• Published 21st May 2022
  • 232 Views, 0 Comments

Alphabittle's Epic Battle - Zubric

Alphabittle's tale of an "epic' Battle with an earht pony

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Defending the homefront

Today had been smooth sailing in Bridlewood. Birds were singing, ponies were sitting around not doing much, and the tea shop handled customers. Naturally, in Alphabittle’s opinion, every day went off without a hitch to the best of his ability. How could it not go well with his stunning intellect, his irresistible charm, and best of all his tough as steel rippling muscles? With his challenges unbeatable, nopony stood a chance.

But even as great as he was, he could not have foreseen his next challenger. It all happened during one of the afternoon poem sessions as his ears perked hearing a commotion from outside. Perhaps, if lucky, some wild animal had wandered into Bridlewood again. Usually smashing pans together to make loud noise would scare them off if they were one of the small ones. However before he could leave his domain behind the counter, a few unicorns rushed inside looking scared followed moments later by the unwelcome guest. A smug-looking green-coated earth pony approached the doorway, his slick black mane resembling something you see out of a gang film.

Wanting to make the first move, Applebittle moved from behind the counter slowly approaching the pony, never taking his eyes off him. His gaze was matched by the guest’s red eyes as they sized each other. “Your kind isn’t welcome here.” He stood tall showing off his muscles along with a smirk for good measure.

“I go where I please horn-head,” the stallion said, adjusting the stetson upon his head. “Perhaps all I want is some tea?” he smirked.

Alphabittle paused for a moment raising an eyebrow at the response. “Oh look, an earth pony that can talk. Guess you’re not as dumb as they say.”

The two remained glaring at each other, Alphabittle taking in the light smell of fish drifting off the earth pony. The observers watched with bated breath as the two took a step closer to each other, muscles tensing as seconds tick on by. Just before the crowd wondered who would make the first move, the earth pony lunged his hoof forward aiming squarely for Alphabittle’s jaw.

Alphabittle’s hoof in an instant rose to counter grabbing into the attacking one with surprising speed. His grip tightened around the offending hoof as his eyes narrowed. “Oh, now it’s on little pony!” Shooting forward, Alphabittle gave a mighty headbutt knocking the earth pony back enough for him to turn around and impacting the pony’s chest with a buck sending him flying out the door. The crowd gasped lightly as Alphabittle walked to the doorway peering outside as the earth pony slowly got to his hooves. The ponies that were still around the tea shop quickly scattered in fright while some stayed to watch. Despite the impact, the pony had still kept his hat on.“Still standing huh. Ready to give up?”

“I won’t let some stick head get the better of me,” the stallion huffed, shaking his head for a moment as a breeze blew his mane about. Most sane ponies would have stood down from the intimidating mass of Alphabittle but not this stubborn colt. Taking a quick stride, the smaller stallion used his size advantage to charge into Alphabittle from the side, the former letting out a grunt as they were pushed along the ground. “Ha, what’s wrong to slow?”

Steam seemed to emit from Alphabittle’s ears as he clopped his foreleg on the grass before charging full force ahead toward the stallion. His target however moved to the side at the last moment dodging his attack but Alphabittle wouldn’t let that stop him. With a tree ahead of him, he made a sudden turn bucking into the three to rebound a loud crack heard as he did so. His war cry echoed around the small field as he rocketed into the smaller stallion sending the two toppling down the path. Dust and leaves flew as the two for a time their punches matching blow for blow, block for block. The various unicorns watching the sight from their hiding spots found the event to be the most exciting thing they’d seen in quite some time.

As branches broke and rocks were tossed around, the two combatants were both showing signs of wearing out, but despite this, the two kept going. Alphabittle was determined to defend his home and his ponies. Brushing twigs from his mane Alphabittle once more stared at the earth pony. “I’ll drag you out of Bridlewood myself if I have to. Best to just run now.” With a mighty battle cry, Alphabittle charged forward once more.

Izzy Moonbow looked up from the assortment of papers she’d round tilting her head. “You know Alphabittle, earth ponies aren’t like this at all.”

Alphabittle gasped having been in the process of cleaning off the counter when Izzy had spoken. “Izzy, where did you get that?” he asked, hurrying over and trying to act cool.

Izzy circled her hoof in the air as she replied, “Well you just left it sitting out and I got a bit curious. I didn’t know that you wrote.”

“I was going to throw that away,” Alphabittle grunted, reaching for it but Izzy pulled it away. “Don’t want anyone to find out about it.”

“Pffft, It isn’t like you're the only pony to make such stories before magic returned. I mean have you seen the movies in Maretime Bay?” Izzy replied with a shrug. “Although the one about unicorns from space was a fun one. Pew pew!”

“Well, I still don’t want others to think of me differently.”

Izzy moved over putting a hoof around Alphabittle with a smirk. “Aww, you’re a big softy inside aren’t you?” She teased. “Good to know you protect our home too.”

Alphabittle coughed lightly pushing Izzy off him, stuttering a little. “Well, somepony has too. I’ll never say no to a challenge.”

Izzy rolled her shoulders moving back to the assorted papers. “That’s because you're the one initiating them.” Staring down at the words on the page she smiled. “So, got any more?”

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