• Published 28th Dec 2022
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Fallout Equestria: S.T.A.L.K.E.R - aegishailstorm

Most fear that which they cannot comprehend, whereas a Stalker must figure out a way to make a career out of it.

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Chapter 28: Galivanting in The Moonlight

Chapter 28: Galivanting in The Moonlight

The distinct silhouettes of three figures walked in unison down the quiet highway. Hooves and a set of boot prints marked their northbound direction of travel as even more so than the paltry shadows which were barely present under the overcast skies above them. Nikolai, having turned a profit already today, was in high spirits. And now, as they gradually grew ever closer to the glowing monolith in the distance that marked the remains of Canterlot. A deathtrap in the eyes of Willow and Flashpoint, but a sparkling goldmine in the eyes of their resident Stalker.

"You were telling me about this 'Everfree forest'? Go on, please. I implore you."

"Yes, yes!" Willow butted in. "Have you ever seen a green tree before Nikolai? A normal tree? Leaves, live wood, the whole thing?" The Stalker's eyebrow curved downwards, and pied a glance at his Thestral friend. The statement could have been taken as a joke, a mere exaggeration. But Willow sounded dead serious in his tone of voice. And as far as physical evidence went, the distinct lack of anything green that wasn't glowing or dead and bone dry enough to give an Earthly Fire Marshal a seizure.

"You... Cannot be serious. Of course I have seen a real tree before. I walked right past one just... Two week ago? I am starting to loose track. But truly, on Earth, Europe- That is, trees are a thing you cannot easily avoid. They are everywhere, Pine, Oak... Aspen, Birch. Why do you ask me this?"

"Forget normal, the Everfree Forest is different. Now you have keep in mind that I've never actually traveled within it's borders, only flown over it from time to time. And even then, there's still a big risk inherent in that."

"What is it?" The Stalker resisted the urge to facepalm. "Quit dance around question, tell me blin! I want to know! Spill beans! Wait... Not actual beans, please. Tell truth, I mean." Willow rolled his eyes. "Alright... The Everfree forest is a place of unstable, wild magic. One of the last remaining bits of the Old World. Over the centuries it has remained mostly unchanged... " Nikolai was tempted to respond, but he bid his tongue until Willow was finished.

"Like I said, I've never landed within it's boundaries, but it goes on for some distance. Its at least an hours flight across, and even then. Only a fool would go directly through it. Like I said, it's wild and uncharted. Green and lush and untouched, sure. But don't let the pretty sights fool you. It is home to some very, very old magic. I've only heard stories, none of this is first hoof. The weather is erratic at least, and seemingly intentionally hostile at most. Almost everything in there wants to kill you one way or another."

"Flashpoint." Nikolai turned to his zebra companion." Do you have anything to add?"

"Nothing that Willow has not already told you. I do recall a tale of a mutant chicken that could turn you to stone just by staring at you." Nikolai smiled under his mask. "Ah, no problem! Is easy fix with Vodka. Also... Strange thing to say... But, I need more Vodka. Where could I acquire some?"

"Did you really just ask me where you could find some Vodka after you told me to stop drinking 3 days ago?"

"Da, I did. Slavs have prerequisite tolerance to intoxicating beverages of all kinds!"

"Oh really?" Flashpoint asked him. "Then why are you always stumbling around... Slurring your words?" The Stalker set his gloved hands back in his pockets. "Wards off radiation poisoning!" Flashpoint rolled his eyes. It was an uncommon sight for anyone who had been around the usually literal zebra.

"Sure, and bullets taste like candy." The Stalker wagged his index finger. "Do not use the sarcasm with me. It eh... No work like that." Willow readjusted his battle saddle, and looked down the highway.

"Flashpoint," The Stalker tugged on his vest, and turned down the radio. "Yes Nikolai?" A gust of wind blew a cloud of dust between the two of them. "Where do ponies get their names from? And zebras? You are Flashpoint, Willow Lamp is Willow Lamp, please elaborate!"

"Well-" Nikolai put his fiends thought to an abrupt halt with a slowly raised clenched fist. "Hold, there is something off... Take cover behind electrical pole, I need get binoculars." He took a knee and squinted his eyes.

"Are you looking at the abandoned town out there?" Nikolai remained silent for a few seconds. "No, is Wasteland playing trick on poor Nikolai, or... Is that a castle? No, I do not mean Canterlot. The regular, small, not glowing one just up road."

The Wasteland was not trying to trick Nikolai, he was indeed looking directly at a ruined castle some 2 kilometers away off in the distance. On a slight rise just above a town which intersected his current route. His PDA had failed to mention it, only the town below. The name, ' Frontiers Keep'. Should have alerted him, but, he never thought any more of it. The Stalker, now crouched comfortably in a drainage ditch, examined the map on his PDA.

"Ok... So, I wanted direct route to Canterlot, but- That is not possible at moment. But, but! I did find route that would get us back to main road faster than cross country hike. "

"Let me guess..." Willow deadpanned, "It's through the Everfree Forest?" Nikolai nodded feverously. "Why yes it is. We are a ways away from Canterlot... And besides, I survive Chernobyl Exclusion Zone! I venture past and into Red Forest! How bad could this 'Everfree forest' be? There! I got you! I go through more scary stuff then you!"

"I wouldn't know..." Willow responded enthusiastically. "I once had tea with a three headed radroach." The Stalker wheezed through his mask.

"Ohoho! Someone feels snarky! I swear, I will find more insane thing! Just wait! I just need think through all the epic tales I have had!" For all of his talk, all Nikolai could think about in the moment was how painful radiation poisoning felt. And how unpleasant throwing up buckwheat was. As his friends fell silent among one another, this agonizing collection of thoughts followed him all the way to the outskirts of town, lost in his thoughts, Nikolai had scarcely thought to notice the myriad of equine figures moving to and froe across their direct front. Not until Willow kicked him in the leg. And, when that gathered his attention, the crackle of small arms fire some 400 meters away certainty did. The softer cracks and loud 'thumping' noises told the Stalker that he was being engaged with an assortment of pistol calibers. This was occasional punctuated by the much louder and sharper crack of a rifle round. Thirty seconds passed, and then a minute. The crackle of gunfire and the distinct noise of bullets flying in their direction remained. But, so far, none had hit their mark. In fact, none had struck anywhere near the three. Meaning that either whomever was shooting at them wasn't actually trying to hit them, or... They were just really bad shots.

Based on his fairly recent 'past' experiences, Nikolai decided to dwell on the latter. He took knee and rested his rifle on the edge of the drainage ditch. After just a few moments of searching through his four times magnification rifle optic and it's faintly glowing red chevrons, and had been able to identify at least 4 ponies clad in roughshod armor, more fled in and out his field of view as he watched. Muzzle flashes from a few of the foremost buildings along the road. Which, as Nikolai observed, let straight through the town's center. Intersecting another road which ran Northwest to Southeast. The Stalker laughed and ducked back into the ditch.

"I believe I have identified big problem with Wasteland!" Willow raised and eyebrow as his left ear twitch from another gunshot.

"Do tell!" The Thestral responded hastily, peaking out of the ditch and raising his carbine as he did.

"It has come to my... Personal attention!" He gritted his teeth." That there are exactly three ways to traverse Wasteland, across country, where you risk starvation, dehydration, irradiation, bad weather, or feral wildlife. Along big highway, like Route 52! Where you risk all other things, but added bonus of roving caravans and occasional slavers! And, worse still- Along smaller roads, through towns- Where you get all of the things- Maybe less chance of no food. But instead, get wonderful Raiders that can see you from kilometers away! And... Big cities! Weather problem less of problem, but you get all sorts of- Well, Flashpoint, do you recall Splendid Valley? I make good point, yes?" The zebra shivered, and smiled at the ground.

"Thank you for stating the obvious oh so clearly Nikolai!" Willow said, his voice blossoming with sudden enthusiasm. "So, what's the plan for getting past this place? You do have a plan... Right?" The Stalker had taken to studying the landscape and scattered ruins to the west of Frontiers Keep. The more he watched it, the more he took notice of the occasional bits of dirt getting thrown up into the air. Which he took to be either small creatures stumbling into land mines, or the place where the majority of the Raiders shots were landing. Either way, it was out of the question.

"Nyet. That is several hundred meter dash across open ground. Is better to be safe then sorry!" He turned back to the town, and examined it again, this time through his binoculars. "Hmmm..."

"What is it?" Flashpoint asked, taking a step closer. The Stalker's head snapped back to Willow. "You have the night vision, yes?" The bat pony hesitated, and nodded, ruffling his snout. "Yes, I do. We should wait until Nightfall, and then we'll sneak right past them."

"One thing!" The Stalker exclaimed in a hushed whisper. "I want to check out that castle up there. I never get chance to visit proper, medieval castle before! Always either cheesy hotel or small ancient ruins, couple rocks in field! But this? This is something worth time! We go there, then detour through Everfree Forest, and then... Canterlot!" The Stalker lowered his head, and prepared for the long wait until nightfall. It was a shame, but... There was nothing else he could do. Trying to back up would expose them, trying to move forward would definitely expose them to direct gunfire coming from the town. Nikolai didn't like waiting in one place for long periods of time, and nightfall was still another couple of hours away. The thought of the raiders in town flanking around them and tossing grenades into the trench flashed in his mind as the sweat that had permeated on the shirt beneath his jacket all day finally began to dry, sending little shivers across his chest as he clumsily laid back in the ditch, slinging his rucksack off to one side as he did to better hide himself.

"There must be better option." He slowly raised his rifle back up over the berm, pointing it eastwards across the road, as he surveyed the landscape, he noticed a ruined barn about a half of a kilometer away. And a set of windmills just beyond it. They stood a better chance if they could make it over there without catching any stray rounds.

About half an hour into their wait, long after the gunfire had stopped, Nikolai tapped both Flashpoint and Willow on the shoulder, and beckoned them to move in closer so they could hear his whisper.

"Listen!" He said to them. "I have done a lot of thinking, and... I have come up with pre plan to actual plan! Now... Is just a little bit more risk involved. But, I am sick of sitting in hole! I have rifle, they are bad shot... Look!" He directed them towards the decaying barn.

"Yes? What about it?"

"If we make break for it... And we make it, then we will be in much better spot. Is no question. Besides, they have stopped shooting at us. And I have not seen any ponies of any sort in past two minutes." Flashpoint raised left his eyebrow. "A changing of the guard perhaps?"

"Давай! Either way, we have an opening! Let's go. This will be at long, straight dash. Do not stop for anything, yes?" The Stalker unscrewed the cap of his last bottle of Vodka, and took a short swig, he clasped his hands together, threw his rucksack back on, and took hold of his rifle.

"Alright, you go right after me, yes?" He pied one last look over his shoulder, and then, in one fell motion, scrambled up over the berm and bolted across the street to the drainage ditch on the other side. When no report of gunfire followed. He ushered his friends to get up and keep going.

The Stalker jumped up over the berm on the far side of the road and took off across open ground. Swinging his rifle from side to side in both hands, he focused himself on one thing and one thing only, making it to the other side. He was a good runner. It wasn't a foreign action to him, far from it in fact. Running, moving fast. It was just another part of a Stalker's life. Be it from a mutant who had just jumped you in the woods while you were 'taking care of business, chasing a three eyed squirrel that just took your coin pouch, or simply bolting across an open field to avoid the most unsavory addition of additional holes to one's body. It was hard to tell from his own perspective, but... Nikolai guessed that he was now at the halfway point.

In reality, he wasn't halfway, he was almost there. He just hadn't realized it because of the adrenaline running through his body. He very nearly almost dove into the old desecrated barn once he had reached it. He turned his head to realize that his friends were still at least a hundred meters behind him.

"Hurry, hurry!" He thought to himself, waving at them furiously and pointing toward the barn interior. A tense silence fell over the landscape as the two equines staggered into the barn, digging their hooves into the barn dirt to keep themselves from tripping over themselves.

"What took so long?" He tapped the temple of his forehead and crossed his arms.

" Flashpoint and I had to weave ourselves around some mines! You're lucky you didn't step on any!" The Stalker sighed. "Well, is too late to go back then! Look around, at least we are safe until Nightfall! Then... We go to castle up on hill!" Flashpoint smiled awkwardly.

"You cannot possibly still be thinking of going up there, right?"

"Am just curious! Is first time in Equestria after all, I still want to see the sights! Besides, those чудові хуліган Delightful fools must be protecting or after something! And, if it is valuable, I want it more than them!"

Exactly four hours had passed since Nikolai and his friends first made it into the dilapidated barn, now... It was beginning to get dark outside, and through his illuminated optic, he examined the fire-lit townscape. There wasn't an electrical light to be seen.

"Alright, Willow? Is time. Can you lead us? I would but... I cannot see in the dark."

The bat pony grinned as his eyes flickered like glow sticks in the near pitch blackness of the barn interior. The trio gathered their composure and set out across the moonlit field, for Nikolai to resent the moons presence was a certain first for him. Usually, it was comforting. A little bit of ominous blue and greyish light that poked through the clouds and highlighted potential dangers. If not that then it was simply a sight to behold all in of itself. But, tonight. It served only to outline the Stalker and his two Equine companions. One of which bore leathery wings and glided at what looked to be just centimeters off the ground. At the very least, Willow was able to lead them across the open field and onto a farm road that led towards the eastern side of the town. Moving as quickly as possible with an effort to keep noise to a minimum, The group jumped a stone boundary fence and began heading northwards along it. At just 100 meters from the towns edge, right near the crossroad, Nikolai took a sudden knee and surveyed the patchwork of barricades along the road. Moving his glowing triangular crosshair from silhouette to silhouette, and resting the handguard of his rifle on a bended knee to follow them for a few moments each to try to gaze their intentions.

While some ponies or other sentient creatures might think that it's downright suicidal to draw so close to an armed and illuminated force in the broad moonlight, even without it's full presence. A trained mind would know better. The bright lights within the town and the dark exterior, combined with a poor line of sight meant that Nikolai and his friends were almost perfectly obscured. To the raiders in town, nothing seemed amiss, and the sighting of the Stalker early was simply dismissed, with no effort made to go after him whatsoever.

"Alright, it all good, go!" He ordered in a hushed whisper, the three briskly made their way to the opposite road that ran northwest to southeast, and crossed it with only a minor stumble due to a loosely tied boot string on left foot snagging on a crack in the road. Something he remedied as soon as they were safe behind a dead cherry tree in the front yard of a dilapidated single story Victorian home.

"See? What did I tell you?" The Stalker asked his friends. "Worked perfectly!" After a quick break to catch his breath and relax his nerves behind the homestead they had stopped at through the judicial use of a mouthful of saltine crackers.

"You finished?" Willow asked him with curiosity as he and Flashpoint waited by a torn picket fence. "We should go! I heard voices next door!" The Thestral's words seemed to go unheard, and Nikolai continued on at his own pace. Crinkling up the packet and carefully lodging it into the coat pocket under his vest.

"Are you seriously still considering the castle? The other side of the highway is right there! We could probably make it to the outer limits of the Everfree by morning if we tried!" Nikolai shook his head, and beckoned for his friends to follow him with his dominant hand gripping the pistol grip of his AK 101 as he did. He waited until they were right behind him, and, as soon as they were both fully present, took off at a brisk pace towards the castle on the low hilltop.

Willow's ears snapped upwards.

"Fwoosh!" The sound of what sounded like a firework interrupted their slow jogging-like approach. The Stalker froze in his tracks, and turned to his companions. He had a sneaking suspicion as to what he had just heard.

"What was that?" Flashpoint asked him. "Wait for it..." Nikolai counted down with the fingers on his left hand. "Wait, stay still- Blin! I know what that is! Press yourself against the ground!" Flashpoint arched an eyebrow in the darkness. "Why?" All of a sudden, something shot up from within the castle, drifting out towards the town, in a burst of brilliant light, it ignited in mid air. Turning night into day and casting long shadows across the open stony field. One slightly terrified Ukrainian Stalker and two Equestrians not withstanding. Angry shouting from behind them devolved into bursts of gunfire.

"Blay-" Willow raised his hoof in front of of Nikolai's mask. "They aren't shooting at us! Look!" The Stalker moved his head from his planked out position in the cold dirt to turn his gaze back and forth between the town and the castle. A few bolts of red energy arched down from the castles array of parapets.

"Energy weapons?" Flashpoint edged closer. "Could it be the Enclave?"

"Nyet, I do not think so but- I have been wrong. Come on! We crawl, then we find out once they stop shooting! Whoever it is could need help! For pay!" Willow almost facehoofed at the statement. "Look where we are! How can you possibly be thinking of caps at a time like this!?"

"Why, of course! Plus... We might make new friend! Is always good thing! Давай!! We go! Quick! Before the raiders realize we aren't one of them!" His radio crackled to life again. Spouting the opening notes to 'Night Shift' as they resumed their short 'walk' towards the castle with renewed vigor. Led by Nikolai, who aggressively marched ahead of them, death gripping his rifle as the trip briskly made their way up the bombed out hill and down along the main road towards the castle.

"Halt!" A mechanical voice cried out. The crack of a rifle round over their heads told Nikolai that it might be prudent to try to heed the strangers advice.

"What!?" Nikolai shouted back.

"Who is this? Who is in there? Tell me, please! Sorry for sudden appearance! I uh... This may seem like odd question at this time and hour, but could you let me tour castle?" The sound of heavy metal hoof steps resounded from beyond the gates, and the glare of a Steel Rangers helmet shown through, Nikolai glanced downwards and spotted a pair of belt fed light machine guns on either side of of the suit. Both pointed at him and his compatriots.

"Who the fuck are you?" The voice demanded. "What are you doing here? How did you get past our sharpshooters?" The Stalker waved his right hand in a gesture of peace.

"Hello Ranger! Name is Nikolai! This is Flashpoint and that... is Willow! Sorry for late night stop, but I saw castle from road, and I got curious! I already make good name for self with you! I am friend, promise!"

The voice spoke again. Whoever was behind it sounded annoyed and surprised all at once. "You've got a lotta nerve just walkin' up to a Ranger outpost in the middle of the Night that's getting besieged by raiders. Do yourself a favor and get lost. We won't shoot you, we promise." The Ranger turned away and trotted back into the darkness of the castle courtyard.

"So... What now Nikolai?" Willow asked him. "Please don't tell me you're thinking of trying to sneak in there." Nikolai snickered, and waved his proposition away. "Of course not! I am not that crazy! I wouldn't dream of it! But hold on, hold on!" Nikolai stopped them before they could take a step back. He whirled around and flipped the Rangers off with his free hand.

"And now, we run! Quickly!" He ushered them away, giggling madly in the darkness as he once more beckoned his friends northwest, away from the disappointment of Fortunes Keep and towards whatever the Everfree Forest held in store. Nikolai could only hope that it would provided him with a bit of respite from the Wasteland. But either way, he was just looking forward to seeing a green tree again. Even if it did end up talking. In which case the Stalker would either befriend it, or swiftly acquire a new set of undried firewood. As the coarse dirt and gravel underfoot turned back into asphalt, the Stalker wished he could let his mind wander. But, he kept himself fully awake, lest he trip over some other abomination, or his own friends in the moonlight.

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