• Member Since 29th Jun, 2018
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You can't give up your laughter, cause you're scared of a little pain~. Writing to relieve PTSD. Enjoy my misery <3 you all. Discord: dougtheloremaster


Trixie's gone, but Starlight can't let go. The memories of their life together haunt her, torture her and when she can't take anymore, she dons that old cloak; once worn by her beloved partner.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 31 )

R.I.P Trixie Lulamoon. Killed horrifically by the ghost of Phillis.

Well, I'm sad now :fluttercry:

Really well done!

hello! just letting you know that this fic would qualify as a StarTrix entry in the currently-running StarTrixMaud Shipping Contest, if you were interested!

Look what you did, I’m crying now. Are you happy?! :raritycry:


Ah who i am kiddimg, i cry already. Its so sad, so beautiful...

You know, reading fanfics like this one feels like emotional masochism. It both hurts and entertains. :) :(

in my dreams, I will always wear your cloak.[

I can hear Trixie saying something like, "You better, but even if you don't, I will still love you."

Great fic. I prefer Starburst, and I feel like Starlight would do the same with Sunburst's cloak.

You definitely know how to summon those annoying Onion Ninjas...

Experience. My writing is from the heart. It comes from growing up in tears, Glad you enjoyed it. <3

Yeah, those darn ninjas. :twilightblush:

Despite being sad this was also really sweet.
It’s nice to see that Starlight was actually able to move on and to actually experience that in the doc was great to read.
Awesome work

I really don't think that should be her last time visiting Trixie's grave. This was a sad story for sure but it is a good story. Have an upvote and a fave.

That was very nice. I love the sentiment.
Though I do agree with 10927706, there's no reason that should be the last time Starlight visits. Her new partner even said she understood the pain when they first met, I doubt she'd take any issue with Starlight going to say hi. Heck, I'm sure she'd be doing the same thing.


And I am pretty sure that Trixie would not be happy with her no longer coming to visit. Finding a new special somepony is one thing but no longer even coming to visit her grave would not only displease Trixie but it would hurt her too. I do think from the way it sounds, Starlight's new wife understands how important Trixie was to her and should encourage her to continue visiting her grave. After all, Trixie helped build Starlight into something that this new mare loves.


sometimes its best to let go completely, starlight has an obsessive mindset if she doesn't let it go and get it out of her mind she will never be able to truly move on, to truly leave it in the past, much as happened with our town and the whole cutie mark thing, she cant help it...so while its true for others continuing the visits would be advised, for her, it would hamstring any effort to move on and enjoy her current life

You nailed it exactly. As someone who has been there, sometimes letting go completely is the only way to move forward. Treasure the memory, but don't cling to the past.

I should have known better than to read this. I did know better, but I did it anyway. You see, I'm on the autism spectrum and have always struggled with controlling my emotions. Whenever I have an emotion that's too strong, I don't react well. I can even get panic attacks. This story? Definitely borderline panic. That's high praise coming from me. Well done.

This is a sad story and loved it. I still were my grandfather's sharkskin dress shoes, even though I was born most likely right-headed I kept myself a southpaw like he was. He was the reason I learned how to play chess.

To the author - What a sad yet uplifting story:heart:👏
i sorta low key like the ship of trixie & starlight glimmer.

p.s: unpopular opinion...the death of a loved one can affect a person (or pony) greatly! in my unreleased work the main character can't stand being near his lover's grave as it hurts way too much for him to bear😢

i first saw this fic on august 4th, 2021

I am the author.

I know from experience just how painful it can be and how haunting. <3 This story is based on a meaningful event in my own life, not too long ago.


should give context as to why i put To the author when leaving reviews...i've been here since 2017 (around season 4 of mlp while the fandom was still new) leaving words of encouragement and the author replied to me in kind but sometimes i would get comments from some random user when they weren't the intended party/recipient:facehoof:

p.s: i've dealt with death throughout my life but mostly with pets & very few family members.
my style/brand of fics are based upon musical theater, romance & some drama!

this reply was written on august 14th, 2021

But it's no use, my voice falters every time. My voice is cracked and hoarse from hours of screaming. It's barely a pitiful whisper. Hardly great and powerful. Hardly anything without you.

a great and powerful start

By Twilight's Crown, I hated those.

love that even Starlight swears by Twilight this far into her reign

Right where...you left them.

leaving the last marks of a loved one who passed untouched, no matter how small and insignificant the detail would have been in everyday life, a very understandable part of any grief narrative. loved the little ones here

Laying here, staring up at the ceiling, I can’t help but smile. It’s been a year and you know that poster of Twilight is still on the ceiling? Yeah, the one with those darts in it. Don’t worry, I never told her. It's still our secret.

agh, another perfect little detail! this is so very them

miss celebrating it one day late because you forgot.

even the meaning of days is shifted because of Trixie. again, another lovely little detail here

Hey, maybe I should dust off my old guitar. Yeah, the electric metal.

a nice callback to The Parent Map

The wedding is tomorrow and all our old friends will be there. I have the most beautiful gown picked out. I’m so happy...I’m finally happy again. This may be the last time I come to visit. But in my heart, Trix, your memory will always be. And come what may, in my dreams, I will always wear your cloak.

a lovely little journey of grief and healing. we move on, because we have to, and we find happiness again, but we don't forget. and the image of Starlight at Trixie's grave, taking off her old cloak for the last time... i actually am crying right now! it is so beautifully sad and hopeful at the same time. thank you for this

<3 I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your breakdown of it is exactly what I was going for. Thank you for taking the time to really enjoy this.

Dang- I wonder what happened to her

25 years of bliss, but time always collects. There was no tragedy here, one night she fell asleep hoof inhoof with Starlight, the next morning that hoof was limp.

Cómo persona casada leer esto me hace sentir en esa situación y mi corazón se rompe

<3 I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^

Si lo hiciste bien fue un buen relato tocó fibras bien trabajo :raritywink:

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