• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 3,128 Views, 80 Comments

The Adventure of the Apex Legion - DeffBwade

A new pony arrives in Equestria and goes on an adventure like never before. He may be shy and goofy at times, but he's also a kind soul. But most importantly, he's the Apex Legion.

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Chapter 5: A Sugarcube Helper

Previously on The Adventure of the Apex Legion

After doing all the school paperwork mumbo jumbo and shit (most boring thing I've done in this world so far by the way), Princess-er...should I say Headmare...Twilight finally accepted me into the School of Friendship.

As for who my roommates were, they were the ones I just met: Sandbar, Gallus, Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, and Ocellus.

"Okay, let's see here. From 8:30 to 9:15 I have Equestrian History with Headmare Twilight (fuck), from 9:20 to 10:05 I have Arts and Crafts with Professor Rarity (fuck yeah), from 10:10 to 10:55 I have Farming class with Professor Applejack (interesting), then from 10:55 to 12:00 is lunch, from 12:05 to 12:50 I have Animal Care with Professor Fluttershy (never been one for animals but okay), from 12:55 to 1:40 I have Athletics with Professor Dash (cool), and finally from 1:45 to 2:30 I have Comedy Class with Professor Pinkie (sweet...no pun intended).

"You're quite the bookwork, aren't you?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I am!" she said before going from excited to slight nervousness, "T-that's not a bad thing? Right?"

"Of course not. Knowledge is power," I reassured her before putting on a derp face and imitating that guy with the Lamborghini, "You know what I like more than flying? Knowledge. That's why I have 3,000 books on my shelf. I read one book a day."

This made her giggle and my god...her giggle was adorable.

Sandbar seems like the easygoing, laid back kind of guy. He's kinda tame when compared to the others' personalities. Gallus seems to be the sarcastic and snarky one, kinda like that old griffon, but kinder. Not that I'm calling him a bully or anything. Yona is the one that's very innocent and a bit clumsy at times. I do like her broken English and speaking in the third person. It's quite amusing. Smolder is that one friend that's tough and competitive. I can imagine her being in a lot of sports. Silverstream is just extremely hyperactive and bubbly. Again, quite amusing. And finally, there's Ocellus. In regards to her, I guess you can say she's kinda like me. Sweet, always there for her friends, shy, although she seems shyer than me, you get the point.

I laid down on my bed and smiled as my eyes started to slowly close. Only one thought ran through my mind as I drifted sleep.

"I think I'm gonna like it here."

The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 5: A Sugarcube Helper

You know what I like about the weekends?

You can watch a lot of-

N-NO! Well, yeah actually, but that's not what I was talking about.

I was gonna say YouTube, but okay...

No school bitches! Well...mostly. There's still homework and all that shit. But other than that, I can do pretty much whatever the fuck I want.

But...what are you gonna do? From what I've seen this past week, the technology in this world...isn't as advanced as back on Earth. There's no computers, no cellphones, and the video game consoles are as retro as the Gameboy. I'm not even sure if there's TV here. So I'll ask again...what are you gonna do?

I have no idea. Maybe I'll just hang out with Sandbar and the others and do...something.

While we're on the subject of doing stuff, I think we should talk about our financial situation.

*Sigh*. As adamant as I am to admit it, you're probably right.

As I sat around in my room, I took out the pouch of bits that Celestia gave me (should I start calling her princess now?). After a quick check, I counted about 165 bits left in my possession. I mainly just used them to buy food, but I needed some way to earn bits for future food, supplies, etc., cause eventually I'm gonna run out, and then I'm pretty much screwed. I didn't feel right asking any of my friends for bits cause I'm not that desperate and I don't wanna feel like I owe them.

"And my parents aren't here to lend me any financial aid."

You know that feeling when you're young. You live with your parents, and they happily provide for you with everything. Not that I was spoiled brat or anything. Okay, my grandparents spoiled me a bit, but I digress. It's true, I do feel bad at times that my parents pay for almost everything I have like food, a room, and any other basic necessities, but ultimately...it's something you don't really think about.

But right now, I'm on my own.

I guess I had no choice. I needed a source of income, so I'm gonna do something I've never done on Earth before. I'm gonna go look for a job!

You've never even had a part-time job before?


Aren't you finishing high school though?


Your parents are pissed about this, aren't they?


I was now walking around Ponyville looking for Town Hall. Sandbar told me that there should a board filled with job advertisements. After asking a few ponies on where Town Hall, I eventually found it and surprise, surprise, it's a tall building located in the middle of Ponyville. What else did I expect? Then again, I've never really been to a town hall before.

I entered the building and was greeted by a mare working on some papers behind a desk. What she looks like is irrelevant because she only appears in this one chapter.

Damn bro. You're not even gonna say her sub-species?

As Asher Mir once said...irrelevant!

"Good morning," she said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Good morning," I greeted her back, "Um, I was told that I could find some job advertisements here?"

"Mmhm. They're just over there," she said with a nod as she pointing towards a board on the other side of the room.

"Thanks so much," I said with a smile to which she nodded and smiled back.

I walked over to the board and, holy crap. There were quite a few job advertisements. I didn't expect this much from such a small town. I saw a few ads for odd jobs like painting a shed, cleaning a house, babysitting, etc., and I would've went for it, but seeing as I'm here for God knows how long (I guess until I feel like wanting to go home I guess), I needed a job that's a bit more...how should I put it...permanent? I also had to take school into account, so I guess that rules out assisting at Sweet Apple Acres (I learned that it's a farm that Professor Applejack owns). It's a shame though. I would've enjoyed working on a farm.

After looking through each and every job advertisement, I finally settled on two of them.

One was for a part-time worker at a place called the Hay Burger.

Wait hold on, the burgers here are made out of...hay?

I...guess...so. Makes sense though since ponies are herbivores, but wait. Aren't Gallus and Smolder omnivores, or are they carnivores? I don't know. I don't know griffon and dragon anatomy.

If they do eat meat, then where do they get it? From what I've seen so far, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, and Ocellus are the only non-ponies here, as well as Spike.

I think this is one of those subjects that you don't really think about.

Anyway, the job calls for a cashier/busboy (bus stallion?) from 3:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. during the weekdays and the pay is 100 bits every two weeks. That sounds pretty good.

The second ad was also part-time at Sugarcube Corner. Here it pays 60 bits every week, and it was from the morning to the afternoon, from 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., during the weekdends pretty much assisting in various things. Cleaning, washing the dishes, setting up shop in the morning, and even baking. Holy crap, I want to bake cookies. Let's be honest, homemade cookies are the best kind of cookies.

They really are.

Now, let's think for a second.

The first one has pretty good pay and the job seems straightforward. However, it's during the weekdays and if I have something like a project due for school...well...let's just say there's gonna be a lot of days where I stay up late doing homework. Meh. It's not really as different as doing high school work back on Earth, and I don't even have a job there.

The second also has not that bad pay and there's variety in what I have to do. It's true that it's during the weekends, but seeing as Equestria isn't really technologically advanced as Earth, I doesn't really dissuade me. Plus, it'll still give me plenty of time to hang out with the others or do homework, whatever. It might be a little weird working with one of my professors, but I don't mind.

I think the answer's obvious.

I eventually reached Sugarcube Corner, with the flyer in my grasp, and entered the front door. The familiar scent of sweets and pastries hit my nostrils. Like the past few days, I saw Professor Pinkie manning the front desk and ponies ordering and eating some sugary sweets. She smiled as I approached her.

"Hiya Legion," she greeted me, "Are you here for some of our famous sugar cookies again? I think a fresh batch just came out of the oven."

"Uh, no thanks Profe-um...Pinkie. Sorry. Again, force of habit," I said while salivating a bit at the thought of fresh cookies coming out of the oven before I held out the flyer to her, "I'm actually here because of the job."

She gasped at this and put on a gigantic smile.

"Oh! Does this mean that we're gonna work together soon?!" she asked excitedly.

"Maybe," I simply said, "So who do I even talk to about it?"

"Wait right there," she said before running off to what I assumed to be the kitchen.

"Mrs. Cake!" I heard her say, "There's a colt that's interested in the job."

"Oh dear. Already?" I heard another voice ask, "I just posted that advertisement this morning."

Professor Pinkie then returned with another pony in tow. She was an earth pony mare with brilliant rose eyes, a very light cerulean coat, a mane and tail that looked like they were ice cream and light crimson with pale, light grayish crimson stripes, a cutie mark of a trio of strawberry cupcakes, pink earrings, and a yellow apron.

She's kinda thick bro.

Shut up. Just shut up.


Don't ever say that again...please.

"Hello there," the mare said, "Are you the colt that Pinkie Pie mentioned?"

"Mmhm," I nodded, "Apex Legion, but my friends just call me Legion. And I heard you were in need of an assistant?" I said as I held out the flyer to her.

"You may call me Mrs. Cake, and we do indeed," she said, "Ever since Princess Twilight opened the School of Friendship, more and more ponies have been coming here on a daily basis. Not that I mind of course. We do need the business, but with the twins and me and my husband Carrot having to go on a delivery trip from time to time, it can be quite a hoofull, especially during the weekends."

"Damn. She and her husband run a bakery and have twins?"

"I'm not surprised. I mean, this place is probably the best bakery I've ever been to," I said.

"Oh thank you dear. It's always nice of ponies telling us that," she said to me.

"Anyway...can I apply for the job?" I asked.

"Of course. Let me just get my husband and then we'll talk."

I was now sitting at one of the booths with Mrs. Cake sitting across from, as well as her husband Mr. Cake. He was an earth pony with moderate pistachio eyes, a light brilliant amber coat with light brilliant orange freckles, a light brilliant orange mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a trio of lemon cakes.

Wait. Didn't Mrs. Cake say his name was "Carrot?" Then why is his cutie mark lemon cakes?

I have no idea.

Also holy shit, this guy looks skinny.

The perfect couple indeed.

"So...Legion, was it?" Mr. Cake asked to which I nodded, "My wife says that you want to assist at Sugarcube Corner, correct?"

"Yes sir," I said to which he chuckled a bit.

"You don't have to call me sir, but I appreciate it," he said to which I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Alright. Your first job interview. You got this Legion. Should be easy. Just answer his questions truthfully and you'll get the job. No sweat dude. No...sweat."


"I'm gonna fuck up so bad. I just know it."

"Now, are you willing to get up early and come here before 7:00 A.M. to help out during the weekends?" Mr. Cake asked.

"Yes," I said.

"And are you willing to work from the morning to the afternoon?" he asked.

"Well, I technically already do that at the School of Friendship. And as long as I get to do some homework whenever I'm on a break, then yeah," I said.



"Congratulations. You start tomorrow," he said as he and Mrs. Cake had smiles on their faces.

"Wait, what?"


"I'm sorry?" I asked out of confusion.

"You got the job. You can start tomorrow," Mrs. Cake said.

"W-wait. That's it? No super intense interview? No paperwork to fill out? Just a couple questions about my dedication and that's it?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean, it's not that big of a job. It's just assisting us with a few things," Mr. Cake said.

"Well then. Thank you and I guess I'll see you tomorrow for my first assignment," I said. I then got up from my seat and waved them goodbye before exiting Sugarcube Corner.

Huh. That was easy.

I know right. I never applied for a job before, but I know they usually cause people stress and whatnot. Either the Cakes really don't care about my life story or they're pretty naive. Oh well. I shouldn't really complain. I got a paying job now and that's what matters.

Author's Note:

Phew. Finally got the next chapter out.

It's been three god damn weeks.

W-well...yeah, but-

And it's only 2,371 words.


And to be honest, it feels incomple-

I'm busy with school okay?! And I don't think a chapter about me getting a job should be so long and detailed.

Seriously everyone. Sorry for taking so long to give you all a short chapter.