• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,337 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Element of Honesty

Author's Note:

We are back, baby.:yay: Enjoy

[Ponyville - Train Station.]

"Come on! Why are there so many ponies here today?" Scootaloo cries out. Many ponies move back and forth on the platform as the line to the ticket booth spills into town.

"Yeah..." Applebloom says as many of the ponies came in with luggage. "It seems like a lot of ponies are in a hurry to leave,"

"Gee, I wonder why?" Sweetie Belle said sarcastically. "I think it's this trial that got everypony all worked up,"

"You youngins' stay close to Big Mac and me. We don't want you getting lost," Granny Smith said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agrees.

"Do you think ponies are afraid?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Afraid of what?" Applebloom asks.

"Of what Jason is going to say about them next. Do you think ponies are leaving so they won't get in trouble?" Sweetie asks.

"No way! If anything, I bet these ponies are going to Canterlot to support our sisters and the Princess. That thing's got to be making all this up somehow. Would Rarity be that mean and nasty to any creature?"

"I don't know. I saw that memory, and I can't remember when that happened. But..." Sweetie is hesitant as the line moves forward. "It feels real,"

"I think it's real baloney! It's got to be that weird horn doing all this!" Scootaloo said.

"You girls hush up now," Granny said, cutting the conversation. "I know a lot is going on that you may not understand, but I can tell that that horn ain't something to doubt. Why, our great ancestor Grand Apple once called upon it. He used it to get a better deal on some fertile lands before coming to Equestria. It's as real and powerful as the elements. Maybe even more than those trinkets,"

"Then, why does Chrysalis have it?" Scootaloo asks.

"Only true believers can use it. If she has it, then I think a lot of ponies have some explaining to do,"

"But wouldn't that mean Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack did all those bad things?" Applebloom asks.
Granny Smith and Big Mac share a glance before she speaks again. "Come on; it's time to board,"

The group finally gets their tickets and boards the train. Inside the car, they took their seats. As Applebloom looks around, she spies another family. "Hey, look. There's the Pies,"

Sure enough, Pinkie's entire family was on the same train heading to Canterlot. The Pies spots the Apple and goes to join them. "Good day to you, Apple matriarch," Cloudy Quartz said.

"Hmph," Igneous Rock grunts in acknowledgment.

"Howdy to all of you as well," Granny Smith said.

Eeyup," Big Mac smiles down at Marble Pie

"Hmm," Marble smiles up at Mig Mac.

"Hey there, cousins," Applebloom squeaks, hugging Maud and Limestone Pie.

"Hello, Applebloom. It's good to see you again," Maud Pie said.

"Hey, squirt," Limestone grumbles out.

"I guess Y'all heading to Canterlot too?" Applebloom asks.

"Yeah, Maud came down to the farm when this trial started. You should've seen how bad she was when she got home. She was practically screaming her head off,"

"I was very distraught at the thought of Pinkie Pie going through this ordeal," Maud Pie said in a monotone and deadpan expression.

"...Right. But, do you believe any of what's been said?" Applebloom asks.

Cloudy Quartz walks up to the filly and shows her a geode. "This rock broke off of Holder's Boulder. The discoloration spells for ill tidings to come. We know not of our daughter's relation to this human. But, we will help through this troubling time,"

"I suppose that's the best any of us can do for our kin," Granny Smith said as the train began moving toward the castle hanging off the cliffside.

"Right you are, Granny," A new voice said.

Everyone turns to see two cyan-furred pegasi come up to their little gathering. "Mrs. Windy Whistle and Mr. Bow Hothoof!" Scootaloo exclaims, hugging her surrogate family.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy, there, Scootaloo. You got to save some of those hugs for Rainbow Dash when she beat this thing!" Bow Hothoof said.

"That's right. I don't know what kind of creature thinks he can get one over on our daughter. She's never lost anything in her life!" Windy said proudly.

"Yeah, she's the best. That human thing picked the wrong pony," Scootaloo said. None of the celebrating ponies notice Cloudy's grim expression and Granny shares.

[Canterlot Judicial Hall.]

"Now I know you are spouting some horse manure if you think these two con-ponies can say anything against me!" Applejack says hotly.

"Ah, Such a dastardly claim," Flim said.

"Such foul language. We are only here performing our civic duty now that we have the opportunity and freedom from your influence," Flam said.

"You two are nothing but lying snakes!" Applejack hollers.

"The plaintiff does not associate these two as our witnesses," Jason said to the shock of everyone.

"Whoa. Now hold on there, good sir," Flim said.

"Yes, we have information that can propel your case to new heights," Flam said.

Jason merely gives the brothers a flat look. "I have no issue with you two airing your grievances against the defendant. However, due to your less than savory ethics, I have no good faith in your credibility,"

"If you wish, the court will add these two brothers' testimony as a third-party account. However, this means that you cannot call them as witnesses regardless if they have any validity to your claims against Miss Applejack. Is that understood?" Judge Luna asks.

"The prosecution has no qualms with this stipulation," Jason says as he moves back to the plaintiffs' bench.

"Well, it is his lost, brother," Flim states.

"Yes, and our gain to reap the glory!" Flam exclaims as he clears his throat. "Members of this illustrious court. My brother and I have been the unfortunate victims of one held in such high regard," Flam says.

"A national heroine. A role model to fillies and colt everywhere turned sour," Flim adds.


Luna slams her gavel down before the brothers can continue. "I will advise the two of you to get to the point. This court is not one for pointless triviality such as theatrics!"

The two brothers gulp as they compose themselves. "Yes, we first met Miss Apple and her family during apple cider season. A popular event in Ponyville where all the ponies can partake in Sweet Apple Acree Cider consumption," Flim explains.

"However, there was much customer dissatisfaction as the Apple family could not meet the demand. That's when my brother and I offered them a solution," Flam adds.

"We came in to offer a solution. Our Super Squeezy Cider Machine 9000. It would boost cider productivity tenfold, ensuring that everypony would have some delicious cider. We only required a decent wage for our services and machine," Flim said.

"Decent?! The price for that contraption would've bankrupted the farm!" Applejack shrieks. "Nopony can grow anything in the winter months. The cider sales help us past them!"

"What was the price?" Luna asks.

"Why, it was a 70/40 split where we get the 70%. It's only fair since we supplied the machine and magic to utilize our tool," Flims says.

"That is hardly fair to the Apples, given how much time and dedication goes into growing their product. A better deal would've been a 60/40 split, with the Apple's getting a majority. If the partnership grew past that point and you required more maintenance for this machine, then you could've asked for a higher percentage," Cadance said as the brothers gaped at her.

"That's a good idea. We should've added maintenance cost to make the price gauge more authentic," Flim whispers.

"Well, live and learn, brother of mine. We'll bring it up in our next project," Flam responds.

"So, you two didn't see eye to eye on working together. How is this an issue against the Apples?" Grandpa Gruff asks.

"Well, the issue comes from the Apples agreeing to a friendly sport of competition between our machine and their traditional way of producing cider. It was clear that we were going to win. Thus, we would win rights to the farm in its entirety," Flim states.

"Why in Equestria would you bet the farm, Applejack?" Cadance asks.

"Well, It's no secret that Apples are proud of our product and work ethic. So, when these two swindlers started goading us, then, of course, we would not back down!" Applejack responds.

"Pride comes before the fall, Young Applejack. Is the problem stemming from you two being the rightful owners of Sweet Apple Acres?" Luna asks.

"Of course we are! We would've won easier if Miss Applejack's co-conspirators had not jumped in at the last second and cheated!" Flam accuses.

"What!? We did not cheat! If anything, you two bozo did after you started taking rotten apples into your cider!" Rainbow shot back.

"Not to mention, you two did not have any problem with honorary members of the Apple family participating!" Twilight said.

"Be silent!" Judge Luna said, slamming her gavel down. "We would like to see these events in question and determine for ourselves any foul play,"

"I'll be happy to oblige, Princess," Applejack says as the two brothers share nervous glances. The events of the Super Squeezy episode play out precisely as Jason remembers—everything from the Flim-Flam brothers showing up to the competition to decide farm ownership. The brothers bite their lips when Flim states their true intentions of running the Apples out of business. It ends with the Flim-Flam brothers making a hasty retreat out of town from their poor-quality cider. "Ya see that, Princess? These two tried to pull a fast one, only for them to produce a subpar cider that everypony hated!"

"Hmm, yes. I have seen enough. The Flim-Flam brothers would indeed be rightful owners of the Sweet Apple Acres,"

There was a momentary pause before the elements did a double take. "WHAT!?!?" Even the unicorn twins were not expecting that one.

"Princess, how can you say that?" Applejack said in disbelief.

"It is quite simple. The nature of your agreement was that whoever produces the most cider wins ownership of the farm. Even with your combined efforts, these two stallions produced more cider than you did. The rules specifically called for quantity, not quality,"

Applejack falls on her haunches in despair as Flim and Flam celebrate. "It seems that you and your family are the true swindlers. Right, brother?" Flim said.

"Indoably so, brother of mine. I can't wait to get started on the renovations!" Flam said, rubbing his hoof together in a devious fashion.

"You brothers presume too much," Judge Luna calls out, ending the brothers scheming. "If you recall my earlier words, I said you would be the rightful owners. The problem lies in the absence of a contract signing over the deed to the farm to you two,"

The brothers went slackjawed at this revelation. "But, we have witnesses. Everypony heard the Apples agree to our terms!" Flim states in a panic.

"That detail matters little. Anypony can say they heard anything, especially with the right incentive. That is the reason contracts exist in the first place to prevent confusion and misdeeds. This deal was unofficial. Therefore, despite your victory, you are not the legal owners in the eyes of the law,"

"Ha!" Applejack cries out in triumph. "That's what you two, sorry, no good silver-tongued cheaters get! All your devious rotten scheming could never beat out an honest apple!"

"Is that a fact?" Jason said, gaining the courts' attention again. He cracks his fingers as he moves back to the center of the room. "I find your choice of words very ironic, Miss Applejack. Just as ironic that the pony associated with the Element of Honesty is the biggest liar,"

"What'd you say? I ain't a liar!"

"Then, what of the time you lied to Pinkie on her birthday?"

"What? That was for her surprise party. We figured we would surprise her for once. But, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie went off the handle and thought we were dumping her as a friend,"

"Is this how you deal with your friend with clear mental issues? You completely dismiss it and let it rot? One can say that Pinkie's breakdowns can be avoided if you sit her down and talk it out. Here's a simple example; Pinkie, we are sorry you feel left out, but we're planning something special. I can't tell you, or it will ruin the surprise. See? what was wrong with that?"

Applejack scowls at this. "I won't listen to the fellas that made Pinkie upset! She doesn't have issues! She gets stuck on an idea and takes it far left field!"

"More generalization. How healthy for Miss Pie. Did she not admit to the court that same issue? Did she not have a breakdown in this very court?"

"You're the one that--"

"I did nothing. I said nothing. Ignoring and negligence are two very different practices. And you cannot force someone to pay attention to you just because you can't take a hint. But, as usual, your bullheaded stubbornness rears its head even when you know you are in the wrong. That's what makes you a liar!"

"I ain't a liar!" Applejack growls.

"Yes, you are. You are because you worked with two well-known con ponies known as Flim and Flam,"

"Objection! Judge Luna made it clear that since the plaintiff doubted the credibility of Flim and Flam, you cannot use them as witnesses!" Twilight reminds.

Jason sends her a flat look. "I'm not using them as witnesses. There was never a need to do that. I am, however, using them as an example,"

"I would like to see this example," Queen Novo said.

"As would I," Shifting Sands agrees.

"Continue, Mister Wright," Luna said.

Jason nods as he goes to the Gjallarhorn. The memory shows Flim and Flam standing amid an assembled crowd. They were marketing their latest Miracle Curative Tonic for all the ailments the public had. The Apples were also there, naturally skeptical of the brother's product. However, when Granny Smith's interest was piqued when the brothers mentioned that tonic could make you younger, she jumped at the chance and bought it.

The next day, Granny Smith was swimming and dancing like a filly again. The sudden change did not sit well with Applejack as she and Applebloom went to confront the Flim-Flam brothers about their tonic. Upon reaching their tent, the Apple sister saw the pony Silver Shills exit the tent again despite drinking the mixture a day prior. After cornering him and discovering he was never sick and a part of the act of selling the tonic, Applejack confronts the brothers.

"Well, if it isn't our favorite Apple," Flim said.

"What brings you back to our humble abode?" Flam asks.

"You two con artists sold my Granny a bottle of tonic, and now she's off acting like a filly again!" Applejack stated.

"What's so wrong about that?" Flim asks.

"If she keeps gallivanting about like a yearling, she's bound to drop from exhaustion or worse. What's more, I know that your friend here is dressing up as a different pony every night so he can pretend to be cured!"

"Well, well, well, that's quite the accusations," Flam said.

"But, let's say that it's true," Flim said as the brothers went to their table.



"As I understand, your granny was once a famous aqua pony,"

"The star of the show once upon a time,"

"But, as she sent so much as a hoof in the water ever since?"

"Not until today. That's right," Applejack said, uncertain of the brothers' point.

"Well then, even if our tonic were nothing more than apple juice and beat leaves," Flim continues.

"Hypothetically," Flam said while tossing the apple and beating leaves to his brother.

"Theoretically," Flim said while crushing the produce into an empty tonic bottle.

"The fact is that Granny is happier now than before she tried it," Flam concludes with a new bottle of miracle tonic.

"I guess..." Applejack slowly said.

"So, the question is..." Film starts.

"Do you honestly want to be the pony that takes that happiness away?" Flam finished while handing her the tonic.


Applejack hesitates as Applebloom comes inside."There you are, Applekjack. Did you find out what's in that tonic?"

Applejack looks at the smiling face of the brothers before sighing. "Honestly, Applebloom, it doesn't matter what's in it as long as it works,"

"Well, if it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to me either, sis," Applebloom said with a smile.

"That's the spirit," Flim said while waving.

"Come back anytime," Flam said, also waving.

The memory concludes while the brothers look at the horn in awe while Applejack frowns. "Miss Applejack. Do you deny what we just saw?" Jason asks.

"...No. That happened alright..." Applejack begrudgingly admits.

"So, can you explain to the court why you- the self-proclaimed honest apple - were willing to lie about the truth of Flim and Flam Miracle Curative Tonic? You, who knew the brothers to be con-ponies. Liars. And cheats,"

"Hey!" Flim and Flam complained.

"Be silent!" Judge Luna states the brothers shied away.

"You, who constantly preaches honesty. Was it really because you found the truth too hard to swallow?" Jason continues as Applejack grits her teeth.

"No! I just-- Y'all saw how Granny was feeling down about herself. Then, she drank that tonic and felt more confident and more spray than she had in years. I-I didn't want to make her sad again,"

"No, you were fine with letting Granny Smith risk her health for false confidence. You even said that she could drop from exhaustion or potentially even die. Yet, you said nothing. I guess you don't love your Granny all that much,"

Jason was pacing around Applejack like a shark before she hollered. "You take that back! I love my Granny!"

"Then, why did you endorse a product you knew was a false advertisement!"

A new memory plays with the Apples returning to the tent. A long line of ponies was waiting to buy more Flim-flam tonic before Granny Smith dropped a massive bag of bits. "We'll take the whole case!" Granny Smith said.

"You mean this tonic works?" A pony in a wheelchair asks.

"It seems to work for Granny," Applejack said.

"You heard it here, folks!" Flim suddenly said.

"Our Miracle Curative Tonic is Granny Smith tested, and Applejack approved!" Flam said.

"If Applejack says it works, that's good enough for me!" The same pony said as the crowd broke out in a frenzy, buying the tonic.

"Do you see the damage your words were doing? All those ponies had serious injuries and ailments that they would do anything to get better. So, when the pinnacle of truth says it is okay, then who would doubt her? Another example of negligence and carelessness from a national hero!" Jason spat.

More murmurs went off as harsh glares fell upon Applejack. None of her friends knew what to do. In truth, most of them were just as shocked that Applejack would lie to such a degree. "How could you do that, Applejack?" Cadance said in a disappointed tone.

"Indeed. That was a most unwise act!" Luna said with more venom than she meant.

"I-I-I..." Applejack sighs forlornly as she dips her head in shame. "Y'all are right. I should not have lied about that tonic. I should not have given that endorsement. I'm not perfect. Why, I used to lie up a storm something fierce when I was a filly. But, I always made up for it in the end,"

Applejack approaches horn and shows the Leap of Faith episode again. While Applejack's had visible concern for Granny Smith, those concerns turned out to be as Granny and Applebloom won the competition. However, more and more ponies were buying the tonic as it kept coming up. The brother took every opportunity to flaunt Applejack's endorsement until it became too much for the farm mare to bear. Applejack starts to tell the truth about the tonic, but Silver Shills points at Granny Smith, attempting to break the high dive record. Applejack narrowly made it in time to catch her Granny mid-dive.

"I hate to disappoint every pony, but this tonic is a fake!" Applejack declared.

The ponies all gasp as the one in a wheelchair speaks up. "But, you gave it your stamp of approval,"

"Are you saying you lied?" Another pony said.

"I am. I didn't mean to, but everypony seemed so much happier. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I hope that with time, I can earn back your trust. Believing in something can help a pony do amazing things. But if that belief is based on a lie, eventually, it is going to lead to trouble,"

"You see? It's okay to make a mistake now and then. As long as you own up to it," Applejack waits for applause, but she receives none. Instead, she looks around to see the gallery waiting for Jason's retort.

"Yes, a good lesson. That is one I can personally attest to as well. It's a shame its value is wasted on a pony who has repeatedly made the same mistake over and over again. What good is a lesson if you never learn?"

"Where's your proof, huh? I've learned plenty from my friends!"

"Did you learn anything when you poisoned half of Ponyville?"

"What? I have never done that!!!" Applejack shouts at the mere implication. She turns to her friends for support only to find Twilight looking nervous. "Twilight? What's wrong?"

"She never told you about this, has she?" Jason said while holding another piece of paper. "I have here for the court a medical report from Ponyville Hospital. It involves a large number of its citizens suffering from food poisoning after consuming the baked goods Pinkie Pie served,"

The courtroom gasps as the judges read the reports. "Are you saying Pinkie poisoned the town?" Cadance asks in shock.
"No. I am saying Applejack and her stubbornness did,"

Jason moves to the Gjallarhorn again. This time is showing the episode of Apple Bucking Season. It starts with Applejack declaring she can buck all the apples from the trees in the orchard to an injured Big Mac. At first, it seemed like she had everything under control - refusing aid from Twilight when the unicorn asked. However, she was running herself ragged. Many ponies saw how tired she looked when accepting an award. This prompted Twilight to ask again if she was alright, only for Applejack to rebuff her again. Then, while helping Rainbow Dash perform a trick, she nearly sent the prismatic mare into orbit.

Twilight came to revisit Applejack, only for Applejack to stubbornly refuse her. Finally, the scene of Jason's claim shows up with Applejack and Pinkie Pie baking goods in the kitchen. However, every ingredient Pinkie read out from the book, Applejack misheard due to her fatigue. The courtroom gagged in disgust at all the ingredients Applejack added. The result was Twilight standing in the hospital, complete from the influx of ponies green in their faces and sick to their stomach.

"No. Not bake goods. Bake Bads!" Pinkie gags as the memory ends.

"I didn't know that..." Applejack said in disbelief.

"I wonder why because not only was what you did a health violation, but many of those ponies were bedridden for weeks. You should've been fined heavily for that. Maybe, even prosecuted back then. But, the mayor swept it under the rug. It would've been bad form for an Element of Harmony involved in a potentially life-threatening scandal like food poisoning,"

As Applejack grew more uncertain, the doors opened again. Jason caught the apples and the pies coming inside. "Twilight? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I already used my stipend for that month to cover the medical bills for the sick ponies. So, I figured there was no reason to worry you," Twilight said meekly.

"What's the point of bringing up something already fixed? Twilight looked out for a friend. We helped her on the farm. And Applejack learned her lesson! it shouldn't matter!" Rainbow states firms.

"No, Rainbow. I messed up and got off easy. I can't in good conscience accept Twilight paying for my mess," Applejack said.

"Good conscience? There's nothing good about you!" The edge in Jason's tone made everyone stiffen up. "Throughout your testimony, you maintained your good character. Yet, you are the opposite of everything you said you were. Honest? Dependable? Good conscience? If any of that were true, what do you call my visit to your farm?"

Applejack gulped as her encounter with Jason was about to begin. The scene was like any other day for the apple farmer. She was there in the field bucking apples from here the trees. Wynonna was at her side, playfully barking as the apples fell into the bucket. Applejack was about to move to the next tree when Winonna started to whine and bark. Following her pet's direction, she sees a figure standing behind her fence. Applejack narrows her eyes as she moves up to her new guest.

"Can I help you?" Applejack asks. The farm mare had to cover her nose from the stretch. Jason's appearance took another dip from the last memory. Several dirty smudges and stains adorn his worn-down cloak. His clothes were showing signs of tears and holes.

"H-Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but I have nowhere else to turn," Jason said in a soft and fragile voice.

"And what do you want?"

"If-If it is not too much trouble, would you let me work at your farm? I can work any hour and out of sight,"

"Hmm, you don't look like much of an apple bucker,"

Jason leans a little forward as he pleads his case. "That's not a problem. I-I can climb the trees if you want and carry the buckets. Whatever chores you have or don't like, I can do," Jason drops entirely on his hands and knees, bowing his head as he begs. "Please, don't send me out there again!"

Applejack arches a brow as she sighs. "Alright, let's see what you got. By the looks of you, I'd say you need more than a place to work. How's a nice shower, cot, and meal sound?" Applejack motions to follow her as she walks back to the trees.

"That's great," Jason said with joy. "So, what do you need me to do?"

Applejack positions herself right in front of Jason. "I thought I show you how to buck something up close properly. It goes like this!"

Before Jason could blink, Applejack twirls around and bucks her hindlegs into his torso. There was a sickening cracking sound as Jason flew halfway back to the fence before hitting the ground. Jason gasps, trying and failing to catch his breath. White noise dominated his ears while black spots danced in his vision. He tried to sit up, but the pain flooded his body as he coughed up blood. He barely had the strength to look up at Applejack, who wore a hateful glare.

"Ya think I was born yesterday? I know who you are. You're the varmint that broke into Rarity's place and had been stalking around town! I hoped you'd be smart enough to stay off my property, but all you monsters are the same. I'm just glad I was out here instead of Applebloom or Granny. Now go back to whatever mudhole that spat you out and leaves good honest pony folk alone!"

Jason still could not move. He could barely hear Applejack's words between the ringing in his ears and Winonna's barking. He could barely even breathe. "A-A-Ark!!"

"Alright, you want to play hardball?" Applejack spins on her heels and blows into her hooves. "Winonna, sick him, girl!"

The apple family dog was on Jason in seconds. He barely had time to put his left hand up as Winonna bites into it. The new surge of pain was enough to spike an adrenaline rush in Jason as he shook the vicious puppy off and ran off into the outskirts of the farm and the forest beyond. The memory ends with haggard breaths of Jason clutching his bleeding hand and side as he collapses on the ground unconscious. Once again, the voices of the courtroom are silent. All the members, even the Flim Flam brothers, wore looks of abject horror. For added effect, Jason shows the deep bite marks on his hand to the court as he goes over to the new arrivals. Smirking, he disrobes to show off his scarred body again.

"So, tell me something? Does my tattoo match any of the trees you saw your sister buck?" Jason asks Big Mac. He saw how stern their gazes were at him. Now, their expression was one of shock and disgust. Big Mac opens and closes his mouth before he looks away. Jason then shows his hand to Granny Smith. "How about it, Granny? Can you see Winonna's dental work? She has a strong jaw,"

"..." Granny said nothing. She hangs her head in shame.

Jason only spared the fillies a glance but saved his words. All of them looked horrified, so the point was well made there. He does the same for the Pie family, sparing them a glance but saying nothing. Igneous and Cloudy looked deeply disturbed. Maud Pie was the most expressive he's ever seen her. Her eyes were wide like an average pony while she covered her muzzle. Limestone's face was a mixture of anger and disgust. But it was directed at Applejack, not Jason. She covers her ears, no doubt an instinct to hide from the sound of bones breaking. Poor Marble Pie was the worst. She crouched against her father, covering her eyes and letting out soft whimpers. Jason didn't bother looking at Rainbow's parents. They would come last with their daughter.

Moving back to Applejack, Jason saw she was still frozen in shock. He brings his fingers to his lips and blows a whistle, much like Applejack did in the memory. The sudden sound works as the mare turns her gaze to him. "Have you finished processing yet? To save time, yes, that was you. No, that was not fake. Yes, you are a lying contemptible abuser like all the others. Do you need anything else? But, I got to give you credit. You lured me in, giving me hope, only to shatter it like my ribcage. Not even Chrysalis is capable of that level of deceit,"

"N-No, I--" The Gjallarhorn pulses at that moment, seemingly done with the excuses itself, as magic bursts from Applejack. A realization flashes over her before she slowly falls to her knees. "I did that. I honestly-- Urk!" Applejack covers her mouth as she swallows the bile in her mouth.

"Yeah, I'd be sick to my stomach too. I meant what I said earlier about agreeing with that little message of the day you showed us. It fits so well with what I said about meeting your heroes. It's funny. Out of all of you who betrayed their elements, the liar is the biggest hypocrite,"

"...Why...?" A small broken voice calls out. A voice Applejack knew exceptionally well. "Why did you do that, Applejack?"

Applejack looked into the teary-eyed face of her little sister and felt more bile beginning to rise. "Applebloom, I--"

"Why?! How could you be so mean? How could you be so cruel? You always told me to treat others kindly and be straight and honest with the truth. But, you hurt him. He was begging you for help, and you sicked Winonna on him! Is that why I found blood around her mouth that day? I thought she got hurt!"

Tears begin to form in Applejack's eyes as she reaches out to her sister. "Applebloom. I'm sorry. I--"

"Sorry doesn't fix this! You! You ain't my sister!" Applebloom cries out as she runs out of the courtroom.

Granny Smith sighs deeply as she turns to her eldest. "Big Mac, can you please go after her and take her back home?"

Big Mac looks between Applejack and Granny Smith before shaking his head. "...Eeyup..." He said in a soft tone.

"Big Mac?" Applejack calls out to her older brother. Big Mac stops momentarily before quickly leaving the courtroom without turning back. Granny Smith was now standing before Applejack with a hard, stern glare. Applejack suddenly felt like a filly again as she could not look her Granny in the eyes.

"Applejack. Look at me!" Granny's tone made Applejack wince, but she complies. She trembles under Granny's gaze before the apple matriarch holds out her hoof. "Give it here,"

Applejack's eyes went wide. "G-Granny, please. You know I--"

Granny raises her hoof to silence her. "Don't embarrass them and us further,"

Nothing could stop the tears from flowing now as she slowly took her stetson hat off and handed it to Granny Smith. "...I'm sorry..."

"I ain't the one owed an apology," Granny turns away from her granddaughter as she faces Jason. Everyone gasps again as Granny bows to Jason in reverence. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to do an old mare a favor?"

"..." Jason merely cocks his head to the side.

"I figured not..." Granny silently moves and sits at the defendant's side. Applejack does the same as she sits back down at the edge of the bench. Her blonde mane cast shadows over her eyes in place of her missing stetson hat.

"Pardon our intrusion of the court. But I am Cloudy Quartz, and he's my husband, Igneous Rock. We are looking for our daughter, Pinkie. We understand that she's been dismissed,"

"Yes, she is held in confinement at the moment. The guards will take you to her. If you choose to return, there shall be no more outbursts from Pinkie Pie. Understood?" Luna asks.

The pie family all bow their heads. "Thank you, your grace,"

As the Pie family leaves, Jason steps toward the defendant's bench. There was only one left now. One more hurdle until his justice is finalized. He glares into the soul of the last mare, cocks his head to the right so that his blind eye is more prominent, and grins down at his worst tormentor. "And we saved the best for last. Hello, my little Dashie,"

"NO!!!" A sudden scream draws everyone's attention as an orange blur tackles Jason to the ground.