• Published 28th Sep 2021
  • 1,134 Views, 59 Comments

The King Of Pizza - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In season nine, after King Sombra is blasted by the rainbow, what if he was sent to another planet? That planet being earth?

  • ...

If you want it.

Esmeralda's P.O.V:

After Sombra disappeared, I went to the sink and spat the fur out of my mouth.

I wondered where Sombra was now, but I didn't care where he was. As long as he was away from me, I was completely fine.

The only reason why I didn't try to get rid of him was that I thought I was imagining him.

I liked reading and writing stories and imagined a lot. Some nights, I dreamed about characters from my stories.

And if I didn't update them, then I thought about that.

I hoped one day Sombra would just disappear, and my pizza would be safe.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone snoring. When I located the source, I changed my sentence to somepony snoring.

It was Sombra. On MY bed. In MY room. Using MY blanket. And MY pillow.

I took my blanket off him and tried to pull him off my bed. But he was too heavy.

Probably from pizza and chocolate. I tried pushing him but nothing happened.

Then he woke up and said, "Stop annoying me."

I screamed, "Get out of MY bed!"

He said, "No! Now either be quiet or go away."

"I will NOT go away. This is MY room, and YOU should GO away."

"I will NOT go away either. I rule over you, and soon I shall rule this planet!"

"You rule nothing."

"I do. I rule you."

"And how is that?"

"I'll show you."

Sombra's horn glowed, and I shut my eyes. When I opened them again, everything seemed smaller.

I asked Sombra, "What have YOU done?"

He said, "I've turned you into a filly. With chains."

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that Sombra wasn't lying.

I was a pony. Covered in chains.

I tried getting the chains off, but it was for nothing.

Sombra happily said, "You look exactly like one of my slaves from a thousand years ago. Don't try to take the chains off; only I can."

I hissed, "Turn me back. Now."

Sombra said, "No."

"But I can't go anywhere like this!"

"Do I look like I care? You're the one who asked me to show you how I rule you."

"I take my words back."

"You can't."

"Will you ever turn me back? I want to be a human."

"In a month."

"I don't want fur. I don't want to be a pony."

"You'll get used to being a pony."

I sighed as it seemed like Sombra wasn't going to change his mind anytime soon.

It was going to be a long night.

I decided to sleep and that I'll wake up and find myself as a human. I tried opening the door to go to my bathroom, but it was hard with hooves.

I asked Sombra, "How can you open this door with hooves?"

He answered, "Use your magic."

Then he looked at me and said, "Oh, I forgot, I didn't give you any magic."

He opened the door and pushed me into the bathroom with magic. I turned the lights on and then tried to brush my teeth.

But it was hard. I couldn't even squeeze toothpaste onto my brush. I got angry and jumped on the tube, and toothpaste shot out, covering me and my brush.

Great. Just great. Now I had to have a shower. I brushed my teeth and tried turning the tap on. I nearly broke it.


After I kicked the door open, I went into my room and tried to dry my fur. But I couldn't reach the towel rack. I tried jumping.

But that never worked. Sombra threw a towel on me and laughed.

I asked him, "What's so funny?"

He laughed, "You're a pegasus, silly. That means you could've flown."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Be happy that I didn't make you an earth pony. That would've been boring."

I threw the towel off and tried drying myself. But I couldn't.

So that night, I had to sleep with wet fur.


King Sombra's P.O.V:

I woke up and threw the blankets off myself. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was too hungry.

I slapped filly-Esmeralda, and she woke up. She asked me, "What?"

I told her, "I'm hungry."

"And what can I do about that?"

"Get me some food, of course."

"I won't be able to do anything while I'm a pony."

"I don't care. You WILL do SOMETHING, or I will...uh...I will...Do something to you!"

"I'm tired."

"I DON'T care if YOU'RE tired. I only care about myself."

"Why don't YOU go and make some food for yourself?"

"I'm a King. Kings never make their food."

"I'm tired of hearing this every day."

"Fine then. If you won't make my food now, then I'll force you to make some."

"Just try."

My horn glowed, and Esmeralda got out of bed, under the mind=control.

A few minutes and she came with some food. It was chocolate.

I liked it, so I took all the chocolate off the plate and filled my mouth with it.

Filly-Esme stood there, watching as her bed got covered with chocolate and their wrappers.

I ordered her, "Clean up."

While she cleaned, I found that rectangle thing of hers. Next to it was a book.

Written on the page was the pizza delivery phone number.

Pizza would be good, I thought and decided to get some. I tried turning it on like I saw Esmeralda do, but the button was too small.

I poked it with my horn, and the thing turned on. Then I swiped the screen and pressed something that had a picture of a phone on it.

I tapped that and pressed the name 'Pizza Delivery'. It started ringing and afe=ter a few minutes I heard somepony talking. They said, "Hello, how can I help you today?"

I ordered, "I need 200 boxes of pizza. Extra cheese."

They asked, "Name?"

I deicded to use Esmeralda's name. I said, "Esmeralda."

"Esmeralda? We'll deliver your pizza within the next half-hour."

I pressed the red picture, and the call ended. My voice didn't sound anything like Esmeralda's, so that meant that the Pizza Delivery had a hearing problem.


The doorbell rang, and I sent Esmeralda to answer it. She came back with 200 boxes of pizza with her.

I told her to shut the door. She did that, and somepony knocked.

It was the Pizza Delivery. I asked, "What do you want?"

He was surprised to see me but said, "You have to pay."

"How much?"


"That's too much."

"Sorry, but it's the price."

I turned and asked Esmeralda, "Do you have £1000000?"

She said, "No."

I turned back to the man and said, "I don't have £1000000."

"Then return the pizza."

I didn't want to return the pizza, so I erased his memory and teleported him where he belonged.

Then I shut the door and ate the pizza. I gave Esmeralda 100 boxes and took my 100 boxes to the room that I always ate pizza in.


I was becoming tired, so I stopped controlling the human turned filly.

She looked confused for a second and then screamed, "TURN ME BACK!"

I sighed and put a no talking spell on her.


Author's Note:

Author's note: Without Grammarly to check my mistakes, this would've been hard. So a thumbs up to Grammarly. Before you go, don't forget to...Vote...Like...Comment...Share!