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Into the Alphaverse

*Smolder's POV*

I was running to Town Hall with the other dragons.

Spyro asks "Anydragon know what's going on?"

Lucy spoke "I have no idea though but if Danyelle called for a dragon only meeting, it must be important."

“We’re here!” I said as we got to Danyelle and the others.

Layla spoke "I sensed something was off during the Summer Sun Celebration though."

Danyelle spoke "Are all of the dragons here? Good, I have an announcement. I just received word that a group of hatchlings has gone missing."

Needless to say, all of us were shocked.

I ask "Has anydragon done something to find them?"

Salma spoke "Afraid not..."

Sonic spoke "And with the final battle with Singularity drawing closer each day, we don't have the time to find a group of missing whelps."

Flutterzoe spoke "I can help."

We turned around to see Flutterzoe.

Flutterzoe spoke "I cannot just stand by while children are in danger."

Twilight spoke "Every nation's been on high alert since Leilani made that announcement about Singularity. Danyelle's been busy training the Wonderbolts in combat as well."

Flutterzoe spoke "I’ve been training myself as well."

Sonic spoke "I've been sparring with the guards up in Canterlot so they have actual combat experience."

Twilight spoke "I've been sparring with Shadow to work on my reaction speed."

Zoey calls out "I've been busy training up in the Crystal Empire too!"

Danyelle spoke "I’m glad I’ve been training as well."

Sonic spoke "We all have."

Danyelle soon burps up a letter from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "It's worse than I thought! Twilight, call EVERYONE in town together!"

Twilight spoke "On it!"

Twilight roars loud, calling everyone in town to town hall.

*After everyone was gathered*

Lyra asks "What's going on Bonbon?"

Bonbon spoke "No idea Lyra."

Sunset pops up via magic.

Sunset spoke "I'm here!"

Twilight spoke "Good! Everyone’s here!"

Danyelle spoke "We're three draconequui short..."

Sonic asks "Anyone seen Discord, Pandora or Yui?"

But then Rodin appeared.

The others all turn to face Rodin.

Papi was wary of the stranger.

Rodin spoke "Bayonetta’s got a message for ya. She said that Jeanne’s on her way back to her with Doctor Sigurd, and she wants all Smashers to rendezvous with them."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, Sonic and I are on our way though!"

Twilight asks "Where's the meeting location?"

Twiliterasu asks "Yip woof? {How come I wasn't notified?}"

Rodin spoke "The altar at the island of Thule. That’s where you’ll find the five chaos gears that Bayonetta got inserted at."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Sonic spoke "Twilight, Dany, Twiliterasu and I will head there soon."

Rodin spoke "You still got time to finish some business."

Rodin then vanished.

Twily soon pops up.

Twily spoke "You four should get going, I've already found the missing hatchlings."

Twilight spoke "We owe you one Twily."

Danyelle teleported with Twiliterasu, Sonic, Twilight and the Netnavi-Mobian hybrids to the Island of Thule.

*Danyelle’s POV*

We met up with Bayonetta, Jeanne and a man in a capsule known as Doctor Sigurd at the altar.

Roll spoke "Hello sir."

Dr. Sigurd spoke "Ah, it’s a pleasure to meet new faces."

I spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari. The others are Twiliterasu, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Sonic Ogami. The two hybrids are Megaman and Roll."

Dr. Sigurd spoke "I see."

Then the other smashers showed up.

All of the smashers who didn't know about Sonic's alicorn half were in total shock.

Mario gasps "Mama Mia!"

Pit spoke "Well, this is a surprise...."

Sora spoke "Whoa! I did not see that coming!"

Sonic spoke "Ehehehe."

Bowser breathed fire at Sonic, who flew up to dodge them.

Bowser scoffs "Huh. Thought they were fake."

Sonic spoke "Nnope! They're real! Plus my paternal grandma wouldn't like it if she knew that you tried to roast me."

Meggy spoke "Sonic's no liar you overgrown turtle."

Bowser spoke "Tch. I was only testing."

I spoke "choose your words carefully Bowser. ESPECIALLY around those with kids."

Meggy scoffs "Stupid turtle...."

Dr. Sigurd spoke "Cereza, place the Chaos Gears in their proper locations."

But then the Homunculi appeared.

Bayonetta spoke "Come to see us off? If you’re looking for a ride back home, you’ll have to wait for the next one."

Jeanne spoke "The vermin don’t know when to quit!"

Dr. Sigurd spoke "If this device is damaged, we’ll never be able to open the portal again!"

Bayonetta spoke "Doctor, you just keep working."

Twilight roars loud, sending all of the Homunculi flying far away.

All of us got the five Chaos Gears placed as the machine activated, creating a portal to the Alphaverse.

Jeanne spoke "Go, Cereza! You and the other Smashers are the only ones who can end this!"

Twilight roars "CHARGE!!!!!"

Bayonetta asks "Then I’ll leave protecting this place to you. Promise I’ll be back in time for drinks, all right?"

All of us Smashers went into the portal, finding ourselves in the same chaos rift from before, but it was magenta and falling apart.

“We need to hurry!” I urged.

Wings flapping, Sonic spoke "CHAOS.... HEAL!!!!!"

A powerful pulse of healing energy flowed out from Sonic, restoring the rift.

Bayonetta spoke "Not bad, but it won’t last long. We must hurry to the Alphaverse!"

Twiliterasu howls, restoring the rift back to its pristine condition.

All of us moved forward before exiting the rift, entering the Alphaverse on floating platforms.

Those with wings were flying though.

I ask "So where is that annoyance?"

But then a giant floating fortress appeared, with a giant tentacled eye coming out of it.

Bayonetta spoke "How thoughtful of you to meet up halfway. You’ve saved us a bit of time. Ciaofi Balzarg!"

Bayonetta summoned Madame Butterfly as the demon kicked the tentacle away before another one popped out on another side of the fortress as Bayonetta jumped onto Butterfly’s right shoulder.

Bayonetta asks "Consider this a generous tip. Now let’s see you earn it, shall we?"

Bayonetta started dancing as Madame Butterfly turned red and gained a few spikes, powering up, with all of us preparing to knock out the fortress’ defenses so that we could get inside.

Twilight and I engulf ourselves in fire, transforming to Twirama and Danyterasu respectively before fusing together to become Danyterama.

I roar loud "ATTACK!!!!!"

All of us attacked the fortress, before we decided to attack from below at the core of the defenses.

I shot several fireballs at the fortress.

Madame Butterfly grabbed a Homunculi and spun around before throwing it at the defense core, making it explode.

I used Chaos Blast to knock away dozens of homunculi.

Sonic spoke "Come on! We need to head inside that fortress!"

I teleport with Sonic, Mario, Twiliterasu, Bowser, Bayonetta, Meggy, Pit, Samus and Zelda to inside the fortress.

I spoke "A smaller group is less likely be spotted."

But then we saw someone dangling from wire-like tentacles before we dodged an attack from a giant canine monster that had stained glass shards as a part of it.

Bayonetta asks "How… What are you doing here?"

The monster held its head in pain.

Bayonetta spoke "Always getting in over your head… I’ll take care of you."

Bayonetta walked towards the monster, holding her hand out as the beast reached out.

Bayonetta spoke "That’s right. I’m going to take you back home."

But then the monster attacked, piercing its claws through Bayonetta, as she grabbed the hand without struggle as she reached out toward it again.

Bayonetta spoke "Are you frightened, Luka? Your hands are shaking."

We were shocked to learn of the monster’s identity as he withdrew his claws from Bayonetta while she healed her wounds. But then Luka roared.

Bayonetta spoke "Poor thing. Let me help you."

Fluttershy flew out of a warp ring before using the Stare on Luka, making him back down.

Fluttershy spoke "Down boy!"

Luka held his head in pain.

Bayonetta spoke "Wipe that look off your face. It doesn’t suit you at all."

Luka whimpers "Guys… Bayonetta… stay away from me… I don’t know… what’s true any… more!"

Sonic asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Dany?"

I spoke "Yeah Sonic."

Both Sonic and I use Chaos Heal on Luka, clearing away all of the corruption in his heart.

Bayonetta spoke "The truth is that you’re a clumsy fool… but one I can’t imagine life without."

Luka spoke "Ever since I was a kid, there’s been a voice in my head…. always telling me to seek the truth! When I listened to it, things always worked out okay… That’s why I’ve obeyed it my whole life. Truth is, I’m not the marvelous Luka Redgrave… I’m… just some pathetic nobody! I guess… I finally got what was coming to me. I had… no business coming here… And now I’m… losing myself. This is who I really am! A hate-filled, murderous demon! The same as all those other monsters!"

Bayonetta spoke "Got it all out of your system? Now come on. It’s time we went home."

Sonic spoke "Everybody has a purpose in life, even if they can't see it themselves."

Luka then fell unconscious.

Bayonetta spoke "Luka…"

But the Viola showed up.

Bayonetta asks "Kitty?"

Then a man with stained glass as a part of him appeared.

The male spoke "Fear not, for he is at peace. It seems we have been drawn to the Alphaverse. Ah, pardon my manners. I am Lukaon."

I spoke "I'm Danyterama, a fusion of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Viola looked at the dangling body. “Mu…” viola closed her mouth. “Bayonetta, guys, come here!”

The others and I got a closer look.

Viola asks "Is this… the Homunculus nerve center?"

Bayonetta spoke "It would seem so. He must have sacrificed one of his own counterparts to control the Homunculi from here."

Viola asks "His own counterpart?"

Then we realized it as Bayonetta picked up an ID card.

Viola spoke "Then this man has to be…"

“He’s from our universe.” I realized.

Bayonetta spoke "Kitty."

Bayonetta tossed the card to Viola who caught it as we all saw who the ID card was.

Viola spoke "Dr. Sigurd! That means the real Singularity… cuss!"

We all realized that our Dr. Sigurd was sacrificed to control the Homunculi by Singularity, who was his own counterpart!

Bayonetta spoke "We’ve been had."

*Back at the altar…*

Dr. Sigurd?: You have been very helpful, but that will be quite enough."

Dr. Sigurd? stabbed Jeanne in the back, piercing her as she looked back before crying out in pain, being lifted higher.

Dr. Sigurd? spoke "Goodbye, Jeanne. Our time together was short, but unforgettable nonetheless."

Jeanne spoke "Cereza…!"

Jeanne’s Umbra Witch heart cracked as she turned to crystals and shattered, dying, before her energy went into Dr. Sigurd?.

Dr. Sigurd? spoke "Once its purpose is done, all life must fade away. Now… mine begins."

Dr. Sigurd? altered the machine as Homunculi appeared beside him.

Dr. Sigurd? spoke "Come children, let’s go home."

The gateway then closed, sealing us in the Alphaverse.

Viola spoke "So the Alphaverse was always just a decoy… He wanted us here… and away from Thule. That means…"

Bayonetta spoke "Jeanne…"

Viola spoke "We’re trapped here… with no way out."

I roar loud in anger.

I roar "SIGURD!!!!! LET US OUT!!!!"

All of us then saw a purple rift.

Lukaon spoke "It would seem these events are the truth I was shown."

Lukaon walked to Luka as his hand glowed.

Lukaon spoke "Now, let the hearts of all Arch-Adams gather here as one."

Luka started floating as he glowed the same color as Lukaon’s hand, before Lukaon turned into energy and went inside Luka, causing him to turn back to his human self.

All of us smiled at that.

Luka spoke "Hey… Cerezita. *Gentlemanly bow*"

Bayonetta spoke "Luka!"

Luka spoke "I finally figured out what the truth is."

*Back with the other Smashers*

Link spoke "You're not going ANYWHERE! We have you surrounded!"

Singularity just smirked as all of the other smashers felt something pierce their backs before their minds started going blank as string-like auras emanated from the Homunculi attached to their backs.

Singularity laughs "You’re under my control now."

*Back with us*

Luka spoke "Bayonetta… My purpose… …is to get you and your friends to where you need to be."

Luka walked to the edge of the fortress.

Luka spoke "Look."

All of us saw the purple rift again.

Luka spoke "That vortex is Singularity absorbing this world’s energy."

Viola asks "Luka, what are you trying to say?"

Luka spoke "I’m going to use it to send you all home."

Viola asks "From there? But… how?"

Luka spoke "Wish I knew just what to say at a time like this…"

Bayonetta spoke "You don’t have to. You’re a clumsy fool… but you never fail to impress."

I sense a certain love connection between Cereza and Luka.

Luka spoke "Later, Violita."

Luka then tossed a strawberry-flavored lollipop to Viola as she caught it and smiled.

Luka spoke "Goodbye, Bayonetta. I’ll always love you both…"

Luka then went into his Strider form which was the monster form he was in earlier as he leapt into the purple vortex, causing it to turn blue as we got ourselves a way back home.

Viola spoke "Cheshire!"

Viola tossed her sword, summoning Cheshire as the demon cat brought out its clown bike again and got onto it, as Bayonetta, Viola and everyone else who couldn’t fly boarded onto him.

Bayonetta spoke "Let’s be off, Kitty."

Viola spoke "My name… is Vi-Whoa!"

We all took off into the vortex.

Viola shouts "My name is VIOLAAAAAAAAA!"

I roar as I gallop through the vortex.

I spoke "Be on guard guys, this won't be an easy fight!"

Pikachu was hiding with Lucario since the two had dodged Singularity.

All of us then found ourselves at New York City in Bayonetta’s world as it poured rain.

Bayonetta spoke "Is this… *Gasp!* Kitty! Luka!"

Viola and Luka weren’t here, before we saw a cyan pillar of energy, so we decided to head there before Luigi approached us with cyan-glowing eyes.

Luigi spoke "*Distorted voice* You will go no further, Arch-Eve Origin."

I snarl "SINGULARITY!!!!"

I tore the Homunculi controlling Luigi out of him, restoring him to normal.

Luigi asks "Huh? Wha?"

Mario explained everything to his brother.

Luigi spoke "Mama Mia…"

Roll spoke "We have to stop that jerk for good!"

Bass had slashed the Homunculi off the other Megaman, freeing the robot.

We moved forward as we freed the other Smashers and explained the situation.

Megaman.EXE spoke "We're getting close guys and gals!"

All of us prepared ourselves as we approached Singularity.

Singularity spoke "Arch-Eve Origin… What are you doing here? This is a world of my definition. You do not belong."

Bayonetta asks "But here I am, and that’s the truth. Maybe you forgot to carry the one?"

I pull out the Cosmic Star keyblade just as Zoey flew out of a warp ring while wielding her own two keyblades,

I spoke "You threaten my fellow Smashers... You hurt Luka... You trapped some of us in a world... NOW YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!!"

Singularity was unfazed however as he transformed into a giant Kaiju-sized Homunculi.

Bayonetta spoke "Do o ia Bayonetta! Cnila d comselha odo ananael! Ipamis noncp fafen niis! Avavago tliob vran!"

Bayonetta pierced her chest and brought out her heart as she summoned Gomorrah, but the dragon demon was powered up, becoming a Kaiju-sized demon as he roared.

I roar loud, calling in Twizilla to help as well.

Singularity taunts "Come now, you can do better than that."

The two Kaiju-sized fighters breathed fire on Singularity before he fired a beam at the two, wounding them.

Twizilla roars before firing a plasma beam at Singularity.

Singularity blocked it before Sin Gomorrah charged into him, knocking Singularity down before the Kaiju-sized demon roasted him with his fire, then Singularity got back up.

Sin Gomorrah and Twizilla charged up plasma beams as the demon’s lower jaw split and his chest lowered down, with the spines on his tail and back going up, before the two of them fired as Singularity clashed their beams with his own.

I fire a Royal Voice boosted Roar at Singularity.

I got Singularity onto his hands and feet, but then he raised his tailed and added another beam to the mix, pushing back Sin Gomorrah and Twizilla’s beams as Bayonetta, still holding her heart out, started chanting again.

Bayonetta spoke "Do o ia Bayonetta! Cnila d comselha odo ananael! Turbs c babalon zonac ciaofi balzarg! Fafen niis!"

Madame Butterfly appeared, but she was powered up and now Queen Butterfly.

Queen Butterfly started charging up a Kamehameha, before she fired the beam, adding her power to Sin Gomorrah and Twizilla’s beam, pushing back against Singularity’s beam.

I fired a Harmonic Kamehameha at Singularity, pushing back the beam further.

Sonic had flown high into the sky while airlifting Shadow before the two immortal males fuse together to form Shadic.

Shadic dove down as he curled into a ball, spin dashing through Singularity's back and out the chest.

The beam then pushed Singularity all the way to the moon, as Queen Butterfly and Sin Gomorrah vanished.

Bayonetta spoke "Flying to the moon without me? Can’t have that."

I realized, “He’s not finished yet.”

All of us then went straight to the moon, before encountering Singularity again, who was healed and in a different form.

Singularity spoke "Your struggle is pointless. This course of events is an immutable truth. One which only I can change."

Bayonetta spoke "Maybe that’s how things work where you’re from, but I prefer to make my own truth."

Singularity brought out a mechanical scroll and summoned a Homunculi.

Shadic had sliced the homunculi's head clean off with a Chaos Slash.

I spoke "We won't lose to a selfish prick like you!"

Twizilla roars in agreement.

All of us fought Singularity as he summoned more Homunculi.

Since he was the smallest in size, Shadic grabs the scroll from Singularity.

Shadic flew off with the scroll.


Bayonetta spoke "Ciaofi Balzarg!"

Bayonetta summoned Madame Butterfly, who delivered a flurry of punches as I threw a storm of Chaos Spears, blasting Singularity away before he teleported and came back behind us as he brought out two scrolls and a duo of similar Homunculi.

I deliver a hard two hoofed kick right at Singularity's stomach, sending him flying.

I groan "Why do bad guys INSIST on sneaking up behind me?"

But then Singularity came back, healed as we took care of the Homunculi before he started shooting lasers at us.

I flung a Chaos Blackhole at Singularity before grabbing Shadic, Twiliterasu and Bayonetta.

But then the black hole suddenly vanished after Singularity snapped his fingers as we attacked him.

I throw Twizilla at Singularity as the large lizard curled into a ball, spin dashing into Singularity and ripping his neck out.


I charge up the biggest Tailed Beast Bomb and mix it with Chaos Blast before throwing it at Singularity, killing him.

But then Singularity came back with purple cracks as the spirits of the counterparts he killed appeared to help us fight him before the mad scientist healed himself before attacking us, as the counterparts fought him extremely well.

Singularity spoke "Impossible! You outstrip my ability to alter phenomena…"

All of us prepared to attack as Bayonetta told him, “Clearly you haven’t been paying attention.” before we fired a laser at him, causing more spirits to break free. “The truth is what I make it!”

But then Singularity attacked, wiping out the counterparts before Jeanne appeared and attacked him.

Bayonetta spoke "Jeanne!"

Several portals open before countless versions of Twilight flew out of them. Some were Pegasi, others were alicorns and at least one or three were anthros. Even Twily was among the large group.

All of the Twilights spoke at the same time "We won't let you win!!!"

All of the Twilights and I charge up the biggest fireball we could manage before throwing it at Singularity.

Bayonetta and Jeanne joined in on the attack as we attacked him all at once, before he and all of us were falling back towards the earth as Jeanne and the Twilight Counterparts disappeared.

*Back in New York*

All of us had a rough landing, before we saw Singularity in a new form.

Bayonetta spoke "Avavago!"

Bayonetta summoned Gomorrah as Singularity created a scroll summoned a Homunculi, before reality itself became distorted like a fancy kaleidoscope as the two giant monsters fought in a different area.

Twily groans "Damn it all to Tartarus.... How the cuss can we beat him?"

Twilight and I were both out cold, as were the rest of the Smashers.

A few minutes later, Bayonetta’s Umbria Witch Heart started to crack, as she was held at the neck by Singularity.

Singularity spoke "Surely you must have had enough by now."

Bayonetta taunts "You’re not… getting nervous are you?"

Bayonetta broke free and shot Singularity, only to get kicked back, struggling to get back up.

Bayonetta taunts "What’s wrong? Having… trouble… running the numbers?"

Bayonetta tried to strike Singularity, but her attack bounced off of him.

Bayonetta spoke "Well… don’t… count me out… just yet."

Bayonetta tried to attack again, but got the same result.

Bayonetta spoke "I’ll… be the one… Who decides… what the truth will be."

But then Singularity forced Bayonetta back, before he sent out a clone attack as the Umbra Witch shot through the clone and to Singularity, only for the bullet to be destroyed, as the laser hit Bayonetta, sending her flying before she and the rest of us were grabbed and lifted by stones. Twilight and I slowly woke up as we saw red cracks forming on us as Viola showed up.

Viola gasps "What?!"

Viola then turned to Singularity.

Viola spoke "Bastard!"

Viola threw two explosive darts before they vanished when they got close to Singularity.

Singularity spoke "Ah, the brave soldier returns. You did promise me that you’d be back…"

Singularity then sent out a clone attack as Viola drew her katana.

Viola spoke "Damn you!"

Viola charged forward, only for her sword to be blocked as she was grabbed at the neck by the clone.

Singularity spoke "…but no matter what you desired, our reunion here was predetermined. As was these warriors’ ignoble ends!"

Bayonetta spoke "Ki… Kitty…"

Singularity summoned spears as he aimed them at all of us smashers before throwing them!

Viola spoke "Mommy!"

Twilight and I closed our eyes, fearing that this was the end, before the spears were shot down, as someone fired at Singularity, landing a few hits, causing the clone to disappear, letting Viola go.

Singularity gasps "What?!"

All of us became unbound as we fell to the ground, before someone lifted us back up, revealing to be a Bayonetta, a Twilight before she became an alicorn and me being a human.

Bayonetta1 asks "You didn’t cry while we were gone, did you?"

Moonshadow spoke "I asked Starfall to get help from the Prime zone's past."

Past Danyelle spoke "But what can I do? I don't have any powers!"

Past Twilight spoke "All I got is magic right now!"

Bayonetta asks "I’m sure you two have hidden potential. You all seem to be having a good time. Awfully rude of you not to invite us, don’t you think?"

Singularity created a scroll and summoned a Homunculi, before a Labolas appeared and attacked it, roaring.

The Homunculi soon split into five copies, before we heard a pair of fingers snap, when Labolas split into five smaller versions of itself, taking down the Homunculi copies, as we saw a Bayonetta, an Alicorn Twilight before she discovered Kurama and Matatabi inside her, and a me being a Mobian before I became part alicorn, hence that me not having a cutie mark.

Bayonetta2 asks "Women of our caliber don’t need invitations, darling. Right?"

Legendverse Twilight flew out of a portal with her world's Korra following.

Prime Twilight spoke "Holy cuss..."

Starlight flew out of a warp ring as Rainbow, Korra and Rarity flew out of another.

Prime Rarity spoke "United we stand!"

Legendverse Twilight spoke "Divided we fall!"

All of the other Twilight counterparts spoke "LET'S TAKE THAT JERK DOWN!!!"

Singularity asks "What are you doing here? I destroyed you and your worlds long ago! It is not possible! Are the phenomena once affirmed… now changing?"

Bayonetta2 spoke "It looks like only the lot of us made it this far… …oh, and the young lady of course."

Bayonetta1 spoke "That’s enough, yes? To prove “phenomenal affirmation” isn’t absolute after all. All right, lady killer. Just try to predict what the lot of us will do next!"

All of the Twilights spoke "Bet you can't figure out which of us is the Prime Zone Twilight!"

Korra, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and our other past selves fought Singularity for a few minutes, only to be forced back as our past selves and Legendverse selves caught them.

Singularity spoke "I told you your struggle was pointless. No matter how many of you defy me, you are no more than twigs scratching the sky."

Singularity sent a clone attack at us, only for Viola to slice it to pieces, before throwing her katana.

Viola spoke "Cheshire!"

Cheshire gave Viola a boost as she tried to punch Singularity, only to be swiped away from him.

Singularity spoke "Now do you see? Only I can determine the truth of this world, and none among you can shake it!"

Bayonetta spoke "It should be obvious that we’re no twigs."

Dark Twilight asks "You still don’t realize just how stubborn we can be?"

“No matter how many of us there are, that doesn’t change.” I added as the counterparts of me, Twilight, and Bayonetta got up.

Bayonetta, Twilight and I spoke "That’s our unshakeable truth!"

Singularity spoke "Very well. Then I suppose I’ll simply erase you all, and your so-called truth. Here, and this very instant!"

Bayonetta, Twilight, me and our counterparts readied for battle as our counterparts combined with us, increasing our power.

Viola asks "Did they… combine?"

Singularity shot a giant ball of energy at us, only for us to shoot three lasers that negated it.

Singularity spoke "What… What is happening? I’ve never seen anything like this!"

Bayonettas spoke "*Switching forms* Perhaps you’re not a visual learner."

All 5000 Twilights spoke as one "You’ll have to learn the hard way!"

Me and my past selves spoke "Hope you’re ready!"

A winged cat version of Twilight yowls as she fired a bolt of magic at Singularity.

All of us delivered a flurry of attacks on Singularity before our counterparts and the ones combined with us except those from the Legendverse universe disappeared as Viola attacked Singularity and stabbed him, before he teleported and stones grabbed Viola, lifting her up and causing her to drop her weapon while we tried to take aim at Singularity as he laughed, summoning spears, before we saw Luka drop in from the sky and tried to deliver a kick, only to miss as Singularity teleported.

Luka yelps "Ah cuss! Stop, stop, stop!"

Luka then crashed into a nearby wall face-first.

Luka spoke "D’oh!"

Luka slid off the wall.

Viola asks "Lu… ka?"

Luka fell on his back before posing gracefully.

Luka spoke "Sorry to keep you ladies waiting."

Luka grabbed his hat.

Luka spoke "It was a bit hard to find you with all the rubble.

Singularity asks "Arch-Adam? How? How is it you exist here and now?"

Bayonetta spoke "You never cease to amuse me, Luka. I could imagine worse men to spend my last moments with."

Luka spoke "Hey, you’re the only one I want by my side."

All of us looked at Viola.

Bayonetta spoke "We’ve got to keep her safe."

Luka spoke "I know. She’s the one who’s going to keep our truth alive."

Luka then transformed into his Strider form, except the red on him was now blue as we all readied for battle.

Pre-Alicorn Werelight howls "AWWOOOOOO!"

The Prime Zone Twilight engulfs herself in fire, transforming to Twirama before downing a hypernova fruit.

Hypernova Twirama roars "ATTACK!!!!!"

Sci-Twi blasted Singularity with magic.

Bayonetta spoke "*To Luka while fighting Singularity* That’s not a bad look for you. In fact, I might even prefer it to the usual."

Luka chuckles "*While fighting Singularity* Flattery will get you everywhere. But hey, this is just a natural evolution of my rugged good looks."

Bayonetta spoke "How could anyone resist? Now let’s focus on the task at hand!"

Luka spoke "Right. Let’s see this fight through to the end, and make sure our truth lives on!"

I fired dozens of Chaos Bullets from my clawtips at Singularity.

All of us attacked Singularity at once, before Bayonetta spun and posed.

Bayonetta spoke "Avavago!"

Bayonetta summoned Gomorrah as it fired a beam at Singularity, who created a shield. Bayonetta’s Umbra Witch heart cracked even more as she and Gomorrah started to struggle.

Leaflymon was on the the prime Bayonetta's shoulder, pouring healing power into the female.

The cracks on her Umbra Witch Heart faded as we helped her by adding our attacks to Gomorrah’s beam, starting to break Singularity’s shield before it broke through and hit him dead on, causing him to gain yellow cracks and glow.

Singularity spoke "This… is unfathomable! My phenomena… immutable truth… challenged and denied!"

Luka spoke "When you fight for what you believe, you can change anything."

Singularity screamed in pain as he exploded in a yellow light, freeing Viola, but knocking her unconscious, before a white vortex appeared, sucking in everything around it, dragging up Viola. Gomorrah vanished as Luka jumped up and grabbed Viola.

All of the Twilights formed chains by grabbing onto the tail of another before grabbing onto Luka, pulling him back down.

“Get him back down safely!” I urged.

All of the Twilights spoke "We know!"

The Twilights got Luka and Viola down, before the white vortex exploded in many colors.

Moonshadow spoke "Talk about going out with a bang!"

But then I sensed that all of the universes that were destroyed by Singularity were restored to normal and everyone and everything in those universes were brought back to life, making me cheer at that!

All of the other Twilights except Twily, Twiliterasu and the prime Twilight return to their own worlds.

Twiliterasu howls in happiness.

I spoke "I have a feeling that Luka has something he wants to say to Bayonetta."

Luka asks "*Transforming back to human* Oh? Am I that easy to read?"

I spoke "Dimensional Scream, remember? I can see things that have happened or have yet to happen."

Luka asks "So it's time for that big life-changing question, huh?"

I spoke "Pretty much but once you take that first step into parenthood, you can't go back."

Luka spoke "Oh. I think Cerezita and I can handle it. Besides, Violita's proof of that."

Twilight spoke "You don't want to know the amount of pain I went through when I was pregnant with Astral and Midnight..."

Luka spoke "So, Cereza…"

Luka went down on one knee and opened a box with a blood-red ring.

Luka asks "…will you marry me?"

Bayonetta smiled as she placed her left hand on Luka’s cheek.

Bayonetta spoke "My clumsy, lovely fool…"

The two then embraced.

Bayonetta spoke "…who’ll forever be in my heart. Of course I’ll marry you."

Bayonetta and Luka smiled as the Umbra Witch took off her glasses before they kissed.

Twily spoke "Congrats you two, I have yet to find the right stallion though."

Twiliterasu howls in cheer.

A female voice asks "Ugh… What? Where am I? Wait… I’m alive? But how?"

Twiliterasu asks "Yip bark woof? {Who are you?}"

I froze at hearing that voice, as I slowly turned around, and much to my surprise and joy, my feeling was right all along! Bertha came back!

I chuckle "Risotto's gonna freak out."

We then also saw a Mobian Pegasus stallion that looked as twice as old as Flash Sentry was, before Twily went over and hugged him.

Twily spoke "Flashy!"

A Mobian alicorn teen that was 7 years older than Wendy had tackle hugged her mom.

The teen spoke "Mom!"

Twily spoke "Kari!"

Jeanne then appeared. “Well done, you all.”

I spoke "It wasn't just one of us that took Singularity down, there was at least 5000 other Twilights that helped out since Moonshadow had put the call out to countless worlds that had survived the first attack."

Viola spoke "Hey um, guys? I need to tell you something."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Spit it out then.}"

Viola spoke "The Bayonetta and Luka from my universe, they’re actually my mommy and daddy."

Twilight spoke "Holy cuss..."

Needless to say, I was surprised. But then again, it makes sense since she’s an Umbra Witch in training.

Twilight was rubbing a foreleg at a scar that was across her right eye.

Twilight spoke "This is so itchy..."
