• Member Since 24th Mar, 2017
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I was a nerd before it was cool.


Twilight Sparkle accidentally discovers that her Friendship Castle can allow her to magically connect to a vast interactive library in another dimension. At first blush, it appears to be full of open journals, So she jumps in, starts her own journal and fills in the gaps as to what it's like to live in Equestria. There's food, fun, friends, festivals, facts, footnotes, finds and information.

What could Twilight have to say
If she journaled every day
Would she bemoan the ponies she dissed?
Or would she just jot down her laundry list?
You'd find out, you would be in the know
if to Twilight's Blog you would go.

Chapters (30)
Comments ( 126 )

You Goldfur how she does it, or what format she uses that works with FIM ...

Comment posted by Frith deleted Jan 28th, 2022

My Thoughts:

Now to crack open that tome again to the chapter on euclydean fixed distance lithography of static illusions. I was just at the part on adjusting for the quantum wobble in pony photographic prints. This could be very useful!

There is confusion.

Equestria appears flat but that's an illusion. Equestria is more like a bag with the edges connected. If Ponyville was all there was of Equestria, you could walk past a building on the edge of town and end up passing a house at the opposite end of town and find yourself heading for the town center. So Fluttershy's cottage could end up next to Rarity's Boutique even if they are at the opposite ends of town. Ergo, there is no sky and the frozen north and the frozen south are one and the same. Straight lines are mostly curves with variable lengths. This introduces uncertainty into getting from here to there. It all depends on which path you take, and there are an infinite number of paths. This could make travel across Equestria a gamble, as the time it will take changes, even if you take the train. The slightest shake will change your path. But this is all second nature to us ponies. We're born with a sense as to where to go and how long it will take. It would be very strange if the distance from your house to the bakery was always the same. If that were to happen to me I'd know I was dreaming.

Perhaps our universe is the same way, it's just very large. We would probably never know.

The sun and the stars are <i>borrowed</i> light, extracted here and there, visible to us as stars only because we aren't traveling at the speed of light. The light can be borrowed because at the speed of light, there is no distance and it takes no time to go nowhere -- it's borrowed and paid back in the same instant. The sun is just a really big loan from the nothingness of space that Princess Celestia pushes up from the edge each morning. She's really good at easing it into a track that crosses the sky. Since the sky is an illusion and the "edge" is a single point, it looks like she is pushing the sun up from the same place each day. Anyway, it's a good thing that the entire sky doesn't belch light -- Equestria would burn to a crisp! Some philosophers speculate that that is happening to Luna's moon, which is why it glows, right through the rock! It's like a failed Equestria, floating right above our heads. *shudder*

I don't really understand this. The speed of light isn't infinite. And what is a "really big loan from the nothingness of space?" If it means what I think it means, where do the oppositely charged particles go? (I don't know what I'm talking about for this next sentence) And also, the moon would have to stay in the exact same place where the effects of gravity are equal on all sides, so moving the moon might cause gravity to pull on it slightly more towards one side.

We find it spooky when things happen on their own, like there are ghosts in the machine. It's very reassuring to know that clouds stay where you put them and that if they move, it's because a pony pushed them. There would be so much chaos if everything just did as it pleased! There would be floods and droughts! Bunnies would eat everything! Like when Discord broke free that first time and took over Equestria. I think Discord would feel right at home on Earth. How do Earth denizens remain sane? I think I'm beginning to see why this E-Athenaeum is such a jumble. It's Discorded!

Wait, wind doesn't exist? Everything here doesn't just "do as it pleases" there is order, well, to some extent, there are certain repeating wind patterns and water currents that maintain the climate of some areas. (Example: The gulf stream carries warm water towards western Europe, which prevents it from getting as cold as other places of the same latitude)

Like in the mirror-verse created by Starswirl, the one Sunset Shimmer is studying, it looks like there isn't much use of magic in Earth. At least not in a casual, pony way. Maybe the physics aren't right in Earth? If there was magic in Earth, it wouldn't just lay dormant, some body would practice it, just like we do. Casting a spell is like learning to put on a winter scarf. Grab, throw, grab, throw, pull through and there you go! Nice and snug, just like your mother taught you. Like putting on the scarf, spell casting when we were little was tough and you had to take it slow the first few times, but once you got the hang of it, the combo becomes automatic. With a spell, since the combo is in your head, you can cast that spell faster and faster as you get better and better at it. Like Cadence's sneeze guard spell. She's faster than a sneeze!

(Joke) What if once upon a time in Europe some humans did practice magic, but then they all got burned alive for doing it because it's considered heresy by the populace. (/Joke) Why would you waste energy to prevent sneezing. And also, yes the physics probably aren't right on Earth. I once considered how little sense transfiguration makes according to conservation of mass.

My thoughts on this chapter:

In a way, Crystal Ponies are living relics from the distant past. It says something about pony society that even after being outside of the passage of time for a thousand years (and thus in a state of complete suspended entropy ... that was one impressive spell cast by Sombra!) the crystal ponies still fit in quite well, once they had broken Sombra's hold and shaken off the emotional scars of years of harsh slavery.

How is it possible to live outside the passage of time? Is that even living? It sounds more like time travel to me.

Feb 8: I felt like eating horseshoe fries and hay burgers today so I headed over to the Hay Burger, where Pinkie works. She was on her lunch break (an hour after the noon day rush) and we ate together.

Does anyone have a recipe for Hay Burgers? It sure does sound like an interesting thing to eat! (Not a total joke)

Hearth's Warming Day happens three weeks before Winter Wrap Up. It's a way to bring ponies out of their homes and to come together during the coldest part of the winter. It's also a reminder that spring is on its way.

Wait so how would seasons work here?

The snowflakes this morning were really big and fluffy stellar dendrites, with a few flat and reflective stellar dendrites mixed in. Very neat!

What are "stellar dendrites?"

It was sunny but really cold today and the wind made it a biting cold. It was really starting to nip at my hocks on my trot down to the Town Hall to see how Applejack's crew was getting along. Toe-Tapper and Torch Song were upstairs going over the props and making sure we had enough make-up. It's going well.

Oh, there IS wind. Then why don't the clouds move on their own?

After supper this evening I challenged Spike to a game of Piaffle. Piaffle is a word game where you select seven letters at random and you use those letters, plus a letter on the board to spell out the longest word you can. It is a really fun game! For extra excitement we play the Olden Pony Runes version. I have a copy of Samule Lawnson's Whinnypiafficon of the Equestrian Language, the first lexicon to be organized by letter, not subject. It was commissioned by Princess Celestia centuries ago as a means to standardize spelling. It was a revolutionary idea! It must have been so exciting, fitting ancient runes to sounds in a logical, organized way! Olden Pony Runes eventually went the way of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Inking notes in griffin-style scratches, called griffonage, is much faster than stamping out runes.

Why does this game sound familiar to me? How would using runes make the game more exciting, besides just giving whoever studies runes an advantage? What does griffonage look like? Is it what I'm typing right now? (The Latin Script)

Now that most of the paint has dried, Toe-Tapper and Torch Song have called in the mane cast for a dress rehearsal tonight.

This usage of the word "mane" does not make sense. I'm sorry if I'm being mean.

Pinkie Pie gave me this snap shot of me that she'd taken in the "Red Room". Amazingly, there's no paint splatters on it. The illumination/image transfer spell is still a bear, I hope the granular matrix is well regimented and not too runny or merged.

The art is pretty good. How did you make it?

Feb 27: I've received my first comments in this journal, a Hearth's Warming Day visitor from another universe. In the conversation, they asked me about how much I know of this E-universe. Well, not much. There are so many differences in how Equestria and Earth work that there is little that is practical in Earth science for me. The flood of information is a little overwhelming as well. Seven and a half billion of you in a wild system with no magic and no controls. From my small window on the Earth, the view is quite alien.

I would like to dispute that "no controls" part. For example, humans build dams to stop floods, make reserves of water, and control the water flow of rivers. Another example is that humans burn stuff that releases a gas the prevents it from getting too cold in the winter. (It might take another decade for enough gas to be released to stop winter from being too cold.)

(Hopefully this time my reply will appear in the correct month.)

Open universe or closed universe, there is the question! ^_^ Will all die a cold death of infinite entropy or is time traveling both forward and backward simultaneously as the universe expands and contracts from Bang to crunch and back again. I do not know. I clean animal pens for a living.

Light travels in a vacuum at C = 299792458 metres per second. The value of C is constant, but a person traveling at a speed that approaches C experiences both time dilation and length dilation. The closer they travel to the speed of light, the less time they experience. See the Twins Paradox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox . At the speed of light, this dilation is infinite: there is no distance and there is no time Ergo, to a photon, the universe is a single point and it takes no time to get there. Furthermore, the energy borrowed to create the photon gets paid back instantly. Physics is weird.

Equestria's moon exists in a non-euclidean universe, where the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line. As such, size and distance can be different from how they appear. The moon is on a trajectory dictated by Luna, and since it is very high in the sky, it is also very near the ground somewhere, and as I said, it may also be very small and relatively easy to levitate.

Ponies control the breezes as well, although once started, a pony breeze tends to follow the path the pony gave it, just like moon. So clouds stay where ponies put them. That makes them convenient structural material for cloud-walking pegasi. Equestria depends on ponies to power everything.

Cadence was not preventing a sneeze, she was casting a defense shield that kept the sneezed germs from reaching her.

To conserve mass, you have to pull or redistribute material depending on the mass difference between what was and what you turned it into. It's a variation on teleportation, not an easy spell to master.


I don't know how Sombra pulled off that time-stopping disappearing act. Did he shift the entire Crystal Empire into a pocket universe? It couldn't be a relativistic speed move, that would take infinite energy. Whatever he did, it was very impressive. As for the passage of time, it is always relative. For the crystal ponies, if they were in a pocket universe during their time away, time would have passed normally. For us observers, a thousand years went by. No suspended animation required, just different time frames. That would fit both the vanished Empire and the apparent time skip (from the Equestria point of reference). As for a case of entropy approaching zero, Sombra would still have to put the empire somewhere _and_ have a way to survive 1,000 years to bring the Empire back. So. on further thought, the Crystal Empire would not have been outside the passage of time in its frame of reference, just effectively outside the passage of Equestria time. This is sounding a lot like the experience of the Sirens in the Canterlot High universe prior to the arrival of Sunset Shimmer.

I don't have a recipe for hay burgers. I suspect that unless the grass was very much fermented prior to being cooked, only a stomach equipped with cellulose-digesting microbes would be able to handle a hay burger.

Ponies change the seasons by clearing out the ice and snow in the spring and pounding all leaves out of the trees (by galloping through the woods) right before winter. This is why I call MLP fiction "Fantasy Horse-Punk Fiction". Everything runs on the motive power of fantasy horses, just like in Steam Punk everything runs on steam power and in Cyber Punk, it's all electronics and web connectivity. Without ponies, everything in Equestria grinds to a halt.

Stellar Dendrites are a shape snowflakes take. See: https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/183517main_snowcrystals.pdf

There is wind, but the clouds are on a different path. There are infinite paths to choose from in Equestria's non-euclidean geometry.

Piaffle is a take-off of Scrabble, which happens to be owned by Hasbro. Piaffe is a digging motion with a hoof. Scrabble can also be a digging motion. As for the runes, I invented an alphabet based on hoof marks, as could be stamped and scratched on the ground. I suggest, just like we no longer write in cuneiform characters on clay tablets, or hieroglyphics, ponies have switched to an alphabet that is easier to scratch out with a quill. So, Griffonage looks like "chicken scratch" -- illegible handwriting. 8^D (kidding about the illegible part, as long as I don't have to read it.)

Mane, mare and a plethora of horse puns go part and parcel with My Little Pony. It's part of the fun. ^_^

You can see the art?! All I ever see is a red box that says: "Upstream responses of unknown length not supported". Yes I drew that. I went cross-eyed trying to make it look real. 9_9 I tried to touch it up using the Google Deep Dream project gizmo. So I'm not too worried that no one can see it. 8^D

Heh, I'm of the opinion that although people like to view the natural world as an extension of farm culture, the more we meddle and exploit, the more stuff just blows up in our face. Still, in the First World, we live better that the kings of old, with the riches and wonders of the entire world delivered right in to our homes. All we lack are influencers to wipe our royal bottoms, and I prefer to wipe my own bottom, thank-you-very-much.

By the POWER of COPY and PASTE, I hereby move this reply from March to it's proper place in February!!11one1one!

OK, Frazikar: ah, Goldfur, the author of the Off the Mark trilogy. There are no Mary Sue's in Twilight's Blog. There are a lot of gaps in MLP:FiM and Twilight's Blog explores and fleshes out some of those gaps without changing the canon. Ergo, everything here has to work in lockstep with the show up through season five. The order of events will differ from the broadcast sequence.


I don't have a recipe for hay burgers. I suspect that unless the grass was very much fermented prior to being cooked, only a stomach equipped with cellulose-digesting microbes would be able to handle a hay burger.

Well, it's fiber! And 0 digestible calories!

There is wind, but the clouds are on a different path. There are infinite paths to choose from in Equestria's non-euclidean geometry.

The non-euclidean geometry thing really confuses me.

As for the runes, I invented an alphabet based on hoof marks, as could be stamped and scratched on the ground. I suggest, just like we no longer write in cuneiform characters on clay tablets, or hieroglyphics, ponies have switched to an alphabet that is easier to scratch out with a quill.

Wow, can I see it? And also, how could Twilight know what anything in the Latin script means? Does the spell that she's using transliterate it?

Mane, mare and a plethora of horse puns go part and parcel with My Little Pony. It's part of the fun.

I understand that, but I feel like that should be reserved for proper nouns, like place names and group names.

You can see the art?! All I ever see is a red box that says: "Upstream responses of unknown length not supported". Yes I drew that. I went cross-eyed trying to make it look real. 9_9 I tried to touch it up using the Google Deep Dream project gizmo. So I'm not too worried that no one can see it.

I also get that red box on the web page, but if I click on the red box, it gives me a popup with the real image.


Hayburgers: Careful what you wish for! Undigested material can accumulate in the stomach and cause an impaction and require surgery to remove it.

The math for non-euclidean geometry must be wild.

See what I created here: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2570/3893929987_63bd86fa9e_o.gif After I did that I realized I was missing the 'ook' sound in 'book'. so I made one more glyph, one that superimposed the 'uh' sound with the 'k' sound.

What Twilight sees in her web interface is a good question. The bits in that connection transmit Unicode characters, her wall would be interpreting those Unicode characters as pony glyphs. As she said, to her surprise, we speak Equuish, suggesting some manner of a parallel or mirrored culture.

Mane, mare, hoofwork... I like to go all out with my pony-isms. ^_^ I find MLP texts that forget to ponify all the things jarring.

The pop-up that displays the image is OK. I don't have Assasinmonkey's Mad Skills.


See what I created here: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2570/3893929987_63bd86fa9e_o.gif After I did that I realized I was missing the 'ook' sound in 'book'. so I made one more glyph, one that superimposed the 'uh' sound with the 'k' sound.

Cool! Does the writing on the right side of the image mean anything? Is it like Modern English and I just transliterated it wrong? Because I got "buhl sihl a step a each hoof grhl up rht a leht thit sky gthrhs too theed fthuhm"
which does not make any sense to someone who only knows Modern English. Also, are old pony runes for a different version of spoken Equuish? Or were they for the same version of Modern Equuish spoken in the FiM era?
Also what is an Assasin monkey?

This is Assasinmonkey: https://www.deviantart.com/assasinmonkey/art/Inward-Depths-898938217 Mad skills.

The writing on the right side are instructions on how to read the text. Since I have a strong interest in ethology, I figured that behaviorally, any pony story with a 'beginning' and an 'end' would be a trail. If you look at each "scroll", you will see there is a simplified representation of a horizon at top and an abstraction of a tuft of grass at the bottom. So, the text on the side reads, in part, Read from grass to sky, left right left right, at a gallop, each hoof step a syllable. It's phonetic, so you have to sound out the words, that's why 'syllable' read backwards and the wrong order (buhl sihl a) is indecipherable gibberish. ^_^ The runes are phonetic, so they work for Old Equuish and Modern Equuish. Although.... the pronunciation of the runes in Old Equuish may have been lost, as it has for Latin. You can read Latin texts just fine, but there aren't any ancient Romans about to correct your pronunciation. sic transit gloria mundi.

March 1: If I was to somehow cross over into your universe without getting scrambled, I'd probably be very disoriented at first. I'm adapted to living in Equestria, where travel between two points rarely takes the same path, but my perception of distance, taking advantage of the two dimensions of time, gives me a steady illusion of reality. Crossing over from my rocking ship to your immutable steady-state would probably put me halfway between blind and seasick. I'd get over that, but every time I'd take a step it would be a shock. I would not be able to find the most convenient path and with every step the world would wobble and spin. It would take considerable effort to move toward an objective.

Wait, two dimensions of time? How would that work? Would everyone constantly travel forward in both dimensions, if so how would that be any different that just 1 time dimension? Can you move independently in the extra direction, and if so, how is that any different than a spacial dimension? Perhaps you can go forward, and only forward in one dimension at a time? Also, that make at least 6 dimensions, which adds to confusion.

It was a nice day to stay indoors, grey and windy, even if it wasn't as cold as it has been. I have my hay and my books and all the worlds within the pages. I don't care if I ever go out again. I shall be queen of the cushions, my blanket is my sky. My home is the printed page.

I don't know how to describe how this paragraph is.

We chose a sunny spot just outside of town and sheltered from the wind. As I helped Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity to spread out a big blanket, Dash and Applejack build fortifications a little further away and launched a snowball fight. We sat down to watch Applejack and Rainbow Dash pummel each other with snowballs. Spike investigated the contents of our picnic baskets and distributed the turnip sticks that Fluttershy had prepared. So we settled in, calling out encouragement and strategy while snacking on turnip sticks. The battle ended in a draw and a cease fire.

How do they make snowballs?

Bad book. Do not read.

Thanks for the book report, I learned 2 things about the book from reading that book report

Rarity prepared a pot of jasmine tea, put on Beethooven's Pasture Symphony and we chatted about the tapestries and library in the Carerfilly Castle ruins. We really should fix the damage. The rift between the royal sisters is no more and the gaping wounds in that old structure should be repaired as well.

If this universe is so different that there are a different number of dimensions, why are all of the plants the same?

A unicorn may be adept at guiding an object through space, but all ponies get a sense of where objects that they've let go will land. Earth ponies and pegasi use position and timing to ensure objects to which they've imparted kinetic energy and momentum land where they want them to. Rain clouds generally stay where weather ponies put them, but it takes extra skill to get the rain to fall where you want it to. Just like it takes skill to get apples to fall from the trees and into your baskets, and not land three fields over.

(I don't know what I'm talking about here) If falling such a short distance such as an apple falling from a tree, and landing three fields over is possible, then why don't random body movements cause chaos? Twilight was talking about how our universe is chaotic in the last chapter. Her universe is clearly more chaotic.

Quills and Sofas in town is having an inventory clearance sale on quills. With feathers raining down from the sky, I can see why. I circled back and headed to the eastern meadow.

What kind of store sells just Quills and Sofas? I don't see any connection between those two objects.

So it is modern English, just with a different script?

I wrote my text in Modern English. I am not a Middle English scholar! Just look at this quote from Chaucer:
Whanne that April with his shoures sote
The droughte of March hath perced to the rote.
I'd probably have to understand German to understand Old English. 0_0


I'm happy to note that it's taken you more than a day to grind through my first 19,000 words and that you aren't pounding on my door demanding more! 8^D

Yes, two dimensions, real time and imaginary time. Imaginary time incorporates numbers that solve the equation x2 + 1 = 0 , such as


. Imaginary numbers. So Imaginary Time helps balance the equations in String Theory, which attempts to unify physics. See for instance F Theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-theory which assumes 10 dimensions of space and two of time. We only perceive 4 of these dimensions, I seem to recall being told that the other dimensions are either curled up, or subatomic, or both. I failed Pure and Applied Physics 301, hard.

queen of the cushions -- Um, poetry? Without rhyme or meter? 8^D

Snowballs: My Little Pony hooves are both tactile and able to manipulate objects in non-euclidean space, controlling the movement of the clump of snow while pressing it into a ball.

I think the number of dimensions are the same, it's just the framework that's different. As for the trees, why are there ponies? Why do you dress your horses in pony fashion-wear (saddles and bridles)? Why is there a Twilight Sparkle and _all_ of her friends living in Canterlot High? It's a lot to think about.

Earth is chaotic in that inanimate objects move seemingly of their own accord. The natives of Equestria learn to feel their way through the possibilities and choose good paths, otherwise yes, they'd crash two fields over. The possibilities are manageable and thus chaos is avoided.

There are coffee shops that sell books too, and hardware shops that sell toys. Diversity imparts stability. If a pony isn't buying a hammer yet, perhaps they might buy a plush toy in the meantime? I think Quills and Sofas has their quills supplied by their source for down-filled pillows.


Yes, two dimensions, real time and imaginary time. Imaginary time incorporates numbers that solve the equation x2 + 1 = 0 , such as


Is that equation even possible? If it's not, then how would making up numbers solve any problems? I don't understand physics.


I get some of it, like relativistic speeds and frames of reference, but the math is beyond me. I did not understand calculus. Linear algebra was a breeze, it's all about movement and overlap in complex trends expressed as a square puzzle.

I genuinely hope this story gets more attention. It seriously deserves it. If I could upvote more than once, I would do it.


Thank You! ^_^ Kudus from out of the blue from people I've never met carry a lot of weight, I figure you're not just saying that to be nice.

Oh my, I absolutely love this story! I wonder if we will ever get to ask Twi or Spike questions?


I believe FiMFiction has a 'no role playing' policy and in the digest format in which this story is presented, real-time replies in articulation with Twilight's daily blog posts (from over 6 years ago!), from Twilight or Spike, would not make sense. Sorry.

I'm happy you are enjoying the story! If you get the urge to retell anything I write here and flesh it out, feel free! First person narrative in blog format has its limitations, as do I. I'm not that good at fleshing things out, I tend to be spare, to the point.

While 'no role-playing' is a rule, a couple of stories do get away with it, chief among them being 'The Influence'. So that's pretty much up to you.


I'll have to look up The Influence to see how they handled that. In it's original form, Twilight's Blog _did_ have Twilight answering questions from her few Dream Width quill pals, as it is with usual blogs. That could be hair raising at times, coming up with recipes and such the like at the drop of a hat! I started preparing answers in advance, just in case... That was with just a few hundred words a day. Now, at this accelerated rate of a month or two every week, answering 'quill pals', researching new recipes, quoting more pony literature, and hardest of all, trying to weave a coherent narrative tying in seasons 7 through 9... oy vez! That's a mountain I doubt I would be able to climb. I have my hands full editing, proof reading, embellishing and formatting the narrative for easier reading in one month chunks. But I'm happy to answer questions, just not as Twilight in real time. ^_^

P.S.: Found The Influence, here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/369593/the-influence The premise reminds me of Moonstuck and Sketchbook Twilight. ^_^

At first blush,

Huh? Don't you mean glance? I'm confused.

'At first glance' is synonymous to the 'at first blush' idiom. See: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/at+first+blush Thus, you are not wrong in that is what 'at first blush' means, but it also means 'at first consideration' and that is the sense I'm leaning toward here. I feel that 'at first glance' is too cold, too clinical for the context here.

I think we might have lost the blog part of the plot just a skosh. Feels kind of like a regular journal at this point.

The blogs I read tend to be journals too. ^_^ Some retell historical events, like the race to be the first to the south pole, others are all about what they ate and how they cooked it, some are about looking for work, or about writing or snippets of their fanfiction, or reviews of books, or just photos that they took on their walks... There are so many ways to fill a blog.

I do grant you that what's missing the most is the interactivity aspect. Comments and replies. When each chapter is an entire month and the next month is just days away from getting 'published', the real-time interactivity aspect of a blog is not there.

Teleporting duel disk schematics and an odd eyes deck.

So Yu-Gi-Oh! talks of quantum teleportation and entanglement? Sweet! People may be following my take on magic and movement in Equestria better than I thought. ^_^ I never followed Yu-Gi-Oh! I barely saw a few episodes of the cartoon a long time ago. I was much more keen on Xiaolin Showdown.

Just check out Yugioh arc v

What is a blog if not a personal journal you share with others? I know some people make it a career but Blogs are public diaries.

Yeah, but the fact that it was an interdimensional blog kind of dropped off for a while.

As for learning more about this puzzle without performing tests, such as removing Sunset Shimmer's tether, I fear I may be out of luck. Princess Celestia is very vague about the nature of this gateway and the world it leads to. She does know much that she doesn't reveal, as part of her way of nurturing all of Equestria and shaping events. But I fear that Star Swirl the Bearded's notes about it are either lost, hidden or misfiled.

Why does she think that Star Swirl caused it? I didn't watch any of the EqG movies, but I'm pretty sure Star Swirl wasn't present in any of them. Is she just a fan of Star Swirl?


At this point in time Twilight Sparkle is a huge fan of Starswirl the Bearded. She dressed up as him in the Nightmare Night episode in season 2 (S2 E04 Luna Eclipsed) during which she was annoyed nopony besides Princess Luna had a clue who Starswirl was, and she was very excited to see the Starswirl traveling museum in S4 E12 (the episode where Discord pretended to be ill). In the 2nd Equestria Girls movie it is revealed that Starswirl trapped three sirens in the EqG mirrorverse. That tidbit changed the mirrorverse from being a random oddity to being something associated with a powerful unicorn and which had somehow conserved three sirens for a thousand years, apparently without any sign that centuries had passed. The simplest explanation is the Starswirl created this twisted reflection of Equestria and used it as an oubliette.

In the end, Starswirl and the Pillars of Equestria were trapped in a different magical oubliette and get released in season 7.

(edit: turns out Starswirl is one word, and so is Sugarcube in Sugarcube Corner. I had to go back and make many corrections. 9_6)

I like how you depict Fluttershy's knowledge of animal husbandry and ecology here. In show,it's implied that most of what of what she knows comes directly from the animals themselves (which is extraordinary, when you think about it). But your depiction also has her well-versed in the science and language of ecology itself, and how the animals and plants and other aspects of the biome interact with each other beyond the personal level.

What's more amazing than Fluttershy's research though, is the research you did to cover the topic of biomes and ecology accurately. Kudos on you dedication!

Also, plushie Twilight watching over the library is all levels of cute!

Thanks! ^_^ Most everything in Twilight's Blog is pulled in some way from hints from the series. Fluttershy talks to animals but she also runs an animal refuge of sorts out of her home and demonstrates her knowledge of cause and effect on animal welfare during Winter Wrap Up. The clincher was when she got permission to study the breezies. That was pivotal in two ways: (1) Fluttershy doing field research and (2) a dimensional rift in Equestria that seems not to be the result of either Starswirl or Discord. Ergo, I have Science Shy and plausibility for a stable connection for Twilight's venture in public journalling in another universe.

As for animal husbandry and ecology, I was particularly keen on animal behaviour, ecology and wildlife management (but not the bureaucracy aspect) in university. Then I got a job as an exotic animal caretaker. I also fostered and released whitetail deer for ten years or so on the side. So the excursions with Fluttershy are a trip down memory lane for me. ^_^ Fortunately for me, Twilight is interested in just about everything.

Rarity's felted gift and a room full of books was a natural fit. ^_^

You've already read all the way through to April! 120,000 words... That's like around 360 pages! Well, there's more to come, but probably not as fast as you seem to be reading it! 8^D Try Background Pony, it's excellent! (I own a print edition.)

Heh, that's not as impressive as you think (the reading aspect, that is). I've actually only read the latest and last entry. NOW that I've read it and enjoyed it so much (the little slice-of-lifes between the adventures, the characterizations, the romanticism you use to describe life in Ponyville, etc.), I've started reading from the first entry.

Every now-and-then, when I'm on the fence about whether or not to invest my time and energy in reading a longer story, I skip ahead to the latest entry, to see if it's any good. If I like what I read, then I go back to the start.

I love most of milesprower06's stories, but, ironically, their most popular story amongst the fandom (Letters from a Disgruntled Friendship Student -with over 4 thousand likes), which is in similar format to yours, is a total parody and crack-fic that I don't really have a taste for. So I wanted to make sure yours wouldn't eventually turn out that way as I read through it, so I skipped to the end before I started at the beginning. 😏

If you want, I can still leave reviews through the chapters as I go, though now it would start at the first chapter and as I work my way through, it will be much slower and more laborious.

Speaking of, since you were so my impressed with my (non-existent) reading skills, I'll reciprocate by saying how impressed I am with how much you've posted in such a short amount f time. May I presume you've written most of this out already?


Oh cool! You jumped in at the last two chapters published so far. That's a fun fact! I'd always start at the beginning. So if cherry-picking chapters is a thing, I might have to revise my guess as to why XI November gets such bump in numbers. Your approach has a lot of merit. If I'd skipped forward in Off The Mark and seen how it was messing with everypony's destinies by rewriting and 'fixing' the canon plot with a Mary Sue character, I wouldn't have ordered the book. It was hilarious and had a lot of potential in the first few chapters. Skipping forward would not have saved me from Memoirs of a Royal Guard, the glacial pace of the story would not have been apparent. I also like to avoid spoilers, so I probably won't adopt your strategy, despite the advantages. ^_^ Still, I really should have noticed that Letters From a Little Princess Monster was incomplete before I ordered it! That was a surprise. 8^D

I can totally see how a fic titled "Letters from..." would have roughly the same general narrative arc as Twilight's Blog, it's the same general idea, somepony jotting down their life and thoughts for themselves and for others to read and comment on.

Reviews? Sure, go for it! ^_^ One person thinks I got the aerodynamic advantage of riding a slipstream wrong where body size is not perfectly matched and something about non-euclidean air control not meshing with wingbeat power or pushing through air. I think individual skill levels between pegasi can account for any discrepancies but I haven't gone back to re-examine that yet.

Oh yes, I type very slowly, right now I'm proofreading, revising, clarifying, adding bits, amending and formatting as I go along. It took me a bit over 16 months to write the first 16 months at a rate of 120,000/16x30 = 250 words a day. I'm shocked that I've written this much.

Sunset Shimmer has already set the table with my best dinnerware. I was going to do that by hoof, and I was going to use setting the table as a vehicle for a friendship lesson through concept association. I had been rereading about oral histories and teaching through mnemonic devices and setting the table with Sunset Shimmer seemed like a golden opportunity for a field test. But apparently Sunset Shimmer has already read the chapter on silverware placement in Miss Manege on Dining and Etiquette and she set the table in about two seconds flat. She heard "set the table" and I had to dodge flying forks and knives in mid sentence. With the table already set, the visual aspect was there, but the kinesthetic factor was gone. So I skipped that lesson.

Believe that 'Sunset Shimmer' should be 'Starlight Glimmer'.

OMG LOL! To think I proofread that at least twice in the last week! Fixing that pronto. Thanks!

This was a fun introduction for Twilight to Earth's tech! It was actually kinda nice to see that she didn't haveta respond to a buncha comments or replies from others. There are some great fics that depict that, but I like the diary-style format that this fic entails, and that might be less effective if she had to constantly deal with Earth drama.

Technically, she should already have a passing knowledge of technology from Sunset's world, but then again, her time there was limited, and it wasn't like we ever saw her on a cell phone or computer either, so having knowledge of a technology's existence, and actually being able to use that technology are two different things, I suppose. Still, she could ask Sunset for help, if nothing else.

Your explanation for Equestria's spatial "displacement" is very intriguing, and, ironically, would explain the "cartoonish" cut-scenes we sometimes see where things are in different locations and it takes different times to reach the same location, or less time to reach locations further distance than those close by (in other words, you tried to come up with a legitimate explanation for the show's cartoonish gimmicks :twilightsheepish:). However, it should be noted that globes are shown several times in the show, so that would indicate that they view the world as a sphere.

Look forward to reading the next chapter!

Believe it or not, Twilight's Blog was exactly that! The high water mark for quillpals leaving comments was six! Most of the comments was from a person with Scootaloo-tier enthusiasm. Since daily comments of "Wow" "Oh cool!" "That's awesome!" and "I hope it does well!" doesn't add to the narrative and including the comments would make it look like I'd written them, I left them out except in rare instances where Twilight refers to a comment in her blog. But feedback in the comments did influence content. In March one person asked: "Oh, those pancakes sound lovely! Could you be persuaded to share the recipe?". That took some research to come up with a horse compliant but theoretically viable recipe! Yowsers!

One criticism I've received is that Twilight is not shown to be responding to comments (or similarly, not devoting the blog to an exploration of Earth). As I said to one person on FimFiction, while it might not be strictly enforced, role playing is verboten on FiMFiction, so I can't operate as a true blog here. I wouldn't be able to keep up anyway! Imagine 60 people asking me to quote poetry, share recipes, recite jokes and such the like in real time! Six people were keeping me on my toes enough as it was. Twilight's blog is a means to an end: to make sense of Equestria, to fill in the details of what probably goes on between episodes and to round out the personalities of the mane six as best as I can in a first person narrative written in an open, interactive journal. The only interactive journals I know of are blogs, and I couldn't see anypony explaining the mechanics of Equestria to somepony else in Equestria. That would be like if I was to send you daily pen-pal letters describing gravity, rain and how potholes form on dirt roads. A magical connection to the World Wide Web is much more believable. 8^D

In the first Equestria Girls movie we do see Twilight seated in front of Pinkie's laptop, watching the video Sunset Shimmer made of her in the school library where she is typing with her fists on a computer keyboard. So yes, it isn't clear what she thought of the Canterlot High audiovisual tech or if she managed to use it, but she at least saw it in action.

Yes, the globe in S2E10 Secret of My Excess is the sand in the Vaseline, even when you discount the quip from Pinkie's Puddinghead in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant. But otherwise Equestria is only depicted as a flat map and a globe model does not mesh with all the bouncy gymnastics going on in the sky. I come back to the subject of Equestria's topography and it's not flat, really. More like a cross between a cone slice and the inside of a sphere. I wish my handle on math theory was better. So, my take is that Twilight's globe is a fancy alternative to a wall map or an atlas, there for easy quick reference but not physical accuracy. I don't remember any other globes. I also can't think of any other grand unifying mechanism for Equestrian physics, except just hand waving and saying "Magic! How does it work?" and leaving it at that. Since Twilight has devoted her life to studying magic, a deeper understanding is a must. ^_^

I don't remember any other globes.

Eh, there were a few here and there. The School of Friendship had a few scenes where one was in the background. But, as you said, that can be overlooked.

Just starting on the second chapter, but can't wait to read it all eventually!

Flash animation. Once an asset gets made, it's bound to get reused. 8^D After I finished a first pass revision/coding/tweaking/proofreading of XVIII June I was up past 1 AM rereading a small part of Girl Genius, just because I'd made a small Girl Genius parody joke. Girl Genius is addictive.

Heh, well, this certainly provides a different scenario than the Best Gift Ever mini-movie. Here, Twilight is organized, in-control, and focused. In the movie, she goes twilinanas over the festivities. Hmm, but this focuses almost entirely on the play. She doesn't mention gifts for anyone, or hanging her and Spike's dolls over the hearth, or anything concerning the holiday other than the play and some later caroling.

Hmm, the ponies of the Crystal Empire come to visit and see the sights, but none of them attempt to find Spike and ask for his autograph? Pssh. Noobs.

If Fluttershy is the Tree (insert Fluttershy wanting to be a tree joke here), the the Elemental Rainbow-Lazer is the Stare.


At this point in time we're floating around in season 5 and prior to the Pies+Apples Hearth's Warming. Best Gift Ever is season 8. Thus, as far as I can tell, Hearth's Warming does not have a gift focus and is all about strengthening community through friendship. I touch on the Hearth's Warming dolls in future years. ^_^ Twilight's Blog is a bare bones tail. I highly encourage people to take anything that catches their fancy and flesh it out.

The crystal ponies could have crossed paths with Spike and asked for an autograph. Although they were there to deliver an order to Rarity, hoping to meet Spike could also be an incentive to visit Ponyville. Whether Twilight would think to inform Earth people that crystal ponies seeking autographs is a cultural norm in Equestria is another thing. What would Twilight do? It's the eternal question!

The six-eyed Stare of Kindness! That sounds like the kernel of a horror/suspense tale. ^_^;

Ooo, I like this. The little snapshot segments into Twilight's life are quite enjoyable to read through. :eeyup:
Slice of life is something I enjoy quite a bit, so these little digestible entries will make for good reading when time is limited but I'd still like to relax and with some pony content.

Thank you for writing it :twilightsmile:

You're welcome. ^_^ Filling out and making sense of Equestria and day to day pony life was something I wanted to see, so I wrote this over a period of two and a half years.

That was enough for today. The three dismantled the apparatuses, picked up their things and ran off show the tree to Fluttershy. It could make a nice bird house. Or mouse house.

It has six branches and was created using the combined magical skills of friends. Obviously, it's meant to house the Elements.

March 12: With the crown comes the duty. I got up early yesterday morning, did everything on my checklist (it's so satisfying to tick off those little boxes)

Oops, looks like Twilight leant out her vlog to Night Light!

and stepped out my door just as the twilight met the dawn.

When Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn princess, bumps into Dawn Delight, the newspaper delivery pony, you really should capitalize their names. 😉

Like traveling from point A to B, it's largely subconscious. Pinkie has connected her enhanced map to her motor cortex and translated her feelings of dread into coded body spasms to better know what it is she's expecting and act accordingly. She calls this her Pinkie Sense.

And here I thought the whole point of the pinkie sense episode was that Twilight learn not to care about how it works and accept it as a mystery.


and stepped out my door just as the twilight met the dawn.

When Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn princess, bumps into Dawn Delight, the newspaper delivery pony, you really should capitalize their names. 😉

LOL! You tease.

And here I thought the whole point of the pinkie sense episode was that Twilight learn not to care about how it works and accept it as a mystery.

I don't see Twilight giving up indefinitely on trying to solve a mystery. ^_^

Night Light and check list -- that must be from an episode dialog? I'm drawing a blank and a quick search didn't help. I think I saw that aspect of Night Light in a fan fic, but I'm not sure.

Well, at this point the Elements are back on the Tree and since that is what is keeping Discord's plunder vines from wreaking havoc, the Elements aren't going anywhere... until Starswirl emerged from limbo and later, "Sombra" smashed the Tree. Which begs the question: why didn't those black grabby vines come back?

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