• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 1,732 Views, 48 Comments

A change of fortune - The Wingman

A young man gets sent to Equestria by the means of a fortune cookie. Coming to terms with it, he'll have to brave the new world that may end up being his new home. He isn't completely alone, though. Heck, he may find more here than he thought.

  • ...

More questions and thankfully, no fortune cookies

"So, that's it? You essentially nearly killed her because she tried to feed her race?"

"We defended ourselves. Nothing more."

I scoffed. I was currently sat with Celestia and Chrysalis, listening to Celestia's side of the whole situation. Chrysalis was currently sat next to me, snarling and slamming her hole filled hoof down onto the table. I noticed a slight crack in the wood. Jesus, remind me not to piss her off again.

I mean, I probably still would. I tended to be an asshole like that.


Celestia sighed, standing up. "I think we will leave it here for today." She nodded at me and buggy. "Sam, Chrysalis." And without another word, she walked out of the room, casually leaving me and Chrysalis in the room. I was honestly quite annoyed at how she just handled that. To give you a run down without being as long as the bible, when we entered the room, Celestia told us to sit. Chrysalis was naturally against the idea but eventually caved in and listened to Celestia's side of things. She basically just shrugged off her race's situation at the time and acted as if Chrysalis was completely in the wrong and that the ponies had no other choice. Bug lord here was understandably pissed and that's where we are now. The fact that she merely just walked out on us without being remotely apologetic really made me see another side to her already that I did not like.

As for now, Chrysalis was staring at me, obviously noticing my annoyed expression. "Nice to know I wasn't the only one who saw through that completely pathetic excuse."

I shook my head and stood up, stretching. "Honestly, I had to see it to believe it. I might not have any say in the matter but the way that she handled that was absolutely fucking dogshit. I can understand her being angry at the fact that some of her subjects got injured but to just outright deny your situation at the time is crazy. When a race is pushed to the extreme like yours was, you can't blame them for taking that course of action."

Buggy stood up and walked to the door, looking back at me. "You know what....you're not so bad, human. I'm heading back to the guest room to think. See you later."

I nodded back, a slight smile on my face. Seems buglord was slowly warming up to me already. Well I say that, it's only been a day or so since we met. Wouldn't exactly say warming up, more so she's tolerating me more. Yeah, that sounds better. God forbid it somehow turns into some cringy love story.

Look, I've seen way too many things on the good old interwebs. Some things are best left forgotten.

I sighed, shoving my chair back under the table and heading to the door. Suppose I should go and explore around a bit. Got nothing better to do. I opened the door and saw....a blue pony? She seemed smaller than Celestia but wore similar regalia to her. She looked up at me, more curious than anything else.

"Ah, so you're the human that my sister has spoken about."

I raised my eyebrow. This was Celestia's sister? Huh. Suppose it makes sense with what I just said. I leant on the wall next to the door and looked down at her. "She's mentioned me huh? Hope they good things."

She rolled her eyes and walked past me into the room. "All I know is that you're a creature that isn't native to Equestria. Nothing more. I have business to attend to."

The door shut behind me. I whistled, walked down the corridor. "Jeez, seems she got up on the wrong side of the bed. Nice colour on the fur, though."

What? I love the colour blue. Nothing wrong with that. Or maybe there is.

I headed towards the guest room. The want to explore had suddenly gone away. All I wanted to do now honestly was lay in that bed and think about pizza. Sweet, sweet pizza.

I made it to the room, opening the door and closing it behind me. Chrysalis was currently sat on the windowsill that I was sat on earlier, looking down at the streets. She didn't even acknowledge that I was in the room. She just spoke up without even batting an eye in my general direction.

"Funny. They all look so innocent down there. You'd almost believe that they weren't scum who need to be purged."

Alright, that was a bit too edgy for my liking. I understood her disdain towards these ponies but there was no need to go full emo on me like that dude from that one video game, Hatred. I think that's what it was called? All I know is that it had some long haired goth lookalike who went around shooting random folks for no reason. Pretty messed up. Shame there wasn't any pizza in that game.

How did we go from a game about shooting innocent people to pizza? My mind scares me sometimes. Really need to get that checked if I ever get out of this backwards ass place.

I walked over to the bed and sat down, looking at the back of her head as she was still peering down at the citizens of Canterlot. That fucking name. Still can't get over it.

"I don't really know what to do to be quite honest. I'm now essentially stuck in the middle of a conflict that I have no say over. All I wanted was to get a new high score on my favourite video game and get food. That was all. And then whatever fucking plebian of a god exists out there thought that it would be a good laugh to send me to pony land. Fucking mental."

That got her attention. She looked at me and smirked. "You have a certain way with words, human. Certainly more amusing than any of these ponies. All they ever do is talk about how valuable friendship is and why you should care for everyone else. Pathetic. Caring about someone like that is weakness in my eyes."

I rolled my eyes at that last statement. There goes the edge again. Edge so sharp you could cut it with a giant army knife. "I just tell it how I see it. As for caring about others...there's nothing wrong with caring for others. I'm a cynical asshat but I love those close to me. I just don't go out of my way to show it to Joe Bloggs down the street who I've seen maybe two times."

She scoffed, looking through the window again. "Whatever you say, human."

I laid my head down on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. "I have a name, you know. Same as you."

Queeny turned around, an eyebrow raised. "And?"

I rolled my eyes harder, turning my body over to get comfy. "Never mind." I suddenly felt an impact on the bed. I turned my head around to see...Chrysalis? She was suddenly sat on the bed. She sighed.

"Fine. What is your name? I admit, human sounds rather bland."

Now it was my time to scoff. I rolled back over. "Sam."

She chuckled. I could feel her creepy ass eyes staring at the back of my head. "What an interesting yet, at the same time , boring name. Even so, it's shorter than human. It will suffice. And just a heads up for you."

I mumbled. "What?"

My head ached as I felt a hard force against it. Did she just slap me? I reached to the back of my head and felt a sore spot. She did! That buggy bitch just pimp slapped me!

"Don't ever refer to me as buglord again. You just mumbled it. If you do say it again, I'll eat your love up like a candy bar and leave you an emotionless husk. Understood?"

Wait, did I just mumble that? Either she's going crazy or I am. I was more so inclined to believe the latter as my brain was still processing the fact that I got plucked from Earth and put onto this trippy ass planet. I'm assuming it's a different planet. Don't know anywhere on Earth that harbors these weird fucks.

I internally laughed at her "threat". Not like me being an "emotionless husk" would change a ton about my personality. Regardless, I just chose to agree. Too tired to argue. She seemed content with the answer.

"Good. Now, get out of the bed. It's mine."

I scoffed. Yeah no, that wasn't fucking happening. I don't care if she slapped me again, I was too comfy to move an inch. "Nah, I'm good thanks." Before I could say anything else, I felt myself being lifted up. What the hell?! I looked behind me and saw that she was smirking, before dropping me on the floor with her weird voodoo magic shit. She smugly pulled the covers over her and turned her head around. "Goodnight. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

I tightened my fist. She was going to get a knuckle sandwich, I swear. But honestly, at that moment, I was way too fucking tired to even care. I just shrugged to myself and laid down. I opted for the best response that my brain could think of in that current moment.

"Fuck you."

"No thank you, that's disgusting."

I chuckled. This was certainly turning interesting. Let's not dream about killer fortune cookies with spider legs again please thank you, brain?

Author's Note:

Bit of a shorter chapter. I'll try and make the next one a bit longer to go into more depth about Celestia's side of things.