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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 42 )

Lovely story with great ending :) Very much in the spirit of the movie.


Very much in the spirit of the movie.

Wasn't expecting to hear that! :rainbowderp:

You got these characters almost spot on, if not exactly how they were portrayed in the movie. I can absolutely see them doing this and hear exactly how they'd be saying what they said. Very well done, almost wish there was more, but that was great. <3

I watched the movie multiple times in preparation. Good to hear I did a good job with them. I was worried about writing characters that I wasn't as familiar with.

For some reason, I kept hearing a particular refrain while the gang was getting it on:

Gonna work work work!
Got so much to do!
Well I don't mind the work
'Cause I get to work with you!

That was really good. And clever. I wonder who wrote the porno that they used as, uh, reference material?

Uh, was Sunny expecting to birth a fully grown alicorn like how the book said Pinkie Pie apparently did it?

Yeeesh. I hope they never tell those foals how and why they were conceived.

"I was disappointed when you were born, because I was expecting a Princess."

Well, they were working pretty hard.

Well, you can thank my SubscribeStar supporters for the clever part. One of them suggested this story idea!

I wonder who wrote the porno that they used

It's in the story. ^.^ Iron Will wrote it.

It's magic, okay?

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

I'd assume that -- in general -- most ponies wouldn't want to know exactly how they were conceived.
Most people, too.

This was amusing more than erotic really with a extremely warm, heart heavy ending. I mean, it technically has clop, yes, but if you aren't smiling the whole way through...maybe it's just me? 😉

Clop that leaves you smiling is best clop. ^.^

Funny and heartwarming, with a nice cloppy core. And yeah, you got the characters really right!

Always love it when mares are impressed by their stallion's size, that's my jam!

The clop was more like a cherry on top of a delicious desert. The lead up was a multitude of flavors all working together to the foreshadowed end. With a great and hilarious twist of a book by Iron Will.

Thought for sure Sunny got a hold of one of Twilight's personal fanfics.

Man, Old-Equestria sure was a weird place.
Imagine if they made a tv show about it!

I, for one, can't wait to see all the callbacks that will inevitably happen in G5 ^.^

I'd assume that -- in general -- most ponies wouldn't want to know exactly how they were conceived.
Most people, too.

Realizing that your parents had sex at some point is a stock horror scenario.

Just knowing what position you were conceived in would be ... uncomfortable.

Romantic, raunchy, hilarious and heartwarming.


Oh no!

If I've already achieved perfection, then everything else is downhill from there!

Sunny nodded. At least that was decided. Sort of. “And then, all we need is a stallion. In the book, they used a unicorn, but from what they said in there, it seems like any kind of stallion will work.”
Hitch shook his head. “And where are you going to find a stallion? You’re all mares!”
They all looked at him.
He looked back.

Congratulations, I guess?

He shook his head. “Sunny, that’s crazy! We’ve ... we’ve known each other since we were foals. You’re like a sister to me!”

:twilightsmile:: "I'm sure dirty little secret can vouch this would never stop me. Also, it did work out in the end, didn't it?"

“So Izzy’s house in two weeks. I’ll go through the book and make sure we’ve got everything we need and know exactly what to do. It’s settled!”
Hitch still really didn’t look sure about that ... but what could he do. It was settled. Sunny had said so.

:trollestia:: "Good boy!"

“Ooh! Ooh!” Izzy bounced up and down. “You know what helps me when I feel nervous?”
“A song?” Pipp guessed.
Getting rutted silly! Come on!” With a laugh, Izzy darted right past Sunny and zoomed up the stairs, moving so fast that wind chimes jingled in her wake.

:pinkiegasp:: "Why did I never thought of that?"
:pinkiecrazy:: "I mean, how many of your adventures could have been resolved by rutting?"

Having spent her teenage years as the social outcast who wouldn’t stop talking about pegusai and unicorns

I honestly have no idea whether this is intentional or just a typo...


:pinkiecrazy:: "I mean, how many of your adventures could have been resolved by rutting?"

Don't you go tempting me to write a story series based on this...

I honestly have no idea whether this is intentional or just a typo...

There's a lot of disagreement out there on how to pluralize 'pegasus'.
Just be thankful I didn't use "Pegapodes".
(Usually, I just go for 'Pegasus ponies' instead. Guess I forgot to this time.)


Don't you go tempting me to write a story series based on this...

Maybe later though...

Sure, she’d secretly liked him a lot, ever since she was a filly. But that was normal. Every mare in Maretime Bay liked Hitch. And most of them had a copy of his calendar, too. Even a surprising number of the stallions, too. But that was just ... natural. Because everypony liked him.

What's the chance he is a direct descendant of :eeyup:?

He wasn’t holding back with Pipp – he was really giving it to her. The sight of his cock gliding in and out of her, the sight of her pussy lips winking desperately as they rippled over every contour of his shaft... Oh ponyfeathers! How was she going to make it through this without clopping herself?

I was looking for a ponified version of the That's the Neat Part, You Don't meme, but couldn't find anything...

He raised his hoof, gestured for her to come closer ... and he smiled.


“I can’t believe you memorized that whole thing,” Pipp said.
Izzy laughed. “Told you it’s good!”

Sunny: "I may or may not had read this part over and over for hours. Just for science, of course..."

Zipp was doing far more than simply letting it leak back into her mouth. Her tongue was flicking like crazy against Izzy’s clit as the gooey cum dripped back down to her ... at least until her mouth was too full – then she obviously had to focus more on just holding what she already had.

Well, we don't want to take any chances, do we?

Zipp, meanwhile, was looking at her sister meaningfully.
Pipp, still lying on her back next to Hitch, looked back, blushing. “Just like old times... Right, Sis?”

Did she just imply... Of course she did.

The way Zipp’s soft, springy pussy lips spread open around Sunny’s tongue was fascinating, and it entertained Sunny to no end when Zipp’s clit would wink outward as if to meet her halfway. She always made sure to reward it with a few nice licks whenever it came out to play.

Because that's what friends do!

All that matters now is herself, Hitch, this wonderful new foal, and the foal’s two half-siblings just a few rooms away. A perfect little family, even if it has no alicorns in it.

Sounds like a perfect ending to me.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Alternative ending:

Slowly, as the others got settled in, Sunny came over to him. She ran a hoof through his mane, which got him to lift his head back up and look at her. “It’s okay,” she told him. “If you really don’t want to be with me, that’s okay. We could try again next cycle, find another stallion...”

Hitch couldn't take it and refused.
The mares were disappointed, but accepted his decision. As such they searched and ultimately found a different stallion willing to do his part: Sprout.

The good news: they succeeded, and he gave Sunny an alicorn.
The bad news: it's this alicorn, and she takes great inspiration from the past endeavors of her father:

I have no idea where you found that alicorn, and I'm kind of afraid to ask...

11287924 Don't worry, I'll just give you the answer without you having to ask.

This alicorn appeared in the special "Make your Mark". Her name is "Shadowy Alicorn".
(No, I didn't made that name up! That's what she's called in the voice credits.)

Here is the relevant scene:

And here are the thoughts of Dr. Wolf on that matter:

(What's the chance this scene gives you inspiration for something?)

Oh damn... I've been getting out of date and I really need to catch up.

Aight, so who was it that hid the smut so well nopony found it? 😂 Certainly not Twilight, she wouldn't allow such defamation of its pages! 🙃
Magic is as magic does, but in truth half of that was all wrong! It was actually a changeling Royal that performed the swapping energy transfer, fueled by the previously gathered energy (by way of specially modified fertilized eggs kept inside the donors for the week prior) and transmogrified in the power of their love! Or something like that...

Yeah ... or something like that.

11288336 Update:
It seems her real name had been revealed to be "Opaline". We also got a better picture:
Some weird theory I saw while writing this comment:

I'd like to see them try again!

And over and over and over again, I'm sure! ^.^


Opaline is... comically evil. Like, Dastardly Whiplash kind of evil.

One wonders what happened to make her so ludicrously stereotypical. Maybe... maybe despite having the ideal body (alicorn) she's just not getting any. Like none. And she can't figure out why, because surely as an alicorn she should be just rolling in sex constantly. But she's not, and so she's angry and so very frustrated, which translates naturally into an awkard, grasping "evil" as a cover for, well... nigh-insurmountable deep-rooted awkwardness.

And now Sunny is boning all her friends and Opaline only has Misty to talk to, and that just makes everything worse! What's Sunny got that Opaline doesn't also have in spades?! Rargh!


Maybe an actual alicorn is what Sunny was missing from her pregnancy ritual...


I really need to get around to watching that...

That theory about Misty has of course been proven false, but I still couldn't resist.
Misty: Oh ho ho! I'm the final boss of this game! What a twist! OH HO HO HO...!


That theory about Misty has of course been proven false, but I still couldn't resist.

What do you mean? The show isn't over yet...
Source and Source.

Okay, so it hasn't been proven false, but from what I've seen Misty seems more likely to wind up rounding out a G5 mane 6 than being a twist villain. I know this isn't the place for canon speculation, but I imagine she'll get her cutie mark during the protag showdown with Opaline, with Misty being caught in the middle but ultimately choosing to stand with her friends.

To update my earlier comment: Her full name appears to be "Opaline Arcane".

In case you haven't seen it, Hasbro was nice enough to upload many scenes with Opaline to YouTube:

At least until the 10 minute mark, then they suddenly change the subject.

Also, here the final scene of Chapter 2:

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