ain't letting that go. Ye can tell them the truth, give i' t'all away, even plead ta the high heaven all ye want, ay ain't Ever forgettin' what ye did." Alex then looked over her shoulder to look at their friends, who all looked at the two of them with worry. "Yer lucky they're here, else this would go longer, but ay'm cutting this short." Alex then released Rarity, leaving her shocked on the floor as he put his hands into his pocket and began to walk away. The entire mood was pretty much ruined, but in a way that no one could predict, and as Alex was walking away, Huston and Xavier could only think about one thing.

"What happened to him?"

Author's Note:

And you thought Xavier and Cali got angry. Alex straight up curses out some ponies, rightfully so. Though, Rarity wasn't able to escape the rage
Also, writing Scottish is hard. It's manageable, but still (Thank you Demolitions man from the hit game/comic Team Defense Fort Two for helping me learn how to type Scottish) But anyway, sorry for the massive delay between chapters. Like the Christmas message said, my computer broke and college just started, so yeah. Anyway hope you enjoy, Koops out!

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