• Published 25th Dec 2022
  • 1,694 Views, 102 Comments

Cypress Zero - Odd_Sarge

Among the stars, it is known that the kirins bring peace where they tread. On Cypress Station, a war machine roams, and a kirin treads with her.

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20 - Cypress Zero

Wrapped in a blanket of white, downy feathers, Fokienia realized what she truly needed to understand life, and peace:

A friend to share it with.

On this isolated plateau, the two of them enjoyed the precious whistle of the cool wind at day’s end. The princess had disrobed as they’d come to lay together in the grass near the peak of the Canterhorn Mountain. And for Fokienia’s part, she’d shed her desires to speak, and resolved only to listen.

Just as easily as the stories of this old world came forth, so too did the drinks flow. Fokienia had downed several fizzy bottles of Sunlight, while the princess, for all her majesty...

Fokienia smiled warmly into the real sunlight; she opted not to peek at the carefully erected pyramid of orange glass.

It was hard to not feel happy after hearing so many tales of friendship and magic. Oh, and the lessons to be learned. There was so much. So much to learn. So much to unlearn. But in truth... each little bit of knowledge was everything, even if she already knew the lessons. Reminders of what she was fighting for... one of the most important concepts she’d be holding onto.

The day had been wonderful. So very wonderful, and full of all manner of knowledge to take back to Cypress.

Fokienia jolted slightly when the princess moved. Out of the corner of her eye, the distantly orbiting Royal Shuttle flashed its whites, purples, and golds in the now transient sunlight.

“I must admit something, Fokienia. One final note from your chatterbox princess.”

Fokienia smiled, and leaned close. “Okay.”

“I have not felt this alive in many, many years.” The princess licked at her lips, which caused Fokienia to giggle. “I suppose that is a bit funny, isn’t it?”

The steel-legged cyborg wound up immediately. “I-I’m sorry.”

Celestia tittered as gently as the final rays of her self-setting sun. “Discord... Do you recall his story?”

“Of course, princess.”

She nodded. “He comes and goes often, now. But the latest of his exploits was quite something.”

Recalling the stories of the trickster turned... soft-hearted trickster, Fokienia held her breath, and listened. She’d been doing a good job at not interrupting the princess’ tales, and she wasn’t going to start at the end of their day.

“He morphed an entire star system into a sweet frozen wonderland. A system of planets painted as perfect facsimiles of ice cream. It was really quite something. The first explorers to arrive at the system noted that the tundra planet’s ‘sprinkles’ were remarkably accurate. The triple-scoop cone of ‘immense geological activity’ was unforgettable as well.”

Fokienia, unable to maintain her composure, laughed brightly.

Thankfully, Celestia carried on. “And the Neighapolitan gas giant remains a fond image in my personal archives.” The princess’ ears prickled, and she bobbed her head with a well-mannered grin. “He frolics among the stars like a foal in a sandbox, Fokienia. It is so surprising for one who was so against Twilight’s work... initially. All she had to do to win him over was send Pinkie Pie his way.” She shook her head, though she still smiled. “An endless sea of stars. And an endless sea of pranks to go with them.”

“But now, I know he works toward a different purpose. He doesn’t often speak with ponies, especially in these times, but explorers... he is a bit of one himself. He is as all-knowing as I am. That is to say that we know little. The universe is vast, and full of strange magics, yet it is receptive to our own. He seeks anomalies just as we have, although for what purpose, I have yet to know. I do believe it has much to do with keeping ponykind ever-forward, as I know he does blaze the trail that leads ponies to the anomalies we take advantage of most. Why, the very drive that brought you here is powered by some of those discoveries.”

Celestia’s long horn lit bright. She swirled around her last bottle of Sunlight in a gentle sway of telekinesis. “In the end of her days, he did all he could to help Twilight. I’d like to think he maintains their friendship through his work.” With her musings in the air, she took a light sip, then set the bottle back in their sweet green grass.

“Perhaps, that is the greatest lesson for you to know, Fokienia. As ponykind continues forward, we grow in all manner of ways. But the bonds we form cannot be broken. No matter how distant our stars sit apart. No matter how many ages pass. And no matter what conflicts come.”

As the princess fluffed over Fokienia, the humbled earth pony thought of her dear steel-winged pegasus.

“Without conflict, ponies cannot grow. They become so ensnared in bands and herds that they neglect the histories that unite their destinies. You know this. Ponies are prone to forget. It is with good leaders, with good friends who listen to all thoughts, no matter their differences, that ponies can remember to trust in each other’s goodness. Clashing ideals are not defined as the dissolution of kinship. It can instead promote it. In these expansive times of growth by the millions, these bonds are more important than ever before.”

Celestia pressed her bottle to her lips, and hummed. Another sip. “For as long as I have watched over these lands in this age, I have tried to keep Equestria and our planet open to all. Pilgrimages are common, but restricted. But with your visit, I am reminded of just how important it is to truly meet with a pony, to meet with your friends on shared soil. Perhaps... perhaps I should take to Luna and Discord’s ways, and journey into the stars, if only to see my little ponies, and tell them I hear their worries.” She sighed wistfully. “But I seem unable to hold onto this lesson. So many conflicts have been allowed by my hooves... caused by my own doings, because I did not listen to my dearest friends. Even Discord, our Lord of Choas, has done better to remember his friendships, and lessons of harmony...”

“We’re not perfect, princess.” Fokienia’s heart jumped as the princess looked at her. But her confidence swelled: now was the time to speak up. “There is no healing magic. And there is no way to put an end to war. But we have ways of restoration. We can fix what we break, make up for our wrongs, even if it takes a long, long time. We can make peace, and make it last. We can learn and adopt new approaches, even if it means trying options many would consider... wrong. So long as we are creating, so long as we are attempting to better the lives of others, and finding success in even the smallest ways... that’s what should matter. That’s what we can do... with friends. That’s what life should be.”

The sun dipped past the horizon, and the stars of the galaxy opened above them. Fokienia stared into the firmament.

“That’s what it means to be alive.”

Princess Celestia bowed her head, silent in her swanlike complexion.

“I wish I had more to say...”

“There is little more that needs to be said, my little pony.”

Fokienia glanced back down, and into the gleaming eyes of her princess.

“You have friends, family, and many, many ponies looking up to you. They are waiting for you. And waiting for the lessons you have to teach them. You have a wonderful gift. A passion for peace, and prosperity. The willingness to remember, and pass down your goodness. The goodness you’ve kept close to your heart in spite of war. You are as much a student as you are a teacher, and the same goes for your fellow ponies. You can show them how alive you are, just as you’ve shown me. And you can continue to grow and learn. You are Cypress, Fokienia. And today, you have reunited Cypress with the home of ponykind. You have done great things, and with your friends, you will bring peace to many more.”

“I didn’t get here alone.”

Princess Celestia smiled, and with it, she blessed Fokienia with the last ray of Equestrian daylight.

“Then that will be the story you tell.”