• Published 29th May 2022
  • 5,006 Views, 390 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode IV "Friendship Games" - Maximus_Reborn

The Friendship Games are set to begin, and figments from Peter's past resurface in the form of Crystal Prep's Twilight Sparkle and Abacus Cinch. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her meaning and place in the world. Let the games begin!

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Prologue: "Brilliant But Lazy"

Prologue “Brilliant But Lazy”

On the school grounds, there was one rule: only the elite shall thrive. Peter sat in the chair of the principal’s office with a furrowed brow while Twilight fidgeted in place next to him. Apparently, he had not learned to follow that rule accordingly. In typical Parker fashion, he fit in about as well as a rabbit blending in with a pack of serpents. If his peers could eat him, they most certainly would have quite figuratively.

Peter sat in the chair, expecting the worst-case scenario as a woman with light-blue skin and various shades of violet curled hair pulled in a neat bun sorted through an array of papers on her desk. She straightened the glasses on her face, arching a brow as she surveyed a document. The pair sat in silence for what felt like eons, with the woman alternating her icy blue gaze between the young man and the paper in her hand.

“I don’t believe this,” she whispered, her tone dark and ominous.

Twilight rose in her seat with her hands cupped together. “I’m sorry, Principal Cinch. I tried, but Peter is always missing his assignments and falling asleep in class. He–”

“What happened wasn’t her fault. I didn’t get that much sleep, and–” Peter stated, lifting his head briefly.

“Silence, children,” Cinch harshly declared, causing both individuals to wince in response. Arching a brow, the woman glanced at Peter. “You mean to tell me that in spite of his lack of interest, Peter managed to score the highest in Crystal Prep’s history on his IQ, SAT, and ACT tests?”

Slack-jawed, Twilight’s complexion paled. “What?” She stood from her seat, sharply alternating her gaze between Cinch and Peter. “How is that possible?! He slept through most of it!”

“Do you realize how bad this makes us look here at Crystal Prep?” Cinch questioned, easing back into her seat momentarily. “While we may not be the number one in the nation, we pride ourselves on being top ten in academics and sports. You were the perfect representative for us, so imagine the horrific implications of Mister Parker becoming the face of our school.

Peter stared blankly at the woman as he dug his pinkie finger through his ear. “I mean, there are worse options out of there than me. You can have a dictator like Doctor Doom? Just a thought. Even if that’s the most extreme example.

Principal Cinch huffed as her face scrunched into a scowl. “You’re joking, right? Clearly you don’t see the ramifications of this situation. We are a school that prides itself on due diligence and hard work. The idea of a lackadaisical slacker becoming our poster child ruins our public image.” She pulled up two pieces of paper before placing them at the center of the table, pointing at one. “Twilight, your results are impressive. You scored 31 out of 36 on your ACT, 1400 out of 1600 on your SAT, and your IQ tested at an astounding 180.”

Blinking, Twilight smiled and giggled. “Those are my personal best yet! That means I set another record for Crystal Prep’s scores!”

“Don’t sound so proud. You would have set the record had you not just been outclassed!” Cinch barked, standing from her seat before slamming her hand over the desk. Twilight fell back into her seat as the principal grabbed the second sheet, holding it inches from her face. “You said Parker slept through all of his tests? I put you in charge of overseeing his progress and to ensure that he performed at the highest standard. If so, how did he manage to outscore you so laughably? He scored 35 out of 36 on his ACT, 1580 out of 1600, and his IQ results are roughly north of 250. Sounds like he would have scored perfectly had he actually been alert.”

Twilight held a hand over the side of her head as a look of disbelief formed on her face. “That’s not possible. It’s not right.” She glanced to the side, shaking her head in disbelief. “He had only two hours to take the entire test, and he slept through an hour and a half of it!”

The woman stepped from behind the desk before stepping between both students. “We have much to discuss regarding your future at Crystal Prep, Mister Parker. You are an absolute prodigy! I see now that my old standards are too low as you have set the bar to higher degrees. While the reputation of Crystal Prep is my top priority, I do indeed care about your future. It would be irresponsible of me to let such potential wither and die.”

Furrowing his brow, Peter frowned. “I don’t know. I still don’t think I belong here.”

Twilight leaned forward in her seat, shaking her head. “Principal Cinch, please reconsider this. He clearly doesn’t want to be here. You shouldn’t waste your energy on someone who doesn’t care about intellectual growth.”

“Be quiet, child.”Cinch coldly declared. “You have a lot of work to do. I clearly handled your teachings poorly, seeing as how far behind you are. Let Mister Parker be the standard you could only hope to match.” She waved a hand dismissively at Twilight. “We will talk later. Please leave.”

Twilight clenched her fists tightly, pulling at her skirt before she stood to leave. However, she stole a glance at Peter with a venomous glare and whispered, “I hate you.”

Once the girl rushed out of the room, Cinch cleared her throat while never averting her gaze from Peter. “This clearly shows you are brilliant, but lazy. However, I can unlock your true potential and shape you into a true representative of Crystal Prep. You just need to be properly stimulated and challenged.” She offered her hand, smiling darkly. “Let me guide you to a better tomorrow.”

The sun steadily rose over the horizon, giving light to those in its wake. Spider-Man swung across the air on a strand of webbing, relinquishing his hold upon nearing a rooftop. He placed his hands on its edge before leaning forward into a roll, and in one fluid motion, he launched himself through the sky with increased momentum. Some of the citizens at ground level watched his aerial acrobatics, pointing with enthusiasm, while others took out their phones in hopes of capturing him on video.

However, a group of people began to boo, voicing their displeasure, and it quickly spread, with dozens more joining. Groaning under his breath, Spider-Man tapped the side of one of his masked eyes. A small beep could be heard within his ear as a small picture of Jameson appeared at the corner of his screen. Spider-Man lifted his legs before throwing himself even higher in the air midswing, flipping for seconds until he managed to land perfectly on his feet on a rooftop.

“Is this thing on? Jared! Turn up the volume!” Jameson roared before clearing his throat. He glanced to the side, smacking the desk. “What do you mean I’m blowing out the microphone?! Fix that and turn it up!” Clearing his throat again, the man straightened his posture before raising a finger. “This is Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson. I love the city of Canterlot. Some of you have pointed out that this isn’t really my home. I’m new here. I will admit that, but I can firmly say that in the 3 weeks I have been here, Canterlot has become my home away from home. I love this city and its colorful inhabitants.” Pausing, Jameson arched a brow to the side before scowling at someone off screen. “That comment wasn’t meant to be racist! Stop reaching, Jared! My niece is literally pink!”

“Uncle John! Remember what Auntie said! Watch your blood pressure!” Diamond Tiara chimed from a distance.

Nodding, Jameson inhaled deeply before sighing. “Anyway. It’s been three whole weeks since Spider-Man perched himself into our fine city of Canterlot, and what has happened since? Just one disaster after another.” He trailed off, pointing at three separate images on his screen. “That freak has vandalized our sign in hopes of shutting us up, but he has another thing coming if he thinks we’ll be silenced by his antics! The first amendment of this great nation protects freedoms of the press so that we can speak the truth to power! Especially if that power is as destructive and reckless as that menace, Spider-Man!”

The camera quickly shifted to Diamond Tiara as she lightly powdered her nose. Her eyes widened at the realization before she tossed her items to the side, hastily straightening her posture. “Second, Spider-Man endangered everyone at the Battle of the Bands by subjecting us to his awful singing! We were supposed to have fun, and that menace made it all about him!” Pausing, the young girl nodded before fluttering her large eyes at the nearest camera. “Don’t forget to vote for me for this year’s Freshman President!”

“That’s a real go-getter, ladies and gentlemen,” Jameson proudly declared, smiling briefly before his face twisted back into a scowl. “Lastly, instead of leaving it to the proper authorities, Spider-Man decides to be a hotshot and fight the Juggernaut near Canterlot High School and the middle of our city, causing lord knows how much collateral damage! What’s next? A brawl in a retirement home?! Are you afraid of that possibility? Good! The sky’s the limit for that freak, and we have to take all the possibilities into consideration.

Diamond Tiara huffed. “What’s worse is that there is a small group of you foolish enough to idolize this menace. There’s even a fanclub for Spider-Man at my school! We have to be better than this!”

Slamming his open palm onto the table, Jameson sharply stood from his seat as a hand steadily crept on screen, before easing his cup of coffee away from the edge. “Give me time, people! I just got a volunteer to enlist in a program that can help deal with our Spider problem! This is personally being funded by Oscorp’s Norman Osborn! Stay tuned!”

Spider-Man tapped the side of his mask, cutting off the broadcast. “Glad to see my adoring public is as warm as ever. I can finally throw away my blanket,” he grumbled, sliding his backpack’s straps around his shoulders. “As much as I’d like to refute, ol’ Picklepuss has a point. I’m finding new ways to make a mess while saving the day.”

Just as he placed his backpack down, a commotion erupted from the street. A small dog raced across the sidewalk with a broken collar, cutting past everyone in its path. The street itself remained busy, as cars sped by before the dog ventured in their path, skidding to a halt. The animal slammed its eyes shut, bracing for impact, but just as a car readied to roll over it, Spider-Man swung across the air on a strand of webbing, scooping the dog into his arm.

“Hey! Bad doggo! You can’t go playing in traffic!” Spider-Man declared, his masked eyes furrowing. The costumed hero landed on the sidewalk, glancing at the street before gazing at the tiny ball of floof in his grasp. The dog’s eyes widened while the corners of its muzzle curled into a smile, and it panted happily, licking Spider-Man’s face affectionately. He could only let out a defeated sigh, scratching the back of the animal’s ear. “Okay. You’re forgiven. I can’t stay mad at someone so cute!”

“Oh, thank you so much!” a voice called out from behind, prompting Spider-Man to turn towards the source. A girl with bright, fair skin ran to him, her long, pink hair flowing in the wind, and she held several dogs back by their leashes while they pulled eagerly. “That one is really energetic and likes to run off! You’re a lifesaver! I–” she trailed off upon lifting her gaze, catching sight of Spider-Man. . “Oh, my. Um…”

Spider-Man’s masked eyes furrowed as his thoughts ran rampant. “Wait a second. I remember this girl. She’s the quiet one from Sunset’s other group of friends. Great. I’m probably scaring the heebie jeebies out of her.” They stood in an awkward silence for what felt like eons as she quietly stared at the costumed man. Spider-Man alternated his gaze about, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, stammering once the dog in his grasp continued to lick his face affectionately. “Okay. Um… I should probably get going. Got Spider-Man stuff to do.”

“Wait!” the girl exclaimed, stepping forward while squeaking happily. Spider-Man fidgeted in place before slowly surrendering the dog to her and placing it down, allowing the girl to reapply the collar. Her opened mouth formed into a smile as she eventually accepted the item. Spider-Man heeded her call, pausing, and the dogs in her grasp surrounded him, each taking a moment to sniff his legs. All of the canines’ tails wagged happily as the costumed man lowered to a knee, petting each to the best of his ability. The girl smiled widely as the tiniest dog of the pack jumped onto its hind legs eagerly, leaning onto Spider-Man’s leg amidst the windstorm of affection from the hounds. “Are you the real Spiderman?”

“I am,” Peter declared, standing back upright before raising a finger. “I can tell you said it without the hyphen. Easy mistake. It’s Spider Hyphen Man.” His masked eyes widened as a realization came to mind. “Aren’t you scared of me?”

The girl blinked before furrowing her brow in confusion. “No. Why would I be?”

Slow to respond, the costumed man tilted his head to the side. “Because this city kind of hates me? I mean, the media calls me a menace on a good day and some not-so friendly terms on a bad one.”

Her eyes widened a little at his words briefly before the girl slowly shook her head. “Oh no. I would never hate you.”

Taken aback, he stammered while easing away. “Are you sure about that? ‘Never’ is a really long time, and it usually doesn’t take me long to disappoint those around me. I mean, you could find out I'm actually a total jerk, just some loser, a freak of nature, or all three at the same time knowing my luck.”

The girl simply smiled. "Twilight was right about you."

Spider-Man froze at the comment, his masked eyes narrowing before staring at her intently. “Hold on. What?”

She closed her eyes briefly as she covered her statement with a small laugh, shaking her head as she stood to her feet. "Nothing."

The costumed man followed suit, standing before folding his arms. "You know, this isn't normally how these sorts of encounters go. I’m used to just swinging off after a rescue or whatever because most people don't want anything to do with me. They either boo, throw trash at me, or hide their kids. I’m trying to work on being less creepy.”

Her eyes softened. “I can tell that you’re just misunderstood. Spiders often are. Despite being helpful, they rarely get the thanks that they deserve. You helped us at the Battle of the Bands, and I never got the chance to actually thank you. Besides, you couldn’t be a bad guy if these puppies adore you. Dogs are a great judge of character, you know,” she stated, glancing down at the dogs as they all happily stared at Spider-Man with wagging tails. Her cheeks then flushed to a shade of pink, matching her hair before she glanced to the side. “Plus, I’m… um... actually a fan of yours. There’s even a fan club at our school dedicated to you.”

“Sorry. What?” Spider-Man blurted out, never shifting his bug-like stare from the girl. He chuckled nervously, waving a hand dismissively. “It almost sounded like you said you were a fan.”

The girl smiled. “That's because I did.”

Spider-Man’s neck cracked as his head snapped to the side. “Seriously? You are?”

There was a brief pause before her smile widened, the girl bashfully glancing off to the side. “Yes. I'm, uh, actually a really big fan of yours to be honest. A few others are, too.”

Taken aback, Spider-Man scratched his cheek with a finger. “Why? I mean, I’m flattered that such a pretty girl is a fan, but people usually think I’m creepy, since I look like a literal giant walking spider. If I had extra arms, eyes, and hair, that would totally be the case.”

The girl’s eyes widened as the temperature in her face rose even further. She turned her head to the side, almost to hide behind her hair. “You... really think that I’m pretty?”

“Absolutely. More than that, I’d say you’re very beautiful, really, and… I’m thinking out loud again,” Spider-Man grumbled as an exasperated expression formed on his masked face. Clearing his throat in a vain attempt to save face, he hopped onto the nearest wall and perched himself in place. “What’s your name, and what’s the club called?

The girl seemingly lost herself in a drift, evident by the glossy stare in her large blue eyes, but she evidently found her footing, nodding. “It’s the Spider-Man Appreciation Society, or the S.A.M.S. Club for short.” Her eyes widened briefly before she lowered her head politely. “Oh, and I’m Fluttershy by the way, um, Mister Spider-Man. ”

Spider-Man grinned while scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “You sure that isn’t copyright infringement? I hope you guys aren’t hit with a cease and desist. But hey! I can tell you’re using the hyphen. Thanks for that. And it’s just Spider-Man. No need for a ‘the’ or ‘mister’. We’re about the same age.”

Fluttershy’s smile widened. “Oh, good!” She paused, seemingly as if catching herself before glancing to the side while a saddened look formed on her face. “Anyway, I've taken up a lot of your time. You're probably really busy, and I should be going, too. Do you... think that we might see each other again?”

“Of course. I’m always in the neighborhood,” Spider-Man cheerfully declared, firing a strand of webbing onto the edge of a nearby rooftop.

She smiled before nodding. “I know. I see you all the time, actually.”

“Then you’re at the top of my priority list,” he chuckled, pausing before scoffing under his breath. “That came out weird. Never mind.”

He gave a nod in return, gesturing a friendly wave before leaping into the air and swinging into the distance. Fluttershy stared with a wide smile as the costumed man swung off, shaking her head briefly. She steadily resumed walking the dogs in her grip, all while stealing glances in Spider-Man’s direction as he whooped loudly enough for his voice to echo throughout the vicinity. Meanwhile, Peter eventually reached his destination and flipped to a landing on its rooftop.

“Not going to lie. That felt pretty good,” he mumbled, shifting his gaze skyward.

Exhaling, the young man took his backpack off before disrobing his costume. After a few seconds, Peter managed to put on his casual attire while tossing his tights deep into his bag. Flipping over the side of the building, he perched himself onto the wall and waited. Once certain no one was within his immediate vicinity, Peter landed to the ground before slowly exiting the alley.

“It’s hard to believe that I have a fan. I mean, there’s Flash, but I didn’t think there’d be others,” he whispered, glancing to the side with a furrowed brow. “I thought all of Sunset’s friends hated me, but maybe they’re turning around on me? Wishful thinking, so I will assume it’s just her. I’m fine with that. Maybe I can get to know her if I’m lucky?” Suddenly, a realization came into mind, evident by the bemused glare that formed on his face. “Oh, wait. I forgot that they hate both of me, whether it's Peter B. or Spider-Me. Man, this bites. That Fluttershy was super cute, too. Starting to think I’m just bad luck when it comes to, like, everything.” He shook his head, scoffing. “Hopefully, things will get better at the lab. Maybe Dracula will be nicer today.”

“Look who is late. Again,” Twilight sharply barked, glancing at Peter from the corner of her eye briefly before returning her attention to the braces on Spitfire’s legs. “I still don’t understand why Doctor Octavious would sully his name by hiring someone like you.”

Peter rolled his eyes, retrieving a lab coat from the nearest hanger before sliding it over his shoulders. “Nice to see you, too.” He walked up to both women, prompting Twilight to immediately distance herself from him. Once she reached the other side of the room, the girl began analyzing an array of spectrographs through a microscope. Peter shook his head before kneeling in front of Spitfire, narrowing his gaze on the gears within her leg bracers. “You meet the newest signee?”

Spitfire nodded, smirking. “She seems pretty nice. We were actually having a nice conversation before you walked in.” The woman arched her brow, catching sight of Twilight glaring at Peter from the corner of her eye briefly before she returned her attention to the microscope. Just as Spitfire pulled herself to a standing position, leaning onto the young man for support, she let out a low sigh. “Did you spit in her cereal or something? I know that look, and there’s clearly no love lost between you two. That girl straight up hates you.”

Peter frowned, glancing to the side as he walked backward with Spitfire leaning on him. “That’s the thing. I don’t know. I only interacted with her a little back at Crystal Prep, but it feels like she’s had it out for me since day one.” A scent entered Peter’s senses, causing him to tilt his head to the side. “Are you wearing perfume? I didn’t think you were the type. It’s good on you.”

“You’re the only one who noticed. Thanks. I like to change things every now and then,” Spitfire whispered, tightening her grip on Peter’s forearms as she took slow steps across the room. “Unintentional or otherwise, you crossed her, and it looks personal.”

Peter weakly smiled. “Sounds about right. Everyone seems to hate me for just existing.”

Spitfire chuckled. “Off topic, are you going to be participating in the Friendship Games? You’d steamroll the competition.”

“And I’d risk giving myself away,” Peter whispered, shaking his head. Spitfire’s knee buckled momentarily, causing the woman to collapse, but Peter leaned forward, pulling her into an embrace. Clearing his throat, the young man helped eased Spitfire to her seat before unclipping the brace from her limb. “I’m staying out of it. I wasn’t an athlete before the accident, and it’d be unfair to everyone. It wouldn’t be right if I used my abilities for personal gain.”

Spitfire chuckled, reaching out until her hand was inches away from the young man’s face. “Keep talking like that, and you’re going to make me blush.”

Frowning, Peter narrowed his gaze as he analyzed the brace in his grasp. “I’m being serious.”

“So am I,” Spitfire grinned, playfully flicking the side of Peter’s forehead. As the young man walked to the desk behind her, she nodded. “That’s pretty mature and honorable. It’s a shame you’re on the young side.” Sobering, Spitfire leaned back into her seat. “I just hope you’ll find a good excuse to stay out of it. I hear rumblings that Canterlot High is really determined to break their losing streak this year.”

Peter nodded. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Trixie really seems on edge about it.”

Smirking, Spitfire leaned her chin against her hand. “There’s trouble in paradise? I’ve noticed you’ve been awfully quiet about the redhead lately.”

“With Sunset? Honestly, I don’t know,” Peter questioned, taking a screwdriver in hand before loosening up a central gear in the brace. Furrowing his brow, the young man hummed under his breath. “She says things are complicated and needs time to figure stuff out. I don’t know. She was really vague about it.”

Slow to respond, Spitfire shrugged. “To be fair, you did come here at an odd time. She’s very different now than how she was when she first got here. Very… alpha. That girl would have chewed you up and spit you out if you met back then.” Taking a bottle of water in hand, the woman paused to drink some of the cool substance before responding further. “It really does feel like she’s undergoing changes, and maybe she’s afraid to let you in. Your guess is as good as mine. Give her time to figure things out. Once the world makes a little more sense, she’ll come around.”

“How long could that be?” Peter lightly asked, arching a brow.

“If you’re lucky? Maybe a few days? If I’d have to say, it’d be by the time you graduate,” she declared, clearing her throat after a few seconds. “From college.”

The brace squeaked in protest as Peter tightened his grip, the steel folding under pressure. Taken aback, the young man let out a defeated sigh while surveying the damage. “Ah, crumbs.”

Parker!” Twilight howled, slack-jawed before speeding from across the room in a flash. “You clumsy oaf! I needed that!” Her hands trembled as she held them out, resisting the urge of every fiber in her being to strangulate Peter on the spot. However, Doctor Octavious entered the room with a small carrier case in hand, and he paused, arching a brow at the sight of his pupils. Twilight’s demeanor softened immediately as she gazed upon her mentor, all while sharply pointing a finger at Peter. “Doctor Octavious! Peter was late (again), and in his carelessness, destroyed a valuable piece of equipment!”

Doctor Octavious straightened his shades. “It was just simple equipment, Twilight Sparkle. It was most certainly an accident. It can be replaced, and I’m certain Peter wouldn’t mind making some repairs.”

Peter nodded, tilting his head to the side as he stared intently at the brace. “Sure thing. I can even make some improvements if you give me a little time.”

Gritting her teeth, Twilight threw her hands high over her head. “That’s not fair, Doctor! You always go easy on him!” She paused to glance at the clock on the nearest wall. Inhaling deeply before sighing, the girl removed her lab coat before hanging it onto the nearest rack. She threw her purse strap over her shoulder while storming out of the lab. “Good day. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

Once the girl had closed the door behind her, completely exiting the vicinity, Peter exhaled. “Thanks, Doc. She hasn’t made things easy.”

Doctor Octavious waved a hand dismissively. “Weather the storm, my young friend. She reminds me of my old colleague to a degree. With time, she’ll come around.”

Peter’s brow twitched involuntarily. “I’ve been hearing that a lot lately, Doc.”

“Perk up, my boy! I have something that will cheer you up!” Octavious greeted, his smile as wide as the horizon. He retrieved a syringe from his case, edging closer to Peter until they were inches apart with an unsettling gleam in his eye. “A blood sample that you promised me!”

Slow to respond, Peter just stared at the man with bemusement. “I knew you were a little too forgiving, Doc.”

Meanwhile, Twilight walked out of the lab before retrieving a small device from her purse. “It’s fine. Just a minor setback. I came here to find the source of the energy anomalies here in Canterlot High.” She paused, placing the device within a golden locket before sliding it over her neck. “This is my chance to apply for Everton. I just have to find the anomalies causing the drastic energy spikes using my spectrometer.”

She turned, ready to depart, but something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Walking to a newspaper stand, the girl stared at the front page of the latest print. A rough sketch of a being sat in the shadows from a fair distance, staring ominously as rain poured over him. The main headline read “Masked Creature Continues to Stalk Canterlot. Who or What is the Spider-Man?”

Twilight narrowed her gaze at the picture, frowning intently. “Whatever is causing the disturbances has to do with him, and I’ll find out who he is. I swear.”

To Be Continued…