• Published 6th May 2022
  • 712 Views, 5 Comments

Sonic X & MLP: Skyfall - RockStarMLP

A new friend arrives in Equestria, desperate to find her way back home but welcomed by the new world she's in.

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Chapter 2: A New Awakening

A gentle knock against door frame sounded in the guest bedroom. Spike was revealed as the knocker as he hovered in with a bag in one of his claws. “Anything happen yet?”

“Nothing. She’s still asleep,” Twilight replied from her seat not far from the room’s occupied bed.

That was the routine going through the entire night. After discovering the strange female being who crashed into the ground, Twilight, Spike and their friends immediately took action. One of the guest bedrooms, the one closest to Twilight’s personal chambers, was turned into a hospital-esque suite. They treated what injuries they could find with the first aid kit Spike supplied, but as if like magic, her wounds healed as swiftly as the damp washcloth was used to wipe away any potential dirt or dust from the crash site. With little other options, the ponies and dragon placed her in the comfort of the bed and underneath its sheets, where she rested slept for hours since.

Twilight volunteered herself to stay by the bedside the entire time since bringing the stranger back to her castle. For most of the night, her friends rotated every hour in pairs to stay beside Twilight and see what would happen. As the night progressed, Twilight insisted her friends to leave things in her hooves and Spike’s claws, and for them to rest until the morning. Given how tired the majority of them felt, they took the offer and used the opportunity to sleep in various places across the castle.

It was a long night, and more so uneventful after the event of the crashing being now laying in the bed. Things were mostly quiet, other than the ponies sharing an occasional chat, and the being in the bed barely uttered a whisper after subconsciously finding comfort in her newfound resting place. In the times of silence, however, Twilight’s mind raced with curious thoughts. Who was this creature? Where did she come from, and was it from somewhere beyond Equestria? Was she a friend, or perhaps a foe? Why did she even crash in the first place, let alone survive said crash with little injury?

Twilight often dozed off into her thoughts, regardless if she was the only pony in the room or not. She had many thoughts, some concerns, but plenty of curiosity that needed quenching. Without any serious injuries or signs of extreme distress to tend to, all she ended up doing throughout the night was sitting at the bedside of a complete stranger.

No, not a stranger. Twilight thought better than that. Whoever this person was, she was not with who she’d consider her own, alone in a place that she would most likely know nothing about. She was lost, perhaps misplaced, from the place she’d call home. It was, again, another trail of thoughts Twilight had about the creature, but the alicorn princess didn’t let go of the feeling she had deep down inside of her;

Whoever this is, she needs her help.

“Well, no news is good news, I guess,” Spike commented. He stifled a yawn as he hovered in, and then set the bag he was carrying down on the ground next to Twilight’s chair. “Pinkie kept the kitchen going until about an hour ago. She filled two thermoses with celery soup before passing out on the kitchen island, and it’s still warm. One is for you, and the other is for… whoever that is.”

“Thanks Spike,” Twilight replied. She used her magic to pull a thermos from the bag. She opened the thermos, using the lid as a cup, and poured some soup into it. Since she hadn’t eaten anything since around the party’s start, the soup was a welcomed meal. As she poured into the cup, she asked “Did you see Starlight on your way up?”

“Nope, but I did fly by her room. I overheard somepony murmuring, so I’m guessing she went to sleep a while ago.”

“I would hope so. She’s been so busy helping at the school on top of all the magic she did today. She deserves her rest.”

“Can’t argue with that.” The little dragon shifted eyes to the being resting in the bed adjacent to them. “I wonder if that’s what they’re sleeping about.”

“’Her’. And I don’t know, Spike. We won’t know until she wakes up,” Twilight said, and after a whiff of her soup, she took a drink from her cup. The soup was exactly how she enjoyed it, having a light texture with just enough thickness from the ingredients used, and washed down her throat with warmth and ease. It was a delicacy she never really enjoyed much in the past. In fact, it took a read from a fictional story she once read that inspired to give such a soup a chance for herself. Ever since she and Spike first concocted recipes, Twilight made their own celery soup a go-to meal when in need of one.

After a couple more tastes of her late-night meal, Twilight’s eyes turned back to the resting being. With the warm food in her now, she felt a little more alert, and took notice of the silent words from the being’s mouth. Their lips moved like when speaking, but with little to no sound coming out of it. As the two watched on for a few minutes, they managed to read the lips, if not hear the whispered words clear enough.





“Don’t be said, Tails…”

Twilight and Spike managed to hear the last lip reading quite well. The being was whispering, but still audible enough to hear. This “Tails” they’ve heard several times throughout the night sounded like someone important. Whatever dream she was having, she was very deep into it. Twilight hoped that it was a dream, or more so a pleasant one, instead of a nightmare. Either way, Princess Luna would have it under control from Canterlot, as the dream realm was her domain.

“That’s it!” Twilight yelled.

Where the being remained deep in sleep, Spike jumped at the sudden outburst with a gasp. “What’s it?”

“Spike, I need you to write a letter for me. Princess Luna might be able to help us here.”

The little dragon didn’t need a second to connect the dots. After being at Twilight’s side for so many years, his reading of her behavior was sharper than a dragon’s fang. Without a word, he rushed out of the room, only to return a brief time later with a blank scroll in his left claw, and a writing quill in his right. He showed a readied expression as he said “Whenever you’re ready, Twilight.”

“Dear Princess Luna,

“Several hours ago, just as your night began, there was a phenomenon not too far out of Ponyville. My friends and I soon discovered the body of a person we’ve never seen within or outside Equestria. While she currently rests in my castle, we have noticed her struggling in her sleep. I feel that she’s having a nightmare, or some form of complicated dream.

“I ask for your help in this matter as I wish to help this new being however I can. Would you please be able to access their dream and see what they’re going through? I know this is a large task to ask from you, but I am concerned for her well-being and the expressions and murmuring she’s shown me has me very curious. I await what your course of action will be when you have the available time.”

“Your Fellow Friend,

“Princess Twilight Sparkle”

“Twilight… Sparkle!” Spike finished penning Twilight’s letter. Despite the growing need of sleep taking over him, he managed to stayed attentive and wrote every word Twilight had said. He rolled the scroll up, making sure it was secure before using a familiar red ribbon with the golden emblem to tie it. It wasn’t always necessary, especially when Twilight would communicate with the other princesses directly, but it became a habit after she became a princess herself. On the other claw, Spike wouldn’t be Twilight’s number one assistant without being fully prepared no matter the task, so having the ribbons whenever writing a scroll became a new norm for him.

After another stifled yawn, Spike proudly presented Twilight the finished scroll. But before he could confirm sending it, he caught sight of the girl asleep in bed. “Twilight…”

Spike didn’t see Twilight’s gaze, which were already pointing down at the girl lying in bed. The murmuring seemed to have stopped, but in its place, there were small streams of tears flowing down her cheeks. At first, her face showed a small grin, as if she was content with her crying. However, the smile was short lived as it shifted into a sad frown, and her eyelids trembling gave the clear sign that she was having a bad dream indeed.

That sight was enough for Twilight to follow through with her plan. “Spike, send the letter,” she said. With a deep breath and use of his dragon magic, the scroll was engulfed in his green fire breath, turning into a trail of magical smoke as the message was being sent off.

Spike let out another yawn, but this one much stronger than the previous two. “What now, Twilight?”

“I can tell you’re ready for bed, Spike,” Twilight observed. “Why don’t you go get some sleep? I’ll stay here until somepony else wakes up.”

“You mean leave you here all by yourself? That’s not fair to you.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. This girl doesn’t seem like a threat to me.”

“I don’t want to leave you alone because I’m scared. I just don’t want you to be alone.”

“Believe me, Spike, I can handle it,” Twilight assured.

With a frown on his face, Spike spread his wings and took flight. “Well if that’s how you want to be…”

Without another word, the little dragon flew out of the room and turned left, heading down the corridor towards his bedroom. Twilight watched him go, unable to bring herself to blame him for his behavior. After all, Spike was always there for him since the day he was hatched. She simply took his exit as par for the course, poured more soup into her cup, and enjoyed another drink of it. No matter what would happen next, she hoped that her message to Luna will help provide some sort of help to the matter at hoof.

Once more, her train of thought was cut off as she heard the approaching flapping of wings. Turning to the door, she saw Spike return into the room, but this time, he brought a blanket and a sleeping basket in his claws. He set the basket nearby Twilight, and then made herself comfortable in it with the blanket covering him. In a dozy tone, he said “I’ll be sleeping right here tonight. Just wake me up when you need me.”

Spike began to yawn once more, but halfway through, he fell asleep right inside the basket. He gently snored as he drifted his mind off to rest. Twilight could easily guess that he would start dreaming about being in a fantasy world of his own imaginations with Rarity, like the numerous ones she’s overheard him murmur in his sleep about before. Regardless of what his dreams were, it was heartfelt to see his dedication go to great lengths once again, all to be the number one assistant he always was. Twilight sat comfortably in her spot, still enjoying her soup as she watched over the resting being, and taking joy in the subtle reminder of what the little dragon was to her.

No matter what would happen next, she was glad to have Spike at her side.

Cosmo felt her life become full circle as it all flashed before her eyes. From her earliest memories playing on her clan’s space colony to her spirit giving Tails a farewell kiss, her lifetime of love, war, and Seedrian and Mobian families came flooding back. Through the many battles and countless efforts of thwarting Dark Oak, the Metarex were finally being defeated. She fulfilled the destiny of her people, and she embraced the consequences to see it through.


That was her final word. Her final thought. As she waited for what was next, waiting for death itself, she could only hope that the galaxy would welcome the next generation of Seedrians to sprout. She hoped for a greater future for them than their predecessors, and find peace and love across the galaxy. She kept that hope strong as Chaos Control enveloped her being and cause it to be pulled away.

Pulled away. Was this what death felt like? Maybe it was, but at the same time, it didn’t feel like it made sense. Perhaps it was just denial taking over her mind, but she felt something: the rhythm of a heartbeat. Does someone still feel their heart beat in death? Does that steady rhythm carry over to the afterlife, if it actually exists? All those thoughts and more had Cosmo turn from content to confused, her once teary-eyed smiling expression now forming a frown.

“Take this second chance and find your way back…”

Hearing that broke her trance of accepting death, taking better control over her focus. She recognized that tone, but at the same time, it felt… different. That was Shadow’s voice, she knew that much. His voice became unquestionably recognizable after he invaded the Blue Typhoon and chased after her and Tails, all to kill her and play his part to stop the Metarex. But his message, that’s what drew her focus. A second chance to find her way back? What was she hearing, and what did it mean?

Didn’t all of this – including Shadow’s message – already happen?

However, it was one thing to hear a message, but another thing to feel it. Once the message was said and made clear to her, Cosmo sensed something new. It was a different presence trying to be the dominant focus in the blinding light of Chaos Control and the aura of her own power. Whatever it was, she used her eyes to try and find its source, but the blinding light of power made seeing anything beyond her physical form impossible. At least, near impossible. There was a new energy she was seeking, one that was unfamiliar to herself, and to her lesser knowledge, it was a new power no one in the galaxy was familiar with.

Cosmo’s gaze turned to the hazy glance of a shadow in the distance before her. Whether this mass was close by or far away remained uncertain, as it remained in its spot in the few moments it was visible. Try as she might, Cosmo looked out to make out a shape of what she was seeing, but could only draw to one conclusion: Cosmo could not recognize it. All she could decipher was a waving motion on one side of it, a somewhat slender structure on the other side, and not another detail more. Whatever this shadowy figure was, it was trying to make a stronger presence, as if breaking in through the armored walls of a space colony. But no matter how hard it tried, it failed to break through the seemingly impenetrable barrier.

For a moment, she could’ve sworn she heard a new voice calling out to her. It sounded to be coming from the distant… whatever it was. For Cosmo, her hearing was not able to decipher exactly what the echoing yells were trying to say, but she did take in how this distant being was another being, not a thing. But who could this be, and why were they here?

Before Cosmo could delve deeper into the subject, the sounds of another cry echoed around her. One that was louder, stronger, and with a tone from the deepest heart she knows. It was the final cry made before her fate was sealed, and as her entire surroundings began to blind her in an intense bright light, she heard Tails’s last cry to her once more.

“Cosmo… I LOVE YOU!!!”

Those words echoed through Cosmo’s mind as she began to awake. Her eyes slowly opened as consciousness returned to her for what felt like the first time since she was last knocked out, which felt like an eternity in many ways. Shadow was hunting her down across the Blue Typhoon, but Tails did all he could to keep her safe, with the help of their friends of course. She could only awake to the voices of her friends that Dark Oak was using her as a spy with her eyes and ears, sending every sight she saw and sound she heard back to the Metarex and helping to continue their devious plot.

But this time, it was different. Her eyes squirmed until her vision came to, and then focused to a crystalline view as she began to feel her body laying down. Her mind had several thoughts jump into her mind. She died to save the galaxy, so how could she “feel” her body? For that matter, how could she have “thoughts” if she was dead as it is? The idea of an afterlife for her clan remained just what she assumed after losing her clan: an afterthought, a faith that there was an afterlife at all. However, she felt compelled to let her body awaken and rise up after resting for who knows how long and to live another day with-

Cosmo’s eyes shot wide open and an audible gasp came from her mouth. She felt alive, and feeling like new after having a nice, long rest in bed. That couldn’t have been possible… could it? What she failed to realize was that her sudden awakening caught the attention of another. Her ears didn’t catch the noise of another as she regained her consciousness and slowly but surely raised her head and back up from her resting spot. Upon sitting up right, her eyes focused on her front view, which showed a crystalline wall with a mirror and dresser set in front of it. To her right, a pair of doors were located: one open to reveal a bathroom, and the other being closed, possibly the entrance. Cosmo stared at her surroundings in shock, but not so much to not register everything. However, as her head turned left to her bedside, she saw a completely different sight.

Despite traveling across the galaxy and visiting many planets with their various inhabitants, Cosmo’s next sight was confusing. A lavender purple pony with a pair of wings, a horn and a marking on its rear came to her focus next. The pony’s looks were nothing out of the ordinary for Cosmo, given all whom she’s seen along her travels and their appearances. But for that moment, she saw a creature almost acting identical to her as they were trying to regain consciousness and focus much like herself.

Both were in shock, but it was the strange being before Cosmo that managed to get the first words out.

“You… you’re awake!”

The sudden sound of a gasp pulled Twilight out of a gaze and regained consciousness. After she talked to Spike, she agreed to wait a while longer before retiring to her own bed chambers for rest. But rather than awake in the comfort of her bed, the alicorn princess saw that she fell asleep where she sat next to the room’s occupied bed. Her head rested on the edge of the bed as her body remained sitting on the floor, and remained that way from when she passed out, according to her immediate calculations. The only other deduction she could make was the light of the sun shining through the closed windows, showing that the day had started a while ago.

After taking a moment to clear her mind and reset herself to the task at hoof, Twilight, had her eyes dart from randomly across the room to the bed next to her. The being in the bed had finally awoken, and she was taking in her surroundings. Twilight took notice of her blue eyes, but other than that, the sight of the being in confused wonder kept her alert. It took a moment before their sights locked onto each other.

“You… you’re awake!”

The girl stood blankly back as her irises shrank. She looked to be processing what she was just told, and looked to be in disbelief. “I’m… awake?” she said, raising one of her arms and resting her hand across her chest.

“Yes,” Twilight replied with an assuring tone.

“H-how is that possible?”

“I don’t know. You fell out of the sky and crashed into the ground last night. My friends and I found you unconscious a distance from my castle, so we brought you back to let you rest and heal,” Twilight explained.

The expression on the girl’s face became confused. She had lived a similar experience before, and now she was reliving it again. “Where is… here? And w-who are you?” she asked with a slightly louder, yet tremoring, voice.

“You are at my castle in the town of Ponyville,” replied the alicorn. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. May I please ask what your name is as well?”

“I… I don’t know if…”

“Do you not remember your name?”

“I do, but I…”

“Don’t be scared. My friends and I are here to help you.”


“Yes. My dearest friends. You can trust us, as we never leave anypony- or, anycreature, when they need a friend to help.”

Many thoughts raced across the girl’s mind as the last minute felt like a whole new warzone for her to face. There she was, staring at this sentient lavender pony, a creature she new knew existed. This equine stranger, however, immediately offered her kindness and help. Whatever a “Princess of Friendship” was, it seemed to be on full display, amongst the pony’s physical features she started to notice more notably.

Her hesitance was an all too familiar nostalgia trip to how she met her loved one and best friends, but unlike that time, her worries weren’t as hard-focused as they were back then. She clenched her hand across her chest and stared blankly down at her legs, covered under the bedsheets. The thoughts in her brain were racing faster than the blue blur hero that she sought for helped and would become her friend. What exactly was all this? Is it all a delusion into death, or a dream? What was this world she found herself in? Whatever it was she felt confused, worried, and… her heart beating.

The hand on her chest felt it before, but now she took full recognition of the feeling. It was her heart beating inside her. Was this a sign of something better? Was she, in fact, alive? Was this what Shadow meant in his message? What exactly happened to her? Where were her friends? Where was “he”?

“Are you okay?”

Twilight’s voice broke through her thoughts. “I… I… I’m…”


“I’m… My name…” the girl raised her head slightly up, turning it to face the pony next to her. “My name is Cosmo.” A pause of silence took place as Cosmo’s eyes glanced around the sunlit, crystalline room again. “You said I was in your ‘castle?’ In… where again?”

“Ponyville,” Twilight answered, showing a genuine smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Cosmo. Where are you from?”

Cosmo didn’t know how to respond immediately. She didn’t know “where” was the best answer to give. Instead, she had more important questions that surfaced. “Tell me, is your planet safe after the Metarex?”

“Huh… Meta…?”

“Your planet has its planet egg back, correct?”


“Did the Blue Typhoon escape?”

“A blue typhoon?”

Cosmo’s concerns grew and grew as she heard Twilight’s every confused answer. With each question, her whole body clenched, and she felt a strong ache in her heart as her eyes started to glisten. “Do… do you know where Tails is?”

The continuously confused Twilight looked back at Cosmo and answered with her own question: “Who is Tails?”

That was the sharp pain needing to break down the damn holding Cosmo’s emotions in. No one knew about her galaxy or her friends, or her Tails. With her self-control suddenly disappearing, she broke down crying. She covered her eyes with her hands while sitting upright in her bed, gentle sobs of pain turning into cries of true anguish. She wanted to ask more questions, to call out and find some kind of hope to grasp onto, but her gasps between crying stopped.

Twilight watched as Cosmo broke down into her current state. As she watched her crying get louder, she neglected to notice how the sounds started to echo into the castle. A few minutes would follow before the sounds of hooves raced up to the open door as some of Twilight’s friends heard the sounds from where they were resting. Even Spike, a normally sound sleeper, started to awake as some of the other ponies approached. As he did, he joined the others in staring at the awakened and upset girl.

“Twilight, what’s wrong with her?”

Twilight stood next to the bed, focusing on Cosmo with a sad look. “I wish I knew, Spike,” she replied. There was no talking in the bedroom for a while, despite Twilight’s friends making their way through the door. Instead, they let the mystery girl cry on, patiently waiting to get answers to their questions when she was fine and ready.

Comments ( 2 )

Good chapter, but you should probably see about finding yourself a beta. There are a few writing errors you should correct.

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