• Member Since 24th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Every day is always crazy!



After experiencing a humiliating defeat at the hands of Anne Boonchuy, a fragment of the Core enters through a portal that leads to Equestria. After discovering that the land is filled with the Magic of Friendship and has a new ruler, the Core plots to undermine it with a plan that neither Twilight nor her friends will be aware of.

Note: This happens after the events of Amphibia’s series finale “The Hardest Thing” and during the events of MLP: FIM’s “The Last Problem”.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 44 )

Oh dear. :twilightoops:

Twilight, you can't be this gullible!?

Considering all the adventures, lessons, new friends, and the many, many enemies/villains you face. You have to be a wee bit sus on The Core here. :ajbemused:

Twilight...how is your first instinct not to yeet this thing into Tarturus?

Trust me, it will get worse from here on out. Wait and see, gentlemen, wait and see. ;)

...something is going to happen to Fluttershy and I'll want to yeet it, huh. ;P

Finally someone does a MLP/Amphibia crossover.

And could there be an epic battle coming soon?
Like Anne, the Plantars, Sasha, & Marcy travel to Equestria to stop the Core? Will they meet the Mane 6 & Spike?
Oh my God! I'm so excited!!!

Well...this is bad.

“Hmm, the combined magic must have caused an inter-dimensional imbalance of some sort. Should I tell Twilight about this or not? Hmmm…” Discord stroked his beard as he was thinking about it.

“Nah, it’s probably not a big deal. We had to take care of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow one way or another. Ha, it’s not like something terrible came out of a portal or something,” he laughed off. Snapping his fingers, he vanished from sight.

...should we tell him or let him find out when it comes for Fluttershy?

Who the heck is this brat!? Cozy Glow 2.0?

The heck is her problem!?

Oh joy, there is an ally for it.

Finally! An Amphibia and MLP crossover! :pinkiehappy:

Hearing this, all the creatures—dragons, yaks, changelings, and so forth—cheered in response. The Canterlot ponies followed suit and cheered with them. Feisty however rolled her eyes and shook her head while her mother was busy cheering with the crowd.

“Stupid…” the filly muttered.

Are you Cozy Glow's long lost sister or cousin? :ajbemused:

20 years later

Well that's a very long time jump. I would congratulate the Core for being this patient.

“Let’s just say we are from a very, very far place, and we have been dwelling here for only Frog knows how long. Hmm, we believe 20 years to be exact. Yes, twenty years of searching and waiting…”

Again, congrats.

Nevertheless, there was one pony who still wasn’t happy with everything going on. She was there in the midst of the crowd, glaring at the Young Six with scorn in her eyes. Growling, she sullenly turned away and departed from the assembly.

Geez, this mare is annoying me.

Then her mother gave her a doubtful look. “Okay, fine, you got me! Why should we even care about that at this point?! I just don’t get why they are so much more important than every pony else!”

Um, maybe it's because they saved your lives from those same villains???!!! DUH!!!!!!

As she ranted on, the mom stopped cooking for a moment and went over to her daughter, laying her hoof on her shoulder. “Are you still thinking about what happened to your father?”

That caught Feisty off-guard. “I thought we were past this. I told you, Feisty, you shouldn’t let that incident get to you. Your father would’ve wanted you to move on and be happy.”

“BE HAPPY?!?” Feisty snapped, slamming her hooves on the table. “Happy with the fact that the ones responsible for what happened to him are now living amongst us?! Happy that they are supposedly our friends now?!”

Her mother was startled by her outburst; nonetheless, she had a sympathetic look on her face as her daughter finally broke down in tears. She hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry. I know it’s very hard to let go of the pain. I know it hurts so much to lose someone you love dearly. But hatred and anger will not make it better for you.”

So that's what this is all about? Who is your father? A soldier killed in a unknown war between ponies and either of the random non-pony kingdoms? Is that why you are racist/xenophobic?

“You seem to be the only sentient lifeform with a brain. Tell us, why do you hate these…’non-ponies’? Pray, do tell us…”

Feisty once again took a deep breath before she answered, “Well, those monsters have always been Equestria’s thorn on its side for far too long. I mean, the yaks are just stupid, smelly, and destructive; the dragons are ruthless; the griffons are just simply horrible; the hippogriffs are spineless cowards; and the changelings?! *growls* I hate them the most…”


“They were our worst enemies…for decades, and the fact that my own kind has been friends with them after their so-called ‘transformation’ is INFURIATING! After everything they’ve done, I will never let it go!” Feisty vented, grinding her teeth.

“Clearly, you were young when they were your adversaries. Is that really your reason for your hatred, or…is there more to the story?” The Core asked.

Feisty then looked down and angrily closed her eyes.

“Ahhh, I see. No matter, that is all we needed to know. You want to have your revenge on them, don’t you?”

I hate to agree with her. But, she is speaking some truth here. Especially with the Changelings, their bad history against ponykind, and their "reform transformations". BUT, that doesn't mean I act full-on racist/xenophobic like her.

She only says all the negatives of the other races. But, NOT the positives or the inbetween.

The unicorn looked up at the hive mind with a demonic expression of unholy wrath. “Yes….ALL of them.”

The Core’s eyes brightened with excitement. “Perfect. We come to offer you a proposal: a life-changing opportunity to right the wrongs of this fallen nation and to demonstrate what true power is all about.”

Feisty’s ears lit up as she eagerly awaited to hear what the offer was. “Yes?”

“Join us. Together, we can bring this world to our knees and show Princess Twilight how big of a mistake she has made in welcoming these…savages. We…can rule this Equestria together…as its rightful rulers. We can be…inevitable.”

Then the unicorn grew an evil smile on her face. “It’s a deal.”

The Core and Feisty then shook one another’s hoof/claw. “You are making history, my dear Feisty. Now, remember, our meticulous plan must be executed fully to the letter. So, here is how you lay the foundation…”

I hope you will regret this dumb decision. Otherwise, you can join Cozy Glow and the other un-reformed villains. Plus, I highly doubt your own deceased father would have wanted this!!??

As she flew away, the guards left with the three mares in front of them. “The nerve of that unicorn! She leaves us without saying a word?! Such rudeness!”

“Oh, come on, Blue, I’m sure she had no malicious intent in leaving us all those years ago,” Red said, nervously smiling.

You will chew on your own words, when you find out on what Feisty is about to do.

“And besides, we haven’t been talking to her either. I can’t even recall a time we even reached out to her,” added Purple Berry.

“Let’s just say we both need to work on our communication.”

“Hmmm, fair enough,” Blue hesitantly conceded.

I full heartily agree. You ponies frickin SUCK at communicating skills.

I mean, this is exactly what happened to Luna, Sunset, Starlight, Stygain, and Tempest Shadow. ( And possibly Discord, since he also needs friends too. )

If their loves ones, and their old friends actuallyTALKED about their problems from the beginning. I highly doubt they will turn to villainy in the dang first place.

Meanwhile, Feisty—disguising herself with a dark cloak—chuckled in amusement before she quietly ran off elsewhere.

As Feisty observed from above, she sinisterly grinned. She jumped back down to the ground and walked away into a dark tunnel.

If she turns out to be a very, very young Opaline, or this sadly ends up into the G5 Timeline. I will be both pissed, but also impressed.

All we need Feisty to do now is say, "Dance puppets, dance," while watching from her hiding spot(s).

Feisty walked away with an evil grin on her face. “Checkmate.”

I hope she rots in Tartarus!

"You think Celestia would be happy if she heard of what you did?” Spike asked, arching an eyebrow.

Twilight was silent for a moment before she replied, “Y-yes! She would! She made some hard choices, and so can I!”

Believe the only hard choice Celestia made was how much cake she wanted to consume.

Back on topic...you're gonna be sorry~

Then the unicorn grew an evil smile on her face. “It’s a deal.”

The Core and Feisty then shook one another’s hoof/claw. “You are making history, my dear Feisty. Now, remember, our meticulous plan must be executed fully to the letter. So, here is how you lay the foundation…”

Twilight glared at everyone as they quickly stopped what they were doing and focused all their attention on her. “I am immensely disappointed in all of you! For twenty years, my friends and I worked hard in keeping Equestria safe from harm and disharmony. We saved you and your families countless times, and this is how you repay us?! After everything we have done for you, you still persist in your unfriendly ways?”

Not exactly uncalled for. Believe me, I would say the same thing if I was there.

Meanwhile, the Unity Crystals hovered above the castle while the storm remained in motion. The Core’s helmet crawled on the roof, mechanically chuckling.

Me to the Core:

The Core's role in this story reminds me of the Overlord's "man-behind-the-scenes" role in the first half of Ninjago season 15.

Twilight, you damned idiot!!!!

The very concept of the "Unity" Crystals is beyond stupid from the start! You be no better than Tirek or Cozy Glow that did a similar thing to steal all magic.

I want to see a new chapter this month very soon, when everything will smoothly move from G4 to G5. And it is the presence of the Core that will not only serve as a technological leap in Equestria(smartphones and Television), but will also set the foundation for the entire G5 as a whole. And it's brilliant! In fact, the Core becomes the biggest and main antagonist in ao for all G5 and Equestria in general!

Oh! I hope we'll see a sequel very soon, where a New Empire of the Core or Gloam Fall has spread throughout Equestria, pumping out resources and producing robots 🤖 for their future army of conquest! True, I was hoping to see Ponybots, not Frobots, but I understand that. Now Feisty is a general and the right hand of the Core and I hope, unlike Andrias, she will be faithful to him until the very end! I wonder if the events of G5 will happen to take place and whether the Core uses Unity Crystals as a new version of Calamity Stones to travel to other worlds, namely Amphibia and Earth? And also, I don't know why, but I hope to see Cozy Glow who was released from stone imprisonment thanks to the Core because of her intelligence and the fact that she is a villain. And where she agrees to work with the Core in his Empire and in conquests of other worlds! Please release the continuation of this story very soon and I hope it will be more in words and chapters than this one! Thank you for your attention and see you in a new story!

I hate cliffhangers! :flutterrage:

And Feisty's own ugly face earns a bloody makeover.

And start crying for Twilight

...why? For being a gullible idiot? Anyway, perhaps some human help is needed.


Hopefully, our own Amphibia human protagonists, and maybe even Sunset and the Human 6 working together to save everybody?

Perhaps. But I'm not sure about the Calamity Trio, because 20 years have passed in Equestria, so 20 years could have passed on Earth, and this is different from the canon of the previous series, where 13 years have passed since the heroines returned home and parted with Amphibia. Although if time moves slower on Earth than in Equestria, then it is still possible. But for some reason I think that the second part will be based partly on New Generation or G5, saying

Once again, I feel like this OST fits what happens in this chapter best:

Yeah, it’s a pretty awesome show.

Comment posted by PoNyFICTIon12 deleted Dec 30th, 2022

Something tells me Equestria is going to have to call the heroes of amphibia

Maybe or not. We just can wait to see what happens next

Managed to read this fully

And just.. yikes

I wonder if she also sees all the negatives of Pegasi, Earth Ponies and even her own kind as well?

Comment posted by Starlight Nova deleted May 2nd, 2023
Comment posted by TheClownPrinceofCrime deleted May 2nd, 2023

She trusted Discord twice. And he betrayed her, also twice :applejackunsure: Not to mention Cozy Glow, who is just a filly mind you, nearly took over Equestria. Despite their arrogance, the Core is more competent than your average MLP villain.

I'm guessing that her father is one of the EEA members that got attacked. Probably even Chancellor Neighsay himself due to how much prejudice she has against non-ponies.

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