• Published 15th Oct 2022
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MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 9: Hedgehog Blues

=LAST TIME!= Secchan shouted, swooping past before landing on the console in the secret base, screens popping up showing last chapter =A sword-based world had a very important sword to the Sakurai family and Kaito and Flash got hurt trying to get it back! What no one expected was Ayane making an actual Change Gear for her Geartlasher and letting Roll transform to get it back but Flash still got it back!= at that, the screen showed the Mecha battle =And created a Robot for her to use in giant combat. We've all agreed to not let her disguise as Roll anymore for livestreams if Roll can't do them, tune=

"Days without sleep: one," Ayane muttered, drinking coffee, "Satisfaction from yesterday? Success still a clear maximum," she smiled, laying down on her chair and putting on some strange vr goggles, "Multiversal dimension viewer activate." she said while flipping a switch and laying back to relax, "...Ugh the British zone…They let him go Super again. Tsk tsk. When will they learn? He's an ultimate unpredictable..."


"..." Ayane paused as she tensed for a moment, "...Please tell me that was at the store and not here…"

"I think I got it! OW! ...Nope...I don't got it!" Kaito shouted.

"Where did you get dynamite?!" Juran snapped.

"Skye knows a guy."

"AH! I told you not to mention me by name!"


"Ayane records everything and I promised Aphy no more dynamite!"

"I mean...it didn't work...your dynamite guy sold me a lemon set of explosives…" Kaito argued.

"Actually, no. Ayane's doors are built to tank a nuke."


"She heard about what happened to Mobotropolis AKA Robotropolis and also Kaikai left history books and…"

"And muting the speakers," Ayane deadpanned, pulling out a remote and turning off the speakers nearby, "Back to watching the British Zone to see what technology I can improve on." she then blinked, hearing something, "..." taking off her goggles, she looked around before a drill came out from the floor as Zenkaiser and Sonic came out of the hole, "!?"

"Yosha! That Gear worked!" Zenkaiser cheered.

"Hey~!" Sonic waved.

"Wh-Wh-What?! What are you d-doing in here?!" Ayane yelped, stumbling back before trying to hide behind her swivel chair, only to end up spinning around on it.

"Just wanted to prove that, if I wanted to, I can help Kaito get in whenever he wants. Despite what your old man claims," Sonic shrugged.

"Wow...this thing is amazing!" Zenkaier cheered, holding up a drill.

"GoGoV," Sonic explained, "I had Secchan look for who had the best drill and other digging related powers."

"Mmm~!" Ayane whimpered before the trio paused at hearing the door to her room knock, "...It's unlocked, Haseo."

The door opened and Haseo walked in, wearing orange pajamas and a teddy, "B'kf'st."

"Oh, it's in the kitchen today," Zenkaiser replied, "Yachan and Amy-chan made waffles!"

"T'nk," Haseo mumbled as he walked off down Ayane's tunnel to the Candy Cafe Colorful.

"And you will join us!" Zenkaiser declared, pointing to Ayane, "Family eats together!"

"I am s-slowly losing my happiness ov-over Onee-chan and my invention victory…" Ayane frowned.

"Kaito...I think she needs more positive influence," Sonic crossed his arms.


"Sorry, not sorry." Sonic smirked.

"I s-see," she sighed before pressing something.

"What that…" Kaito started before a blinding light filled the room.

"Gah! Flash bomb! She had a flash bomb!" Sonic yelped.

"I can't see!" Kaito panicked as Ayane, in a giant mascot costume of Courage the Cowardly Dog, ran away.

"Ugh...Maybe it was a bad idea…" Sonic groaned as the two blinked until they could see again, "And she's gone."

"Ah mou~!" Kaito groaned, "I feel like I forgot something else."

"We were gonna ask her to make me a Zenkaiger," Sonic told him.

"Oh right!" Kaito nodded, "Let's go!" he shouted, running off in a random direction, "Finding Zenkai!"

"Wrong way buddy!" Sonic called out

"I was trying to get them to not try that," Skye sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You know Kaito doesn't do reverse psychology," Yatsude sighed in exasperation, dope slapping the blond hedgehog, "Once he's locked onto a goal, you'd have a better chance doing literally anything. Like rewriting the rules of physics."

"Yes, yes...I realized that…" Skye sighed once more, rubbing where he got slapped.

"Mmm…" Amy frowned, "I'm guessing this means I'll have to put their waffles in the fridge for them to heat up later."

"What's up with Sonic anyway?" Juran pondered, "He's not normally one so gungho about getting that daughter of yours out here for breakfast." he pulled out the chair beside him to let a sleepy Haseo climb onto it, "Any ideas why Sonic went with Kaito this morning to get Ayane?"

"Mmm...C'ng' Z'nk'," Haseo mumbled as Yatsude put a plate of waffles before him covered in blueberry syrup, "It'd'k'm's."

"Change Zenkai? ...Oh! Sonic's jealous~!"
Flash chuckled.


"He saw Roll Change into a Zenkaiger, so now he wants to become one too!" Flash explained.

"E-Eh?! Because of me?!" Roll gawked.

"He was really excited to be a Zenkaiger when we first started this up," Yatsude recalled.

=Kaito also wanted Yachan and Flash to be one, tune= Secchan chuckled.

"Shush," Yatsude replied.

"I did become one you know" Flash said eating his waffles.

"I guess I can get it. It's really cool, and it gives you a boost in confidence," Magine added with a sheepish chuckle.

"But the question is if she actually made more than one," Juran noted, "I mean, I get why she made one for Roll. From how they interact, it's obvious she's got a lot of respect for Roll so why wouldn't she make it for her."

"Oh trust me, she's probably made at least three more Gears for transforming," Skye noted.

"Huh?!" the Zenkaigers exclaimed.

"How are you so sure, Mr. Sakurai?" Amy asked.

"Because while there is just two human of the team, there are four Kikainoids," Skye replied, "She wants to rival and/or surpass the Geartlinger, so what better way than surpassing the one factor that differs."

"...I get the feeling we shouldn't think too much about the implications," Gaon muttered.

"Agreed," Vroon and Magine quickly agreed.

"Eh, she'll have no choice cause Kaito is with sonic and he will use that as blackmail." Flash muttered.

"Hah?" The others asked.

"Don't tell me you all haven't seen how she looks at him. When ever he compliment her or try to give her a hug. She runs away like a tasundra girl from her crush." Flash told

".. wait so your saying that.." Juran getting the picture.

"Yup, she has a crush on kaito."


Skye looked at Flash," Yup looks like you saw it aswell."

"You mean you knew."

"Why did you think I gave the idea to Yatsude to let kaito help ayane."

"... Clever man." Flash said with a smirk.
" But it doesn't mean I won't enjoy seeing her all shy. Payback for her being a jerk to me."

" Flash onni-chan, isn't that a little childish." Roll asked

" Nope" he simply told.

"Okay, I think I have everything I need to work on that new plane," Tails noted to himself as he walked down the street with a few bags in his hands.

=You've forgotten the ⅗ wrench= Nicole reminded from her handheld in his right tail, making Tails pause.

"...Ugh! Why is it always that specific wrench!?" Tails groaned, facepalming, "Now I need to go back and…" he trailed off on seeing Ayane in her mascot costume peek out around a corner, "...A giant pink dog mascot costume?"

=I believe that is Ayane= Nicole noted before making her hololynx form materialize, "I don't detect any Tojitendo in the area, so why is she out in disguise?"

"You think she's going out on a supply run?" Tails asked.

"From what we know of her, it's either that, or something bad enough to force her to leave her home. All signs show she is very introverted in terms of personality. Hmm...she does live around the two single most extroverted people in the multiverse…"

"And I grew up with one of the two," Tails chuckled before cringing, "Ohh...I think that might be why. She's acting like Rotor when he got too in-depth with his studies...especially on making the perfect milkshake."


"Yeah. Sally had to ban that study after his last experiment traumatised Antoine to the point he developed lactose intolerance," Tails replied, "So if it is that…" he looked around before walking over to the disguised Ayane, "Uh...Ayane?"

"!?" the mascot jumped and spun around before slumping in relief on seeing it was Tails.

"Yeah, it's me. Um...listen, I know we don't interact much, but I'm guessing Sonic and Kaito are looking for you?" Tails asked, getting confirmation by the rapidly shaking mascot nodding their head, "Okay...Well then, this has actually happened before with another friend of ours. All you need to do to get them to stop chasing you so you can relax is…"

"Hey, Tails!" Sonic's voice called before the blue hedgehog skidded to a halt beside him, "Have you seen a mascot around here that's not working? Kaito and I just got banned from a bookstore because we thought the one we found was actually a guy in a monkey mascot costume."

"Not really," Tails replied, "I mean, I was getting the last ad paper from this mascot here about a movie from this 'America' place involving two dogs with one being a mystery solver and the other terrified of his own shadow working together to solve a mystery."

"Oh cool! Hope to see it with ya when it comes out," Sonic noted.

"You still haven't finished watching Chao in Space, Sonic. How can I trust you won't run out every thirty seconds during the movie?" Tails deadpanned.

"Hey, I have too!" Sonic argued before sighing, "Oh that poor Chao."

"Sonic, the Chao lives," Nicole noted.

"Huh? No way! Doesn't it end with the Chao's fighter rocket being destroyed with the Dark Chao winning?" Sonic asked.

"No, Sonic," Tails sighed.

"You didn't even see Tikal?"

"Huh? What does Tikal have to do with a movie?" Sonic asked.

"He hasn't even seen Tikal…" Ayane groaned before freezing as Sonic turned to the mascot and grinned.

"Hey, Ayane~"

"AAAAAHHHH!" Ayane screamed as she ran off in her costume.

"Wow. She even got the scream right," Tails noted.

"Wait, that's an actual movie and not a lie you were going with?" Sonic asked.

"...you're so lucky you're my best friend, you know that?" Tails deadpanned.

"Sure am!" Sonic beamed, patting Tails's head, "Well, I'm off to chase her and get a cool transforming suit. You think Zenkai Sonic sounds good?"

"Sonic, she probably already has a transformation name theme going on and what was that about a transforming suit?"

"Shh...Words won't do it justice. It must be done with action! So promise me that you will be there to see it first hand, little buddy. The first two I want to see me at that moment are you and Kaito!" Sonic declared dramatically, "But wait 'till then, best little buddy!" he ran off.

"...I like Kaito,and Flash but I'm not sure if there friendship with Sonic has helped or worsened his weirdness?" Tails muttered.

"Come on...where is it?!" Eggman grunted, looking through a pile of broken down and shut down robots inside of a large metal crate.

"Doctor, what are you doing?" Dr. Starline asked, he and Ijirude watching with raised brows.

"I'm looking through my old creations to see if I can repurpose them!" Eggman shouted, earning more raised brows, "See, it came to me while I was cleaning the clutter from my lab...What if instead of our usual grunts...this time, we use one of my old robots for a new type of World for Sonic and those spandex freaks to fight?!"

"Utilizing a Tojiru Gear with something other than a Kuddak or Kudaitest?" Ijirude pondered, rubbing his chin.

"You're using an old plan, sire?" Dr. Starline asked in surprise.

"No! I'm using an old machine for a new plan. As if I'd redo an old plan with new stuff added," Eggman replied as he moved some more junk, not seeing Starline facepalm, "Wait...Ah ha! Found...it…!" he grunted as he reached in, lifting out the remains of what looked like an old cheetah-shaped robot as he plopped it onto the floor, "Hoo...Didn't realize how heavy this thing is…"

"Now what's this?"

"My Cheetah Bot," Eggman replied, "Oh, this was a fun little invention back in my original Zone before I Roboticized myself to try one final push against those pesky Freedom Fighters. At half-speed, it easily clocks 805khp! That's 500 miles per hour for those who don't know kilometers."

"Hmm...A robot designed to be fast," Ijirude noted as he moved over to it before holding up a Tojiru Gear, "Well, good thing our slot machine picked an ideal World to use! Racingtopia!"

"Hold on now," Eggman advised, "Oh, Thunderbolt~!"

"You rang?!" Thunderbolt asked, making Starline and Ijirude jump and spin to see the chinchilla bouncing in place with an eager expression.

"Yes. You see this gear and this Cheetah Bot?" Eggman asked, "I need you to put this gear on this Cheetah Bot the moment I say 'Go.' Understand?"

"Yes, sir!" Thunderbolt saluted.

"What are you doing?" Ijirude whispered.

"Getting us out of the blast zone if this turns out to cause an explosion," Eggman replied quietly.


"Okay...and…" Eggman began before he, Ijirude, and Starline got behind an overturned desk...before a metal wall slid up before it and they all poked their heads out over it wearing military helmets, "GO!"

"GEAR SET!" Thunderbolt declared as she inserted the Gear into the Cheetah Bot.

Nothing seemed to happen at the moment...before the Cheetah Bot's visor began to glow as it began to stand on its hind legs, the rust fading away as the metal on it began to return to its metallic silver and gold color. The front legs began to contort and refigure until they resembled a pair of humanoid hands that ended up a set of claws covered in fingerless, metal racing gloves. The legs began to follow suit as they became more humanoid in appearance as flaming dark purple flame decals appeared on the side of its legs, a checkered flag-themed belt appearing around its waist while sporting the Tojitendo and Eggman empires symbols embedded in the image of a gold trophy. Finally, the head began to contort and change into something more humanoid as it resembled a robotic humanoid cheetah, a pair of racing goggles over its eyes as its old head appeared on its chest.

"It worked!" Eggman cheered.

"I did good, master?" Thunderbolt asked.

"Excellent work!" Eggman beamed.

"Huh...Seems a bit more...uh…" Ijirude tried to think of a word to compare it to the previous Worlds and ignoring the excited squeak from the chinchilla before she fainted in joy, "Basic…"

"Hah? Basic?" the new World spoke up, sounding almost offended by that, "Oi, doc! I ain't basic!"

"Shut it dummy," Ijirude smacked him with his staff, "The smart people are talking!"

"Why did that hurt?" The New World groaned, "You're, like, old and slow…"

"I think the personality might be an issue...but that aside, the work is actually fantastic!" Ijirude admitted.

"Welcome to the world, Race World!" Eggman cheered, "And we have a very special job for you!"

"Radical!" Race World cheered in English.

"...I'm getting flashbacks to when Sonic was fifteen," Eggman deadpanned.

"We need to make some sort of personality control device…" Ijirude muttered, "I just think past evidence has shown this is...greatly annoying."

"Hmm...good point," Eggman nodded.

"At least there's no verbal tic," Starline offered.

"Now we just need a Grandmaster to send with him," Ijirude noted.

"Actually, sirs? I'd like to volunteer so that I can gather more data on the Zenkaigers for you both," Starline offered.

"Huh? Again?" Eggman blinked...before he shrugged it off, "Eh. You can do what you want...just make sure you record our new World humiliating Sonic and Zenkaiser and That Ninja brat Zenkai Gin!"

"But of course," Starline replied with a bow.

"Oh, and take someone with you," Ijirude added.

"Hmm...I think I have the perfect Grandmasters to accompany me," Starline assured.

"Perfect! Speed World, go forth and do what you do best! Beat the hedgehog and the Zenkaigers!" Eggman declared.

"You got it, dudes!"

"...How fast can we get to work on a personality controller?" Eggman asked.

"Onwards to the lab!" Ijirude shouted as the two ran/sped off, "We can probably hammer that out before getting back to the main project," he whispered, "We're gonna need a soft headed test subject...get the canine who keeps getting hit in the bolts…"

"Oh perfect…!"

"Where is that HedgeLynx disguised as a pink doggo?" Kaito muttered as he looked around the park.

"She is surprisingly stealthy for being in such a clunky thing," Sonic noted as he stopped beside Kaito, a chili dog with the sliced peppers in it shaped like gears in his hand.

"Eh?" Kaito pondered upon seeing it before his stomach growled, "Oh...I forgot breakfast."

"Hmm….we did rush right into this..." Sonic muttered, "Well I can probably find her, Kaito. You get back home and get something. Amy's probably put it in the fridge for ya to heat up later."

"Oh good point," Kaito nodded, "Well I'll catch up later." he smiled, "Try not to be to hard on her, okay?"

"Oh come on, it's me." Sonic chuckled.

"It's why I asked."

"Hey…" Sonic frowned as Kaito chuckled while running off, "I think I'm rubbing off on the guy."

"Yes, clearly…" Ayane's voice sighed.

"I knew you'd goof up once he left!" Sonic snapped, jumping around, "I knew you were listening. But you'd never reveal yourself while Kaito was here, for some reason...you're extra shy around him. What's that about?"

"N-No reason!"

"No, no no no, we're not leaving it at that...that is unless...you're willing to give me that Gear and a Geartlasher," he smirked, "Otherwise, us talking about your issues over a boy seem the most fun thing to do."

"E-Evil! You are as bad as that British Zone you!"

"No, I'm kind of a jerk. But then again, you give off a bit of a jerk air sometimes. Probably unintentional, but I can be an intentional jerk if it means getting what I want," Sonic pointed out, "Besides...given the nonsense I've been through, this is hardly the worst thing ever. If you think about it, selling you out to the ever loving and positive Kaito, might be better for you."


"Yep!" Sonic grinned, "So what's it gonna be, huh?"


"...Alright. Don't say I…" Sonic began before he heard the faint cries of people panicking, "...ahh what timing…"


"This isn't over, Ay-Ay!" Sonic warned as he ran off to the faint cries.

"...Oh dear…"

"Race Time!" Race World declared as he pointed at a group of fleeing people, making them tense up as they stopped, "3...2….1….GO!"

"What's happening?! Why am I sprinting?!" one man demanded as they began running down the street.

"Ah! Ooh! Charlie horse! Charlie horse!" a Mobian bear yelped, yet still kept running.

"Come on, slowpokes! Can't skip leg day!" Race World laughed.

"Why does he remind me so much of Sonic?" Lien-Da deadpanned from nearby.

"Come on, let's see some hustle people, whoo~!" Race World cheered, "Come on! Move them legs, faster~!"

"I...skipped gym in highschool!" one human man wheezed.

"I'm gonna feel this in my joints later!" a Kikainoid man coughed.

=Wow! Look at 'em go!= Cassia laughed =This looks like this runner game I like to play before bed! Only instead of funny yellow pill-shaped guys in overalls and goggles, it's these folks!=

"So this is his...weird ability?" Clove asked, "He can force people to...race each other?"

"It seems to be," Lien-Da frowned, crossing her arms under her chest, "Though this is a good idea. All this running will exhaust all of them and could even lead to some injuries such as broken bones, sprained muscles, and let things be easier for us to take this place over."

"Ah, you noticed that as well," Starline noted as he looked around with a calculative look.

=Whatcha looking out for?= Cassia asked.

"Who else? The Zenkaigers," Starline replied, "Race World's antics here should be more than enough to call on them."

"They're still having breakfast...or brunch, its kinda late in the morning and we've had some shenanigans." Sonic's voice made them all turn to see him, "I sent them a text but told them not to hurry, I'd run interference."

"Oh goody," Clove sighed, already feeling the headache incoming.

"Yeah. Waffles are kinda good," Sonic 'agreed.'

=Waffles? Oh, I haven't had those in a long while. Sis, you think we can…= Cassia began.


=Aaand shuttin' up= Cassia muttered, looking away from the look she was getting. Suddenly a tray of waffles came Infront of her as she was surprised. She looked around to who send these.

"Looks like my back up came along." Sonic said as he saw Zenkai Gin standing on a light post giving her a peace sign and was holding his wand in the other hand.

"Enjoy.." He said to her.

= Yay, Thanks.= Cassia dig in the waffles like she hadn't eaten at all.

"Who are you?" Clove demanded.

" Oh we haven't met before, Boku wa Gin, Zenkai Gin," he introduced him self as he jumped down." Also do you want some chocolate milk with that."

=Yes please= Cassia pleaded.

Zenkai Gin made Chocolate milk in a glass appear Infront of her as she took it and drink it down." A healthy breakfast is always good to start ones day."

"Why are you doing this?!" Clove demanded not in trust.

"Wow, Easy there, He just likes being nice to kids more and likes to help them." Sonic defended.

"...Now onto the monster of the week...though…" Sonic paused as he looked at Race World, "Do I know you? I...oddly feel like I know you somehow."

"Hm? Blue hedgehog?" Race World pondered before his goggles glowed red for a few moments, "Tch. Well, well, well. If it ain't Priority One. Long time since our last race in Robotropolis."

"You know him sonic," Zenkai Gin asked.

"Wait a sec...You're…" Sonic began as Race World smirked, "Metal Sonic?" Race World fell over, "No, no. Don't tell me. If it's not him, uh...oh! You were a Buzzbomber! No? I hope it wasn't a Crabmeat. I'd feel pity for you. ...Motobug?"

"NO!" Race World snapped as he shot up, "I'm the Cheetah Bot! The robot you raced against through Robotropolis!?"

"Hmmm…" Sonic pondered, before shrugging.

"How do you not remember the radical me, dude?!"

"Alternate Zone, Race World!" Lien-Da reminded, "That's not the one you lost to. He got nuked by Eggman before he came to your current one."

"Aw, dudette, ya kiddin' me?!" Race World gawked.

"I would suggest listening to Stupidette," Sonic smiled.

"Oh you are so going to get it, hedgehog!" Lien-Da snarled before smirking, "But I think I'll let Race World deal with you two. I find it better when my enemies are humiliated before being defeated."

"That does sound more fun than talking to you. Honestly...lots of things are more fun than you...I mean, yikes lady...you are a major turn off to the male race as a whole." Sonic chuckled.

"True it like you want to get laid of how your wearing." Zenkai Gin laughed.

=Pfft…= Lien-Da glowered at Cassia and Race world, who whistled badly while looking away from her as well.

"But I'm not hear to fight you this time, I'm just hear for helping them." Zenkai Gin told.

"I don't gotta worry about you guys aswell," Sonic spoke, looking at his phone, "Because I just got a text and three...two...one…"

"Zenryoku…." a faint voice could be heard, "ZENKAI!" Zenkaiser shouted, bursting through a wall behind them, "I'm full on waffles and sugar fueled coffee! Let's do this thing…" he spoke with a cartoonishly deep voice and a glint to his visor.

=He did it again!= Cassia gawked, realizing Sonic was distracting them.

"You betcha!" Sonic laughed.

"Alright! Where's the World?" Zenkaiser asked, looking around, "Don't tell me it ran off already."

"I'm over here, man," Race World deadpanned.

"Eh?! But you're so drastic! I thought Worlds were all kinda...basic," Zenkaiser noted.

"They used some sorta Badnik Eggman made in his old Zone instead of one of their grunts," Zenkai Gin replied, "And I still don't fully get it. I mean...why a cheetah? Those guys are so slow."

"SLOW?!" Race World snapped.

"Don't Cheetahs have stamina issues?" Zenkai Gin asked, tilting his head, "Or am I thinking of that Animal documentary Skye made us watch?" he cupped his chin before he leaned back and dodged a whip, "Right! Fight time! Let's do this thing!"

"You wanna stop me, dudes? Then you gotta catch me if ya can!" Race World blew a raspberry before racing off as a yellow blur.

"Oh? You're up for a race? Then bring it on! I call dibs!" Sonic laughed as he ran off after Race World.

"Just call me if you need an out," Starline informed the others.

"Hold," Clove spoke before pushing Cassia over to him.

=Aw come on, Sis~! Don't make me go with him~= Cassia whined =He's so boring!=

"I beg your pardon?" Starline frowned.

"This is an order," Clove replied firmly, "Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin are too strong."

"I just never give up!" Zenkaiser countered as he backflipped away from Lien-Da's whips before wrapping one around his Geartlinger...and began pulling on the whip and her, bringing her close so he could kick her away, "I never know when to quit!"

"Gh…" Lien-Da grunted.

"Plus, he'll most likely be going to the top of a building to let him watch Race World and us fighting Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin," Clove added, "Correct, doctor?"

"Indeed I am. And I suppose I could lend her a pair of binoculars to watch what she wants between the two," Starline noted, "Certainly not 'boring' watching some intense battles, no?"

= MMMM= Cassia muttered not sure.

"If you go I'll give you chocolate chip pancakes with extra marshmallow and cream on top. With strawberry milk and ice cream." Zenkai Gin spoke.

=DEAL= Cassia suddenly spoke as a tray of food came Infront of her with her meal.= Yay, ok I'm going.= Cassia went with Starlin in the portal as it vanished.

"You still help her no matter what, that's just you cuz" Zenkaiser Patted his shoulder.

"Yup, Can't let her getting hurt. She doesn't look good as I can see." Zenkai Gin told.

"You helped my sister that I'm thankful for, but that won't change me getting easy" Clove spoke.

"Don't want it any other way." Zenkai Gin said as Zenkaiser ran up a wall and flipped behind Lien-Da before punching her.

"We were raised by a very strong and willful Grandma, don't even think that hitting a girl bit works on us!" Zenkaiser chuckled.

"You becha, were trained to fight." Zenkai Gin took a battle stance.

"Glad to know," Clove noted before Zenkaiser yelped as sparks came off his suit from him being knocked back, Zenkai Gin dogged the attack "Considering your personality, you tend to more or less ignore words until you're tired out. And you tend to get tired alot but are in defense."

"Eh?" Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin looked at her before cringing as she was now twirling a black staff producing a violet plasma scythe at one end, "Ohh...You are a scythe lady. You're not secretly super-fast are you?"

"I do have enhanced leg strength from my Legionization and from my natural leg strength," Clove replied before she jumped, becoming a blur that Zenkaiser barely avoided, the tip of her scythe barely grazing his mask, "So you tell me."

"Okay...two really angry girls, I'm on my own, with no way of escape, and am very much in danger. ...It's First Year high school all over again…" Zenkaiser sighed dejectedly.

"Wait what?!" Zenkai Gin looked at his cousin.

"Long story, tell ya later."

"Are you seriously comparing us to high schoolers?!" Lien-Da snapped.

"Aren't you the same age as Sonic?" Zenkai Gin asked, tilting his head.

"19 actually," Clove replied as Lien-Da narrowed her eyes.

"...Oh, I think we pushed a button," Zenkaiser noted, seeing the look in Lien-Da's eyes.

"Oh, ya think?" the echidna growled as her eyes started to glow as her hands crackled in electricity.

"That's new," Both Zenkaigers noted.

"Oh, not really. I only had it for a week or two before the Genesis Wave went off," Lien-Da replied, "Of course, it also got rid of them until I finally got Eggman to put them back in." she swung her hands out and Zenkaiser yelped as he barely jumped out of the way of the blasts of lightning she fired from them.

"I thought it was a melee, but it's long range!" Both zenkaigers yelped before ducking under a scythe swing, "Yep! Just like that day with the books and bokken replaced with lightning blasts and a scythe!" he rolled away while taking out the Geartlinger, "Luck don't fail us now!" he held up a random Sentai Gear and slotted it. He yelped as he began running to avoid lightning blasts, "Here goes something!"

"Hope it does," Zenkai Gin yelled avoiding lightning.


With that, Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin flipped forward as both did the image of the both TimeReds and flipped in time with them as the four lined up and overlapped. Upon landing, Zenkaiser stood up and moved his head from side to side in slow motion, letting all the Lightning blasts miss just barely. He then leaned forward, making Clove's next swing miss as well. Zenkai Gin crossed his arms before twisting his body around and letting another lightning blast zoom past and strike Clove just as she turned around. Zenkaiser swung his arm out and aimed his Geartlinger before unleashing a few shots at Lien-Da's feet, making her stumble a few steps to avoid...and trip over debris she did not see there. Zenkai Gin and Zenkaiser flipped the Geartlinger around before striking a pose.

"That...was...awesome~" Both whispered to themselves.

=That was the Timerangers Sentai Gear, tune~!= Secchan spoke, =The Timerangers are armed with chrono-based abilities! Among them is one that lets them alter the flow of time for themselves, which lets them fight so amazingly well! Skye and your parents still aren't sure how they do it, but it seems like you need to not think, tune. Which is challenging for Skye for many reasons=

=Sad, but completely true. I go through a million thoughts in an attosecond!= Skye admitted with a chuckle.

"I just stop thinking sometimes. I find things work better for me when I do that!" Zenkaiser replied.

"It's kind of easy if you think about it. I just stop and let it go with the flow." Zenkai Gin told.

=I'm not sure if that's amazing...or concerning, tune=

=Wait...so does that mean by not thinking, they slowed perception to avoid bolts of electricity, plan for a sneak, attack, avoid a second bolt, and then make an enemy run blindly into difficult terrain without even planning that?=

"...Time powers," Zenkaiser nodded as he dodged a swing from Clove, "Doc, I'm gonna have to put you on hold. I am fighting two angry girls who hate my guts, and this time they got dangerous sharp and zappy weapons!"

"... And you got me into this." Zenkai Gin shouted avoiding a swing by Clove.

=...Kaikai, that sounds like the first time Aphy introduced me to Galey= Skye admitted.

"I highly doubt it's the same. For starters...I really hope it ends up the same as it did for you, with me. B: They are totally evil and hate me; which I don't get, but it happens," he ducked around more swings, "And C: I am not walking into those traps...I know for a fact the moment we find Aunty again...you two are gonna do some weird plans involving my being a happy bachelor!"

=Shoot, he's on to it! Secchan, tell Yachan and Flash to cancel the plans! Cancel the plans!=

=Gyah!= Secchan panicked.

"I knew it!" he grabbed Clove's weapon before swinging her around and tossing her into Lien-Da, "Matte...Et tu, Flash, Secchan~!?" he gasped.

=Yachan said if I didn't help, she'd hand me over to Ayane in trade for her to sit at the breakfast table the next day after giving me to her~= Secchan sobbed.

"And she told me, mostly convinced me to do it cause she used my kindness against myself so that's why my hands are tied, Sorry cuz." Zenkai Gin told stopping a swing with his sword and pushing her back.

And now I need to be careful of Yachan making me no longer a happy bachelor?! And even convincing my Cousin to join her.This day is a rollercoaster!"

"He's fighting us...while on the freakin' phone…" Lien-Da growled in anger, "I'd be amazed...if it didn't fill me with absolute rage!"

"You think that's a thing. You should see how he does his homework and eat his lunch." Zenkai Gin told as he shot them with his gun.

"My life is in crisis here!" Zenkaiser complained while shooting at her, making her yelp and duck out of the way, "Oh right...duh...I have a gun."

"And now he remembers it," Clove groaned as she jumped out of the way of several shots. She doged another which came from Zenkai Gin.

"So we shall settle this talk later, We gotta get back to important saving the city nonsense," Zenkai Gin sighed, "So anyway, I start blasting." he joked to himself as he grabbed the crank and began unleashing a gatling gun barrage of bullets upon them.

"I thought the ability to act without thought was some secret technique of martial arts that takes ages of dedication and training to achieve?" Clove grunted as they found cover.

"Well, Two idiotic human just slapped all those fools across the face!" Lien-Da snapped.

"It's surprisingly easy, you just...turn off your mind," Zenkaiser spoke up honestly, "I mean...most guys aren't lying when they say they are thinking about nothing."

"Race World better be beating the blue pest," Lien-Da growled.

"Look out, slowpokes!" Race World shouted, running past some folks and knocking them over.

"Hi, sorry, bye!" Sonic spoke, running past and helping everyone up in the process, "That's more points for me~"

"Oh nonsense!" Race World shouted, "I'm in the lead!"

"Yeah...but I can run, and help people...that's totally worth more points since...I'm doing way more...while keeping up." Sonic sighed while breathing on his knuckles and using it to dust his chest, "I mean...obviously I am much faster if I can do all that while you're just running~"

"That doesn't mean anything! First one to the finish is the winner!" Race World barked.

"But...if I'm not giving it my all...did you really win?" Sonic smirked.

"I...uh...but I...then...whoa~ You're blowing my mind dude...and I don't like it!" he panicked.

"Thanks!" Sonic beamed.

"You are a major bummer!" Race World snarled before smirking, "But yeah...You're right. It's not a real win if I ain't pulling out all the stops."

"That's the-wait, what?" Sonic blinked twice as Race World slowed down and put a hand on his shoulder, "Wha…" he grunted as blue electricity raced off him and into Race World before he tripped and tumbled into a clothing display, "WHOA!" after a moment, he jumped out of it...dressed as a ballerina, "Okay, you wise guy! I'm gonna…" he started to run...only to fall flat on his face, "GUH!"

"Surprised?" Race World asked, running around the hedgehog.

"What...What did you do?" Sonic asked.

"I'm Race World. What I just did to you was put you under a Slowest Race," Race World grinned ominously.

"Slowest Race?" Sonic repeated.

"Yep! It's a Race where the goal is to be in last place! Now ya can't be faster than the slowest competitor!" Race World grinned before holding up a snail, "This snail. And...YEET!" he spun like a top before he tossed the snail far off from them, landing in Cassia's hand on a nearby skyscraper.

=Wow. That's...pretty smart= Cassia noted, lowering her binoculars to look at the snail while drinking the milk.

"Yes...truly interesting…" Starline noted in a whisper, rubbing his chin in intrigue

"Big deal. I just gotta get to the finish. So where is it anyway?" Sonic asked.

"The Golden Gate Bridge in California," Race World replied.

"Oh th….wait…" Sonic paused as he began to put two and two together, "So if I were to come in first…"

"You'd come in last!" Race World declared.

"...So? I'll still be technically faster than you."

"Yes but listen, Priority One...you'd be fast, but not fast enough to beat me!" Race World laughed, "Not even enough to beat a snail! How bogus is that? You'll be the dude known as the loser who can't outrun a snail!"

"You jerk."

"Hey, you're not the one who got scrapped because your opponent ran off and let ya win," Race World growled, glaring at the hedgehog before moving quickly out of the way of a barrage of bo shuriken and gunshots, making him look to see Zenkai Kurenai and Zenkai Magine, "Well, if ya do end the race, Can't wait to do this all over again to ya, blue boy." he shot off like a rocket, a sonic boom going off and shattering all the glass ahead of them, "LATER!"

"Ah! What was that?!" Zenkai Magine yelped.

"Looked like a new robot," Zenkai Kurenai noted before she ran over to Sonic, "Daijobu?"

"...I just lost…" Sonic muttered, "In a race of all things…"

"Nu nu nu?! You lost a race?!" Zenkai Magine exclaimed before noticing the outfit he was in, "...Was it a costumed race?"

"I believe we have enough for now," Starline noted as he made a portal, "Back to base now for a report."

=Aw...Do we have to?= Cassia asked while finished her food, =Was hoping to get a new game and…= Starline picked her up by the back of her shirt and tossed her in =WHOA!=

"And one for those two," Starline noted, flicking his Warp Topaz hand towards the fight with Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin against the two women.

"Raaa…!" Lien-Da began mid-leap with Clover before the two were suddenly engulfed in a portal that quickly closed up.

"..." Zenkaiser looked around a few times, "Just. Like. First Year…" he sighed, falling to his knees, "My life is nuts…"

"You gotta tell me what happened.." Zenkai Gin told patting his back." And when is your life never nuts.."


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES YES YES!" Eggman cheered as he rapidly pumped his fist into the air, "I DID IT! I HUMILIATED THAT PESKY BLUE RODENT SONIC! AT RACING NO LESS!"

"Technically, it was Race World, sire," Orbot pointed out.


"But it was your robot...with that World Soldier power stuff...so...it's...Nerd Team win?" Cubot pointed out.

"Don't call us that!" Eggman complained.

"Too late~" a certain giant mechanical bird sang as he floated down behind Eggman, "It's official now...you are Vice-captain to Team Nerd with Ijirude...by the way Barashitara is Captain of Team Jock, okay bye~" he flew off.

"Oh I hate that bird…" Ijirude muttered under his breath.

"Team Jock…" Eggman chuckled, "Oh, that fits that buffoon."

"Seriously?" Ijirude deadpanned.

"One thing I've come to understand about Eggman? He likes mechanical birds," Lien-Da sighed before holding up a picture of an obese bald man with Eggman's mustache and eyes in a red, yellow, and black suit, a robotic arm, and a cape holding a robotic rooster with a serrated beak, "He Roboticized himself, got blown up, built his new body to look like the one you see now, then aliens turned that into an organic form."

"Hmm...impressive," Ijirude nodded, "Truly a resilient meatsack to say the least." he then spun around, "Well, I guess if Race World has proven competent enough to handle the Zenkaigers, we can return to work on our project."

"Excellent work on getting that data on those...Timerangers, was it?" Eggman questioned.

"Yes, sire," Starline replied.

"I still don't get what you need all this extra data on Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin for?" Lien-Da sighed to Ijirude.

"It's clear that he and Sonic are the odd outliers in all of this. Eggman has history with dealing with the rodent...but Zenkaiser is totally new and unknown. And his relative is in a hole other level. Even you so called elite soldiers have trouble dealing with him when he's focused. He's beaten most of you black and blue and humiliated the rest. And the silver one took down my tuffets soilders and even caused harm to my Plans. They also caused a lot of psychological harm to several of your male co-workers, apparently; and according to the reports...they aims for the...what was it...Kiwis?" Ijirude muttered, "As far as I see it, if we can deal with those two, our problems with the others will fall in line."

"...You're not planning on a Metal Zenkaiser, and Zenkai Gin are you?" Lien-Da deadpanned at Eggman.

"No, that's stupid," Eggman replied, "Metal Sonic is all I need for an equalizer to the hedgehog. But for those two? We need an equal to them I already have a Shinobi for the silver brat she can take care of him!" he then pointed at the portal Starline had opened, "Now go back out there and get more data on that Zenkaiser and Zenkai Gin and any of those Gears that they use!" he said as they all fanned out, "...but 'Metalkaiser' and 'MetalGin' sounds excellent…"

"We'll workshop names later," Ijirude spoke, bonking Eggman on the head.

'Yeah tell it to her as she mostly flirts with him.'Lien-Da mentally stated.

Hmm...So a Race World…" Skye muttered as Sonic sat on his repair shop's bench Kikainoids normally sat on when they were patients, several suction cups connected to nodes that were being fed into a machine nearby on the blue hedgehog, "And it caused your speed to go away or, rather, drop to being as fast as a snail?"

"Right on the money…"

"Interesting…" Skye muttered.

"So how can that happen, Doc? You're the one who knows all about these gears and alt world stuff? How can it take my speed, isn't it mine?" Sonic asked.

"Well your super speed is from your Hedgehog powers AKA the Hedgehog Speed Gene," Skye explained, "Your gene just manifested as this comic book nonsense super speed that lets you do all this whacky nonsense like my eldest daughter."

"I am a fan of whacky nonsense…" Sonic muttered honestly, "So...he could do this to...any Hedgehog Mobian in theory?"

"More so anyone. He takes the speed and adds it to his own. So now he's faster and can probably do some of your impossible nonsense."

"...Oh shoot," Sonic's eyes widened at the implications.

"You mean...Sonic could easily do what that cat robot did to all the glass in the area when he left?" Magine asked.

"Most likely." Skye nodded.

"Maybe if I transform, I can use magic to fix him!" Magine offered.

"Yes...that," Sonic nodded.

"Yosha! Don't worry; I'm on it! Change Zenkai!" Magine declared as she quickly transformed and pulled her staff out, "Nu Nu Nu Magine...Nu Nu Nu Magine…"

"Just trust in Magine, Sonic!" Amy assured.

=I feel like I should point out this is a temporary fix. If Race World comes into contact with Sonic again, it will just repeat over and over again until Race World has some kind of God Speed, tune= Secchan added while perched on Kaito's shoulder =The problem is how do we capture him?= he asked as Sonic was glowing before something broke and he blinked.

"Hey...I feel normal again," Sonic smirked, jumping up and running around.

"Well, I realized I might not be able to bring his speed back, but if I broke the link...it might replenish itself," Zenkai Magine explained, "But Secchan is right...even if I can undo it...it will just be reset if they meet again."

"Also what about us?" Juran pointed out, "Roll-chan is the next fastest, and after that Kaito's got limitless stamina and energy as an athletic type and Flash also had magic and can run faster like roll and sonic. If Race World catches them, we're done for."

=Some Sentai Gears should give you super speed to face Race World, but if he touches you and steals that power, too, then we'll be in big trouble, tune!=

"Then we'll just beat him before that happens!" Kaito declared, "And even if it does, we'll still find some way to win!"

"Um...I think I have one way you could avoid getting touched," Tails offered.

"You do?" Flash asked.

"Yeah," Tails replied, "Nicole, can you display those racing files we have?"

"Of course," Nicole replied, looking over the data that had been printed on Sonic's speed loss before waving a hand over her head and several screens popped up, showing Sonic, Tails, and a red echidna with a white crescent-shaped mark on his torso on strange sleek boards in blue, yellow, or red racing through a massive forest with trees as thick as houses against a trio of birds-a purple swallow, a green hawk, and a grey albatross-on their own boards in purple, green, and yellow.

Oh! Who are they?" Flash asked.

"And what are you all riding?" Juran asked, tilting his head.

"Extreme Gear," Tails answered Juran, "And the trio riding them are the Babylong Rogues, a group of thieves that travel the skies."

"What is Extreme Gear?" Vroon asked.

"The short of it is that's a special kind of vehicle, be it in the form of a bike, hoverboard, or skates, that uses pressurized air that can be replenished by performing tricks on the option you use," Tails summarized, "I brought some of my prototype ones for you guys to try out. They're over…" Tails began before turning his head to see an empty bench nearby, "Ah! Where'd they go!?"

"....You brought prototypes of a vehicle we haven't seen before and, more than likely my adopted siblings haven't, into my uncle shop which doubles as there house?" Flash asked before pointing down the hall, "What do you think happens to something tech-related that my sibling hasn't witnessed?"

"Aw come on!" Tails exclaimed, throwing his hands up in disbelief.

"Yeah, she's a little annoying like that," Sonic spoke up.

"So how do they float?" Gaon asked.

"Oh, that's easy! According to the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem, the control surface flow is balanced by the inverse kinetics of the…" Tails began to speak as Kaito held his head as steam leaked from the top of his head, Amy and Magine distracting themselves with doing some fortune telling, Sonic facepalming, Gaon following Kaito's lead, and the rest nodding as only a handful could understand what Tails was talking about, "...And all that results in letting the EX Gear to float."

"Interesting…" Skye noted, "And good call on asking that, Gaogao."

"Eh? Why?" Gaon asked, looking up from his spot of lying flat on his face on the floor.

"Tails explaining that more than likely gave Ay-Ay enough info to cut down the time for her to come out with a new thing," Skye chuckled.

"Oh! Yeah, that's totally what I was going for…" Gaon muttered to himself.

"Hmm...Ten...Nine…" Skye started counting down.

"Huh? Um...What's he doing?" Tails asked.


"Oh, he likes to count down when he's predicted something," Flash explained.

"Three...two...one...cue the screaming Gaogao."

"Me?" Gaon pondered before he screamed as a panel on the floor under him flipped up and sent him into the air and land on Vroon, letting Ayane pull herself out with a sack on her back.

"Here are your prototypes," Ayane informed as she handed Tails the sack before she reached into her top and pulled out seven silver Gears with an 'EX' on one side and either a picture of a skateboard, a roller skate, or a bike on the back, "And here are mine!"

"That was fast!"

"...Did she change clothes?" Amy asked, looking over the tracksuit Ayane was wearing that was light blue with pink lightning bolts going up her sides.

"Ay-Ay, did you eat that before you started?" Skye asked.

"Psh! Naw~! I ate it after I got everything all together so that I could do a rush job," Ayane replied with a grin, "Now behold and witness my babies at their debut!"

"...Skye, what's going on and why am I afraid?" Juran whispered.

"Ay-Ay has a little trick up her glove," Skye quietly explained, "What you're seeing is the temporary results from it. She'll be back to her normal self soon enough."

"Alrighty! First baby up will be in reverse order!" Ayane declared as she bounced over to Roll and took the Geartlasher from her before putting one of the Gears with a skateboard in it.


Ayane spun the gear before swinging the sword, causing a projection of the gear to appear and then transform into a scarlet EX Gear board with pink detailing resembling cherry blossoms.

"First up, the Sakura Blossom!" Ayane declared, puffing her chest up with a smug smile, "The fastest of my current babies!"

"How did she do that?!" Vroon asked.

"Also did she just refer to her inventions as 'babies'?" Amy repeated.

"Why does she resemble Mai hatsume from MHA." Flash muttered

"I can't put my finger on it...but something is...different…" Kaito muttered.

"Next is Flashy" Then a Silver EX Gear board came with shruiken design on its back." This is called, Hurricane typhoon. This baby hear can go Faster then the others and has hidden weapons for attacks. You can also cast magic on it to make it go faster or slower."

"SWEET!" Flash exclaimed seeing his board." Knew those board lesson with Sandalwood will be used."

"Next is Vroomy!" Ayane beamed as she put in one sporting the skates into the Geartlasher, spun it, and swung, causing the gear to appear and transform into a pair of silver and blue blocky skates, the left one shaped like a crane and the right one resembling a mixing truck, "To keep with your Daibouken them, I call these the Super Adventure!" she held up a pair of blue guards for lower arms shaped like a drill and shovel crane, "It also comes with some arm guards!"

"Ooh~!" Vroon exclaimed as he looked them over, "These are quite nice!"

"Next, Magy!"

"M-Magy?!" Magine and Amy gawked as Ayane spun the next gear.

She swung the blade and the next gear appeared and transformed. Now in its place was a sleek bike-like EX Gear that was primarily silver with pink armaments, giving it the appearance of a witch's broom. Magine tilted her head, seeing a slot on both ends of it.

"Behold the Nununu Hoki!" Ayane beamed, "You can put the Magine Staff on either end to increase its flight time or cast spells depending on which side you put it in!"

"Nu nu nu?!" Magine gawked.

"Now for Gaoy!" Ayane went on.

"Oh! She nicknamed me~!" Gaon beamed, getting up as she spun the Geartlasher's gear and swung it.

Gaon watched as the the gear transformed and landed as a bulky gold and black bike EX Gear with armor plating that made the front of it resemble a bison's head and the back having a bulkier back to it.

"The GaonCarrier! It has the largest air tank of all my babies and is just perfect for ramming enemies!" Ayane beamed.

"Eh?! A bison?!" Gaon gawked.

"Next is Jury!"

"Seriously, how long is she gonna be like this?" Juran asked Skye as she deployed the next Gear.

Next to appear was an EX Gear themed off a motorcycle. It was colored in white and silver with the headlight resembling the head of a brachiosaur with gatling guns melded into the top where the nostrils would be on its design with thrusters mixed into the tail light.

"The Brachisaurer! What's your motif of Daizyujin without the carrier in its ultimate formation?"

"Oh...this is sweet!" Juran awed.

"This is awesome!" Kaito cheered, "Wait...one, two...oh! Do I have one?"

"You betcha, Kaity!" Ayane beamed, putting the last one in and spun it before swinging the sword.

The final Gear turned into a board-type EX Gear. It was very aerodynamic with a yellow tip, with red right behind it with two black marks like eyes, the rest was white with two wing like extensions on the side colored in white and red with colored 'feathers' colored in yellow, blue, green, pink and purple. On the back were two red tail fins ending in little yellow turbines.

"Ta-dah~! The VariEagle!" Ayane beamed.

"Sugoi! EX Gear ZENKAI!" he cheered while he took the board, "This is awesome!"

"They can be turned into these EX Gears at any time for easy storage," Ayane explained, "To bring them back out, you just insert them into your Geartlingers or the Geartlasher and fire!"

"Is is alright to give them this stuff?" Sonic asked.

=Of course it is! Many Sentai have utilized vehicles like bikes, hovercrafts, and even animals as transport, tune!= Secchan replied.

"Animals?" Sonic blinked.

=Seiju Sentai Gingaman are a forest living magical tribe, they know nothing of modern human culture so they used horses to get around and into battle, tune!= Secchan explained =Bakuryu Sentai Abarangers rode on armored velociraptors!=

"Bikes, buggies, land rovers, the occasional sentient car, one time with jets built into their belts for flight," Skye added before chuckling on that last one before resuming, "That was more normal for some older era Sentai."

=And Ayane seems to have done a lot of studying for each of you, tune. Well...aside from Roll's and Flash since that seems to be more for there normal everyday self…= Secchan noted as he flew over each EX Gear =They're all based on something that compliments your Sentai motifs like she's mentioned with Vroon, tune! The pieces for Super Daibouken, the Sky Hokies of Magiranger, GaoBison's carrier mode that GaoLion, GaoEagle, GaoTiger, and GaoShark would ride on, Beast Knight God King Brachion that DaiZyuJin would ride upon, and the Varidorin of the Gorenger!=

"This is amazing, Ayane-san!" Magine spoke, "I didn't think you thought about us so much. We assumed you were only supporting Roll-san."

"Wait for it…" Skye whispered to Juran.

"Hmph! This smart little kit my baby brother's age made gear for a whole team. Why wouldn't I improve on it for a bigger team? I even have three more made for standby!" Ayane beamed.

"There it goes," Skye snickered as Juran facepalmed, realizing Ayane was thinking more on competing with other inventors.

"...Wait. So you do have more of those gears!" Sonic exclaimed, pointing at her, "Oi! Gimmie one!"

"Nope~!" Ayane beamed.

"...What is wrong with her?" Sonic asked, looking at Roll.

"Ah mou...She gets like this when she shifts her Speed Gene from her thinking to her legs," Roll sighed before walking over to Ayane, "Nee-chan?"

"Yes~?" Ayane grinned, her tail wagging.

"Please give Sonic-san a Geartlasher and Sentai Gear."

"...Aw~" Ayane whined, her ears and tail drooping, "But why~? He broke my Proto Gear!"

"And he got punished with the explosion he was hit with for not listening to you and he couldn't have chili for his chili dogs for a week," Flash reminded, making Sonic scrunch up his face at the memory of that very annoying week, "What does he need to do to get one?"

"Mmm...Apologize to my baby you broke!" Ayane demanded, holding up an urn with a Sentai Gear painted on it.

"Did you cremate the remains of it?" Sonic raised a brow.

"Apologize!" Ayane demanded.

"Just say sorry," Juran spoke, slapping Sonic's back.

"Okay, okay! Er...I'm sorry?" Sonic asked, raising a brow.

"Forgiven!" Ayane beamed as she pulled out a second Geartlasher and a transformation Gear, sporting a cobalt-colored Sentai in it with a '32' on it, "This one I think I managed to get the flipside right. Congrats, Test Subject Number Blue!"

"Wait...Blue's not a…"

"Test Subject Number Blue!" she repeated with a pouty face, making Sonic flinch and stumble back.

"Nee-chan, Nee-chan, you need to switch to brain again please," Roll advised.

"Wait!" Kaito called out suddenly, making Roll flinch, "I like this version!"

"Aw~ I like ya, too, Kaity!" Ayane giggled.

"See? She'll be my friend this way!" Kaito smiled happily.

"Yes, but…" Flash began as Ayane froze up before blinking a few times and looked around, "...She has a time limit."

"Eh?" Kaito pondered as he turned to Ayane, who caught his eyes with hers.

"!?" Ayane froze up.

"Oh you're back to the very smart and shy Ayane, aren't you?" Kaito asked before a smoke bomb went off, "ACK! Ptui! Yep! She's...hack! Gack! ...She's herself again!"

"All this refusal...because I didn't apologize for breaking her prototype gear?" Sonic asked.

"Lesson learned...Stop being a tool," Flash blurted.

"Huh? Sonic, there's a note on the Geartlasher," Amy noted.

"Eh?" Sonic pondered as he flipped it over, finding a hastily written note on it, "'Stop flirting with my sister, Test Subject Number Blue and You aswell Silver Ninja 'Wait, what?!"

"Eh?" Flash asked," I'm silver Ninja"

"Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog! You've been flirting with my eldest?!" Skye demanded as Juran covered his mouth as he tried to force back a loud laugh." And Flash Sentry you been Flirting with my other eldest?!"

Flash simply took out his phone and showed a missed message of his mom asking for what is happening.

"Your forgiven, You have my blessings with you. Take care of her." Skye did a 180 on that." But you..."

"Amy?" Roll and Magine sighed.

"Sorry doc," Amy held up her hammer before swinging down.


"SEGATA SANSHIRO~!" Skye slurred before collapsing on the floor, Haseo barely getting a pillow at his head area before it landed.

"He'll be fine." Flash replied, "He has severe head trauma twice a week."

Sometimes more, tune= Secchan added before tensing up as his eyes flashed =Ah! Minna, Race World is back!=

"Oh perfect timing!" Sonic beamed as he dug into his head quills and pulled out a sleek cobalt-blue EX Gear board with gold detailing, "Hey, Amy. Think Zenkai Sonic would be…" a bo shuriken with a paper attached to it hit the bench he was on, the words 'Zenkai Cobalt' written on them with three underline strokes under it, "...Darn it. She named it already."

"It'd probably be better if we went to the base to be your support since Amy knocked your normal one out," Tails noted, nudging the downed Skye with his shoe.

"Eh?" Haseo pondered as he started blushing, "Ah…"

"Gnarly! I just love a good race!" Race World laughed, sitting on a lightpost as he watched a large group of citizens running down the street, "Keep on running, folks! Run, run, and run some more! The Citywide 500 lap race is underway! Lap 1 of 500 so far!"

"I swear he's gotten a bigger ego since he stole Sonic's speed," Lien-Da sighed as Cassia hummed as she played a game on a Nintendo Switch.

=Eh, we know that losing his speed won't slow down that guy= Cassia noted, =Right, sis?=

"Yes. Knowing him, that hedgehog will probably try something that would let him have his speed without needing that snail or going to California," Clove shook her head, glancing at said snail that was in a container by Cassia with some kale and sliced strawberries.

"Even if he does, it just means more data for us to exploit," Starline replied.

"I'm sure pitting this thing against that Zenkaiser brat and lynx Boyfriend Zenkai Gin brat will give you tons more data..." Lien-Da sighed.

"Oh no need to get huffy because those boys sees you for what you are." Starline spoke, "It's not my fault if it's true about you…" he whispered, "Besides, as long as we get him to show off more of his Gear abilities, we can examine how his suit replicates so many...powers."

"Grr…" Lien-Da growled.

=And Zenkai Gin isn't bad, He gave me food to eat.= Cassia defended.

"Tojitendo!" the four Mobians and one World looked to see Kaito, Flash, Juran, Gaon, Magine, Vroon, Roll, and Sonic approaching.

"Oh don't tell me," Starline facepalmed, "The good doctor is going to need medical attention."

"What are you talking about?" Clove asked.

"Yoo-hoo~" Sonic held up his Geartlasher.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," Lien-Da groaned, spotting the one on Roll's hip, "Seriously? Just...Just seriously?"

"Wel, well, well. Back to lose again, slowmo?" Race World asked, looking at the blue hedgehog.

"Oh...I'll get to you, Cheetoh boy," Sonic smirked, "But first...I need to make them feel a headache." he turned to the evil Mobians, "You guys have been a pain for us for a while. You know things were just starting to get good before you showed up. I've been playing aloof cause Kaito is the one chosen to be the leader and hero here. And that's not changing!"

"What?" Lien-Da blinked.

"He's my tall best buddy, and I'm gonna help him kick all your butts, find his folks and save this awesome new mashed up world." Sonic smiled, "You know why? Cause...for the first time I honestly feel like everyone can be happy, we got the humans and Kikainoids to give the weirder Mobians some common sense!" he chuckled, "And I still get my fill of nonsense and danger thanks to you guys. But for once...it doesn't feel like all that pressure is just on me, and I dig it. I got a ton of new friends who make life easier for me...what do you guys got? Eggface and two annoying literal walking talking tanks bossing you around?"

"No matter how you look at it, we're a team more put together than you!" Kaito declared, "And I am a straight C- Student! So you know you're dumb when I'm the one pointing out your flaws!"

"Kaito...you called yourself dumb…" Flash pointed out.

"What...no he didn't," Sonic argued.

"He kinda did…" Magine muttered.

"No no no, he's saying they aren't as smart as they think." Juran spoke.

"Hmm...I think both points are valid," Vroon spoke.

=Hi, Vroon!= Cassia waved.

"Hello, Cassia!" Vroon waved back.

=Hi, Flash= She waved at him

=Hey, Case= Flash waved back.

"Cassiopeia," Clove warned.

"Baka!" Gaon dope-slapped Vroon, who barely moved from it.

=Sorry," both apologized.

"Why not Flash." Vroon complained.

"His good." Goan waved off.

"Everybody stop talking!" Lien-Da snapped.

"No!" Kaito, Flash and Sonic replied with cheeky grins.

"I've never seen someone angry twitch so much…" Roll and Magine muttered.

"You know, little lady, your face will stick like that if you keep scowling like that!" Juran shouted.

"Hey, the rad dudette's right. All this talkin' is so lame~!" Race World complained, the Geartlinger users all turned to him before pelting him with bullets, "AH! Not cool! Totally not cool!" he cried in pain.

"See...this is why I love my friends," Sonic chuckled, "Well to get in the spirit of things...let's get crazy!"

"Zenryoku crazy party time!" Kaito cheered.

"Oh!" the others all cheered along.

"Everyone! Change Zenkai!" Kaito ordered as they all slotted their Sentai Gears.


Juran and Gaon spun in place.


Roll followed up with a spin in the opposite direction.


Vroon and Magine spun the way Gaon and Juran did.


Sonic grinned as he spun the same direction Roll did.


Kaito and Flash spun and aimed ahead.



A White Gear collided with Kaito as he transformed into Zenkaiser and jumped forward.


Juran and Gaon jumped through a Red and Yellow gear respectively as they transformed mid-flip and landed as Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon.


Magine and Vroon let their Pink and Blue Gears drop down over them and change them into Zenkai Magine and Zenkai Vroon.


Flash ran at the silver Gear gear and change him Into Zenkai Gin as he jumped forward.


Roll jumped forward through the crimson gear as it burst apart to replace her with the taller Zenkai Kurenai.


Sonic smirked as he ran forward before skidding and sliding through the Cobalt colored gear as a flash covered his body and made him grow to the same human height as Zenkaiser. The Zenkaiger in his place was clad in a solid dark cobalt blue suit. He had a black belt around his waist with the same buckle as Zenkaiser and Kurenai, however his had an extra extension atop as two silver straps went from his shoulders and down his torso to link with the belt like the seat belt of a race car. His gloves were pure white with white armoring along his forearms, ending ih black tire like cuffs stopping just shy of the crux of his elbows. He had blue boots matching his suits with the same tire cuff pattern on them, only his boots had golden accents creating gold walls along the tops and a V pattern facing forward. The Zenkaiger symbol flashed in gold on his chest as his helmet finished forming, somehow packing away his quills inside of it. His helmet had a mouthguard like a racing helmet with four small black spots, a black visor in a unique shape that looked like shades that would fit perfectly over Sonic's eyes, tire themed ear pieces spun to life as the top of his helmet had small little ears and headlamps resembling a car's lights and giving the faintest visage of a hedgehog.

"Himitsu no power! ZENKAISER!" Zenkaiser declared.

"Kyoryu Power! Zenkai Juran!"

"Hyakuju Power! Zenkai Ga~on!"

"Mahou Power! Zenkai Magine!"

"GoGo Power! Zenkai Vroon!"

"Shruiken Power! Zenkai Gin!"

"Ninja Power! Zenkai Kurenai!"

"Engine Power!" Sonic spoke in his new form as he flipped his Geartlasher around and tapped it on his shoulder while leaning forward on one knee, "Zenkai Cobalt!"

"Hachi-nin sorete!"Zenkaiser began as the others posed to either side of him as he held his right hand out with five fingers and his left hand with two, "Kikai Sentai…"

"ZENKAIGER!" they all shouted as the Zenkaiger symbol formed behind them.

"Wait a sec...Cobalt…" Zenkai Cobalt muttered.

=This is Speedy Ayane recording! Sorry! The helmet downloaded instructions on how to pose and call yourself sucka!=

"...I think it's time for a Prank War after this…" Zenkai Cobalt muttered.

"...Oh, I can feel the agonized wails from that fat man," Lien-Da groaned under her breath.


"So glad I turned off my audio receptors!" Ijirude shouted as he looked at the downed Grandmasters and grunts...and a twitching Barashitara.

"He...has strong lungs…" Barashitara groaned as he looked at Eggman, his face pressed against the screen showing Zenkai Cobalt with his glasses dropped off to expose his robotic eyes that were actually glowing as foam began to leak from his mouth.

"HE….I...I…!" Eggman seethed, pulling on his mustache as he began to growl out in pure rage, "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE!-! HATE!-!-! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!-!-!-!-!-!" he screamed to the top of his lungs...before breathing calmly, "...I feel better."

"..." Ijirude and Barashitara shared looked as Eggman calmly picked up his glasses and put them back on.

"Slipped for a moment and forgot to factor in the constant that is Chaos," Eggman muttered to himself before turning around to Ijirude, "Well now! This will make our project all the more sweeter when we finally deploy it, my good Kikainoid Genius!"

"Er...Y-Yes! They can make as many Zenkaigers as they want! Our project will best them all!" Ijirude laughed after clearing his throat.

"Ho-oh~ To think he had something like that in him," Gege whispered, looking down at them from high above while rubbing a wing under his beak.

"So the hedgehog has become a Zenkaiger as well," Starline noted, "But why now? Unless the guns are incompatible with Mobians, thus necessitating a different kind of device to transform with…" he brought the back of his hand to his forehead, "Oh, to meet whoever is making these devices for them…"

"I'm gonna prank her," Cobalt told Kurenai.

"If you do, I'm on her side and pranking you back."

"Oh boy. We're doing a Prank War then!"

=FOCUS!= Secchan and Tails shouted.

"...We're talking 'bout this later," Cobalt warned her.

"Hai, hai," Kurenai rolled her eyes behind her visor.

"Well, well~! Nice speedy motif to ya, dude! But ya can't do much when ya ain't got your speed, now do ya?" Race World mocked.

"I don't know...do I?" Cobalt taunted back.

"Ooh~ So confident, are we? You got someone to take ya over the sea?" Race World asked.

"Nope!" Cobalt replied before turning into a blur and getting in a diagonal slash on Race World, knocking the surprised World away.

"WHAT?!" Race World exclaimed as he landed on his feet.

=Huh?! But we have the snail still!= Cassia gawked.

"Correction," a voice said as they saw a Courage the cowardly dog mascot, "Sonic the hedgehog had the snail limit. This is Cobalt, inheritor of the Go-Onger engine power!" she declared, "My Cobalt won't lose to a stupid cheeath!"

"That and I dispelled the link!" Zenkai Magine added.

"Gah! That's unfair! Totes broken! I call foul!" Race World complained.

"Just steal the power again," Lien-Da frowned. "And then finish him."

"Oh right!" Race World grinned as he rushed at them, only for a blast of wind to go off, forcing him to hold an arm up to his eyes before it ended, making him look around to see they were gone, "Say wh…"

"INCOMING!" Magine shouted.

"What's huh?" Race World looked up in time to be rammed by Zenkai Magine on her EX Gear, "GWAH!"

"And now they have EX Gear," Clove sighed, "Starline…"

"He already went left to watch from a distance so his precious binoculars don't get destroyed," Lien-Da deadpanned, gesturing to the spot where Starline and Cassia had been.

"...I'm starting to dislike that platypus."

"Well you're not gonna like us!" Cobalt laughed as he became a blur on his EX Gear, crashing through Race World once he tried to get up, "And to quote an old sayin' of mine..Juice and Jam Time guys!"

"Yosha! Zenryoku Zenkai!" Zenkaiser cheered as he grabbed a light post and used it to drive around to slam his EX Gear into Race World's back, sending him flying through the air.

"Look out!" Zenkai Juran cheered ,ramming Race World from the side, knocking him into a wall.

"What is this?!" Race World demanded before he was rammed into from behind by Gaon.

"You wanted a race, so we're giving you a race! It's an EX Gear Demolition Race!" Gaon cheered, "And you getting scrapped is the finish line!"

"Pardon me!" Zenkai Vroon warned, his arms waving about rapidly at his sides and he rammed into Race World and knocked him into the air when Kurenai and Cobalt slammed into him and knocked him through a wall.

"Oi looks like you could chill out." Zenkai Gin spoke as he was on his gear and soon rammed him back then came down again but used his wand making ice shards and launched them at the the world making him fall back. Zenkai Gin then slammed his gear on the world face and knocked him back.

"Interesting. They're utilizing EX Gear to avoid making contact with his hands," Starline observed.

=Guess we should've brought Sonic with us, huh?= Cassia asked.

"Or dealt with him permanently," Starline sighed, shaking his head and making Cassia cringe and look away before she did a double-take.


"What?" Starline asked.

"That mascot that was talking earlier is over there," Cassia noted, pointing at a nearby roof.

"If they're the same person as before, they may more than likely be the reason for the hedgehog being able to transform," Starline noted before making a portal and pulled Conquering Storm out.

"What is it?" she growled, "I was in the middle of…"

"We need you to catch that mascot," Starline informed, "We have suspicions that they're the inventor of that device that made the HedgeFox your superior."

"She is not my superior!" she snarled, electricity crackling off her.

"Then prove otherwise by capturing the mascot without her knowing," Starline replied.

=Yeah! Metal Gear time!= Cassia cheered.

"I'm busy" Conquering storm spoke as she was about to leave.

"Your lover is also hear, You may get his attention if you get her." Starline spoke making her stop.

"His not my lover." She spoke as she looked at Zenkai Gin fighting Race world.
" Looks like he found a EX Gear." She noted" Fine I'll do it." She spoke and went after her.

"Hm speak of her lover and she will do anything." Starline muttered.

=Yup..= Cassia said.

Ah, my EX Gear Gears are working so perfectly," Ayane whispered, both her normal tail and her costume's tail wagging excitedly...while she was completely unaware of Conquering Storm slowly sneaking towards her, the ninja Lynx making sure to hide within the shadows.

'...Wait…' Conquering Storm thought, pausing in her approach as she frowned, 'This feels too easy… got to get his attention' she pulled out three senbon needles and threw them at the mascot, who tilted to the side.

"Oh, that's working better than I expected!" Ayane noted before moving away and avoiding more needles, "And Gaon is using his quite well! If you do touch, you're still dealing with a powerful force coming at you."

'She's dodging every one of my senbon?' Conquering Storm thought as her frown grew as she started throwing kunai, followed by shuriken, and then a combination of all three and Ayane just kept dodging without even paying any notice due to her focus being solely on her EX Gears.

=How's she doing that?= Cassia asked.

"I...don't know," Starline muttered.

=Did it hurt for you to say that?= Cassia asked bluntly as she noticed a slight twitch to his eye.

"...I can and will infect your game systems with a data-eating virus."

=I'll be good!= Cassia squeaked, hugging her Switch close to herself, looking like a normal deer in headlights at night.

"Time to try out these gears," Cobalt chuckled, going up the side of a building on his EX Gear as he pulled out a Sentai Gear from his buckle and put it into his sword and spun its forehead gear.


A hologram of Red Turbo formed before Cobalt before overlapping with him. He held his arm out before grabbing his sword; the GT Sword. He lifted both the Geartlasher and the GT sword as he jumped off his EX Gear. Race World gawked as Cobalt slashed with both swords, leaving an X-shaped scratch on his chest.

Race World stumbled back before he was struck by Cobalt's Geartlasher, the Ranger spinning around and swinging the GT sword and striking the World across the shoulder. He flipped the Geatlasher before swinging around to strike with a reverse grip swing.

"Good thinking!" Kurenai noted, inserting a Sentai Gear into her sword and spun it.


=Wait, we should probably warn you about that gear, tune!= Secchan panicked.

=Huh? What's wrong with that one, Secchan?= Amy asked.

The full Carrangers formed before they all ran off and went into a different Zenkaiger. Red Racer went into Zenkaiser instantly as he tensed up.

"Did...Did I goof?" Kurenai blinked.

=The Sentai Gears are incredibly diverse, but I feel like Carrangers is a baaaad pick for one reason! They...are the Goofballs of Sentai!=

=WHAT!?= Tails, Amy, Nicole, and Haseo exclaimed.

"Goofballs?" Kurenai pondered, getting a bad feeling.

Zenkaiser suddenly whistled, stopping Race World and Cobalt, "Stop right there!" he blurred up to Race World before pointing down, "That's jaywalking. Don't you know the basics of traffic safety!?"

"Huh? Uh, what are you…" Race World began to ask.

"He doesn't!" Cobalt interrupted, "None whatsoever!"

"Such disregard for the sacred rules of the road which keep us safe! I can't forgive this!" Zenkaiser spoke as he wound his arm up...before punching Race World, sending him flying back.

"Bwahahahaha!" Cobalt cracked up laughing before Zenkai Vroon's hand on his shoulder made him pause, "Ah…"

"You are jaywalking as well," he informed calmly, pointing at the crosswalk Cobalt was on while he was on the sidewalk and then at the traffic light.

"...Oh no. Wait, wait, wait! We're teammates!" Cobalt yelped.

"That just makes this even worse!" Zenkai Magine barked, making him flinch.

"AH! She's mad again!" Cobalt panicked.

"Come back here and listen to this lecture on Traffic Safety!" Zenkaiser shouted, chasing Race World.

=Roll, why~?!= Secchan sobbed.

"I-I can fix this!" Kurenai yelped, inserting another Gear and spun it.


A red dino-themed Sentai appeared before jumping into Kurenai...who proceeded to start doing a samba.

"SECCHAN!" Cobalt snapped.

=THE STUPID GEAR INFECTED THE NEXT ONE!= Secchan snapped, Cobalt swearing he was hearing the robotic bird slapping the air.

"Is that a violation of traffic safety?" Zenkai Juran asked Zenkai Gaon, pointing at the dancing Kurenai.

"I...I don't know," Zenkai Gaon admitted, tilting his head in confusion.

"What am I watching? Just...Just what am I watching?" Lien-Da faceplamed, shaking her head with a growing migraine in her head forming.

"This...this makes no sense...these powers are useless…" Starline noted.

"Why!?" Zenkai Cobalt panicked as Zenkai Magine chased him while swinging a giant wrench around.

=Eh...Yellow Racer has gone into Magine instead of Pink…= Secchan noted.

=Why are the Gears acting so funny this time?= Tails asked.

=The Sentai Gears are essentially able to replicate any Sentai power, but what power or what even counts as a power or as a strength of the Sentai depends from team to team, tune. For the Carrangers their goofiness and traffic safety is a part of their team power! While the Kyoryugers use their dance as part of their power and connection to the Song of the Earth, tune. They might be useless in concept, but they mean a great deal to those teams. But that's the thing, the Gears are able to pick what power fits the situation! I guess for some reason the Gears have decided to do this, tune!=

=Why would the Sentai Gears suddenly decide to give them random goofy nonsense?=

=I don't know, tune. Skye, Isao-Hakase and Sentries worked on this sort of AI within the gears' data. It can't be predicted, but it is meant to pick the right power by taking in factors not even the Zenkaigers can see, tune!=

=Ano...What about Race World and Flash onni-chan?= Haseo asked.

"I'm up, over, and gone!" Race World declared as he ran off in a blur, the shockwave causing nearby windows to shatter once more. Zenkai Gin wasn't seen anywhere.

"Oi! Get back here, jaywalker!" Zenkaiser snapped as he jumped onto his EX Gear and raced off after him.

"S-So glad I hacked the traffic system to make all the lights green…" Ayane sighed in relief, slumping...before yelping as her mascot head was finally hit and pinned to an office chair in the building in front of her that had lost its windows, "Ah!"

"Finally," Storm huffed as Ayane spun around, making her pause before narrowing her eyes, "You!"

"U-Uh...H-Hi...Nee-chan," Ayane awkwardly greeted.

=Whuzza what?= Cassia gawked, mimicking a normal deer in the headlights once more.

"You know this one?" Starline asked.

"Regretably," the lynx growled, narrowing her eyes at the nervous HedgeLynx, "Traitor!"

"J-Janai! Raiju janai! Sakurai da!"

"I'm...this...you are half siblings with...that one?" Starline pointed to Kurenai.


=...ahh~ You…!= Cassia began before Storm aimed an electric katana at her and Starline, =?!=

"Finish...and I will end you both where you stand…" Conquering Storm scowled with a look of pure hate.

=Oh, things keep getting complicated with you= Cassia gulped, holding her hands up.

"Ah mou...I just had to take my special candy to make the EX Gear Gears…" Ayane muttered to herself.

"No matter. We'll be taking her with us. Those swords could be quite useful for Dr. Eggman's goals," Starline noted.

"Yeah no" they all looked and see Zenkai Gin standing there." Sorry but you're not hurting them." He pointed his sword forward.

"Flash/ Zenkai Gin" Ayane and Conquering storm spoke.

"Yo Stormy up for a rematch. I won't be going down." Zenkai Gin said as he challenge her.

"Your on" she took out her sword.

"Wow, your eager to meet your lover." Starline spoke.

"She's not my Girlfriend/ His not my Boyfriend" both spoke not looking away.

"Sheesh, they sure don't agree but totally are lovers" Starline muttered.

= Agreed on that= Cassia said.

Both ran in a blur and soon we're in a sword clash. Zenkai Gin twisted his sword and hit her on the stomach making her skid back. He ran and did a reverse kick but she duck and the flipped up and hit his face with her legs but he turned into smoke and doged and then came from behind and kicked her but she protected her self by her sword. She ducked down and flipped Gin over but he flipped back and then took out his gun and start to sire bullets at her as she ran from each bullets. She did a hand sign soon caused objects around her to float and then throw them at Zenkai Gin who saw this and shot every object. He did a hand motion and summon another him as both ran towards her and split up. She looked around and soon both came from different directions making her doge quickly as she was loosing her focus but she heard a movement from back as she slashed her sword behind hitting the clone as he vanished.

"Hah, Your getting good and better." Zenkai Gin spoke as he was Infront of Ayane." But I'm still not losing."

"Well there's a first time for everything" Conquering storm said as she ran towards him so did he but before they could attack.

"GANGWAY~!" the five paused and looked over the edge before Race World ran up the side and landed on the roof, "Phew...No way that major bummer of a dude would be crazy enough to…"

"GET BACK HERE, JAYWALKER!" Zenkaiser shouted...from the street with a megaphone in hand, making Race World squeak and jump up before landing in Conquering Storm's arms.

"Oi get off her!" Zenkai Gin yelled making the world fall down.

"Thanks" Conquering storm said.

=Kaito, please use a gear! Any gear, tune~!= Secchan begged.

"Ah okay!" he cheered as he inserted a Gear and began cranking.


With that three Rangers in Red, Yellow, and Blue appeared, each dressed with leather jackets. The Red one gave what looked like a long exasperated sigh as he went into Zenkaiser.

"Shwa?" Zenkaiser blinked as his body language calmed down, "Ahh...Zenkaigers...ready Go!" he declared as he suddenly vanished in a green and white blur.

"What?" Race World blinked before he was struck by the blur and knocked him off the building.

The blur ran along the building before time seemed to slow to reveal Zenkaiser walking at amazing speed. He looked at Race World, who was falling in slow-motion to him. He looked around and scanned the area to see what was happening before giving another sigh as he dashed off. In a flash, Ayane was now gone with a plastic traffic cone left in her place before the Bad guys.

=What just happened?= Cassia gawked upon noticing this =She was there...and now she's gone!=

"He must have used a new ability, I must…" Starline blinked, seeing his binoculars gone and replaced with a sandwich.

"What happened?!" Conquering Storm demanded, noticing her weapon was gone and replaced with a larger firecracker...with a slowly dwindling wick.

Zenkai Gin simple went to her and put out the wick." I'll take that." He took the fire crackers.

"You'll be safe here," Zenkaiser sighed, putting Ayane down a ways away in a new hiding spot and in a new costume, this time a red cheetah costume.


=Oh thank goodness, tune! He went with Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, their leader Red Buster is the single most serious and antisocial hero in Sentai History. He's all seriousness to the point of intensity!=

=He can't be that bad…=

"What a pain…" Zenkaiser sighed in annoyance as he ignored Ayane.

=Who are you and where is Kaikai!? If any of the women know I let such a loveable goofy boy become like this, it's my fault!= Skye panicked.

=Welcome back to consciousness, Mr. Sakurai= Nicole greeted.

=I'd be welcoming you back, Nikky, but I'm panicking for my life here!=

"I kinda like this persona…" Ayane muttered, looking at Zenkaiser who huffed and turned away from her to further purposely ignore her, "Actually, I don't know why but this annoys me…"

"Ah…" Zenkai Cobalt and Kurenai sighed as they had a moment to regain their breath with everything semi back to normal.

=Zenkaiser gave you two an opening. Best use it quickly= Nicole advised.

"Eh?" both looked up to see the falling Race World, "Oh!"

"Dude, why am I still falling!? I run faster than gravity! This is bogus!" Race World panicked.

"What happened?!" Starline demanded as the fireworks went off, making Cassia and Conquering Storm panic; he then spotted Zenkaiser, "You! Return those Binoculars!"

"I don't think he has them." Zenkai Gin spoke holding the burned fire crackers." Heh surprised ya."

"Don't do that." Conquering storm muttered punching him lightly on the shoulder.

"Huh?" he blinked as his posture and demeanor returned to normal, "Uh...Intense and serious me kinda...traded them for that sandwich."


"I think I made it to Kyoto…" he blinked in thought, "And traded it with this construction worker...who then took a bite of it...and chomped off a piece…ate half the thing before he realized" he explained.

"Gah!" Starline gawked, falling to his knees in shock.

"Sorry!" Zenkaiser sheepishly apologized.

"You have done nothing but infuriate us...to no end…" Starline groaned.

"To be fair...you're evil so...you deserve it," Zenkaiser argued before pointing at Cassia and Conquering storm "Not sure about you two, though."

"Thanks" Zenkai Gin said.

"I told you so!" Zenkai Vroon added.

"Not the time, Vroon!" Zenkai Gaon dope-slapped him to no effect.

"Ready to try out your finisher?" Kurenai asked.

"You betcha!" Cobalt beamed as the two looked up at the still slow-falling Race World and spun their gears.


"Aw dudes, no no no no!" Race World panicked, trying to run in the air as the Zenkaiger symbol floated down behind the two sword-users.

"Ha!" both shouted as they swung their blades, sending out a red and blue cutting wave that the symbol rode on while spinning like a tire, using the wave as its 'road.' It almost reached him when a blast of electricity got into the path, blowing up the finisher. Both yelped before they jumped out of the way of a green blur's purple scythe, "YIPE/EEK!"

=Ah! I knew we were forgetting something, tune!= Secchan gawked.

"Scary ladies!" Zenkaiser gawked.

"When could she shoot lightning?!" Zenkai Magine gawked before yelping and barely dodging another blast on her EX Gear.

=Ugh...I hate conflicting memories…= Tails groaned =One memory had me barely seeing her do it before I knocked everyone in Albion out trying to reverse the polarity of these electrical traps the Dark Egg Legion had deployed and the other of her using an electrified whip=

"AH!" Race World cried, finally hitting the ground, "Yes! I'm safe! Radical!"

"Great. We gotta deal with this speedster, but we also need to…" Juran began before blocking Clove's scythe swing with his shield, "Whoa! Do it with these two occupied or they'll blast the finisher."

"TIme for another gear!" Zenkaiser declared as he put a new Gear into his Geartlinger.


The flash went off as this time 7 Holograms formed before them. The 5 core Go-Ongers and the Go-On Wings. The 5 core members went into the Geartlinger users while the Go-On Wings went into the Geartlasher users.

=MISSION 6 Full Power!=

"Hmm?" Kurenai and Cobalt blinked before jets of heat blasted from the handles of their Geartlashers and carried them up into the air, "YIKES!"

"Wow wait what!? This is a ground race!" Race World complained before both flew down and slashed him while looping back into the air.

"Mach Zenkai!" Zenkaiser declared as the image of Go-On Red layered over him; with that, he took a step forward before rushing forward as a blur of speed once again.

Lien-Da and Clove could barely register before him and the other Zenkaigers all rushed as blurs and began striking them from every possible direction all at once. Zenkaiser skidded past them as he spun around the ground, effectively drifting around as he began cranking his Geartlinger around. The other four ground Zenkaigers continued running around, shoulder checking and shoving the two Grand Masters. Zenkai Kurenai and Cobalt shouted as they circled around and struck Race World from the left and right, juggling him around the air as they flew around with their strange new ability.

"Now!" Zenkaiser ordered as the other four Zenkaigers slammed into the two Grandmasters, shoving them away just as Race World slammed into the ground again.

"Ahh...I think my stomach is up in my brain!" Race World cried out in pain as the now total of seven Zenkaigers all stood side by side facing him.

The Geartlinger users, all aimed as their link to Zenkaiser began charging the barrels of their weapons with colored energy. The Geartlasher users unfolded the secondary handle along the guard as they held their weapons by it and aimed them like rifles along with the others at Race World.

"Wait...wait…!" Race World gawked. Zenkai Gin got between them.

"Hm?" The zenkaigers thought.

"Mina, Fire the attack" Zenkai Gin spoke.

"NANI?!" The zenkaigers yelled.

"Trust me, I know a new move, so just do it, I promise I'll be alright." He reassured. He took out a Sentai Gear.


The image of Shinke Gold came as he went inside Zenkai Gin. He was now holding two blade sword. The zenkaigers nodded and soon activated the finisher.


"Engine Souls!" Zenkaier spoke as the visage of a Red sports car with a condor theme formed around his Geartlinger, Vroon had the visage of a blue Lion Bus, Gaon a yellow Bear RV, Juran a Green Orca bike, Magine a Black dog police cruiser, Kurenai a Silver tiger jet, and Cobalt a Golden Chicken Helicopter, "Zenkai: Go-On Cannonball!"


With that all seven pulled the triggers of their weapons as the Engine Souls forming around their weapons all shot off and traveled as beams of energy as it went to Zenkai Gin as he start to spin around with the beam making a colour tornado and the finally launching a color blade at Race world which slashed him soon Zenkai Gin came and did multiple slashes all around his body making it like a cutting edge.

Zenkai Gin landed behind Race world as spark came off him, Zenkai Gin slowly put the blade back together." That's, A bot overkill." Zenkai Gin finally closed the blade as the world exploded in a giant explosion.

"... Please, For Sentai, Nothings over kill." As Zenkai Gin looked back at the fire.

=Yes! What a perfect way to deal with a speedster! Using the Sentai Gear based on the 32nd Super Sentai, Engine Sentai Go-Onger! And with seven of them there, and Using the power of Shinke Gold and making it double. they were able to use all seven Sentai at once and Flash was able to use the Gold rangers power to, tune!=

"Ughuhuhuhu…" Cobalt shuddered, quickly switching his sword back into its normal state.

"Not a fan of guns?" Zenkai Juran asked.

"Not really, no," Cobalt replied, "But I can swallow it for being able to do more. Or just use those Sentai that use swords more than guns. Did like the rooster helicopter, though."

"I think that was a chicken," Zenkai Juran corrected.

"Of all the…!" Starline seethed, pinching the space between his eyes, "I lose the binoculars that was performing data recording and…" he trailed off as he looked at Cassia...or, rather, her optics, "...Perhaps not all is lost on the data."

=Huh?= Cassia pondered before he made a portal, picked her up, and jumped through with Conquering Storm, landing between Lien-Da and Clove.

"Another time, Zenkaigers," Starline noted, "Now for…"

"Kudaitest!" Kurenai called.

"...Again?" the other Zenkaigers deadpanned at the sheepish Kurenai.

=I'm not shocked she did that= Cassia snickered =I watch your streams, so I know how much ya like seeing those battles!=

"Mmm…" Kurenai slumped.

"Oyobidesuka?" a Kudaitest asked, walking around a building after a few tense moments.

"What took you so long?!" Lien-Da snapped.

"I didn't want to break traffic laws," the Kudaitest replied before shuddering, "That poor yellow blur was terrified of that white blur chasing it that was screaming about obeying traffic laws." As if to prove its point, the street lights turned green before the giant robot resumed walking and stepped on the Tojiru Gear, "Ah. I stepped on something."

"Ah man…" Zenkaiser and Cobalt sighed.

"Good day, Zenkaigers," Starline noted before the Grandmasters fled through another portal.

"Oi, You better remember our deal." Zenkai Gin shouted at Conquering storm
"Remember I won fair and square."

"... Fine" she told as she went in.

"What did you dealed." Zenkai Juran asked. Zenkai Gin just waved it off.

"...No strawberry candy for a week," Zenkai Gin scolded.

=I'm siding with Flash on this, Roll= Skye informed.

"Ah mou~!" Kurenai slumped as the Kudaitest began to transform. Its head morphed into that of Race World's but on the neck of the Kudaitest, with extra armor add-ons of the World decorating its body as well.

"Racing! Racing! Race-Race-Race-RACE!" the newly formed Great Race World shouted as all over the city racetracks popped up, "It's time for the ultimate race! First to be destroyed loses!"

"Here we go again!" Zenkai Gaon exclaimed.

"Heh-heh. I'm gonna enjoy this. Now I get to be up close and personal instead of just running out away and being at the cameras," Cobalt smirked.

"Ah, wait! Where's Ay-Ay?!" Zenkai Gin asked, looking around as Kurenai pulled out some scarlet binoculars shaped like hearts and looked around before looking up at a 45 degree angle.

"...Found her," Kurenai noted.

"Eh?" Zenkaiser tilted his head as he looked through them at the direction Kurenai pointed at to see her in her red cheetah mascot outfit a fair bit away just as a blue biplane landed near her and Tails and Haseo hopped out before the grey fox blushed on Nicole appearing, "Oh, that's good. She's a safe distance away!" he chuckled as he pulled his Geartlinger out, "Yosha! Zenkai Gattai time!"

"Here goes something new!" Cobalt beamed as he flipped his Gear over.

"Minna! Let's Gattai!"

"Wait...only we Gattai…" Gaon pointed to himself and his fellow Kikainoids.

"I don't think my SakuraMaru is compatible," Kurenai added.

"Eh!?" Zenkaiser gawked.

"Y-You're on!" Haseo spoke as the Camera Gears deployed.

"Hello, everyone. Apologies for Roll not being here today. She's currently dealing with some minor issues and is unable to host this battle but I have Flash sentry as Zenkai Gin with us," Nicole apologized as Zenkai Gin appeared between them giving a two finger salute "Today it is Great Speed World and it seems the Zenkaigers are…" she looked out with a pair of binoculars, "...Oh dear. It seems they're having trouble with something."


"Hai! Yatchan/Yatsude-san!" Zenkaiser and Zenkai Kurenai saluted to no one, the latter quickly throwing SakuraMaru into the air while flipping her Gear over.


"Well, it seems they've got it all resolved and the first to come onto the scene is SakuraMaru," Zenkai Gin noted before turning to Ayane, "I have to ask, did you make it compatible with Juran and Vroon or Gaon and Magine?"

"N-Neither," Ayane replied.

"Neither?!" Tails, Nicole and Haseo gawked.

"It's meant to be better than them," Ayane huffed.

"Mmm...Bad! Bad Onee-chan!" Haseo scolded, making the red cheetah mascot slump at the scolding.

"I have to agree, your bad in this." Zenkai Gin scolded making her Slump more.

"Oh! Here's my first opponent!" Great Speed World exclaimed as SakuraMaru assumed a fighting stance.

"Hold him down! We'll end this together!" Zenkaiser shouted as he, Juran and Gaon flipped their Gears.


"Ah, and here comes an early favorite. The King of the Hundred Prehistoric Beast," Nicole spoke.


"I was getting used to not doing this again…" Gaon sighed.

"Aw suck it up! We've got a Great World to vent on!" Juran argued.

"Kasei! ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!" Zenkaiser declared as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon stomped forward.

"And the fight is on!" Nicole declared, making a tiny gong she banged.

"Where did you get that..." Zenkai Gin asked seeing the gong.

As if on time with it, Great Race World became a blur that went by the two several times, causing ZenkaiOh and SakuraMaru to be knocked back, the latter farther than the former.

"Oh! He's utilizing his enhanced speed in order to perform the first damage of the fight," Zenkai Gin noted.

"Ah! That's bad! SakuraMaru isn't as armored as ZenkaiOh in order to be more flexible and quicker!" Ayane panicked.

"So it has speed, bulk, and power." Tails added, "It's like a giant bulky Sonic ramming into them at top speed."

"Gah...Come on, you blue duncebucket! Get in there already!" Ayane snapped, shaking a fist at the faint visage of Zenkai Cobalt from their spot in the distance.

"It's going to be crazy, isn't it?" Zenkai Magine pondered.

"No clue, but I'm apparently the guinea pig for this Gear," Cobalt shrugged as he spun the gear on his Geartlasher.


"And go!" Cobalt shouted, swinging his sword while pulling the trigger, causing the symbol to appear and land on him.


"Uh...now what?" Cobalt blinked before yelping as he curled up into a ball.

"Eh? He just curled up?" Zenkai Vroon pondered before he and Zenkai Magien yelped as his body glowed before growing and was engulfed in cobalt-colored plating until he was a giant cobalt tire with two large gear-shaped plates on the sides with the Zenkaiger symbol on them, "Ah! Deka!"

"...A giant wheel?" Nicole asked, she and the two foxes turning to Ayane with tilted heads.

"It's part of it! It's part of it!" Ayane argued, "What you're seeing is the Giga Wheel Sonic Boy!"

"Sonic Boy?"

"Whoa now! I'm a giant wheel? Hope I don't tire myself out," the giant wheel joked.

"Pffft, Nice" Zenkai Gin laughed.

"Nani kore?!" Zenkaiser gawked.

"Oh nee-chan, what have you made?" Kurenai asked in a mix of awe and concern.

"Alright! Here I come, ya big Mechagodzilla reject!" Sonic Boy shouted as he revved up before becoming a cobalt blur that collided with the grey and yellow blur that was Great Race World, knocking him away from his path to SakuraMaru.

"Gwah!" Great Race World yelped as he landed on his back.

"You alright?" Sonic Boy asked, turning to 'face' SakuraMaru as she got back up.

"Hai! We're alright," Kurenai assured, "Arigatou!"

"What is this witchcraft!? A fuzzy Mobian turned into a giant metal wheel!" Gaon shouted.

"It's kinda like us. But...why does Sonic turn into a giant thing...while Roll has a shrinking mecha?"

"It's a process!" Ayane barked, shaking a fist at ZenkaiOh, "And it provides variety to my Geartlasher line that the Geartlinger doesn't!"

"Are you seriously arguing about it now?" Zenkai Gin asked.

=Ugh...This is gonna bother me, tune=

=What is?=

=The name scheme sounds so familiar to me, tune=

"Ball time!" Zenkaiser spoke as ZenKaiOh picked up Sonic Boy, "Giant Ranger Ball!" ZenKaiOh spun around before tossing Sonic Boy at Great Race World, beaning him right in the face the moment he got up.

"Hmm...I never considered that," Ayane muttered.

"Attack!" Kurenai called out as SakuraMaru spiked Sonic Boy back down into Great Race World, causing a large burst of sparks upon impact.

"I should feel upset, but I'm oddly not! This kinda tickles; the armor is too dense!" Sonic Boy laughed.

"That looks strangely fun," Nicole admitted.

"Is it because they're using Sonic as a ball and batting him around?" Zenkai Gin asked.

"..." Nicole looked away, "...What? He kept shaking me in my handheld when I tried to explain things normally."

Goal!" Zenkaiser shouted as ZenKaiOh kicked Sonic Boy and struck Great Race World the moment he was trying to get up.

"I think we are running out of ball-related sports to use him as…" Kurenai pointed out.

"We have a bat!" Juran spoke as ZenKaiOh held up the Juran Sword.

"You better use the flat side of that!" Sonic Boy warned.

=Ball...wheel...tire…= Secchan muttered.

=Will you just tell us already, you goof? You already know it! I can see the smirk on your face!= Yatsude scolded.

=Just have to tell Secchan seven words: Gekisou Sentai Carranger and Engine Sentai Go-Onger= Skye stated.

=...EH?! Gah! I knew it was a familiar naming scheme, tune!=

=What is it?=

=The Boy robots are autonomous robots that have been a massive help to past Super Sentai, Tune! There were Four Famous Boy Robo's and many more other supporter Robots who got a giant size, tune! Such as Daigouyo and Datas! That's what this is about! Sonic has become the Boy Robo, tune!=

=Give the Secy a cracker!= Skye cheered.

"Wait, I have a second mode?" Sonic Boy asked before getting smacked by the flat side of JuraGaon's sword and sent into Great Race World just as he was getting back up, causing the Tojiru Gear-enhanced Kudaitest to perform three backflips before landing on his face.

"Impressive swing," Nicole complimented.

"Thank you, Ojou-chan~!" Juran cheered as ZenKaiOh gave a small wave to the camera.

"Ah...How does he unlock it?" Kurenai sighed.

=I have no idea, tune= Secchan replied.

"He does have a second mode, right?" Zenkai Gin asked, looking at Ayane.

"Of course he has a warrior mode! What? You think I'd let it just be a big ol' tire?" Ayane snorted.

"Nice" Zenkai Gin laughed.

"Onee-chan…" Haseo frowned.

"Okay, okay. He just needs to perform the henkei. It should've downloaded into his noggin when he transformed," Ayane replied, holding her hands up.

"Sonic, shout a transformation catchphrase!" Zenkaiser shouted as ZenKaiOh grabbed Sonic Boy and placed him on the ground.

"Really? That's all? This feels like another trap of hers!"

"Well either it works or it doesn't...and we use you as a Finisher," Zenkaiser pointed out, "Either way? Win-win!"

"Well he's got a point there…" he chuckled, "Alright! Kikai Henkei!"

With that, steam ejected from the sperations in the tire. The front half began glowing before parts unfolded. The front half began to open as the segments separated and split; two legs stomped on the ground as a figure stood up. The back half of the tire suppressed down as the humanoid form took full form.

The Warrior mode had a black armored body with an all cobalt blue armored torso, with blocky armored sections at the chest and a darker navy blue stripe down the middle. The Zenkaiger symbol was now set in a collar section over the pectoralis major with large armor over the clavicles with large red lights glowing in each of them. He had sharp rounded pauldrons with red piping around the edges, black upper arms seemingly made of flexible armor for mobility, blue forearm gauntlets with red patches near the wrists that looked like hard points for things to attach, and dark red armored hands. Its abdomen and waist was covered with the same black flexible armor with a blue metal belt around the waist with a codpiece attached to it. Dark Navy blue armor over its upper thighs with thick armored greaves made from most of the armor for tire mode, they were large, bulky, and colored in cobalt blue with red highlights poking through the gaps and yellow joint pieces visible from the sides; large blue armored feet ending in silver toes. A flash went off as its head lifted up, its neck covered in blue, with a dark cobalt helmet that looked somewhat knight-like. The bottom half was navy blue around the jaw with a silver segmented mouthguard in the center, the top was lighter cobalt blue with black ear pieces, a silver horn somewhat shaped like a long arrow head set in a V, with a black visor and markings above the visor like an angry set brow.

The new Warrior mode lifted its hands as the golden gears that acted as rims/covers on each side attached to his arms as giant shields. He lifted his head as the visor flashed bright blue for a moment with green eyes visible within before it dimmed back to black.

"Whoa-hoa~! This is awesome!" Sonic Boy whooped.

"Sugoi~!" Haseo, Zenkai Gin and Tails awed, stars in their eyes.

"Eeee~! It looks far better in real life than just on the blueprints!" Ayane bounced in place in excitement.

"Sugoi! I wanna be big too! Me too!" Zenkaiser cheered, jumping up and down in the cockpit of ZenKaiOh.

"Glad to see you getting into the big leagues!" Juran noted as Gaon just stuttered and gargled, "I think Gaon's having a conniption."

"Onee-chan's in trouble with Gaon later," Haseo giggled.

"Alright, time to really take care of this guy!" Sonic Boy pumped a fist as the three mechs stood together as Great Race World finally got up.

"You jerks! I'm gonna run all over you three!" Great Race World declared.

"Interesting design," Nicole complimented.

"Hmph! My designs always impress!" Ayane cheered.

"You're on camera," Zenkai Gin spoke up, making her freeze up, "Yeah…I expected that to be her reaction…"

"Take this!" Juran cheered as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon slashed Great Speed World across the chest.

"Ow! Okay...Juice and Jam time!" Great Race World shouted as he ran...before Sonic Boy tripped him up, "GAH!"

"Oh and btdubs? That's for stealing my old catchphrases," Sonic Boy stated in a simple tone.

"...Those were his old catchphrases?" Ayane asked, she zenkai Gin and Haseo turning their heads to Nicole and Tails.

"Correct," Tails sighed.

"He had...quite the charismatic ego when he was younger," Nicole added.

"...What happened?" Ayane asked.

"I can hear you, Nerd-girl!" Sonic Boy complained.

"All complaints can be filed to her in the mail," Kurenai replied as SakuraMaru patted Sonic Boy's head before rushing off and slamming a knee drop to Great Race World.

"Up and at 'em!" Juran cheered as ZenKaiOh pulled Great Race World to his feet.

"And here comes a giant robot fist!" Gaon cheered as ZenKaiOh reared and wound his right arm up before landing a haymaker to Great Race World, knocking him back on his feet.

"Dogpile!" Sonic Boy cheered, climbing a building…before jumping off and body slamming Great Race World.

"Yosha!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon rushed and jumped next, its larger frame causing the ground to shake.

"Round 1 goes to the ZenKaiOh/Sonic Boy tag-team!" Kurenai called out as SakuraMaru held up a billboard reading: Round 1.

"Take this and this!" Sonic Boy cheered, slapping Great Race World with his shield while ZenKaiOh held the giant monster in a hammerlock.

"AH! This is a race! Not wrestling! I'm not Wrestling World!" Great Race World complained only to be smacked by Sonic Boy again, "AH! Foul! REF!"

"There are no rules in a giant robot battle!" Zenkaiser and Kurenai cheered in unison.

"What are you? Ten!?"

"We're still kids at heart!" Zenkai Gin Shouted.

"Mmm!" Kurenai agreed.

"Your mistake is assuming those three aren't essentially siblings from across dimensions. Or that they don't love this nonsense just for the sake of nonsense," Sonic Boy chuckled as ZenKaiOh pulled Great Race World back up, "How about a less contact sports heavy game? Like say Ultimate Frisbee?" he removed his shields before tossing them like throwing discs as they sailed through the sky and struck Great Race World, making sparks fly.

"Ow! You guys are, like, totally crazy!"

"Thank you!" they all joked.

"Zenkai crazy!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Shwa~ Hissatsu time!"

"Oh! I got just the idea for one!" Sonic Boy beamed, changing back into his wheel form as he began to spin in place, blue energy beginning to cover him as he started going faster and faster.

"Oh! It seems we'll be witnessing the first Finisher for Sonic Boy," Zenkai Gin noted, "It seems reminiscent to the Light Speed Dash."

"That's my line.." Nicole pouted.

"Ready…!" Sonic Boy Began as he stopped spinning, bright blue energy covering him as he took aim at Great Race World.


"Shoot!" Zenkaiser and Kurenai cheered as both ZenKaiOh and SakuraMaru rushed up and swung their legs to kick Sonic Boy and shoot him like a soccer ball right at Great Race World.

Great Race World attempted to run before Sonic Boy crashed into him, only to bounce off before he crashed into him again at a different spot before bouncing off once again, repeating the process as he practically became a blur that rapidly struck Great Race World from every angle.

"Shwa…bouncy…" Zenkaiser gawked as both ZenKaiOh and SakuraMaru's heads moved around to track the endless bouncy and homing attack until Zenkaiser shook his head, "Let's over the top it!"

"H-hai!" Kurenai returned to reality as well upon that.

"Engetsu Crash!/Dai Ai Giri!"

With that, ZenKaiOh and SakuraMaru swung their swords and formed a golden 'X' in the air as they sent it forward as a slash wave as it began spinning around before crashing and drilling into Great Race World. After a moment, Sonic Boy slammed into the slash wave, causing a blue ring to form around the attack before piercing through Great Race World.

"Remember, kids…stretch before you run…RADICAL!-!" Great Race World shouted, raising the 'rock-on' hand sign before exploding.

"Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh JuraGaon and SakuraMaru raised and crossed their swords.

"WHEW!" Sonic Boy cheered, changing back into his robot form as he skidded to a halt, quickly turning as he did a pose, "That was tight!"

"Leave it to Sonic to make a dramatic pose after a finisher," Tails chuckled a bit.

"Indeed. I do hope you all enjoyed this battle. And please visit Candy Cafe Colorful in the Sumida Ward of Tokyo. Until next time," Zenkai Gin spoke, bowing to the Camera Gears before turning them off, "...Sonic is going to be insufferable."

"Oh come on. It's not gonna be that bad," Tails assured.

"I take it back," Tails groaned, facepalming.

"Hahahahah! You guys see that?!" Sonic asked in pure excitement, "I totally kicked that slowmo's butt and I finally became a Zenkaiger!"

=I'm tempted to take the frying pan Yacchan uses on Skye on Sonic, tune= Secchan muttered before yelping as the shelf he was on-and part of the wall it was hung on-swung open and Ayane slunk out, her head drooping.

"...It's gonna be a tantrum," Flash and Yatsude sighed, shaking there head as the HedgeLynx sat beside Skye, who was sitting beside Tails while they had several blueprints of Tails's on the table.

"Say what now?" Skye pondered before quickly moving the blueprints away as Ayane banged her fists on the table.

"Mmmm~! No fair~! It's a tie!? Why a tie~?!" Ayane whined, "Sonic Boy was so much better and didn't need to do Gattai for him to go all out! Mmm…" she glared at Sonic, "Y-You must be the factor for the tie!"

"Huh?" Sonic pondered before yelping as she pounced on him.

"Give me back my better score!" Ayane demanded, the HedgeLynx trying to grab at the transformation Gear that Sonic was keeping away from her.

"Hey! This is mine now! Mine!" Sonic argued.

"Whoa, whoa!" Flash called out as he picked up Ayane as she tried to reach for Sonic, he moved her away and sat her next to Roll and Haseo, "You already gave it to Sonic. So you can't just take it back when he's helped."

"He's gonna be ego fueled for a bit, but he's getting into doing the hero bit again. Overall, it might be better to let Sonic go and do his bit and help folks," Tails added, "I mean…he'll be out of your hair more. So…more work can get done?"

"...mou...fine," Ayane pouted before pausing and slowly looking up at Kaito, "..."



"Oh no you don't!" Kaito exclaimed, barely grabbing the HedgeLynx as her tail flicked down, setting off a smoke bomb hidden in it.


"You are staying this time!"

"Hah?! B-But I…!"

"No buts!"

"Ok...Kaito's honestly scaring me," Amy admitted.

"Would you rather it be Vanilla when she goes full on manners mode?" Sonic countered.

"..." Sonic, Amy and Tails shivered at that.

"Kaikai has near limitless enthusiasm." Skye spoke, "He wants to make it so Ay-Ay can be happy and calm here with us. But the only way he can do that…is by being boundless energy who can't stop no matter what is put before him."

"No! Eat with your family!"



"He finally caught you…face it. You're losing your advantage and I think he's becoming immune to smoke bombs!" Sonic shouted.

"I am!" Kaito agreed.

"Ahh! P-Personal space! PERSONAL SPACE!"



"We're trying to make her feel more relaxed...not stressed out further," Flash deadpanned as Amy lowered her hammer, Ayane immediately bolting behind her as she shook a bit.

"You realize Kaito has no idea what that means. He's everybody's friend," Sonic argued.

"N-Not mine!" Ayane declared.

"Challenge accepted…at zenryoku zenkai…" Kaito groaned, twitching on the floor.

"He'll be fine. No one can get up fast after…" Amy began before Kaito shot up, "...I think it's a very good thing he is such a good guy."

"...He has as much energy as Tangle-neechan," Haseo whispered, earning a nod of agreement from Roll.

"My skull is abnormally thick!" Kaito declared.

"It's true…" Flash nodded, "It's why he's broken everything but this." he tapped his head.

"I have the X-Rays to prove it," Yatsude agreed.

"Bikes don't survive long with me as the rider," Kaito explained, "Which thankfully Skye made an indestructible bike for me!"

"It's true," Flash nodded." I also got in some injury because of saving Kaito much many times."

"Sorry for the boat incident.." Kaito muttered.

"I still don't know how you got us caught by the pog mobain, Glade thing Aunty aprophiate and Aunty Gale were already there, So the were able to beat that Pig mobian away. And also glade I stopped them from Killing him."Flash spoke remembering the day.

"I-I'm still not gonna be this monster's friend!" Ayane declared, "I-I mean that as in, he's some kind of m-medical m-mystery…" she turned to the still calm Yatsude.

"No…we get that a lot," Yatsude replied.

"True, But still don't call him that," Flash warned in strict toon making her nodd quickly.

"I won't give up!" Kaito declared, "I don't know how…but I'll make you be my friend, and a part of my weird and happy family!"


"These Gears…They hold more power than I realize…" Starline whispered, watching multiple records of the Zenkaigers using the Sentai Gears and the World Monsters they went against, "They create a machine capable of utilizing that world's power, or summon the powers of a Sentai Team...interesting…but…unpredictable as well," he frowned, "Those powers they projected were utterly useless. The total agency of that freedom can be useful, if luck is on your side. But in the end, that randomness can result in a pointless ability. But the Sentai must still have weapons and abilities to draw upon. There must be a middle ground I can present to the Doctors so they can focus their work."

"If those Sentai are so strong…why not just summon them as your minions?" a voice asked from behind Starline.

"?!" Starline tensed as he quickly turned to look at the figure...before he recalled what the figure said, "...Summon them you say?"

The figure stood tall, taller than a normal Mobian and the size of a human. They were clad in a dark black robe-like coat as long hair swept to the side obscured most of their face.

"If their powers are so unpredictable, just turn them into expendable forces," the figure replied simply, "That way there is no loss of personal agency and you still gain the benefit of their abilities."

"...Of course...now it makes sense," Starline whispered, holding his chin in thought as he looked back at the screen, the glare from them reflecting off his glasses, "In order to defeat a Sentai...you must use a Sentai…or rather..." he paused as he looked at a screen, showing a databank for the Gears Tojotendo have under their possession with each one showing a different Sentai Symbol, "Multiple Sentai…"

"Maybe next time you shouldn't overthink the part you don't understand. And look for a better path," the figure spoke as they walked off.

Barashitara walked out as he ignored Starline and looked at the figure, "He's here…the 'Demon Prince'..." he scoffed, "This, should be entertaining." he chuckled as he walked away.

Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai, Zenkai Speed!

Kaito: Eh? A museum?

Skye: You need more education in your noggin! And I need someone to take Ay-Ay there since I had to be a stern papa to her and demand she either go out and do one non-inventing activity or her room get locked up and she has to bunk with Roll for a week.

Ayane: Eh?!

?: Hey is that...hey Roll~! Long time n-OOF!

Roll: EEEE~! It's been so long!

?: Hands up! This Museum is now property of Team Hooligans.

Sonic: Oh great these guys….

Kaito: Shwa! I won't let this happen! Heroic Zenkai!

Gear 10: Tangled up Hooligans!

Vroon: What is a smoothie?

Flash: Something Good