• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 661 Views, 11 Comments

Marvelous Twilight - Shark

A mysterious power accidentally brought Twilight to the Marvel Universe where she meets Spider-Man

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Chapter 2 first day well second day

Chapter 2

New York City shines bright morning as everyone wake up getting ready to work, children going to school or some people decided to sleep in, some people like it and others don't, as our two Heroes still sleep the young woman once a pony now a human sleeping in the bed of New York's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Twilight was resting and taking her time and enjoying sleeping not a care in the world, until suddenly she heard a big bang a big knock to be more specific, someone was knocking the door at first her mind instantly got up she thought they may be her friends again, as she opened her eyes and she rubbed them as her vision clear she realized she still in New York City still in this universe maybe it's Peter it couldn't be the knock felt a little bit more farther away and plus the door is open and she can see Peter literally fragmentally trying to get up he accidentally hit his toe on the end of the couch as he continued walking towards the door he opened it and then he sees his landlord a middle-aged man speaking in the what looks like to be a queen's accent.

"Where's My Money Peter, rent due today." says the man Peter's eyes widen and apologize to him he was prepared for this but yet somehow he immediately forgot about it he was supposed to pay the rent this morning so he walked towards his his desk and pull out the money that is necessary to pay his rent as he walked towards the door as the man was waiting for him Twilight walked out of Peter's Room the two people looked at Twilight shocked twilight was wearing Peter's High School shirt even his sweatpants, the landlord looks at Peter then look back at Twilight the room was completely silent no one was saying anything, the man looked down at Peter's hands and see the money without hesitation he walked towards Peter and yank the money away from his hand, he counted the money to see it's the right amount as he count the money Twilight and Peter looked at each other a bit surprised but yet kind of embarrassed as the man finished counting the money he put the money in his pocket and then look back at Peter and Twilight.

"I mostly keep things to myself but Peter if you're planning to ask your girlfriend to move in she needs to pay rent as well double rent, oh and good day to all of you." After you finish the landlord close the door and left leaving Twilight and Peter both in complete silence what felt like hours and complete silences reality is just mere seconds Peter tried his best to break the silence as do Twilight both of them fumble in their own sentence trying to be the first one to talk but no words to say anything after a few moments Peter said only one word that actually changed and restored order.

"Do you wanna go get breakfast?"

When Peter said those words Twilight stomach growled and made Twilight face red in embarrassment Peter look that's why I smiled at her both of them walk towards the kitchen to get something to eat Peter went to his fridge and immediately stopped thinking what's your Twilight eat he knows that Twilight reveals she is a pony what was a pony so that means she can't eat meat so she has to make food that isn't made from animals you turn looking back at Twilight she immediately can tell that he is struggling to find the right food for her for most people sure a pony from Equestria does mean they don't eat meat Twilight is not new to this as she went to sunset's world there's been countless times where she was a little bit shocked and a bit horrified with people eating meat but yet again she does know that they're not ponies and some creatures have different ways of eating no one is the exact same thing she had to find out the hard way when she was at sunsets world she still can't believe how good it tastes but yet still shocked and scared her Twilight walk towards Peter and told him that any food that isn't came from an animal is all right the only food that she is okay eating is well eggs and other things but meats are off the picture.

Peter Smile Back and think Twilight to explain which food she can't eat but Peter was a little bit disappointed since Twilight is in New York City and she can I meet there goes the opportunity of showing Twilight the New York style hot dog but things are different as Peter got the eggs and even got a few breads he turned and went to the stove but then before he did he immediately noticed Twilight using her magic to levitate things towards the table this includes milk a few cups plates even Twilight managed to bring the pants to the stove while I was using her magic Peter look at the levitating objects as Twilight gently put them on their right areas this made Peter think Twilight is a unicorn back in Equestria so she mostly used her magic to grab things but since she's in Earth most humans don't have powers well there are the mutants after all of the X-Men but most people don't and plus Twilight prefers to have a low profile and not attract attention I mean sure that doesn't count with the one she helped Spider-Man to defeat right now that was just her trying to help out to stop the Mayhem.

But for now Twilight needs to be someone else while she's here she can still be Twilight Sparkle the pony transform into a human in this world why it's just her and Peter but she can't show her magic and plus people already know she has purple hair so they must do something with the hair luckily for them the long scarf was actually covering Twilight's face but not the hair so that's the least people don't know what's her face looks like that actually reminds him of silk how she covers her face almost similar to Twilight. As Peter started cooking the eggs he realized something they're going to be a lot of new things in this world that Twilight is going to struggle with sure she have technology in her world but this world has more advanced technology should we get confused and struggle with all this stuff especially with the phones the TV the computers all that stuff and he knows that she doesn't have any of that back in her world ask Peter cooked his food he realized something the TV turned on he turned around and see Twilight literally grabbing the remote and turn it on she wasn't immediately changing the channel trying to find something interesting probably the news to find out more information about this world Peter was shocked how did Twilight figure out how to use the TV and plus most people who are new with television and try to use a remote will find it complicated due to there's so many buttons and yet Twilight managed to use the remote like it's not new to her Peter mine came back to reality as he looked at the pen and cooked eggs they're almost done as he turned back looking at the pan Peter heard a familiar voice a very Unforgettable voice he turned around looking back at Twilight who was watching the TV and she was watching the news more specifically The Daily Bugle Peter remembers working there and like always the person who's on TV was Jay Jonah Jameson he looked at Twilight her eyes squinted in shock and I'm pleased Peter can tell Twilight is not liking what Jonah saying about the events yesterday.


As soon as Jay Jonah Jameson finished Twilight pouted in frustration and unacceptance Peter looked at her and instantly knows what she's going to say.

"Can you believe it, we were helping those people and this guy literally thinks we are involved with rhino, seriously I mean there was clearly enough evidence that prove that we were literally saving the people and trying to stop rhino, is he blind or is he just doesn't want to accept it!"

Peter looked at Twilight and getting her attention he revealed that Jonah always does this trying to blame Spider-Man for pretty much everything but everyone knows that they don't believe him actually Peter is a little bit more surprised that Jonah still has his job but yet he can't blame the guy he doesn't know why most people just say he's entertaining. Twilight looked at Peter questioning how does he know much about him, Peter revealed he used to work at the daily bungle but he doesn't work there any more, Twilight turned off the TV and lean back in the couch she trying to look at Peter asking him what they're going to do for today Peter actually do have a plan he's going to show Twilight everything about New York the technology history about the Earth even the Earth's Mightiest Heroes this may be a little bit too much for Twilight but yet Peter was still surprised that Twilight knows and how to use a remote for the television as soon as they finish breakfast after all.

When Peter finished breakfast him and Twilight were both eating their breakfast and enjoying it before I looked at Peter he was still eating his food then she wants to ask him a question Peter look back at her wondering what she wants to say twilight ask is how does he shoot webs is a part of him or something Peter drinks his orange juice washing his food down and look back to Twilight he revealed that although he does have the abilities of a spider he doesn't literally shoot webs out of his wrist this fascinates Twilight peeking her curiosity Peter walk towards his desk and pulled and showing Twilight his web shooters he explained Vivid details even getting carried away explaining how his web shooters works he explained to Twilight when he was bitten by the radioactive spider the spider out in the transfer an instinct Spider-Man can actually how's the knowledge of how to combine certain enzyme making this strong sticky Webbing, Peter put on his web shooters showing Twilight more details about his web shooters the trigger is this sensitive electrode located on his palm.

Twilight eyes widen and excitement and fascination of hearing this new technology she hasn't seen and heard before she was about to talk but they immediately shut her mouth when she sees Peters wasn't done talking he explains that the trigger requires exact pressure for these two fingers
For he won't accidentally activated when he makes a fist or grabbing something Peter demonstrated even shooting shouldn't his webs on the ceiling he explained by adjusting pressure at the nozzle he can shoot a thin strong web, Twilight was can complete a maze of hearing what Peter was saying but then another question came up in our mind she asked Peter if the webs stay there permanently better look back to Twilight and revealed that but the webs are similar to real spider webs it's biodegradable which it dissolved in an hour.

Twilight mine was in complete fascination of the simple small compact web shooters she asked Peter how did he make them Peter did say that he did have a couple of prototypes some didn't work some exploded making a mess of webs everywhere got electrified one time and he did remember having trouble trying to put the web fluids in the capsule but those were prototypes and in time he got better making his current web shooters Peter also revealed that there were a couple times where his web shooters were destroyed due to meeting powerful and strong enemies.

After they finish eating breakfast and after the demonstration and explanation of the web shooters Twilight and Peter bold change into their clothes and ready to head out as Peter put on his civilian outfit turn and look seen Twilight wearing her well superhero outfit Peter tilted his head and see Twilight did the exact same thing as he's doing the two young adults literally looked at each other they're questioning why are they wearing those clothes Peter stays that he wants to show Twilight what New York City is like but without being a superhero all the time for we won't call some serious attention Twilight in the other hand doesn't have other clothes besides well the close of Peter gave her so it's maybe a little bit big for her.

Peter asked twilight if she could use her magic to create new clothes for her, twilight Paused shocked and a little embarrassed she face palm questioning why she didn't think of that, as twilight calmed do she use her magic changing her suit in to a Civilian clothes, she was wearing a light blue t-shirt with jeans twilight looked at herself in the mirror happy she still got her magic but she also noticed Peter looking at her still concern, she looked back at him asking whats wrong, Peter points at his head telling her, her the hair is very noticeable and people would found out who she is real quick.

Twilight looked back at the mirror looking at her hair, she did noticed the people in this world dont have colorful hair like back at Equestria, but why she needs to hide herself people knows who she is and also other heros do as well but yet again, Peter did say there are many bad poeple who want to hurt him and if she goes out like herself people would instantly know who's Spider-Man is. Although she's not comfortable of hiding who she is, but to protect someone identity for there love ones don't get hurt.

Peter already knows what twilight is thinking, it not easy to keep your identity a secret, Peter remembers his struggles in his younger years, missed a date, late for Thanksgiving dinner, late for school and got fire countless times before he went to the daily bungle. Twilight is new to this and what makes this more difficult she revealed her name, so she can't use her real name, they have to think of something, as looked at her hair magic began to circle around twilight changing her hair color no longer purple but now brown, she looked at herself she finds it very strange seeing her hair very different. Peter eyes widen of the magic that twilight used.

"You're using an a illusion spell to hide your natural hair color very useful."

Twilight nodded she explained that she doesn't want to got through the process of actually dying her hair brown, so this is an easy way, she also revealed that her clothes are not an illusion she used her magic to create her own clothing but she rarely use it. Both of them smile as they left the apartment, Peter showed twilight around New York City although twilight immediately noticed that the city look similar Manehattan but there were some big differences, like the advanced technology, a few new buildings and the most noticeable is Avengers tower, a couple of hours have passed twilight and Peter were walking on the park, twilight was amazed of the city, but she has a strange feeling but don't know why.

"So you just walk or swing around?"

Peter looked at her fulling expecting many questions, luckily for him he heard them before.

"When I'm not to busy I walk around the neighborhood but web swinging is fun as well."

Twilight smiled and a question came up on her head.

"Can you teach me how to be a hero?"

Peter looked at her he was not expecting that, twilight explained that she never actually been in a fight well except fighting against tirek but that was magic attack, she never been in a fist fight and she does know how to punch but in a world where people use weapons mostly guns, sure she can use her magic but she want to be prepared for anything.

Peter looked at her thinking what to say, although twilight has some experience in her world but here this are going to get harder, he never taught anyone how to fight before but twilight can fly if he can teach her how to fight like he does she can Implement he's fighting style into hers without using web swing she can use her flight. Peter thinks more about and then nodded his head, he looked at twilight telling her he will teach her not only that he can help here with the new technology she would have trouble in the future, twilight smiled and hug him in happiness, from the behind an old man with a mustache and sunglasses who was minding his own business just can help it but smile for the two young adults, as he continued walking he stopped next to a table meeting another old man who is drawing.

"Stan whats your new idea my friend?"

"Your gonna like this one jack."

Twilight and Peter were both walking back to the apartment but they both stop when they head police siren from the distance the smiled at each other as they ran towards a alleyway where no one would see them, they changed into there suit and followed the siren. There was a car chase four police chasing the criminals but every time they get closer, the criminals start shooting, one the criminals looked up and spots Spider-Man, he yell at his crew telling them Spider-Man is here, the driver immediately slam on the paddle make the car go faster hoping they will lose him.

The criminals started shooting at Spider-Man but he dodge the bullets. Spider-Man shoots his webs at the car and pulled himself towards the car, one of the criminals looked out the window trying to shoot Spider-Man but Spider-Man kicked him pushing him out of the car. Before he hit the ground Spider-Man pulled and threw the criminal at a wall Webbing him. With out hesitation on the criminals started shooting at the foot of the car this gets the other criminals to panic thinking they're partner have gone crazy. Spider-Man swinging towards the front of the car and shoot his webs at the glass making them difficult to see the road, the driver cursed out then suddenly the stopped, the criminals started to panic thinking Spider-Man have lured them into a trap, as the criminals were about exit the car they realized the car was hovering in the air, as the they question whats happening the roof of the car was torn off like a piece of paper, revealing twilight hovering in the air, one of the criminals points his gun on her but twilight let got the car making fall on the ground with a strong impact.

As they got out of the car they looked up seeing twilight gone as the criminals joined back to back, now worried about the mysterious girl. The area was quiet until they heard a thwip fulling know Spider-Man is here, as the criminals try to think of a plan one of them started screaming and shooting in a panic as so he's out of ammo, a web shot him pulling him into the dark.

The two criminals looked at each until one of them bolted trying to runaway until he stopped and began to Glowed and disappeared. The last criminal started to panic he looked around violently pointing his gun around, the whole area was quiet the only noise was the police siren from the distance, the criminal turned around seeing twilight, the criminal got scared he pointed his gun but his gun is now a stick, the criminal was shock but he to hit twilight this the stick but he was kick by Spiderman pushing the criminal towards a pile of trash can.

As the police officers arrived they see the two criminals tangle in web, on a rooftop couple miles away twilight and Spider-Man were talking, twilight was jumping in the air giggling filled with excitement and thrill, she questions is this what pinkie pie feels like. Peter took off his mask looking at twilight smiling he remembers that exiting feeling when he first started, twilight finally calm down and looked at Peter.

"So thing are going to be a little bit more difficult later on?" Said Twilight

"More difficult but you have nothing to worry about this is your well you 2 day as a hero, you got alot to learn."

They both smiled at eachother exited what New adventure there going to have, as the sunset go down and night time arrived.