• Published 3rd Mar 2022
  • 1,088 Views, 13 Comments

Tailor Girl - Undome Tinwe

A noblestallion learns a valuable lesson about not judging a mare by her origins.

  • ...

This is how the story ends.

Fifteen years later...

Argent Flash opened up the newspaper as he floated the cup of tea over to take a sip from it. The tea was mediocre, as it had been for the past year. Just another result of the cost-cutting measures they'd had to implement in the household after some poor investments.

Still, they would endure, as they always had, and Argent would soon find an appropriate match among the merchant class that would be mutually beneficial to both families. It was only a matter of time. His heart ached at the thought. Even now, all these years later, it felt like a betrayal of the mare he had once loved long ago.

The mare whose image greeted him as he flipped to the next page of the newspaper.

Argent nearly dropped the newspaper as he saw a picture of her standing next to the princesses, cutting the ribbon at the opening of a new school. He'd kept his ears off the ground when it came to fashion, partly because he had never been much interested in the topic, and partly because it hurt too much to think about.

It seemed he'd missed much in the past decade, if Rarity had maneuvered herself into such a position. Reading further, it seemed she owned her own chain of stores now, and was as successful as she'd sworn she'd be when they had parted.

Argent grinned, seeing his prayers answered. He hadn't thought it would be possible, but Rarity and he could now wed, and he could have his true love once again while also elevating his family's position far higher than it had ever been.

The article finished with a mention that Rarity would be presenting her new fashion line at the Fall Fashion Premiere here in Canterlot in a few days. If Argent hurried, he could still pull a few favours and obtain a ticket, with some backstage access so he could meet with her once again and profess his love.

They would finally get their happy ending.

The next few days passed by in a flurry of preparation as Argent updated his wardrobe and prepared a gift of a diamond necklace to give her, along with a pair of engagement rings for when he proposed. The expenses hurt, but it would be well worth it in the end.

At last, a day after seeing a mane stylist and buying a new watch, Argent was standing at the entrance to the event that would herald a new chance at love for him.

"Ticket, please," the guard at the entrance said.

Argent showed him the exclusive backstage pass, and was ushered in through a secondary entrance. He made his way down the endless hallways, following the signs that led to the area behind the main stage. Rarity would be there, and he would propose dramatically to her, and all would be well again. He could imagine her in his arms right now.

"Next up, we have Rarity, with her Royal Retinue series!" The announcer's voice was amplified through the whole building, and Argent grinned. This would be even better. He would be waiting there when Rarity finished showing off her new line, his gift in hoof and ready to take her back again.

Finally, after far too much walking, he arrived at the door that led to his destination. With an almost childlike excitement, he pushed it open, nearly shaking with suppressed joy as he stepped inside.

He stopped in his tracks as he saw the pony standing in the waiting area alone while the various assistants and other staff milled about.

Princess Twilight Sparkle flagged down one of the assistants. "Excuse me, ma'am," she said apologetically. "Are you sure there's nothing you need me to help with? I'm pretty good at organizing things."

The assistant sighed. "Your Majesty, Rarity instructed us to let you relax, and to assure you that we have everything well in hoof."

The princess sighed. "I know, it's just, she's out there doing her big show, and I want to feel like I'm being helpful." Her gaze scanned the room, eventually settling on Argent with a calculating, yet excited gleam in her eyes. "Oh, maybe I can entertain our new guest here."

The assistant turned to glance at him, annoyance clear in her expression. "I didn't know we were expecting someone."

Princess Twilight Sparkle waved a hoof dismissively. "It's fine, I'll deal with him. You go back to making sure the logistics are running smoothly."

With that clear dismissal, the other mare made her leave, and the Princess waved at Argent. "Hi there!" she said cheerily, in that trademark openness that had made her the darling of the press for quite some time. "Are you looking for someone?"

Well, if Rarity was on speaking terms with the princesses, then it was important for Argent to make a good first impression. He gave Princess Twilight a deep bow. "Your Majesty, it is an honour to make your acquaintance," he said formally. "I came here hoping to speak with Rarity."

Princess Twilight smiled. "Oh! Well, she should be done with her show in a few minutes. Are you a friend or associate of hers?"

"I knew her long ago, but we lost touch," Argent stated with a secretive smile. "I'm hoping to make up for lost time now."

"Oh, it's always nice to reconnect with an old friend," Princess Twilight replied.

"It's quite remarkable how far she's come since we last spoke," Argent commented idly, trying to make conversation with the princess. "I remember when she was but a humble seamstress in Ponyville."

Princess Twilight chuckled at that. "I'm not sure humble is the right word for it. Rarity has always had pride in her work — it's one of the reasons I fell in love with her."

Her words nearly knocked Argent over, and he had to use all his social training to keep his breathing steady as he replied with a casual, "Oh?"

An embarrassed expression crossed the princess' expression. "Oh, right," she said, putting a hoof to her muzzle. "I guess that's supposed to be a secret. But so many ponies know about it by now, and we're probably going to go public any day. Just, keep it quiet, please?"

"I— She—" Argent had to clear his throat to stop his stammering. "You and Rarity are...?"

"We've been dating for a while now." The fond smile on Princess Twilight's face reminded Argent so much of his own feelings in his youth when he had been with Rarity. "But we want to be a little careful about how we present it to the public." She stared curiously at him. "I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name."

"Lord Argent Flash." Luckily, some instincts had been ingrained far too deeply into Argent to be forgotten, even when his entire world was falling apart. He extended a hoof out politely. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

During his planning, Argent had considered that Rarity might have had a beau back in her backwater village, but he'd been confident that Rarity wouldn't be able to resist his charms, just as she hadn't been able to all those years ago. But if her current lover was Princess Twilight Sparkle...

"Nice to meet you too, Lord Flash." Princess Twilight's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, that name sounds familiar." Her eyes widened in realization. "Oh, you're Rarity's ex-coltfriend! She told me about you once!"

Panic seized Argent's throat, and he could barely manage to let out a strangled, "She did?" If a princess thought he was after her mare, then he needed to be very far away from here right now.

The princess nodded. "Yup, she told me that you broke up with her because of family pressure." A sympathetic expression crossed her face. "I'm sorry you were forced to do that. Rarity is a really amazing mare, and it can't have been easy to give her up."

"It was most unfortunate, yes," Argent replied stiffly, glad that he wasn't immediately being struck down. "But it seems Rarity has done well for herself as well, if she was able to elevate herself to a position as to have met you."

At that, Princess Twilight laughed. "Oh, we started dating way before all of this. I still remember the good old days back in Ponyville, before Rarity had to travel all the time for her work."

Argent's jaw dropped. "You met her in Ponyville?"

"Of course! That's still where we live." Princess Twilight sighed. "It's a shame that the nobility here are still so stuck in their ways. They judge ponies based on the circumstances of their birth rather than who they are on the inside, and that's just wrong of them. I really hate how nopony appreciated Rarity until recently, even though she's always been an incredible designer."

"Right," Argent said, almost on autopilot.

"Sorry, I'm just ranting now." The princess reached over to pat him on the shoulder. "I'm sure you feel the same way, and it must have been hard seeing the people you care about being blind to Rarity's qualities. At least you can reconnect now, right?"

Before Argent could give a response, the door to the main stage opened, and Rarity stepped in. She looked even more beautiful than before, which shouldn't have been possible. And yet, it seemed that Rarity had a knack for achieving the impossible.

Without hesitation or deference, she sauntered right up to Princess Twilight and kissed her on the lips. "Oh, darling, they loved me!" she exclaimed after they pulled apart.

The princess giggled. "I told you they would." She gestured towards Argent. "Oh, and you have a visitor."

Rarity's eyes narrowed as she stared at him. "Argent Flash," she said politely but coolly. "Fancy seeing you here. How is your sister faring?"

"Gilded is doing much better these days, thanks to advances in medicine," Argent replied, thankful to have something to say to buy time while he thought of how now to approach the former mare of his dreams. "And you seem to have made all your dreams come true," he eventually settled on.

"That and more," Rarity replied. "Is there something you wish to speak to me about, Argent?"

"Argent was hoping to reconnect with you," Princess Twilight supplied helpfully. "I know how hard it can be when old friends drift apart, so I'm really glad he's reaching out to you."

"Is that so?" It seemed Rarity was far more perceptive than her lover, as her eyes narrowed further.

Argent quickly brought out the necklace. "I wanted to give this to you, to apologize for how things ended between us," he said quickly. "I hope you will be able to forgive me one day."

Rarity chuckled, taking the gift. "Oh, you didn't have to do that, darling. To be honest, I've hardly had the time to dwell on the past." The meaning of her words was extremely clear to the both of them. "Did your family eventually find a good match for you?"

"Unfortunately, no," Argent said through clenched teeth.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck with that," Rarity said, beaming. "Thank you for the gift, and I look forward to seeing you again, Argent."

"We should all get lunch sometimes," Princess Twilight suggested, and there was no hint of malice in her tone. "I'm always looking for ways to try to fix the issues in Canterlot, and you seem like you have some unique perspectives on the classism amongst the nobility."

"I... would be honoured." This was an advantage that could be leveraged. It wasn't what Argent had come for, but it was something, at least.

"Well, Silk Trim should be up soon, and I should be there to provide moral support. The poor thing is quite nervous about her debut." Rarity pressed another kiss against the princess' cheek. "Would you like to come with me?"

Princess Twilight returned with one of her own. "Of course." She waved to Argent. "I hope you enjoy the rest of the show, Lord Flash."

"Thank you." Once again, Argent reverted to old training as he made his goodbyes. "Once again, it is an honour to meet you, princess, and it's good to see you well, Rarity."

"Take care of yourself, Argent," Rarity said, and Argent could have sworn that she truly meant it.

With that, he made his leave, with his heart broken and a lesson learned about judging a mare by the circumstances of her birth.

Comments ( 11 )

Howdy, hi!

This was fun! I do enjoy the comeuppance Argent recieves in this story. It was a simple setup with a good payoff. I also find it the height of egoism that he thought he could just walk in and sweep Rarity off her hooves. Welp, at least Rarity has someone better for herself.

This was a fun read, thanks~!

I can see in my head when Argent returns home, sets the paper down in front of his parents, and walks away without a word.

Of course, we have to face facts here. How invested in the relationship was he, really, if he couldn't be bothered to fight for it even a little bit?

Just another reason to kick himself, putting position above happiness.

Well that depends… fifteen years prior he was about a teen…(going by the older mane six age bracket) in a traditionally bound society it may well be impossible to go against his parents wishes. And it was a relatively short romance… it had to be, as it was FIFTEEN years prior. With THAT much time in the middle and another couple assumptions (like that they would have stayed in Canterlot) Rarity would probably end up NOT be the fashionista she is nor know Twilight and… possibly there would be Nightmare Moon on the throne…

Hmm as it is said… money does not give happiness but… it does help a lot.

Ha! What a loser! Bro thought he could just slide into her life like nothing happened. No love lost, it seems.

I never thought I'd read a pic based on sk8er boy that i unironically enjoyed. This was great!

WHOOOO! Go Rarity!

Thanks, I’ll have “She said see you lailer girl” stuck in my head all day.

That was pretty fun. As far as noble snobs go, Ardent isn't so bad here, so it's good that he got on good terms with Twilight at least.

I missed the part that made this a tragedy, in fact I found it pretty satisfying.

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