• Published 29th Nov 2021
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The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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Go Canterlot Wonderbolts / The Circle of Life and Helping Twilight and Kion win the crowns

Go Canterlot Wonderbolts and Helping Twilight and Kion win the crowns

Later that day, the group discusses of how to get Kion and Twilight to win Prince and Princess of Fall Formal at the nearby coffee shop over smoothies.

The human version of Mrs. Cake is just putting whipped cream and strawberries on both of Kion and Twilight’s smoothies.

“And can I get mine with extra strawberries?” Twilight asked of her.

“Sure thing, dearie.” Mrs. Cake happily replied before adding on the requested extra toppings on her smoothie. “And how about you two dearies can I interest you in some extra strawberries or some raspberries or blueberries?

“Blueberries please!” Bunga eagerly stated.

“Can get mine mixed?” Kion asked.

“Of course.” She nodded while adding a mixed assortment of berries into his while adding blueberries into Bunga’s.

With their drinks made to their liking the three made their over to meet up with the other’s…

…only for both Kion and Twilight to both accidentally bump into two strangers both a guy and a girl respectively with the impact accidentally spilling their drinks on them.


“Aah! My suit!”

The guy who Twilight accidentally bumped into was Flash Sentry’s human counterpart while the girl that Kion had bumped into was the girl he came across earlier today.

“Oh, I am so sorry!” Twilight apologized.

Flash managed to take the accident in stride. “Oh! We've got to stop bumping into each other like this.” He said with a smile as he wiped the spill off of his shirt before they find themselves grabbing the mug at the exact same time much to their surprise as they separate themselves from each other while trying to avoid coming across as flirting or hitting with each other while grinning at each other.

“We definitely should.” Twilight agreed while casually using some nearby napkins to wipe the spilled juice off of her jacket, shirt, and skirt. “If that’s possible.”

The two looked aside and at each other while grinning like dorks before walking off in opposite directions.

The other girl however was very upset as she looks on what spilled on her jacket, skirt, and dress shirt.

“Hevi Kabisa! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into like that!” Kion attempted to ease things up by trying the clean up the stains on her outfit. “Here, let me help you…”

“No thanks! You’ve already done enough for one day!” She assertively refused while turning to Mrs. Cake. “I would like my smoothie to go, thank you!”

“Sure thing, dearie!” She nodded before whipping out a drink carrier for her along with an old apron so she can cover up and protect her delicate suit for the walk back home. “And here’s this for the walk over in case you bump into anyone else.”

“Thanks.” She thanked with a tone of politeness as she sighed before walking out of the shop.

“What just happened?” Kion sighed still very dismayed that it happened again while moving to join the others gathered at one big table. “Every time we cross paths, I wind up getting yelled at her for something that was an accident.” He said to himself out loud enough for the Mane Five and the Pony Guard crew to hear him.

“I’m sure she’s just upset is all, Kion. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” Beshte assured with a gentle smile.

“But who was that girl?” Kion still couldn’t help but ask.

“That’s Rani, darling.” Rarity answered. “She’s one of the new transfer students from a far away school. She came here just about the same time Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, and Ono transferred here as part of the school’s foreign exchange program.” She then turns to Twilight eyeing Flash with a loving spark in her eyes before giving her the look against pursing him. “Don't even think about it! You and Kion are both already trying to get her crowns. Who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too?”

“I'm not trying to. We just accidentally...” Twilight tried to explain she isn’t trying to and barely knows him before stopping upon what she just said. “Ex-boyfriend?”

“Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago. I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet.” Fluttershy explained to her as they watch him purchase a smoothie and then walk over to take his seat so he can enjoy his drink while lovely gazing at Twilight’s direction.

“Probably because the heartbreak she gave him was bad enough.” Fuli theorized while seeing through the girl’s crush on the boy.

“Or maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful.” Twilight added in on her thoughts.

“Maybe.” Fuli nodded while thinking it could be possible too.

“All right, girls.” Applejack stood up with determination on wanting to focus on the task at hand. “Dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight and Kion the votes they need to be named princess and prince. Right now, folks only know the Twilight and Kion from the videos Sunset Shimmer posted online.” She then placed her hands on them both. “We need to help 'em see them differently.”

The girls and boys all ponder of how they are going to do just when Rarity suddenly thinks of one.

“I'VE GOT IT!” She shouted as she stood up drawing the entire crowd’s attention towards her which she then blushes and smiles in embarrassment after realizing her outburst. “Ahem. I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution.” She said as she regained her composure and walked over to her bag.

“And what might that be? Another flattering disguise for them so nobody would recognize them?” Fuli sarcastically asked. “How is that supposed to work?”

“It won’t and it’s not that.” Rarity quickly responded while shaking her head before getting things back on track with her proposal by pulling out what she needed from her backpack. “Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but what if we all wore these as a sign of unity?” She proposed as she held antennas with pony ears with a blue furred pony tail with a yellow streak in the middle as everyone tries to understand her approach. “Freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? "Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!"” She cheered and jumped into the air to demonstrate before clearing her throat again and then pulled out the antennas to her friends and put them all on their heads. “Ahem. I haven't sold any of these in ages. I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, along with the four of you since you all came from a different school, but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts! Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle and Kion are the ones who united us. And we're gonna let everyone know it! What do you think?” She asked the two as she put their antenna on their heads while the other girls, Beshte, and Ono all smile approvingly at the idea with Applejack and Bunga both giving a thumb’s up while Spike looks on at Rarity with hearts filled in his eyes looking on at his crush who hugs them both to assure her that this will work wonders.

“Sounds good to me.” Twilight agreed to go along with her idea while looking at Kion for his opinion on the matter.

“What have we got to lose?” Kion shrugged on board with the idea himself.

“Try not to jinx it darling.” Rarity cautioned while still smiling and hugging him and Twilight.

“And if I may…” Ono spoke up while pulling something from his backpack. Red antennas with red spiky hair on them and yellow bushy tail antennas for Fuli, Beshte, Bunga One, Bunga Two, and himself to wear to signify the Lion Guard unity at the same time the Mane Five came to be unified thanks to both Kion and Twilight. “…a little something to represent our newly found unity together. Much like the Canterlot Wonderbolts, back where we came from, we were known as the Pride Lander Lions in honor of the man who founded that school, Principal Mufusa.”

"Mufusa?" Kion asked in an astonished tone upon the mention of his grandfather's name serving as an inspiration to the kids that have come to his school yet silently thinking of so many questions in regards to him in this world along with his father and grand uncle's current occupations and lives.

"Yes sir!" Ono nodded in response. "A wise man who ran that school until the day he left to travel the world as an ambassador for world peace and balance."

“I love it!” Rarity quickly smiled with bright eagerness to try out it.

“Let’s give it a try, shall we?” Twilight smiled approvingly along with Kion.

“Let’s.” He nodded back ready to see this world’s Lion and Pony Guard come together to help their founder’s in their bids for their crowns.

The next day, while everyone is having lunch with all of the students in their respective groups, Rarity and Beshte while wearing their sweaters with the school’s logo with the latter wearing one that’s yellow and red with the Mark of the Guard on it, both put on their antennas with pony ears on as they take their seat at her table with their lunches. At the same time, Rainbow Dash does the same while wearing the same sweater too at her table along with Fuli.

Pinkie who is currently in line getting lunch alongside Bunga both nod at each other while putting on their antennas. They both used the empty trays they were holding and then tapped on the table to a beat which is followed by Rarity and Beshte tapping their feet onto the ground and clapping her hands together. Followed by Fluttershy and Ono tapping the table with empty glasses, along with Applejack and other Bunga tapping her hands on the table they were sitting at and clapping their hands together to get everybody’s attention.

In a nearby corner, Spike while sitting in Twilight’s backpack turns on the music from the stereo in front of him where then the music stereo turned to a tune to which the Lion Guard crew minus (Kion and Bunga from Equestria of course)all stood up when the music started playing and they each took turns singing parts of the accompanying song.

Circle of Life

Music paused at 2:24 while the music turns over to another tune to where everyone from the Lion and Pony Guard all march their way towards the center of the room

“Hey, hey, everybody

We've got something to say

We may seem as different

As the night is from day

But you look a little deeper

And you will see

That I'm just like you

And you're just like me.


They sang as they made poses together before singing and dancing at a slightly faster pace and in perfect sync with each other like Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both Bunga’s butt bumped each other at the same time Pinkie and Fluttershy did, while Ono and Rainbow both face Pinkie and Bunga with matching smiles.

“Hey, hey, everybody

We're here to shout

That the magic of friendship

Is what it's all about


We thought we were different

As the night is from the day

Until Twilight Sparkle and Kion

Helped us see another way

So get up get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Twilight and Kion win the crown

So get up get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle and Kion

Win the crown!”

They all sang as others students happily listened to the tune with Pinkie and Applejack running up to the table hand in hand at the same time Bunga and Beshte ran up in the parallel direction, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash danced together with both Fuli and Ono doing the same, in addition, Rarity and other Bunga placing their hands on another student wearing glasses and talking on his phone at that time.

One of the students wearing glasses starts recording the sing and dance on his phone as Rainbow Dash and Fuli both stood on the top of a chairs opposite from each other at the table they were standing on. Their chairs tilted downwards and landed on the ground with both girls still standing unfazed by what happened while being recorded by said student while Applejack and Bunga pull off the shades off of the DJ kids they were standing next to respectively.

“Hey, hey hands up now,

We're sending a message

To the crowd

Hands wave up

Then come down

We party together

All around.”

Pinkie and the two Bunga all sang together as they all yelled through megaphones in someone’s face then raised a student’s hands into the air before dancing and spinning around.

“Generous, honesty,”

Rarity sang.

“Bravery, Strength,”

Bunga and Beshte both sang together.

“Laughter, kindness, loyalty.”

Applejack sang.

“Speed, Fierceness, Keen-Sighted.”

Both Fuli and Ono sang together.

“Twilight and Kion helped us each to see.”

Fluttershy sang as she placed her hands on Pinkie and Applejack.

“All that we can be!” Rainbow Dash sang as she proudly stood on top of the table Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity were sitting in front of.

“So get up get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Kion and Twilight win the crown

So get up get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping Kion and Twilight Sparkle

Win the crown!”

The girls and boys all sang together as they marched and danced around the cafeteria.

Both Rainbow and Rarity shook their hips while dancing alongside Fuli and Bunga. Both Pinkie and Fluttershy ran around the tables along with Ono. Applejack and Beshte tilted two students chairs for them to lean back and really watch the show just when Pinkie and Rarity opened the doors to introduce everybody to both Twilight Sparkle and Kion wearing their sweaters as they both make their entrance.

“I'm gonna be myself

No matter what I do.

And if we're different yeah

I want you to be true to you.”

Twilight sang as she walked inside the cafeteria as Flash Sentry played on his guitar a fitting riff to the tune of the song.

“If you follow me

We'll put our differences aside

We'll stick together and

Start working on that school pride!”

Kion sang as both he and Twilight jumped onto one of the tables as the rest of her friends circled around the table.

“Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)”

The girls and boys all sang as they danced on tables, jumped, spun around, as they danced encouraging the other students to clap their hands as the band students play on their guitars and drums playing music to the beat.

“Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown!”

The girls danced as Twilight danced nearby Flash Sentry playing on his guitar while Pinkie tosses out antenna and tails so everybody can wear pony-like ears on their heads and tails on their backs in support of their school’s mascot and colors as all of the students dance and sing to the beat wearing ears and tails.

At the same time, Kion danced nearby the girl Rani, while handing her a smoothie along with a note that says. “Sorry for bumping into the other day. I just hope we can be friends going forward.”

“Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown!

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around


Just when the song everyone was just getting all dancing to the beat and then moved to keep standing when the music from the first song played just when both Bunga and Pinkie both hand Kion and Twilight the hand made crowns that Sunset had originally planned to use for her attempted switch up during her attempted theft of the actual crowns. The two moved to step off of the tables they were standing on so their friends can place them on their heads before moving to rise and stand up on the same table together with Twilight helped Kion up first before joining him.

Circle of Life

Resume at 3:06

Everyone all cheered and then moved to bow down to their future Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal just when a bright yellow beam of sunshine from the nearby windows glowed over the two ideal candidates filled with heart and determination along with fierceness, bravery, speed, strength, and keen sight. Just the qualifications that everyone is truly looking for in the two leaders of the Lion and Pony Guard.

Just outside of the cafeteria, Sunset Shimmer watches in dismay seeing that they all managed to turn things around while catching her lackeys dancing to the beat while wearing the ears and tails too.

“Take those off!” Sunset commanded them as they immediately did so while grinning like idiots. “I have something I need you to do.” Sunset then instructed them with her new plan…

Author's Note:

In this part, not much to explain other than for the cafeteria scene to where I felt in addition to the Cafeteria Song, I would add one of the Lion King classics that I'm sure many of you are aware of, so that both the Lion and Pony Guard's strong bond meant the beginning of students from two schools coming together with more students from the other school coming on over to Canterlot High and vice versa for the other school.

After hearing of their musical number during lunch, both Kion and Twilight seem to be a lock for the win, but again Sunset has more underhanded tactics up her sleeves ready to unleash them against her competition.