• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,079 Views, 79 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony - Battwell

Sonic the Hedgehog and The Mane Six team up against the evil Dr. Eggman in this feature fanfiction

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I Hate That Hedgehog

As the Tornado, currently in its Tornado X form, thanks to some modifications made by Tails, flew towards the Death Egg Mark II, Sonic and his twin tailed best friend Tails were going over why they were in space in the first place.

"So, Tails? Why exactly are we here? I mean, we already kicked EggHeads butt into next week back in Ice Cap Zone. So what's the big deal?" Sonic asked while tapping his foot on the wing he was standing on. Tails sighed and shook his head.

"Sonic, weren't you listening when I explained the situation back home?" Tails asked slightly annoyed.

"Bud, I was busy thinking about all the running I could be doing, and Chilli Dogs."

"Okay, let's go over this one more time. I picked up a strange energy reading up in the outer reaches of space. What perplexed me was the similarities between this energy reading, and the energy readings I picked up when we fought Eggman and his Time Eater." Tails explained.

"So, you think EggHead's messing with time again?"

"It's a very real possibility." Tails replied.

Sonic sighed and shook his head, "Seriously, can we go one week where we don't have to deal with someone messing with time, or someone messing with other universes? I mean, I enjoy this kinda stuff, but it can seriously get old real fast."

"I agree, but if that is the case, then I guess we now know what Eggman's real intentions were."

"Yeah, I found it odd too that he was trying to melt the entirety of Ice Cap Zone to supposedly 'flood' the world. Here I thought that his old age was finally catching up with him, not that it hasn't already, ha ha, I mean, have you seen Baldy McNosehair?" Sonic laughed alongside his best friend.

The laughter was cut short when Tails got an alert on his dashboard. He tapped the screen and saw that seven familiar energy readings were close by.

"What is it, Tails?"

"T...the Chaos Emeralds!!! Their nearby!!!" Tails exclaimed.

"How many?" Sonic asked.

"All seven of them."

"Seriously?! Whatever, we'll get 'em back while we crack that EggHead wide open!" Sonic exclaimed.

As the Death Egg Mark II came into view, they saw the galactic battle station fire a laser into what looked like empty space, they were quickly proven wrong as a massive rift expanded were the supposedly empty space used to be.

"Sonic, look!!!" Tails pointed out.

Sonic smirked and crouched down onto the wing, "Looks like EggHead has started the party without us!" Suddenly, an army of flying Badniks shot out from various areas from within the Death Egg. "look at that, Eggman sent the welcoming committee!!" Sonic then curled up and shot right off the wing and spin dashed multiple badniks. He landed on the back of a flying turtle badnik and jumped off and roundhouse kicked a wasp badnik into another, resulting in an explosion that destroyed the two. One badnik fired multiple missiles at the speedy hedgehog, Sonic just smirked and landed on the missiles as they passed one another, he then leaped off the missile he was standing on and kicked the final missile back towards the badnik. The resulting explosion sent Sonic back and if it wasn't for Tails, he would have been floating in space hadn't he landed back on the wing of the Tornado. Sonic smirked as he crossed his arms. He looked back towards his best friend, "Tails, could you take down those shields?"

"You got it!!!" Tails said as he switched the Tornado into auto pilot and pulled out his Miles Electric. He easily got into the EggNet and disabled the shields with no problem.

Sonic smirked and gave Tails a thumbs up. "Nice going, bud."

Tails replied with a thumbs up of his own and they made their way into the hangar bay.

(End song)

Meanwhile in the Death Egg, Eggman slammed his fists down on a computer console in a fit of rage. After he was done with that, he walked over to Cubot and punted him across the room. "WHY?! WHY MUST THAT ANNOYING BLUE HEDGEHOG ALWAYS INTERFERE WITH MY MASTER PLANS?!" Eggman screamed in rage. He then turned to Orbot, "How long until the Death Egg enters the rift?"

"I estimate we should be fully inside the rift in 10 minutes, sir."

"Grr, Sonic could ruin everything in that amount of time!!!" Eggman exclaimed.

Mecha and Metal began walking out of the command deck and were about to intercept the blue blur but were stopped by Eggman, "No, you two go on ahead and enter the rift. But before you do." Eggman then walked over to where the Emeralds were placed and flicked a switch, a laser gun rose up from the floor and fired a green beam at the robotic hedgehogs. Their eyes flashed green for a moment before the beam ceased. Eggman then walked over to them, "I've temporarily given you enough of the Emeralds power so that you are able to pass through the rift unscaved. Your assignment is to learn everything you can about that dimension before my arrival. Is that understood?" The two robots nodded and flew out of the command deck. Eggman then began walking out of the room.

"Boss, where are you going?" Orbot asked.

Eggman turned his head and faced his two lackeys.

"I'm going to make sure that hedgehog doesn't ruin everything." Eggman said as he left the room.

Back in Canterlot, The Friendship Express has just arrived at the station where Spike and Twilight are waiting for them. The Mane 5 hop off the train and immediately spot Twilight and Spike. Before either one of them can get a word in, they are tackled to the ground by their friends. They each have tears in their eyes and are laughing happily.

"It's great to see you girls, but could you get off me?" Twilight asked.

They obliged and got off of her. They all then began walking and talking.

"So, what's it like being princess?" Rainbow asked.

"It's actually not as stressful as I thought, it can actually be kinda fun." Twilight replied.

"Shucks, sugarcube, I bet the food is nice." Applejack inputted.

"Not as good as the apples from Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight replied with a giggle.

"Twilight, I am happy to report that all the dresses have been made for tomorrow's celebration." Rarity said.

"Great! Where are they?"

"In my suitcase." Rarity replied.

"Thanks, Rarity. Honestly I couldn't have asked for anypony else for this task." Twilight complimented.

"You flatter me, darling."

"So, um, Twilight. Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight arched a brow in confusion, "What do you mean?"

It was then Pinkie bounced in front of her and got in her face. "Oh you know, the fact that AAAALLLLL the attention will be on you and that this moment will forever cement how you raise the sun and moon in the eyes of your subjects and if you mess it up then the embarrassment will be unbearable and you'll probably become a party pooper for the remainder of the week. But that won't happen so don't worry about it." It was then that Twilight's eyes became pinpricks and she started to hyperventilate.

Spike pinched the brink of his nose and shook his head, "So much for a stress free week."

Rainbow then put her arm around Twilight, "Come on, Twi, you'll be fine. In fact, you'll make this celebration 20% cooler than it already was. So don't worry, EggHead."

Twilight then began to calm down, "You're right, come on. Let's have a good old fashioned Pinkie Pie Party!!!"

Pinkie then screamed in happiness and bounced ahead of the group while the rest continued to walk to Canterlot Castle.

Back in the Death Egg Mark II, Sonic and Tails have landed in the hangar bay. Several Egg Pawns tried to stop the landing, but Sonic quickly dealt with them with multiple Homing Attacks. Tails stepped out of the Tornado and walked over to Sonic with his handheld in hand.

"Sonic, I'm getting some strange energy readings from the command deck. I'm going to investigate, what will you do?" Tails asked.

(End Song)

Before Sonic could answer, Eggman's voice came over the P.A. System. "Sonic will be facing his long overdue defeat is what he'll be doing!!!" Suddenly, a door to their left opened up, "My face will be the last thing he'll see, before I close his eyes forever!!! HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!" Eggman laughed over the intercom.

Sonic stretched his legs before looking over to Tails. "Well I guess that answered your question, bud."

"Be careful, Sonic." Tails said worryingly.

"Don't worry. After all, what could possibly go wrong?" Sonic then dashed off into the hallway while Tails went for the command deck.

(End song)

Sonic dashed through the hallway and ended up in a massive battle chamber. He looked around for a moment before whistling, "Wow, I don't like the looks off this battle chamber."

"Too bad it'll be your resting place!!!"

Suddenly the floor began to split apart and Sonic took a step back. From beneath the floor, The Big Arms rose up with Eggman in the cockpit. The floor closed and the mech bashed its fists together as Eggman laughed.

"PREPARE TO BE SQUASHED!!!" Eggman yelled.

The mech smashed its fist to the floor in an attempt to hit Sonic, but Sonic leaped out of the way in the nick of time. As Sonic leapt onto a nearby wall, he then dashed back towards the mech curled up in a spin attack. As he was nearing the cockpit, the mech swiped its arm and knocked Sonic into a nearby wall, indenting it. As Sonic shook his head, he saw The Big Arms approaching, reeling back a fist. Sonic quickly jumped out of the wall and jumped over the fist and used a Homing Attack to hit the cockpit, damaging it.


As Sonic landed, the mech turned around fired missiles from the rocket launchers on its back, surprising Sonic.

"Since when could The Big Arms do that?!" Sonic exclaimed as he ran in an attempt to dodge the missiles.

"Since I upgraded this fine piece of machinery. NOW HOLD STILL!!!" Eggman yelled as he fired more missiles.

Sonic ran up the walls as the missiles caused explosions where they impacted. Sonic then jumped off the wall and tried to hit the cockpit again, but Eggman saw this coming and grabbed the hedgehog with one of the mechs arms. He then began to squeeze the hedgehog and pulled him closer to the cockpit.

"HA! I GOT YOU!!!" Eggman yells.

He then slams Sonic to the floor and reels back a fist to try and crush the hedgehog. Sonic quickly regained consciousness and rolled out of the way before the fist hit the floor. Eggman growled in anger as he moved closer to Sonic and smashed another fist to the floor, but Sonic dodged the attack and used another Homing Attack to hit the cockpit, angering the mad doctor even further.

"GRR!!! STOP. THAT!!!" Eggman yelled in anger.

"Aww, is EggHead getting cwanky?" Sonic mocked.

Eggman then raised the left arm of the mech and fired a rocket fist towards the hedgehog. Sonic's eyes widened as he ran forward and jumped over the fist and went for another attack on the cockpit. But Eggman sucker punched the hedgehog, causing Sonic to tumble to the ground. "Ow, that hurt a little." Eggman called the fist back and fired more rockets at Sonic. As the rockets made their way over, Sonic smirked and ran forward, dodging left and right as the missiles continued to miss.

"GRR, WHY. WON'T. YOU. DIE?!!!!" Eggman yelled in fury.

Sonic then curled into a ball and knocked the last missile directly back to The Big Arms, causing it to be knocked into a wall. Sonic landed and bowed, angering Eggman even further. The mech got out of the wall and charged forward.

"YOU'RE MINE, HEDGEHOG!!!" Eggman yelled as he charged forward.

Sonic smirked as he ran forward. The Big Arms reeled back a fist and Sonic leaped into the air and curled into a ball. The fist missed by just an inch and Sonic used a Homing Attack to plow right through the cockpit and land on the other side of the mech. The mech began to explode as Eggman's Egg Mobile hovered out of the now destroyed mech.

"I'LL GET YOU YET, HEDGEHOG!!!" Eggman yelled as the mech finally exploded and landed onto the floor in a heap of rubble.

(End song)

(Play from 0:00 to 0:43)

As Eggman flew away, the room then began to shake, "Woah, what was that about?" Sonic asked to no one in particular.

Suddenly, Tails spoke through Sonic's earpiece, "Sonic, I found out what Eggman plans to do with the Emeralds. And I can't stop it!!! We're about to enter the rift!!! HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!!!" Tails shouted in urgency.

The Death Egg Mark II then began to enter the rift, Eggman saw this from a small screen in his Egg Mobile and laughed maniacally. "BWHAHAHAHAHA!!! TOO LATE, HEDGEHOG!!!"

The Death Egg then entered the rift and made its way towards the location on the other side. Equestria.

(End song)

Meanwhile, in Canterlot. The girls and Spike have just made their way to the castle doors. But while they are enjoying themselves, they fail to notice two metallic hedgehogs on a nearby building staring right at them.


Metal then stepped forward, "COMMENCING ASSIGNMENT IN 3, 2, 1."

Author's Note:

Things are just getting started.

Sonic, Tails, and Eggman have finally entered the rift and are on their way to Equestria.

Meanwhile the Mane 6 have reunited, but the celebrations will soon come to an abrupt end thanks to Metal and Mecha.

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