• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 24,703 Views, 738 Comments

Magnetism! - Souldin

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash must be in constant physical contact due to a pair of magic bracelets.

  • ...

Honeymoon in the Everfree Forest.

Now I would be thanking Ugugg93 for proof-reading but he wasn’t available for this chapter so the thanks meant for him shall be going towards NintendoGal55 instead. Thanks for proof-reading this chapter NintendoGal55.

Now I just need to cover two quick things regarding Magnetism. First, something you may already know, but this story now has a TV Tropes page made by Zyr1987, so if you wish to add anything or help improve it feel free to do so (I think he’d like the help).

Finally, there’s this, a live reading of the first chapter of Magnetism… okay, you readers are starting to get a little creepy now.

Chapter 6: Honeymoon in the Everfree Forest!

“Let’s see, you uh, lost an apple?”

Angel stopped his charades and looked up questioningly at The Apple Bucker, scolding her for such a stupid answer with his glare. He resumed his communications, trying desperately to relay the message ‘Fluttershy and that other pony have crash landed in the forest.’

“Um, Pipsqueak fell down a well and can’t get out?”

Angel could only face-paw as he realised that getting help was going to take a while.

He woke up within a house, wrapped tightly by a blanket and overall feeling warm, cosy, and safe. He tried to move, to push away the blankets and explore the bright room, but in doing so, a pain came to his chest and he began to cough. The noise of his coughs got the attention of the house’s resident, and the animal helping pony ran up to him with a platter of water. Along with this drink, he received the most delicious carrots he had ever tasted, and as he drank and ate, the pony watched.

“Thank you.” She finally said with her stupidly quiet voice “You’ve been protecting me all this time.”

Her talk of protection made the injured patient remember all that had happened, and he frantically asked where he was. Of course, she was a pony and he was a rabbit, and so his only form of communication was charades. Several wrong answers were given but she eventually got it.

“Don’t worry, I gave him a good scolding and he won’t be bothering you, or me, or any of the other animals ever again.”

He stared back at the taller being in disbelief; he could not believe what she had just said. As if this cowardly and teensy mare could scare off a giant monster, and yet she did not seem the type to boast or lie and as such he could not help but believe her. She flashed a sickly sweet smile and began patting the rabbit’s head.

“You were like… like my guardian angel,” Her smile grew bigger and sweeter as she asked, “C-can I call you that, Angel I mean?”

It was a feminine name lacking the sheer awesomeness or bravado a warrior such as himself deserved in a name but he liked the meaning, the implication. He answered his owner with a nod. He was henceforth known as Angel.

“You’re trying out for the shot-put?”

Angel had considered doing this once but they did not allow rabbits to compete; also that wasn’t what he was trying to convey to The Drama Queen. He repeated his actions slower and with emphasis on each one.

“You were making something? No… you want to reach for the stars? No… honestly dear I have no idea what you are trying to say.”

Frustrated, Angel began stomping the grass outside the boutique.

“Aww, what a darling little fox you are. Yes you are, yes you are.” Fluttershy cooed and fussed the attentive canine, who took all the love with glee.

Angel watched this scene and sighed, once again another animal had arrived and once again his owner was giving it all of her attention. This was a common occurrence, and it was also common for a bitter feeling to well up inside the rabbit as he watched his owner shower the newcomer with love, love that he had been showered with. What irritated him the most about all this were how the animals would walk in, get praised, get treated, and snap up all the food they could and what did they do in return for his owner? Nothing. He helped his owner before she was his owner, he has continued to help his owner, he deserved the affection of his owner.

“Ooh, ooh, you want to throw something!”

Angel felt like he might actually get somewhere with The Nut. As he enacted his charades like a well-rehearsed dance, he wondered why he felt he had a better chance with getting this pony to understand. Most likely it was due to this pony being a party fanatic, charades was a party game, surely she must have played charades many a time and that experience would help her understand that his owner was in danger… the other pony too.

“You want to throw a party!” Pinkie Pie yelled out ecstatically and her mouth motoring on with suggestions, “How about a hat fashion party, or a pyjama party, or even a mixed-up painting party? A new cake party, a dance and sing party, an outdoor play party, or how about a party party?”

Angel turned round and marched off, leaving Sugarcube Corner and heading towards the one place he really did not want to venture to for help.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I did not know you wanted to go in front of me, it’s okay.” Fluttershy murmured, retreating backwards a bit to give the stallion that pushed his away ahead of her more space in the cue.

This was wrong, especially wrong in the mind of Angel. Some random chump shouldn’t be pushing his owner around like this, the guy needed to learn his place. So as per usual it was up to him to motivate his owner into setting things straight, and he took to stomping and aggressive pointing to convey his message to his owner. Of course, even when his owner finally got the message, she refused, saying how she doesn’t want to be a bother and that she was sure the other guy must be in a hurry. As Angel argued with his owner to stand up for herself, another pony pushed their way into the line.

Angel rested his head in his paws. This was going to be a long day.

Angel pretended to be Rainbow Dash, pretended to be catapulted, pretended to be Fluttershy, pretended to also be catapulted, pretended to fall and then pretended to be a tree. This was his current way of saying that the jerk and his owner have crash landed in the Everfree forest and he did all this whilst ready to flee at a moment’s notice. After all he would need to if The Mad Mare before him tried to dissect him all of a sudden.

The Mad Mare tapped her chin, and Angel worried for a moment that she was contemplating which organ she would remove from him first, “I know, I’ve got a book on charades somewhere in the library. Now you wait right here while I go locate it.”

As Twilight trotted back into the well-lit library, Angel sat down in the contrasting darkness, with only the teensiest ray of sunlight about now. It seems he could not get his message across to any of his owner’s friends and that would mean he would have to brave the forest alone in his search for her. It had been a long while since he navigated his former home but it looked like there was no other choice for him.

“What are you doing here?” Angel looked to the owner of this voice and scowled.

Angel did not like The Mad Mare’s assistant, Spike. Spike in turn did not like Angel. The funny thing was that neither knew why they did not like the other, but the moment they heard each other’s name they started to dislike one another. For one of the few times in his life though, Angel put aside personal things like his dislike of the dragon and focused on the much more important issues facing someone else, and so he started his charades.

Angel picked himself off the ground, only briefly rubbing his face and dusting himself off, before turning to his owner and helping her up. Then he turned his attention to the clearly blind hot head that had bumped into the two of them, and knocked them to the ground.

This pony had by now gotten to her hooves and started to bark out, “Hey, you should watch where you’re-Fluttershy!”

Angel raised an eye, apparently this dolt knew his owner. Speaking of which, he turned back to Fluttershy and saw a look of surprise on her face that matched the dolt’s.

“R-Rainbow Dash.”

Angel looked to and fro between his owner and the other pony, casting concerned looks to the former and weary threatening glances to the latter.

“Uh… hi… it’s been a while.” The pegasus said whilst scratching the back of her head.

“Y-yeah, it has.” His owner replied as shy as ever, only one eye poking out of her mane to see her ‘old acquaintance’.

A silence then passed between the two and Angel felt this was odd for two reuniting ponies. It was like each pony had thousands of thoughts filling up the very air, each thought requiring air to breathe but no thought getting enough air to talk.

“Soooo, how have you been?”

“I-I’ve been good… and you?”

“Great, just great. I uh, just got a house in fact, and a job… here, in Ponyville… here.”

Angel wasn’t quite sure what emotion it was that came across his owner but she perked up as if she had a boost of energy. She did not speak though, merely nodding to the other pony.

“Yes, working as a weather pony for the moment, y’know, until I can join the Wonderbolts…” The rainbow topped pegasus replied fast and awkwardly, seemingly unsure about what to say, “Soooo I need to go now but how about we catch up later?”

“Sure, I’d lov-like too.”

“’Kay, bye Fluttershy.” The pegasus said as she spread her wings and took off to the skies. Angel was sure that the sudden flight was done to avoid crashing into another pony so it amused him when she flew right into the funny wall-eyed pegasus.

He turned to his owner, smiling, but frowned when he saw her. He had expected her to be fretting over her fallen friend but instead she was lost in thought, with vacant and distant eyes. Angel did not like these types of eyes, eyes that looked back on times when he was not a part of her life and as such, could in no way help her. He could not be sure but in those teal eyes he could make out things, hints of sadness, pain, and loneliness. Angel looked back towards the direction the other pegasus flew off, and considering the emotions her sudden appearance evoked in his owner he decided on something. He decided that he did not like this ‘Rainbow Dash’.

Ironically, the one pony who understood the rabbit was one he did not like and was also not a pony, but a dragon. Spike speedily got the message to Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack, and they had soon all gathered outside the main entrance to the Everfree Forest. Each pony had brought with them a lantern, illuminating each of their concerned faces in what was now the dark time of night.

“Now, with Rainbow Dash crashin’ it’s safe to assume that her wing is broken and as such we… Twi, ya’ll okay?” Applejack had quickly taken charge upon arriving to the scene but stopped her explanation of what the group would do upon noticing the worrying state of their usual leader, Twilight.

“Oh I’m fine, fine. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have only crash landed in the Everfree Forest because they were wearing a pair of magical bracelets. Bracelets I let them wear and bracelets I neglected trying to remove because I chose sleep over my friends.” A teary eyed Twilight said as her ears began twitching.

“Great, Twilight’s going crazy… again.” Spike deadpan remarked as Pinkie went up to the frantic unicorn to give her a hug.

As Pinkie comforted Twilight physically, Rarity attempted to sooth her friend with comforting words, “Worry not Twilight, it’s not all bad. I’m sure Fluttershy is quite pleased being alone with Rainbow Dash in an isolated area where nopony can see or hear their passionate-“

Applejack stuck her hoof over Rarity’s mouth and looked at her irritably.

“Anyways, Twi, you’ve done nothin’ wrong but if you feel like you’ve been lettin’ Fluttershy an Rainbow down let’s make it up to them now by helping to find ‘em and get ‘em out of this forest promptly.” The current leader said softly.

Twilight nodded, prying Pinkie Pie away from her with gentle hooves and a whispered thank you. Applejack in turn shifted her Stetson on her head and declared, “All righty then, let’s split up into groups of two and start lookin’ for ‘em.”

So Applejack and Rarity marched off into the Everfree forest, then Twilight and Pinkie but in a different direction, and finally this left Spike and Angel to go off into the forest together, fighting with each other every step of the way. From out of some nearby bushes, where the group of friends had previously been gathered, popped out the heads of three grinning fillies.

Owls hooted to the night and manticores growled by the rocks, rabbits retreated into their dens and timberwolves prowled by the trees, bats journeyed out of their caves and cockatrices slid within the bushes. This was the Everfree Forest at night, creatures both gentle and fearsome either settling down or roaming about. The place was known for appearing to be shadowed by darkness even in the daytime, with trees stretching up and stretching out to try their best in hiding the very ground from sunlight; but at night, at night darkness truly descended. The moon and even the stars tried their best to illuminate the area for pony eyes but ultimately it was a place for its inhabitants and its inhabitants alone to see.

It was to this truly pitch black darkness that Rainbow Dash awoke too. Her eyes flickered open and saw little difference to when they were closed, only a single spot of light shot through the leaves of the tree’s and the difference it made was minute. At best, as Dash raised her hoof up to her face, she could make out the outline of it.

“Wha-what in the hay…?” Disoriented and confused, regaining consciousness and seeing only darkness brought no clarity to the pegasus’ situation. It was in fact her ability to hear and the noises of the forest that made her aware of where she was.

Creatures small and large, prey and predator, echoed pass the many unseen trees and to Dash’s ears, “Wait, am I in… the Everfree Forest!”

Rainbow Dash tried to stand up, not at her usual swift pace but groggily, as is to be expected from somepony who had just crash-landed, but stopped as she found her numb wing weighed down by something. On top of her wing, as was to be expected, was an unconscious Fluttershy.

“Oh, right, bracelets, why do I keep forgetting about them?” Dash asked herself.

The pegasus, knowing now that Fluttershy had been pulled along with her for the catapulted induced crash landing, checked on her friend. It was now that she was thankful for the small spot of light which allowed her to make out her friend, and the small rhythmic rising of her friend’s chest. Fluttershy was breathing at least, and nothing seemed wrong. Not being able to rely entirely on her sense of sight to ensure Fluttershy was okay though, Dash decided to rely on her sense of touch and so began running her hooves gently across every inch of the canary yellow body beside her. For some reason, as Dash rubbed her hooves up and down her friend’s body, Fluttershy’s face became tinted and a smile perked up on it.

Rainbow Dash smirked, and she was glad to find that aside from some minor cuts, scratches, and possible bruises that her friend was okay.

“Geez Fluttershy, it’s nice to know you’re no longer skin and bones but you’re starting to get a little flabby,” Dash joked as she poked her friend’s butterfly marked posterior, “especially your butt; squishy, squishy.”

Knowing Fluttershy was okay; the snickering Dash got to removing her wing from underneath her friend, and once it obtained its freedom, flapped it. The athlete winced and halted her flapping immediately, and with her hooves brought her wing before her for inspection. As gently as she handled Fluttershy, the cyan pegasus stroked each feather and studied every part of her avian appendage for damage.

“Hmmm, stop.” Slurred murmurs took Rainbow’s attention away from her damaged wing and to the stirring Fluttershy.

Fluttershy’s smile was crooked, her face seemed to emit heat, and she restlessly mumbled, “Rainbow, please… stop.”

In the cover of darkness, Rainbow could not discern her friend’s pleased smile apart from a fearful frown and with the echoing noises of the forest about could not discern her friend’s pleased moan apart from a pained gasp.

“Oh Celestia, is Fluttershy dreaming about me... hurting her?”

“Rainbow Dash, you’re, you’re…” Fluttershy uttered repeatedly, causing the pony mentioned to fret more and more.

“Why in Equestria would Fluttershy be having a dream where I’m hurting her? M-maybe it’s something else, but she’s clearly unsettled, maybe she’s dreaming about an evil doppelganger of me doing bad stuff to her, that’s it.”

Rainbow’s troubled thoughts continued as the unconscious mare struggled to mutter her next words. ‘You’re’ was said over and over again, and Dash worried each time, now having her head hover over her friend, and her ears straining to hear the next few damming words.

“You’re just too adorable.”

“I’m what!”

Fluttershy snapped her eyes open at the sound of anger, the sound of somepony yelling. Dazed, confused, and groggy, Fluttershy turned to face Rainbow Dash who bore a deep frown and blazing eyes. As she sat up, thoughts jumbled about in her head, and she slowly worked out where she was and remembered how she got there.

“I-I must been out cold, and Dash,” Fluttershy looked to her piping friend who looked ready to blow, “Oh dear, what if I said something while I was out of it, something mean and now she’s mad at me.”

“R-Rainbow Dash I-“

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash yelled out once more, bringing Fluttershy’s attention towards her and halting any words the quiet mare were about to say. Dash did not go on to say anything at first but then her face turned a crimson shade, she turned her head to the side with a pout, and protested, “I’m not adorable, I’m cool.”

“I’m sorry Dash but it doesn’t help your argument when you act so adorable while saying it.” Fluttershy could not help but think as she looked on at her pouting friend. A sense of relief passed on over Fluttershy as she realised that what she said unconsciously wasn’t anything to worry about, “You’re right Rainbow Dash, you are cool.”

Stroking the athlete’s ego immediately got her happy, and bragging, “Yes I am, and awesome, and radical, and-ow!”

In the midst of her bragging, the pegasus decided to flaunt her glorious wings, spreading them out as far as they could go. Of course she forgot that one of her wings was injured and soon retracted it back to her body.

“Oh my, Rainbow Dash your wing, it’s not broken is it?”

“Wha-No, it’s just sprained,” Dash said with annoyance slathered in her voice, “Why does everypony keep assuming that after every crash my wing is broken?”

Rainbow Dash grumbled and Fluttershy couldn’t help but chuckle. The quiet laughter was contagious as Rainbow began to chuckle alongside her friend and soon their fit of laughter contrasted greatly with the doom and gloom the forest tried to emit.

Eventually the laughter began to die down and with their thinking caps on, a question came from both their lips, “What do we do now?”

The pegasus duo looked to one another, Fluttershy burying her head in her mane as if to avoid the question she did not have an answer too, and Rainbow Dash simply shrugged her shoulders. An answer needed to be voiced though and so the flight loving pony looked to her wings, looked to her friends wings, and then to the little bit of night sky she could see.

“Hey, I don’t suppose you could carry and fly me out of the forest, like I’ve been doing for you?”

Peeking out from her mane, the sheepish pony replied with disappointment, “I don’t think I’m strong enough to fly that high or that far while carrying you.”

Rainbow sighed, bonking her own head in frustration as she worked her brain into coming up with a plan; an idea of what to next. Seeing Rainbow’s annoyance of course led Fluttershy to murmur, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be Fluttershy, it’s okay… we’ll just have to hoof it.”

Dash assisted Fluttershy in getting up, rather dragged her sitting friend up, and was about to pull said friend on the way in a random direction when, “I think we should stay where we are.”

Rainbow Dash looked to Fluttershy in bewilderment, the steadier headed pegasus continuing, “Um, I mean until our eyes get used to the dark… I still can’t see very well.”

The pink eyed speedster wouldn’t admit it but she could barely see as well, and a fact unknown to the two of them was that Fluttershy’s eyes had begun to adjust to the low lighting quicker than Dash’s, thanks to her better eyesight.

“Fine, we’ll wait.”

In what felt like fifteen years to Rainbow Dash but was in actuality only fifteen minutes, the two pegasus were both able to see and ready to make their way through the forest. Of course then the other problem arose, they could not tell where they had crashed in the forest as this was further into the foreboding place than either of the two pegasus had ever been. They did not even have much in the way of a direction to go and only moved from their crash landing zone on Dash’s assistance, the patience-lacking pegasus assuring Fluttershy that finding a tall hill or stumbling upon a familiar landmark would be better than doing nothing.

So the two went about stumbling, tripping over thick roots, wading into boulders, and only by a combination of sheer luck, good hearing, and one caretaker’s talent with animals, avoiding a slithering cockatrice. Even if Fluttershy had been able to handle one of the petrifying beasts before, being partially turned to stone was not something she wanted to experience and her will-bending stare was not something she could just turn on and off whenever she wanted.

Over time, their eyes further adjusted to the darkness, and it was this fact combined with the sheer size of the familiar landmark that peeked above the trees and into view that the two lost souls found somewhere to go.

“Rainbow Dash, I think that’s the castle up ahead, the one the elements of Harmony were in.”

Rainbow Dash squinted in the direction Fluttershy pointed to, and was also able to make out the old spiralling rooftops of the castle of the royal pony sisters, “Yeah, it does. Good going Fluttershy, once we make our way there, getting out of here will be easy as pie, we’ll just retrace our steps from when we went to the castle the first time.”

Dash eagerly made her way to the castle with Fluttershy although by the time the two reached the castle, Rainbow Dash was bored out of her mind and Fluttershy was exhausted. The ancient structure had turned out to be further away than either expected, Fluttershy’s insistence on taking things nice and slow at certain points made the journey incredibly dull to the speedy athlete, and Dash’s insistence on getting to the landmark as fast as possible when nothing was in the way had left the un-athletic Fluttershy gasping for air.

“So now all we need to is keep on going straight that away and we’ll back in Ponyville in no time.” Rainbow Dash declared, marching off towards the town if it were not for a tired pony beside her weighing her down.

“Could… we please stop… for a moment?” Fluttershy wheezed as she continued to hold onto her friend for support.

Rainbow Dash was clearly not in the best of moods but consented to her friend’s request, albeit irritably, “Grr, fine, five minutes!”

So the two ponies sat down near a familiar structure, by a familiar bridge, and on a soft patch of grass. Fluttershy took this opportunity to regulate her breathing, all while hoping that the two of them could trot on home rather than fluctuate from mad sprints and weary tip-hoofing. Rainbow Dash meanwhile boiled with anger, anger that she wished to direct at a certain rabbit, and anger that flared up as she moved her twisted wing and felt a jab of pain from it.

“Your rabbit is gonna get it when we get back.” Dash remarked quietly as she tried to console her aching wing.

Fluttershy was able to hear this though and disapproved, “Now I know Angel launched you into the air with a catapult and caused the two of us to collide together and crash land in a dark spooky forest filled with dangerous animals, plants, and death-traps but-“

“No buts Fluttershy, that rabbit of yours needs a good kick in the hind,” Dash snapped, cutting off any further words Fluttershy was about to say.

Fluttershy knew trying to say any more would just get Dash madder, possibly even mad at her, but when it came to her animals, and especially Angel she felt she had to speak up, to defend them, “I-I don’t think he understood… about the bracelets, he’s really protective of me so if he knew he wouldn’t have-“

“So it would have been okay for him to catapult me into the air if we didn’t have these bracelets on, huh!” The pegasus retorted, eyes a blazing as she glared back at Fluttershy. The shy mare merely hid behind her mane, becoming mute once more. Dash in turn, having no hatred towards Fluttershy but rather her pet, faced away from her friend grumbling to yourself, “You should just get rid of that stupid rabbit.”

“I would never do that!”

Rainbow Dash jumped to her hooves, startled by the sudden yell and most of all, the fact that Fluttershy had just yelled at her.

“I would never get rid of Angel Bunny.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed, “Why not? He’s a temperamental hothead.”

“I-I know Angel has slight anger issues-“

“He attacks me and I’m sure other ponies.”

“Angel does like to play rough-“

“And he’s been constantly tricking me, why do you even bother keeping that brat around!”

“Because he reminds me of you!”

Dash was stunned into silence by Fluttershy’s last outburst, both ponies now standing to their full heights. The atmosphere was antagonistic, and if it were not for the bracelets both ponies would have distanced themselves to feel less of this off-putting mood, but they could not. Still they bore with it, Fluttershy arguing back against Rainbow Dash.

“I am nothing like your rabbit!”

“Really, hot temper, likes to play rough, pranks, it sounds a lot like you.”

“That’s why you like your rabbit; those aren’t the only things that define me. I stand up for ponies; I stand up and protect you all the time.”

“And so does Angel, he protects me all the time though you wouldn’t know that because you le-“

“Stop fighting!”

The yell of three young ponies, fillies that had yet to receive their cutie marks, caused the bickering duo to stop and turn their attention towards the newcomers to the scene. It was with disbelief that three fillies, guided by a hoof-drawn map and the sounds of familiar voices, stumbled upon this rare sight. Rainbow Dash arguing with somepony was not rare, Rainbow Dash arguing with Fluttershy, or even Fluttershy arguing with anypony, was rare. It was the first time that the caped trio had ever witnessed these two ponies yelling at one another, and they did not like it or the atmosphere. So the Cutie Mark Crusaders, consisting of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, yelled out to put an end to the argument.

“Oh… um, hello girls.” Fluttershy responded first, embarrassed both at her own actions and at the three children for seeing her acting as such.

“Why in Equestria are ya’ll fighting like tha’? Shouldn’t ya be trying to get out of ‘ere?” Apple Bloom piped up, asking these questions in the same thick southern accent shared with her sister.

“Please stop fighting.” Sweetie Belle whimpered with teary puppy dog eyes.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked to the upset crusaders with pangs of guilt already shooting through them. They looked to one another, with fresh memories of their angry words shot out to one another, turned back to the crusaders, and hung their heads in shame.

“We’re sorry.”

“Yeah, sorry you had to see that…” Rainbow’s apology was followed by a pause for thought as realisation kicked in, “Hold on a minute, what are you three doing in the Everfree Forest?”

The three crusaders simply grinned as Scootaloo started off by saying, “Well we heard what happened Rainbow Dash and so we decided to try out for our cartography cutie marks.”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Cartographers!”

As per usual the three ecstatic fillies looked to their flanks only to find them blank.

“Aww, but mah map is perfect and everythin’” Apple Bloom whined as she and her two club members pouted.

Fluttershy raised an eye as she quizzed the trio, “But why would you be trying to get your cutie marks in cartography… and in the Everfree forest? It’s not safe here.”

Scootaloo grimaced a little as a certain recent memory began to rise up in her mind, “Well earlier this day we came to the forest to try out for out lumberjack cutie marks buuut Sweetie Belle went a little coo-coo.”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy knew crazy well, if not for the fact that they hung out with Pinkie Pie then for Twilight’s recent psychotic breakdowns and so the two asked, “How coo-coo…?”

Sweetie Belle, with axe in mouth swung fiercely at the tree. Her friends cheered her on as she hacked away at the thick bark, each dull sounding blow of the bladed tool earning her praise and encouragement. Soon the tree began to stagger, its foundation lacking as more and more of it was killed off by the axe wielding filly and soon after it leaned to one side and collapsed to the ground.

“Timber!” Scootaloo shouted as she and Apple Bloom ran on up to the unicorn filly.

“That was awesome Sweetie Belle, you’re sure to get a cutie mark for that,” The bow wearing filly exclaimed as she patted her weapon wielding friend on the back, but after receiving no response asked with concern, “Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle continued to clench the wooden handled axe firmly with her teeth, her vacant eyes staring down at the downed tree. Her look continuing to be vacant, a laugh muffled by her wielded weapon arose from her and she soon waddled on up to the next tree and began hacking away at it with joy. With each swing, with each timber, Sweetie Belle laughed more and more.

“I like chopping things!”

“T-That’s nice Sweetie.” Fluttershy replied with great amounts of concern as the younger sister of Rarity stared vacantly into the past, remembering the fun experience of wielding an axe.

Rainbow Dash dug the ground a little with her hoof and asked the group, “So then, are we going to get out of this forest or are we going to wait until something tries to eat us? I’d like to get my wing checked out soon.”

“Oh gosh, your wings broken ain’t it.”

“My wing isn’t broken, just sprained!”

“Hey Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo called for her idol’s attention while jumping on the spot, only stopping her action once she had grabbed Dash’s attention, “Where’d you get that wicked bracelet?”

“This?” The garmented pegasus of cyan coat clarified the question, “It’s some old artefact thingy that Twilight got from princess Luna. Me and Fluttershy tried them on, can’t get them off, and they now force me and Fluttershy to stay together.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had differing expressions to this news, the former looked aghast while the second had a face full of excitement and curiosity. In union, Scootaloo began asking with dread and Sweetie Belle began asking eagerly, “So does that mean you and Fluttershy have been sleep-“

“Say, doesn’t tha’ there writin’ look familiar to ya’ll.”

All eyes turned to Apple Bloom, who had her head tilted as she looked at the bracelets worn by both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“What writing? These bracelets don’t have any…” Rainbow Dash had held up her bracelets only to see that true to the farm filly’s words there was some form of inscription on the bracelets, “…huh, that wasn’t there before.”

Fluttershy looked to her own and saw the same inscription upon her garment, an inscription that was foreign both to the ponies language and to the ponies memory, “I don’t remember any of this on the bracelets before.”

“Now that you mention it, those funny symbols look like those other funny symbols we saw.” Scootaloo added, the garmented pegasus turning their attention once again to the crusaders.

“Girls, you’ve seen these symbols before.”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle perked up, waving her hoof beyond the castle, “We saw them in this treeless spot of the Everfree forest when we were mapmaking… after they took away my axe.”

“We’ve even got it marked on our map, see.” Apple Bloom displayed the map to the adults, while Scootaloo pointed the spot on the map where they had seen the ancient scribbles.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked to each other, matching thoughts invading their heads, “Hey, you reckon you could take us to this place? Maybe we’ll get a clue to getting these bracelets off, or find something that’ll help Twilight get these bracelets off.”

“Sure!” The crusaders yelled out with excitement as they began leading their older friends deeper into the woods.

As the five ponies trotted past the ancient castle, heading towards an equally ancient place, something saw them. This something began to follow.

Once more did our protagonists venture through the forest, though this time the chance for silence was zero. The three excited cutie mark crusaders led the way, pointing out landmarks here and there, and informing the pegasus of each one they had named. If they were not busy showing off their navigation skills, which aside from getting the terms north, east, south and west muddled up, were actually pretty good, then they were hailing the two mares with a barrage of questions.

“Are those bracelets uncomfortable?”

“Not at all, there actually very light and smooth on the skin.”

“Rainbow Dash, can you give me some flying pointers this week? I’m sure my cutie mark must have something to do with flying.”

“Y-yeah, sure but… I can’t with these bracelets on. Why don’t you try bowling, I’m sure you could get an awesome cutie mark in bowling.”

“Do you like to chop things?”


To some, this would have been a blessing, the chirpy cheery chatter of fillies buzzing in their ears and fending off any foreboding silence. To others of course they’d prefer to be banished to the deepest pit of Tartarus and find such an act merciful. It was currently the former, although Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were beginning to feel themselves falling into the second example as the crusaders continued on and on. So it was a good thing that the memory would be remembered as a decent one, for it was then that the crusaders halted their questions and chose to start stating things.

“Here it is!”

The crusaders shouted with glee as they ran on over to a wall of trees and slipped through the small gaps between them. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tagged behind them at a slower rate, having a harder time squeezing through the trees and into the clearing.

Perhaps the pegasi were expecting something a little grander, for no look of wonder or awe came onto their faces as they witnessed the clearing in all its… emptiness. It was a large clearing, surrounded by a ring of trees that seemingly cut it off from the rest of the forest, a barricade from anything that might harm the clearing and its… rock. In the centre of the hard, dirt patched floor where grass refused to grow was a poorly constructed slab. A jagged, hard boulder with ancient words frustratingly carved into it. Otherwise the landscape was bare and barren, looking as rustic as the bracelets attached to the blue and yellow ponies now within the clearing.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had surrounded the rock, running around it in a desperate attempt to find something interesting about it. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were also able to inspect it, and then compare it to the writing that had appeared on the bracelets.

“Well, it looks to be the same language.” Dash remarked as she looked too and fro between the rock and her cursed attachment.

“… Twilight did say that the bracelets were made by a race that lived in the forest… maybe they carved these words into this rock.”

“They did a pretty cruddy job of it.”

Scootaloo was the first to have grown bored with studying the rock, and took to looking for something else. With nothing else in sight though she took to wandering around, her head down in boredom. Lazy eyed she watched the ground as she moved, the dusty dirt and each of its… intricate… holes?

Placing her hoof to the murky outline she traced it and then shouted, “Hey, everypony, the grounds been written on too.”

Catching the attention of all who were there, the remaining four ponies trotted on up to Scootaloo and looked down to see what she saw. Though hard to make out and requiring brushing some of the dirt and dust aside, the others confirmed that Scootaloo was right.

“Why would anypony be writin’ in the dirt?” Apple Bloom wondered aloud, tapping at the ground.

“Yeah, it’s not even the same language as what’s on the rock… I think.” Sweetie Belle tried to follow each of the many lines, trying to decode the many, many foreign languages.

“You’re right, that,” Rainbow pointed to one of the many written symbols on the ground, “that is Minotaur for… something. I don’t know what it means but I’ve seen it in the land of the Minotaur’s.”

“If, if there’s Taurian here then maybe, maybe there’s Equestrian here too.” Fluttershy suggested, and with something to do the group got to work.

Scooting back and forth, constantly looking to the ground and reading word after word that made no sense to any of them, it’s no small wonder that they ended up crashing into one another, and even obtaining headaches from the mental work they were putting themselves through.

“Hey, if any of you spot it in Griffon, I can read that too.” Dash remarked as she scouted the ground for both the languages she was fluent in.

“Ah’m surprised that ya know how to speak that there fancy language, never gonna ‘ere me speakin’ those funny words.” The bow tied earth pony replied, but chose to follow Rainbow’s words all the same in spotting the other language.

“No need, I found Equestrian!” Sweetie Belle hollered, all others rushing to her and dishing out praise.

“Now let’s see, what does it say?” Fluttershy asked as she and the others brushed aside the remaining dirt that obscured the message.

Once it was clear, Rainbow Dash having the loudest and clearest voice began to read it out.

“In every tongue so all may learn, the words written that shall be remembered. For every tree that grows in these parts, there once was a faun that lived and thrived. Let this ground be sacred and undisturbed, here lies the last of the fauns.”

Silence was the only appropriate response to this information, the riddance of good cheer a melancholic form of respect for what they now knew to be a graveyard of sorts. The five ponies looked glumly from the scribed ground and equally glumly to the memorial in the centre. With a dip of their heads, a curt bow was given.

They continued to move without a word between them, and it was only once they had made their way out of the circle of the eternally resting fauns that any of them felt like attempting to banish the sombre atmosphere.

“Well that was a downer.” Scootaloo was the first to say anything, a hint of irritation at the loss of her earlier cheeriness.

The other crusaders nodded with their friend, while Rainbow Dash decided to steer the topic away from the purpose of the place and towards their original objective, “Would have been nice to have found out something to get these bracelets off.”

“But we did… didn’t we?” Fluttershy said with some traces of uncertainty.

“…I don’t remember finding out anything useful, we already knew that these things were made by an extinct race and that place didn’t say anything about these bracelets.”

“But Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy urged her friend to stop, along with the crusaders, “The words on that memorial were written in their language, and the words we read were those exact words re-written in Equestrian.”

“…Which means we’ve just found a rough guide on how to translate their language into Equestrian! You’re right!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, shooting her hooves up into the air with glee, “This is actually turning out all right.”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle decided to say, “To think we’ve been walking through the most dangerous place in Equestria and absolutely nothing went wrong at all.”

The trees closest to the group were then ripped out of the ground and flung through the air.

“Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom began to say as the five ponies watched the emerging monster rise up into full view, “Ah think ya jinxed us.”

The monster was like nothing that any of them had seen or heard of before. It had now reached its full height and peeked above the haunted trees of the nightmarish forest. Its body consisted of plants and vegetation, all stuck together by a grey bubbling slime. It bubbled, and made what looked like a giant gaping mouth in the direction of the group. Three of them looked to it petrified with fear and disgust, two of them looked at it with bewilderment.

Eventually, Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle said in union, “It sort of looks like toast.”

“How in the hay does that look like toast!”

The upper half of the slug-like creature appeared to face the group, it being somewhat hard to tell due to said creature’s lack of a face, and appeared to acknowledge the presence of the group. Its upper-half bobbed a little, both up and down as well as side to side.

“M-maybe it’s friendly.” Fluttershy thought aloud, only for Rainbow Dash to pull her and the crusaders out of the way of the creature’s body slam.

“Ah think not.” The obvious notation was made as the ponies pulled themselves up onto their hooves.

The creature once again appeared to face the group, turning towards them and in particular, focusing its attention on one rainbow mane pegasus. As a direct result its focus was also on the magically connected Fluttershy. The creature gurgled, trying to speak, yell, roar, despite its lack of mouth, and started to slide towards the ponies.

“Now we run.” Dash put it simply but it was a wise order and one that she and her friends were keen on following, so run they did.

Within the vision faltering darkness the group of ponies made their way based on a their memorise path, retracing their steps and heading back towards the castle. Nothing disturbed their path and with a straight path you would have thought they would be able to generate some distance between them and grey goo but no, it continued to charge and lunge at them with ever increasing speed. The distance between them remained the same, which for the ponies, wasn’t large enough.

Soon the clear path ended, and the routes they could take to escape involved rocks, bumps, trees and cliffs. This proved to be no problem for Scootaloo, leaping over, under and around everything with grace and balance, and the other two crusaders also found it easy to move their way through narrow areas swiftly; the problem was Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Neither could separate, if they went apart and were frozen, then flung into one another, they would have no chance to escape the bubbling abomination. So Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had to squeeze and climb over all obstacles, close calls aplenty as the monster tore apart and trampled the obstacles that got in its way.

The crusaders continued leading the way, though their shorter legs were starting to grow heavy and their smaller lungs meant their breathing had become ragged. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash ran on behind them, able to see the fleeting strength from the younger ones.

“Oh, if only we could hide somewhere.”

“Hide? We can’t do that unless we get out of sight of this thing first.” Dash shot down Fluttershy’s suggestion, turning her head round to see the approaching monster, “Nothing seems to be stopping it.”

The monster continued to approach, blockades like trees and rocks being nothing before it, usually flung out of the way. When things became tight it would squeeze it slime based body through the gaps, only being slowed down occasionally when the shrubbery attached to its body became entangled.

“If only we had some bottomless pit that we could dump this guy into!”

Something clicked in Fluttershy’s brain. Her eyes darted around the area, taking in as much of the habitats layout as she could in the midst of fleeing and comparing it with various memories of the place. It was when she found a match between part of the place and the place within her past that her brain went into overdrive.

“Girls, turn left now!” Fluttershy screamed out to the crusaders in front, who followed her order immediately.

“Fluttershy, what are you-“

“I’m sorry Dash, I’ll explain later.” Fluttershy interrupted as they both turned to follow in the direction of the crusaders.

Despite the terrain remaining rough, both adult pegasi urged their legs to work faster and manoeuvred with enough agility to catch up with the three fillies.

“G-girls, when I say jump I want you to jump as far as you can, okay?”

The forest was crushed beneath the still raging beast that continued its pursuit, gurgling more and more in its attempted roars. As to be expected the ponies, who were beginning to tire, found themselves with increased adrenaline as the beast began to speed up, and forced their ragged bodies to move faster. It was as they approached a small clearing, only a little wider than the chasing sludge, that Fluttershy gave order.


Jump they did, or rather leap, flinging their bodies both high into the air and as far forward as momentum would take them. Their landing was rough, tumbling over one another as they hit the ground, and none of them made it onto their hooves. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in their tumble had rolled around in such a way, that as they lay on the ground they could see the monster fast approaching. Either on their backs or flat on their bellies, the group were unable to do a thing as the slime creature finally reached them.

It disappeared.

That was what it looked like at first, but as Rainbow Dash found out when she scrambled to her hooves the monster had in fact fallen down a hole, a previously disguised trap hole that the ponies had leaped over to avoid. The gurgles of the monster echoed from the hole, going on and on, quieter and quieter.

After a while a stupefied Dash asked “Is, Is that hole bottomless?

“I-I don’t think so” Fluttershy murmured through ragged breaths, her willpower to keep on moving finally exhausted.

The sound of the creature finally hitting the bottom; a resounding splat, was heard, followed by an end to the echoing gurgles.

“We can’t stay here!” Dash shouted out with alarm, “What if it climbs out!”

Just then, a load of rocks, held up in a sack above the trap hole, came down upon the trap hole and began to fill it up. Muffled whimpers were the last thing that was heard from the monster as it was buried beneath rubble.

“…I feel sorry for the poor thing, maybe I shouldn’t have used the trap on it.”

The other crusaders were pulling themselves together, in similar states of shock, awe, and confusion that Rainbow Dash was in, whom proceeded to ask, “Two things Fluttershy, the first being no, getting the thing trapped and saving our lives is a good thing. Second, why do you have a pit hole?”

Fluttershy tapped at the floor and murmured back, “It-It’s not mine, Angel Bunny made it.”

Fluttershy expected her friend to say something, make a disbelieving remark or ask a question, but the question was only expressed in Dash’s face and it was only when Fluttershy noticed this face that she continued, “There was once this big bully in the forest who would pick on all the animals… and me. Angel Bunny rigged this area full of traps, and led the guy here, in order to get rid of him.”

Rainbow Dash made a mental note that if she were to confront this rabbit she would have to watch where she stepped afterwards. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had by now recovered and wandered up the pit hole to inspect, cheery smiles on their faces.

“I’m glad that’s over, now nothing can possibly go wrong.”

The bushes nearby moved, causing the trio to jump in fright.

“Ya jinxed us again.” Apple Bloom yelped as she and her friends huddled in fear, Rainbow Dash already in front of them, ready to protect them from the emerging… bunny?

“Angel Bunny.” Fluttershy wondered aloud as the usually discreetly affectionate pet ran on up to his owner and leaped forth with a hug.

Also from the bushes emerged a ragged baby dragon who had to run way beyond his point of exhaustion just to keep up with the rabbit that had caught the scent of his owner, “H-Hi… girls.”

“Hi Spike.” Sweetie Belle chirped with a sing song voice, and skipped on over to the dragon that was often visiting her sister’s boutique, “What cha’ doing here?”

“Hello… Sweetie Belle?” Spike looked up to the unicorn filly, and then to her usual pegasus and earth pony companions, “Scootaloo, Apple Bloom?”

As Angel continued to shower his owner with love and Fluttershy returned it with pampering, Rainbow Dash looked away from all that and focused her attention on Spike, “Yeah Spike, you look shattered.”

“Yeah, well, me and the others have been out looking for you… and I got paired with the brat… and then he started sprinting here…” Spike managed to get out between wheezes and pants “Are you all okay? Your wing isn’t broken is it?”

“No, just sprained.” The injured pegasus sighed and continued to complain, “Seriously, I’ve about as much chance breaking my wing as I do enjoying a book, it just isn’t going to happen.”

“Aww, Angel Bunny.” Fluttershy continued to coo at the sweet and open gesture her cuddling rabbit was providing her but when she thought of further pampering her bossy but beloved pet she stopped. She put on her best serious-scolding-but-not-too-mean-scolding-face and pried off the hugging rabbit, placing him back down on the ground before her. “Now Angel Bunny, you’ve caused a lot of trouble mister.”

Angel hung his head downwards in shame at first before looking up to his owner with tearful eyes brimming with guilt.

“Oh Angel, I know you would never hurt me, and I forgive you for not knowing what the bracelets did. I should have explained it clearer in the beginning.”

Hearing the words of forgiveness, Angel merrily skipped on over, willing to embrace another hug, but found a yellow hoof in the way telling him to stop. “But I’m not the one you should be apologising to.”

The mentioned yellow hoof then turned the rabbit round to face a now grinning cyan pegasus, whose pink eyes gleamed with triumph, “I want you to apologise to Rainbow Dash.”

Angel looked to Rainbow Dash with a frown, then back to his owner with an expression that begged ‘do I have to?’ Fluttershy in turn deepened her own frown, and replied, “Yes Angel, tell Rainbow Dash that you’re sorry.”

This time Angel looked to Rainbow Dash with confusion and kept this expression when he turned to Fluttershy. Fluttershy at first thought her pet was refusing to apologise, but when her rabbit motioned to his mouth she realised, “Oh, yeah, sorry.”

The animal caring pony looked skywards, pondering a way for her pet to apologise in a way that Rainbow Dash would understand, “I know, you can say you’re sorry by giving Rainbow Dash a nice, big hug.”

Angel protested to this suggestion, shaking his head refusal. Rainbow Dash also protested to this by blurting out, “Look, I really don’t need a hug from your rabbit. Can’t you have him grovel for me instead?”

At the suggestion of grovelling to his enemy, Angel decided that he preferred the first, less humiliating option and lunged toward Rainbow Dash with a hug. Dash was not amused to be on the receiving end of a hug from her enemy. Angel was also not amused to be hugging Rainbow Dash and the two took this opportunity to glare at one another, sparks flying between the two bitter rivals.

Their glares communicated much to the other and while the majority of their exchange consisted of varied insults and death threats, the one message they both shared for the other was, ”Let us never speak of this again.”

“Aww, you two get along so well.” One had to wonder the extent of obliviousness Fluttershy had towards the relationship of her best pet and best friend.

As Angel and Rainbow Dash hugged, Fluttershy continued to look to this scene with delight. Scootaloo on the other-hoof chose to look away, not wanting to see her role model forced into doing something so cutesy-wootsey, with Apple Bloom chuckling away at her friend's reaction. While Spike and Sweetie Belle weren’t paying attention to this, the former being too tired to care about much of anything while the latter was merrily chatting away to the reptilian. There were two in the clearing that would have argued this point, but in general a joyous and peaceful atmosphere was felt by all.

It was then that the bushes to both the left and the right of the group began to simultaneously rustle.

“I didn’t say anything this time!” Sweetie yelled out in alarm as out from the bushes came… Applejack and Rarity from one, while Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle from the other bush.

“Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, thank the stars we found-Sweetie Belle!” Rarity screamed out in surprise at the sight of her sister and friends.

“Apple Bloom what in tarnation are ya’ll doin’ ‘ere?” Applejack did not ask this question, but rather demanded an answer.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nervously grinned to their older sisters, while Scootaloo coughed in the direction of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, still being embraced unwillingly by an unwillingly hugging Angel, looked over to Scootaloo and after being on the receiving end of a few winks took note.

“Scootaloo, yeah, you shouldn’t… I’m actually okay with this.”

As Applejack and Rarity were quizzing their younger relatives on why they were in the Everfree forest and lecturing them on being in the Everfree forest, Pinkie Pie and Twilight had their attentions turned to Fluttershy.

“See Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are A-Okay.” Pinkie Pie said with good cheer that hid her disappointment. Not that she was disappointed to see her friends fine and well, but seeing the crusaders with them she knew the chances of her two friends having had secret fun-fun alone time were slim.

“Oh Fluttershy I’m so sorry, this sort of thing wouldn’t have happened if I was more diligent with my research. I-I promise I’ll get these bracelets off as fast as I-

“Twilight, it’s okay, we’re okay.” Fluttershy eased her panicked friend, and thought of ways to please her concerned friend, “In fact, we found something relating to the bracelets thanks to the girls here.”

Curiosity beating away her frantic nerves, Twilight asked, “You found something? In the forest?”

“Yes, a message, written in the same language as those on the artefacts, and it’s been translated into Equestrian.”

Twilight took in this information at light speeds and apparently tried to talk at the same pace as she jumbled over her next couple of words, only making sense once she composed herself, “R-really! That’s wonderful, I’ll be able to get those bracelets off in no time with a translation, or at least I hope I will.”

Twilight Sparkle’s grin drooped a little after the initial excitement as she then reverted back to apologising, “But really, I’m so sorry for all this Fluttershy,” her attention then turned to Rainbow Dash and her damaged wing, “and Rainbow Dash, I’m so sorry about your broken-“

“My! Wing! Isn’t! Broken!”