• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 1,028 Views, 28 Comments

Watching Us Watching Them - Little Jackie Papercut

Let's play the same game but with a new rule...

  • ...

Day Three: Proper Introductions

Everything was not fine.

Twilight Sparkle was slumped over the counter, face buried in a basket of hay fries. She wasn't moving. She didn't feel like it.

Three days ago, the Princess trusted her unconditionally. Now she was basically an outcast, forbidden to even try to stand at her side for this crisis. There was no point even budging from this spot until the week ended and the world was plunged into darkness everlasting.

"Whoa, you okay? You look like somepony literally threw you in the trash," somebody commented.

Twilight groaned, grudgingly shifting her eyes to look up at the speaker.

A white unicorn had occupied the seat next to her, and was staring at her from behind a pair of dark violet glasses. She ran a hoof through her forward-sweeping electric blue mane, frowning.

"I mean, no offense or anything, it's just, you kinda stick out, right?" she added, gesturing around the small restaurant, where everypony was still abuzz with the usual holiday excitement. "I was just wondering what was up."

The professor started to appraise her questioner, but after a moment she realized it didn't matter anymore. Nobody could help her, but conversely, there was no reason not to trust anybody, since it couldn't very well make things worse.

"Mmntr dmphn trs mmnw mrtll dasun," she explained.

The other mare scratched her head. "Uh… sorry, I don't speak Undercommon. What's that mean?"

With a weary sigh, Twilight removed the basket of fries from her maw and lifted her head just barely off the counter. "I said Celestia is hiding something, and we're all going to die," she explained.

"Oh." The white unicorn raised an eyebrow. "Wow, I really need to learn Undercommon."

"And I came all the way here to try and help her, but she! She told them not to even let me visit her room! What did I do? Why can't she trust me?"

"Hey, hey, easy now," the mare said, patting her shoulder. "Back up a little. Care to try working through this from the beginning?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not really. If she doesn't want to see me, there's not much I can do about that. I've been trying to figure out what I can do on my own, but so far, it just looks hopeless."

"You really should tell Vinyl about it," a new voice suggested as a blue head with a blue-and-white mane peeked around the other one. "If you've done all you can by yourself, it's time to seek help."

Seconds ticked away as Twilight processed those words. Slowly, she straightened up on her stool, taking in the new interloper. Once she was in a completely upright sitting position, her jaw began to unhinge bit by bit and she gaped uncomprehendingly.

"Professor Minuette?!" Twilight barely kept her balance as she cried out. "How did you get here?"

The cobalt mare glanced in the other direction momentarily. "What, me?" she asked, pointing to herself. "No, no, I'm Doctor Colgate, local dental hygienist and nutritionist. Minuette would be my sister. You know her?"

"Hey, whoa," the alabaster mare said, holding up her forehooves. "So does that mean you're a Canterlot professor, too? Radical! I'm a teacher myself, y'know." She hesitated for a moment. "Oh, wait, right, how did this go? Ahem. 'I am DJ-PON3, The Mare in Shades, Rhythmic Evocation Instructor of Ponyville. My name is Vinyl Scratch, and Sea Moon, and Spin Beat. A pleasure to meet your acquittance.' And who are you?"

"First, I'm pretty sure 'The Mare in Shades' isn't a proper title," Colgate pointed out. "Second, I know you don't pay much attention to current events, but that's Twilight Sparkle, one of the highest-ranking professors in Canterlot and the direct apprentice of the Princess. And third, it's 'a pleasure to make your acquaintance'."

"Yeah but we already know each other, though," Vinyl replied, earning a frustrated groan.

Twilight shook her head. "You don't need to be formal. No need for titles and appellations, not now."

"Okay then, Twi?" Vinyl lifted her glasses away from her face to reveal concerned cerise eyes. "How about you stop vaguebooking us and tell us what's actually going on so we can help you?"

"Whatbooking?" Colgate asked.

"You know, it's like when some hack writes a story and leaves something deliberately vague for a plot point so ponies will be all oh cliffhanger I have to find out more but it's totally contri—"

"Okay, okay!" the lavender mare interrupted. "I'll tell you all about it, alright? I probably should have anyway, since it's going to be your problem soon enough." She took a deep breath.

"I actually work directly for Princess Celestia. I became her student when I was six, and I'm now one of her most trusted professors… or so I thought. I came across a prophecy about Nightmare Moon. A real prophecy, in one of the books that are usually kept carefully archived and out of sight, the kind you'd need to be a professor to even see the cover of. It said she was returning at the end of the week, and would bring everlasting darkness unless 'the heroes of the forest' rise up, whoever those are. And when I asked Celestia about it, she just said it was under control. Ever since then she's been trying to keep me away from her, so I kind of wonder if it's really under control."

The other two mares stared blankly at her.

"So are you sure she's this Professor Sparkle?" Vinyl turned to her companion. "'Cause this sounds like a hoax."

Colgate shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. I mean, she looks like the pictures, but for all I know she could be a spriggan."

Twilight groaned again. "Look, you two don't have to believe me," she said. "I mean, you should, but don't have any way to convince you." She stood up stiffly. "But you're right. I do need help, and I know exactly where to turn first. If you decide you want to help too, you can ask for me at Town Hall. It's where I'm staying all week." The professor gave a quick bow, then turned and trotted out the door.

A moment later, she returned, wrapped her hay fries in a napkin and left the bits for the meal on the counter. With a sheepish chuckle, she exited a little more slowly.


"Wow, you really did need this vacation," Shining Armor commented.

Twilight sighed into her hoof. She had known convincing her brother was going to be difficult, but from the look he was giving her, he probably thought she was just plain crazy.

"I'm not crazy," she protested, "Nightmare Moon is actually going to kill us all, and I did read an actual, Celestia-commissioned prophecy about it. Professor Heartstrings saw it too!"

"Professor Heartstrings is still in Canterlot."

"And why do you think that is?" She glared at him. "Didn't you think it was weird at all that Celestia herself ordered every route out of Canterlot shut down on a major holiday?"

The captain pondered that for a moment. "Yeah, okay, I guess that's a little strange," he admitted. "Still, I'd like to verify that story with Professor Heartstrings."

"You could just ask Spike, you know," the mare pointed out. "He was there, too."

"He was?" Shining Armor turned to the bunk where Spike was curled up on a pillow, snoring softly. "Should we wake him up, then?"

"As much as he needs his sleep, I think he'd want to be part of this conversation too," Twilight agreed. "Besides, I need him to send a letter back to Canterlot." She stepped quickly over to the bed, and gently nudged the dragon with a hoof.

Squirming a little, he gave a loud yawn and rolled onto his side. His eyes slid open, blinking a few times to clear the sleep from them as he looked up at the ponies.

"Mmph." He rubbed one eye with the back of a claw. "What is it, Twi?"

Twilight gestured to her brother. "I was just telling Shiny about that book we found, and I was wondering if you could clarify what was in it for him," she explained. "And I need to write a letter back to Canterlot. Who can we reach at this hour?"

Spike thought about it for a moment. "Well, Trixie has that salamander. I think she's probably the best bet."

The professor grunted. "Of course she is."

"Trixie?" Shining Armor blinked. "Isn't she the one Lyra mentioned? The one you—"

"I don't have a crush on Professor Lulamoon!" She stamped a hoof. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a very flattering letter about how she's the only one who can save us, because she'll probably ignore anything else!" And with that, Twilight stormed out of the room. Behind her, she heard Spike beginning to recount the events to the captain.

Twilight proceeded down to the records room, muttering to herself all the way. This room was massive, taking up a good chunk of the first two floors with filing cabinets lining both walls. Her eyes wandered over the walls of steel and the high windows for a moment before snapping back to their quest. There was a desk in the front corner. A mousy-looking mare behind it seemed deeply engrossed in her work. Twilight approached, still a little tense.

"Excuse me, Miss," she said, putting on her best smile, "Could I borrow some parchment and a quill? I need to write a letter."

The records mare looked up, and immediately flinched at the sight of the unicorn's somewhat demented grin. "Okay, okay, you can have it!" she cried, pushing the requested items toward her and scuttling away. "Just please, don't hurt me!"

The attempt at geniality gave way to an unamused scowl as the professor picked up the materials. "Thank you," she managed, before stalking off to write her letter in peace.

Professor of Advanced Evocation and Transmutation, Chief Metamagic Advisor, Beacon of the One Hundred Stars, Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon,

She paused to shake her head. Trixie would probably be insulted that somepony dared not to use all her titles and appellations, but most of them were self-declared and Twilight couldn't spare either the paper or the time.

I need you.

She scratched that out.

I desperately need you.

She crumpled the paper up and threw it away, starting afresh.

You are my only hope.

She was about to scrap this one too, but it actually sounded alright.

I am in Ponyville, trying to thwart a prophecy, or possibly make sure it comes true, I'm not exactly sure at this point. Professor Heartstrings knows the details of the situation and will be able to explain face to face, so first, you should ask her about it. I also need you to deliver an apology for me. I would have brought her with me if I could have, but there was no time.

Right now, though, I need any information available about the "heroes of the forest", as well as anything else you can unearth about Nightmare Moon. You're the only one I can ask to save us all. Without your help, I'm struggling blind down here.

I know that you'll come through for us. I believe in you, Professor, and I'm counting on you.

Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle

She scowled appraisingly at the hastily written letter for a minute. That last period looked a little misshapen, could it be mistaken for a heart? She shook her head and prepared to start over.

Somepony cleared their throat nearby, and she whirled in place, instinctively hiding the letter behind her.

Flash Sentry stood there, inspecting her. He was armored—not the regalia the guards had worn on the flight into Ponyville, but a chainmail vest, as if he was about to go into battle. "Little jumpy, aren't you?" he asked. "The Captain wants to see you. He sent me since he's still discussing your problem with your familiar."

"Assistant," Twilight corrected him.

"Lizard," he amended. "Follow me."

He turned and started up the stairs, and, with a moment's reluctance, the mare complied.

"What's your problem?" she asked as they ascended. "You act like we're under some kind of suspicion."

"Oh, yeah, nothing suspicious at all about this prophecy business coming out of nowhere, is there?" he replied with a glance backward. "Although Celestia's the one who restricted that book to the top of the top school staff, when it should've been required reading for the Guard. Still, I'd think you could do better than to withhold the information until three days before the end of the world."

Twilight winced. "Okay, so that wasn't my best move. I panicked. Getting answers from Celestia was the only thing on my mind."

The guard returned his attention to the stairs with a snort. "Yeah. We'd all like some answers right about now, wouldn't we." He went quiet for a beat as they reached the third floor. "Sorry about the lizard thing," he added at length. He pushed the door to the Captain's temporary quarters open and marched inside, giving a salute as he halted. Twilight took a deep breath, then followed him in.

Shining Armor's eyes met hers. "At ease, both of you," he instructed, his expression sternly fixed. "Twilight, your letter?"

Nodding, she levitated the letter she had written to Spike. The dragon took it and checked over it once. Then he sent it off on the Canterlot leyline.

"Spike showed me the letter Celestia sent you," the Captain continued. "I decided the best course of action was to inquire directly with Celestia."

The professor perked up slightly. "What did she tell you? How bad is it?"

"I'm not allowed—"

"Of course." Twilight sighed, feeling a bit heavier. "Of course she wouldn't allow you to repeat it to me, she's determined not to have me anywhere near this."

"No," he clarified, "I'm not allowed to see her. I can't get in." He gestured toward the floor above. "Apparently, I'm included on the 'not even you' list. The guards I myself posted outside Celestia's room told me they had been instructed to keep me out."

He pawed at the floor anxiously. "Of course, it was a matter of Celestia's own security, so I was able to override that order. But when I opened the door, all I saw was a shield of the sun spell. And I couldn't break it."

Shield of the sun was a spell of Shining Armor's own creation, and the thing that had gotten him into the Guard in the first place. It was a barrier that emitted an intense, blinding light. It was typically used in short pulses, as it was less efficient to sustain than a regular shield spell, but it was unlikely that energy would be a problem for the Ruler of the Heavens.

"So I'm giving the order officially now." The Captain turned his attention to Flash. "Celestia's behavior warrants a full investigation. I want you to immediately assemble a task force to investigate these 'heroes of the forest' from the prophecy. If nothing turns up before the Sunrise Ceremony, we can consider it a dud, but meanwhile I'm going to be doing everything I can to tighten security."

Flash gave another salute, then stiffly marched out of the room. The rustling of his mail echoed back to them as he went door to door through the makeshift bunks.

"As for you," Shining continued, turning to his sister again, "I need you to keep trying to contact Celestia. So far, that may be our best hope."

"Really?" Twilight grimaced. "I thought you'd want me to stay out of it. I've only made a mess of things so far."

"Yeah, you have," he agreed.

A moment passed, and the mare gave him a quizzical look, cycling a hoof in front of her to indicate that he should go on.

"Right now, what matters is protecting Celestia," he added. "Under normal circumstances you'd probably be in some trouble for hiding this, but we might be facing the end of the world, so this would be a pretty bad time to throw away assets. Besides, I'd say I know you well enough that I'm pretty sure I can trust you with this, even if you've made some mistakes. Right, Spike?"

"You kidding?" Spike shrugged. "Among the teaching staff, Twilight's ability to fix her mistakes is legendary."

"It's true, I—wait, what?"

"Listen, Twily," the stallion continued, sidling close and putting a hoof around her. "Maybe Celestia doesn't trust us, and maybe we're up against an apocalyptic horror created by an ancient god-queen, but honestly, I'm not all that worried. I've seen what you can do. If worse comes to worse, you and me can hold our own, and we've got the rest of the Guard, plus the professors back in Canterlot. And hey, maybe Celestia really does have a plan."

She slowly relaxed. "Yeah, you're right." It took a few seconds for her to really work it into her mind, but she knew he was right. "Nightmare Moon will have a surprise waiting for her when she gets here. We'll make sure of that."