• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 965 Views, 122 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Equestria Girls G5 - BronySonicFan

When Eggman accidentally sends the Chaos Emeralds to Equestria's human world, Sonic races against time to bring them back before they fall on the wrong hands, as he also meets familiar faces that soon enough become new at the same time.

  • ...



Sonic stretched a bit before yawning.

The last interesting thing he did was defeating an Emo Eggman from another dimension, and that literally just happened last week.

After that, Shadow tried to erase the entire universe by having two Eggmans in the same one at the same time, but thanks to Tails fixing Metal Sonic to track down the Emo Eggman, Sonic managed to save the universe by sending him back to his own universe.

Now... he was bored as hell.

Nothing interesting has happened ever since that. Eggman was busy building his lab back; Tails and Amy were repairing Tails' workshop; Knuckles and Sticks were helping cleaning and fixing up the town, and Shadow hasn't showed up at all.

As for him... well, he was trying to find something interesting to do on his house, but since he got bored pretty quick, he gave up and moved to his hammock, and lay there until something exciting happened.

"Man... this has been the most bored week of my life..." Sonic muttered, stretching again and scratching a bit under his scarf. "I could ask Tails or Amy to hang out or something, but they're both busy fixing the workshop. Guess is just me and my bored house until something actually interesting happens..."

And just like if someone heard his prays, Sonic's hand watch made a bip sound as it shone in blue.

"Thank goodness!" Sonic cheered, as he sat on his hammock and pressed the button on the watch.

"Sonic!" Tails voice called out. "Look, sorry to call all of a sudden, you're probably busy or something..."

"No, no, no, no, no! Don't you dare to end the call, young man!" Sonic said quickly with excitement. "You couldn't have called in a better time! What's the matter?!"

"Amy and I recently finished cleaning up, and as I went to startup my equipment again, I got some weird signals coming from Eggman's island," Tails explained with worry. "I doubt he finished up restoring his lab, but something tells me that he's up to something again. Mind to go and take a look?"

"Little buddy, I've been waiting the whole week to hear something like that!" Sonic replied happily. "I'm on my way!" He added, ending the call and running straight to Eggman's lab. "Finally, something exciting happening!"

After running for a while, Sonic arrived to Eggman's lab.

However, he got a bit surprised when he found that the place was still destroyed, and it barely seemed that it was going somewhere, because right now it seemed like it had at least two moths more before being totally finished.

"Strange..." Sonic muttered to himself. "I know Eggman can be a bit messy sometimes, but in general he's very organized. Why would he plan out something new when his lab isn't even near to be finished?"

As he sneaked near the place where the reconstruction began, he only found Orbot and Cubot doing the constructions process, while Eggman scratched his head as he stared at the blueprints of his lab with a confused look.

As Sonic approached slowly to the doctor, he couldn't help but stare at the lab and at Eggman with disbelief. Either Eggman knew Sonic was coming and was playing dumb, or he had no plan at all, and Tails either played a prank on him... or something else was going on.

"Uh... Eggman?" Sonic called out, still staring at him confused.

The doctor finally noticed Sonic's arrival and raised and eyebrow.

"Oh great, the rodent is here..." Eggman groaned in annoyance. "I didn't expected you so soon, Sonic. My lab isn't going to be ready until at least––"

"Until at two other months, yeah, yeah, I know, Egghead," Sonic said with a bored expression. "Look, sorry to bother you, but Tails said something about weird signals coming from here. Are you up to something even before having your lab finished up?"

"What kind of a fool do you take me for, Hedgehog?" Eggman said with a frown. "I'm an evil genius! Even I know my limits. And I have absolutely no idea of what are you talking about! What weird signals could my lab be making?"

Now Sonic started to grow worried. If Eggman wasn't up to something, and he knew nothing about the signals Tails was talking about, something else was happening.

"Um... Boss?" Orbot called out. "What Sonic's saying is true, though... There are some weird signals coming from here."

"What?" Both Sonic and Eggman asked confused.

Before any of them could say or do something else, a green portal opened suddenly behind them, startling both the hedgehog and the doctor.

"Eggman?!" Sonic said with a panicked expression.

"Don't look at me! Not even I know what's going on!" Eggman complained, just as worried as Sonic was.

And then, the portal started to drag both Sonic and Eggman. As Sonic started to use his super speed to run in the opposite direction, he also grabbed Eggman's hand to save both the doctor and himself.

However, the weight of the doctor ended up backing Sonic up, and the two were sucked by the green portal, as they screamed and got lost on it, with the portal finally closing.

"...What the heck just happened?" Questioned Cubot.

"I have no idea..." Orbot replied, just as confused as his robotic friend.


In the middle of a forest, a green portal opened up suddenly.

From it, Sonic suddenly appeared, rolling up on the ground and stopping with his face smashed in the ground. He slowly got up as he groaned and stretched, trying to understand what the heck was going on.

"Eggman?" Sonic called out, but got no response at all. "Eggman! Where are you?!"

Getting no response, he choose to get a little glance at his surroundings, seeing that he was in a forest, pretty much at nighttime as well.

"This doesn't make any sense..." Sonic said with worry. "If not even Eggman knows what Tails detected, then what the heck was that green portal? I have to find Eggman, but first, I should find out where am I..."

Not so long after that, he could heard something, which he recognize almost immediately as kids laughs.

"I guess I'm near a town or something," Sonic told himself. "Better go and check up for myself"

As he walked down a small road in the forest, he couldn't help but whistle at his surrounds: There were giant and glowing crystals everywhere.

But when he finally reached the place where the laughs came from, his eyes widened: It was a town, yes... full of colorful and talking horses. And if that wasn't weird enough: They had horns.

Sonic stepped back in panic, and thanked God that nobody noticed him for now.

"A-Am I in a dream? Did I got dragged into Amy's imagination?! Because there's no logical explanation for this!" Sonic cried out lowly, running towards the forest again to get as far as he could.


Two months ago, he transformed into a golden god that defeated a giant robot with Robotnik's face and saved the world, if not the entire universe.

Now, he was cleaning up Tom's new truck with Tails and Knuckles, mumbling with a frown as he tried so hard not to groan in annoyance from Tom's father attitude.

"I can't believe I'm reduced to this..." Sonic groaned.

"Come on, Sonic. This isn't so bad!" Tails said with a little smile.

"Easy for you to say it, mama's boy," Sonic said with a bored expression. "The last time something interesting happened was a month ago when we defeated that Robotnik's drone in the junkyard! How's that we became car cleaners after that?!"

"Stop being so dramatic over it, Hedgehog," Knuckles said with a frown as he rolled his eyes. "Unless you want to end on the garage for the night as a punishment like last time."

Sonic felt goosebumps all over his body by just remembering that, shacking his head and making a disgusted expression.

"Okay, okay. Good point," Sonic admitted. "Still, this feels like I have been reduced from a hero to a maid."

"Didn't you said that you're still too young to be a hero or something?" Tails asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just because I don't want to be a hero yet, doesn't mean I don't want to have a little adventure now and then!" Sonic explained. "Adventure it's part of me now! Is so frustrating that I used the 7 chaotic crystals––"

"Chaos Emeralds," Knuckles corrected with a bored expression.

Sonic rolled his eyes before continue. "–– to turn into some kind of Super Saiyan, and two months later, I'm being sent by my father to clean the car with my best friend and Knuckles!"

"Hey!" Knuckles said with an offended look.

"I guess I'll just wait for something interesting to happen..." Sonic said, finally resuming cleaning the truck. "I hope it doesn't takes too long."

Suddenly, Tails device started to make a beep sound from his backpack. The young fox quickly moved towards his backpack by flight and took out the device to see what was going on.

His eyes widened in both surprise and shock after seeing the results.

"What the heck?" Tails muttered. "Guys... there's a strong Chaos Energy sign coming from near Seattle!"

"What?!" Knuckles cried out in panic.

"I'm sorry; what's 'Chaos Energy'?" Sonic asked confused.

"It's the same kind of energy that comes from the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald," Tails explained. "And whatever is causing this one, i-it has a bigger signal than the Master Emerald!"

"Well, Hedgehog, you wanted something interesting to happen," Knuckles told him with a bored expression. "Are you happy now?"

"Are you kidding me? This is perfect timing!" Sonic said with a smile. "Let's head to Seattle!" He declared, immediately running towards said place.

"Ugh, sometimes I just want to smash him in the ground again..." Knuckles groaned, following Sonic.

"H-Hey! Guys! What about the car?!" Tails asked, grabbing his backpack and following his friends.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles arrived to Seattle 20 minutes later.

They reached the top of a building, with Tails trying to track the exact spot where the Chaos Energy sign comes from.

"It should be... right... there!" Tails said, pointing at some kind of building with a round top.

"Of course it had to be on the hardest place to reach by feet..." Sonic complained with a bored expression.

"Maybe for you," Knuckles said with a smirk. "But it's a piece of cake for me!" He made a big jump, and then glided towards said building.

"Sometimes I wonder: How's that he can glide if he's an echidna?" Sonic asked confused.

Tails looked at him with a bored expression before speak. "You're a blue hedgehog with super speed that doesn't know how to swim; I'm a yellow fox with two tails that can fly; Knuckles is a red echidna with giant hands and super strength, and we have an unlimited power source as a night lamp back on the house. Did anything that I said makes sense to you?"

Sonic just stared at Tails blankly before replying. "Um... 50/50?"

Tails rolled his eyes and started to fly, grabbing Sonic from his hands and moving towards the building.

Once there, they found Knuckles walking in circles, founding absolutely nothing in there.

"Are you sure the sign came from here, fox?" Knuckles asked with a frown.

"It didn't came from here, Knuckles. It comes from here," Tails replied, checking his device.

"Maybe you need to fix it, because there's nothing here!" Knuckles cried out loudly.

"Knucklehead does have a point, Tails," Sonic said, also looking around. "This place looks pretty empty."

"No, guys, you don't get it, it comes from here," Tails said with worry. "In fact, is becoming bigger... and stronger..."

Before either Sonic or Knuckles could say anything, a yellow portal opened up behind Knuckles, which startled the echidna, who stepped backwards and now stood at Sonic and Tails' side.

"Tails? I need the context..." Sonic pled.

"The thing is... not even I have any for this!" Tails cried out.

And then, the portal started to drag the three creatures. However, Sonic wasn't going to allow that, so he managed to push Tails and Knuckles from the building, before being sucked by the yellow portal, that closed after Sonic got trough it.


Sonic screamed loudly as he crossed the yellow portal in fright.

Suddenly, he stopped seeing the everything around him yellow... and instead saw a grass field where he ended up crashing into, with his face buried on the ground.

He groaned in annoyance, and slowly got his face out of the ground. He spitted some dirt that entered to his mouth, then stood up and cleaned up some dirt from his body.

"Ugh... what the hell was that thing?" Sonic complained. "It wasn't a ring portal... what was it, then?"

As he tried to recognize where he was, he searched around for anything that could be helpful, or anything that could tell him where he this is... and then, he looked at the distance at some kind of City.

"Huh... I have never seen a city like that before," Sonic said with a curious look.

The interesting thing about this city, was that it was up in the mountains. He wouldn't say it was on the clouds, but it almost seemed like that was the case.

"I should take a closer look to this place," Sonic said with a determinate expression.

And thanks to his super speed, Sonic arrived to the top of the mountain and the entrance of said city in no time.

However, his jaw dropped soon enough: This city was advanced, had a lot of giant screens around... and it had colorful talking horses with wings. Pegasi, to be precise.

"For the love of chilidogs... what is this place?" Sonic said in awe.

Author's Note:

Welp. I'm pretty sure some of you expected it, I'm pretty sure some of you didn't.

Either way, yes, we're having a Multiverse arc for Season 4, a.k.a. Project Delta! This means that the secret word was, in fact, universe. As for the next story, it'll be some kind of No Way Home, but with some Sonic Prime as well, and some slight changes I decided to make.

This means that, from now on, I'm taking my own direction with the rest of the saga (Well, TYT is still having half canon and half original episodes, but you get what I mean).

This also means that MYM Chapter 6 will not be adapted in my story, as I already stated in this blog, and that I will make my own thing with the saga. Also, the "Multiverse Arc", so we can call it in some way, is gonna last for the remaining stories. (Season 4 and the final one, whom's tittle will remain secret for now).

That's why I said this story was going to be relevant later, since the EG world is another universe. Now, why is Project Delta called "Make Your Mark - Season 4" when Chapter 6 is not getting adapted? Well, I have two answers for that:

1- The length of the episodes in the next story. They all have the very same length than if I was doing a regular MYM story, hence why I labeled with the same subtitle.

2- To establish is in the same canon than my saga. Well, that, and I don't like the idea of calling the story "Sonic Prime x My Little Pony" or something like that, because that would leave the impression I'm making a crossover between G5 and Sonic Prime, when that's not the case. So yeah, Season 4 it is.

Anyways, I hope you liked the story. I'm preparing everything for Season 4 now.

See ya! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 10 )

Oh, dear lord.

Three Sonic’s, I think, in one universe.

I know someone who will utterly dispise this and someone who will go crazy over this

This is gonna be quite the crossover event!

...Sonic from Sonic Boom and Movie Sonic... Both in Equestria...

HOLY SHIT, I KNEW THAT DRAWING TAILS SAW IN SEASON 3 WAS THE PARADOX PRISM!!! I have to say: All this secrecy was definitely worth the shot!

Wow awesome epilogue! And looks like dimensional travel of three different Sonic’s from three different movies and shows! Wow that is amazing and exciting! I am looking forward to the next story!

My god... That teaser posted in October makes a lot more of sense now...

I cannot wait for this to release in February!

Sonic generations, but instead of Time it’s the Multiverse

3 Hedgehogs

3 Eggs

Lots of Speeeeeeeeeeed

That was awesome; I am looking forward to the next story.



JD1 #9 · Dec 9th, 2023 · · ·

After reading this, this is mostly just copy and paste of the movie, just with some tweaks. The last few chapters were okay but it does feel like this is your laziest attempt at a story.

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