• Published 1st Oct 2021
  • 6,298 Views, 53 Comments

One Sprout, Many Buds - Whinifree

Only days after the conclusion of her adventure, Sunny Starscout's new friends ask her a very serious question about her old friend Sprout.

  • ...

One Sprout, Many Buds

Nothing, not even the sun itself, could match the bright smile Sunny Starscout wore upon this clear day. From her vantage point on the grassy hill, she glanced around the main thoroughfare of Maretime Bay. Everywhere she looked, the earth pony’s deepest desire played out before her very eyes.

Just days prior, only earth ponies would have been seen wandering the streets. But now, dozens of unicorns visiting from Bridlewood and just as many pegasi visiting from Zephyr Heights were among the crowds. The ponies, all of them, chatted and laughed together. Young foals ran and played together. Unicorns levitated things around and pegasi soared through the air, both to the awe of all who once believed such things were to be feared.

“Hey, Sunny,” said Hitch as he and Izzy spread out the red and white checkered blanket. “You haven’t forgotten we’re here for a nice picnic right?”

Zipp chuckled while pulling plates and cups out of the basket and arranging them in a circle on the blanket. “I think she’s lost in her excitement again.”

“This has been my lifelong dream!” exclaimed Sunny, maintaining her smile. “Even though it’s only been a few days, it already feels like so long ago that we were all afraid of each other and living in entirely different worlds. I could just… I could just jump for joy!” She cheered loudly and bounced up and down several times.

“Let me join you!” cried Izzy who also hopped in place. “Yay! This makes it once a day we get all excited like this.”

Gently flapping her wings, Pipp hovered in the air as she set various bottles of soda and juice on the blanket followed by boxes of pizza, sandwiches and doughnuts. “Get used to it. It’s a dream no longer. It’s reality now.”

“And it never would have happened if you hadn’t kept faith that the ancient stories were really true,” stated Hitch with a smile. “I feel pretty bad that even though we were friends even back then I never listened to you or your dad. Sorry again for that, Sunny.”

“Don’t feel too bad, Sheriff,” said Zipp. “A few days ago we all thought those were just old pony tales.”

“Zipp, how many times do I have to tell you just call me Hitch? We’re friends now after all.”

“Exactly. Nicknames are one of the best things about having friends, and Sheriff suits you.”

“I agree,” quipped Izzy. “It suits you perfectly, Mr. ‘But I’m the Sheriff!’”

Pipp pulled out her mobile phone and pressed a few of the buttons on screen while facing the camera to herself. When she spoke, it was with a happy announcer’s tone. “What is up everypony out there in pony land! This is Pipp streaming live from another beautiful day with my new friends here in Maretime Bay! Today, we are having a picnic!” She then turned the camera so that the others were visible on-screen instead. “Everypony say hi to all of our wonderful viewers!”

Sunny, Hitch, Zipp and Izzy all huddled together, beamed, and waved to the camera. “Hi there, friends!” they cried in unison.

The bottom-right corner of the screen of Pipp’s phone immediately lit up with an endless chain of smiley faces, hearts, and waving emojis.

“So, Sunny,” continued Pipp as she zoomed the camera in on her, “I don’t see any more of those… um… not-so-unicorn-and-pegasi-friendly posters down there now. Score another one for friendship!”

Sunny’s eyes widened, her ears flattened and she rubbed the back of her head while looking away from the camera. “Oh gosh… Remember I asked you not to mention those again… especially on your stream.” She returned her gaze to the camera, and with a nervous chuckle, she smiled sheepishly. “Sorry again, everypony, but the sooner we all forget about those the better.”

Izzy suddenly pushed herself into the camera’s view, eliciting a mild startled noise from Sunny and forcing Pipp to zoom out a bit. “You heard it straight from the pony’s mouth, folks. Forget about those nasty old things.”

“I couldn’t agree more!” Pipp flipped the camera so that she was on screen again. “And that’s really all we have for now. You all have a good one and I hope you make a new friend today. Live from Maretime Bay, pipp pipp and away!” She pressed the ‘end stream’ button on her app, the screen went back to the main page and then she put the phone away.

“So…” said Hitch, once again watching the crowds in the streets. “It seems like all we have left to do is finish fixing the damage Sprout caused to the lighthouse. But with so many ponies chipping in the last few days they said it would be all done this afternoon before we got back from our picnic.”

Sunny frowned and looked down.

“That whole thing that evening is still a little surprising to me,” stated Pipp as she set herself down on the ground and folded her wings against her sides. “It’s a good thing he didn’t cause any more damage than he did.”

“It’s a miracle he didn’t ruin all the work we put in to reunite ponykind,” replied Hitch. “I didn’t think he was capable of such madness.”

Sunny looked back up while maintaining her frown. “Even when we were just foals, he never passed up a chance to tease me for believing in the ancient stories.”

Zipp furrowed her brow at Sunny. “How did you even become friends with him if he was like that?”

“Because she’s Sunny Starscout!” exclaimed Izzy. “Even back then, she saw everypony not as a stranger, but as a friend she simply hadn’t met yet. Am I right?”

Sunny smiled a little at Izzy’s comment and question. “I’m sure that’s exactly how my dad would describe it. I think it was probably more that he and Sprout’s mom knew each other so Sprout and I would just hang out by default. Despite the teasing I did still enjoy hanging out with him a lot.”

“I suppose I was just as bad as he was with the teasing?” asked Hitch, giving Sunny a worried look.

Sunny’s smile got warmer and she shook her head. “No. You weren’t.”

The stallion returned the smile and wiped his brow with one of the napkins they’d brought for the picnic. “That’s a relief.”

“Do you still consider Sprout a personal friend?” asked Zipp. “After he nearly started a war with unicorns and pegasi both then almost destroyed your house trying to stop you from bringing magic back?”

Sunny’s eyes widened again. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out before closing it. This happened several times, making her look like a fish trying to talk.

Izzy cleared her throat and chuckled nervously. “Uh… maybe we shouldn’t talk about this right now. I’m sure we’re all hungry as a horse by now.” She lifted one of the pizza boxes with her left hoof and a box of sandwiches with her right. “Everypony make like a shovel and dig in!”

While the others set about gathering up their items and beginning to eat, Sunny just stared at her empty plate and cup. They all replayed over and over in her mind—the events that led up to the present all starting with the day Izzy first arrived in Maretime Bay and the mass panic it caused. For Sunny, time seemed to slow to a crawl as the memories consumed her.

“Yo, Sunny!” cried Izzy after several minutes. “Grub’s going to get cold.”

Hitch let out a quiet sigh. “I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned Sprout. Sorry.”

“The thing is…” Sunny glanced up and gazed at the others. “I do still want to call him a friend.”

The others gazed back in silence.

“In all of the ancient stories about Princess Twilight and her friends,” continued Sunny, “no matter how bad things got, they always tried to give everypony a chance to come back around. It’s thanks to us that magic and friendship has finally returned, so how can I even consider not trying to give Sprout a second chance? And I don’t mean that simply as something I have to do to fulfill some duty. I really mean it. No matter how much he would tease me he was still my friend—one of the only friends I had and I’d like to have him back.”

“You know,” said Hitch, putting his half-eaten slice of pizza down on his plate. “I do too actually.”

Zipp smiled gently. “I know the ancient guardians would be very happy to hear you both say that. And you’re right.”

“I think me, Zipp and Izzy should try to be friends with him too,” stated Pipp. “If he’s going to be your friend he should be ours as well.”

“Yeah!” cried Izzy. “As they say, ‘the more the merrier.’ And if he wants nothing to do with us… at least we tried.”

The ponies all smiled and nodded.

“Just one teensy weensy little bit of advice first...” Izzy then gave Sunny a serious stare that none of the group had seen from the unicorn before—except Sunny herself the day the two met and Izzy asked her about staring contests—and she got right up in the earth pony’s face so close their snouts were barely an inch apart.

Sunny’s eyes widened and she stared straight back at Izzy unblinking. “Uhh… y-yes…?” she stammered.

Izzy’s tone was as serious as her demeanor. “Whatever you do… Do not… I repeat… Do not rub it in that you were right and he was wrong. That’s the fastest way to make an enemy, not a friend.”

Sunny’s eyes widened even more. She leaned back a couple inches, sweat ran down her brow and she nodded firmly several times. “O-of course. I-I knew that!”

“Perfect!” Izzy suddenly pulled back, beaming brightly. “Now how about we finish our picnic? All this yummy pizza and lemonade the restaurant Sprout is doing part of his community service at isn’t going to eat itself! And neither will these delicious sandwiches and doughnuts that Zipp and Pipp’s mom had the castle chefs make for us!”

Sunny smiled and finally grabbed herself some lunch. Settling down to enjoy the meal, the bright, clear, warm day and the company of her friends, she mulled over the task that was to come next.

After returning the picnic gear to her house with Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp at her side, Sunny strode gently down the street, weaving through the groups of ponies toward the Pizza Hoof at the end of the block.

The group was silent as they went and only very briefly returned the greetings they got from others.

Sunny’s heart beat a little bit faster with each step as they got closer and closer. By the time she was staring into the glass door of the restaurant, her breathing was so heavy it felt like she was on the verge of passing out. She spotted Sprout himself in the middle of bussing a table, wearing the saddlebags containing his tablecloth and spray bottle, and putting the dirty dishes from the previous customers into a bin on top of a cart. Suddenly, Sunny’s legs felt weightier than steel and her voice got caught in her throat.

“You ready?” asked Hitch, giving Sunny a soft glance.

“You look more nervous than a pony who was dared to challenge Alphabittle to a game,” stated Izzy. “Namely me. Seriously, I don't have a good track record there.”

Zipp smiled. “It’s good she’s nervous. Shows she really does care.”

Everypony gently placed their hoof on either of Sunny’s shoulders.

“You can do this,” said Pipp. “We’re all right here with you.”

The encouraging words from her friends snapped Sunny out of her mental paralysis and she swallowed hard. “Right,” she said with a strong nod. “I just have to keep my cool and be friendly. And another reminder to myself: do not rub it in.” With that, she gently pushed open the door, causing the little bell to ring and she stepped inside.

Sprout glanced up from the table and opened his mouth to greet the new guests, but stopped upon seeing who it was. It took a couple of moments for him to get it out. “Welcome to Pizza Hoof…” he said half-heartedly, clearly not happy to see them but trying to keep at least somewhat of a professional demeanor. “Welcome again, I mean. Did you enjoy the pizza and lemonade?”

“Sure did!” exclaimed Izzy as she rubbed her tummy.

“I assume you’re back for more? Well I’m not on the register now as you can see. Swifty over there can help you.” Sprout pointed to a green earth pony stallion wearing a black hat with the restaurant’s logo on it standing behind the counter. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get these tables cleaned.” He went back to wiping the table and chairs down, avoiding eye contact with any of the group.

Sunny watched him work for a brief moment then took a couple steps forward. When she spoke, it was with the kindest and gentlest tone she could muster. “It was very good. As good as ever. But actually that’s not why we’re here. I wanted to ask you something. I’ll get right to the point. I know we’ve had our differences and because of me your whole world turned upside-down literally overnight…” She paused, hoping with all her being that didn’t come out like she was gloating.

Sprout kept on working like he either hadn’t heard her or was just flat out ignoring her. All the while he continued to avoid eye contact.

“What I’m trying to say,” continued Sunny, “is that we’ve been friends since we were little. I know we drifted apart as we grew up because of our differences, but I never stopped seeing you as a friend. And despite certain recent events I still want you as a friend.”

Sprout still didn’t reply and just moved on to the next table.

Sunny frowned slightly.

Zipp leaned in close to Pipp. “Is he even listening?” she whispered.

“I am not getting good vibes,” replied Pipp.

“Sprout...” said Izzy.

Hitch stepped forward and put a foreleg in front of Sprout.

The red earth pony stopped working but kept his gaze down.

“Sprout,” said Hitch. His tone was a bit more firm than Sunny’s but still friendly. “What I’m about to say I’m saying as a friend. I totally understand you’re upset, but don’t forget we’ve been friends since we were little just like with Sunny. Nopony here is going to judge you. I still want to be your friend just as much as Sunny does. Not only that but Izzy, Zipp and Pipp want to be your friends too. Right, everypony?”

“Indubitably!” cried Izzy.

“Just give us a chance,” said Zipp with a grin and as she gave Sprout a playful bop on his shoulder. “Us pegasi really aren’t so bad when you get to know us.” Suddenly her eyes widened and she waved her forelegs in front of herself. “Wait… I didn’t mean that in a boastful way. Honest!”

Pipp cleared her throat. “What my sister means is exactly what Hitch said: no judging here.”

Finally, Sunny walked up to Sprout and gently put her hoof under his chin, lifting up his gaze so they were staring straight at each other. “How about this: if you want to be friends again, come to the lighthouse later tonight and all of us will have a little party with Izzy’s tea set she brought in from her place in Bridlewood.”

Zipp glanced over at Sunny. “That really isn’t much time to allow him to think about it.”

“Hm… Guess you’re right. Forget about trying to do it tonight. Take as long as you need. If you want to be friends again, just come by the lighthouse anytime. Now then, we’ll get out of your mane and let you work. Hope to see you soon.”

The ponies turned and made their way to the door, but before they reached it, Izzy stopped, turned back around and bounded up to the counter. Everypony else, including Sprout, stared at her with eyes wide.

The unicorn looked back at them all with a silly smile. “Maybe just one more thing. I’m feeling like a nice calzone!”

Sunny, Hitch, Zipp and Pipp chuckled and they all sat down on a bench near the door to wait.

Soon, Izzy had the box containing her fresh calzone held aloft in her magic and floating alongside her. She happily trotted over to Sprout.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Just an FYI…” She leaned in and put her hoof beside her muzzle like she was about to whisper something. Except when she did it was loud enough for everypony in the room to hear. “You’re a little old to still be calling your mother ‘mommy.’ It’s a little weird!” she stated, holding the word ‘weird’ for several seconds.

Sprout’s mouth hung open, and so did every other pony’s in the dining room as Izzy trotted back to her friends while humming to herself.

“Izzy Moonbow!” said Pipp indignantly. “Could you possibly have waited to say that in a more private setting?!”

“Probably!” she replied, wearing a bright smile.

“And what in the world were you thinking anyway?! We’re trying to befriend Sprout, not humiliate him anymore than we already have!”

As the ponies left the restaurant and began to make their way across town to the now repaired lighthouse, all of Sunny’s thoughts zeroed in on what just transpired between them and Sprout. For now, she could only hope.

Later that evening inside the fully repaired lighthouse, Sunny sat in her room, staring at the journal with the six-pronged star on its cover, and at the little figurines of Princess Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity—the ancient Guardians of Harmony who inspired her. Warm, orange sunlight poured into the space from the window that overlooked both the city and the bay.

“I know Sprout did some pretty awful things in the last few days leading up to the reunification,” she muttered, keeping her gaze fixed on the figurines. “But I did the right thing… didn’t I? I’m sure I did. I know I did. You ponies would have done the same. I really don’t want to lose him as a friend for good. I just hope he was listening. It didn’t seem like he was…” She frowned and her ears flattened. But then, she placed the six figurines in a little bin and carried them out of the room.

Down in the living room, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp were seated in a circle around Izzy’s special tea set. Whatever they had been talking about ceased as soon as Sunny entered the room and they all gazed at her.

“Is whatever’s in that bin what I think they are?” asked Hitch.

Sunny smiled and nodded. “You know me too well.” She walked up to the tea set and sat down at the empty place.

“This reminds me of the night before we made it to Bridlewood,” said Zipp. “When the five of us sat around a campfire together and we really bonded for the first time as friends. I’ll never forget that.”

One by one, Sunny pulled the little figurines of the ancient Guardians from the bin and placed them on the table. “I just thought they might like to join us.”

The others chuckled and gazed at the figurines for a moment before pouring themselves the tea Izzy had prepared.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Everypony startled and stared in that direction.

“You don’t suppose that’s…!” said Pipp.

Sunny immediately stood up and bolted straight for the door, yanking it open as soon as she could reach it with her hoof. Her eyes widened.

There he was, only sans the Pizza Hoof hat.

“It is!” cried Izzy, rushing over to Sunny’s side. “Hi, Sprout!”

“Hi…” he replied meekly after several moments.

Hitch smiled. “Well hello there, old buddy.”

“So you decided to join us after all,” stated Zipp with a grin. “Deep down I knew you would.”

Sprout didn’t say anything.

“Does this mean you actually…?” inquired Sunny after several quiet moments.

Again Sprout did not speak, but he did gaze straight into Sunny’s eyes and nodded a single time.

It was like some unseen force had lifted a tremendous weight off Sunny’s shoulders. She beamed, her eyes began to water, and she threw her forelegs around Sprout as if she would not ever let go.

Sprout grunted slightly from the sudden embrace but didn’t recoil.

“Welcome back,” said Hitch.

“This so calls for a live stream!” Pipp whipped out her phone. “But I think I’ll wait until Sunny remembers she still needs to breathe.”

Sunny had been kind of holding her breath up to that point as all her energy was being spent lost in the moment. She broke the embrace after a little while and wiped her eyes. “I was pretty worried there for a while.”

“I don’t… not want you as a friend,” said Sprout as he rubbed the back of his head. “If you’re really truly willing to give me a second chance…”

“Good enough for us!” cried Izzy. “Now get in here and join the party!” Then, her cheery demeanor lessened a bit and her ears drooped. "Also Pipp was right. I totally should not have said what I did to you especially in public. Forgive me?"

"Don't worry about it," replied Sprout calmly. "Pretty sure you technically weren't wrong..."

Sunny and Izzy returned to their spots at the tea set, and with very bright smiles, they rearranged the cups to make room for six. Hitch, Zipp and Pipp also moved slightly to make the same accommodation.

Seeing the old figurines they used to play with when he, Sunny and Hitch were little, Sprout let out a nervous chuckle and sat down at the newly made place.

Author's Note:

There's already a lot of debate about Sprout representing this real life person or that. I don't think he's meant to represent any one specific person. As the "Angry Angry Mob" song suggests, I think he's supposed to represent mob mentality in general. Moreso, he seemed to be marginally remorseful after it was all said and done. Anyway this is my first new content fic written immediately after the fact! I didn't do that in g4, but I adored the new movie so much I just had to do this. Hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 53 )

This story is pretty impressive. I enjoyed every moment of what I read. I love how you wrote Izzy and how she just acts like Pinkie with a unicorn horn. You wrote them all with the respect they deserve. Now maybe make another connection to this after the series comes out?

Hehe. This was cute, I enjoyed it.

Solid work, Dancie. :twilightsmile:

One spelling error. “You look more nervous than a pony who was dared to challenge Argyle to a game,” stated Izzy. “Namely me. Seriously, I don't have a good track record there.”

You mean Alphabittle. Argyle was Sunny dad.

Omg thank you! How in the world did I miss that? Fixed!

I enjoyed it quite a lot and I appreciate someone putting Sprout in a normal character light. Instead of being a mindless idiot or a vengeful nobody.

A connection to this? Hmm. Possibly. Will have to see how the tv series goes. I wonder if Sprout will have some real role to play in it.
Thankie all!

This is nice and refreshing. Doing what Twilight couldn't but knowing she tried.

I clicked the link faster than any story I've read so far. I give you an A+ on this one. Really stirred up some happy feels for me.

I remember long ago reading an essay that defines him. The writer had made note that failed organizations and individuals were hampered by a combination of incompetence and jealousy he called 'injellitence.' Factor in inept parenting that papered over flaws instead of punishing them and you get a low-grade thug like him.

This was a nice read. Good job.

I really enjoyed Izzy in this as well as every other character. I honestly don't see her being too much like Pinkie. She is bubbly sure, but she doesn't have the goal to make everyone smile or really be friends with everyone. She has those sassy/vengeful moments where she kinda verbally beats someone down in one sentence. She's honestly less oblivious and more capable of controlling a situation than she lets on.

That's my view of her anyway.

Thankie all. :twilightsmile: And yes Caffeinated Pinkie, Izzy does have that charm about her only not as zany as Pinkie. I can't wait to see what she does in the tv series.
Oh yes. We definitely saw that with Sprout's mother.

Oh, Izzy, Izzy... Sprout is a mama's boy, but mocking him for it in public is neither cool nor conducive to convincing him to become friends with you. It's a bit of miracle he didn't close himself off after that.

Do you really think it's just a question of him not being punished? She encouraged his worst impulses, she'd fed him bigotry his whole life and he was so desperate for her approval that I wonder if she neglected him or raised him in a way that made him outsource his sense of self-worth.

That's why Pipp was like, "duuuude that was so not cool!" Hearing Pipp react like that I think might have been why he didn't completely close off, ie one of the ponies responsible for turning his world upside down sticking up for him at least in that capacity. Or it could be that after the movie Sprout realized that he was a mama's boy and we just didn't see it on screen. Who knows. Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed this. :twilightsmile:
It's funny because he's listed as the main villain for the movie, yet his mother played a big role in why he turned out that way.

I did enjoy it, yeah. :)

I added a little bit at the end there after thinking about that for a second. :pinkiesmile:

She appeared to have cared more for the machines she was building than the son she was making into another sort of malfunctioning unit of military hardware.

He's best understood not as a person but as another failed device that turned on its handlers. Getting him to see the horrible trick that was played on him would probably be the only way he can move forward.

I like the fact that you had Sprout only give his responses in double negatives instead of the positives. It shows he still has his reservations but at least wants to try. Great job overall! :twilightsmile:

Like this, though a little short.

Maybe so, but glad you enjoyed it nonetheless. :twilightsmile:

I am unsure how sunny is sitting in her bedroom when the top half of her lighthouse was destroyed

It wasn't completely destroyed, but turns out I did forget to mention the place being fixed up in the background quickly with everypony helping. Added a bit to Hitch's line at the start and another reminder at the start of the last scene. That was a good catch on your part and I'm really embarrassed I overlooked a crucial detail like that.

This was very heartwarming. I loved it. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, it was a real jerkwad thing to do by Izzy. Glad you had characters address that in-universe. Though of course, it's also true that him being a momma's boy is a big problem, because his mom is... kind of a bad person herself. She'd rather literally walk away than acknowledge that her son is lost and really hurting, because at this point it's just inconvenient for her.

Wow this was a pretty nice story sunny and the others are enjoying a picnic until they talk about sprout thinking what he did but into Sunny's mind she still wants to be her friends still despite the mixed opinions from each other same ways hitch so the others talked with him thinking they would get to him hopefully he will accept their invitation which later on he did which I still think that's the beautiful thing I ever seen Second Chance can be hard but it's not always not too late to fix things this was some really nice story keep up the good work

This is such a glorious story to read through and enjoy! Everything leading up to the sweet ending, oh man it's fulfilling stuff! Hope you didn't mind, but I simply HAD to make a reading of this calzone-y fic of yours!

Audio Linkyboop!: https://youtu.be/whUB9ESAHkM

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way)

Holy hoof that's awesome! Thankie so much! :pinkiehappy: Soon as it's up I'll add it to the story description and blog it plus mention it in self-promos. Hopfully some of my followers and such will become your listeners. :twilightsmile:

This was actually really good! You did a great job. Have a solid like from me!

I think there's definitely elements of "this person or that," but on the whole, you're right. It's also worth mentioning that Sprout is, terrible luck aside, a product of his environment. Just like Sunny, except she had a father that told her "things can be better" as opposed to a Karen.

I wonder… Does Pip’s phone have 5G network for G5?

This was a really nice read, and made me feel a little. Thanks for that.

It's a nice read, I love it :twilightsmile: Hopefully in the show we can have a reformed Sprout, as they did with Discord.

Heehee I wonder what plans they have for that as well.

If the writers for FIM could make me actually like Diamond Tiara and actively root for her redemption, I'm sure the writers of the new show can turn Sprout around.

This was really sweet.

Heehee Thankie. I wonder if that will be part of the tv series but we’ll see.

Oh I love this
One of my main hopes for the series is definitely a Sprout redemption arc. In a way, he was only the culmination of years and years of being fed racist nonsense by his mother. The important thing is to unlearn those biases.
I like how this feels as awkward, difficult and downright scary as apologies feel in real life. Sprout didn't break down and cry and hug Sunny. He took his time and, even in the end, was still a bit closed off. That's just how people are when they realize they did something wrong.
Very good fic!

Izzy’s tone was as serious as her demeanor. “Whatever you do… Do not… I repeat… Do not rub it in that you were right and he was wrong. That’s the fastest way to make an enemy, not a friend.”

knowing how competitive sunny is, it makes perfect sense that she needs this advice

I wonder what’s in store for the actual tv series.

Sprout's standoffishness throughout the story makes it feel relatable. I imagine most people do not immediately drop years' worth of emotional baggage when someone they have a strained relationship with moves to improve it.

Izzy shifting between serious moments and bouts of silliness was nice to see. The "more grounded and aware Pinkie" approach is one I think most writers are settling on.

This one was really nice, i liked it! It's one of the few
Fics ive read that manage to feel like something from the show. Tho imo, confronting him at his work felt a bit inconsiderate; at least irl, i would feel uncomfortable with social pressure and work pressure pulling me in two different ways.

I really hope that the show/specials do a good job of developing him and addressing his crimes/mistakes. Ideally, i'd love it if they managed to both have him confront his mom about her side of it and also have him own up to his own part.

A fair and short fic to be honest, a few character flaws and contradictions here and there and just not my cup of tea when it comes to writing style

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