• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 24 - Then We Might Bend but Never Break

“How come we need to walk, and they are being carried?”

“She likes them.”

The journey was painfully exhausting for the two fillies.

It didn’t help that they were constantly seeing Fluttershy and Pinkie gleefully riding on Isabella’s back.

“I… is this our fault?” Applejack pondered.


Had we shown her kindness as well… then maybe we would get the same treatment.

But they hadn’t. “Applejack… we should probably try to make amends… normally adults at least pretend to love all fillies equally, and the fact that she doesn't…."

It just wasn’t a good sign.

“Well… I don’t trust her.…” And she didn’t want to fake it.

They admitted they wanted to kill Rainbow…

They are of an unknown species…

They were wearing Equestrian armour.

And they definitely weren’t Equestrian soldiers.

How did they get those?

But one additional fact remained. “They seem to be allies of Princess Twilight.”

“Rarity… that doesn’t mean much.” Because she also didn’t trust Twilight.

“Applejack… our options are really bad…."

We can’t face Princess Celestia without her daughter…

We are in her daughter’s bad graces…

We are walking with suspicious adults…

And even those adults seemed to hate them.

“Rarity… I feel trapped.” And Applejack didn’t see a way out.

At least not a way that would allow her to reunite with her family and be sure they wouldn’t be put in danger.

Or end with her arrest.

“We… are in a precarious spot, yes. But if we find Twilight, then it should be fine.” The princesses didn’t like them.

But Rarity was sure that they wouldn’t let it out on them if they returned.

As long as we don’t return without her daughter.

Because Celestia had made it more than clear that she loved her daughter.

And Mom always said that if she lost me, then she would forever be sad.

She could only imagine how an all-powerful alicorn would react to that.

React to them being directly involved in that loss.

There truly was only one option for them.


He closed the door behind him.

“I wanted to talk to you about the new directives.” The other earth pony had been expecting him.

And he could see that she was tired.

Very tired.

But just as it was for him, she, too, couldn't allow herself to sleep.

Not when there was work left to be done.

So, instead of sleeping, his equally exhausted eyes stared back at her, with him barely managing to form a response. “We must execute the will of the crown, Dandelion.”

The will of a murderer.

“What is your opinion on the directives?” He may have said one thing, but he didn't believe it did he?

“We must execute the will of the crown,” Scribbling asserted once more.

“Yes. Yes. But I asked you for your opinion. Don't make me order you to give it to me.” They were alone, and he was surely aware that she was the last one who would snitch.

Why do you make this so difficult?

Scribbling slumped down and leaned back onto the chair, wiping his eyes. “I don’t see why they suddenly want us to propagate… those things.

“Why tell foals that those things are right… I don’t understand where this is suddenly coming from.”

You really are surprised by this?

“I know… we can’t allow their minds to be poisoned into becoming mindless drones for Celestia. Those are impressionable foals who rely on us to protect them. They don’t have anypony else. We need to prevent-”

“The crown only wants to make sure they are… look, this part wasn't what I meant. Of course, the princess wants to use her resources to make ponies love her. There is nothing wrong with that. Why would she use state funds to turn them against her?" The new directives were definitely a step up, almost outlawing anything that would result in their charges questioning the princess, but he could understand those parts.

Other parts he couldn't understand.

How are you capable of accepting us doing outright brainwashing?

I just don’t understand how do you make it work with your morals?

Yet she knew he wasn’t lost, else she would already be dead. “What did you mean?”

“Why does she want us to teach foals that homosexuality is ok?” He was getting worked up.

The question bothered him severely.

And it also didn't help that it was just mushed in there together with the other directives, all of them being with no explanation whatsoever.


“What do you mean? We always have propagated that it is ok.” Dandelion was confused. “It is important to listen to your heart and follow it. You should be allowed to love who you want, and it is basic decency to accept the choice of others. Tolerance and acceptance are important parts of harmony.”

“…We never preached that,” he was shocked. “Who told you that?”


"In our orphanage, our caretakers always said that any form of love was beautiful. They often joked that all forms of it are equally tasty.” This wasn’t what she wanted to talk about.

But it was where their conversation had landed.

“Well, this wasn’t what they had been instructed to tell you… they must have done this on their own…." But why hadn't routine checks caught this?

“I always preached the same? Didn’t you?” Fear filled her.

“No! That would be unacceptable! Such a thing is unnatural and would at least warrant monitoring!” He caught his tongue, “I meant it was unacceptable, but it is good that the crown decided to… change things.”

No… Summer…

Summer was his boss. Dandelion was her assistant. How did they overlook this? "Please tell me you didn't…"

She didn’t complete the sentence.

But Scribbling knew what she meant.

“We were instructed to help foals that are… confused…." And it had always seemed like the right thing to do.

Yet suddenly, it was outlawed.

“Summer would have never allowed it.” She dreaded his response.

“She signed off on it.” He spoke the truth.

Yet it had to be a lie.

But why lie?

“She would never… she was with me in the orphan-”

“Can’t you see it? Are you that naïve?” He felt like screaming.

He had been outplayed.

He was part of what, at this point, felt like a secret resistance cell.

And he didn’t like it. “She tricked me! She knew when inspections were to be performed! If they have been propagating those things all this time, then she must have helped them cover their tracks!”

And publicly, she did what she had to do.

Until one day, she couldn't anymore and was swiftly dealt with.

Behind my back…

You did all that behind my back, Summer?

Her former friend had a secret life.

And now she felt she had to uncover it.


“Ok. You gave me a general overview, allowing me to get a good picture of the situation. Now it is time to implement measures to improve the quality of living around here.

“Since I want and need to prove myself, we should start with measures that will have quick, visible effects."

Twilight was addressing a small group of creatures that had apparently decided to manage things for her.

While she did that, Rainbow was once again busy entertaining Spike.

Only this time, she was, again and again, glancing at them.

She didn’t trust them.

Who were they?

Why did they help them?

Why didn't they raise a single eyebrow when they entered, looking like messes.

More enemies they needed to deal with.

She would talk with Twilight about it once they were alone.

"You are right, Empress. You should try to win them over. However, if we may say so, you are going about this the wrong way. Almost everycreature here is poor. It leads to one growing up wanting nothing but fortune.

“Fortune is what they have been thought frees them.

“It gives them power.

“It allows them to become happy.

“Only with it can they get peace of mind.

“This is why we recommend that you announce a raid,” they advised Twilight.

But… I don’t want more violence…

This is not how money works.

Yet she also wanted to hear what they had to say. “A raid?”

“Yes. A raid that shows them your power. Take a few ships and attack the Equestrian Merchant Fleet. None of us have dared to do that until now.” And those who did want to try, they quickly silenced.

Twilight wasn’t convinced, though. “What?”

“Destroy the army vessels that escort the trade ships as impressively as you can.

“If you give them gold, you get their loyalty.

“If you show them power by using it and not only threatening it, they will know not to cross you.” The young princess had nothing to fear.

This plan was personally signed off by the princess.

The Equestrian fleet would be put to the knife by its Commander-in-Chief.

Because what the princess commands would happen without question.

But Twilight didn't know all that. To her, it sounded too risky.

She didn’t want to stir up any more trouble with Celestia. Not to mention that this could result in her location being uncovered.

Yet it wasn’t just her call to make. “Dashie?” The purple filly looked at Rainbow, who she thought was only playing with Spike.

The hostile, analysing glances had been entirely missed by Twilight.

…I would rather play with him, too.

“Go for it,” Rainbow stated matter-of-factly.

This was what needed to happen.

If they wanted Twilight's plan to work, then this was what was necessary.

Of course, they couldn't trust those who had proposed, but for now, they should probably go along.

You were supposed to talk me out of this…

But maybe Rainbow just thought that it was indeed a good idea? “Very well. But what about Celestia?”

“You must disrupt their lines of communication. Any survivors we will capture.

“This way, Celestia will never know what happened. For all she knows, they fell victim to a storm.” Unknowingly they had screwed up.

Any survivors… ponies could die…

Many, many ponies will die.

And this time, she would have serious trouble justifying it.

“Then we will go for it.” Yet she also was just a filly.

They were right when they said that she needed to do more to make them believe she could be a powerful leader.

Twilight motioned for them to leave them alone.

“We will spread the word.” They rushed out of the room.

Once they were gone, she turned to Rainbow. “Why did you say yes?”

And why am I making such a big deal out of it?

“Celestia deserves it," Rainbow spoke with an immense amount of bitterness.

She hurt you…

She tried to edit your memories…

You heard how she would have drugged you into submission…

This wasn’t surprising.

If anything, the bitterness should have shown up sooner.

And still, it wasn’t something she wanted her angel to feel. “Dashie… this isn’t like you…."

Rainbow sighed. “Twilight. I think they were right when they said that this is how you buy the loyalty of the residents of this city. Yes. The deaths of her soldiers might make Celestia mad, but they also-”

I am not a killer machine! What is happening!

“I don’t want anypony to die!” Twilight screamed. “I will make sure-”

But to her immense irritation, Rainbow stayed calm. “You will project power,” she reasoned.

I know! But why like this!

They were in a bad spot. However, this wasn’t something they needed to do.

More importantly, though, there was no reason for Rainbow to be like this if, just moments before, they had been in paradise. “Please! D-Don’t let them destroy you! Don’t become consumed with grief and revenge!” Twilight knew it would not lead to happiness.

This is only about Celestia, right?

Or had she once again missed something?

“…I am sorry. I just… I don’t know.” How to handle this?

She wanted to support her fillyfriend, yet Twilight apparently expected her not to do so.

It was confusing.

“I will give them a show. I will make sure we will win. But I will also make sure nopony dies, ok?” the alicorn assured her.

Yet Rainbow knew that this would only lead to more problems later on. “What are you going to do with the survivors?”

She hadn’t wanted to voice that thought, but not doing so would have only caused more suffering.



"See, Twi.

“This is why only evil ponies rule.” Rainbow lay a wing on her shoulder, motioning for her to go out there and start with the preparations.

Because Twilight's plan was sound.

Because only this would make it happen.

And because only this way would they be able to achieve all of their goals.

“Only evil ponies rule,” Twilight mumbled, not moving an inch.

I have lost my mind.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought this would be easier since us being fillies would make it hard to live on our own.

Yet being a filly turned out to also make it hard to convince anycreature to follow me.

Dashie is dying here.

Spike isn't going to get a good life here for quite some time, either.

I made a mistake.

But she could still fix it because her angel had told her the solution at the very beginning. “Dashie…. We will leave. We will try your plan.”

Even if we aimlessly wander around forever, we will at least stand a chance.

Here they didn't stand a chance. Not when this is what they were facing on day two already.

We can make… allies along the way!

Or maybe there are better places out there!

Surely Chrysalis wasn’t right when she said that every other place was worse than Equestria.

Rainbow pulled her wing back in shock. “No, Twi. Spike-”

Spike needs parents who aren’t dying inside…

“This isn’t the place! We will try somewhere else! Spike needs a safe place, and he needs his parents!” Twilight was right. After all, she herself already made that conclusion.

But her original plan simply wasn't an option in Rainbow's mind anymore. "We will stay. We will win,” she proclaimed.

“No!” The more Rainbow insisted on staying, the more worried, Twilight became.

And since ever-increasing worry caused Twilight to press more and more fiercely that they should leave, Rainbow, too, became more and more agitated. “Harmony wants us dead! We need to prepare! We will not go down without a war!”

Oh, Dashie…

Twilight felt tears welling up.

You are deeply scared…

You are just as scared of losing me as I am scared of losing you…

It was touching.

Both of them continuously only wanted the best for the other.

And yet, in the process, we are severely hurting each other.

The irony that both had switched to wanting to go through with the other's plan as a result only added insult to injury.

Twilight made a step forward in an attempt to soothe Rainbow.

Rainbow stepped back.


“I want to stay!” she screamed desperately.

It didn’t help to feel Spike on her back, wanting to get to Twilight.

It made her feel very lost and alone.

“We will leave!” Twilight continued to insist.

Please just let me reach you…

But another attempt to do so only resulted in Rainbow backing away further.

Soon she would be cornered.

Then what?

“Make me!” she wailed as she felt the walls approaching.

“I will!” For a moment, they stared each other in the eyes with murderous glares.

But then Twilight remembered the conclusion she had just reached moments before.

This is wrong…

Twilight reached her wing out to her. “Please come with me… Only you can add colour to my once so grey life. I need my paintbrush.” Finally, tears were allowed to flow.

“…Your paintbrush feels so lost inside… it knows it will never be able to defend you against gods…

“It doesn’t know why you are always so confident in doing all of this when it always questions everything around it…

“It doesn’t know what's right and wrong anymore…

“There are too many out there that want to kill its painter…." She could only do so much in suppressing reality.

And reality had become too much. At this point, only the thought of reaching happiness with her new family kept her going.

We both have seen the same, haven’t we?

My poor angel… you are so much more vulnerable than I thought…


“I am sorry! I should have just listened to you! I am sorry!” And still, Rainbow didn’t take her wing.

“Klugetown has been a mistake.” She had succumbed to the thinking of her future self, and both were suffering the consequences.

Rainbow shook her head. "This isn’t your fault, Twi… Like I said before, I am just defective.”


No! No! No!

Rainbow could see that Twilight wanted to protest, but she had an ace up her sleeve. “You didn’t know that, did you? She hid it from you.”

The statement had caused Twilight to go pale.

In crucial seconds she was unable to come up with a retort.

It caused Rainbow to interpret the silence not only as a confirmation but also as an admission. “You don't have to feel any obligation, you know? It's ok if you want to leave me. I would under-”

“Fine! You are defective! Are you happy now!” There was nowhere left to go. Twilight had her pinned to the wall. “How can you think I would ever leave you, though! I am not going to abandon you! We must stand together in these times and support each other, not drop the other the moment things become difficult!”

Rainbow gave up.

Instead of trying to somehow wriggle away once more, she allowed Spike to crawl onto Twilight.

Alone, she finally let the alicorn's wings envelop her.

Looking up at the young dragon, staring into his eyes, she felt as if he was still right there with her.

He and Twilight were there for her, only they had different capacities of being able to help her.

And still, there was the reality she had to face. “… It's ok for things to get difficult… it’s just… I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Maybe you are right-

“No! There is! I know there is! Follow me!”

Rainbow was dragged away.


Edge stared at the dead ponies.

He stared at his own injuries.

He stared at the door that, miraculously, nopony had entered through yet.

Had you followed your training, you would still be alive.

And he would be the one dead or at least arrested.

His eyes wandered back to the desk, where he had hurriedly drafted up letters.

Letters that included orders.

Letters that included information.

Letters that would hopefully set wheels in motion.

They were ready to be sent.

In pain, he forced himself up.

Once they were sent, he could rest knowing he had at least tried his best.


“I sold the farm.”

Unbelieving eyes stared at Granny Smith.

“I will leave for a bit, and you... I want you to look after Apple Bloom during my short absence.” She motioned to the room the young foal was sleeping in.


“I will go to Manehattan and see if we can get Applejack back.” It should have been the hardest day of her life, but it wasn’t.

Applejack was simply more important.


“Mayor Mare is waiting outside. She will bring you to our new home. It isn't big, but it should be enough.” She had also allowed her to obtain a travel permit.


“Everything has already been sorted, thanks to her.” Turns out there had been many ponies interested in the farm.

Including the mayor.

“…I need to leave now. Don’t worry. Mayor Mare will also look out for you during my absence.” Government officials were crooks.

But at least Ponyville’s mayor had a heart as well.

Still, she feared that one day Big Mac and Apple Bloom would hate her for her decisions. “I love you… I would have done the same for you.”

Big Mac gave her a hug.

The message was clear.

He understood and still loved her.

Maybe loved her even more now.

“I promise I won’t return alone…” She hugged him back.

But he would already be happy if she returned at all.


Dandelion lay in the ruined office.

Sprint entered.

Quickly he closed the door again.

Nopony else should see her in this state.

Papers all over the floor.

Cabinets picked apart.

Her lying on the ground in tears, shivering.

Office supplies thrown everywhere.

"Scribbling informed me about what happened. He told me-”

“There is nothing,” she muttered.

Sprint kneeled down next to her and helped her up. “She wouldn’t have been able to do this for so long if she just left incriminating evidence lying around.”

You are right…

I was stupid for assuming I would find anything…

“You should rest-”

“That’s it!” A burst of energy grabbed her.

Quickly she fetched her stuff.


Completely dishevelled, she tried to dash past him.

He wouldn’t let her.

“Our old caretakers must have been in on this! They will have answers! They must have worked with her! Let me go!” she demanded.

“You should let me handle this,” he tried to get her to stop. “Not only might this be dangerous, but you are also not in the right state of mind-”

“No! This is our mother! She would never harm her children!” What a ridiculous notion. “Let me go! I am a grown-up mare! Don’t patronise me!”

I am in charge!

You need to do what I tell you!

“Dandelion… I know you are a grown-up mare… I don’t want to patronise you. I want to help you." But she was still in charge.

So, he stepped out of the way.

Without him, you would be dead.

“…You can accompany me,” she relented.


“No… I know you only mean well… but I need to know.” And she needed to know right now.

There simply was no time for sleep.

“Alright. Thank you.” The thought of letting her go out there on her own after what happened at the newsstand was very unsettling.

In his mind, it was a wonder that the ESS hadn't dealt with her already after everything that had happened, as well as what they learned about her.

But while it was good that she was still here and that he could accompany her, there were still other issues. “About Scribbling, please don’t talk too badly about the crown to him, ok?"


He sensed her question. “He believes in it, ok? In a way, I do as well. You can’t go around and upset ponies too much, or they will start to defend their beliefs.”

You think he will rat me out.

They obviously knew each other well.

I need to heed your warning.

“Thank you for telling me… I will be more careful.” Sprint's words brought her back down to reality.

They reminded her why it was that she, too, had always been careful.

And I am not your friend. You two are friends.

If push comes to shove, you will side with him rather than with your superior.

“One final thing… about the gay thing…” It felt weird to speak about this.

“What about it?” Dandelion didn’t feel like talking about it right now.

Instead, she finally wanted to leave.

But he believed that this, too, needed to be said. “You are aware of the general opinion, right?”

“I am. Why? You, too, think we should prevent foals from developing freely?” It still was a shock to learn what Summer had somehow managed to hide from her.

We monitored and pressured families into “healing” their foals.

Sometimes... sometimes, we even took them away.

Yet, she had been allowed not to do that.

You always signed off on it but never demanded it…


Just why?

“First of all, if you want to let them develop freely, why tell them about this and not just let them grow up on their own? If they feel this way, then they will figure it out on their own.” Sprint motioned for her to hear him out. “Look, we have a duty to help them. But what helping means changes constantly.

"Yesterday, I would have been expected to remove you from this office because you were a danger to our nation's youth.

"Today, you are here, defending the crown in its actions. You know that if it were up to us, the majority, this would not have been changed, right?” He carefully analysed her reaction.

Cheap shot.

“Celestia corrected a bad decision. This won’t bring her any praise from me. Why are you suddenly defending her as well?” she argued.

He sighed. “Look… You are disgruntled. That is ok.

“But we fear you might get… ideas.”

You don’t want to fight her.

“You are wrong. We need to do something-”

“Dandelion… no. Please just take your victory… we will all die if you keep-”

“This isn’t my victory!” She had gone deep red.

Summer and I weren’t-

“Ummm.” This had gotten more uncomfortable than he had expected it to go. “It sounded like you and Acacia-”

Oh, buck!

“No! No! No! We were both fillies! Friends for life! Nothing more!” She was dying of embarrassment.

Sprint relented.

He didn’t believe her, though. To him, it all didn't seem like something one would do for just a friend.

Yet, what was he supposed to say? “Very well. However, if you had been, it would have been ok. All right?”

But you said-

“I know… I spoke badly, there… but I have known you for years, even if only in passing, and you are an adult…

“You can do whatever you want… this whole saying of it going against nature…

“Why would nature care, you know? I might have been a bit uncomfortable at first, but I promise I would have warmed up and would have done my best to come to terms…

“Such a thing shouldn’t matter to me, really…

"It bothers me a bit that it does…."

At this point, he was losing himself in his own thoughts.


You are cute like this.

The door opened.

Scribbling stared at them.

Two deep red ponies.

“Ummm… Is this a bad time?”

She grinned. “Scribbling! You came just in time! Sprint here just told me that he doesn’t care about other ponies' choices and me being gay."

Sprint stared at her, confused.

But Scribbling couldn’t see his expression. “You… It was obvious, wasn’t it? Look… I-I-I… I am sorry, ok? I just did…

“I hurt them as well as you, didn't I?"

He stared at the ground.

He was a bureaucrat.

But helping those foals had always been his main priority.

Now he was told that he may have caused irreparable damage. “This isn’t a disease, is it?

“It never was, was it?

“I just… it just seemed so unnatural… I never questioned it…

“When they told me that they… I always disregarded their pleas…

“I want to wake up and pretend this was all a dream.…” But then what?

Would he just continue to go on as he did before? "Who is the lucky… mare…." It felt so strange to say it.

Who indeed?

Was it Acacia?

It was mean of me to make you feel bad for supposedly insulting me, wasn’t it?

But could it be that Sprint had a point?

However, we were still so young…

Yet she had dedicated about 20 years of her life to Acacia.

Was that something you would do for just a friend?

You are still out there. I just know it, Acacia.

Yes. We were very young…

But we only had each other…

And we promised we would always be there for each other!

We protected each other!

We shared the same room!

We only ever played together!

I saw…


I let them take you…

“T-They took her away… They s-said she was going to get adopted…,” she sobbed.

We were so scared! We didn't want to leave each other behind, but they only wanted you!

“T-They had to c-collect her s-stuff, for her… they p-practically dragged her away kicking and screaming…”

Scribbling and Sprint stared at the ground.

This wasn't supposed to happen, either.

So many things were going wrong, and everypony was apparently happier ignoring it.

They, too, would have been happier, yet she had forced them to open their eyes that day.

Our caretakers… mother… they loved us! They couldn’t look me in the eyes for months!

T-They couldn’t do anything…

“W-We p-promised we w-would keep in touch, yet it never happened!” And they knew it would never happen when they violently dragged Acacia out of the orphanage.

Nopony had ever been “adopted” like this before or after.

“S-She always… s-she always was s-so s-strong…" This was hard.

She hadn’t thought about this scene for so long.


“No! This needs to be said! They are thieves! Foalnappers! Monsters! They need to die! They all should die! How could they! How could they! I loved her!” As a friend? As a sister? As a fillyfriend?

She didn’t know.

But honestly, did it matter?

Sadness quickly extinguished rage again. “S-She f-freed h-herself. S-She r-ran t-towards m-me.

“She t-tackled m-me, clung to me with a hug a-and s-she…

“S-she k-kissed me.” It had been a sight to behold.

If she remembered correctly, it was the point where the other caretakers had to physically restrain their mother from intervening.

We were so young… you knew this was your last chance, didn’t you?

Sprint stared blankly into the distance while Scribbling was visibly sick.

To him, the tale reminded him of past assignments, even if they had mostly been far less dramatic because he at least didn't cause fillies to disappear forever.

“S-She w-whispered t-that n-no m-matter w-what, a-all ponies a-are f-fated t-to s-see e-each o-other a-again o-one d-day.” It really had been a farewell speech. “S-Sometimes… sometimes I have thought of speeding up that process,” she quietly added.

But she didn’t.

Because I know you are still out there…

And I will find you! If necessary, fight the sun itself to get you back!

“I-In then end, t-they e-enveloped h-her i-in m-magic a-and f-forced h-her o-out o-of m-my h-h-hooves…

“I-I w-watched a-as t-they l-left w-with h-her, t-this t-time w-without h-her g-getting a-way.” It was an unnecessarily cruel way to go about it.

A-And when I t-tried t-to follow t-they, e-even k-kicked me a-away.

Afterwards, her caretakers prevented her from trying to do so again.

“They wrote she just disappeared,” Scribbling whispered.

He had checked again after she had broken down the first time.

“I-I know… Liars! Nothing but liars! I saw her! We all saw how they took her!” Yet they claimed that Acacia had just run away one night.

No crime.

She just had elected to leave and was never heard from or seen again.

It really felt like a final buck you to her.

E-Even in our internal records, this is what happened to you!

But somewhere, the truth had to exist.

Somewhere Acacia had to live.

And she would find her.

Scribbling fought with himself.

His eyes darted around.

Defeat plastered itself on his face. “Do you have any idea… any idea you haven’t tried yet…

“How can we find her?”

I knew you were good ponies…

If only we had talked to each other sooner…

Unfortunately, there wasn’t really something they could do to help. “I fear… I fear only the ESS has records on her… I suspect they were the ones that took her.”

How will I ever get them…

“I… I could… I could try to ask a few friends…” Yet that was risky.

Depending on how important Acacia was, it could be their undoing.

You… really would help me?

You are siding with me?

After all those years, she wasn't alone in her fight anymore.

It was intoxicating.

Deep down, you are just as insane as I am, aren’t you?

She giggled, still with tears in her eyes. “Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“No… a crime has been committed… as long as I am not instructed otherwise, I have a duty to investigate,” Sprint tried to play the situation down.

“She was a charge under our protection… they have no right to do that! None!” In a rare turn of events, Scribbling was the one between the two who slipped up. “Not even if she had been an enemy of Equestria do they have the right to just extrajudicially take her like this…,” he halted. But only for a moment. “Ok… technically, the princess could… you know what?” His eyes focused on the emblem of the crown that was printed on a sheet of paper. “No. Not even she has that right.

“This simply isn’t ok.”


I don’t know, Twi…

Your plan was good, yet I am ruining it again, even when trying my best to support you.

They left the building.

Twilight stopped.

She jumped into the air, swooped her up and began wobbling around, slowly bringing them to the destination Twilight had in mind, and Rainbow could only guess.

You… are carrying me?

What a rare event. She couldn’t remember the last time it happened.

“Twi… are you sure-”

“Dashie… I know you have troubles… I have them, too, so I will repeat it as many times as necessary. I love you.” Twilight nuzzled her. “I love you for who you are with all of your faults. I will never ever abandon you, ok? Or would you abandon me if our roles were reversed?”

No! Never!

“Twi… I am Loyalty, am I not? I-”

Twilight shook her head. How could Rainbow use something that made her special against herself? “But if your loyalties conflicted, then would you choose me or someone else?”

“You,” she conceded.

“Why?” Twilight held her as close as she could.

“Because you are my mare,” Rainbow grinned, turning red.

You really don’t care?

…But still… I am…

Your plan… I ruined it again…

“Twi… please consider the ramifications-”

“Dashie… I want us to be happy. If we die… then we die… but at least this way we will have a chance-”

“Twi… No. You don’t know me.

“You don’t know who I really am.

“For all you know, this was the real me.” Somehow it irked her that the alicorn decided who she was.

Then again… who am I?

Twilight landed at a port. “You are correct…,” she relented. “I don’t really know you yet…

“Was it all a lie up to this point?”


“Do you want to stay?”

Only because I want to help you…

“Do you think Spike can be happy here?”

Not for quite some time…

"Should we make ourselves unhappy in hopes of winning or try to live happy as long as we can and hope for the best?"

I… I don’t know…

“Dashie… I made a mistake. Let’s take another leap of faith and correct it… but if you really want, then we will stay…

“Just don’t make us stay because of me or Spike.”

I want to leave… I still want to leave…

I want us to be happy somewhere where nopony will ever find us…

“What about making me and possibly Spike immortal, Twi?

“What about Celestia?

“What about the threats you said must be defeated.

"What about our safety and well-being?" All those things Twilight had listed.

They were the reason this was the plan they had chosen.

You are good, but I can read you like a book.

You don’t believe this. You are simply trying to please me.

Only this time, she couldn't accept it. This time Twilight would have to realise-

“Dashie. I will make it all happen. We have ten years.

"Maybe… maybe we should just take a few months' vacation?" The alicorns held out her wing, motioning for Rainbow to join her.

I would like that…

I would love it!

“Hey… you don’t expect me to walk, do you?” she giggled.

Sweet Celestia. I am so weird.

One moment she was the happiest pony on earth. The other, she felt like drowning.

But… that is ok…

It's ok…

All you need to do is work through it all…

Twilight took off into the air. "Race you!"

Rainbow stayed in place.

And waited.

And waited.


“Dashie! What are you waiting for! Race me!" Twilight stared at her, perplexed.


“Tools don’t move themselves.” She stuck out her tongue. “You will need to carry me.”

Because, stupidly, I didn’t take the time to really enjoy it last time.

“Needy paintbrush! Fine!” Twilight happily complied.

Needy paintbrush…

You are the best, my devil.

And to make sure, her fillyfriend enjoyed it to the fullest, the alicorn took a few more extra laps. “You know… did you really expect me to ditch you… ditch you after I just accepted you, Rainbow Sparkle?”

Maybe… not really… I don’t know…

“Twi… I am stupid, ok? Can I just enjoy this?” Rainbow tried to drown everything out and just focus on the wind.

I am free…

I deserve happiness…

I have a family…

I am Rainbow Sparkle…

She cares about me and loves me…

All I need to do…

All I need to do is to internalise that this is the truth.

It felt good to have the wind blow against her face and feel how her mane was waving in it.

I already know I don’t need to hide…

I already know I love you…

We both want each other to be happy…

I know who our enemies are…

She opened her eyes.

Now I just have to stop playing into their cards.

“Dashie… about the elements.” The thought had been in the back of her head since Rainbow had first told her about it. “Please don’t succumb to an instinctive defence reaction.

“Let us just do what we want and what we think is right, ok?”

You are right… buck them! I should just- No! We can't!


“Dashie, of course, I will take some measures along the way, but don't become a champion of Discord just because you want to get one over the elements, ok?

"Remember, those are the Elements of Harmony, and in the end, we want to achieve harmony,” Twilight reasoned.

You trust them… You are lucky they didn’t reveal themselves to you.

But the words held some truth. “You really just want me as Dashie?”

“Yes. Be yourself. Don’t let Celestia transform you.

“Don’t let me transform you.

“And don’t let the elements transform you.

“You are perfect as you are.

“You are and always will be my perfect angel, my love.”