• Published 4th Jun 2022
  • 1,925 Views, 28 Comments

Residual Highs - Gusto Starstorm

The day after the Fall Formal, friendship comes knocking on Sunset's door. And invading her video games.

  • ...

Demons and Dinosaurs

Had you told Sunset Shimmer 24 hours ago that she’d still be in the human world, playing video games with Rainbow Dash, she would have laughed in your face and called you an idiot.

Funny how quickly things change.

It was about 9 at night, with the last 4 hours or so basically being non-stop Street Fighter, their only respite being when they went down for dinner. After a hearty serving of vegetarian chowder (a personal favorite since Sunset came to Earth), they continued their experimentation, the red-haired girl trying out every single character in the roster.

Eventually, she found someone she could stick with, in the form of Sakura.

To her surprise, there were quite a few characters she was decent with – even Dan, who, after a few rounds, she realized could actually be kind of funny – but Sakura’s whole story spoke to her. Much like Sunset herself, she was a student, and her eagerness to impress Ryu warmed her heart.

And maybe provided some inspiration for how she wanted her next meeting with Twilight to go. Perhaps with enough effort, she could end up making at least one princess proud of her.

The night was nearing its apex as the two girls were locked in what would be their final match. Sunset blocked Yun’s attack on the screen, and countered with a quick jab, followed by a low heavy kick. Because it knocked Yun down, that gave her a chance to unleash a Super move.

With about half a bar left and enough meter in her Ultra gauge, Sunset did the classic input that she knew by heart as a ‘Shotokan’ staple.

Down, forward.

Down, forward.

And the button for all three punches.

“Ah, no!” Dash exclaimed, seeing the cinematic play out on the other side of the screen.

“Oh yeah, Dash!”

Sakura’s ‘Shinku Hadoken’ shot out, catching Yun as soon as he stood up, and dealing the last bit of damage needed for Sunset to take the round. Yun’s scream could be heard as he fell to the ground, and the victory animation played, giving a much-needed sense of accomplishment for the former bully.

“Alright, alright, not bad,” the athlete said, patting Sunset on the back. “Seems you’ve found a new main, huh?”

“Maybe. I think I might try a couple of others though. I also really kind of liked Fei Long.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, before looking at the clock.

“Well, as much as I’d love to keep this up, I really need to get home. But still, thanks for letting me in, Sunset.”

To this, Sunset smiled. “I should be the one thanking you, Dash. I didn’t believe it was possible but… well, you’ve opened my mind a little.”

“Well, don’t expect me to give too many speeches like that once this whole thing wears off. I’m not usually this good with words.”

Sharing one last giggle and a quick hug between them, Rainbow Dash was taken home by Luna, and Sunset was given a chance to finally ruminate on all that had happened today.

And boy howdy, what a day it had been.

She didn’t dare call this the best day of her life, but the latter half of it was up there. What should have been impossible had been handed to her on a silver platter, all because of one stubborn athlete who genuinely seemed to believe there was hope for Sunset Shimmer. She should have had every right to hate her former tormentor, but instead, she planned to stand by her.

And now that she knew that, the last thing Sunset wanted was to let her down.

Letting out a slight yawn, Sunset realized all that excitement had genuinely drained her. Unfortunate, too, considering she had so much to think about. Like how tomorrow, she had something to look forward to, and now she had to start planning to meet the other girls one-on-one. The main problem was she had no clue where to begin, and no idea what she should even offer to do with them.

But with another yawn escaping her lips, Sunset gave in, and let her head hit the pillow.

Perhaps she could sleep on it.

Sunset awoke not in her bed, but rather on a cold hard ground, staring at the blankest, most empty ceiling she’d ever seen. It seemed to go on forever, like an endless void, matching everything else in whatever direction she looked.

“Okay, not what I was expecting in my dreams tonight.”

A cursory glance around the area gave her no info, and yet it seemed to her like she should have been looking for something. But where her eyes failed, her ears succeeded, detecting a sound in the distance. What it was, she couldn’t entirely tell, but it was coming from behind her.

Sure enough, looking back revealed a small blotch of red in the distance, and a small pit in her stomach formed. Without even knowing for sure what it was, Sunset had a hunch, and stepped forward, some part of her wanting confirmation.

Slowly but surely, each step brought her closer to both the sight and the sound. First thing to become clear was the noises, which were nothing more than growling. Not like a beast, but rather like a person pretending to be an animal. Second thing to become clear were the streaks of yellow that only made Sunset’s unease grow.

After what felt like a few minutes (though she really had no idea, given how weird dreams could be), the truth was revealed, and it was exactly as Sunset had feared.

Sitting there, on a leather couch in the middle of the void, was her. Or rather, a form of her. One she’d hoped she’d never see again.

But… something about her was off. Was her hair different? And why was she in pajamas?

“‘Roar, I’m gonna eat you!’” the Demon said, a lax smile on her face as she brought a toy T-rex’s jaw over to a toy triceratops. “‘Ah, no!’ Heh heh… these things rule.”

The dark creature looked to her human self, and Sunset tensed at what that could mean. She saw those black sclera and it reminded her how distinctly inhuman she had been only a night before. Now the beast was staring her down, and she had nowhere to run…

“Oh hey, you made it,” Demon Sunset said. “Good on ya. I’ve just been playing dinosaurs, you wanna join me?”

Hearing that made Sunset grateful she wasn’t drinking anything, because she would have spit it out on the spot. Of all the things her Demon form could have said to her, that one was so far out of left field that she was pretty sure it came from a different stadium.

On a different continent.

“I-I’m sorry, what?” Sunset sputtered.

“Well, we gotta do something while we’re asleep, right?” Demon Sunset asked innocently. “And this is all I got for now. I might get more, but I dunno.”

“… Where did you even get those? Why is there a couch in my mind?”

The Demon shrugged, still smiling like an idiot. “Don’t know. Still though, it’s comfy. So are these jammy jams.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that. “You know, I feared I’d see you again, but this was not what I was expecting.”

“Well, I wasn’t expecting a couch or toy dinosaurs, but hey, we got ‘em. You want one?”

“NO!” Sunset protested.

“You will,” the Demon declared smugly. “No one can say no to dinosaurs.”

“… Okay, what’s up with you?”

Her dark counterpart tilted her head, looking at Sunset as if she’d asked a far more difficult question than what was actually asked. The confusion on her face didn’t last very long though, as she just went back to her dinosaurs, earning the ire of her human self.

“Hey! I was talking to you!”

“Well, I don’t know what you meant by that,” Demon Sunset answered, jabbing the T-rex with her triceratops. “Like, ‘what’s up with me’? That’s kind of a vague question. Do you mean like, why am I here? Or do you mean like, why am I doing this?”

“Well… both, I guess?” Sunset shrugged, furrowing her brow at her other’s antics. “And why do you seem so… mellow?”

There was a brief silence, as her monstrous caricature placed the playthings to her side, leaning back into the plush leather. She grinned, and Sunset could see that while the demon had fangs still, they were far less pronounced than she remembered.

“Well, why I’m here first,” Demon Sunset said. “That one’s real easy: I never left.”

‘Okay, yeah, that tracks,’ she thought.

“I know, don’t it?”

Sunset took a step back. She was about to ask how the Demon knew what she was thinking before it occurred to her.

They were in her mind. No shit her thoughts could be heard.

“Anyway,” Demon Sunset explained, shifting on the couch to get comfortable. “After we got destroyed at the Fall Formal last night, I’ve just been here. All I remember is getting hit by a giant rainbow blast. And now everything’s… just great.”

“Oh my god. I don’t-… I’m not even sure what to say to that.”

In truth, soon as Sunset heard that, she tried to stifle a chuckle. The idea of a raging she-demon brought down by getting her high was quite amusing, loath as she was to admit it.

“Why? Were you expecting something of me?” Demon Sunset asked.

“Well…” Sunset rubbed the back of her head. “Guess I was imagining you’d be a little more ‘haunt my nightmares’ and a little less ‘want to play dinos with me’.”

“Well, why would I want to do that?”

“Well, I don’t know, I guess-… like, aren’t you an evil me or something?”

Demon Sunset barely moved, but her human self could see that the word ‘evil’ brought her a mild discomfort. She looked away from Sunset for a second, her smile faded.

“I don’t mean to sound mean or anything, but YOU were the evil you,” her Demon half said, voice barely above a mumble. “I’m just you after you put on the Element of Magic.”

A sea of emotions ran through Sunset at that declaration, and she couldn’t even look her Demon side in the eyes anymore. With no semblance of time, it was impossible to tell how long they’d avoided each other’s gaze. It could have been hours, or it could have been seconds.

All she knew was that the Demon found the strength to look at her first.

“But that’s okay,” she said. “We’re not evil anymore. And plus, once the high wears off, we’ll be even less evil. Because by then, our friends will have helped us a lot. Well, unless it wears off tomorrow, but today was pretty fun with Rainbow Dash, right?”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “You knew about th-… wait, what am I saying? Of course, you’d know about that if you never left.”

“Careful, someone’s learning,” the Demon joked. “But seriously girl, I saw everything. And I felt everything. All that sad junk you felt? I felt that too. Same with all the happy sappy stuff you had with Dashie.”

“All of it?” Sunset asked.

Demon Sunset nodded. “All of it.”

“Even the part where I laughed so hard at Rainbow’s story that my drink came out my nose?”

“Especially that part, babe. Felt weird as hell, but it was worth it.”

Once again, Sunset was face-to-face with something that simply made too much sense, despite the insanity of it all. First it was Dash, but now it was herself. Still though, it added up that if they were truly the same person, she’d feel everything.

But even so…

“So, what happens to you, then? Are you just going to be stuck in my mind for the rest of my life?”

Demon Sunset shrugged. “I think I’ll just fade away over time, so don’t worry, I won’t be here forever.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Sunset, what part of ‘I’m you’ did you not get?”

To that, Sunset looked away. “… Kinda hard to reconcile that when we’re having a conversation.”

The Demon chuckled and looked her human half dead in the eyes. Despite the dilated pupils and generally laid-back demeanor, Sunset could see a familiar spark of something behind them.

Thankfully, it was a spark of something she didn’t actually hate about herself right now.

“I don’t mind, really,” she said, her smile almost as strong as Rainbow Dash’s had been. “I’m part of you, Sunset Shimmer. I’m you, just different. You’re Sunset and I’m SunDOWN. I’m Vesper. I’m Evening. I’m… Evening. Even. -Ing. Making things even. Yeah… that’s who I am.”

Sunset blinked in confusion, and Demon Sunset blinked in kind.

“… What was I talking about?” Demon Sunset asked.

“Whatever it was, it made about as much sense as anything else today.”

Finally giving in, Sunset decided to sit down on the couch. A wave of levity enveloped her as the leather seemed to have the perfect amount of give, making the sofa far more comfortable than she’d been expecting. Hell, it was even more comfy than the couch out in her living room, and that was saying something.

But hey, she could work with that.

“I guess if you’re not going to fuck with me, then you’ll just be here to remind me where I was. I can live with that, Eventide.”

The Demon looked to Sunset upon hearing that. “Eventide?”

Sunset offered a small smile. “I am NOT calling you ‘Demon Me’ if we ever talk again. You’re Eventide now.”

Eventide smiled as well. “I like it. Sounds all fancy and old-fashioned.”

“Heh, I figured you would.”

The two Sunsets sat there in contentment at the situation they’d found themselves in, as a silence settled in between them. Suddenly, all of the problems in her real life seemed a little smaller, as she found this small bit of relief within her own mind and heart. It was genuinely nice to know that her own inward fights wouldn’t be quite as difficult as she thought.

Still though, now that she was here, that left one last question.

“So… what now?”

Eventide looked to Sunset. “What’dya mean?”

“Well, we’re stuck here until I wake up, so what do we do?”

“… Wanna play dinosaurs?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “You’re really not going to let that go, are you?”

“C’mon, you can be triceratops,” Eventide offered, waving the toy in front of her human half. “I know he’s your favorite.”

Maybe it was the adorable figure she was looking at, or maybe it was the boredom that she knew would come from sitting there for Celestia only knows how long. But eventually, Sunset relented, grabbing the triceratops, and earning an excited squeal from Eventide.

And so, they sat there, playing dinosaurs.

Once again, definitely not what Sunset had been expecting her dreams tonight.

But after the unbelievable day she’s had, maybe that was a good thing.

Author's Note:

So there you have it, that's where this madman decides to end his fic.:twilightsheepish:

I've read quite a few Sunset redemption fics that have her Demon half appear, and with the premise I'm going with, I had a silly idea come to mind. So, I decided to share it with you guys.

Obviously, I know nothing about being stoned, but this isn't a normal high either, so I feel like there's some leeway. Either way, it was super fun to write. And yes, if I continue on the Sunset side of the Obsession-verse, Eventide will make another appearance.

Thank you all so much for reading, this is my first multi-chapter fic that I've finished on this site. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope I've made a returning reader out of you.

Until next time!

Comments ( 13 )

You may not know anything about being stoned, but i know enough to be able to say Eventide is a bit like looking at me if i was a little younger.

oh god from so much sunset hell i've seen i don't want eventide to disappear it's too cute

I was not expecting that last part

Neither was I, if I'm being real with you.

But inspiration has a way of catching you with your pants down.

Tell me about it 😏

This is so cute! I love this version of eventide. Good story.

“I don’t mean to sound mean or anything, but YOU were the evil you,” her Demon half said, voice barely above a mumble. “I’m just you after you put on the Element of Magic.”

Gotta say, this totally took me by surprise. It's so common to see Sunset's demon form portrayed as her evil counterpart that I really wasn't expecting to read such statement at all. Very clever and original!

“C’mon, you can be triceratops,” Eventide offered, waving the toy in front of her human half. “I know he’s your favorite.”

Oh my gosh, I REALLY wasn't expecting Eventide to be THIS nice. She is cute as heck!

Alright, I just finished reading and I must say, it was worth it. It's always good to read a bunch of wholesomeness at 01:54pm so I can sleep happily and satisfied. I loved it!

This was delightful. I especially like how lingering Harmony magic makes Dash abnormally well-spoken, and how you acknowledged that. Plus, a Demon Shimmer who's just happy to be here is a delightful twist on the usual approach. I like to imagine her slowly developing into Daydream over the course of Sunset's learning and growth. And she presumably gets more dinosaurs in the process. Thank you for a great read.

If there is a type of story in the EG universe I like more than anon-a-miss, it's aftermath of the formal. And you did a great job with it as I never expected Eventide being so sweet to the point I'm rooting for her to be around for a long time. I also loved how you made Sunset and Rainbow online friends without knowing until the VC.

Short and altogether enjoyable. The ending was quite random, left me giggling even if it was abrupt.

Author Interviewer

What an excellent point to make about Sunset's demon half. :O Never seen this subject approached in this matter, very good stuff.

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