• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 1,206 Views, 20 Comments

Wings and Sunflowers - hehelover

Alicorns fly. Sunflowers turn with the sun. Celestia didn’t think these statements were particularly reliable. She had her reasons.

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Wings and Sunflowers

Celestia flew over a field of sunflowers.

The sunflowers were a little smaller than she anticipated, but they looked quite vibrant and alive in the morning sunlight. At this time of day, all the flowers were facing east, but they would faithfully follow the sun’s trajectory in the sky, until it vanished below the horizon.

Celestia landed, folded her wings, and watched the sunflowers turn, ever so slowly, together as one. She thought the view was quite beautiful.

Celestia and Luna walked to their throne room in Everfree Castle.

The sisters were walking side by side, and Celestia could see Luna nervous. She was never comfortable when she’s the center of attention, but this was a grand occasion, so both princesses had to be there in person. Celestia vaguely felt the gazes of hundreds of ponies around them, but she paid them no mind. Compared to the panicked glimpses Luna kept throwing at her, all the anonymous ponies seemed trivial.

After some consideration, Celestia unfolded her wing and draped it across Luna’s back. She could feel the younger princess’s muscles relaxing, just a little. The sisters continued onward, their hoofsteps in unison.

Celestia walked in the destroyed courtyard of Everfree Castle.

Her wings, damaged during the fight, hung limply at her sides. Somepony might have suggested she splint them as quickly as possible, but it was the last thing on her mind. Her eyes slowly swept over the scenes of destruction around her for the umpteenth time, as if trying to find something she knew she couldn’t.

But she did find something. A sunflower, crushed by the falling debris. The majority of the stem and the leaves were buried and nowhere to be seen, but the flower itself remained relatively intact. It lay face down on the ground, unresponsive to the sun rising in the east.

Celestia sat down and cried.

Celestia walked in the hallway of Canterlot Castle.

The newly built royal residence is both elegant and majestic, but it also felt quite barren on the inside. Spacious and monotone hallways seemed to stretch on for eternity. Aside from the occasional guard and maid, the only pony Celestia could see was Scarlet Seal, her advisor, who was struggling to keep up with the gait of an alicorn.

“…And this is all for today’s briefing, Your Highness.”

“Good. I’ll take care of the dispute between the noble houses personally. Have somepony notify them in advance. Also… could you help with getting some decoration for the castle? I’m finding it quite dreary, to be honest.”

“I’ll see it done.” After some consideration, Scarlet Seal spoke again. “However, I’m not sure if my taste in interior design matches your preferences. Do you have any specific request?”

“Hmm, not really. Just put a sunflower on the balcony adjacent to my bedroom. As for the rest, do as you deem fit.” With that, Celestia shifted her gaze straight forward, wings stiffly held against her body. It’s not like she could fly freely in the hallways.

Celestia walked to the balcony where she raised the sun every day.

It was not effortless, but not hard either. She had grown accustomed to this daily task a long time ago, to the point that it barely seemed worth noting. Similarly, she had also grown accustomed to the crowd of ponies gathered on the streets this early just to watch her raise the sun. She couldn’t see them clearly, this high up in her castle, but she imagined them all looking at her expectantly, admiration in their eyes, waiting for the moment to come.

So she opened her majestic wings and made their trip worthwhile.

Once the sun was high and secure in the sky, she folded her wings and turned to leave. The sunflower sitting on the balcony had not been moving much, she idly thought. It’s fully grown and quite a sight to behold, but the flower simply faced east all day long, seemingly unaware of its environment.

Celestia decided to have somepony paint the sunflower, then move it to the gardens. A painting hung on her bedroom wall could preserve the static beauty of the plant for a much longer time. Also, it would be facing her all the time.

Celestia walked to her throne room.

By her side was the griffin ambassador, Guy, who was somewhat surprisingly a polite and pleasant individual even by pony standards. Celestia found herself actually enjoying his company, though she couldn’t say the same for almost all the ambassadors before him.

“…And that is why, I think, recreating what we see with our eyes faithfully shouldn’t be the only goal a painter has in mind. Exaggerate! Accentuate! Beauty does exist in everything we see, but not many creatures can actually find it. That’s the true obligation of an artist: to bring out the beauty and engrave it in the mind of everycreature! Wouldn’t you agree, Your Highness?”

“Very interesting observation, Sir Guy. I’m inclined to agree with you, but my personal take on this matter is that art is only meaningful to somecreature if it can evoke strong emotions in their heart. We ponies might be emotional, but nopony can say they are attached to every single thing they see. There might be a painting that is universally accepted as beautiful, but for some, this word only means ‘pleasant to the eye’, while for others, it may mean so much more.” Celestia glanced around her, trying to find an example. “Ah, for instance, that painting of a sunflower over there.” She stopped and pointed to a painting hung high on the wall.

“Well, at this distance, it’s a little hard to admire the finer details. I can only say the colors look strikingly vibrant. May I fly up to have a closer look, Your Highness?”

“Be my guest. Some time ago a very talented artist painted this sunflower for me. The painting once served as a decoration in my bedroom, but later I felt the need to replace it with one painted by myself. My skill with a brush is nothing to speak of, but I think I can appreciate my own work a bit more.”

Celestia stood on the floor and watched the ambassador flapping his wings and mumbling in front of the painting. She was sure she didn’t need a closer look herself to answer whatever questions the griffon might have. She was quite familiar with it, after all.

Celestia sat in a chariot pulled by her pegasi guards.

Another year, another Summer Sun Celebration. This year’s event was going to be held in Fillydelphia. It was not exactly a short trip, going from Canterlot all the way to the coast, and not for the first time, she thought about potential ways to make it easier for everypony. Theoretically, she could teleport, or better yet, fly to her destination, but doing so would certainly leave her exhausted upon her arrival. Her little ponies didn’t need to see her panting and sweating.

Celestia sighed. Equestria could really use a more efficient transportation system. She had once heard about a recent invention called a train which supposedly could carry hundreds of ponies all at once at a reasonable speed. It sounded very promising, but Celestia doubted her chariot-riding days would end anytime soon. Apparently ponies loved seeing her descending from the sky, even if she hadn’t flapped her wings even once during the whole trip.

Although Celestia had never admitted it, even after all this time she still wasn’t used to flying without really flying, without feeling the air rushing through her feathers. It didn’t feel natural, but natural ponies should only have the power of one tribe, not three. Natural ponies should use their wings to fly, not to make themselves seem bigger than they actually were. Natural ponies had one power so they made the most of it; she had three but it didn’t feel like she was using any of them.

She ruffled her feathers, trying to recall the last time she flew freely. She knew better than to actually spread her wings: it would only make it harder for the chariot-pulling guards. Their job was already demanding enough.

She must have been too lost in her own thoughts to notice they were already beginning to land. Down on the ground, thousands of ponies watched the chariot attentively, their heads turning in perfect unison. She now found their motions somewhat disturbing.

Celestia and Twilight Sparkle walked the well-lit hallways of Canterlot Castle.

She didn’t tell the little filly where they were going. It was a surprise she had prepared for her student, after all. Then again, Twilight was exceptionally smart, so she might have guessed why her mentor would personally wake her up well before sunrise. She was hard working, but not an early riser.

The trip to the balcony was without incident, save for Twilight’s constant yawning. She hadn’t asked many questions, though Celestia was unsure whether it was because she wasn’t awake enough or because she already had a guess in mind and was simply waiting for confirmation. Either way, her gasp when she saw the stairs to Celestia’s bedroom tower meant she knew what was going on.

“Princess Celestia, are we… Are we going to watch the sunrise today?”

“Indeed. Twilight, you have been my student for a year now, and I’m constantly impressed by your passion and your progress. Consider this a little reward, if you will. Now come, if the sun doesn’t appear over the horizon in the next five minutes, ponies are going to worry.”

They arrived at the balcony just in time. Celestia decided against opening her wings as usual; the balcony was not very large and she had a little filly by her side today. She took a deep breath and lit her horn.

Twilight was barely higher than the railing, but still she struggled to peer over it. She watched the sun slowly rising in the east, a thoughtful expression on her face. Celestia couldn’t help but notice the filly wasn’t looking at her, unlike the ponies down in the streets below.

With the sun high in the sky, the light surrounding Celestia’s horn faded. “So, what do you think, Twilight?” She asked.

Twilight flinched. Clearly she wasn’t expecting a question, especially such a simple one. “Sorry Princess I didn’t pay too much attention I was just thinking about how much energy you need to spend in order to raise the sun although I know it’s not really a simple levitation… Silly me.” Embarrassed, she decided to turn around and nearly walked into the sunflower on the balcony.

Celestia chuckled. Twilight was a cute filly, especially when she was mortified for no good reason. Still, she had to lighten her mood quickly, or she would be downcast all day long. “It’s okay, Twilight. You reminded me, I need to water this sunflower today. Why don’t we go get some water together?”

This sunflower had been a somewhat recent addition to the balcony, though she had no idea whether it was a descendent of the original one from nearly a millennium ago. With her wait almost over, her dark and gloomy painting didn’t feel appropriate anymore, and while she couldn’t find the chance to spread her wings freely, trying to use her earth pony powers every now and then was still within her abilities.

Twilight was eager to help her mentor take care of the plant, especially after Celestia confirmed she would do it the earth pony way. After the work was done, Twilight returned to being thoughtful, but on the way to the dining room for breakfast she suddenly spoke up.

“Princess, I think it’s a really smart idea for you to keep this sunflower on your balcony.”

“Oh? How so?”

“Sunflowers follow the sun since they need all the sunlight they can get to grow, but once they mature, they don’t need to do that anymore. Only young sunflowers turn constantly, while mature sunflowers in the wilds always face east. That’s because sunflowers actually prefer sunlight in the morning over sunlight in the afternoon. Surely the balcony where you raise the sun every day would have the most glorious morning sunlight, just perfect for sunflowers!” Twilight beamed, her eyes sparkling.

Celestia extended a wing and draped it across Twilight’s back. “My faithful student, you just taught me something new. I must admit that was not my original intention; I just keep it there because I like seeing it right after sunrise,” She paused. “Thank you, Twilight, for telling me this.”

Celestia and Luna walked in the castle garden.

The faceless moon shone bright in the night sky, accompanied by a spectacular sea of stars. Luna really outdid herself this time. Even after a millennium, Celestia still couldn’t arrange the celestial bodies as artfully as her sister did. Not that she had ever put much effort into it, anyway.

Neither sister spoke, both of them deep in thought. They walked side by side through the meandering paths, hoofsteps neither heavy nor light. In other words, they walked like a normal pair of sisters would. The silence between them was a knowing one.

Finally, it was Luna who broke this silence. “Are you sure you want to do this, sister? The last few years have been… quite eventful, and no doubt it will be even more so in the near future. They might still need you. She might still need you.”

Celestia stopped, looking up at the beautiful starscape. She smiled a tired smile. “The sunflowers have to grow up eventually. But you are the moon, Luna. It is you who doesn’t have to do it.”

Luna said nothing. After several seconds, Celestia felt the warmth of her little sister’s wing on her back.

Celestia and Luna walked alongside a field of sunflowers.

The sunflowers were tall, vibrant, beautiful, and paying no heed to the setting sun over the horizon. The fact that neither Celestia’s nor Luna’s horn was lit at this time of day was of no importance to them. They just stood proudly, ready to embrace the next sunrise.

Soon, the sun vanished completely, but clouds stained by its red glow were still lighting up the sky. Celestia moved her gaze away from the horizon and took a deep breath. She heard Luna’s voice beside her. “Are you ready, Tia?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Both sisters opened their wings and took flight.

Comments ( 20 )

This was a beautiful story! I loved the metaphors of sunflowers.

Really great story. Simple, but choked full of metaphor and meaning. Thanks for writing.

Ah, what a nice little meaningful story! Celestia and sunflower is a concept that I haven’t ever seen before, but it works so well! Thanks for the tale, and congratulations on making your second story here!:pinkiehappy: (I can still remember the moment under Paul’s blog when you said that you will never let others see your privately written original horse words and will stick to just translating them into Chinese lol.):rainbowwild:
Also, the nerd inside me says: “Well, sunflowers would turn to face the sun because they need sunlight, but the chemical that makes them turn (and makes all plants grow) actually hates sunlight..”:moustache:

The sunflowers were tall, vibrant, beautiful, and paying no heed to the setting sun over the horizon. The fact that neither Celestia’s nor Luna’s horn was lit at this time of day was of no importance to them. They just stood proudly, ready to embrace the next sunrise.

And there it goes. Still pretty good up until this point, though.

I guess you just downvoted the story, and it would seem the reason's you're not fond of Season 9, which is fair I suppose. (If I assume wrong, I apologize.) I just find the situation funny because I didn't even watch the latter half of Season 9 since I lost interest. I don't have a particularly strong opinion about it though, and this narrative fits the theme I was going for. Anyway, I hope that you understand my decision and at least enjoyed the story excluding the ending part. Cheers.:twilightsmile:

Edit: saw you edited your comment while I was writing the reply. Thanks for the appreciation.

?? What are you referring to?

The last line where finally Celestia spreads her wings with her sister really speaks to me.


I guess you just downvoted the story, and it would seem the reason's you're not fond of Season 9, which is fair I suppose.

You know, your ability to understand subtext in others' words amazes me, and I've felt that way since the last time I saw you talk about ponyfics.:twilightsheepish: I guess that is part of the reason why you're so good with words in this tale.

Seriously though, I can't understand why should anyone stop liking a story just because another story wasn't good. Granted, it implies that the "dislikeable" part in that other story exists, but 1) it's not the focus, and 2) its purpose is to serve the keypoint of the story and draw out emotions, not to tell you that something that doesn't intertain you exists. It's like good vegetables that grew up in manure, it may be a pain to harvest and cook (gathering "canon" material for fanfiction), but complaining about its origin when consuming it is very annoying and pointless because the fic itself doesn't deserve that.
Also, it’s a good idea to not talk about things barely related to the story here (like how you brought up your dislike of whatever "canon" things have), :facehoof:especially when it involves saying that said unrelated thing is bad, because it affects the mood here in a bad way and derails the conversation from the story, thank you.:twilightsmile:
Also, we shouldn't agree with disliking (unrelated to the story itself) things and say it out loud, its a welcome invitation to the folks who are just here to read a story to hate stuff together.
Wait, they are "Save My Little Pony"…… please, don't complain about the show itself when reading fanfic here, it's asking for trouble.:twilightoops:

I wouldn't comment too much on what they believe and how they intend to achieve their goal, but you overestimated me. The comment section of their profile page is, well, a wonder to behold, and it's easy to make an educated guess from there. People have the right to downvote, with or without giving their reasons in the comments. For creators who do care about downvotes, a downvote with reason explained is obviously better than a silent downvote, even if the creator finds the reason ridiculous. I think this has always been my stance on the subject.

Weird but serious opinion below:
OK, thanks for the reply, but that is not the point. It’s not about them, it’s about the general atmosphere. I’d say that they did well enough by being vague about what made them dislike this story, because it’s a sensitive topic (and that it doesn’t help the author improve). That would have been fine, but you had to point out the reason and agree with their dislike. That is not good because it causes people to hate things together (and it’s something unrelated to the story itself, which is even worse because it is pointlessly spreading the bad vibes). It’s not good for the atmosphere of the comment section is all I am saying. Also, disliking and expressing disappointment for things together and saying it out loud is not “funny”, because we can’t laugh at something that is disappointing. There are things we don’t say out loud for the sake of enjoyment, remembering them don’t teach us anything, and I’d say these things are better off forgotten.
On an unrelated note, have a weird metaphor I thought of (sorry but I really like crazy metaphors): I think their actions are like the Great Cultural Revolution (yes, that one).

Also, congratulations on the feature!:pinkiehappy: You deserve it, and I say you should write more.

It’s only not good for the atmosphere when people abandon their logic and composure. As long as there’s calm, civilized and effective communication, I’d say we can talk and even argue about whatever in the comment section. I’m all for being positive and harmonious and all that but I don’t think a community where everyone unconditionally expresses their “love” for each other’s work is something I want. I want to everyone to say what they really want to say so that we can see if there’s any room for improvement or possibility to settle the differences. In any case, if you agree that adopting the show’s ending doesn’t affect my story in a bad way, then a story’s comments should have even less thing to do with the story itself. We are all here for the stories and that’s what really counts. We ourselves are not exactly having the most cordial conversation right now so if you think there’s a bad vibe here you could just concede.:rainbowlaugh:

Also when did I say I also dislike Season 9 like they did? I just didn’t watch the latter half but I don’t have any problem recognizing it as valid canon. I just lost interest is all. MLPFIM was never a top notch animated series, for me fanfic is the only thing that kept the fandom going.

What an interesting story. i love how the breaks in the story shows how Celestia changed over the centuries.

This is a pretty nice story.

Like the cover you used

Both sisters opened their wings and took flight.

And then the fandom today still wonders where they are today in g5

Pretty nice story you made. It really shows how celestia has changed over the years from the beginning to the end or rain as a ruler.

Very well done my friend

That was a good story.

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