• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 818 Views, 63 Comments

Let The Chaos Come - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

A human sings along to "We Will Rise Again" while in Equestria, Discord is being banished. And as the human sings 'Let the chaos come' Discord is banished to earth.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Let The Chaos Come

Chapter Nine

Written by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Lysander's P.O.V:

It's Maths class. As Mr Esposito drones on about how a=x and other boring things, I turn to Sara as I realise something.

"Sara…" I whisper.

" Yes? "

"Why did you give me a stack of books when Mr Schmidt already gave me my books yesterday?"

"These are extra textbooks."

" So...we have to bring even more books to school- wait a second. These are the Beginners Guides and stuff. And I already got them. So why did you give me them again? "

"Lysander...Didn't you use your phone at all yesterday?"

"Uh… I can't remember. Why?"

" Because in the school's WhatsApp group, we were told that the books we got yesterday were the wrong ones. "

"Oh… Well, it's a good thing that I left them all at home then."

" Lysander Walker! " Mr Esposito's voice booms, and I jump up.

"Yes Sir?"

"Come to the front of the class and explain what I have been teaching for this entire lesson."

I freeze. I hadn't even been paying any attention…

He sighs and says, "Come to my office for your detention at lunch time."

The rest of the lesson takes forever to pass, and when he leaves, I leap up with joy.

"Finally! That was so damn boring, I almost fucking fell asl-"

"Language, Lysander Walker," says a voice I know way too well. Mr Schmidt shuts the door coolly, and I stop my dance of joy immediately.

Thankfully, he says nothing and merely writes something on the board once everyone sits down.

"Today, you will all draw the drawing on page seventy. It should be simple enough."

I sigh and pull the book out of my bag, staring glumly at it. Upon flipping the pages to the drawing that we were given, my grimace turns into a grin.

"Hell yeah! I can do t-"

"Lysander Walker. If you cannot keep your mouth closed, I shall throw you out of the classroom and give you detention for a week."

I sigh and pray that I can remain quiet. Grabbing a pencil, I put my best smile on and begin drawing the cake.

"Oh. Mein. Gott." Mr Schmidt looms over me, staring at my drawing with an unreadable expression, so I don't know if I've finally managed to live up to his standards, or on the contrary, drawn something that he thinks is an abomination. "Das kann doch nicht sein!" he exclaims, attracting the attention of the entire class.

"Uh…" I trail off, not knowing what to say.

"Lysander Walker," says my art teacher for the third time today. I honestly think this is the first time he's ever said my full name more than once. "In the decade I have taught at this school, dein drawing is the first one that I can truly, honestly say ist… "

He delays saying the adjective, timing it perfectly so the whole class is hanging on his every word, wondering whether a student has finally done a drawing that can be deemed acceptable.


My jaw hits the ground in shock, as do my classmates. Mr Schmidt, whom I used to call Mr Demon because of his sky high standards...just said that my drawing was wonderful?!

I rub my eyes and manage to form words again. "Sir, did you just say that my drawing was wonderful?! "

He rolls his eyes. "Ja; did you not hear me properly?"

He said it was wonderful...This must be a joke!

Discord, are you casting some sort of spell?


"Ich versichere Ihnen, ich bin hundertprozentig aufrichtig, wenn ich sage, dass es wunderbar ist."

A grin breaks out across my face and I leap up from my seat, grasp Sara's hands, pulling her out of her chair, and begin to dance around with her in joy.

"My drawing is wonderful! My drawing is wonderful!"

" Alright, that's enough, " says Mr Schmidt, and we both sit down.

The rest of the classes take forever, and when break time finally arrives, I jump up, getting ready to run out of the door...only to be stopped by Luke.

"Lysander, where are you going?"

"Uh...Out of the classroom?" I ask, confused as to why he's stopping me. Is he going to take revenge for the incident in the morning? He does have a pretty good chance now that everyone's out…

"But you never do that. You usually stay here."

" Luke. Are you playing some sort of trick on me?"

"No, we're best friends, so why would I? I'm not the type of person to do that anyway."

I sigh. "Well, what if I wanted to change things a little?" Without waiting for his reply, I walked out.

Luke's P.O.V:

Lysander's acting really strange. Normally he stays in at break time to keep me company - his choice- and now he's suddenly leaving? As much as I hate to admit it, I've become used to his company.

Or has he found a new best friend? No, that's impossible. He's my friend. I was his friend first. No one would've been foolish enough to try and take him from me...right?

...It's not like I need him anyways. He's just...someone that I like. And liking something doesn't mean one needs it.

A sudden twinge of pain interrupts my thoughts, and I grimace. Ouch…

I don't know why, but my head really hurts. I don't recall hitting it.

Lysander's P.O.V:

What. The. Fucking. Hell. Just. Happened. Luke, my sworn enemy, my arch nemesis, whatever you want to call him- just treated me as though I were his best friend. Since when did I spend every break time with him?

Well, I did mostly stay inside, but that was because I didn't really want to deal with a crowd of students. I hate crowds.

I walk down the stairs as fast as I possibly can without falling just in case Luke decides to come after me, and run into the new student from before.

Thankfully this time, it's not literally. Just the figurative expression.

"Hi," I say automatically .

"Oh, hi Lysander," he replies . "I was just going back to class."

"This early? There's still fifteen minutes left for the break to end. "

"I...uh…" he looks briefly away. "I don't like crowds. And there's so many students downstairs that it's impossible to walk without walking into someone else."

"Not liking crowds isn't something to be embarrassed of. I don't like them either, " I comforted him. "But there's no need to return to class. I can show you around the school? "


"By the way, I never caught your name."

" Karl Dietrich. "

Author's Note:

What will happen next? My dear audience, I need your ideas!

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