• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,497 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

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The Dog of the Emperor

At a train station, Grover Senior was preparing for a voyage across his empire. This was the debut of their newest transportation system that connected all corners of Herzland, what was left of the fragile empire.

The Emperor could not take the shame out of himself to think that this modest railway was the only thing in his legacy that he could say was of his own making. All of his reforms, and all his laws, were all ineffective and were brought about by a council of corrupt nobles who only wanted to recover their lost powers from the actions of Von Greifenstein's predecessors. And they only helped to bring more and more stagnation and a downward economic spiral that almost bankrupted the empire, if it weren't for the church, and Gabriela's allies, the empire would be in an even more precarious situation than it already is.

"You can't be serious Dad! I want to go with you!"

He let out an exasperated sigh as he remained kneeling in front of his son. If nothing could get worse, it was his son in an attempt to stick with him for as long as he could with his father.

It hurt his heart every time he had to refuse his son's requests. Even more so now that he had turned his almost uninterrupted attention to the internal affairs of the empire. He had to deprive himself of the greatest pleasure of all, seeing his son daily.

Even though he missed his son's constant beaming face, he moved on, knowing that if when he left and the empire was not in good shape, his son would suffer immensely. And that was something he couldn't allow.

And he suffered even more in his attempt to fix it. The loss of the locomotor capacity of its wings and its left claw spoke for itself. He was having to postpone the railroad project for two months in a vile attempt to fix the monumental Byzantine bureaucracy that cursed the tireless bureaucrats. The more he got into the day-to-day problems he realized how blind he had been to have trusted a bunch of greedy and ambitious nobles.

But that didn't matter at the moment, what mattered was his son and only him.

"I'm Sorry son, but this is a business trip. The opening of the railroad is going to be something I've been working on for a long time, and I have to make sure everything goes smoothly." He tried to explain to the smaller one, who still had his chest pushed out and cheeks puffed out in defiance.

"Then let me go with you! I want to help!" He just smiled in response to his son's wishes. 'Your birth has already helped me more than any noble.'

"No, you staying here, studying and training with Proteus already helps me a lot more than you can imagine."

"But... father... You can't push yourself any further!"

"I'm 100% capable of-"

"NO! YOU'RE NOT!" The boy shouted, surprising even the guards who accompanied them, many of the Emperor's companions decided to withdraw when they saw the commotion, not wanting to incur the wrath of the little heir.

"Father for the love of Boreas, you can barely walk without being in pain! You need this cane to walk and you can't even fly anymore!" The boy grabbed his father's clothes, who just looked on with an expression of emotional pain seeing his son in such a state. "Please...Stay with me...Don't wear yourself out like this..." He looked up with pleading eyes for his father, not wanting him to leave or to get hurt more.

Not wanting to lose him

The Senior almost succumbed to the temptation of his son's love, to simply throw all the plans he had spent countless nights making up in the air and return with his son to the palace, and stay with him for the rest of his few days. Playing with him, teaching him, and simply spending as much time as possible with him. Being a father he himself wished he had.

His son deserved this, he deserved the whole world and more.

But he would not receive it. Instead, his only father figure would soon be gone and the few he could consider family would turn on each other for power.

And his inheritance? A fragmented state was on the verge of imploding, and any mistake or crisis would lead to a chain of reaction that would destroy what was left of what was once one of the greatest empires the world had ever seen.

But worst of all, the situation could all been avoided.

This was all his fault; his neglect and fear of ruling caused the current situation and his son to have to experience one of the worst periods Griffonia had ever seen.

No. He couldn't let his son suffer such a fate, he still had time and he was still alive. As long as he could stand and breathe, he would do anything to right his wrongs.

It was impossible to unify the empire in his state, but perhaps, with his willpower and the little life he had in his weak body. He could keep what little they still had unified.

Slowly he knelt down in front of his son, and with a gentle grip on his shoulder, he pulled him to face him. "Son... Do you trust me?"

"O-Of, course Dad." He nodded his head.

"And I trust you." The Father proclaimed as his son could only smirk at himself as the senior continued. "If I ask you to stay here, and strive to become better- No, become THE best. You will, won't you?"

"Y-yes! I will!" His father just nodded his head

"Good." He smiled as he patted his son's head. "See you later, my most prized treasure." He gave a light kiss on his son's forehead who just got embarrassed with a silly smile.

The boy couldn't hide his smile when he received the praise, not taking his eyes off his father from the moment he got on the train to his departure to visit all corners of the empire.

He felt something on his shoulder, looking to his side he saw Proteus and Gerlach waiting for him. They were both stiff, tall, and proud, they hid their apparent dislikes of each other with their discipline.

They didn't show it, but little Grover could see it, they didn't hate each other for their personalities, but for their ideals. Proteus in his classes demonstrated a self-leveled distaste for nobility and tried to convince him the entire time over fighting lessons that none of them were trustworthy, that they only cared about themselves, and that one day they would come after them.

This didn't confuse him too much, as Gerlach was the exact opposite of everything Proteus said nobles were.

He was calm, humble, and very kind. His history lessons were always neutral, showing all sides of the story, the truth. But he always encouraged the value of tradition and the ruling class whenever he could, while explaining the importance of the clergy while criticizing their recent actions.

The same could be said of Gabriela and Eros.

Grover never stopped to reflect, but now that he pondered his father's words, he observed his mentors' actions and their teachings. They were contradictory and he could see the groups that Gabriela, Gerlach, and the nobles were against those of Eros, Proteus, and the priests accused and blamed each other for problems and that the only solution was for the other to disappear.

Now, he could see it all for what it really was.

They were trying to use him. Mold him to become the 'perfect' emperor in their eyes.

He looked at both of them, Proteus was smiling warmly back at the little one and Gerlach nodded his head in respect.

'They are lying, all of them are.' He thought bitterly.

Unknowingly, beside the rulers, two crimson eyes watched the young heir, Interest in its menacing aura.

His first stop on his long journey would also be his most impactful.

Knowing that traveling throughout the kingdom, even being a shadow of his former self, still contained a vast territory that would take weeks to cross even by train. In his exclusive carriage surrounded by a heavy division of the royal guard, he pondered silently and alone on all the events of the empire.

Getting on the train to leave after saying goodbye to his son. He was stunned by an absolutely huge crowd that either contained royalists cheering to his name and praising the creation of the railroad and the 'future of progress' as they called it, or griffons begging, BEGGING. Political reforms and food.

All of his preoccupation with memorizing his speeches as he visited each province and vassal was thrown out the window on hearing these complaints.

'I'll be back in no time.' He remembered her words seeing such situations. That wretched changeling ran her tongue across her lip mockingly as she looked down upon him. 'When you die, your poor little son will be alone...' He growled as he struggled to dispel such memories.

But that was a futile attempt. Just helping to push the memories further and think about them more.

He hated it, but.... Chrysalis was right. She would come back. Like it or not, she had gained something he didn't expect, a true friendship with his son. Only Proteus had gained a friendship at least like his son's.

Even after spending a lot of time with Eros and Gabriela, he had respect and admiration for them. But not true friendship even with their various attempts to enter the little one's life.

He tried to fight her influence on the court, oh yes he did. For the first time, he confronted his grand council and demanded to sever relations with the Changeling Lands, in order to end the attache and partnership between the Griffonian and Changeling militaries.

But also, for the first time, the council turned him down and barred his attempt to pass legislation. Even furious and tirelessly trying again and again the council wouldn't budge, not even Gabriela came to his support, deciding to stay neutral in the debate and not wanting to go against the other nobles. Grover felt betrayed, the only ones who came to his support were Archon Eros and the Count of the Diamond dogs.

The Archon's support for the Emperor was sadly not a surprise. Anything the Nobles are against, he is for and vice versa, he is a good friend but just as opportunistic as the enemies he fought. He saw a chance at going against the nobility and he took it, helping an old friend was just a bonus.

But the Count? Ignatius had no reason to be in favor of the Emperor's proposal, quite the contrary. The County of Bronzehill is one of the vassals that most benefits from the Changeling Attache. The Diamond Dogs' industries produced using Changeling schematics and many of their troops are equipped with equipment using Said schematics.

But even then, Count Ignatius was the Emperor's most ardent supporter. Tales of the loyalty of the Bronzehill hounds did not give them enough credence. For the Emperor, they would destroy themselves if he ordered them.

He heard the whistle blow. While a tremor took place on the train.

A knock on the door of his engine. Getting up, he walked as quickly as possible to answer the door with much discomfort. 'Fucking cane!' He complained in his mind when he almost fell when he intertwined one of his claws with it, even so, he managed to reach the door.

Upon opening, he received a very surprised messenger. "Your Majesty..?" He didn't expect that normally even though it was just a wagon, a butler was expected to at least attend to someone of as high a status as the Emperor, himself attending to the messenger was...


"Yes? What do you want?" Grover asked, a little irritated by the interruption as he tried to reason, the messenger quickly snapped out of his trance and dropped to his knees.

"A thousand pardons, your majesty! I came here to inform you that we are a few kilometers from the County of Bronzehill." He received a nod from the monarch, who motioned with his hand for him to relax.

"Thank you, you are dismissed." He received a quick bow, then darted towards another locomotive.

The emperor just sighed, walking while grinding his beak in pain to one of the golden chairs. 'Travel trips weren't so bad when I was younger…' He laughed sadly. Coughing hard afterward. 'I'm dying... There's no doubt about it.' He thought grimly as he looked out the window, seeing the large city of Bronze Cross looming in the distance. 'I need help.'

Their arrival in the diamond dog capital of the empire was nothing short of one of the biggest celebrations the emperor has seen since his coronation. When the train entered the city limits, entire crowds were already waiting for its arrival.

Confetti flew from the tops of houses as everyone shouted his name. He had to admit he couldn't contain the smile on his face as he slowly came to a halt with a tssss and rising smoke to the delight of the already excited crowd.

Going down, he had to contain his pain and walk without his cane, to generate a false sense of security for the people and mask his true state of health. Having to stop and lean on some of the royal guards to keep from falling and catching his breath, pretending to stop to wave to the euphoric crowd while keeping his smile registered.

But this time it was no longer a fake, but a genuine one. Diamond dogs were one of the only species Grover could trust to have no ulterior motives. It was a very straightforward and honest breed, if they love you or hate you they will tell you to your face.

The love they had for him, it was all genuine. They really adored him, not for any ulterior motive. This love for him comes from generations, from the time of his great-great-grandfather. When Emperor Grover II granted the Bronze Mountains to a group of ex-slaves fleeing Diamond Mountain under the domain of the tyrant King Rover Diamondshield.

Just taking a mere glimpse at a member of the Von Greifenstein dynasty is considered good luck by the dogs. And receiving the attention of a Greifenstein is something that would make the dog, no matter status or social class gain immense prestige, making them respected figures virtually overnight.

But hurting him is the greatest sacrilege of their entire society. A crime punishable by death, as it is considered an attack on the very concept of freedom. The Grovers are almost sacred figures for them, and for that reason, they were one of the few species fully integrated into the society of the empire, but one of the only ones truly accepted by the Griffons as members of their own people.

Grover knew that as long as he was in these lands, he would be absolutely untouchable.

Since then the County of Bronzehill has grown and prospered as a loyal subject of The Empire.

And this was very apparent when viewing the outer part of the mountainous city. Walking through the concrete and well-maintained streets.

Taking one of the cars selected exclusively for the monarch, he continued through the streets flanked by crowds and surrounded by guards holding them back and preventing them from getting in his way.

He then went towards the main building in the center of the city, in the administrative capital of the entire county. There, he expected to meet the Council of Bronzehill, but more importantly, Earl Ignatius. Famously known to Griffonia as the Gray Hound of Bronzekreuz. One of the few beings Grover could count on to be his close friend, having attended his coronation, and in turn, the emperor attended Ignatius' wedding feast.

Even though the celebrations showed an entourage very welcoming to him, it was all improvised by the fact that Grover wasn't supposed to be there that day. And yes two weeks later, had it been on the appointed date the earl himself would have met the emperor at the station but Grover decided to change his schedule and come to the land of dogs first. He had a very important motive, and he knew that Bronzetail was the only being he could trust at that moment.

Arriving at the huge building. A delegation was already waiting for him, all showing clear nervousness and he could even see that many had their clothes unbuttoned. Upon descending, everyone would kneel with fervor.

"Your Majesty! A thousand pardons for not being presentable to you Your Excellency! We are not worthy of the presence of the blood of freedom!" The 'leader' of the delegation shouted, showing clear regret as everyone around him also apologized.

"No need for an apology my loyal subjects. It was my fault, I should have given a warning in advance." Grover said with finality as he approached the kneeling dog.

"B-but your majesty! W-we-" He would be interrupted by the emperor's claws squeezing the dog's arm and helping him to his feet.

"Are you questioning me Councilor?" Grover asked with a raised eyebrow. Making many of the other dogs around gape in shock as the counselor himself appeared to have gone pale beneath his fur. Yes, it was a cheap shot Grover knew. But he was not patient enough to deal with these attitudes.

Of course, he fervently denied it, apologizing further by kneeling before the emperor. Who just shook his head and couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"I'm kidding counselor." He chuckled to himself as he helped the dog up, hiding the pain he felt doing so. "Please take me to your count. I have something to discuss with him."

Being guided by the advisors. They escorted him into the office with the Count, who was waiting at the door. Lapping eyes on the Emperor, Ignatius quickly came to Grover and knelt before his paws. "Majesty... Your arrival here is.... Unexpected..." He spoke hesitantly but smiled warmly at the arrival of his old friend.

"Iggy, come on... You know you don't need to be formal with me." He replied with a smile of his own, Ignatius stood laughing, quickly looking around at the totally flabbergasted councilors.

"You are all dismissed. You made your nation proud, take the afternoon off." He tells his advisers, not expecting them and already opening the door for the emperor to enter.

The Emperor would bid the councilors a good afternoon, much to their enormous happiness, and follow the Count Diamond dog.

"What would you like, big G? The usual green tea? A black coffee?" he asked dropping all his formality, taking a seat in his armchair next to a fireplace.

"You're not serious, 'Big G'? What are you? 12?" He asked in a mocking tone as he threw himself on the couch, feeling his body let out a sigh of relief that he didn't have to push so hard anymore.

"What? Prefer 'Little G'? Because from the looks of it you lost that title a long time ago."

"Ha... He's not even small anymore. He's growing absurdly fast, he'll be my size by now." The count couldn't hold back a look of surprise.

"What do you mean? The kid is barely 4 years old."

They were now both sitting down, Grover was silent for a few moments staring at the floor, while a curious Ignatius sat across from him and put down some cups of coffee he had grabbed while they talked.

"Iggy... My son.... He's not ordinary." He received a friendly smile from his old friend.

"Of course he's not, he's a hallowed member of the Von Greifenstein."

"No, that's not what I mean. He's... There's something about him that I... I don't have the words to describe..." Ignatius fell silent, waiting for his friend to clarify further, interest growing more and more. more apparent in itself.

"Since he was born... He showed signs that he is anything but ordinary. He challenged me when was born iggy, my own son! He didn't even have his senses developed yet!" he began, throwing his claws up in exasperation. "When he was almost a year old, he already had nightmares!"

Ignatius couldn't hold back his shock as the emperor nodded at him in confirmation and agreed with the surprise. "Yes! I felt the same way. How could a year old have nightmares?! But that's not all, before his two-year-old birthday, he already understood speech and could speak!"

"He...? Talk...? How??"

"I don't know, but he was already asking questions, many of them. Some that even I don't know the answers to. His intellect for his age is absurd. And at two years old, he already knew how to fly." He paused as he waited for the words to land on his friend. "It took me 5 years to learn how to glide at least." He continued as he rubbed his head with his tense claws. "And to top it all off, he, along with his ability to fly, learned to write. He was the one who invited Chrysalis to the palace for her birthday that day."

"Is this... public knowledge?"

"No, no one other than the servants inside the castle and close figures knows of his rapid development. Even though it's miraculous, I doubt it would be believable to the general population, they might question it and think it's just propaganda made to improve the image of my son to make up for the lack of one of mine."

"My god Grover... This... This is miraculous in every way! He-"

"He is possibly the Herald of the Gods."

This left the room in complete silence, leaving Diamond Dog gaping as Grover stared at him with a serious expression.

The Herald of the Gods was a fairy tale but still well-known figure, believed to emerge in the darkest of times the Griffon race went through, blessed by the divine triad of Griffons to guide them through their greatest crises.

According to legends, when the Griffons came into existence they immediately clashed over wealth and land. They came into contact with beings from the neighboring continent, the ponies of Equestria. Who tried to colonize the southeastern lands of Griffonia.

They were aliens to a race that was once considered the only species on the entire planet. Ponies were their opposite in every way, being pacifistic and egalitarian with their deluded philosophy of 'friendship' when Griffons were warriors and individualists. An antithesis of all their practices and culture.

For the first time in the entire existence of their race, the Griffons united in a single banner against this common enemy, with the intention of driving them from their lands. And afraid their weaknesses will spread through the population and wipe out the cultures that made them exist in the first place.

The Ponies have never been in conflict in their entire existence, and this has resulted in defeat after defeat, many caused by troops simply refusing to fight, not knowing the concept of violence in the first place, causing them to almost be expelled from the mainland entirely.

But that's where she came from, the bringer of chaos and usurper of the sun of Boreas. A being bearing characteristics of the three groups of ponies they encountered emerged. With powers stolen from the gods, that completely decimated entire armies and wreaked havoc for the Griffons, singlehandedly turning the tide of conflict. And causing the ponies to finally fight back, pushing the griffons deeper and deeper into the mainland almost to the birthplace of Griffonkind.

But then, a legend arose in the same place that their entire race originated, bearing the Idol derived from Boreas himself, with a divine aura that shone like the sun's currents, gigantic stature for any type of griffon, and powers never before seen in the history. This figure led their race against the invaders and clashed with the usurper. Forcing them to retreat and abandon the continent altogether.

After saving his species from foreign domination, he unified the entire race under a single flag. The Herald has completely disappeared. Leaving a legacy that would be picked up and used by Grover the first, believed to be the rightful descendant of the divine figure.

"The Herald...? Are you sure?"

"Born with vitality and health above any newborn Griffon, it proved that he was blessed with a very powerful body by Eyr. His fighting spirit proves he was by Arcturius. And his intelligence, with intellectual capacity so young proves that he was blessed by Boreas with a natural leadership ability." He chanted as he slowly rose to his feet and walked towards the fireplace, prompting Ignatius to follow. The emperor stared into the flames as he continued. "His nightmares clearly show what's going on, Eros saw it too. It's the gods sending messages to him, teaching and improving my son."

"Grover...." The Diamond dog spoke, with an uncertain tone, making Grover look at him. "I... Why are you telling me this? Why trust such personal and important things...?"

"I'll answer with a question of my own," Grover says with a neutral expression, ignoring the lost look from the count. "If I asked you to go against everything and everyone. Would you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." He didn't hesitate, he didn't blink.

"If I told you to carry the burden of thousands on your back. Would you obey?"

Count blinked in utter shock at the thought of the question's implications.

"Y-your majesty...?"

"I will die Ignatius." The tone of finality had Grover's old friend opening and closing his mouth like a fish, but he didn't wait and continued. "It could be tomorrow, next week, or even next month. But one thing is for sure, I don't have much more time until the end of this year, my son is one of the only things I can die happy knowing he will bring hope for this cursed land." Both their eyes met.

"But I'll leave him alone, with a fractured empire, enemies on all sides, and opportunists looking to exploit it to seize power. A child alone." One of his claws tightened on the Count's shoulder. "I need someone I can trust to look after my son and empire before he can take the crown. Someone capable and trustworthy. That being is you." he says with a tone of finality. "Count Ignatius Bronzetail, I, Emperor Grover Von Greifenstein the fifth, Patriarch of the Greifenstein Dynasty, appoint you as Acting Regent of the Griffonian Empire!"

With these words, for the first time in history. A non-griffon took the most powerful position in the entire empire. And history changed forever.

Author's Note:

Kept you waiting huh?