• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,067 Views, 111 Comments

Rag Doll - No one is home

It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...

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Ladybug Chapter 19: Gotta See the Cutie

“She doesn’t need you!” My uncle, my ragdoll… my tool proclaims. “She doesn’t need me! The whole wide world needed her. And that’s the only reason I’m even here to tell you this.”

I’ve never heard Uncle speak so honest, so loyal…. so bitter. “I was robbed of everything but the sensory hell of 1000 moons of feeling a pile of garbage from on one season to the next.”

Uncle talks with a kind of past tense hope, that I honestly can’t give context, my little Undersqueaks… I hope somehow you’re still out there. Somewhere out there we still have a hive under the ruins of Canterlot, and I hope the ruins have wifi… And I hope you’re all still watching.

This is a new level of honesty. He resents me taking him. “There is an actual Ectoplasmic tentacle fight, OC… sorry. Yer posts are sacrosanct, Ectoplasmic Tentacles, though..,”

“This isn’t a fight! I’m holding your doll at length so it can’t flail on me with its noodle hooves!” This is my life now, Undersqueaks. My doll and my family's greatest nemesis are having a slap fight in a Villa somewhere… just somewhere? “Wait, is she streaming or texting?!?! Dammit Charlie, stop flailing at me, that's a real question! Does she even have a signal here?”


If you chose to join this story right now for the first time, then you are probably wondering “What the buck is up with this goddam doll? Well that’s why I am here to tell you what the buck is up with the damn doll.

I am not going to do that. This is a demi-plane and we only have five walls to start with! “Seriously? Charlie? Does she have a signal?”

“I dunno, prolly…” Of course you’re useless. Wait, I haven’t even been speaking out loud for this?!?! She caught me in a text stream?!?! Do you even know where she’s sending it?

“I don’t care. Why are you even asking me?”


“I am not your enemy this time.” This is his fault. I am his fault. “Ladybug, will you be a dear and tell your uncle to stop trying to slap me. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s awkward.”

“Uncle, stop.” Her voice commands me. It pulls strings attached to stitches that I’d rather not remember. “I want to hear what it has to say.”

“I sympathyze with your loss.” The bastard smiles like he cares. He knows it hurts! “You saved her from all the little things. Where is she now?”

“She’s safe! Safe from you, and safe from the sun!” I actually twist my one smile into a snarl.

“You can’t offer the pricess anything.” His smile is a straight razor as he turns on the only thing that matters in my whole wide world. “So what ever shall it be? I can give you what you want. I can unmake your wish. I can reunite you with your family… but, it won’t be for free.”

“You are correct that I will make you pay.” My Ladybug has the smile of a shark. I hate myself, for what she’s become. I am proud of my Ladybug Princess. “My family, my real family, are still out there. They are just on the other side of this.” She holds up her phone triumphantly. “I still have a signal. And I know my Undersqueaks can still hear me! You are no one, but I am the Princess of Bucking Cuddle Muffins!”

Author's Note:

Okay so I gotta explain totally meta reasons for some pretty major twists in the story.  You see, this story exists in a shared universe and one of the rules is “Everything must stay Canon…”
However unlikely, it could be explained as not contradicting canon on camera.

In cannon Onyx is just a legendary Jazz musician with reality warping music magic that will just blow your mind.  And for that to happen, Gloomy and Ragdoll had to break up.  If want to know what happened to Gloomy read David’s “Return To Equestria.”

And also assumed Zephyr Heights was gonna be Canterlot.  Surprise!  It’s cloudsdale!  “You’re entire history has been re-written.”

This is where Ladybug is right now. She is the only known survivor of her universe.

She has survived a retcon.

I really like the shorter chapters…just sayin’...

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