• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Rarity Takes Manehatten Part 2

*Rarity's POV (still)*

This is going to be challenging.

Twilight spoke "We need Danyelle back."

Rainbow spoke "Let’s hope she gets here soon."

Danyelle soon arrives with a demonic fox Mobian and a demonic Mew Poké-Mobian.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys!"

“Hmm? Who are they?” I asked, though some of the Mews immediately took defensive positions at the demonic Mew.


Danyelle spoke "*Facepalm!* Should’ve seen this coming."

The demonic Mew spoke "Expected as much."

A Mobian gryphon hen with the looks of a cheetah and peregrine falcon crashes into Sonic.

Swiftrunner snickers "That's what, 13 now?"

Sonic spoke "*Dread and somehow excited at the same time* At this rate, 20 might become inevitable…"

Blaze giggles "If this keeps up, the Ogami clan will be as big as the Apple Family!"

Applejack asks "*Ears perk up* Sorry, whut was that?"

Sonic spoke "Think about it Applejack, I've got at least 12 kids. Lance is dating Applebloom. Swifty's the only chakat in the Ogami clan so far since none of the other chakats are interested. Aunt Yuu and Uncle Kita have yet to find love, Aunt Moonlight's too young for love."

Applejack’s eye twitched slightly at that. “Oh really? You think yer family’s gonna be bigger than the Apples?”

Sonic spoke "Don't test me Applesmack. I can run circles around you!"

Applejack spoke "And Ah'm way stronger than y'all!"

Sonic and Applejack started butting heads.

Sonic spoke "You're a bigger bonehead than Knuckles and Ein combined!"

Applejack spoke "Ya have a bigger ego than Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust put together!"

Sonic was soon in werehog despite it being daytime before grabbing Applejack and giving her a noogie.

Applejack started tickling him with her tail.

Sonic spoke "Nice try Applejack, I'm not that ticklish."

A white furred pregnant Mew Poké-Mobian with some red markings tackled Surtr with a hug, crying into his fur.

That put Soren and his friends on guard even more.

Danyelle growls "Back off Soren, you shouldn't attack a pregnant female."

That made Soren flinch a bit, bit still remained on guard in case him or any of his friends get attacked.

Twilight spoke "She's got a point Soren. As things are now, your brother is a bigger threat than a pregnant Mew."

Soren now seemed to be struggling with himself.

Rainbow spoke "Call me crazy, but I think Soren needs a talk with Celestia AND Luna."

A low growl catches the others and I off guard.

Akane was shaking in fear.

“I suppose we didn’t need to search, because the tarkatan pony came to us.” I noted.

Danyelle growls "Oh StarClan no... It's worse! Suri found a way around the blessing and infected others!"

I couldn’t help but facehoof at that.

Danyelle yowls loudly, calling upon High Goddess Faust.

High Goddess Faust asks "Hmm? What’s wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "Suri found a way around the blessing you had given to everyone."

High Goddess Faust spoke "*Facehoof!* Guess those fighting instincts Tarkat can give really are nothing to sneeze at."

Pinkie did a rimshot on a drum set.

Danyelle groans "It was just as bad with the Oripathy disease..."

High Goddess Faust asks "Hey! It’s not easy to get, ‘member?"

Twilight spoke "One pony has already died because of this mess."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Looks like we’ll have to beat the infected unconscious. And before you say anything, a single battle with a Tarkatan won’t infect you."

Danyelle opens a warp ring before Teermakus tumbles out.

Danyelle spoke "This guy has Tarkat though but I'm afraid there is no cure for tarkat."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yet, at least. But Teermakus should be able to help teach the infected to control themselves after we calm them down."

Ears flatten, Twilight spoke "That still doesn't explain the murder. This little one lost her mother because of Suri."

Teermakus spoke "She must have been fighting the bloodlust in her."

Danyelle spoke "If only there was a way to fully purge the virus.... I got it! I think I can attempt Chaos Purge!"

Danyelle uses Chaos Purge on Teermakus, fully removing the virus from the hippogriff.

Teermakus spoke "That only treated the symptoms, it will come back."

Twilight uses her magic to scan Teermakus.

Twilight gasps "It's not there anymore! It's fully gone!"

But Teermakus only shook his head at that. “That’s merely what you think, but I can still feel Tarkat inside me.”

Danyelle spoke "But it's not tethered to your soul though. If I can use Soul Transfer on you to move your soul to a new body, it might give you a fresh new body that isn't infected."

Teermakus spoke "I’m sorry, but no."

Danyelle growls "I don't take no for an answer."

Teermakus spoke "Listen, I know this may sound insane, but if I can control my bloodlust, I may be able to use the abilities Tarkat gave me for a good cause."

Sonic spoke "Dude, you don't say no to a hormonal female. Especially if she's a Psychic type."

Teermakus spoke "We don’t have time to fight amongst ourselves right now. We need to stop the other Tarkatans."

Tails spoke "Sonic gotten a bucket thrown at him one time since Zelda was hormonal."

Sonic spoke "You just HAD to bring that up Tails!"

Danyelle shook her head, calming herself down. “Come on, we can talk later. Right now we gotta stop the infected.”

Sardon pops up suddenly with heavy duty rubber gloves on.

Sardon spoke "I think I could study some of the victims to get a better understanding of the virus so Zane and I can work on the cure."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Doesn’t mean it’ll be easy though, I’ve searched and I found no clues."

Sardon spoke "I'm not that type of fox to give up, I'll keep trying until a cure is found!"

Danyelle asks "Even if it takes years?"

Sardon spoke "Yes!"

Danyelle spoke "Then I trust you."

Sonic spoke "Just watch out for Ein."

Sardon spoke "Yeah, I know the drill."

Rainbow spoke "Once an ass, always an ass! No offense to the donkeys and mules though."

A nearby mule spoke "None taken.

Sonic asks "What the-How did…?"

“Don’t question it.” I and the other members of the Mane 6 said.

The mule spoke "We mules tend to be the butt end of jokes or puns a lot."

Sonic spoke "Anyway, let’s get moving!"

The mule spoke "Right!"

Fluttershy asks "Um, what’s your name?"

Flo spoke "I'm Flo."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh."

Flo spoke "And before anyone asks, I can't have children the natural way."

Rainbow spoke "We can worry about that later. Right now, we gotta knock the infected out cold before things get worse."

Roll spoke "About that, I've knocked them all out already."

“So fast!” The rest of us, except Sonic and his other wives, gasped in shock.

Roll giggles "I am a ninja after all."

Roll then moved aside, revealing the unconscious pile of infected bodies, surprising us more.

Moonfang spoke "Ya cheeky hedgefox."

Roll jumped up in shock. “Gyah! Moonfang, where did you come from?!”

Crosswind laughs "Ah think shi followed Manic."

Danyelle giggles "It takes a lot to scare a ninja though."

Sonic asks "Ya know what would be weird?"

Danyelle spoke "I remember this one time where Discord got tangled in a thorn bush when he was chasing Mamoru and Diamond."


Jasmine and Pandora were both laughing at Discord.

Discord was limping funnily since he was covered with thorns.

Pandora spoke "Hey-- There they go! There they go!

Discord spoke "*Removing thorns* So go get 'em."

Pandora asks "There ain't no way I'm going in there. What, you want me to come out looking like you? Cactus Butt?"

Discord spits a few thorns into Jasmine's muzzle, making her yelp in pain.

Discord spoke "That wasn't funny dear..."

*end flashback*

Surtr was laughing though not in an evil way.

That caught Soren and his friends completely off guard.

Danyelle spoke "I scared him senseless before coming back here."

*Danyelle’s POV*

Despite not showing that in the slightest.

*Rarity’s POV*

“Are you certain?” I asked.

Surtr spoke "I learned the HARD way not to piss a pregnant female off."

I can tell it’ll take time for Soren and the others to warm up to him.

Danyelle whispers in Soren's ear.

Danyelle whispers "He's rather funny when drunk."

Soren asks "Huh?"

Danyelle pulls out a bottle of cider before pouring it down Surtr's throat, causing the scarred Mew to become drunk.

Surtr spoke "Hey *hic* Soren... I'm *hic* sorry for *hic* trying to kill *hic* you."

Soren was now confused.

Applejack spoke "*Bead of sweat* Was that really necessary, Dany? That was hard apple cider."

Danyelle spoke "He's more honest when drunk though and...."

A sharp pain shot up Danyelle's back.

Danyelle spoke "I need a hospital... now..."

“Talk about timing!” I noted as Fluttershy escorted Danyelle to a hospital.

Sonic spoke "Since Danyelle grew up an Ogami, she will always be part of the clan."

Then I noticed Coco looking at one of the infected mares in the pile.

Moonfang asks "Ya okay?"

Coco spoke "Suri Polomare."

That’s it! That’s why she seemed so familiar!

Moonfang asks "Wasn't she yer former employer?"

Coco asks "…How do you know?"

Moonfang spoke "Danyelle's Dimensional Scream."

Coco spoke "But… She lost control of herself when I quit. She was trying so hard to keep herself from going berserk."

Twilight spoke "But it doesn't excuse her for what she had done to the original Snowy Twirl."

Sonic spoke "And since Danyelle is immune to tarkat, she can never be infected by it."

Teermakus spoke "It was not her fault Twilight. You know that as much as I do that Tarkat caused her to do this."

Twilight spoke "Sure am glad about that."

Moonfang spoke "In the end, she was just another victim."

Teermakus spoke "Still, it’d be wise to help them control their bloodlust."

Twilight spoke "Which I think you should handle that Teermakus."

Teermakus spoke "I accept that, Princess Twilight."

Twilight spoke "You don't have to call me Princess though Teermakus, we're friends after all."

Teermakus spoke "Understood."

My eyes shimmer.

I spoke "Uh guys, there's a tarkat-infected dragon heading to the hospital! Red scales but it's not Natsu or Igneel!"

Twilight spoke "OH COME ON!"

Deep Blue spoke "We have to stop that dragon before it hurts Danyelle since she's at her most vulnerable stage!"

Rainbow spoke "Let’s go!"

Rainbow flew off right after that dragon.

The others and I run after Rainbow.

We made it to the hospital, finding Rainbow Dash holding off the dragon.

Twilight fired a roar at the dragon as she went into her Deep Lilac form.

Deep Lilac yells "LEAVE THE HOSPITAL ALONE!!!"

Rainbow spoke "Talk about timing."

Deep Lilac spoke "We have to identify the dragon as well!"

A dragoness with white scales and blue eyes rams headfirst into the dragon, pinning him down.

The dragoness spoke "That's far enough Garble!"

“Say what?!” Most of us gasped in complete shock.

Surtr spoke "I didn't *hic* see that *hic* one coming..."

Roll spoke "If you need me to, I can make him go to sleep for a while."

Deep Lilac asks "Which brings up a strange question.... Hey Teermakus, are tarkat-infected folks able to have kids with non-infected folks?"

Teermakus spoke "That question doesn’t have an answer, because that has never happened before."

Deep Lilac spoke "Its probably not a good idea though. There is a risk of the children getting the disease from one of their parents."

Pinkie spoke "Call me silly, but maybe the baby might get Tarkatan abilities without getting sick at all if that happens."

Sonic spoke "But such a theory hasn't been tested yet."

Well, this is peachy.

Spitfire had a bit of a problem with one of her front hooves.

Spitfire asks "Does anyone know how to deal with hooves?"

Sonic spoke "Dany knows, but is kinda busy with giving birth at the moment."

Spitfire spoke "Oh."

Sonic spoke "Sorry about that."

Deep Lilac spoke "We could go check on her."

Rainbow spoke "Right."

*In one of the delivery rooms*

Danyelle was resting on a bed with a wing covering her chest.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hey guys."

Sonic asks "Hey Dany, think you can help Spitfire with something?"

Danyelle spoke "I will once I regain my strength..."

It was obvious that Danyelle was getting weaker.

Sonic spoke "Easy Dany. You should use some Zs."

Zoey pops up suddenly.

Zoey spoke "Her vitals are getting weaker!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Oh, for the love of…!"

Sonic spoke "Dany! You can't die now!"

A warp ring opens up as Ben and all 14 of Danyelle's other children arrive.

Gallus spoke "Mom!"

Another warp ring opened as Josuke came out.

Maria had followed Josuke.

Maria spoke "I had sensed something was off about Danyelle so I alerted Josuke."

Starlight pops up.

Starlight spoke "If it wasn't for Danyelle, I would have caused trouble later on. She reunited me with Sunburst."

Josuke gained a pink aura before a yellow aura appeared around Danyelle as her vitals were definitely getting better.

Maria uses Chaos Heal on Danyelle.

Zoey spoke "This has to work... "

Deep Lilac scanned Danyelle with magic. “Her vitals are returning to normal, same with her insides as well. No damage.”

Spitfire and the others sigh with relief.

Maria asks "But what about the little one?"

We heard mewling as Danyelle gently smiled.

Ben asks "Is it a boy or girl?"

Danyelle giggles "It’s a beautiful baby girl."

Danyelle moves her wing out of the way, revealing a baby piebald Mew.

Gallus spoke "Huh, a piebald."

Ben spoke "Aww! She’s adorable."

Danyelle spoke "I didn't expect her to be a piebald Mew."

Deep Lilac spoke "Take it easy, Dany. You’ve earned it."

Bluestar asks "what's her name?"

Danyelle spoke "…Bella."

The Mitten mewls in protest.

Ben chuckles "I don't think she likes that name."

Danyelle spoke "Oops… Sorry."

Starlight asks "How about Aurora?"

To the surprise of the others, the piebald Mew mewls happily.

Danyelle snickers "*Teasing smirk* Now how did you know, Starlight?"

Starlight giggles "I overheard the Nightlight Mewtwos talking about it."

Danyelle giggles "Didn’t know you were so good at spying."

Starlight spoke "I'm not."

Rainbow spoke "Uh girls, Suri's here and she's mad!"

Teermakus sighs "Her bloodlust might have gained a jumpstart."

A blue blur that wasn't Sonic slams into Suri, knocking her out cold.

Sonictwo spoke "That was bloody close!"

Sonic spoke "Glad you’re getting better Sonictwo."

Sonictwo chuckles "I still have the signs of tarkat but I don't feel as sick in the head as I did back on Nightmare Night."

Teermakus spoke "It seems you have trained yourself well."

Sonictwo spoke "Well, I kinda have you to thank for that, teach."

Orion spoke "I hate to say this but we have to kill Suri before she kills one of us."

Teermakus: Don’t not assume that the second this happens. Battle can help drain anger.

Sonic spoke "That was not the case with Spoiled though."

“Remember what Coco told us?” I reminded.

Danyelle soon gets a call from Blitzo so she puts him on speakerphone.

Danyelle asks "What's up Blitz?"

Blitzo: You got someone headed your way, and fast.

Clarity showed up. “Hey guys.”

A male demonic dog-alicorn hybrid with white fur and gold eyes along with clothes similar to Sesshomaru's clothes soon arrives.

The male spoke "Hey sis!"

To be Continued

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