• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 2 - BronySonicFan

The battle between good and evil continues with Team Sonic and the Mane 5 against Dr Eggman and Opaline, while Misty starts to shift her loyalties.

  • ...

8. A Tale of Two Worlds

Knuckles was making breakfast for everypony in the kitchen.

He was wearing a chef hat, and regular gloves instead of the boxing ones. He professionally cut some fruits and vegetables that he later purred in a plate to make salad. Next, he grabbed a knife and cut several bread slices, before putting on the some roasted eggs he just made in the stove with a pan.

Next, he poured a pancake mix in the pan, at the same time that he placed the salad on the table, as well as several plates with bread, eggs, empty small bowls, box of cereals, milk, and orange juice. He also placed several cups around the seats, while his friends just smiled.

Next, he went over to the oven and putted some kind of pudding inside. Then... He just waited for the pudding to be ready, while drinking some coffee and sighing happily after taking a long sip.

A few minutes later, though, the oven made a beep sound, indicating that the pudding was ready, so Knuckles quickly took out the pudding with chef gloves and then went to place it in the middle of the table, as he then threw his chef hat and then threw a kiss in the air.

"¡El desayuno está listo!" Knuckles announced with a proud smile.

"Thank Chaos Knuckles bakes on Saturdays!" Sonic said with a smile, as he rubbed his hands and licked his lips at the delicious breakfast the echidna made.

Soon enough, everyone started to eat the breakfast made by Knuckles, with Knuckles soon enough joining them, once again wearing his regular gloves.

"Mmm!" Hitch exclaimed happily. "Look, Sunny bakes amazingly, no doubt... But Knuckles makes this meals so delicious that I still feel like it's the first time I'm tasting them again!" Hitch exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, well. As much of a Knucklehead as he is, nobody can make Knuckles competition on cooking!" Sonic said with a smile. "And that's all the compliment and praise I'm ever giving to him" he added with a mocking smirk.

"Eh, I can live with it" Knuckles said with a bored expression, pouring milk on his bowl with cereal.

"Seriously, though. How's that you always make this stuff so delicious every time? I know I'm eating the same thing that you usually do, and it still tastes like the first time!" Zipp pointed out with a smirk, chomping one scrambled egg.

"I could tell, but I won't" Knuckles replied with a smirk. "The best chefs never share their secrets. Besides, all the magic behind my skills will be lost, and we don't want that" he added with a confident tone.

"Wowie! I didn't knew you used magic to cook, Knuckie!" Izzy said with a smile, also kissing Knuckles' cheek for a second.

Tails raised a finger and prepared to say something, but Sonny covered his mouth with a hoof. "Let her be, Tails. Let her be" she told him with a little smile.

Suddenly, however, they all heard a loud clunk, which startled everyone as they started to look around the Kitchen and the living room.

"Uh... I'm not hearing things, right?" Pipp asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No... That... That was very laudable..." Tails pointed out, looking around confused.

Then, the clunk repeated, this time even louder than before.

"Okay, it was louder, and I don't like it" Sonic said with a frown.

"It seems to come from––" Sunny tried to say, just for the clunk sound to interrupt her.

Everyone turned their heads upstairs, hearing the clunk noise once again coming from the bedroom, and it came once more, louder than before.

"Our bedroom!" Sunny exclaimed with wide eyes.

Everyone quickly went upstairs, where they heard the clunk noise a whole lot louder.

They all looked through the room for the origin, but when Tails approached his side of the room, he gasped when the sound became even louder now.

"Guys! I found it!" Tails announced.

He ducked down and looked down his bed, finding that a blue light was coming out of the box with the Chaos Emeralds they had so far.

He raised and eyebrow confused and grabbed the box, slowly taking it out of the hideout, but as soon as he did so, the box moved on its own, startling the young fox as he let go the box, which fell to the ground.

Then, the box moved a bit again, before it opened thanks to the Blue Chaos Emerald boosting out of the box.

The Chaos Emerald was shining brightly, showing off it's bright Blue color, and then, it started to move around the entire room crazily, like a ball in a pinball machine trying to get the highest score, which made everyone duck down for cover, with Knuckles grabbing Izzy in a protective way, while Sonic and Zipp did the same with Pipp, leaving Sunny protecting Tails and Hitch protecting Sunny.

Finally, however, the Emerald stopped moving and just stood floating in the middle of the room, between Zipp and Pipp's beds, and right behind Sonic.

With the Emerald stopping, everyone stopped covering and slowly looked at the glowing Emerald, floating in the air and still showing off its color, but not with the same intensity than before.

"Uh, does the Emerald should be doing that?" Zipp decided to ask, as she still stood in front of Pipp in a protective manner.

"Honestly? I have no idea..." Sonic confessed with a confused look at the Emerald.

But before anyone could say or do anything, another glow appeared behind the Emerald and shone bright in a flash.

Once said flash was gone, the Unity Crystals floated right behind the Emerald, which made everyone gasp in shock and surprise.

"T-The Unity Crystals?!" Sunny exclaimed. "W-What are they doing here?!" she asked with panic.

"Dudes, are you sure this is not normal or anything?!" Zipp asked Team Sonic with a frown, even if she was panicking as well.

"Zipp, we're serious here!" Tails exclaimed. "We don't know what's––" he tried to add.

However, and once again, before anyone could say anything, the Emerald kind of turned around and then let out a trial of Chaos Energy towards the Crystals.

"Oh fuck! This shit went from 0 to 50 to beyond 100 to fucking quickly!" Knuckles exclaimed.

"What is it doing to the Crystals?!" Sunny asked in panic.

"Does anypony feel their magic glitching or weakening?!" Hitch asked, also panicking.

Izzy lightened her horn to levitate a mug nearby, and it floated normally, which meant her magic was fine. Then, both Zipp and Pipp flapped their wings, elevating in the air, also indicating their magic still worked. Next was Hitch, who softly stomped his right hoof on the ground, making a small vine grow for a moment, before lifting his hoof, which vanished the vine, but it pointed out that his magic was also still working.

Finally, Sunny focused on helping her friends out on any random situation just to test if her Alicorn powers were working, and they did, because her etherial wings and horn appeared normally.

"Okay... Our magic is intact, so whatever that thing's doing, is not affecting us..." Pipp pointed out, looking back at the Chaos Emerald, which was still doing something to the Unity Crystals.

"But then what is it doing?" Izzy asked confused.

Soon enough, however, the Earth Pony Crystal started to change its color from silver to blue, and after it was completely blue, it separated from the Crystals on its own, even though the three Crystals were still floating in the air.

Then, the Earth Pony Crystal, still shining in Blue, and the Chaos Emerald danced around for a bit, before the Emerald finally stopped, while the Crystal got over it and then turned a bit to fit over the Emerald, which made both gems shine bright, and the electricity in the entire building went out.

Everyone started to step back, with Sonic and Sunny standing in the middle of everyone else to protect them.

However, the Emerald and Crystal combined let out what seemed to be some kind of scanner, which was canning the whole room in a 360 degrees angle, until it stopped on both Sonic and Sunny, scanning the both of them and their exact shapes with such detail that it scared both of them, as well as their friends.

But once the scanning was done, the Emerald and Crystal combined started to project an image, which was glitching a lot at first, but as soon as it came clear, Tails and Knuckles gasped, while Sonic stared at the projection with wide eyes and a great desire to cry.

"... Longclaw?" Sonic said with shock, confusion, happiness... All this emotions hitting him at once

The projection of his mother figure was fully blue, but even then, he could still recognize her eyes, her clothes... her scarf... It was like if Longclaw was actually here, even if she wasn't.

"Hello, Sonic..." Longclaw's projection spoke with a warm smile. "If you're watching this, then it means that something happened to me, and that now you're navigating the roads of this life alone... Just as it was written..." she said with a sad tone and smile.

Sonic could swear that someone said something, but who or what didn't mattered to him. He didn't listened... He was too busy staring at his mother figure's projection with wide eyes.

"I pray that you're not watching this alone... And that Argyle's daughter is with you watching along" Longclaw's projection kept talking.

That... That snapped Sonic back to reality... Did she just mentioned Sunny's father?!

"What?" Sonic muttered confused.

"... She... She knew my dad?" Sunny asked in disbelief.

"What the fuck's going on..." Knuckles muttered, probably being the one who's lost the most along Izzy.

"There's a truth I never told you... About your past. Your parents... Your origins..." Longclaw's projection confessed, while she looked down with sadness and shame. "You might have born in Mobius... But your ancestors? The Chaos Emeralds? They're from the land you have arrived, Sonic. They're from Equestria" she explained with half a serious look and half a concerned one.

This made everyone but Sonic gasp once again. Was he hearing right? Did longclaw just confessed that his ancestors come from Equestria?!

"Long time ago, way before Equestria was even founded, a skilled Hedgehog warrior saw nothing but chaos and distrust in the world he lived in..." Longclaw started to narrate, as the projection switched from her to a live recreation of the events she was telling. "The world he lived in was an eternal war between his own people, allied with mine, the Owls; and the three pony tribes, which despite of hating each other, they hated us even more..." she kept narrating.

Soon enough, the projection showed the Hedgehog frowning, followed by him placing his hands together and awakening his power. Electricity surrounded him, and his eyes started to glow. Then, the hedgehog raised his hand in the air, which made a glowing light blue gem appear.

"Determinate to stop this war, the warrior focused all his energy into a glowing Emerald, known back then as the Gem of Miracles..." Longclaw continued her narration. "A powerful gem that would contain all the chaos in the world for a limited time, and embrace such chaos as their nature... An Emerald filled with Chaos..." she added.

The projection showed the Hedgehog using his own power to contain all the chaos of the ongoing war in the Gem of Miracles, which caused everyone to suddenly stop doing what they were doing and look around confused, not getting how they got there nor why all of them had weapons.

"This solution, while not the best, seemed to work for a while..." Longclaw continued. "But after 30 years, the achieved peace was broken when the pony tribes split up once again, and things only got worse when the unicorns declared war to both Hedgehogs and Owls..." she added with concern.

Now the projection showed the horrors of a war between Unicorns, Hedgehogs and Owls, with the latter groups allied to defeat the former one.

"Seeing that containing all that Chaos in the Gem of Miracles wasn't enough, he had to do an unfortunate sacrifice..." Longclaw narrated, while the projection showed the Hedgehog warrior with a guilty expression, that soon shifted into a determinate one. "He gave the Gem to the current leader of his own tribe and begged him to take their people, as well as the owls, far away, were the ponies would never dare to find them" she explained.

The projection showed the leader of the Hedgehogs frowning with concern for the warrior, but then they nodded and grabbed the Gem of Miracles. After that, the leader managed to reunite both Hedgehogs and Owls equally in a big circle, with the leader using the power of the Gem to make a wish: Take them to the last place anyone would ever dare to look for them.

With a flash, the Hedgehogs and Owls left, while the Hedgehog warrior stood behind and grabbed a spear from the ground, glaring daggers at the Unicorns.

"The warrior knew he was going to die, but he didn't cared" Longclaw kept narrating. "He sacrificed himself to save his own people, even though he also felt he had to stay behind to amend his mistake of believing chaos could be stopped with just a wish..." she added.

And then, the Hedgehog warrior let out a battle cry, jumping in the air with his spear and getting ready to take down as many unicorns as he could with him.

But as soon, as the Hedgehog seemed to be about to kill a unicorn, the projection switched again, now showing the Hedgehogs and Owls living peacefully on their new found home.

"A hundred years later, while the pony tribes came together and founded Equestria, our tribes lived in peace and harmony on their new home: A set of 5 islands located far away from Equestria, known as the Starfall Islands..." Longclaw started to narrate again. "However, one pacific day, many ships from space arrived to one of the islands, were the leaders of both tribes awaited, ready to defend their land if necessary" she explained.

The projection showed the arrival of the ships, and then, two creatures that seemed to have a liquid-like body, with stones inside that seemed to have faces, came out of one of the ships.

"These creatures belonged to a long lost civilization that came to this planet with 6 identical jewels to our tribes' Gem of Miracles..." Longclaw narrated. "However, they referred to all of the seven as 'Chaos Emeralds', do their chaotic nature to do things beyond imagination and control..." she explained.

Then, one of the creatures approached to the Hedgehog and Owl leader, bowing to them while placing a hand on their chest.

The leaders looked at each other after the creature did that, before smiling and nodding. Looking back at the creature, they also kneeled with their hands on their chests, showing their respect to this new creature.

"With this new alliance formed with the new creatures, they spent the next 20 years learning about the other Chaos Emeralds, as well as all kind of stuff from the new civilization..." Longclaw continued. "But this new civilization's arrival hid another meaning..." she added, her voice sounded more serious now.

The projection showed the new civilization boarding their ships with the Chaos Emeralds, and then flying away, just seconds before some external force launched a massive laser to their planet, splitting it in two and destroying it entirely.

Everyone gasped in horror at this, and Sonic only closed his eyes while frowning, also pressing his fists strongly.

"They came to this planet in order to escape from their long swore enemy..." Longclaw kept saying. "But their enemy still find them and followed to the Starfall Islands, anyways..." she added.

Now, the projection reflected the civilization, as well as some Hedgehogs and Owls, preparing the Islands defenses to be protected from their enemy... But failing in the process.

"In order to keep everyone safe, or as many as possible at last, the new creatures used the power of the Emeralds to look for a new home all across the multiverse..." Longclaw continued. "And they found it: A habitable world in a neighboring universe, where rested an emerald much larger and more powerful than the 7 Chaos Emeralds put together... A Master Emerald" she revealed.

"This is getting both interesting and confusing..." Knuckles muttered.

"With their escape rout ready, out ancestors had no choice but to abandon their home for their own safety a second time..." Longclaw narrated. "The Hedgehogs' Leader's daughter and his wife escaped... But he died defending the islands. The Owls' leader promised to watch after them, tradition that went down through generations" she added.

The projection starts to show the passing of time, with the Hedgehogs and Owls growing and moving forward on their new-new home... Green Hills.

"Our ancestors found a new home in Mobius, guarding the Chaos Emeralds, and protecting each other..." Longclaw narrated. "But... Things didn't lasted peacefully forever..." she confessed with a broken voice.

The next that is showed? Well, is Bernie and Jules running away from robots, with Bernie carrying Baby Sonic on her arm, while the three Hedgehogs were protected by other Hedgehogs and followed by Longclaw from the sky.

"Sonic... There's something else I never told you..." Longclaw confessed once more, as the projection switched to her figure again. "Your parents never got rid of you... They were not ditched because they were afraid of Robotnik's machines... They ran away because they wanted to save you" she revealed.

Sonic's world suddenly stopped with that revelation. Whatever his friends were saying, or however they were reacting to this, he didn't cared... This was a hit harder than getting his crotch smashed.

All his life... He believed that his parents never wanted him, which is why Longclaw found him and took him over as her own son... Now, that same mother figure is telling him that she lied to him, that his parents did cared but gave their lives to save him... From Eggman?!

"Your father... He jumped straight to his dead just to save you and your mother..." Longclaw said, as the projection switched again and replayed the very same scene of Jules ordering Longclaw to save Bernie and Sonic.

Sonic's heart was racing like mad as he watched the scene of his father jumping into a fight with Eggman's badniks, while Bernie and Longclaw stood behind.

In the projection, Bernie frowned, and she turned to Longclaw. "I won't run away from this fight. Not anymore" she stated with a determinate look.

"You two are definitely meant for each other... you are equally crazy!" Longclaw shouted in anger and worry.

"Don't think I'm happy with this... but it is what must be done" Bernie replied. "Longclaw... the Chaos Emeralds choose him. You saw it with your own eyes! He's destined to greater things... I know it!" she explained with a proud smile, as he looked lovely at her sleeping son on her arms. "I've had visions... dreams where he's all grown up. He overcomes many tasks and defeats bigger foes. He's been chosen to be a real hero" she finished with a smile.

Even if the shock of knowing that his parents did cared about him was hard to process, seeing his biological mother talk about him that way... It made him smile, as a lonely tear ran down his cheek without him noticing.

Then, the projection showed Bernie giving his baby self to Longclaw, with the latter smiling at the sight of the infant.

"Please..." Bernie spoke before Longclaw even could. "Take care of him. Make sure he becomes a strong man... and if you have to lie about our fate... then do it. Don't let him know about his past until he arrives to Equestria, and don't teach him anything about our people's culture. Just... rise him as a normal child... please..." she begged with sad tears.

Sonic's smile disappeared, but so did the hate he felt for his parents for so long.

The truth was out now... He wasn't hated by them. They loved him, specially his real mother. But they sacrificed, fighting badniks... Did Eggman killed his parents? Was that why his mother didn't wanted Longclaw to tell him that they died saving him? Because she didn't wanted him to find out about his biggest enemy being the very same reason he even does what he does?

The projection switched again, with Longclaw looking down in shame, and then looking forward. "Sonic... I never told you this before because your mother asked me to. And I know that you might be mad with me..." she spoke with a hurt look.

Was he, though? Could he really blame her for not telling him the truth? It was hard to tell, but whatever he was feeling... It wasn't hate. It could never be hate for her.

"You have a hidden power as well, you know? The ability to control electricity with your bare hands..." Longclaw spoke again, and Sonic looked at his hand, which he closed into a fist with small electrical sparks. "That power... has been inherited by your ancestors since before you came to Mobius" she explained. "If I recall correctly, I think the most ancient of the echidnas and some foxes among that planet also inherited similar abilities... But it's up to you to find out the veracity of that information" she pointed out.

"Well, we know the answer... But the context it's still hard to process..." Tails pointed out with an anxious expression.

"You know? I never really knew what Equestria was until the Emeralds themselves presented us that place" Longclaw kept talking. "We were greeted by a young couple of earth ponies... Argyle Starshine and Shining Star..." she added.

Sunny gasped after hearing that. "S-She knew my parents..." she said with shock.

"The young pair told us about a blanket Argyle's family passed down for generations, as well as showed us the Earth Pony Crystal..." Longclaw kept talking. "We kept contact with them for a good while, but after your parents died and Star passed away giving birth to her daughter... The Emeralds gave Argyle and I a vision..." she confessed.

Sonic and Sunny looked at each other, before looking back at the projection.

"We saw you and his daughter, Sunny, joining forces, meeting each other, years in the future..." Longclaw revealed. "We were so confused and scared at the time, but eventually... We realized that it was written. That you and Sunny were destined to meet each other... And I think it has accomplished if you are watching this..." she added with a sad smile.

"You could say..." Sonic commented, as he and Sunny smiled at each other.

Then, Longclaw's projection sighed. "Sonic... I don't ask you to forgive me for never telling you any of this. I'm asking you to understand. Understand that all of this, your life, your actions, your destiny! It was all meant to happen..." she explained.

Even if Sonic did felt kind of hurt that she lied to him, and never told the truth at all, Sonic did understood that this wasn't something made with bad intentions...

It was destiny, something he refused to believe in for so long... And now? Now he was believing it is real after all.

"Robotnik... He... He's the reason you and I are the last of our tribes... Of course, we're not the last Hedgehog nor Owl in the world... But we are everything that remains from what our ancestors used to be..." Longclaw continued. "Yet telling you that might have driven you to become something you are not. I understand if you hate him now more than ever now that the truth is out... But I also know who you really are..." she added, now smiling warmly ahead.

Sonic couldn't help but feel his ears lowering, as well as his heart racing and his emotions mixing.

"My dear, dear Sonic... You're not just some guy, as you might believe..." Longclaw started to speak. "You have the courage to do launch into battle to protect others, regardless of what it means to you. You have overcome challenges that many call impossible. You've become a bigger hero than you could ever imagine..." she added with a proud smile.

As she did so, the projection switched to show several events from Sonic's life: the first time Sonic became Super Sonic and defeated Eggman on the Death Egg; when he took down Chaos, when he confronted Metal Overlord along Tails and Knuckles; when he defeated Solaris and erased time along Elise; and the last event that Longclaw witnessed before dying... the defeat of Dark Gaia.

While everypony watched amazed at the live recreation of this stories, despite having hearing them before from Team Sonic, the latter group only watched on with smiles, and Sonic even felt a bit of nostalgia by seeing these events again.

"You were choose by the Chaos Emeralds, to do greater things..." Longclaw talk again, as the projection switched to her again. "My dear Sonic, you have a heart like no creature I've ever known. Always willing to help, no matter how hard the circumstances might seen..." she added with pride, while Sonic fought the urge to cry. "I'm so proud of you, and even if I'm not Bernie... I'm so glad I could be your mother. Because I love you as such..." she stated with a warm smile.

Sonic was tearing up now, but his smile didn't faded away. Hearing his mother figure say that she's proud of him after so long was definitely touching, and he was proud to say that he was her son.

"I know it's going to take you time to process all of this... but know that, even if I'm not with you anymore, I'll always watch over you. I have to go now, my dear Sonic, but know that we'll see each other again, one day..." Longclaw added. "I must go now... Stay strong, my dear Sonic... And never stop being who you are... Goodbye..." she finished with a sad smile.

With this, Longclaw's projection finally dissipated, followed by the Earth Pony Crystal separating from the Blue Chaos Emerald, and then returning with the other two Unity Crystals, as it joined with them on a perfect fit, and then, a light flashed again, with the Crystals disappearing and returning to the Crystal Room.

Meanwhile, the Chaos Emerald on its own floated back to the box, while the electricity in the Crystal Brighthouse returned.

For quite a while, nobody said anything. But, what was there to be said? They just got a whole ass of information dropped to them out of nowhere... It was normal that nobody knew what to say right now.

"... So... That just happened..." Zipp was the first to speak after a while.

"Our parents met before we were even born... They knew we would met before us!" Sunny exclaimed, as she looked at Sonic.

"The Chaos Emeralds are from Equestria..." Knuckles muttered, rubbing his chin with a thoughtful look. "Nobody has ever tried to dig in their origin. With the amount of power they have, it never seemed necessary... But knowing they're from other world? This is... quite a twist..." he pointed out.

"Our powers are inherited?!" Tails exclaimed as well. "Huh... That would explain why they only awakened in this world... Maybe this world's magic had something to do with their awakening..." he theorized.

"There's a lot of info to process in here!" Pipp pointed out with wide eyes. "Like, a lot. The Emeralds are from Equestria? If so, who created them? And why was there just one here in Equis before that lost civilization arrived with the rest?" she questioned confused.

"Or why did the ponies hated the Hedgehogs and the Owls so much?" Zipp added with a frown. "Why did this civilization got lost in time? Why did they ran away when their enemy returned again?" she added with concern.

"Dad never talked to me about any of this..." Sunny spoke, as she walked to her side of the room and grabbed the framed picture she had with her dad. "I knew he never told me everything he wanted, but... Hearing at least something of all of this from him would've been nice..." she pointed out.

"Ugh... My head hurts just about thinking of so much new and confusing info..." Izzy said with a cringed expression, as she grabbed her head with her hooves.

"I think we're all confused on this, hun..." Knuckles stated, as he wrapped his arm around her.

But as the rest seemed to discuss about what just happened, Sonic was lost on his own little world.

His parents died because Eggman killed them, along all the other hedgehogs and owls of his tribe and Longclaw's... They died protecting him... And he always hated them for nothing.

More shocking, even, is that the Chaos Emeralds are from Equestria. Or, at least, from this same universe...

Also, Longclaw said that the Emeralds choose him for greater stuff... Did that meant his destiny was already written? He hoped not, of course. But if it was... Did that meant all his life was... Already decided? All his adventures, all the people he met, all the battles he won... All of that was stablished before he was born?

"Sonic?" Tails called out, and Sonic perked his ears, then turned around to face his little adopted brother. "How, um... How are you feeling?" he asked, while the rest looked at him expectantly.

"... Conflicted?" Sonic replied unsure. "I... I don't know how to explain it... Am I hurt that she lied about what happened to my parents? Absolutely, but... I don't hate her... And the thing with Eggman leaving me homeless and almost orphan, the Emeralds actually originating from this universe... Is a lot to take in..." he pointed out.

"Yeah, I know where you're getting..." Sunny said with concern. "My dad never actually told me about the family blanket until we found it with the projector, and he never told me he met non-pony creatures, either..." she pointed out.

"Well, I still don't get one thing..." Tails said. "If the Chaos Emeralds are from this world, then who or what created them?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know what to answer to that..." Sonic replied with concern.

However, he suddenly remembered that he visited Discord a few days ago, and he told him about the last Chaos Emerald's location... There cave that the Chaos Emerald created after arriving, and even if he glanced at the cave's hologram for a short notice, he could swore he saw drawings in the walls of said cave... Or rather, glyphs.

Was this why Discord didn't talked about the Emeralds before? He knew about them being from Equestria all this time and said nothing?

Well, right now, it didn't mattered... If that cave was where the Chaos Emerald was located, even if it was in the past, it had to be there for a reason... And he was going to find what reason it is.

"However... I might know where to look" Sonic stated with a smirk.

Unknown Location - 100 years ago

Shadow climbed to the top of the mountain with little to no effort.

Then, he turned around and extended his hand, while Amy grabbed it and climbed as well, as she sighed in relief and smiled thankfully to Shadow. As for Rouge and Omega? They flew all the way to the top, but Rouge was panting exhausted after flapping her wings to get to the top of 98 ft tall mountain.

So, the bat sat on Omega's shoulder and sighed. "At last! I thought we would never arrive here!" she exclaimed dramatically.

"You had to flap your wings, which will be fine in 10 minutes or less..." Shadow pointed out with a bored expression. "We had to climb the whole fucking mountain with our bare hands..." he added with an eye roll.

"And you were doing fine until 2 minutes ago, so stop being a drama queen..." Amy added, also with an eye roll and a bored expression. "Not to mention the book fell once we were 10 feet away of reaching the top" she pointed out with annoyance.

And after Rouge groaned annoyed, the group approached to their destination: A cave with a really big entrance, with a light blue glow coming from inside. The archway at the entrance had 7 huge emeralds marked on it, as well as two gigantic owl statues on the sides.

"So, here it is..." Amy said, placing her hands on her hips. "The Chaos Emerald is in there, right?" she asked, now looking at Omega.

Omega used his scanner to take a look inside of the cave, and once he finished, he looked down to Amy. "Affirmative" the robot replied.

"Well, we lost the book, but at least we're gonna get the Emerald" Shadow pointed out, as he stepped inside of the cave, while Amy, Rouge and Omega followed behind, with Rouge getting off the robot's shoulder and walking as well.

"Let's just hope we're not too late!" Amy declared with a determinate look.

As they entered the cave, they could see several glyphs around. The cave was pretty much empty, or that was the first impression. More than a cave, it felt more like a large corridor full of glyphs, as well as Owl statues around for some reason that none of them understood.

Now, even if the glyphs were more of a huge distraction, that didn't stopped from calling the groups attention. It was hard to ignore, anyways, but it didn't made them less interesting...

Suddenly, however, Omega stopped moving and stared at one specific glyph: Six ponies were glowing and floating, while their bodies were surrounded by some kind of light, which at the same time was being shot at an equine figure that had both wings and a horn. The figure also had glowing mane? It was hard to tell, to be honest.

"Omega?" Rouge called out, as she, Shadow and Amy approached to the robot. "What are you looking at?" she asked him.

But as soon as she looked at the same glyph Omega was staring at, her eyes widened a bit. Well, she wasn't looking at the same glyph than Omega, but instead at the one beside.

It showed a giant face she could recognize anywhere... Eggman's face. However, the fact that it was big, or even there at all, didn't surprised her that much... Now the fact that she could see Team Sonic, Shadow and herself below? That was weird and confusing.

The glyph also showed all of them with the same light surrounding them, as well as being shot at Eggman's giant face.

"Uh... Why are these drawings showing us? And where is Omega?" Amy asked, since Shadow and her also noticed the glyphs.

"This is confusing... First we discover that the Chaos Emeralds are not even from our home, and now we found a cave with glyphs of us?" Shadow said with concern. "This world gets both interesting and confusing at the same time..." he pointed out.

"Um... I say we should just grab the Emerald and sent the message to those three already..." Rouge said, as she pushed both Shadow and Amy away from the glyphs. "This place is giving me the creeps..." she added with a frown.

Omega kept staring at the glyph for a while, however. Even if he was a robot and couldn't exactly feel emotions, he did had intrigue on why the others were on the glyphs, even Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman, but not him.

"Omega! Are you coming or what?" Rouge called out.

Omega did turned his body around to follow up, but he glanced at the glyphs one last time, before finally following the others deep inside the cave.

Once he catch up and reached the rest, they all arrived to the deepest zone in the cave, and they didn't knew if feel fascinated by how it looked, or even more confused: This zone of the cave had 3 giant Owl statues, with a round platform in front of each of the statues.

Also, above each statue, there was a giant glyph of one specific animals for each: A hedgehog with electricity around them; a two-tailed fox, floating on a meditation position; and an echidna with big fists and knuckles.

Finally, the Light Blue Chaos Emerald was right there, shining bright and floating in the middle of the room.

"Now giant glyphs of those three?!" Rouge exclaimed, but confused and almost panicking. "I'm really starting to hate this place..." she confessed.

"At last the Emerald is there" Shadow pointed out. "Now let's get it before more weird things happen" he added. "Chaos Control!" he shouted, extending his hand to the Chaos Emerald.

However, as soon as he stepped into the room, not only the Chaos Emerald started to glow brightly, but the platforms in the room began to glow on blue, yellow and red colors respectively, with the glyphs glowing in the same color, as well as lightning from the same colors running around.

"Shadow, what the fuck did you just did?!" Rouge screamed in panic, while Any took out her Piko PIko hammer, and Omega pointed his guns to all the places around, just in case something popped out of nowhere.

"I did no shit!" Shadow replied with a frown.

However, before anyone could say anything, the lightnings reached the Chaos Emerald, which then started to shine so brightly that it blurred everyone's faces...

Once the light was gone, however, Team Dark and Amy opened their eyes... just to stare at Team Sonic, which stared back at them with wide eyes.

Unknown Location - Present Day

A warp ring portal appeared right at the top of a mountain in Equestria.

From said portal, Team Sonic came out, all of them wearing their winter gear from Wishday.

"Are you guys sure you don't want us to tag along?" Sunny asked from the other side of the portal, as the Mane 5 all stared at Team Sonic.

"Discord mentioned that this cave was created by the Emerald after arriving 100 years ago" Sonic replied. "I know you guys are getting used to crazy stuff, but time travel? I don't want you all to live with the sequels for the next couple of weeks" he pointed out with a frown.

"I'm with Sonic on this one..." Tails said with a sheepish smile. "We would appreciate your help, no doubt, but we can handle time travel, and you guys cannot..." he pointed out as well.

"Also, we need you all to keep an eye on the Chaos Emeralds" Knuckles agreed. "You know, in case there's another recorded secret message we don't know about..." he added with a bored expression.

"We'll be back once we have found what I think we're gonna find..." Sonic stated with a smirk. "And if we don't return for tomorrow, we're just history!" he added, weirdly enough, with a cheery tone.

At this, Knuckles frowned and smacked his head. "Don't say it like that, idiot!" he scolded.

"What Sonic meant is that you guys can come for us if we're not back in two hours" Tails said with a smile. "We'll try to be as quick as possible, okay?" he added.

"But just in case we do have a problem..." Sonic said, as he brought out a warp ring, and then tossed it to Sunny with a smirk.

Sunny caught the ring on her hoof, just in time so it wouldn't open a portal, and she smiled back at Sonic, before putting the ring on her saddle bag, and then looking back at Team Sonic.

"Just be careful..." Sunny said with concern.

"Please call, text, or just sent a picture to know you guys are fine, okay?!" Pipp said with panic.

"You better be back in one piece, guys!" Izzy said with a slight frown, but she was looking only at Knuckles.

"Take care of yourselves!" Hitch said with a smile, while Sparky made babbling sound on his head.

"Have fun!" Zipp added with a smirk.

Team Sonic smiled at them, Tails waved his hand, Knuckles just nodded, and Sonic made a salute, before the three of them turned around and approached the cave, while the warp ring closed behind.

The Team stared at a cave with a really big entrance. The archway at the entrance had 7 huge emeralds marked on it, as well as two gigantic owl statues on the sides, which called the attention of the trio.

"Okay... There's giant Owl statues in the entrance... It looks promising!" Sonic commented with a smirk, as the trio entered the cave.

More than a cave, it seemed to be a large corridor, with Tails staring at everything amazed, while he took out his Miles Electric and scanned all the place with it.

"Whoa... What is this place?" Tails questioned amazed, still scanning his surroundings.

"This cave was created by the Chaos Emerald a hundred years ago?" Knuckles asked confused. "How odd..." he added with a frown.

"Not as odd as being dragged by a machine that can manipulate time nor getting turned into some kind of half werewolf, half hedgehog..." Sonic pointed out, but he was frowning as well.

Soon enough, however, and as Tails kept scanning around, he suddenly stopped to stare at a specific glyph, one that made him put his Miles Electric away.

Six ponies were glowing and floating on this glyph, ponies that looked exactly like the Mane 5 and Misty. Their bodies were surrounded by some kind of light, which at the same time was being shot at an Alicorn, one that seemed to have a glowing mane. And, if Zipp's theories are correct, it's safe to say that Opaline is the Alicorn in this glyph.

However, just when he though that this day couldn't be more shocking, he turned to see the glyph at the side, which did made him gasp loudly, calling Sonic and Knuckles' attention: This glyph showed Eggman's giant face with a sinister smile. Now, this was shocking, true, but the fact that there was glyphs of them, Amy, Shadow and Rouge as well? Now that was a big shock.

"What in the name of Chaos is this?" Sonic asked with a mixed expression that showed anger and confusion.

Knuckles approached as well and stared at both glyphs, feeling both surprised and confused. However, unlike Sonic and Tails, he could kind of tell what this glyphs meant. "It's some kind of... prophecy..." he replied.

"A prophecy?" Sonic asked with a raised brow. "For what?" he added confused.

"I cannot tell exactly..." Knuckles confessed. "But, considering we are in this glyphs, as well as Eggman, Opaline, friends and allies that aren't even here... Maybe this walls are trying to warn us about something.

However, before Sonic could say anything about what he though about Knuckles' theory, they hard another gasp from Tails, who was back at the beginning of the corridor, but staring at the glyphs that were in the walls more closely.

"G-Guys! Quick! You have to see this!" Tails called put with a shocked, yet excited tone.

Sonic and Knuckles looked at each other confused, before walking up to Tails and see at the same wall than him.

Yeah, they gasped as well, because these glyphs in particular were a real shock. "Are those... us?!" Sonic asked in shock, as he narrowed his eyes and looked closer to the glyphs.

Apparently, all these new glyphs were not things that were gonna happen, but instead events that already happened...

Eggman tricking Sonic into his machine, Sonic's arrival to Equestria and meeting Izzy, the escape from Maretime Bay along Sunny, meeting the royal family in Zephyr Heights, escaping to Bridlewood, getting the Crystals together, Opaline helping Eggman come to Equestria, Tails and Knuckles arrival, the awaken of each of their powers, Sonic saving the Wishing Star...

All of these and more were printed in the walls.

"... Knux... I-I think you're right..." Sonic said with shock and surprise. "This place... All these glyphs are a prophecy..." he realized. "Of events that already happened, of events that will happen..." he added.

"I don't know how to feel about the fact that I'm right on something important..." Knuckles said with shock.

"All this time we thought we were here by coincidence... It seems we are here because of destiny..." Sonic pointed out.

"Our powers, the Emeralds, everything..." Tails added with surprise, as he scanned the glyphs with his Miles Electric.

"It was written in the sacred books of this land, long before we were born..." Knuckles commented. "Well, maybe not ion their books, but... You know what I mean..." he corrected himself, and Sonic and Tails only nodded.

The shock of seeing this was big for sure, but they knew they needed to keep going.

So, with one last look, the trio decided to speed up ahead, going deep into the large corridor once again, and once they reached the end of said corridor, Tails gasped amazed, while Sonic whistled in awe at the sight: This section was a big room with 3 giant Owl statues, each having a round platform in front of them.

Also, above each statue, there was a giant glyph of one specific animals for each: A hedgehog with electricity around them; a two-tailed fox, floating on a meditation position; and an echidna with big fists and knuckles.

"Okay, can we agree that those drawings in the walls are way to prophetical? There's no way that's just a coincidence..." Tails pointed out with concern.

"Yeah, this is surprising and strange..." Knuckles agreed with a frown.

"I found out that the Chaos Emeralds are from Equestria, that Eggman killed my parents, who let themselves get killed just so I could survive, and that my ancestors are actually from Equestria... All of that was 30 minutes ago..." Sonic pointed out with a bored expression. "It's clear to me that destiny exists, and that we were gonna find this place eventually. So, no, this isn't surprising at all" he added with a tired tone.

"I think you're gonna need plenty of therapy after we're done here..." Tails said with a bored expression as well.

Yet, Sonic only rolled his eyes and approached to the platform in front if the statue that had the hedgehog glyph above. He looked closely to the weird symbol in the platform, just to gasp surprised: The symbol was a blue flame with lightning around, the exact same drawing that became his Cutie Mark when he turned into a pegasus for the Manesquerade Ball.

Tails approached to the platform in front if the statue that had the two-tailed fox glyph above, and he also gasped when he saw the symbol in the platform was a box of tools with yellow lightning, the same symbol he had as a Cutie Mark when he became a pony.

Finally, Knuckles approached to the last pedestal, the one in front of the Owl statue with the echidna glyph above. He stared confused with a raised eyebrow at the symbol in the platform. This drawing were boxing gloves with bigger knuckles surrounded by red electricity, the same symbol he had for Cutie Mark as an earth pony stallion.

"Well, this is getting ridiculous..." Sonic said with a bored expression.

"This is a story were we interact with talking ponies, Sonic... What did you expect?!" Knuckles pointed out with sarcasm.

Sonic rolled his eyes, and he looked back at the pedestal with a frown. "So what we got for Cutie Marks are here as well. What does it mean, anyways?" he questioned.

"I don't know..." Tails confessed. "Should we... Should we step on them or something?" he asked confused.

"Worth a shot. But if we die, I'm gonna be upset!" Knuckles stated with a frown.

"Like if you were never upset..." Sonic said with a bored expression, once again rolling his eyes.

Next, he decided to step over the platform with what was once his Cutie Mark, while Tails and Knuckles did the same.

With this... nothing happened.

"Huh... That was pretty anticlimactic..." Sonic pointed out. "Maybe if we..." he was about to add, but then, he turned on his electrical powers.

With this, the platform he was over glowed in a blue light, as well as the hedgehog glyph above the statue.

"Okay... That did something..." Sonic pointed out with a smirk.

"I think our powers are the key to find out what this thing is about!" Tails pointed out. "Knuckles, put those gloves to shine!" he told the echidna with a smirk, while he turned on his own powers, as both the platform he was over and the glyph above the statue behind him started to shine in yellow lights as well.

"You don't have to tell me twice, little man!" Knuckles said with a smirks, smashing his knuckles together to turn his powers on, while the glyph and the platform he was over also shone in red lights.

Soon enough, and with the three platforms shining, the room started to be filled with electricity, all coming out of Team Sonic's bodies.

As this happened, a series of events came into Sonic's mind with the blink of an eye: a giant robot, the Chaos Emeralds gathering around him, some Islands with giant creatures, even some kind of metallic goo extending over Sonic's arm.

But then, when the vision finished for him, a light blue glow started to shine bright all of a sudden, calling the attention of the trio. So, without hesitation, they all gathered together in one corner of the room and activated their shields to be protected, while the light blue glow filled the entire room.

After some seconds, the light disappeared, and Team Sonic deactivated their shields. They stared at the last Chaos Emerald, shining bright and floating in the middle of the room, surprised that their powers just did that.

"Holy shit! Now that was unexpected!" Knuckles said with a smile.

"How did we brought the Emerald here?!" Sonic questioned confused.

"Hmm... I think the platforms were some kind of space-time distorters..." Tails suggested. "In simple words, they were created to bring something stuck in the past to our present!" he added.

"So our powers, being half-magic and half-chaos energy, brought the Emerald back to us?" Knuckles asked.

"It's weird, but it's also the best we got..." Sonic pointed out.

However, they heard groans and coughs, and when they turned to see where they came from... their eyes widened: Team Dark and Amy Rose were right there, at the other side of the same room Team Sonic were in right now.

When Team Dark and Amy opened their eyes, they stared back at Team Sonic with wide eyes as well, not getting how they got there... and vice versa.

"Shadow?!" Sonic screamed in shock and panic.

"Hedgehog!" Shadow screamed back with wide eyes.

"Amy?!" Tails called out with surprise.

"Tails!" Amy said back with shock.

"Rouge!" Knuckles said, with a mix of surprise, confusion and anger.

"Dork" Rouge said back with wide eyes, just not as expressive as the other two.

As for Omega? The poor robot simply looked down in disappointment, since nobody named him.

"What the actual fuck is going on today?!" Sonic shouted with shock and surprise.

In Opaline's Castle, Eggman was the one who gathered both Opaline and Misty this time around.

"This better be good, Ivo" Opaline spoke with a frown.

"Oh it is..." Eggman said, turning to face her with a frown. "My Robo-Flicky has been collecting crucial info from the Sonic Underground" he explained.

"Ever since when those idiots hang out underground?" Opaline asked confused.

Eggman deadpanned at her and sighed deeply. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't heard that... For both of our sakes..." he said with a tired tone.

After that, he whistled with his fingers, while the robotic Flicky entered through the window and landed on Eggman's shoulder, before looking at Opaline and Misty, and then project some images of the latest events it has witnessed.

It first showed Discord, as he was talking with Sonic on Canterlot's library. "While you were busy talking with your friends, the Emeralds travelled all the way here first. However, on the way, the Light Blue One strayed away from the others and entered a different time branch. Now, even if it did ended up in Equestria anyways, it had travelled around a hundred or two hundred years prior our present day. And once it arrived to the top of that mountain, due to the distortion in time it experimented, the Emerald created that cave to protect itself and wait for you!" the video played.

Both Opaline and Misty gasped at this, with Misty even covering her mouth with a hoof.

"That message is from two days ago..." Eggman said, as the Flicky switched the image and showed Longclaw's projection from the Blue Chaos Emerald and the Earth Pony Crystal. "This one is from today!" he added.

"You might have born in Mobius... But your ancestors? The Chaos Emeralds? They're from the land you have arrived, Sonic. They're from Equestria" Longclaw's projection said with a serious look.

This made the mares gasp once again. "W-What?! T-Those rocks you've been trying to collect are from this world?!" Opaline asked in disbelief.

"I know. Shocking. I mean, not as shocking as a later revelation she made that made me gulp a little, but still. Shocking" Eggman agreed with a frown. "Now that I know they come from a magical world, we must get them for real!" he stated.

"After so long, I finally have a reason to agreed on the urgency of getting these Emeralds" Opaline agreed with a frown. "We must take the ones those silly ponies and company have!" she stated.

"Oh, and we will!" Eggman assured. "I will go to the same place Discord mentioned to that Hedgehog. I'll take my badniks with me in case he's there. As for you two..." he was about to add, before just looking at Misty and frown. "Maybe it is time you get us a dragon, Misty. Bring that fire to Opaline, and not only we will rule two worlds with the power of the Chaos Emeralds and the Unity Crystals... but you will get your Cutie Mark!" he added with a grin.

Well, this was it... Misty was now convinced that Eggman has become Opaline 2.0.

At first, it seemed like he genuinely wanted her to succeed in order to make Opaline happy so she could earn her Cutie Mark... But after Winter Wishday, he's been so stubborn and cruel with her, to the point it feels like if he's just trying to manipulate her to stay... just like Opaline...

Was this a sign? Did she had to leave them already? Was she being stubborn to stay with them? Was trusting Eggman despite his recent attitude still good?

"It doesn't matter if we end on opposite sides of this game. I won't hurt you, no matter what. And that's a promise..." Eggman's voice echoed on her mind.

Why?! Why was that damn promise still haunting her? Why couldn't she take those words off her mind?! Why... Why did she still looked at him like a father despite everything he has done? Why did she felt so safe with him, even if she knew his true intentions?

Why was she so worthless without him?

"... Right..." Misty spoke. "I... I will get that dragon. And this time? I'm not coming back without him!" Misty declared with a determinate look.

Eggman smirked, satisfied with the answer. "Attagirl!" he replied confidently.

Back in the cave, Team Sonic, Amy and Team Dark had to talk things out.

For the next 30 minutes or so, each part explained around 15/16 minutes what happened to them.

Team Dark and Amy explained their whole ass adventure from the beginning: Tails and Knuckles sudden disappearance, Amy's urge to fin the three of them, their missions around Eggman's bases on mobius to collect info and make his machine work again, their arrival to Equestria, their discovery about the Chaos Emeralds true origins, and what happened in the cave before even getting the Chaos Emerald.

As for Team Sonic, they had to tell a really vague version of their story, skipping many details that could make some tension: Sonic's adventure with the Mane 5, Tails and Knuckles arrival along Eggman, their many battles with him, Opaline being Eggman's ally, finding out the Emeralds being from Equestria as well through Longclaw's message, finding out the truth about Sonic's parents and bloodline in the same message, and what the did on the cave.

"Okay, so... You four spent 6 months fixing Eggman's trap to reach us, but instead got trapped in it as well, and you spent the last week trying to reach the Emerald without knowing that both you and the Emerald were in the past?" Sonic questioned.

"Sounds about right to me!" Amy replied with a smirk. "And you three have been doing pretty much the same ever since you arrived, right? Just stop Eggman from his current scheme––" she tried to point out.

However, the strange attitude of Team Sonic clearly said otherwise: Sonic started to whistle 'innocently', Knuckles scratched his head while looking away, and Tails coughed, as he just looked at a random wall in the room.

"... You guys haven't stopped him, have you?" Shadow asked with his arms crossed and a bored expression, as he held the Light Blue Chaos Emerald on his hand.

"To be honest, we still don't know what's his deal..." Knuckles spoke. "We have stopped him from trying to hurt our new pony friends, but he's being silent about his intentions" he explained.

"We only know that whatever he has on store, it involves the magical Crystals Sonic helped them to put together" Tails pointed out. "Well, that, and the Chaos Emeralds" he added with a bored expression.

"So what have you been up to if you haven't defeated Eggman?" Shadow questioned with a glare.

"Well, we've been trying to get the Emeralds he managed to get before us, but he never uses them" Sonic explained. "Instead, he uses my quill and Knuckles' he collected... I still don't know how, though..." he pointed out.

"Why would Eggman use your quills as a source of energy?" Amy asked confused.

"Well, I don't know if we mentioned it, but Longclaw's message said something about echidnas, foxes and hedgehogs having cool electrical powers by inherence..." Knuckles said with a smirk. "And we didn't... Well... KNOW WE DID!" he shouted happily, as he smashed his fists together and made his electrical powers show up, with his eyes turning red as well.

This made Amy and Rouge step back surprised, while Shadow's eyes widened as his arms dropped, and Omega just looked at Shadow at his side confused.

"W-What the... H-How... When... WHY...?!" Amy asked in shock, while one of her eyes twitched.

"Oh, this?" Sonic asked with a mocking smirk, as his eyes turned blue and his quills lightened in neon blue, as blue electricity ran through his body. "Just a permanent power-up we had since birth that didn't woke up until we arrived here!" he explained.

"Well, they actually awakened on a serious situation..." Tails pointed out. "Mine wake up because I was tired of Eggman messing with me; Knuckles' wake up because he was given a duty and he didn't wanted to fail; and Sonic's awakened out of rage" he explained.

"Wait... You born with those powers... but they didn't awakened until now?" Shadow questioned with half a glare and a confused look.

"Let's just say: It happened, now here we are. Don't go around the matter so much" Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"Well, then..." Amy stated, before quickly pull the three of them into a big hug, which actually started to leave all of them with no oxygen... Even Knuckles. "I'm so glad to see you three are fine!" she cheered with a smile.

"Ugh... Its... Good to see you too, Ames..." Sonic said with an awkward smile, while his eyes widened as his lungs begged for breath. "But... could you let us go so we can breath? Please?!" he begged.

Amy's eyes widened after hearing that, and she decided to let go of them with a sheepish smile. "Sorry!" she apologized. "But I'm serious! I'm happy to see that you're all fine!" she assured, then she looked only at Tails and Knuckles. "And I'm glad that you two seem to have cleared things up after––" she tried to add.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Knuckles stopped her, but he still smiled. "It's fine now, Ames. We talked about it before finding Sonic. Everything's in the past now. As it should" he stated.

"Oh!" Amy said, a bit surprised by this response, but really glad to hear it all the same. "Well... I guess I was worrying a lot more than I probably should had..." she added with a sheepish smile.

"Didn't I told you? These three are too though for Eggman to kill them" Shadow pointed out with a mocking smirk.

"I still find hard to believe that we ended up in the past when we crossed the portal..." Rouge pointed out, before looking over at Omega with a frown. "Yet, if someone didn't pulled the lever, we could have done the proper tests and appear right here instead!" she said with rage.

"I recognize my rash decision brought difficult circumstances to the mission..." Omega recognized. "However, I should point out that if not by my decision, maybe we wouldn't had found the Chaos Emerald" he pointed out.

"Hmm. He got you there!" Shadow told Rouge with a smirk, while Rouge rolled her eyes.

"So, this magic Crystals... How powerful are they?" Amy questioned.

"Powerful enough to gain Eggman's interest" Knuckles replied with a frown. "We should go back so our friend Zipp can fill you up with the matter. She knows almost everything about what's going on" he explained.

"Wait... Zipp's a 'she'? I don't know why I thought she would be a man..." Shadow confessed a bit surprised.

"I don't blame you for that, Shads" Sonic told him with a smirk. "She does looks like a guy the first time you see her. Then she opens her mouth, and you look like an absolute stupid..." he added with a bored expression.

Tails raised a finger and frowned, ready to defend Zipp even if they were not offending her at all, but then he remembered that he also thought she was a stallion until she approached him and talked about his tails, so he regretted the idea.

"Um... Sonic..." Knuckles called out, as he suddenly dragged the hedgehog away, leaving the rest confused. "Should we tell them that we lost our tickets to singleness?" he whispered and asked him with concern.

"What?" Sonic muttered confused, but just a glare from Knuckles made him realize what he meant. "Oh... Well... I don't know... I can tolerate Rouge's and Shadow's mocking, but what about Amy?" he asked with concern.

"Well, even if you don't tell her now, she's still gonna find out once we go back to Maretime Bay..." Knuckles pointed out with a frown. "Better take it out now, don't you think?" he questioned.

"Guys?" Amy called out, and both Sonic and Knuckles turned to see her, with Sonic panicking for some reason. "What's the matter with you two?" she asked confused.'

"Yeah, guys! Tell the gossip to the class!" Rouge said in a mocking tone.

"Just spill the beans already" Shadow said with a bored expression. "The worse we can hear is that one of you has joined the mafia or something" he pointed out.

"Man, I know we can make stupid decisions sometimes, but how far you think can we go?" Sonic asked with a bored expression.

"Do not make me answer, hedgehog..." Shadow replied with the same bored expression.

"Alright, cut the act!" Amy said with a frown. "What is it that you two want to share?" she asked confused.

"Um... Y-You see..." Sonic tried to say, as he chuckled awkwardly.

"We got... Involved with something..." Knuckles said nervously, while he blushed a bit embarrassed. "Or rather somepony..." he muttered

Amy, Shadow and Rouge only looked at them confused, while Omega tried to process the information. "Error: Data not processed" the robot informed.

Tails chuckled at Sonic and Knuckles attitude, as he lay on the wall and looked at the others with a smirk. "Well, the single train left a while ago, and these two couldn't catch me!" he said playfully.

At first, none of the others, not even Sonic and Knuckles, got what he meant... But as soon as Amy and Shadow's eyes widened and their jaws dropped, Sonic and Knuckles' did as well, and they got incredibly red on their faces, while Rouge let out a loud gasp.

"*Gasp*" Omega said, trying to reflect the shock as well.

"No way!" Rouge said, as she slowly smirked in a mocking way. "You two are––" she tried to add, but she simply chuckled at the idea of Sonic and Knuckles being in a relationship.

"... So you two didn't wasted any second here, huh?" Shadow mocked up as well. "I could had expected it from Knuckles, but you, Sonic? What a surprise..." he added with a slight chuckle.

"Great, now he's gonna mock me for the rest of our stay here..." Sonic said with a bored expression and a twitchy eye.

"Oh, you bet I will" Shadow stated with a smirk.

Sonic rolled his eyes, but then, he looked over at Amy, who's gaze seemed to be completely lost. "Um... Ames?" Sonic called out with concern, much more than panic or fear. "You okay?" he asked her.

Amy snapped back to reality when Sonic called her out, shacking her head and looking confused at him. "Huh? O-Oh! Um... I... Honestly, I don't know what to do with this information..." she confessed, feeling really conflicted.

She still loved Sonic, a lot, but she was aware that Sonic does not liked her back. And yet... It was still shocking to find out like this that he was already with some... body? Somepony? What was even this gal he was with, anyways?

"Well, I do know!" Eggman's voice spoke suddenly, dragging Amy out of her mind again.

Suddenly, the entire cave rumbled, and then, several badniks entered the room. Buzz Bombers, Moto Bugs, Crabmeat, Buzzers, Egg Pawns, and even Caterkillers arrived, all of them pointing their weapons at the Mobians in the place.

With this, the entire group stood back to back, protecting each other from whatever Eggman and his badniks were going to do. Amy brought out her Piko Piko Hammer and Omega prepared his weapons, while Team Sonic charged their powers and prepared for Eggman's arrival.

And so, Dr. Eggman himself entered the cave on his Eggmobile, making a big whole at the top of the cave with its missiles, while being escorted by two Buzz Bombers.

"Oh-de-lay-hee, Oh-de-lay-hee, Oh-de-lay-hee-hooo!" Eggman exclaimed with a grin.

"Well, look at that! A rotten egg just splashed through the ceiling!" Sonic said with a mocking tone.

Yeah, even if he did hated Eggman more now that he knew about him being his parents killer, he wouldn't let that get into his head and would treat him the same way he has so far.

"Heads up, my little stalagmites. Someone call an Uber?" Eggman greeted mockingly. "I see that you not only found the Last Emerald restored, but also you have brought some ugly friends! Wonderful!" he added with a sinister grin, staring down at Amy and Team Dark, while they frowned back at him.

In Maretime Bay, while Sunny attended her Smoothie stand, the rest of the Mane 5 sat on a table near by with smoothies.

However, Pipp could barely concentrate on anything that wasn't staring at her phone, which was resting on the table, as she was waiting for a message, call, picture, anything from Sonic that indicated Tails, Knuckles and him were fine.

But as she did so, and the others chit chatted between them, Misty observed from a far away alley, trying to come up with a plan to get Sparky once and for all.

She was serious when she said that she wouldn't go back until she finally caught Sparky, so even if she failed this time, she wouldn't return to the castle, not until she gave Opaline her Dragon Fire.

However, she had no idea on how to do this...

"Alright, Misty... This is no time to panic. Is time to think!" Misty told herself with a determinate look. "Instead of planing out something I haven't done yet, maybe I should think on everything I already did, and see what I did wrong so I can capture him for real this time!" she stated confidently.

So, checking that nopony has seen her on the alley, she got a bit deeper on it and then sat on the floor, bringing out a notepad and a pencil.

"Let's see... The first time I tried to get him, I trapped him on Izzy's supply closet... That didn't worked because of Pipp's lullaby..." Misty started to list. "Then, I tried to get to him with food... several times... And it didn't worked either. The one time I almost got him... Ugh... No, I don't wanna remember that. Sometimes I can still smell it over me..." she said with a cringed expression.

After that, she looked back at Sparky, who was happily sipping his smoothie on Hitch's back, while the Sheriff laughed along Zipp after Izzy said something.

"Maybe I have been failing because I try so hard to capture him..." Misty pointed out to herself. "Hmm... Maybe a friendly approach could do the job?" she asked herself with a little smile, before groaning conflicted. "Why is capturing one single dragon so hard?!" she shouted tiredly.

Back in the cave, Eggman laughed maniacally at the Mobian group.

"What a beautiful family reunion is this!" Eggman said with a sinister grin. "I could never decipher the meaning behind those glyphs, but looking back at everything that has happened so far, I think I finally understand... This is a sign! You are all gonna fall before me and Opaline!" he stated with confidence.

"Too bad your celebration party's gonna get interrupted, Egghead!" Sonic mocked up. "We have the upper hand here, you know? Three powerful Crystals well protected, and 5 Chaos Emeralds against two!" he added.

"Oh, but that's where you are wrong, Hedgehog!" Eggman grinned again. "Wasn't your tribe outnumbered by my robots, and then killed afterwards?!" he reminded with a sinister laugh.

"Yeah, well, you did a terrible job getting read of them you know? I'm still alive!" Sonic pointed out with a mocking smirk.

"Wait, what?!" Rouge exclaimed confused. "Eggman killed his parents?" she muttered to Shadow, while he shrugged, since he didn't knew what to answer.

Eggman's eyes widened at this, and he then growled in anger. "Fine. Laugh it up now, Hedgehog. But the one that laughs last, laughs better!" he stated, as he then threw the dead counterpart of the Light Blue Chaos Emerald towards them.

The dead Emerald landed in front of Sonic, and he grabbed it, looking at it confused.

Soon enough, however, the powered Light Blue Emerald moved away from Shadow's hand on its own, and when it touched the one Sonic was holding, both Chaos Emeralds danced around, until they combined as one once more, restoring things to the normal order as it should be.

"Okay... That was weird" Sonic said, before snatching the Emerald and then put it away. "What was that for, anyways?" he asked Eggman confused.

"Honestly, I don't know what was I expecting..." Eggman confessed, before frowning again. "But it doesn't matter! Once I get rid of all of you with my badniks, I'll take your Emeralds, the Crystals... And when Opaline restores her Alicorn powers with Dragon Fire, we will take over Equestria and Mobius once and for all!" he stated confidently.

"Dragon Fire?" Knuckles questioned, both confused and mad. "But that sounds a lot like... Sparky..." he muttered, now realizing what Eggman meant with the Dragon Fire.

"Isn't that the name of a baby dragon you guys––" Amy tried to ask, before gasping in horror, as she also realized what Eggman meant. "Eggman, you've gotta be kidding!" she shouted with anger.

"That is low and sick, even for you, doctor..." Shadow agreed, glaring daggers at Eggman.

"Just give me the order and I'll shot" Omega stated, as he pointed his weapons at Eggman, while the badniks around got closer to them.

"Unfortunately for you, it's a line I've crossed before" Eggman reminded with a frown. "I'm willing to go as far as possible to bring the Eggman Empire into a reality!" he stated with a grin.

"And I am willing to go as far as possible to shut your mouth and kick your ass, Eggman!" Sonic reminded as well, but with a frown. "I don't give a damn if I die fighting! I'll follow you up to the very end of the line just to make sure that you fail as always!" he declared confidently. "I will fight for my friends, for their safety... Even if it costs my life. That's what I always do!" he added with a smirk.

"Besides, he won't be doing it alone!" Tails stated confidently. "We are a team!" he added with a serious and determinate look.

"And we stick together, 'till the very end!" Knuckles stated as well. "So stop the fucking 'villain monologue' already, and get lost, Egghead!" he added with a frown.

"Then you'll all die as fools!" Eggman declared. "By the way, it's kind of cold in here, don't you think?" he asked, grinning with excitement for his next move. "Let's turn up the heat!" he stated.

And then, Eggman pressed a button on his Eggmobile, which made the lower part of the vehicle open, while it fired a missile directly at Sonic.

"Sonic!" Tails asked in panic.

Sonic, however, grabbed the missile out in the air and sent it flying towards Eggman. He barely dodged the missile by moving aside, but the missile did hit one of the Owl statues, knocking it over and causing it to lean into a wall, which opened a hole, a perfect exit for the Mobian group.

"Oh well, I bet that wasn't important, anyways!" Eggman said with a mocking smirk.

It was right then when Sonic noticed the hole that the Owl statue made, and how it served as a path to it.

"Guys, that's our exit. Let's roll!" Sonic declared with a smirk.

The rest nodded, and then, Sonic charged up his Spindash, while Shadow stood at his side and did the same.

Soon enough, both Sonic and Shadow boosted through the room, as they Spindashed against the badniks, destroying them in the process.

Once many of them were out, everyone but Tails, Rouge and Omega grabbed a piece of several of the robots, and they all headed to the exit.

"What are you all doing there?!" Eggman shouted in rage to the remaining badniks. "Get back into your program, AND KILL. THAT. HEDGEHOG!" he ordered.

But as Eggman did this with his machines, the others found themselves with a problem: A massive cliff of snow was everything they could see once they stepped out of the cave, and it was impossible for Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow to run on it. Even so, and incredible as it may seem, Sonic had a plan, and it involved the pieces of badniks they just grabbed.

"Okay..." Sonic muttered to himself, then he looked at Tails, Rouge and Omega with determination. "Let's split up! You three go high, we go low!" he instructed with a smirk.

"Roger that!" Tails replied with a smile, as he boosted through the air along Rouge and Omega.

"You sure about this?!" Amy asked in slight panic.

"No, but we have no choice if we wanna get away from Egghead right now!" Sonic pointed out. "Quick little stretch, and here we go!" he declared, stretching a bit, and then diving into the snowdrift below.

"Well, any kind of protest is over..." Knuckles said with a bored expression, before making a sick, little trick with his piece of badnik and dive to the snowdrift as well.

"Ugh, why do I always get myself involved in this?!" Amy said with concern.

"I don't wanna be that guy, but we came to look after them because you insisted to do so..." Shadow reminded Amy with a bored expression. "Now we found them, and now we gotta go!" he pointed out, as he also made a trick on the air with his piece of badnik and dive to the snowdrift.

Amy sighed in defeat, before place down the piece of the badnik on the floor and stand on it, just to push herself over the piece and dive as well towards the snowdrift.

With Sonic, he passed his hand through a wall of snow and cheered loudly, before placing the piece of badnik he grabbed on his feet and use it as a snowboard.

Soon enough, Knuckles, Shadow and Amy landed not so far from him, doing the exact same thing, while Tails, Rouge and Omega followed by flight.

But then, as they all headed down the mountain on their improved snowboards, Eggman's badniks began to chase them down, since Eggman was clear with his order of killing Sonic.

"Oh, so you want to play?" Sonic snorted with a mocking tone. "Let's rock and roll!" he declared confidently.

Suddenly, however, some Buzz Bombers quickly approached, took out their stingers, which were actually lasers, and started shooting at Sonic like crazy.

"That's new..." Sonic said, somewhat worried.

Then, the stingers began to shoot with more power and madness, forcing Sonic to have to deviate from the main path in order to try to lose sight of them, while he screamed in terror.

Tails noticed this, and also panicked. "Sonic!" he yelled terrified, trying to get closer.

Sadly, an explosion stopped him, and he was forced to abandon his plan to help Sonic, because a Buzzer drone and Eggman himself were chasing him while firing lasers.

Rouge and Omega noticed that, and the latter immediately started to fire at Eggman, while Rouge chased down the Buzzer and took it down with a single kick, as the badnik exploded on the snow.

However, neither her nor Tails could cheer, because a group of many Buzz Bombers and Buzzers reached them, so they split up in the air: Rouge twirled around, kicked with her heels and even used her bare hands to destroys some Buzzers, while Tails used his powers to create a boomerang and crossbow, which he used to shot at the badniks as well.

Meanwhile Sonic, kept dodging the lasers fired at him by the flying badniks, also trying to find a quick solution.

"Sonic!" Knuckles' voice called out suddenly.

He came snowboarding from another entrance and twirled in the air with his fists charged with electricity and extended, as he punched several Buzzers out of the way with them. Next, he jumped from his board and started to ride a Buzz Bomber, which he redirected to use his laser against other Buzz Bombers, before jumping away from it and land on his board.

After that, Amy jumped behind the Buzz Bomber Knuckles just let go and smashed it with her Hammer, while she landed on her board as well, before passing by Knuckles and then being impulsed by him with his hands, as Amy extended her Hammer and twirled in the air as if she was making a Spindash, but crushing down Buzzers and Buzz Bombers with her hammer instead of her own body.

Now, Shadow approached as well to join the fight, but unlike Knuckles and Amy, he did used his own snowboard to fight as well, either jumping in the air with it and then use it as a punching bag against Buzz Bombers, or as a holder to use Chaos Spear and Spin Attack against the Buzzers.

When Shadow landed, he looked at Sonic with a mocking smirk.

"Pff, show off!" Sonic said with an eye roll, but also smirking back.

Then, he looked back at the flying badniks still following, as well as some Moto Bugs approaching by sliding through the snow, so he smirked even more and quickly created a pile of snowballs with his super speed, which he started to throw towards Eggman's robots.

"Snowball fight!" Sonic said mockingly, as he launched the balls at fast paste.

He managed to hit all the badniks that followed him with the snowballs, even hitting the Moto Bugs that were getting closer, as they all fell to the ground and exploded into a million pieces.

"Ha ha ha! It's too easy!" Sonic kept mocking confidently.

"Our luck will ran out if you keep talking, Hedgehog!" Knuckles pointed out with a frown.

"I thought you said something about learning to be better, Sonic!" Amy pointed with a frown as well, also using her Hammer to smash down a Buzzer that almost shot her.

"You know you're asking for too much with that, right?!" Rouge pointed out from the sky, as he tricked a pair of Buzzers to shot at each other and destroy each other.

"Aw, come on! You gotta admit that this is a piece of cake!" Sonic pointed out with a smirk.

"That's no excuse to let our guard down!" Tails pointed out, as he flew in the air and quickly dodged a laser from a Buzz Bomber with a twirl, followed by him launching a boomerang and then approaching to the badnik to smash it with a giant metallic glove.

"Your own ego will end up being your doom, Sonic..." Shadow muttered with a frown.

"You guys are being so dramatic!" Sonic said with an eye roll, still smirking confidently. "Hey, Eggman! Is that all you've got?! I'm not even sweating over here. Come on, challenge me!" he requested mockingly.

But, for speaking ahead of time, Sonic was met by a herd of Buzzers and Buzz Bombers, eagerly waiting to finish him off once he jumped off a ravine.

"Oh, me and my stupid mouth..." Sonic deadpanned.

"Told ya!" everyone else but Omega said with anger.

Just to make matters worse, the Buzz Bombers activated their lasers, while the Buzzers launched missiles as well.

"Ah shit, we're gonna die!" Knuckles exclaimed dramatically.

"No, we're not..." Shadow said with an eye roll and a bored expression.

And then, just as Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow jumped from the ravine, Sonic smiled victoriously and stopped time, then jumped off his board and started jumping over lasers, dodging missiles, and standing on Buzzers as he danced ballet.

"We are talking style and pizzazz!" Sonic taunted with a smirk.

Then, the hedgehog mounted one of the Buzz Bombers and began using its laser to destroy several of the badniks, as others destroyed each other while trying to finish off Sonic.

Upon this, he jumped back onto his board and landed on the snow with a smile, while Knuckles, Amy and Shadow landed at his side, with Knuckles and Amy looking back at the explosions in the air confused.

"Yeah! I make this look good!" Sonic cheered, crossing his arms.

"See?" Shadow said, as he looked at Knuckles, but still with a bored expression. "I told you we were not going to die" he reminded, while Knuckles rolled his eyes in annoyance.

But then, as they all headed near a cliff, a Caterkiller popped out of the snow suddenly, startling the four Mobians on their snowboards.

Shadow and Knuckles immediately moved to the sides, but Sonic and Amy couldn't move in time, because they tripped with the Caterkiller's body and rolled on the snow.

Well, Amy did, because Sonic stopped after a while, but once he lifted his head and shook the snow away, he gasped in panic, since Amy was now hanging from a cliff.

So, Sonic stood up and rolled towards her, grabbing her hand just when she was about to fall, as he also hang over the cliff in the other side.

"Hang on, Amy!" Sonic called out, as he tried to get both himself and Amy back to the surface, but struggling a lot as he did so. "Dang it... Ames, are you okay?!" he asked her with worry.

"Define 'okay', Sonic!" Amy shouted in panic, closing her eyes and holding tightly into Sonic's arm with her hands. "Are you concerned if I'm okay physically, emotionally or mentally?!" she asked.

"Um... the first one?" Sonic said sarcastically, but then he grunted as he still tried to get to the surface. "Why would you be emotionally hurt, by the way? If you don't mind me asking..." he added a bit concerned.

Just then, Knuckles came by and grabbed Sonic, as he started to lift both him and Amy back up, with Shadow soon enough arriving and helping as well.

"Seriously?!" Amy shouted in rage. "Tails just casually said that Knuckles and you have girlfriends now, and you still don't get why I'm feeling upset?!" she screamed.

"Wait, what?!" Sonic said confused. "But I thought you said you didn't knew what to do with that information!" he pointed out.

"There's this thing called 'sarcasm', Sonic!" Amy pointed out, but now looking at him with a frown.

"So what? Are you mad with me and my girl because it's not you?!" Sonic asked with a frown, but he wasn't mad, just concerned for her.

"No!" Amy shouted. "I... I just... I'm heart broken, okay?" she confessed, now looking away from him, but still holding tight to his hand.

At this, both Knuckles and Shadow stopped moving, looking at each other with conflicted looks, since they didn't knew if they should save them now or wait.

"I've been obsessed over you my whole life..." Amy said with sadness, while Sonic just payed attention to her, as his frown started to fade away. "I totally meant what I said years ago... About wanting you to be happy... But you just disappeared one day last year, and now that I finally got to see you again... How did you expected me to react at the fact that you have a girlfriend now?!" she pointed out.

Sonic was now feeling ashamed. Even if Tails was the one that shared the news, Sonic still knew it should've been him the one telling that, and even approach her slowly and calmly, not just drop the bomb out of nowhere like Tails did.

"Amy... I... I didn't expected you to arrive here along Shadow and co... At all" Sonic confessed, while his ears lowered. "But I guess I should've expected you to find out one way or another... And I wished I was the one that had shared that instead of Tails..." he added with shame.

"I would've liked that too..." Amy confessed. "But... But I don't want you to think I hate you, nor whoever is the lucky gal that got into your heart" he added suddenly with a small smile, now looking at him in the eyes.

That made Sonic's ears perk up again, as he smiled back at her. "Really?" he asked surprised.

"I admit that it's gonna take me a while to get used to you being with someone else..." Amy admitted again, and yet, she still smiled. "But if that someone is making you happy, if she's worthy of your love... Then I'm happy for you, Sonic. I mean it. You deserve it!" she added cheerfully, surprisingly for Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow.

"Wow... She has matured a lot more than I give her credit for..." Shadow said with an amusing expression, but as soon as he heard sobs, he slowly looked at his side, just to stare confused at Knuckles. "... Are you... crying?" he asked him confused.

Knuckles sorbed from his nose and quickly tried to wipe away his tears. "No! S-Something got in my eye, that's all!" he said dramatically, as he resumed pulling Sonic and Amy back, with Shadow doing the same.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, Ames..." Sonic said. "But you are worthy of my love as well. Maybe not the kind of love you want, but you matter to me, you know?" he pointed out to her with a smile and a wink.

Amy blushed slightly and looked away while rolling her eyes. "S-Shut it!" she said a bit flustered.

Sonic chuckled, but he still looked at her. "In all seriousness, though... I think you and her are gonna get along just fine!" he assured her.

"As long as she doesn't gets jealous of me, I really hope so!" Amy said with a mocking smirk.

And just then, Knuckles and Shadow managed to pull the two hedgehogs back to the surface, with Knuckles immediately pulling Amy away and then almost crushing her in a hug.

"Gah! K-Knuckles! W-What are you––" Amy tried to ask, but Knuckles just hugged her tightly and sobbed.

"You have grown up so much!" Knuckles exclaimed dramatically. "It feels like yesterday when you tagged along on the Northstar Islands, still crushing hard on that Hedgehog, and now here you are! Mature enough to let him be with someone else! I'm so, so proud of you!" he exclaimed dramatically.

But as he did so and Amy still begged for air, the Caterkiller from before appeared suddenly... Just to be smashed down by Omega, who traversed the badnik and split it in a half.

"Guys! Are you okay?!" Tails asked with concern, as he and Rouge arrived by flight.

"We are now, but we don't know for how long!" Shadow pointed out, before looking at Sonic. "Can't we just go to this Maretime Bay place already?! You said in the cave that you guys have Warp Rings!" he reminded with a frown.

"We cannot go now! We still have to deflect Eggman to anywhere else but our backs!" Sonic pointed out, before turning to Tails in the air. "Tails! Take the Emerald and go back to the Brighthouse!" he instructed, as he tossed the Light Blue Chaos Emerald to him.

Unfortunately, just as Tails was going to grab it, Eggman got in the way thanks to his Eggmobile and took it instead.

Thereupon, he took out two missiles from his vehicle and fired them.

"Later, haters!" Eggman exclaimed with victory.

The missiles went straight up to Tails and Rouge, but Omega quickly propelled himself towards Rouge, pushing her away and getting the impact of one of the missiles on his place.

As for Tails? The remaining missile exploded right behind the young fox, hitting him in the head and causing him to fall unconscious on the snow, while several pieces of what used to be Omega fell on the snow.

Seeing that, Sonic felt terror, panic, anguish, and anxiety all at the same time, while Rouge shook her head confused, before gasping at seeing Omega's body destroyed.

"Tails!" Sonic, Knuckles and Amy all exclaimed scared.

"NO!" Rouge shouted with horror, as he flew down to the snow.

Sonic, Knuckles and Amy ran directly with the fox, with Sonic verifying that he was alive, placing his fingers on his neck to check his pulse, and sighing a little with relief when he checked that he was still alive.

Knuckles and Amy did the same, but on the other hand, Rouge stared with wide eyes and her mouth covered at Omega's head, with the robot's eyes shut down, clearly indicating that he was dead.

Shadow approached Rouge and placed a hand on her shoulder, while Rouge immediately turned and buried her face on Shadow's shoulder. Of course, he felt a bit startled, but he still wrapped an arm around her and caressed her back.

"Tails, please wake up..." Sonic begged with panic and sadness, as he slightly shook the young fox.

Then, Eggman came by on his Eggmobile, holding the last Chaos Emerald on his hand with a smirk, then looking down at the mobians. "It seems like none of you are ever gonna change. New world, same pathetic weakness!" he mocked up.

At this, all the conscious Mobians but Rouge glared at Eggman, with Shadow even preparing a Chaos Spear to launch at him, when suddenly, the ground began to shake.

Everyone turned their head to the top of the mountain... Just to witness that an avalanche was taking place, and heading straight towards them.

"Oh no... No, no, no!" Sonic exclaimed with pure terror. "Now we are in trouble! Quick Tails, wake up already! We gotta get out of here ASAP!" he pointed out with panic.

However, as Sonic panicked, Eggman just snorted. "See ya, kids. Enjoy the fresh powder!" he mocked again, before boosting out of there on his Eggmobile.

At this, Sonic groaned and curse Eggman silently, before grabbing Tails and carry him on his shoulder, then getting over his improved snowboard again and slide down the mountain to try and get as far away from the avalanche as possible.

Knuckles and Amy followed his example, while Shadow prepared his snowboard and carried Rouge on bridal style, sliding down the mountain along the others to get away from the avalanche.

Back in Maretime Bay, Izzy, Sparky and Pipp were on the table, while Hitch and Zipp went over with Sunny to the stand.

Pipp was still staring at her phone, and she was stating to get really worried, since neither Sonic, Tails or Knuckles had sent anything that indicated they were fine, and it's been an hour already.

Zipp noticed this, as she returned along Sunny and Hitch to the table, and she groaned annoyed. "Pipp! For the love of Cloudpuff, could you please stop staring at your phone?!" she said with anger.

"I've tried, but I can't!" Pipp exclaimed dramatically. "It's been an hour, and they haven't said anything!" she pointed out.

"Maybe they're just too focused?" Hitch suggested. "I mean, Sonic seemed desperate to find answers about everything we heard from that message of his mentor" he pointed out. "And I cannot blame him. I mean, we spent our whole lives fearing each other for no reason, and coming together was a shock" he added.

"Besides, I'm pretty sure they're fine" Sunny said with a smile. "I mean, we're talking about those three! They're always fine!" she pointed out.

"Hmm... I don't know..." Izzy said with concern. "I know those three can be fine, but this... This kind of feel different for some reason..." she confessed.

"Right?!" Pipp said with wide eyes, while Zipp rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Suddenly, Pipp's phone started to ring, startling everypony.

She quickly grabbed her phone, and then gasped happily when she saw Sonic's name on the screen. But before answering the call, she quickly cleared her throat and fixed her mane a bit, and once she felt ready, she answered the call.

"Hello?" Pipp called out happily, also turning on the speakers.

Spoiler: She regrets it.

"PIPP!" Sonic's voice shouted in panic.

At this, everypony and Sparky covered their ears, startled by Sonic's sudden scream.

"Uh... Blue Star?" Pipp called out, but then, she heard the wind blowing bye. "Are you okay? I think we can hear you running..." she pointed out confused.

"Snowboarding, actually..." Sonic said smugly, before panicking again. "But we need your help now!" he stated.

In the mountain, the Mobians were still sliding down the mountain to get away from the avalanche.

"We're on a life or death situation this very second!" Sonic stated with panic and a frown. "We need you guys to clear the road in Maretime Bay so we can open a Warp Ring, like right now!" he instructed with concern.

Back to Maretime Bay, the Mane 5 looked at each other confused at that.

"Uh, but why do you need the road clear?!" Hitch asked confused.

Since Sonic had the speakers on too, Knuckles' voice came in instead. "There's a fucking avalanche chasing us and threatening us with dead!" he replied with panic.

Yeah, that was enough to make the Mane 5's eyes widened in panic.

"... Yeah, let's clear up the path!" Sunny stated with panic, as she and the rest quickly rushed towards the main town.

However, they did not noticed that they left Sparky behind on a table, sipping his smoothie happily.

Soon enough, though, Misty arrived with the baby dragon, wearing a purple cloak, and taking advantage of the fact that the Mane 5 just ran away carelessly.

"Hey there, Sparky!" Misty said with a smile, as she approached the baby dragon a bit nervous. "I, um..." she tried to add, but a quick glance to the rest running towards the town gave her an idea on how to trick Sparky. "Hitch wants me to dragonsit you today!" she lied with a nervous smile.

Sparky looked at her and, surprisingly for Misty, he cheered and jumped to her hooves, as the unicorn mare barely trapped him... Her plan worked... She approached him a bit friendly, and he actually trusted her...

Misty smiled happily, thinking on how satisfied both Eggman and Opaline would be with her success... But then, she looked to the Mane 5 over her shoulder, and felt bad for doing this... And she was still going to do it, anyways.

"I'm really sorry, everypony..." Misty muttered, before putting Sparky down her cloak and then ran towards Opaline's Castle, as fast as she could.

Back with the Mane 5, Hitch stood in the middle of Mane Street and took out his megaphone. "Everypony take cover! Now, now, now! This is not a drill!" he instructed with a slight frown.

Soon enough, everypony started to move away from the roads, leaving them completely empty since the Mane 5 told them to do so, even if they just did it because Hitch, being the Sheriff, ordered it.

"Okay, Sonic! The coast is clear!" Pipp said to her boyfriend through the call.

But as soon as she told him this, Sonic ended the call, which confused her and made her panic.

However, before she could even try to call back, a warp ring portal opened up, just for the Mane 5 and everypony else to see how Team Sonic, Amy, Shadow and Rouge were heading towards them... with the avalanche still following up.

"Snow my hoofness..." Sunny exclaimed with wide eyes and panic.

"Oh man..." Zipp muttered with a bored expression.

Then, the Mane 5 immediately moved aside to avoid the avalanche, while the anthropomorphic animals arrived, as they got covered by the snow, with Sonic hugging Tails to try and cover him.

"INCOMING!" Sonic shouted in panic.

Yet, the snow was stronger than him, because he lost grip on Tails anyways, as he and the other Mobians got covered on snow in the streets of Maretime Bay, as the warp ring closed and left a snowy mess behind.

At this, the Mane 5 quickly climbed the mountain of snow, looking for their friends.

"Guys?!" Hitch called out, as then turned to help Sunny get into the mountain as well. "Are you okay?!" he asked again to the others.

After asking this, Sonic came out of the snow, laying on it and feeling incredibly dizzy. "Ugh... Yatta..." he said tiredly, saying 'Yay' with no emotion in Japanese.

"Sonic!" Pipp exclaimed, quickly rushing to him and dragging him into a big hug, while Sonic felt a bit more dizzy, but he still wrapped an arm around her.

"Are you okay?!" Zipp asked with concern.

Then, Knuckles popped his head out of the snow and shook it with a bored expression. "As okay as we can be..." he said, just to be take out of the snow by Izzy's magic, and then wrapped into a big bear hug by her.

"What happened?!" Sunny asked with worry. "You guys haven't said anything ever since you left an hour ago!" she pointed out.

"I thought you were killed or something!" Pipp said dramatically, placing her hooves on Sonic's cheeks.

"Okey, the quick version? Eggman's planning something bigger than we thought!" Sonic replied with concern. "It involves Dragon Fire, the Unity Crystals, and the Chaos Emeralds!" he explained. "And Zipp, you were right: Opaline is an Alicorn. Eggman himself said it!" he revealed.

"But things gets worse: Somehow, he knows about being Sonic's parents killer" Knuckles kept going. "We gotta stop him, or Equestria is doomed!" he added with concern, while the Mane 5 looked at each other with worry... And then, Knuckles gasped loudly. "AMY!" he shouted in panic.

Then, he jumped and dug a whole in the snow, before coming out 4 seconds later as he took Amy out of the snow, while Amy herself coughed some snow out of her mouth with a cringed expression.

Soon enough, Rouge and Shadow came out as well, also coughing a lot of snow out of their systems, while Shadow helped Rouge to stand up.

However, a loud gasp from all the ponies around, the Mane 5 included, called the attention of the three new Mobians present, with Toots among the crowd even fainting in shock, while a pegasus mare took a picture of them with her phone.

"Sweet lord, there's more of them now..." Posey commented with a panicked expression, while one of her eyes twitched.

"Uh... Guys?" Pipp called out, as she broke the hug with Sonic and stared in shock at Amy, Shadow and Rouge. "Can you give us the context, please?" she requested.

"Yeah, yeah..." Sonic said a bit nervous, now walking to them and standing at Amy's side. "Guys, these are Amy Rose, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Rouge the Bat!" he introduced them with a sheepish smile, as Amy smiled nervously and waved her hand, while Shadow crossed his arms and nodded, and Rouge just made a peace sign and smirked a little, even if she was still upset because of what happened to Omega.

"They're from Mobius like us, in case it isn't obvious..." Knuckles pointed out with a bored expression.

"Hi, new friends!" Izzy said cheerfully, but as she stared at Sonic and Shadow closely, she tilted her head. "Huh... Is it just me, or... You two look alike?" she pointed out.

Sonic and Shadow looked at each other for a second after Izzy compared them, and suddenly, Sonic bursted laughing while Shadow snorted and smiled in disbelief, while the Mane 5 stared at them confused and the rest looked at Shadow in shock.

"He wished..." Shadow said with a smirk.

"I love good jokes like that one..." Sonic said with a huge grin.

However, his grin faded away once he remembered something... or rather, someone.

"TAILS!" Sonic screamed in panic, as he kneeled in the snow and started to dig on it like a maniac, until he managed to fin his little buddy, buried in the snow. So, he quickly took him out of there and then got down of the mountain, carefully placing his unconscious adopted brother in the floor. "Tails, can you hear me?!" he asked in panic, while shaking him a bit.

"Whoa, what happened?!" Zipp asked in panic, as she and Sunny kneeled on Tails' sides and looked at him with concern.

"Eggman shot a missile, i-it exploded on his head!" Sonic replied, and Sunny gasped in horror. "Come on, man! Don't do this to me!" he begged to the unconscious fox.

"Is he okay?!" Sunny begged for an answer. "S-Should we take him to a doctor?! Maybe bring some first aid supplies?!" she started to suggest.

However, the moment she started to talk and act worried for Tails, Shadow stared at her with wide eyes, as his heart started to race like a maniac, while his mind replied a memory...

Years ago, when Shadow was still just some kind of infant-minded, he was crying as he sat in the floor.

He just tripped with something as he played tag with Maria, and since back then he still had a childish like attitude because of having 3 months of creation, he couldn't help but cry a bit when he looked at his knee and saw a scratch with some blood.

Maria rushed to him once she noticed he not only came after her anymore, but also that he was crying a bit.

"Shadow! Are you okay?!" Maria asked him a bit panicked, before notice his scratch and cringe a bit. "S-Should I take you to a doctor?! Maybe bring some first aid supplies?!" she started to suggest.

Shadow could only sob a bit more, while Maria looked around a bit panicked, and then looked down at the scratch on Shadow's knee, which she quickly tried to cover with her hands...

Once Shadow came back to reality, he still stared at Sunny in shock... Because she sounded and acted exactly like Maria used to... And she was just being concerned for Tails right now...

So, why did she reminds her of Maria so soon if he literally just met her?

"Shadow?" Rouge called out, noticing how panicked he seemed to be. "You okay?" she asked confused.

Shadow took a while to reply, but he still did so. "... Yeah... I just... had a dejà vu..." he replied with a frown of concern.

Soon, both him and Rouge approached the rest, who gathered around Tails, to see if they could help on anything, while everypony else around looked at the group confused, not understanding what was happening.

But then, Hitch noticed that something... that someone was missing, because he felt his back empty. "Guys?" he called out a bit panicked. "W-Where... Where's Sparky?" he asked with concern.

Author's Note:

This episode and the next two... Man, I'm really gonna enjoy myself here! 😈

Now, why did I added this super complex storyline of Sonic having 'Equestrian' bloodline? Well, I don't believe in coincidences just as much as Sonic do not believes in destiny.

I wanted to give an actual reason to Sonic for being here instead of saying, "It's funny having Sonic characters in Equestria, xD, lol, lmao." Nah, I'd rather make a super complicated plot were the Emeralds have been from Equestria's world all the time.

Now, Misty stealing Sparky out of nowhere at the beginning of "Missing the Mark" was straight up stupid, so giving a background story to how she got him seemed ideal for me, and it teases the next chapter better when Hitch immediately realizes Sparky's missing.

And yes, I sneaked in a reference to Sonic Superstars by having Knuckles mention the Northstar Islands because... eh, why not? Is not like whatever happens in Sonic Superstars is gonna be relevant to my story, but hey! Acknowledging its existence is fun!

I feel like I should mention that there won't be any shipping between Shadow and Rouge, in case this chapter left that impression. They just really care for each other, and considering that Omega got fucking killed, it's natural for Shadow to carry Rouge down the mountain.

Also, if you all feel that Shadow was out of character because he didn't launched to Sonic for a fight or something... Go play Sonic Heroes or Sonic 06 again, 'cause I'm not adapting Shadow's personality on whatever the fuck was his trait in games like Forces or Generations.

Anyways. Next episode, Opaline goes one vs two against Sonic and Sunny, and that's all I'm saying. Stay tuned!

P.D: #JusticeForOmega :fluttercry: