• Published 2nd Sep 2021
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Harmony of Light: An Oath to Return season 1. - Xionforgotten

This story takes place between KH 358/2 days and Kingdom Hearts 2, Roxas the keyblade chose one falls into the world of equestria where he is going to find the truth meaning of friendship while he protects his new friends from the heartless.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The elements of Harmony

< Treasured memories KH 2>

~"As the key bearer one must not meddle in the affairs of other worlds"~

Memories of the past were striking back the young pegasus during his slumber.

~"Hey what do you mean Junior Heroes!?'~

~"POWER"!~ the brown-haired kid said striking his keyblade on the floor summoning a small dragon on top of his head.

~"Are you still care for your past friends? Or are you too cool to play them now that you have the keyblade"~The silver-haired boy said.

~"Where are Donald and Goofy?"~The brown-haired kid repeated.

<Treasured memories end>

After the small flashbacks, Roxas Woke up again in his bed on Sweet Apple Acres.

{"Another dream about him, Donald... Goofy..."}Roxas thought.

{"Maybe some fresh air will help me"}

Roxas went downstairs and opened one of the house's living room windows, he saw the landscape full of apple trees. But something else caught his attention, before the daybreak he saw the moon, and it had the form of a unicorn mare on its surface.

{"What a weird shape that the moon had on its surface."}Roxas thought.

Seconds later Applejack arrived at the living room.

<Lazy afternoons KH2>

"Good mornin' Roxas what are you doing in the living room at this hour?"the orange mare asked for context.

"I just had another dream about him"Roxas replied.

Applejack knew exactly what the stallion was talking about.

"Sora Right?"

"Don't worry I'm pretty sure we will find the truth about this whole situation"Applejack said rising Roxas's mood.

"Thanks Applejack"He replied.

Hours later both ponies started their daily routine of harvest on the farm adding a quick chit-chat to pass the time.

"You know Roxas when you arrived at the farm, the job has become easier and funnier" Applejack said.

"Why funnier?"Roxas asked.

"Well is kind of weird that somepony who isn't part of the apple family is helping us pretty much daily, and it is always fun to talk with you"Applejack said.

"Really? Do you think so? Then I should be grateful for this"Roxas replied.

"Yeah actually my little sister asked me a favor"Applejack said.

"She told me that if I could take her to the school today"Applejack said.

"Sure, no worries just let me finish moving these baskets to the barn and I'll be ready to go"Roxas said.

After Roxas's part of the job was done he proceeded to tell Applebloom that he was ready to take her to school.

"C'mon Apple bloom or you will be late"Roxas said.

"On my way!"

Applebloom rushes down the stairs and jumps right into Roxas's back.

"Ouch"Roxas said in pain.

"I'm sorry Roxas"

"Try to land more softly next time"Roxas said.

The duo started talking on their way to the school, applebloom was guiding Roxas the entire time.

"So Roxas I don't that you don't remember well the meaning of your cutie mark, but what does that symbol mean?" Apple bloom asked.

"The cross...it was on the zipper of my shirt"Roxas said.

"I'm sorry applebloom but I'm clueless"he replied.

"It's okay I would not bother you anymore about it" the filly replied.

"But...why does the cutie marks attract you so much?"Roxas asked.

"Because everypony in my class already has one, it's so unfair"Applebloom replied.

"Don't worry sooner or later you will end up getting one, try to see it the positive way, maybe your cutie mark is taking some time because it's gonna be really special" Roxas said cheering up the filly.

"Yeah you're right what's the point of getting angry, I'll just try to think more positively thanks Roxas" Applebloom said.

After Applebloom entered her classroom, Roxas headed back to Sweet Apple Acres. But because he was thinking about the dream he had in the morning he crashed with a unicorn mare on the way.

"Owch I'm sorry are you ok?"Roxas asked the mare.

"Watch where you're going?"she replied.

It was a purple unicorn mare with a dragon on her back.

Roxas sensed that she was in a really bad mood, so he didn't ask her anything and continue walking.

{"Whats wrong with her?}

After he arrived the pegasus stallion saw that a big meal was prepared before his return.

"What happened here Applejack?"He asked his friend.

"A purple unicorn mare came before, she told me that she was in charge of seeing that everything was going right before the festival"Applejack said.

Roxas was curious about this festival, the closer he had been into one of them was when he watched the struggle tournament in the clock tower of Twilight town

"Festival?, what Festival?Roxas asked.

"The summer sun celebration"Applejack answered.

"And what's the purpose of that celebration?"Roxas asked.

"To celebrate the victory of Princess Celestia over Nightmare moon by sealing her in the moon"Applejack said.

"I suppose that was a fierce battle"Roxas replied.

"I don't know it was a hundred years ago"She answered.

"A hundred years ago?!" Roxas exclaimed surprised.

"{That means this princess must be really old!}"He thought for a second.

"Why don't you asked that unicorn mare, I bet she knows more about the story"Applejack suggested.

"That's right, did she told you where she was going next?"Roxas asked.

"She said something about the carpets and curtains, maybe she went to the boutique" Applejack said.

"Got it, let me ask Rarity, maybe she is speaking with her right now, thanks for the help Applejack"Roxas said rushing towards Rarity's place.

Along the way, Roxas began to think about the appearance of the princess and how she was able to send a monster to the moon.

{"So many interesting details about this world, I need to know more of it"

After a little while of flying Roxas finally arrived at Rarity's boutique.

"Good Morning Rarity, how are you"

"I'm fine dear, but since the festival is coming, I have a lot of dresses to deliver" Rarity said exhausted.

"Can I help you with anything?"Roxas asked trying to help her friend.

"Oh no no no, I still have plenty of time, don't worry about me" Rarity said trying to calm the gray stallion.

"C'mon we are friends, and friends are supposed to help each other"Roxas replied.

Rarity instantly blushed and whispered some things that luckily Roxas didn't hear.

"I wished we were more than friends..."She whispered.

"Excuse me? What did you say?"Roxas asked.

"Nothing, Nothing I was just thinking with my mouth open"Rarity said blushing extremely.

{"What was I thinking if he ended up knowing about this...maybe I'm confused about my feelings, he's just my friend, yeah yeah that has to be"} Rarity thought.

"Uhmm earth to Rarity?Roxas said shaking Rarity's shoulders.

"Sorry dear, all this stress is driving me crazy but I can handle it"Rarity answered.

"Then if you are sure about this I won't interfere, but the purpose I came here was to ask you if you recently saw a purple unicorn"Roxas said.

"Actually yes, she came here, and it was awful, her hair was all messed up and her fur was very dirty" Rarity said explaining the situation to Roxas.

"Did she tell you where she was going next?"Roxas asked.

"I'm sorry Roxas, she left the shop before I could finish my work on her" Rarity replied.

"Shoot, well thanks for the help, maybe Rainbow or Fluttershy know something about her, see you later!!" the stallion pegasus said, parting from the boutique.

"Goodbye...Roxas"Rarity replied with a raspy voice.

Roxas started flying, searching for the purple unicorn, but he didn't saw anypony with that characteristics,

After a little while, Roxas stumbled against Rainbow dash, she was doing her morning routine of flying.

"Hello Rainbow dash, I can see you were practicing today, the sky is really clear."

"Sup Roxas, ready for a race? I just won a bet a couple of minutes ago so I'm in the mood right now"Rainbow dash said provoking Roxas.

"Sorry Rainbow, I need to find somepony first, I'm searching for a purple unicorn mare" Rainbow dash said.

"Oh really?, I defeated her in the challenge a couple of minutes ago!"Rainbow dash replied.

"I guess she didn't know about your speed before challenging you hahaha!"Roxas said imagining the situation.

"I hope she learned not to mess with Rainbow dash"

"You betcha, but one question, where did she go after?"Roxas asked Rainbow dash.

"I think she was heading towards Fluttershy's cottage"

"Good, let's see if I could catch her this time, thanks for the info Dash"Roxas said trying to catch the purple mare.

"Your welcome Roxas, but remember you owe me a race"Rainbow dash said.

"Sure, after I finish talking with that unicorn, be sure to be prepared dashRoxas replied leaving the scene.

"Ha, I'm planning to keep the streak Roxas, take care"Dash said.

After talking with the pegasus mare, Roxas flies towards Fluttershy's house, thinking about why she was the manager of the event.

{Probably she is a very important pony to the princess, like a pupil or something"}

After a little while, Roxas arrived at Fluttershy's house. He knocked on the door and the bunny Angel received him.

"Angel...!"Roxas said with a furious tone.

When he was about to enter the house Angel closed the door on the stallion's face.

"Ouch, hey! Angel"Roxas screamed.

"Geez Angel, I don't know why you hate Roxas so much"Fluttershy said.

"Believe me Fluttershy, the hate is reciprocal"Roxas said watching Angel with angry eyes.

"Oh don't say that Roxas, I know Angel can be a little insensitive with others, but he's a good Bunny."Fluttershy replied.

"Hmmm...I don't think so, but anyway I'm here to ask you something"Roxas said.

"Of course, what is it?"Fluttershy replied.

"Have you seen a purple unicorn recently?"Roxas asked.

."Ahem, actually yes, I was teaching my birds to sing, but she came up and give me a big scare, and you know me, I'm pretty bad with new relationships," Fluttershy said.

"I see, Don't worry Fluttershy, I suffered the same problem years ago, just try to believe more in yourself, I know you will become a more confident pony"

"Thanks..Roxas"Fluttershy said blushing.

"Did the Unicorn told you where she was going next?"Roxas asked.

"I think she was going to visit pinkie pie"

"Got it, Thanks Fluttershy and see...you...later angel!"Roxas said with a furious look towards the bunny.

Roxas flew one last time towards sugar cube corner, hoping to finally catch with the unicorn mare. But unfortunately, he didn't.

"Pinkie, have you seen a purple unicorn recently"Roxas asked her crazy friend.

"Nope...Nope...Nope..... Yes actually yes, she was here a second ago"Pinkie pie replied thinking about the situation.

"She asked for the party theme but for some reason, she left without saying anything"

"[sigh] Did you saw where she was going next?"Roxas asked trying to make the crazy mare cooperate.

"Sorry but no"She replied.

"It's ok pinkie thanks for the help, hope to see you later in the sunset" Roxas said leaving the sugar cube corner.

"Just be prepared Roxas I'm going to bring a lot of sea salt ice cream, just wait, he he he"Pinkie replied.

Feeling defeated, Roxas didn't know where to go next, it seems that the purple mare was never going to be found, so praying for the best, the gray stallion decided to search on his own, om the library.

{"If it really is an important tale, then it must have a book dedicated to it"} Roxas thought.

Roxas went to the library, he realized that the door was opened recently, he entered knowing that someone was inside, and to his surprise, it was the purple unicorn mare he was searching for all day.

<Lazy afternoons end>

"Geez, I finally found you"Roxas said.

The unicorn mare steps back from the gray stallion thinking he was about to do something to her.

"Woah, don't worry I'm not going to hurt you"Roxas said trying to calm the mare.

"Oh no, don't tell me that you are with those crazy ponies from before"The mare said.

"What? Who are you talking about?"Roxas asked with confusion.

"All of this day has been problem after problem, the orange earth mare, the rainbow one, the weird one with the party theme, I'm sick of it!"The unicorn mare said angrily.

"Sorry to hear that, I know that my friends can be a little weird at first but after you know them, you connect with them very well"Roxas replied.

"Uh?! So you are with them, this is incredible, hurry what do you want"The orange mare replied.

"I talk with my friend Applejack earlier, she said that all of this preparation is for a special event tonight"Roxas asked.

"You mean the Summer sun celebration?" The unicorn said.

"Exactly, what's that all about?"Roxas asked.

"[sigh], finally someone I can talk with, what's your name?"The unicorn asked.

"I'm Roxas and you?"

"Twilight Sparkle, gotta say that you have a pretty weird name" Twilight answered.

"Yeah, that's not the first time I heard that, but the story...Roxas said impatiently.

"Oh yeah, sorry"

"The story begins with two princesses Celestia and Luna, They controlled the sun and the moon respectively in past years"

"One day, Luna realized that when it was night everypony started to sleep, and when it was day everypony play and laughed all day, seeing all of this made Luna jealous of her sister, and in one of her fury moments, she decided to attack her sister."

"Luna now called Nightmare moon tried to plunge Ponyville into the eternal night"

"Celestia stepped in and fought her sister, luckily she was victorious. She decided to seal her sister on the moon keeping her there until these days, but according to my calculations, the seal is going to be break today" The unicorn said.

"And how you are so sure?" Roxas asked.

"The stars, they are in position, exactly of how the ancient scrolls told" She answered.

"Well, if that's the case, we have to do something to stop them" Roxas said.

Suddenly the library door was knocked somehow, it was a bunch of ponies lead by pinkie pie.

"WHAT?!, Why is everypony here!!!" She screamed.

"Oh that's Right pinkie loves making parties for the new ponies in town"Roxas answered.

The rest of the girls also arrived at the library.

"Hi ladies"Roxas said.

"Hello, Roxas" everypony answered.

"No, No, No this is bad, this is not the time for a party" Twilight said.

[color=#aaaaaaa]"C'mon it's still day, we can investigate about Nightmare moon later, for now, let's have some fun Twilight."

"NO!!!, I thought you were different Roxas, but you are like anypony else"Twilight said running upstairs to her room.

"Did I say something wrong?"Roxas asked his friends.

"I don't know what's wrong with her"Rainbow dash said.

"Thats not very polite on her part"Applejack said.

"You will have to excuse, but Twilight doesn't like when ponies come to her home"

"Who are you?"Roxas asked.

"My name is Spike, I'm a ferocious fire-breathing dragon, hahaha"Spike said.

"Dragon? You're kind of small to be a dragon, you are more like a reptile"Roxas said.

"Then how you explain this" Spike said breathing fire.

"I have seen many other creatures that can breathe fire"Roxas said.

"Hmm, fine, just wait till I get my wings"Spike said.

"He he he, I'm just mocking you don't worry"Roxas said.

"Ok, I forgot to tell you but I'm Twilight right hand, I'm at her service"Spike said.

"I see, can you tell her that we are sorry, that we will leave now"Roxas said.

"BUT WHY?"Pinkie screamed.

"I know that you love parties pinkie, but we have to respect the preferences of the other, if she doesn't like the parties we have to respect her"Roxas explained.

"Ow, ok I Understand"Pinkie said.

The Pink pony began to pick up all the stuff from the party. Roxas asked Twilight to come downstairs after they cleaned up the house.

"You sure about this Roxas?"Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm the only one she enjoys talking with"Roxas said.

"If you could wait outside just for a little time, I will appreciate it so much" Roxas said.

The 5 mares nodded and went back outside of the library.

"Twilight? are you there?"Roxas said.

The unicorn mare returned to the main room where Roxas was.

"Hello again Twilight"Roxas said.

"Where is everypony?" Twilight asked.

"I told them to leave, I didn't know you don't like parties, so we are sorry"Roxas explained.

"I don't hate them, they just bother me"Twilight answered.

"But how do you expect to have friends, ponies you can trust if you don't like talking or going outside"

"I don't need friends, I just need knowledge that's what's important" Twilight answered.

"You know, I also think Knowledge is very important, but the relationships with other ponies provide a fair amount of knowledge too, you just have to find them"Roxas said.

"I dont know...Im not sure"Twilight said.

"But the thing I know for sure is that Nightmare moon is going to come back today"Twilight said.

"Well, if that's the case, we have to do something to stop her" Roxas said.

"I know but I tried to warn Celestia, but she doesn't believe me, and everyone in this town is really weird," She said with a really angry face.

"We just talk...[sigh] fine, I have a plan, we go to the festival, and if we see something strange we told Celestia"Roxas said.

"Fine lets do this"Twilight answered.

After that Roxas went outside the Library and told everything he discussed a couple of seconds ago.

"So if we see something strange we told you"Rarity said.

"Yes, we will have to be alert in this celebration, if nothing happens, well then I don't know what to do"Roxas explained.

"You got it"Rainbow said.

After the short talk, Roxas prepared to go to the event, grabbed his organization cloak, and proceeded to the city hall.

After a little while, the rest of Roxas friends arrived at the festival, a lot of important ponies were there, but the main event was the words of Celestia to all the ponies.

<Strange whispers KH 1 starts>

{I don't see anything strange}Roxas thought.

{It looks that all of the ponies are having fun}

Roxas saw when Twilight arrived at the event, she was watching for anything that looked suspicious.

But something different caught his attention.

The curtains started closing and the searchlights aim to the main stage.

A royal stallion spoke to all of the party.

"And now, a few words from our beloved princess Celestia"

Roxas moved his attention to the center of the stage.

{"Hmm I guess I finally going to meet princess Celestia"}Roxas thought.

Without any advice, the situation changes from a happy event to the prelude of chaos.

No one was behind the curtains, and a mystery black smoke started to fill the room.

"Huh?"Roxas grunted.

A dark mare with a shadow blue cosmic mane and a half-moon cutie mark appeared on the stage.

Roxas looked around only to see Twilight and everypony else crumbling in fear.

{"That must be Nightmare moon"} He thought.

"Stop her, she knows where princess Celestia is," The mayor said ordering the royal guards to do something but it was in vain.

"Step Back, you fools, the plan of summoning the eternal night has begun" Nightmare moon said summoning lightning bolts to attack the guards.

She then turned into space mist and fly away from ponyville.

Rainbow tried to reach her but she failed.

{"What does eternal night mean?"}Rainbow thought.

Roxas followed the dark mist and Twilight went after him.

"Huh?, where are they going" Rainbow said seeing Twilight and Roxas running.

"Lets go"Rarity said.

Roxas saw that chasing the black mist could be a trap so he decided to wait for Twilight.

"So... how do we stop her"Roxas asked Twilight.

"I don't know, without the elements of harmony, we can't do much"Twilight said.

"But I have an Idea, follow me"Twilight said.

Both ponies went to the library, Twilight began to search for the book containing the information about the elements of harmony.

Seconds later, Rainbow dash crashed into the library, she was very interested in those elements.

"And what are the elements of harmony exactly?"She said.

"And how did you know about Nightmare moon, aren't you a spy right?" Rainbow said

A little time later Applejack and the other mares joined the conversation.

"Well she is the only one who knows about the situation, right Twilight? Applejack asked.

An awkward silence filled the room, everyone was seeing Twilight so she decided to answer all the questions.

"I read about the prophecy of nightmare moon, and the elements of harmony are the only power that can stop her, but I don't know where they are, or how they work" Twilight said.

Pinkie pie also joined the conversation.

"Elements of harmony, a complete guide of what are they" Pinkie said.

"Where did you find that book?!"Twilight said pushing pinkie pie aside.

"It was on the E section~~ Pinkie replied.

Twilight opened up the book and started reading it, hoping to find some information about the location of the elements.

"There are 6 elements of harmony but only five had been discovered: Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty, the sixth element is a mystery, it is said that the last know location of the 5 elements was the ancient castle of the two loyal pony sisters, located inside the everfree forest"

"Alright let's go to the forest"Roxas said ready to rock.

"Is not that simple Roxas, the everfree forest is a very dangerous location, some of the worst monsters are crawling inside of it"Rarity said.

"Rarity is right, but we don't have any other option"Applejack said.

"Don't worry I keep you safe all the time" Roxas said.

"Exactly how? You are a pegasus, you don't have any kind of magic"Twilight said.

"Hey!, Roxas help me every time on the farm, at least I know he is really strong for being a pegasus"Applejack said.

"He is really fast too, almost faster than me"Rainbow dash said.

"He can be very kind with others" Fluttershy said.

"And a true gentlecolt"Rarity said.

"A total party enjoyer hahaha"Pinkie said.

"Fine, if you have a lot of ponies who can trust in you then ill do it too"Twilight said.

"Thanks for the compliments, now, let's go to the forest to stop Nightmare moon!!

<Strange whispers KH1 ends>

The seven ponies went to the entrance of the everfree forest but they felt that someone was following them.

"Have anyone of you been here before?"Fluttershy said.

No!, just look at it, is all dreadful"Rarity answered.

"Hmm but I think is weird that there's no sign outside what's that supposed to mean". Applejack said.

"No pony knows, you know why?"Rainbow said trying to scare the other part of the group.

"Come on Rainbow quit it now"Roxas said.

The black mist entered inside the rocks and no pony even notice.

"Because everypony who had entered the forest never came BACK!"Rainbow screamed scaring both Fluttershy and Rarity.

The Cliff where the protagonists were standing broke into small pieces, causing Pinkie pie, Rarity Applejack, and Twilight to start falling to the ground.

"Oh no, Roxas Fluttershy quick!"Rainbow said ordering both pegasuses

"I got you, don't worry"-Roxas said grabbing Rarity before she crashed into the ground.

Rainbow grabbed pinkie and Fluttershy grabbed Applejack.

"Where is Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

"Somepony save me"Twilight said.

Twilight was stuck in a root that came from a tree in the cliff.

"Twilight listen to me, Ya have to let go"Applejack said.

"Are you crazy?"Twilight said.

"Trust me, you are going to be fine, I would never risk a life of a friend"Applejack said.

Twilight let go of the root and started falling to the ground, but Roxas was waiting below to catch her in the air.

"I told you, there's nothing to fear"Applejack said.

The group continued walking through the forest until they ran into a very angry manticore.

"We have to stop him"Twilight said.

"Got it"Roxas said.

All of the ponies except Fluttershy started to attack him but the manticore was beating up them one by one.

[color=#aaaaaaa]"I think I will have to use the Keyblade on this one" Roxas thought

The mares stood up again and prepared a conjoined attack.

The 5 ponies ran against the manticore...

"WAIT!"Fluttershy said stopping the rest of the ponies.

"Look, he has a sliver stuck in his paw"Fluttershy said approaching the manticore paw.

"Sorry but this is going to hurt a little"She said pulling out the sliver.

The manticore grabbed Fluttershy aggressively scaring the entire group but they all calm down when they saw the manticore licking Fluttershy's hair.

"That's a very weird form to say thank you"Roxas said.

The ponies continued their journey to the ancient castle until they reach the darkest part of the forest.

Suddenly a group of scary trees stood in front of them starting to scare everyone except Roxas and pinkie.

"You two what are you doing" Twilight said.

"Hahaha, this is not so scary at all, these trees look really funny"Roxas said.

"Yeah, look at that face hahaha"Pinkie said starting to sing to cheer up the group.

<The Laugher song starts>

-When I was a little filly-

- and the sun was going down...-

-Tell me she's not -

-The darkness and the shadows-

-they would always make me frown... -

-She is I'd hide under my pillow -

-From what I thought I saw But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way-

- "To deal with fears at all-

-" Then what has She said 'Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall Learn to face your fears-

-You'll see that they can't hurt you Just laugh to make them disappear' Ha! Ha! Ha! -

-So, giggle at the ghostly Guffaw at the grossly Crackup at the creepy Whoop it up with the weepy-

-Chortle at the kooky -

-Snortle at the spooky-

- And tell that big dumb scary face-

- to take a hike and leave you alone-

- and if he thinks he can scare you-

- then he's got another thing coming-

- and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... -

-hahaha heh... Laugh!-

<Song ends>

Roxas and the mares started laughing at the faces and make them disappear.

"That was pretty good advice, Pinkie" Roxas said.

"Thank you, Roxas, now let's go to the ancient castle hahaha," Pinkie said.

The journey continues and so do the problems, now the protagonists were stuck on the other side of a river with extremely fast currents.

<The secret whispers Kh bbs starts>

Twilight noticed a big purple dragon crying in the river.

"Uhh, Excuse me, sir, why are you crying?"Twilight asked.

"A black mare flew through my beautiful mustache, look at it is completely Ruin." the dragon said.

Now it was the time for Rarity to shine.

"Don't worry my dear I have the perfect solution" Rarity said grabbing a dragon scale and cutting part of his mane putting it in the mustache that the dragon lost.

"Rarity your beautiful mane!"Twilight said

"Don't worry my dear it will grow back" Rarity said

"So as the dragon's mustache"Rainbow said.

"Look we can cross now" Twilight said.

"Oh, please allow me to help you"The dragon said.

The group continued walking until they finally reach the ancient castle.

"Hey girls, we finally made it"Roxas said.

"Let's go"Twilight said rushing to the castle but the bridge was broken.

"What are we going to do? We can't cross."Fluttershy said.

"I could pass one by one to the other side"

"No need for that Roxas, Rainbow is here"

Rainbow flew down the cliff and grabbed the string that was attached to the other side of the bridge.

"Ok, now tie up this, right here and..."

"Rainbow dash..."A mystery voice said.

" Huh? Who's there?"Rainbow replied.

"Rainbow dash..." The voice continued

"Come on I'm not scared of you, show yourself"

"We need somepony really fast and clever to join our group"

"Who are you? Are you part of the wonder bolts?, cause I always wanted to be part of their team"Rainbow said?

"No, we are a better group than the wonder bolts, we are the shadow bolts, join us and you will have everything you wished for"

"Of course, just let me tie up this bridge and I can be with you guys all the time"Rainbow said

"NO!, you have to choose one"The shadow bolt leader said.

"Rainbow don't listen to them..."Roxas said.

-So what's your choice?-

"You..."Rainbow said.

The leader of the shadow bolts was smiling but that wasn't the last words Rainbow was going to say.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid I have to say no"Rainbow said tying up the bridge and returning with her friends.

" C'mon I would never leave you guys"Rainbow dash said.

"Thanks Rainbow, that means a lot"Roxas said.

The group finally arrived at the castle and started searching for the elements of harmony until they reached a room with a huge tree on it.

"Look, we finally found them"Twilight said.

"Those rocks are the elements of harmony?"Roxas asked.

"But there's only 5 of them"Pinkie said.

"The book said when the five elements are reunited the six one will appear"Twilight explained.

"So what do we do"Rarity said.

"Stay back, I have an idea"Twilight said. gathering energy to make a spell.

<The secret whispers Kh bbs end>

"Come on y'all she needs to concentrate"Applejack said.

Everyone left Twilight behind until she completed the spell, but a mystery Tornado destroyed the tree where the elements were.

"Oh no, The elements"Twilight shouted.

"Girls that was Twilight."Roxas said.

"Lets go"Rainbow said

The group returned to the Ancient castle but Twilight wasn't there.

"Twilight where are a you"Applejack screamed.

"Look" Fluttershy pointed out to the tower of the castle.

"Where am I?"Twilight thought.

"It's over Twilight, you and your friends can't do anything now that I possess the five elements of harmony"Nightmare moon said.

<Destiny force KH 1 starts>

Twilight got into attack position challenging Nightmare moon to a Duel.

"Your kidding right?"Nightmare moon said.

Twilight charged against Nightmare moon, she responded with the same action.

When they were about to clash Twilight teleported to where the elements were.

"Just one spark come on" Twilight said.

Twilight started to charge the elements of harmony but Nightmare moon stops her.

Roxas arrived at the scene.

"Twilight are you ok?"Roxas said.

"Yeah, but I couldn't find the sixth element" Twilight said

"It's over, you're never going to see your princess again and the night will be eternal" Nightmare moon said breaking the elements.

"Twilight?"Applejack shouted.

For instance, something inside Twilight gleamed the answer she was looking for was there all the time.

"Roxas, I have an idea but I need you to buy me some time"Twilight said

"Ok leave it to me"Roxas said

Roxas stood In front of Nightmare moon preparing to challenge her.

"Get ready, because I'm going to go all out"Roxas said summoning his Keyblade.

The other ponies arrive at the scene just to saw Roxas wielding a Key-shaped sword.

"What is that?.. on Roxas's hoove."Rainbow said.

"I don't know I never saw something like that before"Rarity said.

"We ask him later I have a plan pony's"Twilight said.

"What's the plan Twilight?" Pinkie said

"Don't you see, We are the elements of harmony"Twilight said.

"What are ya talking about"Applejack said

"Yeah the souls of the elements are inside us, we just have to set the power free"Twilight said

Meanwhile with Roxas and Nightmare Moon.

"What an interesting tool you have there, If you want I could use your key in my army, you will be a general what you think?" Nightmare moon said.

" Thanks but I think I'll pass, I'm tired of working for others"Roxas said.

"HaHaHa, you sure young stallion?, you just rejected unlimited power"

"Are you're going to keep standing there or are we going to fight?"Roxas said.

"You little...!"

Nightmare moon rushed against Roxas using her dark thunderbolts

Roxas used his Keyblade to block all of Nightmare's moon attacks, then he tried to hit her with some thunder magic.

"Roxas can use Magic, even though he's a pegasus?"Twilight said.

"Twilight concentrate please" Rainbow said.

"What kind of Weapon is that?" Nightmare moon said.

"It's a Keyblade, that's all you need to know" Roxas said.

"A...Keyblade? Why I never read anything about it in the Equestria storybooks" Nightmare Moon said

"Don't know, maybe you didn't read enough, now prepare yourself " Roxas said throwing his Keyblade To nightmare moon

Nightmare moon managed to dodge Roxas attack and tried to make a counterattack.

"Is that all you got?"Nightmare moon said roasting Roxas.

The Keyblade suddenly returned its way to Roxas's hand, Moon barely managed to dodge it this time, resulting in part of the armor getting torn with the attack.

"No matter how many times you try, the only way you can defeat me is with the elements of harmony" Nightmare moon said.

"Wanna bet?"Roxas said charging his Keyblade, but Twilight stopped him.

<Destiny Force end>

"Nightmare Moon, you may have destroyed the elements of harmony but their souls will live in us for eternity."

<Always on my mind KH 1 starts>

"Applejack, who ensures my safety by telling me the truth, represents the element of honesty" Twilight said.

"Fluttershy who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the element of Kindness"

"Pinkie pie, who make fun of those horrible faces in the forest, represents the element of Laughter"

"Rarity, who sacrificed her beautiful tail to give it to someone else represents the element of generosity"

"And Rainbow Dash, who didn't betray her friends for her heart desires, represents the element of Loyalty"

"Ha, but you still haven't found the sixth element" Nightmare moon said

"The sixth element is something special, is just like a spark that I feel when I knew that they were my true friends"Twilight said.

A magic sparkle appeared in the ceiling of the castle, showing a small Rock with a star emblem.

"You see nightmare moon when the other elements are combined they show where the last element is the element of magic."Twilight said.

The mane 6 hover above the ground and with a powerful spark they summoned a giant rainbow that attacked Nightmare moon.

"Could that be, light?" Roxas thought pointing his Keyblade to the Rainbow.

A ray of light appeared from Roxas Keyblade.

"Maybe I could seal part of her darkness away," Roxas thought.

A giant flash knocked out the mane 6, Roxas was the only one stand up.

"Are you ok?" Roxas said.

"Aghh, my head"Rainbow said.

" Is everypony ok?"Applejack said.

"Absolutely perfect"Rarity said waving her new tail that just grew up, thanks to the power of the elements.

"Look we have necklaces" Fluttershy said.

"Oh Yeah"Rainbow shouted.

"Wow Twilight you have a crown" Roxas said.

"Roxas!, you better told us what was that key-shaped thing right now"Twilight said angrily.

All the mane 6 saw Roxas with a threatening look.

"You're not the Pony you said to be"Rainbow said.

"What are you talking about?"Roxas replied.

"Tell us who ya are, the truth"Applejack said.

"Girls, I'm me, Nobody else" Roxas answered.

"Then what's that magical tool you summon before" Pinkie pie said.

"You mean the Keyblade" Roxas asked.

"Yeah, what is that thing" Twilight said.

Roxas stayed quiet, he couldn't explain to his friends the truth about the Keyblade.

Luckily Celestia arrived to congratulate Twilight for doing what she expected for so many years, make true friends making this the perfect opportunity for Roxas to escape.

"Princess Celestia I need to tell you something about..."

When Twilight was about to tell Celestia about Roxas, he wasn't there anymore.

No pony saw him when he disappeared.

Roxas was walking deep inside in the Everfree forest trying to get closer to ponyville.

But something pushed him on the back.

"Who did that? Show yourself" Roxas said angrily.

A white creature jumped out from the bushes and strike Roxas again.

We have come for you my liege.

"This can't be, what are you doing here? Dusks!!!! He shouted summoning his keyblade.